02MakeTheGrade1 Unit8 TestLevel2

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Test Level 2 NAME: MARK:

> UNIT 8

1 Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below. There are more words and expressions
than you need. (10 x 1 = 10 points)
gone off | shelf life | changed my mind | sweet tooth | adequate | run out of
raw | shortage | staple | treat | source | health-conscious

1 I’ve ................................................................... . I’ll have tea instead.

2 We’ve ................................................................... sugar. I’ll have to buy some.
3 Milk smells bad when it has ................................................................... .
4 I rarely eat desserts. I haven’t got a ................................................................... .
5 She’s ................................................................... , so she won’t eat junk food.
6 Corn lasts over time because of its long ................................................................... .
7 The meat isn’t cooked yet. It’s still ................................................................... .
8 The drought has led to a water ................................................................... .
9 I rarely eat out, so it was a real ................................................................... .
10 Oranges are an excellent ................................................................... of vitamin C.

2 Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs beginning with A and ending in B. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
A look | come | get | make | put

B up with | in on | across as | around to | up for

1 How do you ................................................................... all the noise?

2 We often ................................................................... our elderly neighbour and bring her food.
3 He doesn’t ................................................................... being friendly.
4 I meant to do it, but I didn’t ................................................................... it.
5 I have to ................................................................... forgetting Sue’s birthday.

3 Complete the sentences with the idioms below. Make any necessary changes. Do not change the original
meaning of the sentence. (5 x 2 = 10 points)
food for thought | my cup of tea | take with a pinch of salt
in a nutshell | put all your eggs in one basket

1 I’m not very interested in football.

Football ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
2 I wouldn’t believe everything he says.
I would ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .
3 So, to conclude, you have to go on a diet.
So, ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .
4 Be sure you have more than one option.
Don’t ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .
5 Her idea is something to think about.
Her idea .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .

Test Level 2 NAME: MARK:
> UNIT 8

4 Complete each sentence with a suitable word in each gap. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1 We ................................................ to eat out a lot, so we are still ................................................ used to eating at home.
2 That was ................................................ delicious ................................................ I could eat it all over again!
3 Mum ................................................ always prepare my favourite dishes. It was ................................................ a treat.
4 I don’t recommend it. ................................................ the service ................................................ the food was good.
5 He didn’t ................................................ to cook dinner. He ................................................ get take away instead.

5 Rewrite the sentences using the word in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the original sentence.
(5 x 1 = 5 points)
1 That new vegan place has such good food. (so)

2 I think you should become a chef. (were)


3 They don’t grow apples here. (are)


4 Pizza and ice cream aren’t on the menu. (neither)


5 “You mustn’t feed the horses,” said Tom. (warned)


6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words below. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
cook | not join | stay away | deliver | might forget

1 I ................................................ you unless there are vegan options.

2 The cake isn’t sweet. I ................................................ to add the sugar.
3 The cakes ................................................ yesterday.
4 Jim warned us ................................................ from his dog.
5 ................................................ you ................................................ dinner soon?

7 Complete the text with a suitable word. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

Every year, UK homes produce seven million tonnes of food waste, ................................................ has an estimated
value of £7.5 billion. The results of a recent study ................................................ be available soon, but early findings
................................................ already revealed differences in attitudes between age groups. Nearly 40% of those over
age 65 say they never waste food, compared to just 17% of people under 35. One reason for this could be
that older people are 4 ................................................ to eating the same food, so they can better plan their meals.
Younger people demand 5 ................................................ a wide variety of dishes that it becomes difficult to plan and
control waste.

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