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Applied Surface Science 396 (2017) 444–454

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Computational evaluation of sub-nanometer cluster activity of singly

exposed copper atom with various coordinative environment in
catalytic CO2 transformation
Ramasamy Shanmugam a,d , Arunachalam Thamaraichelvan b ,
Tharumeya Kuppusamy Ganesan c , Balasubramanian Viswanathan d,∗
Department of Chemistry, Thiagarajar College, Madurai, Tamilnadu 625 009, India
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chettinad Hospital & Research Institute, Kelambakkam, Tamilnadu 603 103, India
Department of Chemistry, The American College, Madurai, Tamilnadu 625 002, India
National Center for Catalysis Research, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamilnadu 600 036, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Metal cluster, at sub-nanometer level has a unique property in the activation of small molecules, in
Received 25 August 2016 contrast to that of bulk surface. In the present work, singly exposed active site of copper metal cluster
Received in revised form 19 October 2016 at sub-nanometer level was designed to arrive at the energy minimised configurations, binding energy,
Accepted 26 October 2016
electrostatic potential map, frontier molecular orbitals and partial density of states. The ab initio molecular
Available online 27 October 2016
dynamics was carried out to probe the catalytic nature of the cluster. Further, the stability of the metal
cluster and its catalytic activity in the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO were evaluated by means
of computational hydrogen electrode via calculation of the free energy profile using DFT/B3LYP level of
Copper theory in vacuum. The activity of the cluster is ascertained from the fact that the copper atom, present in a
Carbon dioxide two coordinative environment, performs a more selective conversion of CO2 to CO at an applied potential
Carbon monoxide and DFT of −0.35 V which is comparatively lower than that of higher coordinative sites. The present study helps
to design any sub-nano level metal catalyst for electrochemical reduction of CO2 to various value added
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction a recent review, the greater influence of the facet(s) of metal, metal
oxide and composite materials on the catalytic reactions have been
Extending the valorisation of CO2 assumes immense signifi- reported [11].
cance due to its negative environmental impact. Electrochemical Recent studies have revealed that metal atom present at coor-
reduction of CO2 on metal electrodes provides a tangible solution dinative unsaturation [12], edges and corners [13–15] performs
for the above problem as well as depletion of fossil fuel [1], with better than the atom in the bulk. Size-selected small clusters have
an advantage of product selectivity, atom economy and release of recently received greater attention due to the exceptional proper-
zero hazardous substance into the environment. Among the various ties such as fluxuation, sites with coordiantive unsaturation and
metal electrodes, Cu is the most studied [2–4] due to its versa- better activity compared to the corresponding bulk or nano state
tile availability, low cost and exclusive production of hydrocarbon [16–18]. The atoms on the surface of the cluster, fully exposed to
at moderate current density and Faradaic efficiencies. Although CO2 for interaction [19], experience rise in binding energy of the
the electrochemical reduction of CO2 is a feasible technology, it adsorbates in comparison to the atoms in the bulk. Catalysis by
could be exploited commercially only by lowering the overpoten- single atom and single site has emerged as a stronger candidate
ital [5,6]. Nevertheless, various methods have been attempted to in the activation of small molecules [20,21]. More recently, impu-
lower the overpotential and increase the efficiency of reduction of rities of copper present in carbon have shown significant activity
CO2 on Cu electrodes by modification of surface structure in the during electrochemical reduction of CO2 [17]. In addition, employ-
bulk [7], morphologies [8] and size of the nano particle [4,9,10]. In ing operando EC-STM for elucidating the interaction between CO2
and polycrystalline Cu has shown the surface rearrangement dur-
ing the reaction process [22]. Analysis of the available literature
suggests that the activity of a catalyst mainly depends on the atom
∗ Corresponding author. present in singly exposed site which may be a better environment
E-mail address: (B. Viswanathan).
0169-4332/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Shanmugam et al. / Applied Surface Science 396 (2017) 444–454 445

tary reaction A* + (H+ + e− ) → AH*, the free energy is defined as

GA∗ →AH ∗ (U) = GAH ∗ − GA∗ − 0.5GH2 + ne (U), where the terms G,
ne and U represent free energy, number of electrons and the
applied potential respectively for the reaction. All these quantum
mechanical calculations were carried out using Gaussian 09 soft-
ware package [28]. PDOS of the singly exposed copper with various
coordinated environments were calculated based on Generalised
Gradient Approximation coupled with Perdew–Burke–Ernzerhof
exchange-correlation functional plane wave energy cut-off of
880 eV using CASTEP code in Material Studio 5.5. [29].

Fig. 1. Energy minimised configurations of the single site (SS) copper cluster models
with various coordination numbers: (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3, (d) 4, (e) 5 & (f) 6 and 7 atom
4. Results and discussion
cluster isomorph models (IS): (g) 1, (h) 2, (i) 3, (j) 4 & (k) 5.
4.1. Structure and binding energies of single Cu atom sites and
seven atom copper cluster sites
for the catalysis. Hence, understating the electronic properties and
catalytic activity of a single site Cu with various possible coordina-
In order to assess the suitability of various optimized copper
tive environments at sub-nano cluster level, may throw more light
cluster models for the catalysis, structural parameters and binding
on devising new strategies for selecting a catalyst for CO2 reduction.
energies were calculated for the single site (SS) and 7 atom clus-
In the present study, computation of possible interactions of
ter sites (IS) which are presented in Table 1. Binding energy is a
singly exposed copper with various adsorbates, stability and role of
measure of the thermodynamic stability of the model. The bind-
the electronic property of the copper sites was undertaken. Further,
ing energy data for single site reveals that clusters with increasing
as the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CH4 follows an 8 electron
coordination numbers (CN) show greater thermodynamic stability
transfer path way and formation of CO requires 2 electron reduction
towards the formation of cluster. The behaviour of the isomorphs
[15,23], reduction of CO2 to the industrially exploited CO molecule
follows a similar trend except for 4 coordination which experiences
was taken as the model in the present study.
a slight decrease in binding energy.
All these values correlate well with those of earlier reports [30].
2. Copper cluster models
The coordinating Cu atom is connected to adjacent atoms through
different number of bonds depending upon its coordination num-
The structures of small Cu clusters have been studied exten-
ber. The bonding was not equal in many cases with some showing
sively [24,25]. Based on the literature reports, the following models
dangling nature. Hence, in order to find out the actual distance of
were considered for the present study. When a single atom is
the coordinating atom from other atoms in the cluster, the aver-
considered to form a coordination number of 1–6 with required
age bond lengths were calculated and are presented in Table 1.
neighbours, it is designated as single site (SS). However, when the
The analysis reveals that, the average bond length between the
copper atom is present in 1–6 coordinative environment as a part
cluster atoms and active site gradually increases with coordination
of an isomer of 7 atom cluster, it is designated as an isomorph (IS).
number in both the single site and isomorph clusters. This result
The energy minimised structures of both the models are presented
indicates that for higher coordination numbers, an increasing num-
in Fig. 1.
ber of atoms, moving closer to coordinative atom, tend to repel each
other due to steric and electronic repulsions. However, a site at a
3. Computational details lower distance may be preferred for better electron transport.

The geometry optimization of pure copper clusters and those 4.2. Electrostatic potential map analysis
with adsorbates was performed at B3LYP level of hybrid DFT using
a basis set of LANL2DZ for Cu and 6-31G* for other elements with Electrostatic potential (ESP) of isosurface predicts, the charge
default spin. The choice of functional is provided in the Supplemen- distribution on the clusters which are responsible for chemical
tary information (S1). The binding energy of copper clusters was reactivity at sub-nanometer level. Fig. 2 depicts the ESP maps for the
obtained using the formula, BECu = ECun − nECu , where n, ECu and SS and IS copper clusters. The positive charge on the exposed sin-
Cun are number of copper atoms, total zero point energy (ZPE) cor- gle site decreases with increase in coordination number. However,
rected electronic energy of copper and that of clusters respectively. in isomorphs, except for CN-1 and CN-5, all others carry positive
Counterpoise corrected (BSSE) energies were used in evaluat- charge on the coordination sites.
ing the properties. Binding energy of adsorbates was calculated Thus, increase in the number of copper atoms causes the shift
using the expression BEads = ECu +adsorbate − ECux − Eadsorbate , where, in the charge density from positive to negative side. During the
ECu , ECux and Eadsorbate are zero point energy corrected catalytic interaction, most of the adsorbates have negative charge
X +adsorbate
electronic energies of Cux + adsorbate, Cu cluster and adsorbate on them. These adsorbates prefer sites where positive charge is
respectively. AIMD simulations were performed employing an present in the active site. Hence, the lower coordination site with
extended lagrangian Atom Centered Density Matrix Propagation greater positive charge is preferred for the reaction.
Molecular Dynamics (ADMPMD) at B3LYP/LANL2DZ level to find
the stability of the coordination site and cluster. The optimized 4.3. Frontier molecular orbital (FMO) analysis
geometries of the cluster was chosen as the initial geometry for
the ADMPMD run. Dynamics simulation was carried out at 500 An electron transfer reaction is governed by symmetry con-
steps with a time scale of 0.1fempto second and the fictitious elec- servation rules. Hence, the shapes of occupied orbitals in a metal
tron mass of 0.1 amu. During the simulation, the temperature of cluster is essential to understand the catalytic activity of the metal
300 K was set as thermostatic temperature and marinated by using cluster.
velocity scaling method [26]. The Gaussian type of FMO contours of single site and isomorph
Computational hydrogen electrode method [27] was applied clusters are shown in Fig. 3 which reveal that for the single site
to analyze the free energy of reaction pathway. For an elemen- HOMO in Cu2 , the electron density is uniformly distributed over the
446 R. Shanmugam et al. / Applied Surface Science 396 (2017) 444–454

Fig. 2. Electrostatic potential map for copper clusters with single site various coordination numbers (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3, (d) 4, (e), 5 & (f) 6 and isomorph sites (g) 1, (h) 2, (i) 3,
(j) 4 & (k) 5 in a.u.

two atoms without any node. As the cluster size increases (b–f), the In CO2 , FMO of HOMO is on O and that of LUMO is on C exhibiting ␲
orbitals are separated by a symmetric node up to (d) with (e) and (f) orbital like shape. A comparison of the shapes of metal orbitals with
exhibiting multiple nodes. As for the LUMO, the node is observed those of free CO2 (shown in Supplement information S2) reveals
right from (a) to (f). Although, symmetry was present in (a), (c), (e) that lower clusters with less than 6 Cu atoms have ␲ like shape.
and (f), due to the availability of adjacent atoms for additional over- This implies that direct electron transfer is possible in lower atom
lap, it is not so with (b) and (d). In isomorph, since it contains seven clusters compared to higher atom copper clusters.
atoms, (g) and (h) have ␴ character while all other models have
␲ character in HOMO. In case of LUMO, (i)-(k) experience overlap- 4.4. Partial density of states (PDOS) of coordinative sites
ping with adjacent atoms which is absent in (g) and (h). The FMOs of
single site Cun show ␴ and ␲ like character in Cu1 and Cu2-5 respec- The local environment of the site determines the nature of inter-
tively. Though d orbital contribution in HOMO nature is highlighted action between the adsorbate and surface. It helps to predict the
for Cu6 cluster, no exclusive d like character was observed in LUMO. electron transfer. Partial density of states of 3d orbital of single site
R. Shanmugam et al. / Applied Surface Science 396 (2017) 444–454 447

Fig. 3. Frontier molecular orbital contours of single site Cu cluster with coordination numbers (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3, (d) 4, (e), 5 & (f) 6 and isomorph sites with coordination
numbers (g) 1, (h) 2, (i) 3, (j) 4 & (k) 5 in a.u.

Fig. 4. Partial density of states of d-orbital for ␣,␤ spin density of singly exposed copper atom in a) single site (1) Cu-1, (2) Cu-2, (3) Cu-3, (4) Cu-4, (5) Cu-5 & (6) Cu-6 and
b) isomorph (1) Cu-1, (2) Cu-2, (3) Cu-3, (4) Cu-4 & (5) Cu-5.(For interpretation of the references to color in text, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Cu in Cun for the six model nano cluster models, (1) Cu1 , (2) Cu2 , (3) lines in Fig. 4a and magenta and dark yellow lines in Fig. 4a denote
Cu3 , (4) Cu4 , (5) Cu5 , and (6) Cu6 are provided in Fig. 4a and those the spin density of ␣ and ␤ electrons respectively. The line EF refers
for the isomorph are depicted in Fig. 4b. The solid green and red to the Fermi energy level in vacuum. Fig. 4a and b reveal the effect
448 R. Shanmugam et al. / Applied Surface Science 396 (2017) 444–454

of increase in coordination environment of a copper site from 1 to

6. All the occupied energy states are present below the Fermi level

and unoccupied acceptor states are absent. ␤ spin is nearer to EF
than ␣ spin which shows that electron transfer mainly depends on
␤ spin states. PDOS plot indicates that the occupied level is not over-
lapping with Fermi level with a gap energy of 2.5, 2.6, 2.5, 2.9, 3.1

and 3.2 eV for coordination numbers 1–6 respectively. This reveals

that the site in the low coordination environment has a lower
energy barrier than that of higher coordination number. Further,
it explains why small clusters perform better than bulk and pre-
dicts that direct electron transfer is possible. However, 3d orbital


energy level moves towards more negative region with respective


to the Fermi level revealing the stabilisation of the site. The peak
broadening may be due to overlap of adjacent p and d orbitals in the
clusters [31]. The orbital energy level makes the electron transfer
less feasible. The PDOS profile of isomorphs show that the arrange-
Adsorption distance


ment of atoms plays an important role in altering the shape and


position of the energy level of the coordination sites in spite of hav-

ing same number of copper atoms. Here too, the shift in the peaks
(Å) Cu-C

was observed towards negative direction suggesting that atoms


with low coordination number have lower energy barrier for the



transport of electrons.

4.5. Ab initio molecular dynamics stimulation



Under reaction conditions, the surface atoms undergo relax-


ation and rearrangement leading sometimes to deactivation of the

charge(q) on CO2
Total Mullikan

catalyst. Hence, during the reaction process, the coordination site

must retain its structure to be stable till the end of the reaction.
The stability of the cluster was evaluated with the help of ab initio


molecular dynamics method. The potential energy profile versus


time trajectory of 50fs of the single site copper cluster, calculated

using Atom-centered density matrix propagation (ADMP), is shown
in Fig. 5. The table, given as inset in the plot, presents the structural
features of the corresponding cluster in a dynamic environment


at different time scales. A close scrutiny of potential energy pro-

CO2 binding energy

Binding enrgy, Mullikan charge and structural parameters of single site and Isomorph copper clusters.

file of single site suggests that all the atoms in the cluster undergo
motion, thus leading to change in the potential energy. The bond
length between the coordination site and the neigboring atom is
increased by about 0.25 Å for single site with coordination num-



ber 1(CN-1)when the system moves from the initial to final state.

Also, the potential energy increases with time. This indicates that
the atoms are dynamic in nature. For the corresponding SS with
coordination numbers of 2,3 &5 (CN-2, CN-3 and CN-5), there is
no significant change in the structural features revealing that the

structures are stable. In case of coordination numbers of 4 and 6

length of Cu(Å)
Average Bond

(CN-4 and CN-6), the bond lengths of Cu1-Cu4 and Cu6-Cu7 are
increased. The resultant distances between the atoms indicate that
the there is no bonding at 10fs. ADMP molecular dynamics poten-
Cu − Cu/n n-Number of bond in coordination site.

tial energy versus the time trajectory of isomorph clusters along


with their structural features are depicted in Fig. 6. The changes in

potential energy in all the clusters can be attributed to the stable
nature of bonds showing negligible changes.



4.6. Structural features of adsorbates

Cu binding energy

During the transformation of CO2 , the species such as CO2 and

CN - Coordination number.

*COOH have considerable interaction with the active sites. Hence,

the structural features of these species on the active site were

examined initially to get new insights into the interaction between

Isomorph Site (IS).


Single Site (SS).

the adsorbate and adsorbent.


4.6.1. Adsorption of CO2

The first step in CO2 transformation is the interaction of CO2
Table 1


on active sties. In order to understand how the coordination num-



bers in different environments play a role on CO2 activation, CO2

R. Shanmugam et al. / Applied Surface Science 396 (2017) 444–454 449

Fig. 5. ADMP molecular dynamics potential energy profile for the single site clusters with different coordination numbers: (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3, (d) 4, (e) 5 and (f) 6.

was adsorbed on each of the active site with a bent configuration by regeneration of the linear geometry of CO2 . Similar results have
to verify if the interaction is through physisorption or chemisorp- been observed in bulk surfaces [32] with a distance of 1.17 Å for
tion and relaxed. The energy minimised structures are presented C O when it is nearer to the metal site. The distance of 1.16 Å
in Fig. 7 The corresponding structural parameters are presented in for the other C O bond and the angle of 179.57◦ for O C O bond
Table 1. remain the same in all the cases. Mullikan charge on CO2 indicates
The structural parameters and binding energy of CO2 on coordi- that there is no effective transfer of charge from the coordination
nation site in the final state suggest a weak interaction, as evidenced sites and hence predicted the CO2 to be in a physisorbed state. It
450 R. Shanmugam et al. / Applied Surface Science 396 (2017) 444–454

Fig. 6. ADMP molecular dynamics potential energy profile for the isomorph clusters with different coordination numbers: (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3, (d) 4 and (e) 5.

is quite interesting to see that when CO2 is interacting with the CN-4 hold CO2 in horizontal and linear fashions respectively sug-
active site in the isomorph sites with coordination numbers 1 and gesting a decrease in the stability of active site after interaction.
4. (CN-1 and CN-4) the configurations of the sites were rearranged These sites are not available for further interaction and thus, the
to those of the active sites observed for coordination number 2 number of active sites in the reaction medium gradually decreases.
and 6 (CN-2 and CN-6) respectively as shown in Fig. 7. CN-1 and Further, interactions of CO2 on isomorph sites with coordination
R. Shanmugam et al. / Applied Surface Science 396 (2017) 444–454 451

Fig. 8. Energy minimised configurations of single site with different coordination

numbers: (a) 1, (b) 2, (c) 3, (d) 4, (e) 5 & (f) 6 and isomorph active sites with various
coordination numbers: (h) 2, (i) 3 & (j) 5 with *COOH.

Fig. 7. Interaction of CO2 with single sites with different coordination numbers: (a)
1, (b) 2, (c) 3, (d) 4, (e) 5 & (f) 6 and isomorph active sites with various coordination
numbers: (g) 1, (h) 2, (i) 3, (j) 4 & (k) 5.

Fig. 9. Binding energy of various adsorbates on single site copper cluster at various
coordination numbers.
number 2,3 and 5 (CN-2, CN-3 and CN-5) revealed physisorption
from binding energy. The structural parameters resemble those of
single site clusters and Mullikan charge predicts that transferred
charge is insufficient to alter the structural features of CO2 . Due to
the unstable nature of CN-1 and CN-4 isomorph clusters, they were
not considered for further study.

4.6.2. Adsorption of COOH Fig. 10. Schematic representation of CO2 to CO transformation on Copper active
On the active site, *COOH interacts through C via mono den- site.

tate bent mode of adsorption. Energy minimised configurations

of *COOH for single site and isomorph clusters are presented in 4.7. Binding energy of adsorbates formed during electroreduction
Fig. 8. For single site, the *COOH has a Cu-C distance of ∼1.95 Å in of CO2 to CO
the entire coordination environment without affecting the struc-
ture of the cluster. The results prove that structural transformation In the medium for CO2 reduction, intermediates such as CO,
occurs in CN-2 and CN-3 for the bridge bidentate and monodentate COOH, OH and H species were found to be competitively adsorbed
modes of adsorption respectively. The cluster CN-5 retained the on the active site of a catalyst [33]. Hence, these species play an
configuration, though *COOH is held as bridge bidenate. This result important role in controlling the catalytic activity of a catalyst. To
suggests that on the active site, unsaturated atoms are present in assess the adsorption strength of the above species on various coor-
adjacent positions. On the isomorph clusters, CO2 undergoes defor- dinative environments, the binding energies were calculated and
mation easily and leaves the active site instantly. However, this is are plotted in Fig. 9. The values of distance between the active site
not occurring in single site coordination environment. It is thus and intermediate species are given in Table 1.
deduced that single site environment with low atoms is essen- The first step in the CO2 electro reduction of CO2 is capture
tial for the catalytic reaction. Hence, single site environment was of an electron and a proton by CO2 to form COOH*. This COOH*,
chosen for further analysis. after chemisorption on Cu site through C, should participate spon-
452 R. Shanmugam et al. / Applied Surface Science 396 (2017) 444–454

Fig. 11. Free-energy profile for the reduction of CO2 to CO at 0 V and the required applied potential (UL ) for formation of CO from CO2 at various Cu sites with different
coordination numbers (CN-1 to CN-6 = Coordination numbers, 1–6).

taneously in the forward reaction with a more negative free energy (∼ −0.2–−0.6 eV) binding energy than *H. This reveals that the *OH
of adsorption. Simultaneously, a proton in the medium also accepts was an ineluctable candidate in the medium [34]. All the patterns
an electron to form a chemisorbed H* on the active site. In a similar being similar, it is essential to select the most preferred CN site with
way, surface oxygen combines with a proton to form a OH* species. a suitable coordination number. Among the various sites, CN-2 hav-
The above two reactions are competitive. If chemisorption of H* is ing more binding energy than the rest can rapidly capture *COOH
more favourable, it leads to competitive hydrogen evolution. If OH* species in the medium. However, rapid conversion of *COOH to CO
is formed easily, then H* will combine with OH* to form H2 O. The needs weaker adsorption of *COOH compared to *CO which ensures
plot (Fig. 9) reveals that binding energy of OH* and H* follow the spontaneity of this step. The energy profile of *CO reveals that CN-5
same trend with coordination number, although, *OH has higher has greater binding energy than other CNs. This result contradicts
R. Shanmugam et al. / Applied Surface Science 396 (2017) 444–454 453

the observation that CN-2 prefers CO to COOH for adsorption. This charge on CO2 , adsorption distance from metal atom, electrostatic
conclusion answers why conversion of CO2 was not an effective potential map analysis, FMO calculations, PDOS, ADMP molecular
process, since the steps involved in the reaction were independent dynamics potential energy profile, energy minimisation of pure cat-
from one another. Hence, multiple reaction sites are required for alyst and catalyst-CO2 configurations and free energy profile for
the simultaneous adjacent reactions. reduction. Based on the above results, the SS model of copper was
chosen to study the electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 to CO. The
present study helps to design any sub-nano level metal catalyst for
4.8. Activity of single site in electrochemical reduction of CO2
electrochemical reduction of CO2 to various value added chemicals.
The activity of the copper site was evaluated by using
computational electro-chemical reduction method. In general, Acknowledgements
electrochemical reduction of CO2 yields a variety of products.
The main intermediate is CO the formation of all products which We acknowledge Department of Science and Technology (DST),
requires only four electrons while other products need more elec- India, for setting up the National Centre for Catalysis Research
trons and protons. For this reason, the transformation of CO2 to CO (NCCR). The authors also acknowledge the High Performance Com-
was taken as a model reaction for the present study. The schematic puting Environment (HPCE), Indian Institute of Technology Madras
representation of CO2 to CO conversion is illustrated in Fig. 10. (IITM) for furnishing computational facilities. The author R. S. is
Initially the CO2 is physically held on the active site. In CO2 elec- thankful to Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
troreduction, the first step involves adding of H+ + e− to the CO2 to for providing financial support vide., Ref. No. 08/117(0001)-2013-
form *COOH species which can readily be chemisorbed on the active EMR-I.
site. Normally this step requires energy to propagate towards for-
ward direction. COOH* should be more spontaneously formed from
Appendix A. Supplementary data
gaseous CO2 , less stable on the active site and dissociation *COOH
must be faster to produce CO* + H2 O.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
The calculated free energy profile of CO2 to CO transformation on
the online version, at
various coordinative active sites based on computational hydrogen
electrode model is depicted in Fig. 11. The plot reveals that electro-
chemical reduction of CO2 reduction by proton coupled electron
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