Loollllllllllllllldrrr Pamore

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A Family Safety Plan is an essential tool designed to ensure the protection of the lives of our
loved ones during disasters and emergencies. This provides a structured plan to preparing for
natural calamities, emergencies as well as human-made incidents that might happen. A Family
Safety Plan's ability to reduce casualties, injuries, the impact of disasters on people's physical
and mental health is what makes it so important.

Disaster is a significant event that causes damage and destruction, whether be it natural
calamities or human-made incidents. Hazards are the potential threats and risks that can lead to
disasters or other unwanted consequences. A Disaster Risk Reduction is the systematic and
sustainable plan that can reduce risks that comes from disasters.

According to Marie Iannos et al. (2023), Planning for safety is a key practice element for
service providers of intensive home-based family support programs for high-risk families
with multiple complex problems. The ultimate aim is to ensure the parent is able to
provide adequate safety, stability and security so that the children can stay safe within
their family. Creating a safety plan is a collaborative task undertaken by parents and
worker together, rather than a set of "rules" imposed on the family. Engaging the family
respectfully, and acknowledging and utilizing the family's strengths are essential.
Addressing the family's basic survival and safety needs (physical safety, food, shelter,
and clothing) should be prioritized above other interventions (e.g., parenting strategies)
within the program. Safety goals should be clearly articulated in behavioral terms.
Workers are encouraged to review the safety plans regularly as the family achieves
their safety goals within the program, as well as work into the plan how the family will
manage any crises that may arise.

typhoon or tropical cyclones are among the most destructive weather phenomena. They are
intense circular storms that originate over warm tropical oceans, and have maximum sustained
wind speeds exceeding 119 kilometers per hour and heavy rains.

A housefire is a large fire that occurs in, around, or throughout a house.

Our house is located where houses are nearly closely clustered. When in rains, the canals can
occasionally be clogged leading to flooding and if a house fire occurs, it has the potential to
affect numerous families' homes resulting in both numerous injuries and property damage.

Conducting a home hazard hunt is important to ensure the safety and well-being of my family
and to our property. I started by observing and addressing the cracks on our walls as they could
be a potential damage of earthquake. It could also cause us harm when another earthquake
comes. Additionally, the leaks in one of our rooms is likely caused by typhoon-related issues
and it should be investigated promptly to prevent more damage and mold growth. Lastly, given
that some parts of our house are constructed of wood, like my room, it is more prone to have a
house fire and so it is an essential to implement fire safety measures.


 Typhoon
a) Household Information
During a typhoon, it is crucial to stay well-informed and vigilant. Listening to the
latest news updates is important, especially for flood warnings and on what’s
happening on the affected areas. To ensure the safety of your family, make sure
to bring the following items: Stock of food and water, important documents,
flashlight, clothes and a power bank if needed.
b) Out of Town Contact
My family has contacts of my relatives in Sampaloc, Manila
c) Emergency Meeting Place
i. Indoor
We can meet on the living are of our house. It is spacious and has a close
access to the entrance and exit.
ii. Outdoor
We can go to the nearest evacuation center which is the school near our
house, Maysilo Elementary School and a covered court in Maysilo
Covered Court.
iii. Outside of town/ city
We can evacuate to our relatives in Sampaloc, Manila.
 Earthquake
a. Household Information
During an earthquake, it is crucial to know the duck, cover, and hold to protect
your self during the disaster. Check your family members for possible injuries and
your house for possible damage. Call an ambulance in case of injuries.
b. Out of Town Contact
My family has contacts of my relatives in Sampaloc, Manila
c. Emergency Meeting Place
i. Indoor
We can meet on the living are of our house. It is spacious and has a
close access to the entrance and exit.
ii. Outdoor
We can go to the nearest evacuation center which is the school near our
house, Maysilo Elementary School and a covered court in Maysilo
Covered Court.
iii. Outside of town/ city
We can evacuate to our relatives in Sampaloc, Manila.

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