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DATE: 5th Oct, 2023 TIME:10:20-11:40 DURATION: 80 minutes

FORM: 1.1 AGE RANGE: 11-12

SUBJECT: English Literature TOPIC: Plot Structure


• List the parts that form the structure of the plot

• Define each part of the plot
• Draw a graphic organizer that includes each part of the plot
• Organize the events of a narrative in a graphic organizer


• Lecture
• Direct Instruction
• Collaborative Learning


Projector, Laptop, Whiteboard, Erasable Markers


The students will be shown two short films which showcase two completely different narratives

or stories. The teacher will ask them for any similarities before relating their answer to plot

structure. Ultimately revealing that the biggest similarity they hold is the structure of the plot or

the order of events.

After the set induction, the teacher will show the next slide of the power point which lists the

parts of a plot. Using the lecture strategy, the teacher will go through each part such as;

exposition or orientation and the rising action, while using examples from popular movies

provided by the students. Next, the teacher will show a slide with a graph that organizes the

events from one of the short films.

The teacher will then delegate a task to the students. They will be instructed to play a slower

game of ‘tag’ that requires them to create and continue a narrative or story. Students will close

their eyes and listen to the prompt that is given. The teacher will then tap one student to continue

the story until the teacher says to choose the next person. To choose that person the student must

walk to them and tap their shoulder. When the story is finished the teacher will guide the

students into separating the events on the board to fit the graph.


Lastly the students will have the chance to rewatch the other short film and separate the events to

show the structure of the plot.

CLOSURE - Question

Select three students to tell the class the name of their favorite movie or book and the events that

reflect the exposition and the climax.


Read chapter 5-10 and begin to organize the events within a graph.

This lesson plan outlines an introductory class on plot structure to prepare students for
future plot analysis. Its objectives showcase both lower and higher order thinking skills,
beginning from the cognitive with listing and defining, drawing for application and organizing to
reflect synthesis. The set induction being short films, is a good way to grab the attention of
students, especially in their age group and it integrates technology in a purposeful way. It also
allowed the teacher to build on something students were familiar with; narratives and
storytelling, so that they would see the topic as an extension of their current knowledge. Students
were most excited about the game of tag, which allowed them to take part in a kinesthetic
activity. By having one person move around at a time, it also took into consideration the
environment, as the class is quite small for the number of students it has. The lesson plan does
incorporate the cognitive, the kinesthetic and affective domains but the affective one only shows
slightly in the closure. It may be best to make it abundantly clear in the future. The kinesthetic
element seemed crucial considering the length of the class, as it allowed students to move around
and enjoy themselves.

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