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Islam is not only a set of rituals but it is a complete code of conduct with

instructions regarding every aspect of life. Prophet (PBUH) worked really hard to
establish an ideal Islamic society in Madinah and established some great rules that
can be followed by Muslims of every era in order to maintain a peaceful and healthy

Muslim Ummah act as one single body. They feel each other’s pain and happiness.
They support each other at the time of crisis like today’s Muslims are facing in Syria,
Yemen, Palestine and Myanmar etc.Prophet (PBUH) said:

'The believers are like a single man; if his eye is affected he is affected, and if his
head is affected he is all affected.'

Then Muslims are instructed to be sincere with their Muslims brothers/sister.

Hypocrite behavior of being good on their face and backstabbing is forbidden in
Islam. Muslims are instructed to consider them equal to themselves.Prophet (PBUH)

“None of You believes until he wants for his brother what he wants for himself”

Muslims should stay away from any type of racial, national or linguistic pride over
their fellow brother. As criteria of perfection is not family background or language
but its righteousness.

Prophet (PBUH) said in his farewell sermon: “There is no superiority for an Arab over
a non-Arab, nor for a nonArab over an Arab. Neither is the white superior over the
black, nor is the black superior over the white -- except by piety."

Muslims should respect their neighbors and guests. People show very little interest
about neighbors’ rights but it has great significance in Islam. Prophet (PBUH) said:

“He is not a true believer who eats to his fill but his neighbor sleeps hungry”

Muslims should be a great example of perfect character and morals. Treating every
one equally, respecting neighbors and guests, being kind to younger ones and being
respectful to elders, being truthful and honest are basic morals of Islam.

“I have only been sent to perfect good moral character.”

Muslims are instructed to do charity to support the less privileged people of the
society. Muslims should take the broader concept of charity that does not only mean
to spend money but it includes saying something good to someone, removing
something harmful from the path etc.
“Every person’s every joint must perform a charity every day the sun comes up: to
act justly between two people is a charity; to help a man with his mount, a good
word is a charity; every step you take to prayers is a charity; and removing a harmful
thing from the road is a charity'

Muslim community is instructed to fight against the collective wrong doings of

society. The concept of social Jihad means forbidding evil and enjoining good
through different mode of expressions such as speech, writing, electronic media,
social media or other E-platforms.Prophet (PBUH) said:

“When people see a wrong-doer and do nothing to stop him, they may face God’s

Prophet (PBUH) motivates Muslim society to do social service and take care of their
fellow beings in their own capacity. It can be by adopting an orphan, marrying a
widow or just compensating their expenditures or it can be by paying school fee of
someone less privileged

“The best house among the Muslims is the one in which an orphan is treated well.
The worst house among the Muslims is the one in which an orphan is treated badly.”

Being Productive member of the society who always strives hard for good,
supports/helps community members and tries resolve problems is also very
important responsibility.As Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Be gentle and do not be hard, and cause rejoicing and do not alienate.”

Finance and economy being a very important part of Muslims life have not been
neglected by Prophet (PBUH) and he has given great moral teachings regarding
ethics or trading and dealing. Muslim community should be based upon the rule of
mutual love and support therefore they should not take cruel advantage of famine
and drought, occasions like Ramadan, Eid and Christmas etc. they should give loan
to each other and be lenient towards them if they can’t get it back on prescribed
time.Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“May God show mercy to a man who is kindly when he sells, when he buys, and
when he demands his money back.”

Prophet’s (PBUH) teachings regarding role of Muslims in community can be very

helpful for the establishment of an ideal, healthy and social welfare society.

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