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Language Arts Lesson Plan

“Letter Pairs!”

Marco Carreiro

Department of Education, Concordia University

EDUC 395: Internship III - Kindergarten Teaching

Prof. Nathalie Rothschild

September 29, 2023

Preschool Cycle – Grade K4
Name: Marco Carreiro
School: Beacon Hill Elementary
Cooperating Teacher: Nathalie Mancini
Lesson’s Date: September 29, Friday
Lesson’s Time: 10:20 - 11:00 AM
Grade & Age of Students: K4, 4 years-old
Number of Students: 9
Lesson’s Title: Letter Pairs!
Brief Description:
- The students will be asked to sit on the carpet and ready to listen to the instructions of the
centers. There will be 3 centers consisting of toys, painting, and this lesson, Letter Pairs.
Once the instructions of Letter Pairs are explained to the students, the students will be
asked to sit 3 per table (or assigned table to start if needed). At the Letter Pairs center,
each student will be given an empty toilet paper roll with 10 uppercase letters scattered
around the outside of the roll. Each student will also be given 10 stickers with the same
letters written on them. The students must find a letter on the roll and place the sticker
with the letter that matches. However, each student’s paper roll will have letters more
commonly found in their own individual names. Once all 10 letters are complete, they
must show the teacher. Lastly, the teacher and student will then practice sounding out all
the letters they matched and make sure they matched correctly. Once complete, the
students may switch centers and then 3 new students may join the activity.

Lesson’s Source:
- This lesson was inspired by my cooperating teacher’s activity on ‘Number roll & cover’
where the students had to roll a dice, recognize and count the number, then find the
instruction for that number on their unifix cube page. This activity inspired me to find or
create an activity that could resemble a similar pattern where the students must recognize
the symbol and find its match, but in this case, using letters instead of numbers. This
week, the students were also practicing the letter “L” and “l”, and I felt like it was a good
time to continue practicing letters.
Prior Knowledge and/or Experience Required:
- Previous experience recognizing certain uppercase letters (e.g. letters from their names)
- Manipulating Stickers

Materials & Resources:

- Empty Toilet Paper Rolls (x9)
- Stickers (x9)
- Must place 10 of the same letters on both paper rolls and stickers
- Whiteboard (for introduction)
- Dry-Erase Marker (for introduction)

Organization of Space:
- The students will sit on the carpet at the front of the class, or students can choose to sit
off the carpet, as long as everyone is listening. There should be a whiteboard or writing
board located nearby to write examples for the lesson. The 3 tables or centers should be
spread out, allowing for space to play, participate, and listen to instructions if needed.
There should be at least 3 chairs per table, allowing for 3 students per table. The students
may stand if they feel more comfortable.

- This activity will take place after recess at 10:20. They will enter the building, take off
their jackets, switch into their indoor shoes, and walk calmly to the carpet.
- After the activity, they may switch to a different play center.
- At 11:00, they will clean up all the centers and meet at the carpet.
- The lesson will be a total of 40 minutes.
Competency #3: Plan teaching and learning situations
Competency #4: Implement teaching and learning situations
Targeted Curricular Evidence of Meeting
Objectives Assessment
Competency and Feature the Objective
- By sounding - If the objective Questioning
out the letters has been met, (e.g. what letter
Language Development: they matched, students might is that? Is that
- Knows the letters of the students will pronounce the the letter L? Do
alphabet practice their correct sounds you have a letter
phonemic of letters in L in your
letter sounds. their name. name?)
- By matching
- If the objective (i.e. recognize
a letter with
has been met, indications of
its pair,
Language Development: students might letters in the
students will
- Interacts with written match the alphabet,
improve in
language stickers visually view if
correctly with they are
its pair. matching
letter shapes
Introduction (5 minutes):
- The students will return from recess between 10:15-10:20 AM and will then take off their
jackets and switch into their indoor shoes.
- After changing shoes, they will then head to the carpet and sit down, ready to listen to the
teacher’s instructions for the next activity.
- The students will be told that they will have 3 centers at the 3 tables, similar to their daily
- The first table, orange table, will be managed by Ms. Mancini, and she has decided to
continue their work on the roll & cover numbers activity.
- After Ms. Mancini explains the instructions for the roll & cover numbers activity, the
second table, red table, will be introduced as the painting table, managed by Ms. Sarah.
- Ms. Sarah will mention that at this table, they will continue their paintings that they had
started on the previous day.
- Once they have explained their centers, the third table, blue table, will be introduced and
managed by Mr. Marco.
- On the whiteboard in front of the students, they will be all of their names written down.
The students will be asked if they can see their own name and to point to it.
- The students will then be asked if they know any letters in their name or if they have any
of the letter examples that could be mentioned
- (e.g. Do you have an ‘L’ in your name *insert student name here*)
- This question can continue for multiple students and for multiple different letters.
- After being reintroduced to the letters in their names, the students will be shown an
empty toilet paper roll with multiple uppercase letters on them. Each paper roll is unique
to the student and includes 10 letters from their own names.
- The students will be asked if they can see any letters on the paper rolls. The students may
raise their hand and answer the letters they see.
- Soon after, the students will be shown stickers with the same letter shapes written on
them, and they will be told that they must place a sticker with a letter that matches on the
paper roll. An example of a sticker placed on the paper roll will be given (see appendix
- Once the instructions are complete, the students will be assigned in groups of 3 to a table.
- Once they are assigned, they can head to their tables and join the activity.

Development (30 minutes):

- Once 3 students are seated at the blue table, they will each be given their own unique
paper roll and their 10 stickers made for their paper roll. (It is suggested to write the
names on each paper roll and each bundle of stickers).
- Before they start placing their stickers, the students will be reminded of the instructions
through a visual example.
- In this example, 1 student can be used to help, or you can choose 3 students if need be.
- In the example, the students will be shown an empty paper roll with only 1 letter on it;
the letter “L”
- They will be asked if they could find the letter L on the paper roll by spinning it around.
- If they find it, you can ask the students if they see the letter L in any of the example
- If the letter L is found on the stickers, the student will be asked to grab the sticker and
place it on the letter L found on the paper roll.
- After the visual example, each student can start on their own paper rolls and they are
recommended to focus on one letter at a time.
- If the student sees a letter in their name, they can be encouraged to say it out loud.
- As the students are completing their paper roll, the teacher should walk around to observe
if they are completing it correctly.
- The teacher may also praise them for doing it correctly or sounding out the correct letters
(the teacher may also ask the student what letters they see).
- Once a student has finished all 10 stickers, they must show the teacher assigned to that
table (Mr. Marco) (see appendix B)
- As the teacher examines the paper roll, the teacher will point to different letters on the
paper roll and ask the student if they could sound out or say that letter.
- Once the student says or attempts all 10 letters, they are done the activity and may be
given a sticker for completion if needed.
- Once all 3 students are finished, they may rotate to another table/center and 3 new
students join this activity.
- The lesson instructions repeat until all 9 students have completed this activity.

Conclusion (5 minutes):
- Once all students have finished the lesson by 11:00 AM, the students will be asked to
clean up each table and help place objects back in their place.
- After cleaning up their tables, the students will be asked to go sit on the carpet.
- At the carpet, the students join a discussion as the teacher asks them if they enjoyed the
- The students will also be asked if they noticed any letters in their name? (examples of
letters may be given to the students in a ‘yes or no’ question format)
- Students may take turns answering what letters they remember, or if some students have
the same letters in their names.
- After our small discussion and praise for completing their work, they will transition into
the next activity with their teacher, Ms Mancini.

Assessment of Lesson Objectives:
- The students’ objectives were assessed through questioning and anecdotal observations.

- For the first objective, the students were questioned during their process of completing
the activity and even after the activity was finished. They were asked questions such as
“What letter is that?”, “Do you see the letter L?”, “Do you have the letter L in your
In this objective, the majority of the students were able to recognize the letters when
pointed to and were able to say the letter sounds without assistance from the teacher.
However, a small portion of the class needed assistance to sound out the letters on their
paper rolls.
In conclusion, the majority of the students had completed the objective of practicing the
phonemic letter sounds in their name, and the evidence was assessed through questioning.
- For the second objective, the students were observed through the process of completing
the activity to see if they were able to recognize letter shapes and letter pairs. They were
observed in finding a letter on their paper roll, and then finding the same letter pair in
their stickers, followed by placing the sticker in its respective position on the paper roll.
- (Ex: The sticker with the letter L was placed on the letter L on the paper roll).
- In this objective, the majority of the students were able to recognize the letter shapes and
find its sticker pair without assistance. However, a very small portion of the class needed
assistance to confirm the sticker they chose was the correct pair.
- In conclusion, the majority of the students had completed the objective of recognizing the
uppercase letters in their name, and the evidence was assessed through anecdotal

- My professional competencies included both planning and implementing teaching
opportunities and learning situations for both the students and myself. Although I tried
my best to focus on these two competencies, I believe I also acknowledged another
competency as I continued my lesson such as continuing to master the language of
instruction, but that was not my focus.

- My first professional competency’s objective was to focus on planning an educational

lesson that was both challenging and appropriate for the amount of students at a time. I
felt as if it would be unfair if every student was doing it at the same time because I could
not give all of them my equal attention or assistance if needed. To add, I also felt that it
could diminish a student’s confidence if they saw many of their classmates going through
the lesson faster than them. This was not an activity that had repeatability and so,
finishing it faster than a classmate meant they could move onto a different activity, and
that was the last thing I wanted. In turn, I believed it was best for myself and for the
students to plan the lesson in smaller groups, allowing for both the teacher and the
students to learn efficiently.

- My second professional competency’s objective was to implement this lesson in a way

that was engaging for the students during the instructional moments and the hands-on
moments. I believed that the lesson would not have been as effective if I simply tossed
this activity into their hands without any guidance or connection to previous topics or
lessons. In this case, I tried my best to do this activity after recently talking about letters
during the week, and also trying to connect it to their previous numbers activity on roll &
cover; matching pairs.
- Although I believed my implementation was strong through the instructional moment and
hands-on moment, I believe it could have been stronger if I gave more visual and
physical examples at the table centers rather than on the carpet. Also, If I had planned
more time to give more instructions or more practice examples near the beginning,
allowing everyone to have a chance to shine, I think the activity could have been more
entertaining to them. Although the activity went very well and the objectives were met
for the majority of the students, I believe the students were more entertained in the
painting. Overall, I believe I did a great job at meeting my professional competencies’
expectations for both my teaching and the students’ learning, and I believe the students
did a great job at meeting my objectives in recognizing uppercase letters and practicing
letter sounds. However, I also believe that I could have included more time for examples
for each student to strengthen engagement, and I would like to practice these examples at
the centers rather than having them sit on a carpet.

Cooperating Teacher’s Feedback:

- Take a little more time to explain during introduction (1-2 more minutes)
- Try to explain the introduction at the tables instead of the carpet, it could be easier to showcase
for them!
- Suggest using bigger sticker circles; they were a little small.
- Circles with better contrast too for Logan
Appendix A
Appendix B

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