Igneous - Andesite Dacite Rhyolite

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Andesite, Dacite, Rhyolite

 Extrusive (volcanic) rocks (along with basalt)

 Felsic to intermediate composition (dictated by silica and

mineral content)

Felsic Felsic-Int. Intermediate Mafic

Extrusive Rhyolite Dacite Andesite Basalt

Intrusive Granite Granodiorite Diorite Gabbro

 Textures: aphanitic or porphyritic

 Generally erupt from “naughty” volcanoes: lava dome,

caldera, stratovolcano

 Intermediate composition (52-63% silica)

 Usually porphyritic texture
 Essentials: plag, pyroxene, amphibole
 “Medium to dark gray”
 Common at stratovolcano/subduction zone (like Andes)


 Intermediate-felsic composition (63-68% silica)

 Often porphyritic texture
 Essentials: plag, quartz, minor K-spar
 Associated with stratovolcano, lava dome


 Felsic composition (>68% silica)

 Aphanitic or porphyritic texture
 Essentials: quartz, K-spar, plag, very few mafic minerals
 Light gray, pink, whitish
 Caldera, lava dome

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