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The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

STUDENT NAME Melisa Ndlovu
QUALIFICATION B.Ed Intermediate Phase


A. Lesson Details
GRADE Grade 7
SUBJECT (CAPS) Mathematics
TOPIC Numeric and geometric patterns
DATE OF LESSON 23 May 2023

B. Caps-Specific Focus
CAPS SPECIFIC FOCUS (link here) Investigate and extend numeric patterns
looking for relationships between
numbers, including patterns
REFERENCES Department of Basic Education (2011).
Curriculum and Assessment Policy
Statement (CAPS), Grades 7-9
Mathematics. Retrieved…. from p.

C. Summary of the content to cover

Briefly describe ‘what’ content you need to cover. This will inform the lesson
objectives and choice of teaching strategy.

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

Investigating and extending numeric and geometric patterns looking for relationships
between numbers, including patterns: - represented in physical or diagram form
through learner’s own creation

D. Lesson Objectives
List the objectives for this specific lesson below. Use the verbs from Blooms
Taxonomy to frame your objectives.
1. By the end of this lesson, learners should be able to
a. Identify a pattern/sequence between the term and its position in the sequence

b. Describe more precisely and efficiency with the use of algebraic language

c. Product an unknown term in a sequence by using a general rule

E. Curriculum Integration (if relevant)
Briefly describe how this lesson integrates content, skills or knowledge from other
areas of the curriculum (if relevant).
- English will be used as medium of instruction
- Creative arts will be integrated as they will also learn about IsiNdebele cultural
house when doing patterns

F. Rationale for Lesson Design

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

Consider the following questions and write a paragraph that responds to these questions
in the space provided below:

1. How does the knowledge of this topic inform choices for learning design?
• What is the main idea/s and most important things to know about this topic?
• What ways of thinking and doing are important for learning this topic?
• How do these inform the design of learning tasks and sequencing of lesson
The important things to know about this topic is that learners should be able to
describe the relationship between numbers in a sequence. It is important to not teach
them the algorithm, but rather allow them to discover the rule.
The important ways of thinking and doing for learning this topic are that if learners
consider only the relationship between consecutive terms, they should continue the
term. However, if they are looking for a relationship or rule between the term and the
position of the term, they can predict the answer without continuing the pattern. And
that using number sentences can be useful to find the rule.
2. How do learners and their diversities inform choices for lesson design?
• How have you considered the learning support needs in this class?
• How have I ensured that all learners may participate and learn?
The teacher will use a picture of everyday life to explain the concept of patterns,
moreover learner discussion will be encouraged to ensure that all learners participate
and learn, allowing learners to work in pars as to encourage self-discovery of patterns
and constant differences.
The teacher further provides support by revising work covered in Grade 6 on using
tables and diagrams.
How do opportunities in this context inform choices for lesson design?
• What possibilities and constraints have I considered?

Teachers will design a lesson that promote teamwork, communication, and problem-
solving skills, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
Teacher will also design lesson that make the best use of the available resources to
engage students and facilitate learning.

G. Teaching and learning strategies

Select the teaching strategies you will Justify your choice/s of teaching strategy/s
employ that are suitable for each phase below by explaining the strategy (with
of your lesson, for your content and references) and how this strategy will be
context. used in this specific lesson plan.
Note: You can select more than one

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

strategy for each phase. Delete if more

than one strategy is not required in
each phase.
Introduction: The teacher will use discussion as a primary
Select here teaching method to stimulate critical
thinking. As the teacher establish a rapport
with her learners, she will demonstrate
appreciation towards their contributions at
the same time challenging them to think
more deeply and to articulate their ideas
more clearly.
Teaching and Learning Phase: The teacher will use discussion as a primary
Select here teaching method to stimulate critical
thinking. As the teacher establish a rapport
with her learners, she will demonstrate
appreciation towards their contributions at
the same time challenging them to think
more deeply and to articulate their ideas
more clearly.
Conclusion: The teacher will use discussion as a primary
Select here teaching method to stimulate critical
thinking. As the teacher establish a rapport
with her learners, she will demonstrate
appreciation towards their contributions at
the same time challenging them to think
more deeply and to articulate their ideas
more clearly.

H. Lesson Phases

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

Phases Write, in detail, every element/step of your lesson for each Resources
phase.Include time on task for each phase.

- The teacher links the topic of numeric and geometric pattens Photograph

to everyday life by emphasizing that patterns are common in Chalk

everyday lives, further showing a picture with different Chalkboard
patterns from the Ndebele culture. Teacher’s
lesson notes

- Stimulates learner’s prior knowledge by asking learners to

mention different patterns that they can see in the provided

lesson notes
- The teacher provides a sequence of numbers for which Platinum
learners have to identify a pattern or relationship between the textbook

term and its position in the sequence. This will enable learners Chalk
to predict a term in a sequence based on the position of the chalkboard
term in the sequence, providing them with examples that to DBE
provide a rule to describe the relationship between the number Calculator
sequence: 1,4,9,16: use the rule to find the 10th term in this
- The teacher uses examples from Grade 6 textbooks and
Department of Education workbooks to teach and consolidate
the concepts of terms and sequences.
- Uses several examples to emphasize that number patterns
have a constant difference.


- Learners work in pairs for self-discovery of patterns and

constant differences.
- Calculators used to find constant differences and constant

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

Position 1 2 3 4 10
in a
Term 5 7 9 11

Position 1 2 3 5 15
in a
Term 2 5 8 11

The teacher will sum up the lesson by conducting proper Exercise


closure to the day’s tasks and do some sort of review of what books
they’ve learned and lastly provide learners with an activity to be Pens
completed at home, going through the questions with them to Pencils
sure they have understood what is required. Rulers


1. Complete the last raw of the following tables without extending the table.
Position 1 2 3 4
in a
Term 4 6 8 10 24
Position 1 2 3 4
in a
Term 1 4 9 16 144

a. 11
b. 12

B.Ed Year 3 and 4 (only) and PGCE TESF7112p/TESF7112w
(Answer the following questions after each lesson)

What was my most challenging moment in this lesson and why? How will I respond

The IIE Lesson Plan Template 2023

next time?
The challenging thing in the lesson was that at times learners would struggle to to
look for a rule between the term, next time learners will be provided more examples
for simplifying of the concepts.
To what extent were the learners productively engaged in the learning process?
Learners were fully engaged
If I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again to this same group of learners, what
would I do differently? Why?
Although the concepts of number patterns should be clear, it would be wise to use
pictures and everyday examples to explain the concepts of patterns
What evidence/ feedback do I have that the learners achieved an understanding of the
lesson objective(s)?
Learners did well in the given assessment
Any additional reflections?


The IIE Supervisor’s Date:

Signature OR
Mentor Teacher’s Date:
Student’s Signature Date:


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