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Research Training

School of Physics, Faculty of

Sciences Industrial University of
We build future


Cristian Alberto Rojas Ortiz. 2215140 – Student - Industrial Engineering.

Loren Daniela Ramírez Estupiñán. 2215130 - Student - Industrial Engineering.

Luna Sofia Jaimes Murillo. 2215118 - Student - Civil Engineering

Wilmer Gerardo Jaimes Ortiz. 2215114 - Student - Civil Engineering.

"All movement is cyclical. It circles to the limit of its possibilities and then returns to its starting

Robert Collier


During the research process in the laboratory, a theoretical-practical form of a particle is

evidenced, in which were provided by the teacher, the instruments used were the following: a
cannon, a plumb line, a tape measure, a pellet, a tube and a sheet of carbon paper. The activity
consisted of making three launches with an angle of 0° and another of 45°, taking into account
that in all launches the cannon was at the same pitch. Measurements of the initial height and
distance were taken to calculate the time and initial velocity with which the projectile exits in
the different launches.

Research Training
School of Physics, Faculty of
Sciences Industrial University of
We build future


The following report describes the experience gained in the laboratory by putting into practice
what has been studied theoretically and shows in a clear and summarized form the methods
used in the experiment.
The development of concepts such as velocity, distance and gravity that influenced the work
was also explicitly. This report is a simple presentation of certain phenomena analyzed by
Galileo. A common type of motion in a curved trajectory is that of a projectile; or the expression
projectile is applied to a ball, in this case to the pellet.


The materials used in the experiment were:

• A cannon.
• A plumb line.
• A tape measure.
• A tube.
• A sheet of carbón paper.
• A pellet.
We proceeded to install the laboratory material to perform this practice. The cannon was placed
at 0º, with the help of a plumb line, the height at which the 3 shots would be fired was measured
and the distances in the same direction were obtained by means of a tape measure.
The launcher was loaded with an iron pellet which represented the projectile in the represented
the projectile in it to determine the point at which the projectile falls to the ground.
In the launch 1 at 0° from the launching cannon to the cardboard tube that was prepared with a
sheet of carbon paper and another white one on top, to perform such launches directly obtaining
the point of arrival of the pellet. The height was taken from the ground to the point marked on

Research Training
School of Physics, Faculty of
Sciences Industrial University of
We build future

the carbon paper that indicated where the pellet touched the ground. indicated where the pellet
touched the ground. The above process was repeated, however for launch 2,3 and 4 different
distances were taken closer and closer to the cannon.
In the second phase of the laboratory, the angle of the launcher was changed to 45 degrees with
respect to the table. Similar to the previous experiment, data were taken on the distance traveled
and the initial velocity of the projectile.
This launch will be made directly to the neighboring slab already marked with a carbon paper
and 3 launches are made at 45º, obtaining a parabolic movement. Parabolic movement through
which we will find the maximum horizontal range with the help
of the formulas.


Distance in x(m) Distance in y(m) Time (s) Initial velocity in Average

x (m/s) velocity (Vox)

0,6 0,817 0,137 4,379

0,8 0,747 0,182 4,395 4,281
9 0,635 0,236 4,237
1,3 0,420 0,316 4,113
Table 1. Data logging

Maximum theoretical range Maximum experimental Margin of error (%)

(m) range (m)

1,870 1,891 1,122

Table 2. Calculation of the error

Research Training
School of Physics, Faculty of
Sciences Industrial University of
We build future


For the first part the velocity was calculated based on the distance traveled by the projectile, in
this part of the practice there are errors in the measurement due to the instability of the leaves
when the projectile collided, this was moving in addition to the measurements were taken in
view of the author, which makes the measurement is not accurate if not approximate. Thanks
to the use of the equation it is possible to calculate the theoretical value of the time since we
know the initial conditions, this time is the time it takes the projectile to travel the entire distance
X since the condition that exists is that YF = 0 cm which is when the projectile is on the ground.
In the second phase, thanks to the system conditions it was possible to calculate the distance X
in a theoretical way that the projectile traveled when launched at an angle of 45 degrees, this
value had an error of 1.122% due to the factors mentioned above, in addition to the sensitivity
of the objects, the resistance generated by the air (loss of energy) since at all times is considered
an ideal system which is not true.


Thanks to the laboratory practice it was possible to understand the concept of parabolic and
semiparabolic throw as we evaluated different situations related to this phenomenon and we
could solve them all, these situations mentioned which are the calculation of the initial velocity,
the maximum horizontal and vertical distance, the launch angle, the time required to reach the
maximum values made this practice something fruitful in addition to clarify the use of formulas
for kinematics. Parabolic motion was studied by understanding the characteristics of motion in
the two axes, understanding that in the x-axis, the velocity is constant, while in the y-axis the
motion is accelerated, due to the acceleration of gravity. It was possible to understand that at all
times the parabolic throw is developed in 2 dimensions therefore it is important to always know
the value of the angle to decompose the forces in the coordinate axes and use the appropriate

Research Training
School of Physics, Faculty of
Sciences Industrial University of
We build future

corresponding value, this situation was clearly reflected in the velocities of the system. With
respect to the launch angle it was found that it directly influences the components of the
parabolic throw since these are involved with the sine and cosine of the angle depending on the
axis that we are going to work. The % of error is admissible and this value is due in great part
to the fact that the worked system does not consider variables such as sensitivity of the objects,
human errors or friction generated by the air.


Khan, S. (2021) What is 2D projectile motion. Khan Academy.

What is 2D projectile motion? (article) | Khan Academy

Fernández, J. (2021). Parabolic movement. FISICALAB.

Movimiento Parabólico (

Diplakiz, W. (s.f.). Ondas y particulas. Obtenido de Ondas y particulas:

EcuRed. (s.f.). Obtenido de EcuRed:

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