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This is a primarily diagnostic tool that helps doctors in detecting skin
cancer lesions at an early stage
UNET Architecture

Our skin cancer detection model is based on the U-Net architecture, a convolutional neural
network (CNN) designed for image segmentation tasks. The U-Net architecture is characterized
by its symmetric contracting and expansive paths, enabling it to capture fine-grained details and
spatial information.

Detected Lesions Results

We used such images for our dataset which was Our results highlight the effectiveness of our
crucial in training our model to accurately machine learning model in skin cancer
segment all types of lesions. We used a dataset detection, emphasizing its robustness and
which was publicly available for training our generalization, crucial for a practical diagnostic
model. tool. These findings shift our focus from model
performance to its clinical implications and
transformative potential in improving skin cancer
diagnosis and patient care
Advantages of Using UNET Architecture
Precision Adaptability

The UNET Architecture provides highly The model can detect skin cancer lesions on
accurate an precise results. Our model a wide range of skin types, due the diversity
achieved an accuracy of 98%. in our dataset.

Empowering Dermatologists

This model can efficiently detect the skin lesions, thus providing assistance in clinical diagnosis of
melanoma. The current model can be expanded by training a classifier model that can classify
between melanoma and other non cancerous lesions.
In clinical practice, this could translate to quicker diagnoses, reduced treatment costs, and ultimately,
saved lives. Dermatologists and healthcare professionals could use our system as a valuable screening
tool, aiding them in making more accurate and timely decisions regarding patient care.

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