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Task 2 - The Unveiling of the Unknown

Jhon Alexander Romero


English VI




Martha Lucia Cuervo

National Open and Distance University – UNAD

School of Education Sciences – ECEDU

Academic program



Table of contents

Steep 1.Gramar Expedition...........................................................................................................3,4

Step 2: Conference Engagement……………………………………………………………..……5
During Task
Step 1: Hypothetical Past Scenarios ……………………………………………………………...6
Step 2: Speculating about the Past ………………………………………………………………. 7
OREO Table…………………………………………………………………………………….....8

Step 3: Ancient Enigmas,Step 4: Enigmatic Conversation ……….................................................9

Step 2: Compilation and Submission ………………………………………………….10,11,12,13


Steep 1.Gramar Expedition
Let’s Practice
Exercise 1:
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets:
1. If she got (get) a promotion, she would have a higher salary.
2. We would have had (have) a picnic if the weather had been nicer.
3. He wouldn’t have passed (not pass) the exam if he hadn't studied.
4. If they didn’t leave (not leave) early, they would have seen the sunset.
5. If I had known about the party, I would have come (come).
Exercise 2:
Complete the sentences using 'need' followed by the passive infinitive:
1. The room needs to be cleaned (clean) before the guests arrive.
2. This car needs to be repaired (repair) immediately.
3. The essay needs to be submitted (submit) by tomorrow morning.
4. The book needs to be returned (return) to the library by the due date.
5. The windows needs to be washed (wash) every week.
Exercise 3:
Rewrite the sentences using 'would have,' 'should have,' or 'could have':
1. I regret not studying harder. I failed the test.
I should have studied harder. I would have passed the test.
2. She didn't bring an umbrella. Now she's soaking wet.
She should have brought an umbrella. She wouldn't be soaking wet now.
3. They missed the bus because they didn't leave on time.
They wouldn’t have missed the bus if they had left on time.

4. He didn't listen to my advice. Now he's facing the consequences.

He didn't listen to my advice. He should have listened.
5. We didn't buy the tickets in advance. Now the concert is sold out. If We had bought the tickets
in advance, We could have attended the concert.

Exercise 4:
Complete the sentences using 'must have,' 'may have,' 'might have,' or 'could have':
1. Sarah may have forgotten her keys at home. She can't find them anywhere.
2. They must have taken a different route. That's why they arrived late.
3. He might have missed the train. It left just a minute ago.
4. It could have rained last night. The ground is wet.
5. We must have left the oven on. I smell something burning.
Exercise 5:
Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of 'get' or 'have':
1. I will ask the mechanic to fix my car.
I will get my car fixed by the mechanic.
2. They arranged for a plumber to repair the leaky faucet.
They have a plumber arranged the leaky faucet.
3. She hired a professional designer to decorate her house.
She got her house decorated by a professional designer.
4. We will get someone to clean the windows.
We will get the windows cleaned by someone.

5. He had his hair cut at the salon.

He had his hair cut at the salon.

That concludes Chapter 1. Make sure to practice the exercises to reinforce your understanding of
the grammar points covered.

Step 2: Conference Engagement
Summary of the First Web Conference of the English Course VI
The tutor begins by greeting and introducing himself with his name where. I start doing some
exercises to evaluate ourselves or know what level we are at.
I talk about the news of the course.

There was talk about the duo lingo test where some expressed themselves saying that it was a
very difficult test to obtain a high score. The tutor clarified that it is a very good test to evaluate
what level of English we are at.

I explained the in-person registration for the presentation of the evaluations and that it must
be done in advance, at least 5 days before. I emphasize participating punctually in the
collaborative forums and clarify that comments made in the last three days before the delivery of
the activity will not be valid.

There was discussion about the duo lingo test where some expressed themselves saying that it
was a very difficult test. But it is very important to evaluate what level of English we are at.

It is about reading and completing the steps in the activity guides on time, relating the
exercises to the grammatical structures. He tells us about that and we are students of nibel B.

Keep APA standards in mind when submitting your work and organize your time well to
complete each step of the activity.

During Task

Step 1: Hypothetical Past Scenarios

What was Jesus really like?

According to the Scriptures book of Revelation chapter 1, verse. 14 to 15 describes Jesus in

the following way. His head and his hair were white like white wool, like snow, his eyes were
like a flame of fire, his feet were like polished bronze, shining like a furnace, and his voice was
like the sound of many waters. .

The first images could emerge in the 1st and 3rd centuries AD. But depending on the time I can
say that Jesus must have looked like a Jew from Galilee, historians could say that Jesus was
white, blonde and blue-eyed. In the 4th century AD. He had long hair and a black beard due to
the need of the god Zeus. Jesus Christ left an image of Veronica on the canvas, which was
obtained in the Holy Savannah.

Today I can personally say or express that Jesus would have to be dark, tall with white hair
and beard and blue eyes and dressed in robes, that is how I imagine him and have been able to
understand him through the Scriptures. . I long to know his true face because now I know his
heart well.

Step 2: Speculating about the Past

What was Jesus like?

According to the scriptures in the book of apocalypse Chapter 1 verses 14 to 15 describe

Jesus in the following way. His head and hair were white like white wool, like snow, his eyes
like a flame of fire, his feet like burnished bronze, shining like a furnace, and his voice like the
roar of many waters.

The first images could emerge in the 1st and 3rd centuries AD. But depending on the time I
can say that Jesus must have looked like a Jew from Galilee, historians could say that Jesus was
white, blonde and blue-eyed. [9/26 8:05 p.m. m.] Jhon Alexander Romero: In the 4th century
AD. Long hair and black beard due to the need of the god Zeus. In the 7th century his portraits
were like that of Vera Icon heiropoietos that must have been images made by human hands this
legend arose in Turkey could have a miracle known as Mandylian. In the 11th and 14th
centuries, Jesus Christ left an image of Veronica on the canvas, which was obtained in the Holy
Savannah. During the Renaissance it acquired Ethiopian and Indian features. In the new Spain,
an image of a white Christ, with light skin and blue eyes, was reinforced; It emerged in Europe in
addition to the emergence of Anticemite. In 2001, a retired doctor made a 2020 portrait of a dark
man, black hair, dark eyes, this is the final conclusion reached by scientists.

For me today I can personally say or express that Jesus would have to be dark skinned, tall
with white hair and a beard and blue eyes and dressed in tunics, this is how I imagine him and I
have been able to understand him through the Scriptures. I long to know his true face for now I
know his heart well.

OREO Table

OPINION What you feel or believe on For me Jesus is real even if I

the subject of the ancient do not see him physically, it
mysteries, in the case of what is not a mystery because I am
Jesus was like physically. a reader of the Bible and I
have been able to find the
answers to everything they
call the mystery of Jesus.
Reason Reasons that substantiate the Although he lived his normal
reason for your opinion. life with his parents Joseph
and Mary, he was an example
of obedience. He performed
supernatural events such as
freeing people from physical
and spiritual diseases.
Example Give examples or details of Faith
your opinion Wisdom
His brotherly love
Opinion Conclusion about what you The mystery of knowing
thought or wrote. physically what Jesus was
like should not worry
humanity so much, just as in
the scriptures it says that we
must be obedient to all divine
decrees if we want to see his

Step 3: Ancient Enigmas

Step 4: Enigmatic Conversation

Post-Task: From

Step 1: Self-Assessment

Stages Steps Evidence CompletionDate Check

Pre-Task Step 1: Screenshots of completed September 16 

August 31 to Gramma exercises in the handbook
September6 r
Step 2: Screenshots showing September 15 
Conference active participation or a
Engagement summary of
During Task Step 1: Screenshots of September 24 
September 7 Hypothetica forumparticipation
to September l and the
20 Past Scenarios completed table
Step 2: Written paragraph September 25 
about the Past

Step 2: Compilation and Submission

Name Chosen Mystery History

Martha Cuervo Who was Jack the Ripper? In 1888, Jack the Ripper killed at least
five women in London, mutilating their
bodies. A number of letters, supposedly
from the Ripper, were sent to police
taunting officers' efforts to find the
Ripper. (Whether any of them were
actually written by the Ripper is a matter
of debate among scholars.) The name
"Jack the Ripper" comes from these
letters. Needless to say, the Ripper was
never found, and over the years, dozens of
people have been brought up as possible
candidates. In his 2012 book "Jack The
Ripper: The Hand Of A Woman," John
Morris suggests that a woman named
Lizzie Williams was the Ripper, although
other Ripper experts cast doubt on it. It
appears unlikely that the true identity of
the Ripper will ever be known for sure."
Karol Méndez What was Jesus really like? The earliest surviving gospels date to the
second century, almost 100 years after the
life of Jesus.

The lack of surviving first-century texts

about Jesus leave biblical scholars with a
number of questions. When were the
gospels written? How many of the stories
actually took place? What was Jesus like
in real life? Archaeological investigations
of Nazareth, Jesus' hometown, reveal
more about the environment where he
grew up. More recently, scientists
discovered a first-century house that,
centuries after Jesus' time, was venerated
as being the house that Jesus grew up in,
but whether it was actually Jesus' house is

Although new research will provide more

insight, scholars think it's unlikely they
will ever fully know what Jesus was really

However, in 2018, a researcher published

an illustration of what Jesus may have
looked like based on archaeological data
and ancient texts that describe Jesus'
contemporaries in Judea and Egypt. The
researcher drew from imagery on ancient
coins and Egyptian mummy paintings,
and found that Jesus likely had brown
eyes, black hair and olive-brown skin. It's
likely that Jesus had a height of about 5
foot 5 inches (1.7 meters), which was
average based skeletal remains from
males in that era.
Cindy Giraldo When was Jesus born? While many Christians today celebrate
Dec. 25 as the birth of Jesus, he likely was
not born on this day. The date Dec. 25
may have been chosen because it's close
in time to Saturnalia, a Roman festival
that celebrated the god Saturn. The
earliest records of Dec. 25 being the
birthday of Jesus date to the fourth
century A.D. — more than 300 years after
his birth.

Ancient records suggest that early

Christians were never able to agree on a
date when Jesus was born and even today
many Orthodox Christians celebrate Jesus'
birthday as being on Jan. 6 or 7. In the
end, it is unlikely that the date of Jesus'
birth will ever be known — in fact, even
the precise year is not certain, although
scholars generally agree that it was
sometime around 4 B.C.

Jhon Romero What was Jesus really like? Historians have created a possible image
of what Jesus was physically like. For
Christians who believe in the gospels,
they affirm that they should not worry
about investigating and obtaining
information about what Jesus was
physically like. Even though we are clear
that it is the word of God on earth who
came to give us his example and his
teachings and salvation through the
sacrifice he obtained on the Cross. You
could say that Jesus lived his stages of
normal life as a child would, a teenager
who likes to have a normal life with
people his age even though he had
wisdom that those who were with him did
not have. For me Talking about Jesus It is
very pleasant and very pleasant because I
like to scrutinize the scriptures where we
could have clear answers to the mysteries
that the world creates for itself.
I think that people should have more
interest in knowing about Jesus through
the word and thus they can have a clearer
and truer knowledge.
In these times, humanity must have a
greater need to be spiritually well than to
cling to the consumerism that the world
offers, since this could have more serious
consequences than those that are being
For us evangelical Christians it is very
important to have that need to be in
common union with Jesus and long to see
his face.


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