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Drogo Baggins

Heroic Culture
Hobbit of the Shire Age
Distinctive Features
Faithful, Honourable

strength heart wits

3 6 5
15 12 13
TN 23 TN 18 TN 17

skill s
Awe Enhearten Persuade

Athletics Travel Stealth

Awareness Insight Scan

current current
Hunting Healing Explore endurance hope

Song Courtesy Riddle

Craft Battle Lore

combat proficiencies rewards virtues

1 1
Confidence (+2 maximum
Hope, already counted in the total)
Bows Weary Wounded

Swords travelling gear

Fine Cloak and Hat (AWE)
war gear Damage Injury Load Notes ARMOUR Protection Load


SHIELD Parry Load

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)

drogo baggins
I get myself all settled in Buckland and ready to get married with a
nice wing of Brandy Hall all to myself, and Cousin Bilbo goes calling
me to Hobbiton! It’s not quite proper, mind you. But I’ve done my fair
share of improper things, I suppose, like packing up to live across the
Brandywine like some boot-wearing river-Hobbit. Primula tells me
I need to buck up my courage (a little Brandybuck humor, that) and
get past my fears if I’m ever to earn a proper place at Brandy Hall.
So, I suppose we’ll see what strangeness Cousin Bilbo’s got planned,
so long as there’s no boats involved. I’m still a proper Westfarthing
Hobbit, and not comfortable with those untrustworthy contraptions yet.

Drogo Baggins is about fifty years old at the time of these adventures, and is quite
the proper Hobbit, if a little overweight. One day, he will marry his lovely Primula,
and the two will have a son, Frodo Baggins.

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)


Esmeralda Took

Heroic Culture
Hobbit of the Shire Age
Distinctive Features
Eager, Merry

strength heart wits

2 7 5
15 11 13
TN 22 TN 17 TN 17

skill s
Awe Enhearten Persuade

Athletics Travel Stealth

Awareness Insight Scan

current current
Hunting Healing Explore endurance hope

Song Courtesy Riddle

Craft Battle Lore

combat proficiencies rewards virtues

1 1
Axes Prowess (−1 S T R E N GT H TN)
Bows Weary Wounded

Swords travelling gear

Tookish Walking Stick (TRAVEL)
war gear Damage Injury Load Notes ARMOUR Protection Load


SHIELD Parry Load

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)

esmeralda took
Oh, this is going to be delightful! A true Baggins Adventure right here,
set out by the Master of Bag End himself! Yes, I know I’m technically here
because Great Aunt Lalia wanted me to make sure “that Mad Baggins
didn’t stir up any nonsense”, and more likely to get me out of Tuckborough
for a few days after the to-do at her birthday party last year, but that
wasn’t my fault, and truth be told, I plan on coming back with a good
story or two in my pocket. In fact, I’ve no doubt that I’ll have more yarns
to spin than Gammer Rosa keeps by that creaking old rocker of hers.

A great-granddaughter of Gerontius, the Old Took, she is still in her tweens. She
was about five years old when Bilbo Baggins left Bag End to go and claim the gold
of Smaug the Dragon. She’ll marry Saradoc Brandybuck, and one day become
the mother of one Meriadoc Brandybuck.

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)


Lobelia Bracegirdle

Hobbit of the Shire Inquisitive, Keen-eyed

Heroic Culture Age Distinctive Features

strength heart wits

2 6 6
16 12 12
TN 22 TN 16 TN 18

skill s
Awe Enhearten Persuade

Athletics Travel Stealth

Awareness Insight Scan

current current
Hunting Healing Explore endurance hope

Song Courtesy Riddle

Craft Battle Lore

combat proficiencies rewards virtues

1 1
Axes Mastery (2 bonus Favoured
Skills, already counted in the total) conditions
Bows Weary Wounded

Swords travelling gear

Exquisite Umbrella (PERSUADE)
war gear Damage Injury Load Notes ARMOUR Protection Load


SHIELD Parry Load

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)

lobelia bracegirdle
Can you believe the gall of that… that… Brandybuck! Oh, he calls
himself a Baggins, but no right and proper Baggins would run off
with a pack of mad Dwarves and a half-cracked wizard into the blue,
let alone have the audacity to show his face over a year later with a
pony full of gold and pretend everything’s right as rain! I’ll not have it,
I tell you. And I’ll not have him bringing anymore undo scandal to
the proper people of the Shire. He’s up to something, calling Tooks and
Brandbucks to Bag End for some nasty, troublesome business no doubt.

The daughter of Blanco Bracegirdle and Primrose Boffin, Lobelia has yet to marry
Otho Sackville-Baggins. She’s about forty years old, and she has already seen her
ambition to enter Bag End as rightful owner disappear once, when Bilbo returned
from his adventure against all odds.

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)


Paladin Took II

Hobbit of the Shire Eager, Rustic

Heroic Culture Age Distinctive Features

strength heart wits

3 7 4
15 11 14
TN 23 TN 17 TN 17

skill s
Awe Enhearten Persuade

Athletics Travel Stealth

Awareness Insight Scan

current current
Hunting Healing Explore endurance hope

Song Courtesy Riddle

Craft Battle Lore

combat proficiencies rewards virtues

1 1
Axes Nimbleness (+1 to Parry,
already counted in the total)
Bows Weary Wounded

Swords travelling gear

Tookish Wayfarer Bundle (EXPLORE)
war gear Damage Injury Load Notes ARMOUR Protection Load


SHIELD Parry Load

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)

paladin took ii
Minding my business in Whitwell and who should come trundling
up the lane of my farm but young Esmeralda! Off to see Cousin
Bilbo she is, and I thought to myself, that is a right fine idea.
What’s wrong with a Took having a touch of fun before settling
down and becoming a proper farmer? I’m still a tween myself, why
not set off responsibility for another season or two and honor my
great-grandfather with a bit of adventure? Seems only proper.

Underage brother to Esmeralda Took, and future Thain, for the moment his only
claim to fame is being the oldest son of Adalgrim Took, and a newly-settled farmer
from Whitwell. One day, he’ll have a son, and name him Peregrin.

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)


Primula Brandybuck

Heroic Culture
Hobbit of the Shire Age
Distinctive Features
Fair-spoken, Faithful

strength heart wits

4 6 4
14 12 13
TN 24 TN 16 TN 16

skill s
Awe Enhearten Persuade

Athletics Travel Stealth

Awareness Insight Scan

current current
Hunting Healing Explore endurance hope

Song Courtesy Riddle

Craft Battle Lore

combat proficiencies rewards virtues

1 1
Axes Prowess (−1 WITS TN)
Bows Weary Wounded

Swords travelling gear

Fancy Garments (COURTESY)
war gear Damage Injury Load Notes ARMOUR Protection Load


SHIELD Parry Load

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)

primula brandybuck
It’s quite proper that Drogo and I head back to Bag End for a bit.
We’ve not seen his Uncle Bilbo since Drogo promised to marry me right
there in front of everyone under the Party Tree. Dear Drogo may be stiff
at times, but he’s got a touch of his uncle in him. Rory’s coming along,
shrewd as ever and convinced something strange is afoot. Esmeralda is
convinced we’re going to find a dragon or some such nonsense. As for
Lobelia, well the less said the better. Someone’s got to keep a level head
in this whole affair, and it seems like I’m the only one fit for the job.

A cousin of Bilbo Baggins (on her mother’s side), Primula is the youngest daughter
of Gorbadoc Brandybuck, the Master of Buckland. Soon, she will marry Drogo
Baggins, and the two will have a son, Frodo.

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)


Rorimac Brandybuck

Heroic Culture
Hobbit of the Shire Age
Distinctive Features
Keen-eyed, Rustic

strength heart wits

4 5 5
14 13 13
TN 26 TN 15 TN 17

skill s
Awe Enhearten Persuade

Athletics Travel Stealth

Awareness Insight Scan

current current
Hunting Healing Explore endurance hope

Song Courtesy Riddle

Craft Battle Lore

combat proficiencies rewards virtues

1 1
Hardiness (+2 to maximum
Endurance, already counted in conditions
Bows Weary Wounded
the ­total)

Swords travelling gear

Rabbit-skinning Knife (HUNTING)
war gear Damage Injury Load Notes ARMOUR Protection Load


SHIELD Parry Load

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)

rorimac brandybuck
All those dragon tales and children’s stories aren’t without some
truth, I tell you. Mad Baggins is up to something, and I mean to find
out what. Plain and proper he was before that wizard dragged him
off into the blue, only to plop him back down over a year later with
a pack full of gold and a twinkle in his eye. I’m not judging him,
mind you. We Bucklanders get called strange enough by these stiff
Westfarthing Hobbits, but if Baggins is up to some new strangeness,
I mean to witness it first hand and see what’s going on for myself.

Brother to Primula, Rorimac (called ‘Rory’) will soon inherit the title of Master of
Buckland. For the moment, he’s a stout Hobbit, suspicious of anything uncanny,
and always ready to defend his sister.

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)


Balin, Son of Fundin

Dwar f of Durin’s Folk Eager, Inquisitive

Heroic Culture Age Distinctive Features

strength heart wits

5 4 5
13 14 13
TN 27 TN 12 TN 15

skill s
Awe Enhearten Persuade

Athletics Travel Stealth

Awareness Insight Scan

current current
Hunting Healing Explore endurance hope

Song Courtesy Riddle

Craft Battle Lore

combat proficiencies rewards virtues
4 3
Balin’s Axe (grievous, keen) Dark for Dark Business
Coat of Silver Mail (Inspired in the dark)
(close-fitting, cunning make) Dour-handed (add +1 to the damage Weary Wounded
Spears inflicted on a Heavy Blow)
Swords Durin’s Way (+2 Parry und erground) travelling gear
Dwar f-make Viol (SONG)
war gear Damage Injury Load Notes ARMOUR Protection Load

Balin’s Axe 6 18 2 Coat of Silver Mail 4d+2 10


SHIELD Parry Load

Shield +2 4

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)

balin, son of fundin
Oh, just popping in for a spot of tea, and what do I find but a fresh
throng of conspirators gathered once again around the table of dear
Bilbo Baggins, and gazing in the candlelight at some ancient map.
Well, bless my beard if our merry little adventure didn’t leave its
mark! Old habits die hard, or so they say, and it seems like Bilbo’s
company of would be “expert treasure hunters” could use a touch
of insight from those of us who go in for these kinds of things.

Balin is a hardened traveller. He has fought in many battles, but has never lost
his appetite for adventure. He accompanied Bilbo and Thorin in the Quest for
Erebor, and has developed a strong attachment to the old Hobbit burglar.

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)


Bilbo Baggins

Heroic Culture
Hobbit of the Shire Age
Distinctive Features
Fair-spoken, Honourable

strength heart wits

3 6 5
15 12 13
TN 23 TN 16 TN 17

skill s
Awe Enhearten Persuade

Athletics Travel Stealth

Awareness Insight Scan

current current
Hunting Healing Explore endurance hope

Song Courtesy Riddle

Craft Battle Lore

combat proficiencies rewards virtues

2 3
Axes Sting (Elven Shor t Sword, Brave at a Pinch (as long as you
are W eary or Wounded, you are conditions
see ‘War Gear’)
Bows Inspired on all rolls) Weary Wounded
Mastery (2 bonus Favoured Skills,
Spears already counted in the total)
Sure at the Mark (ranged attacks are travelling gear
Favoured, can throw rocks)
Bilbo’s Magic Ring (spend
war gear Damage Injury Load Notes ARMOUR Protection Load
1 Hope to turn invisible)
Sting 3 20 1 Glows when Orcs are nearby Finely-wrought Pipe (INSIGHT)
Thrown rocks 1 12 0

SHIELD Parry Load

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)

bilbo baggins
They call me cracked, odd, and even a touch mad. I suppose, by
Shire standards, they might be right. But, and perhaps I’m being a
bit overly Tookish here, I say, is there anything wrong with a little
adventure now and again? I dare say these silly simpletons and
gallivanting gossips could do with more excitement in their lives.
I’ve certainly had my fair share in my years - and a grand helping
it was all at once, I tell you! What with that business with Dwarves
and wizards and dragons and all. Ask a Bolger or Boffin, and they’ll
say no good came of it, but they don’t know what they’re missing!

A friend of bears and a guest of eagles, Bilbo Baggins is Ringwinner and Luckwearer,
and even Barrel-rider! He is at the same time the greatest Hobbit adventurer of
all time, and the most peace-loving one. But behind his joyous manners, he hides
a terrible secret…

Jeremy Felber (order #32538802)

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