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Charles Emil Q.


BS Psychology


Everyone, or even everything surrounds a person affects how the person

behaves in a scope of doing such decisions either positive or negative. The nature of

human being is to adopts to every kind of situation, wherein in every aspect of life, we

make choices in accordance to the experiences of being-there. Man, himself was

molded not by just mere existence but rather society being-there.

The movie in time is an example on how man depicts choices and actions based

from the people and environment he is living. Isolating oneself to the world full of thieves

can influence another to become one, to blend-in, to act normal and to not sound

skeptic to some people who barely even know our backgrounds.

Will Salas, a good guy who received a generous amount of time as a gift was

tagged as a murderer and a thief, simply because he is living to the world where those

kinds of people exist. A person living in a gutter with full of thieves doesn’t mean that he

is a thief himself, yet the environment you are living can somehow portray that you are

just like them, pushing oneself to the limit, making the person act just the way they

wanted you to be.

Also, the movie itself symbolizes how important time was, and how the system

was being able to control each and every person. To live the life according to the place

they are living. In order for a person to survive a dangerous isle, he himself should act
as one, becoming the person capable to defending himself even it makes the man


We are living in the world full of different opinions, opinions that simply doesn’t

matter, but still changes a person because of the idea of wanting to be accepted. No

person wanted to be alone nor feel alone to this cruel world, that is why we sometimes

do everything it takes just to please them. People sometimes change not because of

wanting to do good but rather being good to someone else’s eye.

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