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To create a meaningful ending, we must track and bring resolution to all the

questions/conflicts the story presents. There are three types of conflicts (or
stakes) a story may have:

- EXTERNAL STAKES: A specific goal (Varun goal) = To form a romantic relationship

with Tina and make her love her him fully
- INTERNAL STAKES: The Varun Character’s inner emotions = Will he choose to afraid
of being vulnerable and fear opening up emotionally to someone or move on from tina
- PHILOSOPHICAL STAKES: The theme of the story = They lean toward a negative or
positive side of the question. The side they are on at the end of the movie speaks
of the ultimate moral of the story.

Subject Matter : Modern Relationship

NEGATIVE SIDE :Unhealed trauma in past relationships, can cause emotional barriers
and isolation in future relationships. The negative side of the Modern Relationship
is that individuals who don't address their trauma are at risk of repeating
unhealthy patterns and isolating themselves emotionally

POSITIVE SIDE: People can confront and heal their unhealed trauma in contemporary
relationships, leading to healthier and more fulfilling connections in the future.
The positive side of the Modern relationship is that individuals can learn and grow
from their past experiences to build meaningful relationships.

Question : Does our fear of getting hurt and our tendency to put up emotional
barriers hinder our ability to form deep and meaningful connections with others?

Moral of the story would likely revolve around the importance of addressing and
healing one's emotional wounds from past relationships, thereby breaking the cycle
of unhealed trauma and fostering healthier, more meaningful connections in the
future. It encourages the audience to consider the significance of personal growth
and emotional healing in the context of modern relationships.

Now let's see how these elements are used in RollerCoaster to convey the main
Final scene begins with Varun is blocked by Tina indicating Varun haven't achieved
what he want.
When Kavya is approached with proposal, He chooses to be in the moment & go with
the flow indicating Varun chooses to avoid emotional attachment, because he is
afraid of getting hurt

fear of vulnerable

Contrast Characters :
Varun's Corruption Arc is a transformation from a hopeful, emotionally open
individual to a guarded, emotionally distant one, resulting from the unresolved
trauma and heartbreak he experiences in his relationship with Tina.

Tina's character flaw - Indecisiveness.She struggles with making clear decisions,

especially in her romantic relationships, and often wavers in her choices. This
indecisiveness causes emotional turmoil for both herself and Varun, and it's a
central issue in the story's development.

Varun's character flaw of "Codependency. He becomes overly emotionally dependent on

Tina, allowing her emotional highs and lows to significantly affect his own well-
Tina is portrayed as someone who believes in living in the moment and embracing the
present without overthinking the future. She values experiences and emotions over
long-term plans.

Varun's initial flaws could be his tendency to overthink the future, be insecure,
and have self-doubt which is in contrast to Tina's character, who values living in
the moment.

Tina Character:
- Living in the Moment: Tina values the idea of experiencing life in the present,
which sometimes clashes with Varun's desire for commitment and stability. This
raises questions about whether living in the moment is truly fulfilling or if it
leads to emotional instability.

- Honesty: Tina is brutally honest about her feelings, her past, and her
intentions. Varun, on the other hand, learns to appreciate her honesty even when
it's difficult to hear.

From Tina character:

follow his heart and desire for a deep connection with Tina amidst Tina's mixed
signals and the shadow of her past relationship or will he opt for a safer, more
emotionally guarded path?

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