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Direct & straight forward, they tend to be open about their emotions and speak clearly about
their point. they say what they are seeing and doesn’t consider the feeling of the other person
not until they said what their thoughts are, you may find that they are eager to give their
opinions or advice on your activity., Open about their emotion, Inquisitive and bold they are
very vocal on what they’re feeling and they are honest with it. They express anger and
excitement with raising the tone of their voices, they express their feelings verbally not
physically, A raised voice is not necessarily a sign of anger, but can be an expression of
excitement or conviction. Prolonged silence in a conversation, Italians can grow uncomfortable
with prolonged periods of silence and may naturally speak to fill it. , that’s why they tend to talk
a lot, makes jokes to lighten the mood, they are very happy persons that’s why they try to ease
the mood by making jokes and they are willing to listen to someone sharing or talking to them,
Having humour in one’s voice can allow people to speak their mind quite openly.

Prefer to keep a close proximity with one another. This is not that noticeable so beware and if
you are too far from them they may think that you are avoiding them.
Physical contact is normal and affectionate with hugging and hand holding in public being
normal. Touching or feeling the other person is part of how they communicate. Others may find
it uncomfortable but it’s normal to them.
Eye contact is important. While talking, eye contact is important to the Italians. It’s a sign that
you are listening to them and that you are focused. Also be aware that staring is generally
considered rude and can also represent an act of defiance if a person of low social status stares
at someone higher than them.
Expressive from facial expressions, gestures and other body language. Expect many gestures to
be used during communication and consider how much you use your own in comparison. Newly
migrated Italians can often interpret Australian body language to be stiff and reserved.

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