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Jassim Iraqi Journal of Science. Vol 53.No 4.2012.

Pp 814-818

Electromagnetic Transition Strengths in110Cd Nucleus

Fatima Abdul Amir Jassim

Department of Physics, College of Education Ibn Al-Haithem, University of Baghdad,Baghdad,Iraq.

Pure transition strengths [M(E1)]2 W.u ,[M(E2)]2 W.u and [M(M1)]2 W.u for γ-transitions
from four excited states in 110 Cd populated in the 108 Pd (α,2n) reaction have been studied
through the mean life times with relative intensities of γ- transitions measurements.
Good information describes the main features of the transition modes for electric
quadrupole [M(E2)]2 W.u and electric dipole [M(E1)]2 W.u in addition to magnetic dipole
[M(M1)]2 W.u are concluded .
PACS:- 27.60-j, 23.20-g, 23.20.Ck, 23.20.Gq.

Keywords: Pure transition strengths [M(E1)]2 W.u , [M(E2)]2 W.u and [M(M1)]2 W.u

Cd ‫قوى االنتقال الكهرومغناطيسي في نواة الكادميوم‬

‫فاطمة عبد األمير جاسم‬

.‫ العراق‬- ‫ بغداد‬,‫ كمية التربية (أبن الهيثم) –جامعة بغداد‬- ‫قسم الفيزياء‬

‫تم حساب قوى االنتقال النتقاالت رباعي القطب الكهربائي وثنائي القطب الكهربائي والمغناطيسي النقية من‬
108 110
‫وذلك باالستعانة بمعدل أعمار‬ Pd (α,2n) ‫المتولدة من التفاعل‬ Cd ‫بعض المستويات المتهيجة لنواة‬
2 2
[M(E1)] W.u , [M(E2)] ‫ أ ن القيم المحسوبة لكل من‬. ‫المستويات المتهيجة والشدة النسبية ألشعة كاما المنتقمة‬
.‫ قد ساهمت قي التحميل الدقيق لطبيعة ت مك االنتقاالت‬W.u ,[M(M1)]2 W.u

Jassim Iraqi Journal of Science. Vol 53.No 4.2012.Pp 814-818

Introduction  1  L .............................
The transition strengths for gamma transitions Then  2  2 (6)
are important parameters which use to determine  1   L 1

the relative importance Since Гγ Т≈ћ ……………………(7)
of the collective and single-particle effect to Гγ is the total width
describe the level structure of the nucleus and h
transitions modes . Ћ= = 0.65822x 10-15 eV.s h is Plank
The study for electromagnetic transitions in 2
Cd nucleus by Kostov[1]is provided constant.
additional experimental information about the According to eq.(2) and eq.(7) equation (6) may
existing levels structure , where the present be written as:
calculations for the absolute L  1
2  ……………………(8)
Electromagnetic transitions [M(EL,ML)]2 W.u L 
in110 Cd nucleus are giving an accurate results Where
for transition modes structure to theoretical Гγ L =Г(L) +Г(L+1) ……..…….…… (9)
physicists for their transition modes predictions Partial width ( Г γ L ) of each γ-ray can be
calculated as .[3] suggested
Theory Гγ L = BRi x Гγ ………………….….(10)
The WeissKoph single-particle transition BRi is the branching ratio of (γi ) can be
probability B(EL,ML) is defined [2] as the ratio calculated from
of the single-particle half-life time to the Ii
experimental half-life time for gamma transition BR( γi ) = x100 % .................(11)
t 1 EL, ML SP
 I tot
B(EL,ML)W.u = 2
……… ….(1) Where
t 1 EL, ML exp

Iγ i is the relative intensity of γ i
Itot =∑I γ i ……………………….(12)
Where L is the multi polarities L=1,2,3, L≠ 0 (Summation for all γ de excited from certain
The half –life and mean life Т are related by level)
the following relation While the γ-ray transition strength [M(EL,ML)]2
1 is defined in [4] as the ratio of gamma width to
Т= 2 …………………………..(2) gamma width in Weiss Kopf unit (W.u )
ln 2
For the Kth γ-ray of n γ-rays de exciting a level
,the partial half –life for γ-ray emission
EL, ML exp
[M(EL,ML)]2 W.u = ……….(13)
is related to the level half –life by [2]
EL, ML W .u

 1  i 
t 1    t 1  I  
From eqs. ( 1,2, 7 and 13) , can be concluded
 … ..(3)
2 2 i 1
 Ik 
B(EL,ML)W.u = [M(EL,ML)]2 W.u ..( 14)
Where the summation is over the intensity of Hence recommended upper limits for
EL, ML exp are exactly is those presented in
all γ-ray de exciting the level, correcting for
EL, ML W .u
the internal conversion coefficient  i .
table-1 [2] for t 1 EL, ML SP For a pure M1 or
Ik is the intensity of Kth γ-ray. For γ-transition 2

with mixed multi polarities L and L+1 the γ-ray

t1 EL, ML exp

half-life time become E2 , δ=0 and hence

Г(M1) or Г(E2) = Г γ ……… .(15)
τ½( γ )L = τ½( γ ) (1+δ2 )…………..(4) The transition strength of this transition
τ½( γ )L+1 = τ½( γ ) 1  2  .......….(5)
2 can then calculated using eq .(13)
 On the basis of an extreme single particle
Where δ is mixing ratio model
the following values for the γ- widths in W.u. for

Jassim Iraqi Journal of Science. Vol 53.No 4.2012.Pp 814-818

nuclear of mass nomber. A may be obtained(Eγ internal conversion coefficient αtot . [1] as
in KeV. Гγw in eV ) .[2] showing in two last columns of table-3.
ML exp
Г(M1)W.u. = 2.0722x10-11 E .... ....(16)
Eqs. M ML 
 and ,
ML W .u
W .u .

Г(E1)W.u =6.7469x … ….. (17)

5 3
Г(E2)W.u = 4.7907X 10-23 A E ……(18)
El exp
M El  W .u. 
were used .Г(ML) and
Results and Calculations El W .u
1-Mean life times (  m ) for the excited states
Г(EL) are presented in table-2.
calculated by using eq. (2) from half life times Possible with reduced transitions probabilities
(τ½) related to these states measuring in [1] are B(EL,ML)W.u
present in table-2 with the total gamma widths
(Гγ ) calculated by eq .(7)
2-The partial gamma width (Г γ L )was calculated
for each γ-transition by eq.(10) Where branching Table-1:  ( W.u ) 1 (exp.) (Recommended upper
ratio can be calculated from eq. (11) .The 1
2 2
transition strengths [M(ML)]2 , [M(EL)]2 limits) [2]
then calculated by dividing partial gamma width Multipolarity 91≤A≤150
Г(ML) and Г(EL) by corresponding partial E1 0.01
gamma width in W.u. E2 300
3- the final results thus obtained by step2 are
M1 3
presented and compared where possible with
reduced transitions probabilities B(EL,ML)W.u
values extracted from half -lives corrected for
Table-2: Experimental values(Initial energies, half lives, initial and final spin for excited levels ,relative intensities for
gamma transitions ) in 110Cd nucleus are reported in [1] and used in present work
Ref.[1] Τ Гγ x10-6 B.R.% Г(EL,M L)X10
Ke  1 ns Eγ I γ EL,M L ns eV
361 0.45(10) → 0.6494 1.0136±0.2253
1 171.3 14.2 E2 ±0.1443 12.40 12571±2790
265.2 4.3 E1 3.76 3806±846
335.6 93.9 E2 82.01 83128 ±18473
423.5 2.1 E2 1.83 1859 ± 413

305 2.25(10) 3.2467 0.20273 ±

6 159.7 23.9 E2 ±0.14430 0.00901 29.69 6019±268
176.5 56.6 M1 70.31 14254±268

302 0.30(10) 0.4329±0. 1.52047±0.506

9 149.9 4.8 M1 14430 82 7.67 11659±3886
369.2 4.4 E2 7.03 10687±3562
489.4 22.9 E2 36.58 55621±18540
549.1 30.5 E1 48.72 74080±24694

287 0.60(10) 0.8658±0. 0.76024±0.126

9 219.3 3.5 E2 1443 71 1.45 1102±184
339.5 57.9 E2 23.99 18234±3039
399.2 180 E1 74.57 56687±9448

Jassim Iraqi Journal of Science. Vol 53.No 4.2012.Pp 814-818

Table-3:Transition strengths [M(EL,ML)]2 W.u values from some excited levels in 110 Cd nucleus are compared
with reduced transition probabilities B(EL,ML)W.u reported in [1]

Ei Kev. Eγ EL ,ML [M(EL,ML)]2 W.u B(EL,ML)W.u

Kev. Present Work Ref.[1]
3611 →
171.3 E2 33.8(7.5) 33.5(8.5)
265.2 E1 1.3(3)x10-6 1.3(3) x10-6
335.6 E2 7.7(1.7) 7.7(1.8)
423.5 E2 5.4(1.2) x10-2 5.4(1.8) x10-2

159.7 E2 22.9(1.0) 20(1)
176.5 M1 1.3(1) x10-3 5.1(2.6)x10-4

149.9 M1 1.7(6) x10-3 1.6(7) x10-3
369.2 E2 0.6(2) 0.6(3)
489.4 E2 0.78(0.26) 0.8(3)
549.1 E1 2.9(1.0) x10-6 2.9(1.0) x10-6

219.3 E2 0.9(1) 0.9(2)
339.5 E2 1.6(3) 1.6(3)
399.2 E1 5.8(1.0) x10-6 5.8(1.0) x10-6

The results of our analysis to table -3 is that; 4-The largest values of [M(E2)]2 W.u to electric
1- Transitions strengths for all γ- transitions in the quadrupole transitions for;171.3 KeV.
present work are in excellent agreement with that transition from 3611 KeV level, and 159.7 KeV.
of experimental of .[1] excepted B(M1)W.u value transition from 3056 KeV, level are
reported in .[1] for 176.5 KeV. indicated ; a high collectivity of excited states and
transition from 3056 KeV level is unaccurate it the cooperative effects between nucleons governs
may be equal to1.14(5) x10-3 by using eqs(3 and 1) the behavior of the transitions.
with the experimental data of table-1 in [1] since Where the[M(E2)]2 W.u value for 335.6 KeV.
αtot is equal to 0.098. transition from 3611 KeV,.level reveals
2-All the [M(EL,ML)]2 W.u values within the the inter play of collective and single-particle
associated errors are consistent with upper limit excitation in nucleus .While all very low
presented in table-1. transition strengths values of E1 and E2
3- A recent study of the mixing transitions for ∆I= transitions in table-3 are indicating allow
0,1 in neutron rich isotopes indicated that nearly collectivity of the excited states and the
pure M1 radiation was observed [5].For the dominance of single particle degrees of freedom
following transitions; the 176.5 KeV. [6] .
transition from 3056 KeV. level and the
149.9Kev. transition from 3029 KeV.
level in 110 Cd isotope are observed to be almost
M1 radiation

Jassim Iraqi Journal of Science. Vol 53.No 4.2012.Pp 814-818

[1] Kostov L.K. , Andrejtscheff W., Kostova L.G.,
Kaubler L. , Prade H.,and Schwenngner R 1998,
Absolute E1and E2 transition rates in 110 Cd,
Eur.Phys.J. A2, p.263-273.
[2] Fore stone R.B., and Shirley V.S., 1999,
Appendix 1 . Reduced transition Probabilities,
Table of Isotopes , 8th edition, John Wiley and
Sons ,p.1.1-1.8.
[3] Martin B.R., 2008, Nuclear and particle
physics ,3rd Edition ,John Wiely and sons P.27

[4]Skerka S.J., Hertal J.and Retzschaidt, 1966,

Nucl.Data A2, p.341
[5] Fenker B.B., 2010,Multipole mixing ratios of
transitions out high spin gamma vibrational states
in neutron rich Mo ,Ru isotopes ,Vanderbilt
University ,Nashville TN 37235 undergraduate
Departmental Honors Thesis ,P.6.
[6] Lucas R., 1998, Nuclear shapes , Euro physics
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Jassim Iraqi Journal of Science. Vol 53.No 4.2012.Pp 814-818


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