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EAP1 Vietnamese Immigration to Australia

Vietnamese Immigration to Australia and Australia's

Multicultural Society

Source: https://en.vietnamplus.vn/vietnamese-expats-contribute-to-

Submitted by : Ngoc Thao Ly Nguyen ( Junne)

Submitted for : Anthony Heffenam
Submited date :1st November, 2023

Table of Contents

Ngoc Thao Ly Nguyen

EAP1 Vietnamese Immigration to Australia

I. Introduction:............................................................2
Geographic Distribution :............................................2
II. History:....................................................................3
III. Obstacles and Fortitude:........................................4
IV. Cultural Contributions:...........................................5
V. Personal History of Migration to Australia:..............6
Reason to come to Australia:......................................6

Ngoc Thao Ly Nguyen

EAP1 Vietnamese Immigration to Australia

I. Introduction:
Australia is as known as a multicultural country whichs have the
diversity from cultural variety. The education and medicare systerm for
resident in Australia also make this country became a great destination
for people want to come and settle down in here. Vietnamese
immigration to Australia has placed a remakable part to shapr the
nation’s multi cultural fabric. This assignment provide a brief of
overview the wave of the Vietnamese immigration to Australia, focus on
history, challenges they faced and the impact of them to Australian
Geographic Distribution :
The 2021 Census recorded NSW continues to be the largest state with
over 8 million people, with Victoria not far behind with 6.5 million
people. The immigrant in Australia make the use of language at home
that not english are:
“Mandarin continues to be the most common language other than
English with 685,274 people using Mandarin at home.
This is followed by Arabic (367,159 people), Vietnamese (320,758
people), and Cantonese (295,281 people).
Punjabi had the largest increase, with the 2021 Census showing
239,033 people using Punjabi at home.
Nepali featured in the top five languages used at home in both ACT (1.3
per cent) and Tasmania (1.3 per cent).”
Regarding the percentage of Vietnamese in Australia, as of 2021,
Vietnamese Australians made up a significant portion of the country's
population. In the 2016 Australian Census, people with Vietnamese
ancestry accounted for around 1.9% of the population. This percentage
may have changed slightly by 2023, but it is still a significant and
growing community in Australia.

Ngoc Thao Ly Nguyen

EAP1 Vietnamese Immigration to Australia

II. History:
Acording to available research, the Vietnamese first wave of immigrant
to Australia arived in the late 1970s to early 1980s following the
Vietnam War. Political instability and persecution in Vietnam wich make
many of Vietnamese refuges abroad with hope for the better future.
The Vietnam War's aftermath has a significant influence on the history
of Vietnamese immigration to Australia. In the first stage ( 1970s) most
of them called “boat people”, they escape from Vietnam by boat and
want to find a country that could accept them. Moreover, after Saigon
fell in 1975 and the country was unified, these refugees escape from
political persectuion and Economic hardship.
Australian government welcomed Vietnamese refugees which was seen
as humanitarian program (late 1970s – early 1980s), this period
facilitated the migration and settlement of Vietnamese refugees and

Ngoc Thao Ly Nguyen

EAP1 Vietnamese Immigration to Australia

support upon arrival One of the progran called Comprehensive Plan of

Action (CPA) initiated in 1989. Once settled, Vietnamese immigrant
sponsored their family member from Vietnam to join them in Australia.
Vietnamese also migrate as student, working, partner or spouse visa. In
Sydney, Cambramatta is the biggest Vietnamese community, follow with
other common areas are Bankstown, Marrickville, Farfield, Canley
Height, you name it.

Source: https://theconversation.com/we-cant-compare-australias-
III. Obstacles and Fortitude:
When Vietnamese refugees first arrived in Australia, they encountered
several difficulties. Their perseverance was put to the test by cutural
diffrencess, language barriers,and the trauma of the war. Many
Vietnamese could not speak fulently englísh combine with nervousness

Ngoc Thao Ly Nguyen

EAP1 Vietnamese Immigration to Australia

while communicate with other. This also make limited options for them
when find jobs. Also because of lack of recognition of oversea
qualifications, poor english skills mạe them suffer from economic issue
and have low income when they need to help their family.
Vietnamese have experienced racism and negativism when they are in
the category of “visible minority” particularly when they adapting
Australia cultural. They want to keep their family value and still concile
their traditional habits.
The Vietnamese community overcome hardship and enhanced the
multicultural by public some articles such as Chieu Duong, Dan Viet for
local and foreign news. They create language schools, community
organisations, and support networks to aid immigrants in acclimating to
their new surroundings.

IV. Cultural Contributions:

Vietnamese cuisine are popular all over the world by the fresh and
flavorful dishes,driven and become an integral part of Australian
culinary culture. The most popular one is Pho, Banh Mi. Not only
southern Vietnamese people, now Vietnamese food from centure of
Vietnam like Bun Bo Hue (beef noodle,) Banh Beo (pancake) or northern
foods such as Bun Cha ( kebab rice noodle), Bun Dau ( Vietnamese rice
noodles with fermented shrimp paste) could be found across the
Vietnamese cultural festivals, such as Tet (Lunar New Year)
celebrations, are embraced by the wider Australian society.

The Vietnamese community in Australia has made significant

contributions to Australian society in various fields, including business,
culture, and education. Many Vietnamese immigrants have successful
entrepreneurs, owning businesses in various industries. The most
common field that Vietnamese people work in is F&B through the way
they bring their food culture. Some popular restaurant or franchise that

Ngoc Thao Ly Nguyen

EAP1 Vietnamese Immigration to Australia

owned by Vietnamese Australian is Cafe Nho, Coco bulble tea, Co Ba.

Their contribution to Australian economy have been notable.

V. Personal History of Migration to Australia:

Lan Dong is the owner of the coffee shop in Canley Height that I know
by become their loyal customer. She came to Australia by Family
Reunion Program when she was thirteen. In that time, she barely know
any english and start to learn everything in school. After finish
highschool, she agree to work free for a small leasing house agent to
learn about real estate and saving money buy selling simcard for few
company. She also learn acouting certificate, real eastate certificate,
business certificate. In 2019, she have enough money to open a coffee
shop in Canley Height after 15 years working and saving. Now, beside
that coffee shop, she also have one homestay for international student
who is under 18 could stay for studying in Sydney.
Reason to come to Australia:
- Family Reunion: The Family Reunion Program of the goverment
that Vietnamese people partner come for permanet settlement.
She come as dependance children like most of other Vietnamese
come as this time
- Enviroment & education : Australia has excellent environment and
air quality for living. Also education in Australia is one of the top
education in the world that help her adaption when she arrives.
- Since she didn’t know the language, she need to start all over
from the basic. However, she get advantage from her age to
integrate rather than for elderly people when they first arrive.
- It was difficult for her to make friend in school and feeling
“invisible” because cultural diffrences and racism from native

Ngoc Thao Ly Nguyen

EAP1 Vietnamese Immigration to Australia

- Culture shock when adating to new culture from totally diffrent

background take time. For instance, she got laughing from her
friend in highschool because of her lunchbox when some of
Vietnamese food got noticeable smeel that some of her classmate
could accept.

Ngoc Thao Ly Nguyen

EAP1 Vietnamese Immigration to Australia

VI. Bibiography:
ABS (2023, September 6th). Australian troops committed to Vietnam

AIFS (December 1995) .Families and cultural diversity in Australia


ABS (2022, June 28th) Snapshot of Australia


Queenland Health (1996) Vietnamese A Guide for Health Professional


The Converstation (2021, August 2021) We can’t compare Australia’s

intake of Afghan refugees with the post-Vietnam War era. Here’s why

Ngoc Thao Ly Nguyen

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