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Amel : Hello Lia, Good Morning ?"

Lia : Hello Amel, Good Morning ! How Are you Today Amel ?

Amel : I'm wonderfull, How About You Lia ?

Lia : I'm good, Where are you Going Amel ?

Amel : I'm Going To Mrs Sri Food Court In Pahlawan Street, I want To buy Some Food

Lia : Really ?! Lets Go Together, Im going There Too, I Want To buy Orange Juices

Amel : Sure Let's Go !!

15 minutes later at Food Court

Amel : Hello Mrs Sri, I want to Order 1 Crispy Fried Chiken

Lia : Hello Mrs Sri, Im also want to Order 3 Orange Juices

Mrs Sri : Ok, 1 Crispy Fried Chiken For Amel, And 3 orange juices for Lia, Just Wait For
Couple minutes

Lia : Mrs Sri, Who is Boy Behind You ??

Mrs Sri : He Is My Little Brother, His Name Amir, i Ask Him to Help Me Here

Mrs Sri : Amir !! Come Here And Say hello to Lia and Amel

Amir : Hello My name Is Amir, im Sri's Brother, nice to meet you

Amel & Lia : Hello amir, nice to meet too

5 minutes late

Mrs Sri : Lia, Amel, Your order is ready

Amel : Thank you Mrs Sri, here is the money

Mrs Sri : Your Welcome Amel

Lia : Here Is the Money, Thank You so much Mrs Sri

Mrs Sri : Youre Welcome Lia

Amel :Lia, Thanks for accompany me.

Lia : it's Ok. My pleasure

Amel : See You later Lia.

Lia : See you !

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