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Disadvantages of Target Costing Time-consuming: Target costing requires significant time and

resources to implement. It involves cross-functional collaboration, continuous monitoring, and

ongoing cost-reduction efforts, which can be time-consuming and costly. Limited applicability:
It may not be applicable to all businesses or products. It is most effective for products with high
sales volumes and significant cost components. Limited focus on quality: It is primarily focused
on cost reduction and profitability. It leads to a narrow focus on product quality. This could lead
to quality issues in the product, which could negatively impact customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Supplier dependency: This method requires close collaboration with suppliers, which could lead
to a dependence on them for cost reduction. This could impact the company’s ability to negotiate
with suppliers. Inflexibility: It requires a clear target cost to be set early in the product
development process. This could limit flexibility in the design and development of the product.
This could impact its ability to meet changing customer needs or market demands. give solutins
for these problems

Certainly, while target costing has its disadvantages, there are potential solutions or ways to
mitigate these issues:

1. Time-consuming:
o Solution: Implement efficient project management and communication tools to
streamline collaboration and information sharing among cross-functional teams.
Establish clear timelines and milestones to keep the process on track.
2. Limited applicability:
o Solution: Assess the suitability of target costing for each product or business
segment. For products with lower sales volumes or diverse cost structures,
consider alternative costing methods. Customize the approach based on the
specific characteristics of the product or business.
3. Limited focus on quality:
o Solution: Integrate quality considerations into the target costing process. Develop
quality metrics and performance indicators alongside cost targets. Implement
regular quality audits and checks to ensure that cost reductions do not
compromise product quality.
4. Supplier dependency:
o Solution: Diversify the supplier base to reduce dependency on a single supplier.
Develop contingency plans and alternative sourcing strategies to maintain
negotiating power. Foster long-term partnerships with multiple suppliers,
encouraging healthy competition and ensuring a more resilient supply chain.
5. Inflexibility:
o Solution: Build flexibility into the target costing process by allowing for periodic
reviews and adjustments. Emphasize a dynamic approach that accommodates
changes in customer needs, market conditions, or technological advancements.
Consider incorporating agile project management methodologies to adapt to
evolving requirements.

It's important to note that target costing should be seen as a tool that can be adapted and tailored
to the unique needs and circumstances of a business. Regular evaluations and adjustments can
help address these challenges and enhance the effectiveness of target costing in achieving cost
efficiency while maintaining product quality.

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