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What festivals are celebrated in


Despite Iceland's long and dark winters, the locals are some of the
happiest people in the world. Why? One reason is that they
understand the importance of getting together for a festival and
having a good time, even if it’s cold and pitch black outside. There
are many festivals and events to celebrate throughout the year, but
here are some of the most popular to look out for:

Winter Lights Festival
Viking Festival
National Day

Dalvik Fiskidagurinn Mikli (The Great Fish Day)

1. Thorrablot
This annual mid-winter feast dates back to the Viking days, and is
named after the historical Icelandic calendar month of Thorri. Ir
corresponds to mid-January to mid-February on today's calendar. At
the feast, speeches are given and poems are recited, which originally
would have honoured the Norse god, Thor. The term 'blot' refers to
ancient sacrifices and calling this feast a 'blot' is an ode to Pagan
times – an important part of Iceland's past. During Thorrablot, diners
in Reykjavik can join in and eat local delicacies like hakarl (rotten
shark meat), svid (boiled sheep's head) and blodmor (Icelandic black
pudding). This is all washed down with the traditional Brennivin –
schnapps made from potato and caraway seeds. This drink isn't
called 'black death' for nothing! If you're lucky, you can enjoy
Thorrablot at a local's home, but if not, some restaurants offer
Thorrablot-style menus during the festival season.

2. Winter Lights Festival

Travelling to Iceland in February offers its perks as, each year,
Reykjavik plays host to Iceland's Winter Lights Festival – featuring art
and light installations, as well as activities and events around the city
to celebrate Iceland in winter and the re-emerging light after a period
of darkness. Even though the days actually begin to get longer after
the Winter Solstice in December, it's said that February is the month
when the benefits of increasing sunlight are felt. This isn’t surprising,
as Iceland gains almost three more hours of daylight a day in
February! Wander around many of the major museums, geothermal
pools and buildings in Reykjavik to see how the festival brightens up
the night.

3. Viking Festival
Modern-day Vikings in traditional dress head to Hafnarfjorour on the
second weekend in June for a festival dedicated to celebrating the
traditional Scandinavian seafaring traders. Different aspects of
Viking culture are on display throughout the weekend, including its
cuisine, handicrafts, storytelling, archery and even demonstration
battles. There's also a market, so you can get in the spirit and stock
up on all things Viking.

4. National Day
National Day on 17 June marks Iceland's decision to become a
republic in 1944. The actual referendum took place in late May of
that year, but it's commemorated in June on the birthday of the
country's independence hero, Jon Sigurdsson, who originally led the
movement in the late 19th century. On the day, there are parades and
celebrations in Reykjavik and smaller parades around the country.
Also, every year, a woman is chosen to be Fjallkonan, or the 'Lady of
the Mountain', dressing in a traditional costume and reading a poem
at Austurvollur Square, near Jon Sigurdsson's statue in the capital.

5. Dalvik Fiskidagurinn Mikli (The Great Fish

Free food? Yes please! On the first or second Saturday in August
each year, the northern fishing village of Dalvik hosts The Great Fish
Day, which gets as many people as possible together for a buffet on
the harbour, tasting fresh fish and other seafood from the region.
There's shrimp, herring, salads and a huge, eight-metre-long
barbecue to grill haddock, cod, salmon, redfish and catfish for fish
burgers. There's also entertainment, art shows, fjord cruises and a
street theatre along the waterfront. The purpose is to get travellers
to visit Dalvik and to appreciate and celebrate the great seafood on
offer in Iceland. You might come for the free food, but you’ll stay for
the warm company and the lively atmosphere.

For a current list of public holidays in Iceland, go to World Travel


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