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Preview One

A Roleplaying Game of
Vile Villainy &
Glorious Adventure
Introduction 7
Wescot’s Folly 8
The Heresy Engine 15
Black Dice 15
Pool Modifiers 15
Opposition and Failure Numbers 16
Fighting and Combat 16
Initiative 16
Making an Attack 16
Ranged Weapons 17
Damage 17
Multiple Opponents 18
Multiple Actions 18
Firing into Melee 19
Armour 19
Magic and Sorcery 19
Failure and Catastrophe 20

Arthur Wescot and Friends 21

Attributes 21
Holmwood’s spells 21
Medium Abilities 22
Mr Arthur Wescot 23
Mrs Sophia Degrange 24
Mr. Jacob 25
Lusk 25
Mr Lawrence Holmwood 26
Sergeant Jack London 27
Miss Marianne van der Rynn 28

White Wedding 29
The Sequence of Events 29
Option A 29
Option B 29
A Night at the Opera 29
Sir, about my daughter... 30
New Friends 30
Enter the Groom 31
Among the People 33
The Wedding 34
Happy Endings? 34
Cast of Characters 34
Miss Levinia Dempsey 34
Sir Robert Dempsey 35
Uriah Clarence 36
Jed, Ned & Ted - The Grave Robbers 36

Credits 36

Welcome to the world of Victoriana, a place of We decided to offer you a new introductory story,
magic and mystery, set against the backdrop of characters and starting adventure in the second
the Victorian age. edition. That way there is something else new
for those who already have the original version.
It is a time of revolution, despite the seemingly However, Arthur Wescot and his friends, Scott’s
unstoppable might of the British Empire. Vast excellent story ‘Wescot’s Folly’ and the adventure
changes are sweeping across the world. Science ‘White Wedding’ were far too good to just cast
creates new and incredible machines on a weekly aside. So here we offer them, all updated to
basis. New political movements rise and fall, second edition and ready to go. If you know the
descrying or even fighting against the current first edition, you can use this supplement to see
governments. Sorcery remains in the hands how the new system works in something you are
of a powerful elite, but the dark mysteries of already familiar with. If the whole thing is new to
Necromancy and Demonology are on the rise, you, we can’t think of a better introduction than
claiming new souls every day. the Crime Doctor and his friends.
Your characters stand at the vanguard of this
period of turbulent change. They may come from
any social class; the privileged elite of the upper
class, the enterprising progressives of the middle
class or the oppressed workers of the lower class.

While not as important as social class, the people

of Victoriana are further divided into several
different races. Humans are the most prevalent
by far, but Eldren, Gnomes, Dwarves, Ogres,
Halflings and the various Beastmen all do their
best to make a living in all parts of society.

This preview supplement is designed to fulfil two

functions. Firstly, we want to offer you a chance
to explore the world of Victoriana and see what
it has to offer. However, it also updates some of
the things we have left out of the new edition.

It began with Mrs. DeGrange, actually. I had been
Wescot’s Folly
Water was dripping from the ancient brick walls
about my morning routine, up around ten-ish, when
Mrs. Lindsay, my part-time housekeeper, arrived at the
and running through the sluices in the middle of the shop below my modest quarters. The bell jangled me
tunnel. The stench was unbelievable: a mixture of offal, awake and out of bed, and I dressed quickly and took
chemicals, the reek of dead fish and animals coming the spiral metal staircase down onto the ground floor,
through the catacombs from the Thames. My lantern where Wescot’s Rare Books & Curios looks out onto
was starting to gutter; the oil running low faster than Commerce Street near the Strand. The neighbourhood
I’d thought. My companion was a few paces ahead is not the best at night, admittedly, but, during the day,
of me, moving with that curious nervous pace that is the position is excellent to pull in a fairly steady stream
characteristic of his kind. of clientele. Most come in to view the curios: the line of
pygmy shrunken heads, the esoteric jewellery that may or
“Where are we, Lusk? Perhaps we’ve taken a wrong may not have the pedigree advertised.
The books run the gambit from light, trashy popular
The rat-man snapped around in front of me, his eyes novels, the like produced by our illustrious Chancellor of
glinting in the pale light of the gas lamp. the Exchequer, Mr. Disraeli, to old classics and tomes of
an exotic or erotic nature. There is a kitchen in the back,
“No wrong turn, Mr. Wescot. I grew up in these ‘ere through a door at the back of the reading room — really
tunnels. I think I know me way through ‘em, right?” he just a series of tables in the main room, but sectioned
said defensively. “Go it alone, if you don’t trust me.” off by the shelves of dusty volumes from the front,
where the curios are kept in a desperate attempt to lure
The idea of being stranded in the miles of Roman customers in. Well, their money, at least. Mrs. Lindsay
catacombs and sewage tunnels that span the underworld was already finishing whipping up my usual breakfast
beneath the capital was not an engaging one. I motioned — a few slices of toast and an egg, soft-boiled to chewy
him on with the lamp, the circle of illumination perfection, and a cup of tea. I prefer coffee but, after the
around us bobbling unsteadily. Was I mad? Entrusting coffee rust in the tropics a few years back, tea is much,
my security to a rat-man, there were any number of much cheaper.
things that could be waiting for me... not the least the
rumoured bands of rat-people that lay in wait for the There was a note on the table I take my breakfast at.
unsuspecting to rob, kill, and worse. Nice lavender paper with a nice rag texture. A lady’s
hand had scrawled my name on the front: Mr. Arthur
Suddenly, Lusk stopped short and ducked into darkened Wescot.
side tunnel.
“Found it pushed under the front door, Mr. Wescot,”
“Kill that light and get in ‘ere!” he hissed. said Mrs. Lindsay in a light Irish accent.
Before I could react, he lashed out and grabbed me She came through the door, moving her respectable bulk
by the arm, dragging me into the tunnel as well. His deftly while balancing my breakfast tray. Despite her
small, wiry frame was deceptively powerful. Fumbling, disapproval of some of my wares, she has been a loyal
I managed to turn the wick down on the light, retainer for the past year; she tutted at me reprovingly.
extinguishing it. Then I heard it. A light scraping sound,
like bone over stone. Then I smelled it; no wonder Lusk “Not seemly, a woman pushing notes under the door of
had reacted so violently. Musty and foul, the odour a respectable gentleman,” she told me.
reached me. The smell of the grave. I started to whisper
a question, but Lusk slapped a hand over my face. I Before I could respond, she set down the breakfast tray
could feel the nervous energy of the half-man as he and held up a hand to avert any argument on my part,
trembled behind me. I suddenly realized that, in that
position, I would take the brunt of any attack that might “No! I’ll not want to be hearing any excuses from you
come. Did the dead...or the undead, for that matter... now, sir. It’s not my concern how you comport yourself,
need light to see? Or could they smell the metallic tang sir. I’d just as not find a feminine surprise upstairs,
of my fear? though, mind you.”
It was close. I could also feel the cold of its presence. I grinned at her teasing of me. My size tends to bring
The scraping stopped and, despite the water flowing, the mothering out in the ladies. It’s hellish on my love
I fancied it dead quiet. What an excellent adjective; I life, being a gnome. While Mrs. Lindsay retired upstairs
nearly laughed from terror. How did I ever get myself to begin cleaning my quarters, I glanced over the note.
into this predicament?

one of the best coachmen I’ve seen, an amazing
feat for a twelve year old boy. I’ve yet to be in
an accident, despite the high speeds at which we
traverse the city.

Belgravia is a twenty to thirty minute trip under

the best of conditions — a straight hike down
the Strand to Charing Cross, then past the
Houses of Parliament and over the wooden
planks that cover the new underground rail
extension being put in between Whitehall and
Kensington Station, then down Victoria Street
into the heart of the expensive neighbourhood,
where all the houses are of a uniform Georgian
Dear Mr. Wescot, character. Even windows and dimensions..
Very picturesque, but also very boring. The
DeGrange home was a nice three-story affair
My name is Mrs. DeGrange with a garden in front of the house, fenced in
and I need to speak with you by wrought-iron. I dismounted the carriage and
on most urgent business. I took the steps to the door, which opened for
have tried to contact you me before I could knock. The butler was a old,
this morning, but I fear doughty-looking fellow with a voice that flowed
you have not yet arrived like treacle. When I presented my carte de visite,
for work. I desperately he nodded.
need the assistance of the
‘Crime Doctor’. A man’s life “You are expected, Mr. Wescot. Please follow
may rest in the balance! me.”
You may call on me at my
home... Up the steps to the second floor and the sitting
room, bright and airy, where the lady of the
house was waiting. She leapt up at the sight of
Signed Sincerely,

Mrs DeGrange
“The Crime Doctor?” she inquired.

“Truth be told, madam, I prefer Mr. Wescot.

(by Scott Rhymer)

Wescot’s Folly
The other moniker is a bit... melodramatic, don’t
you think?” I cut off any apologies buy asking,
“Your note suggested this was urgent.”

“Indeed...I believe that there is a great evil in the

city, Mr. Wescot. And I believe it will take the
life of a man, this evening.”

She retreated to the dining table, beckoning

me to follow. On the table was a sketchpad.
The paper was covered with charcoal lines and
curves, describing the face of a man. Dark-
The address was a location in Belgravia — a very fine haired, he had a strong jaw and cold eyes. The mouth
neighbourhood. The name DeGrange rang a bell at was curled up in a slight smirk.
the time, and I can honestly say that it would not have
mattered a jot, had I known about her past at the time. “This is the man I saw in my vision.”
A woman was in distress! A mystery was to be had! I was
hooked in one paragraph. “Your vision?”
Once I had finished breakfast, I hung a ‘closed for the I glanced at her. Delicate Eldren features, the
day’ sign, locked the door and set out for the cab ranks, characteristic dark hair, the slight upturn of the ears.
only a few minutes walk from my door. I found a few Her kind is usually in tune with the spirit world, so I
hacks waiting by the curb, relaxing under the awning of didn’t scoff. The other reason was that I knew the man... 
a nearby gin shop. My usual cabbie, young Mack, saw Lord George Mace, heir to the Earl of Inversnaid, and
me coming and immediately dashed to his rig. Mack is
a Guild man. Where he went, trouble was rarely far “The name has been circulating around the city for
behind. the past year or so. Borozci’s supposed to be Eastern
Step one seemed fairly simple: try to make contact European. He’s been systematically taking over the
with Lord Mace and warn him of impending danger. criminal enterprises throughout the City and the seedier
There is a way to do these things, though; I sent word parts of the West End. Very few have seen him, and his
requesting an audience, the letter carried by a young boy people are utterly loyal.”
who was walking by for sixpence. Then it was a matter
of waiting, while I got the particulars of the dream from I shuddered to think of what Mace might have gotten
her. In her vision, Mace had been tied to - of all things himself into this time.
- an Aluminat cross and was being tortured by ‘foul
creatures’, as she called them. He was underground, she “If he’s gone looking for Borozci, there’s one person
was sure of it. The creatures, which she described as he’ll have definitely talked to. Do you know the Raven?”
man-like, but sallow and decayed, were commanded by
another…one she could not picture in the vision. This “No, I don’t. But I believe I’ll be making his
caused quite a bit of distress. To her, it suggested the acquaintance.” Holmwood started to stand.
main villain of the piece was either a sorcerer, or a fell
beast that could block her ‘sight’. When the boy returned “You’re coming with us?” Mrs. DeGrange asked
half an hour later (the Inversnaid residence being only hopefully. She was completely smitten with him. Ah, to
two streets away), he reported that the butler informed be handsome...
him his lordship was not, and had not been for two
days, at home.

So, step two. Another acquaintance of mine, Lord

Lawrence Holmwood, was loosely connected to the
Guild and was a Mason, like Mace. Perhaps he might
know what Lord Inversnaid was about recently. Mack We three once again took Mack’s carriage through
raced the carriage through the press of lunch time the streets, continuing south into the East End. Our
traffic. The thick of it was in the area of Trafalgar destination was on Commercial at Dorset – the Britannia
Square, where the offices of government had spewed Pub. The place is popular with the working class. It
forth functionaries on their way to their clubs. To make was also a fine place to pick up business in the Raven’s
matters worse, a dray horse drawing an omnibus up and former (and occasional current) trade. We found her
died. The bus was blocking traffic quite effectively, while here, dressed in clothes that emulated the fashionable,
the cads forced their fares off of the vehicle and waited causing her to stand out from the rabble around her like
for a butcher to come and dismember the horse and a queen at her court. The tawdry cut of her clothing
cart it away. After extricating ourselves from the clog of could not disguise the elegance and beauty of her eldren
vehicles, we arrived in Holborn - and the Grand Lodge heritage, however; raven tresses and eyes, pale skin that
of the Freemasons. The Freemason Tavern is part of was flawless, the Raven radiated charisma and sensuality.
the building and open to the public and it was here we Holmwood’s reaction was predictable. He gaped, then
found Holmwood. recovered quickly and became the perfect gentleman.
Mrs. DeGrange said nothing, did not smile, and stewed
The third son of Lord Holmwood, Lawrence is a tall jealously.
and handsome fellow, in that long-faced aristocratic
way. He certainly seemed to appeal to the willowy Mrs. Raven nodded to me, “Wescot.”
DeGrange more than my child-like stature. C’est la vie...
There was some argument about allowing the lady into “Raven.” I slid into a chair across from her at her table.
the tavern, but Holmwood was able to smooth things The remains of a large gin and a bowl of stew were
over for us and soon we were stuck into a table and, over pushed to one side, and she had been packing a pipe
a half pint of porter, I explained the situation. with black, tarry material.
“Yes, I’ve heard of Mrs. DeGrange. A medium of some “Riding the dragon again?” I asked.
talent, I understand.”
Holmwood regarded her with deceptively sleepy-looking “Still, actually” she smiled. “What do you want?”
eyes. “You say you cannot see the leader of these
creatures that are harming his lordship? Interesting. “Lord Mace. He’s gone missing. He was tracking some
Mace was investigating a series of murders in the city. murders in the West End..”
The victims all had their blood drained from them, the
rest is too horrific to be spoken of in the presence of a “Ah! Important people, then,” she stated coyly. Her
lady... He kept coming across a name: Andrei Borozci.” Dutch accent was thicker this evening; she had been into
 I must have reacted, for he asked, “You know of him?”
the opium already. “Not like the murders here...”

“He’s looking for Borozci.”

the district. The door behind us slammed closed and
She nearly choked on the last sip of the gin she was someone pushed me into the middle of the floor. There
taking. were others here with us, strange misshapen men, their
skin like parchment, faces drooping, eyes fogged over.
“Then he’s dead by now.” They closed in from the four corners of the building,
shark-like teeth glinting in the light of the fire.
“Not yet,” Mrs. DeGrange spoke up, sharply, “but soon
if we don’t find him.” “I am truly sorry, Wescot,” I heard Raven say. She was
on the balcony above us. Her eyes flashed, reflecting the
“Can you find out where he was last seen for me?” flame of the pit. “There was nothing I could do.”

I fished out a few notes and set them down on the table, “Ghouls!” Holmwood growled. He pushed me closer
anchoring them with her empty pint glass. to the fire, putting himself between me and two of the
creatures. They cackled, unafraid of Holmwood. “Keep
“Give me an hour. I’ll contact you and tell you where to the fire between you and the others; it will finish them.”
“But...” I began.

Above, I saw the Raven watching the display with

interest and delight. Holmwood was chanting something,
drawing his sword and waving it in complex patterns
in front of him. His nonsense rose to a crescendo and,
The low street was darkening quickly as the sun was with a stunning blast of light, the two ghouls were
going down. The day, which had been mild, was turning blown back against the wall. Above us, Raven looked
chilly quickly. The note from Raven had come after momentarily pleased, but then quickly jumped onto the
about an hour of waiting at the Britannia, directing us to
meet her in a side street not too far from St. Giles – that
most dangerous of rookeries. Even here, the buildings
were dilapidated, many built before the Hanoverians
had come to power in England. The houses ran one
into another, creating sagging canyons of brick and grey
stone. The few gas lamps here and there were being lit
by the men paid by the city to go around and fire them
up, but their weak gas flames only gave small pools of
light. Why here? I wondered.

(by Scott Rhymer)

Wescot’s Folly
Holmwood seemed equally concerned. “Doesn’t seem
right, does it?” he asked.

“Stay here,” I told Mrs. DeGrange. She started to protest

but Holmwood patted her hand as he followed me out
of the carriage. To Mack, I said, “Any trouble, get out of
here and call the peelers.”

The building we were told to meet Raven at was tucked

in a small cul de sac, through a tight access way between
two crumbling tenements. I could hear the shouted
arguments of the tenants inside. In the small court, we
found an open door, leading into one of the buildings. I
wished I had brought my Adams revolver suddenly and
told Holmwood so. In response, he twisted the bezel
below the handle of his cane and I heard the mechanism
click – a swordcane. With a last exchanged look, we

The interior of the building had been gutted, with only

a set of steps to the upper story and a small balcony
left intact. In the middle of the floor was a small pit
with a pathetic fire burning in it. Above the balcony, 
there was an hatchway to the roof and most likely a
series of walkways over the roofs of the homes here in
ladder, climbing dexterously through the hatch onto the I returned to the site of our altercation. In the building,
roof. there were no more ghouls to be found, and the fire
had nearly gone out. I raced through the space between
“She’s getting away!” I cried. the buildings and out onto the street, where I found
Mack, lying cold and very dead in the gutter. A vicious
“Go!” Holmwood ordered. He waved his swordcane set of bite marks in his throat revealed the manner of
again, this time impaling one of he ghouls on the tip. his death. His carriage was gone. So were Holmwood
I ran. The other ghouls had been concentrating on and Mrs. DeGrange. Lying in the middle of the street,
Holmwood, giving me my chance. I was on the steps in Holmwood’s swordcane gleamed in the nearby gas lamp.
a flash, racing up to the balcony as fast as my little legs
could carry me. Below, the three ghouls were circling Forcing my racing heart to calm, and ordering my
Holmwood, who was slashing in patterns, holding the thoughts, I rationalised that there was one man
enemy at bay. Another one went up in a flash of light remaining that I knew could find Borozci’s lair, if any
and the others suddenly retreated, disappearing into the could. Fortunately for me, Lusk, the rat-man, was a
darkness in the corners. I was almost to the roof when a creature of habit. Finding him was easy enough; he was
thought hit me. warming his usual doorway in the warehouse district by
the St. Katherine Docks. He saw me approaching, his
“Mrs. DeGrange!” I shouted. Holmwood nodded once, misshapen nose twitching at the approach.
and was out the door in a flash.
“Well, well, the mighty ‘crime doctor’,” he sneered by
I finished climbing onto the roof. Up here, the sun was way of acknowledgement.
just on the horizon, brilliant red from the smoke in the
air; the streets below were dark. Raven was moving along “Lusk, I need your help,” I told him. He laughed at me,
slim wooden boards joining the tops of the buildings. shook his head and tossed
There were others up here, as well, but none were away an apple core he’d been nibbling on.
between me and my quarry. Without a thought, I dashed
onto the walkway, charging after the Raven. The woman “I guess we’d best get on with it, then...”
moved with uncanny grace, dashing from building to
building without a misstep. I charged after her, but the
distance between us increased as her long Eldren legs
carried her beyond my grasp. Suddenly, she stumbled
and went over the side of one of the boards joining the
buildings. For a moment, I thought she was gone, then
I realised she had caught the edge of the board and Now, after crawling around the sewers of the West End,
was hanging in space, the street obscured by fog some I was huddling with a known anarchist and rat-man,
twenty feet below. waiting to have my very life snuffed out by some ghoul
or other. Our inhuman friend began shambling away
Panting, I caught up to her while she was still trying to again, moving in the general direction of the river.
pull herself onto the plank. She stopped, one arm over
the board, legs hanging in space, as I arrived. “Come on,” I heard Lusk say. His alcohol-laden breath
was overpowering; how the sentry had missed us I don’t
“Where?” I demanded. She grinned back at me, but I know. “I can smell humans... Don’t bother with the light.
had the sense time was running out. “I don’t have time Just hang onto me.”
for this! Where?” I placed my foot against the side of
her head. I couldn’t do it, I knew, but she couldn’t think We edged forward through the darkness, me trusting to
that. his well-honed night vision. Occasionally, I stumbled
on something or other and the noise would cause him
“Bayswater. He’s in the catacombs. You can get there to curse me softly. Then I realized that I could see
through the sewage tunnels by Whitehall.” gradients of light and shadow. Moments later, we had
made a turn that brought us to a section of stone wall
I took my foot away and bent to offer her a hand up. that had been crudely removed, then covered with heavy
She arched an eyebrow up at my diminutive form. tarpaulin. Lusk and I moved to the sides of the tarp,
peering into the room beyond. It was a sort of library,
“Really Arthur, as if you could” she laughed at me, and bookcases, leather-bound armchairs with green baize-
then, keeping my gaze locked with her silver eyes. she let topped tables, lit by ornate brass gas lamp assemblies.
herself fall, arms outstretched like an angel disappearing All this tucked underground. Faintly, I could hear people
into the fog. My heart stopped for a moment before I talking. Glancing at each other, we moved through the
heard the splash of water below where I had assumed tarp into the library carefully. The sounds were coming
10 there was cobbled street. I suspected that I would be
hearing from the Raven again.
from an adjoining area through an archway to another
section of catacomb.
This ‘room’, however, was not so cosy. Deep shadows
and bright light contrasted and, in the centre, Lord Mace
and Holmwood were tied to a large crucifix. Misshapen
and deathly figures capered about them, anxious to set
on them. It was obvious they had already started on
Mace; his clothes were torn and blood-spattered, his face
bruised and cut by torture. Mrs. DeGrange was a few
steps from them, in a chair.
“You see, I have reputation, yes?” said an Eastern voice.
“I am known for my cruelty. It is what... endears me to
my people. Unfortunately, reputation is not real. It must
be reinforced from time to time. Then, it becomes like…

“And we’re to be your object lessons?” asked


“Yes...yes! Precisely that, Dr. Holmwood.”

The figure moved into view. He was a small, bent old

man – he might have been someone’s grandfather,
spectacles and all, but for the rows of predator teeth and
the malicious look in his eye.

“I believe we will start with your tongue, doctor... We

would not want you using any of your thaumaturgy,

Mrs. DeGrange had sat up sharply; she had seen us!

Lusk motioned for her to stay put, while pressing
himself behind the cover of the archway to the torture
chamber. He looked at me questioningly. I know what he
wanted to ask, for I was asking it of myself...

…what are we going to do?

(by Scott Rhymer)

Wescot’s Folly

The Heresy Engine
Before you begin reading the adventure, you’ll of 5 successes, from the four “1s” and the
need to know a little about our rules system, single “6” he rolled.
The Heresy Engine. We haven’t time to explain
everything here, but you won’t need to know too Any roll of a “6” can also be re-rolled, for a
much to play our sample adventure. However, chance at an additional success.
with a few basic rules you’ll get the idea and be
able to use the ready made characters to play our
sample ‘Penny Dreadful’ called ‘White Wedding’. Example: Mr Applethwaite only rolled one
“6,”and so re-rolls that die, getting a 3. He
gets no additional successes, but retains his
originally rolled 5 successes.
Heresy Game Engine Of course, some tasks are inherently more
The majority of the game system itself is
difficult than others, and sometimes other
conditions or factors work against you or in your
favour. Three additional game mechanics, Black
generally only necessary when a character is Dice, Pool Modifiers, and Opposed Rolls, allow
attempting to accomplish an action, which might different tasks and situations to be dealt with:
succeed or fail depending on random chance.
Such an action could be almost anything: shooting
a revolver at an enemy, persuading a wealthy mill
owner to invest in a risky venture, climbing a Black Dice
sheer cliff face, or one of many other possibilities. The inherent difficulty of a task is represented
by a number of Black Dice that are rolled by the
Each such action, known as a “task,” is resolved player, at the same time as she rolls her regular
using the same system. The basic task resolution dice. Black Dice can be represented by any colour
process is as follows: of dice in practice, so long as they are distinct
in appearance from the player’s regular dice. For
All tasks in game are resolved using a “dice each “1” or “6” that comes up on the Black Dice,
pool,” whereby the character performing remove one success from those rolled by the
the task rolls a number of dice equal to player. Unlike the dice in your dice pool, Black
their dice in the relevant skill, plus their Dice do not roll again on a “6”.
dice in the relevant attribute.
Example: Mr Applethwaite rolled 5 successes,
While each character has a variety of but the GM informed him beforehand that the
skills, there are only 6 attributes, 3 physical stream was particularly wide. As this is a Very
and 3 mental. The physical attributes are Difficult roll, 6 Black Dice are rolled, coming up
Strength, Dexterity and Fortitude, the 3 2,3,3,5,6,6. For each die that came up a “1” or a
mental attributes are Presence, Wits and “6” (in this case, two of them coming up as 6s),
Resolve. Applethwaite’s total successes are reduced by 2,
leaving 3 successes.
Example: The heroic and renowned
explorer, Edward Applethwaite, is Difficulty Black Dice
attempting to leap over an icy mountain Very easy Automatic success; no need to roll
stream. He has 10 dice in Athletics (the Easy No black dice; +5 to dice pool
relevant skill) and 2 dice in Dexterity (the Average task No Black Dice
relevant attribute), for a total dice pool Difficult 3 Black Dice
of 12. He rolls 12 dice to see whether he Very difficult 6 Black Dice
successfully leaps the stream. Ridiculous 12 Black Dice
Extreme 20 Black Dice
Each roll of “1” or “6” counts as a success. Impossible 40 Black Dice
Add up the total number of successes you
Pool Modifiers
Example: Mr Applethwaite rolls Other situational modifiers that do not relate to
the following on his 12 dice: the inherent difficulty of the task may also apply. 13
1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,5,4,4,6. Thus he has a total These are calculated as “pool modifiers,” adding
to either the number of dice in the dice pool, or the In some cases it will be necessary to know how badly
number of Black Dice being rolled against the character, a task was failed. The Failure Number measures this.
depending on whether these situational factors would Subtract the number of successes gained from those
make the character’s task easier or harder. Once all that were needed, to determine the Failure Number.
pool modifiers have been applied, the dice are rolled, You already know how well you did, as the amount of
successes are counted up, and the black dice reduce successes you gained in total has the same effect as any
successes accordingly. Depending on the task, pool other roll.
modifiers may be necessary for situations such as: the
character is wounded; the character is affected by a drug Example: Mr Applethwaite is facing off against
or poison; lighting or another environmental condition Montague, a renowned cad and thug who had had
is particularly conducive, or not conducive, to the task; the temerity to insult Mr Applethwaite’s parentage.
the character does not have the right tools, or has Mr Applethwaite attempts to teach Montague some
particularly effective tools; etc. manners by means of a manly punch to the jaw. Mr
Applethwaite rolls his Brawl skill (7 dice) + his Dexterity
Example: Mr Applethwaite later has to leap the same (2 dice) for a total of 9 dice, getting 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5,
stream again. The inherent difficulty of the task is as it 6, for 2 successes and 1 re-roll – another 1 (!) giving him
was (Very Difficult, for a 6 Black Dice) but now the area 3 successes. Montague rolls his Dodge skill (3 dice) +
is much more slippy and boggy after a heavy rainfall, his Dexterity (1 die), for a total of 4 dice, getting 2, 3,
making both the take-off and the landing a lot trickier. 5, 6, for a success and a re-roll himself – 4 – still just 1
This environmental condition gives a +2 Pool Modifier success. Mr Applethwaite thumped Montague right on
to the Black Dice, giving Mr Applethwaite 12 dice to roll the ‘button’ or point of his chin, with 2 successes.
as before but 8 Black Dice against him. He rolls a 1, 2, 2,
3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, for a total of just 3 successes. The re-
roll for the two 6s netted a 2 and a 4, adding no further Fighting and Combat
When things get physical, things can get a little tricky.
successes. The 8 Black Dice come up 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5,
(2 successes) reducing the total to 1 success. Combat can be complicated because there are so many
variables but, in the Heresy Engine, we keep things as
The number of successes remaining, after Black Dice simple as we can to keep the action flowing.
have been applied, indicates how well the task has been
performed. Initiative
The first thing you need to know is who is going to take
Degree of success Successes gained the initiative. If you have crept up on a target and they
Just about managed it 1 don’t know you are there, the answer is pretty obvious!
Task completed methodically 2 However, when everyone involved knows what is
Completed with some flair 3 coming you need to make an initiative check.
A demonstration of mastery 5
A virtuoso performance 8 To make an initiative check, simply roll a number of
Awe-inspiring! 12 dice equal to your character’s initiative. Whoever gets
God-like 16 the most successes goes first, then the next highest
amount goes next and so on. If there is a tie, compare
Example: The first time Mr Applethwaite leapt the the tied characters’ Dexterity scores. If that result is a tie,
stream, he gained a total of 3 successes, crossing easily compare the skill ratings for the weapon each character
and landing with some flair. The GM rules that he will be using in the fight. If there is still a tie, compare
landed gracefully and made the task look easy. Observers the characters’ Wits ratings. If there is still a tie, you go
will have been impressed by his fluid, athletic motion. at the same time. In such a case, you wait until all the
Later, when he gained only 1 success, his feet only just tied parties have made an action before applying the
barely connected with the far bank, and he slipped effects of anyone’s actions.
forward face-first into the mud, very nearly sliding right
off the bank again with his feet. The person with the highest Initiative gets to decide who
they will be attacking this round, and the others follow
Opposition and Failure Numbers in initiative order. You can only actually attack someone
When another person or creature is working directly who is near enough to you. If you are selected as the
contrary to the character’s attempt, that other agency target of someone with a higher initiative, you have no
will make their own Skill Roll in opposition. In this case, option but to defend yourself. If you choose to engage
the character who scores more successes than his or her a different target, you are opting not to defend yourself,
opponent will achieve their desired end. Black Dice are and become a very easy target.
rolled against both characters as normal, to represent
situational difficulties and the inherent difficulty of the Making an Attack
14 task. Unlike many other games, in Victoriana combat does
not revolve around resolving each blow. We assume that
each combatant is making a flurry of parries, attacks
and dodges during a round, so we only need to
see which fighter manages to land a blow.
Real combat doesn’t allow people to take
turns trying to attack each other.

To hurt someone you must be ready

with a weapon, be it a Sword, Cosh,
Rifle or just your fists. The use of each
weapon is governed by a particular skill. Each
opponent makes a combat roll using Dexterity +
Weapon Skill, and whoever scores the most successes
does damage that round. The more successes they
get beyond whatever their opponent scored, the more
damage they do. If your initiative score was better than
your opponent’s, you also gain +2 dice to your dice
pool for your roll, representing your skill
in taking the
Initiative grants an advantage,
speed does not equate to skill and the faster
fighter can still lose combat.

If the combat pools are tied, the person with the

highest initiative roll is considered the winner. They
can do damage as long as they scored at least 1
success on their roll, but gain no extra damage from
their successes. If both the
combat pools
and initiative

The Heresy Engine

are tied, then no one
managed to land a blow that round.

If your opponent is unaware of your impending attack, 6-10 feet away), the defender is only allowed to add half
you can make a ‘surprise attack’. If this case they don’t their dodge skill to their dexterity for their Dice Pool. If
get to make a roll themselves, so all you need to do is the weapon is fired at point blank range, the defender
score a single success. What your Gamesmaster allows as can only use their Dexterity to evade it.
a surprise attack may depend on many things. Someone
involved in combat may be wary of other potential
opponents, but could just as easily be concentrating so Damage
much they can’t see their new adversary. A cad might Getting smacked with a weapon hurts rather a lot. Each
be slapped in the face by an offended lady but, should weapon has a damage rating, which is the number of
he make a successful empathy roll beforehand, he may dice you get to roll to see how much damage you do
realise what she is about to do. to your opponent. When you’ve rolled those dice, you
add up the successes you score and that number is the
amount of health pips your opponent must knock off
Ranged Weapons their character sheet.
Firearms are a little easier to deal with. You need only
aim and fire, not try to dodge and parry your opponent’s You can improve your damage roll in a few ways. Firstly,
attacks. However, your opponent can still defend against in a Melee attack you can add your Strength dice to
your attack using the skill Dodge. So you make an attack the damage dice before you roll. So make a point of
using Dexterity + Ranged Weapon skill, and they use avoiding any Ogres wielding melee weapons. Secondly,
their Dexterity + Dodge dice pool. If the defender the number of successes you score directly adds to your
manages to beat the attacker, they don’t get to do any damage successes.
damage; at that distance, they can only hope to evade the
bullet or arrow. There are 2 pips to each Health Die and, for each full
dice worth of damage your opponent takes, he suffers a
It is also significantly harder to dodge bullets and arrows, penalty of 1 additional Black Dice to all actions until the 15
even those from unreliable Victorian weapons. If the end of the round. So, if you get hurt first in combat, the
ranged weapon is fired from close range (usually about
shock of the attack might make you miss on your turn. 4 Health points of damage to Alfred. As this fight has
multiple fighters, Alfred, who scored the second highest
So, putting that together, we get something like this: roll, can do damage, but his roll doesn’t beat anyone
Wulf the Ogre bruiser is trying to abduct Lady else’s and so no damage is scored.
Willamina Carstairs on behalf of his employer.
Willamina refuses to be kidnapped so easily and engages The next round goes less well for Wulf, Alfred beats his
the Ogre, but unfortunately she is no fighter. With only initiative, but Charles does not. Alfred is now rolling 10
1 die in Dexterity and 2 points in Fisticuffs, she has a dice, and scores 6 successes. Wulf rolls his 6 dice for
dice pool of a mere 3. She rolls 3,4,6, rerolling the 6 to 4 successes and Charles, dogged by bad luck, manages
get a 1, so scores 2 successes. Wulf is unimpressed. With only 2 successes with his 8 dice. Alfred does damage
a Dexterity of 2 and a Fisticuffs skill of 4 he rolls 6 dice on his foe Wulf; with 4 clear successes, the damage is
and scores 1,1,2,3,5,6 with a 1 on the reroll, a total of 4 nasty. However, Wulf scored the second best roll. He
successes. He bats aside her best shot and lands a blow cannot beat Alfred, but his roll did beat Charles. He does
with 2 clear successes. damage to Charles with 2 clear successes.

Wulf rolls his damage dice, which for a fist is 3, but The round begins again with everyone rather battered.
Wulf ’s strength is 7 for a total of 10 dice. He scores 6 Things go well, but then badly for Wulf. He wins
successes on his roll, and adds the 2 successes from his initiative, but his combat roll is appalling, with only 1
attack for a total of 8 damage. Lady Willamina has only success. Alfred score 3 successes, but Charles does very
2 Health Dice, so taking 4 Health dice of damage places well with 6. Charles does the damage to Wulf, with 5
her squarely on the -6 shaded dice. This may be more clear successes. As Alfred is the second best fighter
than enough to knock her unconscious. this round, and his roll beat his opponent, he can also
damage Wulf, with 2 clear successes. The damage to
Multiple Opponents Wulf is devastating and he expires under the gentlemen’s
Rolling against a single target is all very well, and makes blades.
sense, but combat is rarely so organised. Often you will
find yourself facing multiple opponents. In such a case, Multiple Actions
you still work out who is fighting who. In a crowded If you get into a lot of trouble, just one action won’t be
melee, most people will pick a single target. So, if 3 enough. Each character can make one attack action in
people are fighting 2 people, the combat consists of one any given combat round. If they decide to make more
group of 1 against 1 and another group of 2 against 1. than one action in a round they must halve their dice
With less room to move, fighting in large groups offers pool for each action. If two actions aren’t enough they
fewer chances to hit. If two (or more) people gang up can make three actions, but each dice pool is reduced to
on 1 person, everyone makes a combat roll as usual. a third, and so on. However, they cannot make any more
Whoever gets the highest roll does damage to one of additional actions than they have Dexterity bonus Dice
their opponents as usual. The winner of initiative gets (so, the limit is Dexterity + their one basic action for
the +2 bonus as before, but whoever is outnumbered the round). In this case we’ll allow those with a negative
suffers an additional 3 Black Dice penalty for every Dexterity to count their Dexterity as 0. Remember also
additional person they are fighting. that, even though your dice pool may reduce, you roll
just as many Black Dice as you usually would for each
As there is more opportunity for attacks to be made, roll! You should also remember that there are plenty of
whoever in the group scored the second highest combat actions that will take a whole round no matter how many
roll gets to count damage on their opponent, if they times you can divide your Dice Pool. If you are going to
managed to beat their roll as well. So an excellent pick a lock, you can’t do much else that round!
swordsman outnumbered by 2 opponents might manage
to land a blow despite being struck by one opponent. In combat, taking an additional action allows you to roll
However, it is also possible both opponents might as if you were 2 separate people (albeit with lower dice
manage to skewer our hero! pools). You can choose 2 opponents (or the same one
twice as if you were a multiple opponent on your own!)
Luckily for Willamina, at the sounds of her distress, and get to make 2 combat rolls rather than 1.
her bodyguards Alfred and Charles burst into the
room, swords at the ready. Willamina is unconscious, Antoine, a master swordsman with a combat pool of 10
but now Wulf now faces 2 opponents. Luckily, Wulf dice is fighting 2 thugs. He decides to make an additional
wins initiative, followed by Alfred and then Charles. action, halving his dice pool. He is now considered
He adds 2 to his dice pool of 6 for 8 dice in total. He to be 2 people, each with a dice pool of 5. The thugs
scores 4 successes. Alfred and Charles both have a dice each have dice pools of 4 so Antoine’s chances are
pool from Dex and Swordplay of 8, but Alfred scores good. He can roll to fight each thug individually. If he
3 successes and Charles only 2. Although Wulf would dispatches one, he can keep splitting his pool and attack
16 like to take advantage of Charles’ low roll, he specified the remaining poor thug in the same way as Alfred and
he was attacking Alfred when he won initiative, so he Charles attacked Wulf.
rolls damage with 1 clear success rather than 2 and does
However, no matter how many times you divide your
dice pool, you are still actually only 1 person. You make
1 initiative roll and, after that, you declare whether you
Magic and Sorcery
In Victoriana there are several different forms of
are splitting your dice pool or not. If you win initiative, magic. The most well known is Thaumaturgy, an almost
the bonus dice are added to your dice pool before you scientific discipline where the practitioner forces their
split your actions, not after! You obviously only have will on reality. The dark arts of Necromancy and
one set of Health points, and making 2 combat rolls can Demonology are further developments of this art,
mean you get hurt twice instead, so beware! but harness hellish power and are abhorrent to any
right minded person. Thaumatugical practice is heavily
regulated by The Guild, a magical society descended
from the witch hunters that almost destroyed magic
in the religious wars many years ago. To practice
Thaumaturgy, you must have a permit and licence from
the Guild.

However, despite the Guild’s insistence to the contrary,

Thaumaturgy is not the only worthwhile form of magic.
The old ways of Enchantment (referred to these days
as Petty Magic) remain strong in rural areas, and the
Dwarves and Gnomes keep the art of Runelore alive.

In this new age, one form of magic is on the rise.

Firing into Melee While they have always existed, these days there are
You might choose to really pick on someone in a more Mediums being born than ever before, suggesting
fight and shoot at them from a distance while they are that humanity may be evolving greater magical power.
engaged in melee combat. The Gamesmaster might However, very few of the people who set themselves
rule you do not have a clear shot, and that is the end of up as spiritual guides actually have any real power at all.
that. However, if your attack is possible and your target Even so, if you look hard enough, you can find people
is unaware of your attack, you can roll as if you had with a powerful connection to the spiritual plane. These
surprise. On the other hand, you suffer an additional 3 people can not only communicate with spirits, but also
Black Dice penalty to your roll for each other person entrap and command them, some can read minds and
they are fighting. They are likely to get in the way of even predict the future.

The Heresy Engine

your shot and, even if you don’t care if you hit them,
they are not what you are aiming at. We can’t go into the full magic system here, but a cut
down version should suffice for now.
If you target is aware of you,
they can make a dodge roll Each form of magic has its own particular
against your attack as with skill, such as Medium or Thaumaturge.
any other ranged weapon, To activate a power or use a spell, you roll
but using only half their dice the appropriate magical skill with Presence
pool. However, this attack (for a medium) or Resolve (for magicians and
is resolved separately to any sorcerers). If you score at least 2 successes, you
other melee attacks and doesn’t have succeeded and the power or spell takes effect.
affect them. On the other hand, Just like any other skill roll, Black Dice still apply.
the Gamesmaster might insist on Each spell has a difficulty rating, which represents
a Black Dice penalty due to your how hard it is to cast. This difficulty rating is a number
attention being in two places. of Black Dice which are added to any other Black Dice
the Gamesmaster may assign to the roll. Generally, the
more powerful the forces the spell manipulates, the
Armour more difficult it is.
If you are wearing something
that might offer you protection, it has Spells and powers last according to their duration. Some
an Armour Value. The Armour Value are instant, meaning they discharge their effect and are
reduces the amount of damage you take gone in moments. However, spells that linger do so
from any blow, on a point for point basis. So, in minutes, hours or even days. For each success you
for an attack that does 4 points of damage to someone get when casting a spell, it remains for that amount of
protected with an Armour value of 2, the attack does whatever the units of duration are. So, if a spell has a
only 2 points of damage. duration of minutes, and you score 4 successes casting
it, it will last for 4 minutes. 17
Unfortunately, spell casting comes with a price. Each use Failure and Catastrophe
of power or spell costs mana energy to cast. This cost is Magic is dangerous, and you don’t want to mess around
always 8 mana pips, but is reduced by 1 for every success with it. So, there are penalties for failure! If you fail to
you get to cast the spell. So, if you cast a spell and get get any successes, you fail to cast the spell. It costs you
3 successes, it costs you 5 mana pips. If you manage 8 1 mana point and nothing happens. You got lucky. If
successes, the spell is free! This is called the ‘normal’ you get 1 success, you are in trouble. You manage to
cost for a spell or power. However, some are more summon the magic, but fail to focus it. The spell fails
expensive, and might cost ‘3 + normal’. These extra but you pay the full mana cost, which is going to be
points are deducted regardless of success. So if you cast expensive with only 1 success.
a 3 + normal spell and got 5 successes it would cost 6
mana points. (3 + (8-5) = 6). If you run out of mana, all is not lost. You can still cast
spells but any mana points you owe are removed directly
from your Health score. Each mana pip outstanding
does 1 Health pip of damage regardless of Resolve,
Fortitude and armour.

Arthur Wescot and Friends
These characters appeared in the first edition Other Abilities, Skills and Traits
version of Victoriana. However, we hope they will Health, Mana and Initiative have all been
continue to play a part in your games. They are explained above. You’ll have to wait to find out
offered here to allow you to play ‘White Wedding’ exactly what fate Pool and the Special abilities
if you don’t already have the new second edition each race gets are. Movement applies to the
core rulebook. We’ve given them their complete ground a character can cover (in 3 seconds) and is
statistics, using rules not considered necessary listed in yards a character can Sneak, Run, Swim,
for playing the adventure here. So, if there are a Leap Horizontally and Jump.
few things that don’t make sense, you’ll find the
answers in the new book. This may seem odd, You know all you need about skills. They’ve
but this way you can use these characters with no been divided into Common skills, Specialties and
modification for any Victoriana adventure. They Magical skills. The differences aren’t important for
are all built as starting characters, just as they were now, as they all work in the same way when you
originally. are attempting a task.

Attributes There are finally a few other traits for a character:

Talents, Privileges, Assets and Complications.
As we’ve mentioned before, there are 6 attributes. Talents are special abilities the character can do,
While they don’t rise as high as skills, they are far Privileges are (usually social) advantages they have
more useful given they show a broad aptitude that earn them power or position. A character’s
in an area. The 6 Attributes are divided into the Assets refer to income and possessions, but
physical and mental, and represent the power, Complications are flaws and difficulties in their
agility and resistance of both. character, past and situation. We won’t explain
them all here, as many should give you a good
Strength is physical power, and its use should idea of what they do from just the title, and a
be pretty obvious. It will apply when brute good few offer advantages already counted in
force rather than finesse gets the job done. their attributes.
Dexterity is physical agility, a measure of hand
eye coordination and quickness of movement. However, we aren’t so mean as to leave you
Jumping around, as well as aiming a pistol, relies completely in the dark. So, we add the details of
on Dexterity. Fortitude is physical resistance; it is a Holmwood’s Thaumaturgical spells, as well as the
rating of the body’ses ability to resist damage and Medium abilities for Sophia and Marianne.
illness. Few skills use Fortitude, but it determines
a character’s Health points.
Holmwood’s spells
The mental attributes follow the same pattern.
Darkness of Ages
Presence is mental power, the force of a
Difficulty: 1
character’s personality. It can be used to charm
Cost Normal
and intimidate, as well as just get someone’s
Range: 20 yards
attention. Wits is mental agility, not a measure
Duration: Minutes
of education (or quite intelligence); it measures
This spells creates a billowing black cloud of
quickness of thought and the ability to improvise.
absolute darkness. From outside the spell’s 5
Resolve is the character’s mental resistance, used
yard radius, the cloud appears to be thick roiling
to stand against attempts to deceive the character
smoke. From within, there is absolute darkness,
or attack their mind with sorcery.
with no suggestion of smoke or a gas of any kind.
Etheric Bolt However, the medium must know to look for the spirit
Difficulty: 2 to see it.
Cost 1+Normal
Range: 20 yards (bolt range) Sixth Sense
Duration: Instant Difficulty: 3
Upon completion of the spell, an etheric bolt of green Cost: 2+Normal
energy forms around the caster’s hand, which may then This ability grants an uncanny & instinctive knowledge
be thrown at a target using Dexterity + thaumaturgy in of events around the corner. With use of this ability,
the same manner as mundane ranged attacks. The bolt a medium may finish the sentences of others, know
does 10 dice of damage. Etheric Bolt is not resisted with what someone is about to ask for and avoid the effects
Resolve; instead, the rules for dodging ranged attacks of a surprise attack. At any time, the medium may
apply. One casting provides one bolt. make a casting roll and, if successful, they can claim
to be prepared for anything that the GM has just
announced. Effectively, the player can turn back time a
moment and claim they knew what was coming. So, if
the Gamesmaster tells the medium they are surprised
by a robber, they may make a casting roll. If the roll
is successful, the character can already have a weapon
in hand or be prepared to dodge the attack. However,
the character can only make one action (and warning
the other characters counts as an action). Note that the
Heal medium only gets a hazy picture of what is to come. The
Difficulty: 4 Gamesmaster may veto any action they feel is based on
Cost 3+Normal too detailed information. The character cannot change
Range: Touch an action that has already happened, so they must be
Duration: Instant quick to use the power.
This spell knits flesh and dispels infection, healing 1D6
worth of Health pips instantly. The application of this
spell has made the Guild renowned as miracle healers.
Diseases cannot be treated with Heal, they must be
treated with Cure.

Medium Abilities
Aura Reading
Difficulty: 3
Cost: Normal
A successful casting roll allows the medium to gauge
the mood, temper and intentions of the observed
person. Aura reading is only applied to individuals, not
to groups. Only one aura reading can be conducted with
one action.

See the Supernatural

Difficulty: 2
Cost: Normal
With this power, the Medium focuses her senses
to see spirits. Possessing demons appear as if fully
manifest, demons between hosts seem to be nebulous
20 clouds. Ghosts and invisible creatures can be seen with
this ability, no matter what ability they have to hide.
Magical Skills
Mr Arthur Wescot None
‘The Crime Doctor’
Even as a small child, Arthur possessed a keen Deduction +3, Speed Reader
intellect and a love of logical puzzles. Unfortunately,
his parents could never afford the level of education Privileges
that might have catapulted him into a profession, so Ear of the Street
Arthur contented himself with reading everything he
could, whenever he could, and applying his powers of Assets
observation and reason to the everyday world around Income – middle (5), Shop (antiquarian bookshop)
him. When his parents died of cholera several years
ago, Arthur inherited their small east London shop Contacts & Favours
front, which he speedily reopened as a ‘rare book Dr Fredrick Parsons – Medical Doctor
and curiosity’ shop. Arthur opens the shop Winston Elegan – Gnome Archivist
several days a week, catering to collectors, Inspector Gerald LeGrand – Police
eccentrics and intellectuals alike. He spends Detective
the rest of his time as a private detective,
utilising his amazing intellect to solve crimes 4 Favours owed by various shady underworld

Arthur Wescot and Friends

and conundrums alike. low class personages

Rank: 1 Complications
Race: Gnome Enemy (Criminal Mastermind),
Social Class: Middle Stubborn
Social Ethics: Arthur shares most of the
usual middle class views, but feels the Magical Abilities
church can be a little strict. None
Personality: Cynical; Arthur’s cases have
shown him so much dishonesty and Personal Effects
villainy that he now tends to expect the Lined Waistcoat (AV:1), Adams 0.36
worst of people. revolver (Damage: 8), Grandfather’s
Pocket Watch, Carved Wooden Pipe,
Childhood Experience: Boarding School £1 in cash
Vocation: (Amateur) Detective

Strength: -1, Dexterity: 1, Fortitude: 1, Presence:
2, Wits: 5, Resolve: 3, Initiative: 6, Movement: 3
(2/9/3/1/1), Health: 3 (6), Mana: 3 (18), Fate Pool:
Special Abilities: Little Legs, Night Creature

Common Skills
Dodge 3, Etiquette 3, Empathy 2, Firearms
2, General Knowledge 3, Perception 4,
Streetwise 2

Business 2, Conversation 3, Criminology 3,
Cryptography 3, Legal Matters 2, Research 3,
Mrs Sophia Degrange Strength: 0, Dexterity: 2, Fortitude: 0, Presence: 3, Wits: 3,
‘Mrs Degrange’ Resolve: 1, Initiative: 5, Movement: 7 (3/21/7/3/1), Health: 2
(4), Mana: 1 (6), Fate Pool: 8
Born to West Country gentry, Sophia was a private
and troubled youth, plagued by visions and bizarre Special Abilities: Artistic Eccentricity (Proper
dreams. Her parents became frantic, with her frequent Sensibilities), Planar Empathy (See the Supernatural
‘invisible friends’ and night terrors; they despaired of – Channelling)
ever marrying her off. She quickly learned not to try and
explain the apparitions she saw, or the portents she felt. Common Skills
Eventually, her parents found a prospective husband Charm 3, Dance 2, Etiquette 4, General Knowledge 2,
considerate enough to overlook their daughter’s oddities, Horse Riding 4, Perception 2
and the marriage was arranged.
Unfortunately, Mr Degrange turned out to be a wife Archery 4, Art (Painting) 2, Conversation 4, Fashion 1,
beater, sadist, and a drunkard. Recently, after several High Society 2, Lore 2
years of desperately unhappy marriage, locked away with
only ghosts and her brutal husband for company, Mr Magical Skills:
Degrange died quite spectacularly. One Friday evening Channelling Medium 2, Sensate Medium 5
he returned from his club, drunk as usual, and proceeded
to beat her, when her ghostly confidants rose up to Talents
protect her and frightened him (quite literally) to death. Channelling Medium (See the Supernatural), Sensate
Medium (Aura Reading, Sixth Sense),
Sophia is now free to live in a manner of her own
choosing, safe in the knowledge that, as Privileges
a widow, she will not be expected None
to remarry, but her new life has
complications of its own. Degrange’s Assets
distant family have begun a law Independent Income, Fashionable City Flat,
suit to reclaim his legacy from her Wardrobe
by claiming that she is insane, and
she still has no idea why the restless Contacts & Favours
spirits chose to answer her screams Matthew Devere – Lawyer
that night, or what they might want in Eleanor Fortescue – Favourite Aunt
return… Timothy Embers – Rejected Suitor
Willamina Murray – Occult Expert
Rank: 1
Race: Eldren Complications
Social Class: Upper Black Sheep, Lawyers! Policy of Truth
Social Ethics: Sophia sympathises with
the chartists, but she hides it well. Magical Abilities
Personality: Loner; Sophia’s distressing Channelling Medium (See the Supernatural),
experiences have made her wary of Sensate Medium (Aura Reading, Sixth Sense),
Personal Effects
Childhood Experience: Private Yew Bow (for archery contests), Painting
Tutor and Sketching Equipment, Sophia’s corset
Vocation: Secret Medium grants her 1 armour point, she begins the
adventure with £1 in cash
Mr. Jacob Demolition 3, Politics 2
Lusk Magical Skills
‘Lusk’ None

Jacob is a bitter & twisted creature. Born a rat-man, he Talents

has received the roughest treatment from all around Agility, Inspiration (fighting for the workers!), Point
him, his whole life has been a procession of jibes and Shooter, Rapid Healing,
beatings, until the day he hit back at a squire and made
himself an outlaw. He swore that he’d make his name Privileges
something to be feared by those who beat him and the Blackguard, Pub Regular
helpless masses around him, and took up the beliefs
of extremist bolshevism. Now, Jacob can be found all Assets
over London, organising marches, bombings, smear Barge, Income – Lower class (2)
campaigns, sabotage, jail & workhouse breaks, and
anything else he can do to get back at the establishment Contacts & Favours
that has damned him. Reggie the Snout – Ratman Bruiser

Rank: 1

Arthur Wescot and Friends

Race: Ratman (Agile Beastman) Rage
Social Class: Lower
Social Ethics: Bolshevik Magical Abilities
Personality: Energetic: Jacob throws everything into None
his plans; once he starts on a course, he will exhaust
himself until an outcome of his choosing is Personal Effects
resolved. Knuckledusters (+2 to fist damage), Mariette 0.36
pepperbox ((Damage:8), 2 sticks of dynamite.
Childhood Experience: Mud Lark Jacob has 1D6 worth of pennies in
Vocation: Revolutionary his pocket in ready cash.

Strength: 1, Dexterity: 3,
Fortitude: 3, Presence:
0, Wits: 1, Resolve: 2,
Initiative: 4, Movement: 8
Health: 5 (10), Mana: 2
(12), Fate Pool: 8

Special Abilities: Animal Trait

(Advanced Smell)

Common Skills
Bull 3, Conceal 2, Etiquette 2,
Fisticuffs 2, Firearms 4, Hide &
Sneak 5, Perception 3, Streetwise 4
Mr Lawrence Holmwood High Society 4, Lore 2, Research 2, Science (Astronomy)
‘Doctor Holmwood’ 4, Science (Chemistry) 2,

Lawrence is third son to lord Holmwood, and grew up Magical Skills

with the finest private tutors among the family’s estates Thaumaturgy 4
in Kent. His family were dismissive of his acceptance
into the guild university at Cambridge, and unconcerned Talents
with his emergence as an associate. Despite his Thaumaturgist (+2 additional spells)
accomplishments, Lawrence is merely a third son, and
will never inherit the seat of the family fortunes. Privileges
Where others might be happy to idle away Private Club Membership, Thaumaturgical Doctorate.
at the expense of the family, Lawrence is
constantly looking for investments and Assets
adventures that will help him to carve out Fashionable City Flat, Income – upper (5)
a name for himself, and hopefully gain some
respect. Contacts & Favours
Aldwin Manton – Guild Archivist
Rank: 1 Jonathan Cavendish – Old School Friend
Race: Human (Socialite)
Social Class: Upper
Social Ethics: Lawrence had a Complications
traditional upper class upbringing Code of Honour (Gentleman), Glass Jaw
but, nonetheless, he sees great
wisdom in the free traders’ theories. Magical Abilities
Personality: Masochist? Lawrence Thaumaturgy (Spells: Darkness of Ages,
could just sit back and live a life of Etheric Bolt, Heal)
riley, but that’s obviously just too
easy… Personal Effects
Excellently tailored lined great coat (AV: 2),
Childhood Experience: Public School Sword Cane (Damage: 6)
Vocation: Guild Associate

Strength: 1, Dexterity: 1, Fortitude: 1,
Presence: 1, Wits: 3, Resolve: 2, Initiative:
4, Movement: 6 (3/18/6/2/1), Health:
3 (6), Mana: 2 (12), Fate Pool: 14

Special Abilities: Adaptability,


Common Skills
Athletics 2, Concentration
3, Etiquette 2, General
Knowledge 2, Perception
2, Swordplay 4

Special Abilities: Adaptability, Destiny
Sergeant Jack London
‘Indian Jack’ Common Skills
Athletics 4, Dodge 4, Drive Carriage 2, Etiquette
Jack is a soldier, a veteran rifleman, who served for much 2, General Knowledge 2, Firearms 6, Fisticuffs 3,
of his career in India. He recently returned from active Perception 3, Swordplay 3,
duty in Afghanistan. His early retirement was forced
when he received a jezzail shot in the leg that shattered Specialties
his left shin. One field amputation later, Jack was sailing Culture (India) 3, Language (Hindustani) 2
for home.
Magical Skills
Although from a middle class family, Jack’s None
disability and meagre half-pay has slowly
dragged him down into the slums, the Talents
only accommodation he can afford. Jack Combat Sense (+2), Mere Flesh Wounds
is shocked on a daily basis by the terrible
conditions around him and often assists the Privileges
various charitable ventures and reformists who Local Hero
venture into the area.

Arthur Wescot and Friends

Jack takes his past vocation seriously, Income – Middle class (2) (half-pay
and considers himself to be a defender from the army, a compensation for his
of the weak. He rarely starts fights, wound), Respectable Boarding House,
but he takes pleasure in finishing them Wardrobe
Contacts & Favours
Rank: 1 Colonel Thoroughgood
Race: Human – Jack’s Old Commander
Social Class: Middle Chulan Din – Friend from the
Social Ethics: Jack considers Ghurkha Regiment
himself a good Aluminat and his
ethics are a mixture of Anglican Complications
and Chartist Missing Limb (Peg Leg, Jack’s old war
Personality: Perfectionist; Jack wound).
cannot stand rashness & rushing.
Perhaps he worries he’ll lose his Magical Abilities
other leg. None

Childhood Experience: Boarding Personal Effects

School Soldier’s coat, Musical pocket watch,
Vocation: Soldier (95th Pennine Indian Pipe, Enfield rifled musket
Royal Guard) (Damage: 12), Ghurkha knife (a
vicious souvenir from his colonial
Attributes tours, Damage: 6), 20 rifle cartridges, 30
Strength: 2, Dexterity: 2, Fortitude: percussion caps. Jack starts play with 4
2, Presence: 1, Wits: 1, Resolve: Shillings in ready cash.
2, Initiative: 5, Movement: 7
Health: 4 (8), Mana: 2 (12), Fate
Pool: 14
Miss Marianne van der Rynn Appraisal +2, Bribery +2, Pick Pocket +2,
‘The Raven’
Magical Skills
Marianne is Dutch by birth, but spent her childhood in Sensate Medium 1
London with only vague recollections of her deceased
parents. At the age of six, Marianne was unleashed upon Talents
the streets, where she was swiftly initiated into a circle of Beautiful (+3), Local Expert
pickpockets. Marianne has ever pursued the profitable
currents of crime & vice; she dabbles in theft, blackmail, Privileges
assault, and prostitution. Marianne has become well Pub Regular, Social Anomaly
known across the London rookeries for her Eldren
looks and cold heart. Assets
Bolt Hole, Income – Lower (5), rented court lodgings,
Now, at the age of eighteen, Marianne is cold, without Wardrobe
compassion. Any sense of love or mercy has been
long washed away by the slums during an all too Contacts & Favours
short childhood, leaving her sharp-minded, Reggie the snout – Ratman Bruiser
shrewd and sometimes callous. Mr Spindle – Magic Shop Owner and Fence
Alice Torrington – Rookery Prostitute
Rank: 1 Minton Wayland – Wolfman Footpad
Race: Eldren Charlotte Brinsdown – Dwarven Tosher
Social Class: Lower
Social Ethics: Anarchistic Complications
Personality: Defensively Devious; Addiction (Opium), Distinctive Features
Marianne feels that to trust someone (that high Presence and Beauty really does
makes you vulnerable to them, and so stand out), Police Harassment
doggedly refuses close relationships
Magical Abilities:
Childhood Experience: Pickpocket Sensate Medium (Sixth Sense)
Vocation: Criminatrix
Personal Effects
Attributes 2 Stiletto Knives (Damage: 3), Corset
Strength: 0, Dexterity: 3, Fortitude: 1, (AV: 1), Fur Greatcoat (AV: 1),
Presence: 4, Wits: 2, Resolve: 1, Initiative: 2 doses of opium, Cigarettes,
7, Movement: 8 (4/24/8/4/2), Opera Glasses, Dark Lantern,
Health: 3 (6), Mana: 1 (6), Fate Make-up Kit. Marianne has
Pool: 8 10 pennies in ready cash at
the start of play.
Special Abilities: Artistic
Eccentricity (Personality
Flaw – Cynical), Planar
Empathy (Sixth Sense
– Sensate)

Common Skills
Skills: Bull +2, Conceal +2,
Charm +3, Dodge +2, Hide
& Sneak +3, Perception +2,
26 Streetwise +5, Swordplay +4
White Wedding
This scenario revolves around a common enough party contains no stooge, then Levinia invites
social institution; marriage. However, as can them to her family home in the city to continue
perhaps be expected in Victoriana, this wedding their discussions and develop their new friendship.
isn’t a happy story about blushing brides and
confetti; it is about an arranged marriage from A couple of days later, the stooge will receive
hell. an invitation from Levinia’s father to come and
discuss some pressing business. If the stooge
Depending on the style of game you are running, turns up, Levinia’s father immediately presses for
this can be a lighthearted farce, or a gruelling story a marriage between the stooge and his daughter.
of freedom from personal oppression. It can If the party has no stooge, then the characters
evolve in several ways, depending on the make up receive an invitation from Levinia herself to
of your adventuring party. While we expect you to visit her and, while they are present, the father
be using the ready made characters presented later introduces Levinia to a new husband to be, a
on, don’t feel you have to. If you already have a meeting which does not go well.
group of player characters ready to go, you can
use them instead just as easily. At this point, the adventure turns in one of two
different directions.
If your party contains an upper or middle class
single male, then (little may he know it) he may be Option A
about to get married to a woman called Levinia If the stooge has gone along with the marriage
Dempsey. If you are using the ready-made plan, he may be disappointed to hear that Levinia
characters, Lawrence Holmwood is the obvious refuses the arrangement. If the stooge accepts
choice. However, while not the first choice, both this and steps down, then he has lost his ‘stooge
Arthur Wescot and Sergeant Jack London are status’ and Levinia’s father finds another husband
not safe from becoming unwitting bridegrooms. for her, one more inclined to tame her. If this
Throughout the rest of this adventure write up, happens, the story can now follow path B. Of
the bridegroom character will be referred to as course, it is possible that the stooge decides to
‘the stooge’. press the marriage; after all, Levinia is beautiful,
and there is a huge dowry. However, if this
If your party is completely lower class, or if all course is chosen, then the stooge has earned
the characters are female, then none of them are Levinia’s enmity and she runs away. The character
likely to get married off to Levinia. However, they effectively takes Uriah’s position as the villain
may still end up assisting Levinia escape her social of the tale. The characters or the family will
‘duty’. Encouraging the party to do so may be eventually find her and, if the stooge is persistent,
more or less difficult, depending on their nature. they make it to the wedding, where Levinia reads
Rebels and kindhearted souls might help Levinia her vows at gunpoint. The stooge is then free to
out of kindness; colder characters might want consummate the marriage, over Levinia’s dead
rewards of a more material nature, which Levinia body, naturally.
might also provide, at first…
Option B
The Sequence of Events
The characters are first introduced to Levinia on
If, however, the characters never had a stooge
or if the stooge turned down the marriage, then
Levinia now turns to them for help escaping her
a visit to the opera. The Stooge and Levinia end impending marriage to the husband from hell and
up being introduced and talking, and (hopefully!) starting a new life. Needless to say, this is a goal
hit it off. Regardless of the characters’ feelings, that carries more than a few complications.
Levinia is taken with them, and reveals a little of
her rebellious side. She also has a little modest Let the story begin!
power as a medium, which grants her a little more
gossip than usual. She’ll give the characters the
low down on the latest scandal, as well as the
other society figures, and generally endear herself A Night at the Opera
The adventure begins with the characters visiting
to the characters during the course of the evening.
the opera. However, it could just as easily be the
theatre, music hall or a concert in the park. Not all
Unbeknownst to the party, the stooge has now
the characters might think such an evening out is 27
been ear marked for a society wedding. If the
much fun. If you have a mixed class or lower class
group, point out how out of place lower class characters
might feel amongst the opulent environment, and Hearing about Levinia’s contact with the character, her
surrounded by those of a higher station. The clothes father, Sir Robert Dempsey, calls upon the character at
worn by most attendees would cost a working man’s his home. He informs the character that he has heard
annual income or more; the clean, groomed crowds are a of a friendship with his daughter and asks him, quite
different world to the bustling grimy streets outside. outright, if he will marry her for a dowry of £5000.
A positive response delights Sir Robert, who leaves
During the socialising before and after the theatre, immediately to prepare for the wedding. A negative
the stooge is introduced to the beautiful Miss Levinia response will send him flying into play acted outrage
Dempsey. Miss Dempsey makes a dramatic entrance, at the character’s harsh and ungentlemanly treatment
and is unescorted (highly irregular). All heads turn as of his daughter; after all, she is beautiful, royal Eldren
she enters, but none move to invite her into their group. blood flows in her veins, his dowry and inheritance are
During the social mixing before the show, she talks with first class, what more could a man want! Sir Robert will
the characters, and she might actually take a fancy to the attempt to lure (and if that fails, intimidate) the character
target character. The character group should present (at into the marital arrangement.
the very least) something different to the usual social
butterflies at the occasion. Whatever her motive, Levinia Eventually, Sir Robert will withdraw if the stooge is
will embarrass society bastions by her loud declamation persistent in his refusal, but make the character sweat
of capitalism and class distinction, proclaiming the before play can pick up and continue with ‘New
benefits of a socialist commonwealth, free education Friends’. However, if the character accepts Sir Robert’s
and love. During the conversation, she drinks neat offer, the remainder of the adventure can proceed as
vodka and smokes Sobraine cigarettes, both fashionable outlined in the sidebar ‘Intimate Strangers’.
(and unpopular) activities. To most of the upper class
gathering, a bomb going off would be less shocking and
unsettling than Levinia’s behaviour. New Friends
This part of the story takes place several days after the
As she and the characters talk, a Wits + Perception (or characters’ initial meeting with Levinia. One or more of
Empathy) roll will make the characters aware that others the characters who got on particularly well with Levinia
are staring at them and that they has become a focus of receive a message carried by private messenger, inviting
attention. If asked, Levinia will explain, “It is because them for afternoon tea at the Dempseys’ townhouse
you are talking to me; the Bolshevik disgrace, the in Belgravia (a pleasant west end district of London).
promiscuous whore. That’s what they all call me behind The invitation is in Levinia’s own handwriting and she
my back, anyway.” If a character tries to assure her that is obviously extremely enthusiastic about once again
no one could think such a thing, she replies, ‘But they meeting her new friends.
do, sir, they do. They have too little imagination to think
anything else.’ She then changes the subject to question When the characters arrive at the Dempseys’ Belgravia
the character on some hidden aspect of his life that she townhouse, they are greeted at the door by Mr Timms,
has deduced through her medium senses. the Dempseys’ dour butler, who is expecting them and
escorts them through a hallway and dining room lined
Once the evening is over, the characters should feel they with valuable and exquisite paintings to a parlour at the
have a new friend in Levinia. She lavishes them with rear of the building, which faces onto a well stocked
attention for the whole evening - she is simply delighted conservatory. Levinia is waiting for them here and, after
to have found some people who are actually interesting greeting all in turn while Mr Timms lays out the tea
in comparison to the never-ending procession of service and departs, she then insists on hearing every
vacuous wallflowers she is usually expected to socialise nuance of their lives for the last few days, interspersed
with, and she makes sure she has a way of contacting the with politics and fashion as only Levinia can.
characters in the future before they all part company for
the evening. Levinia makes it clear that she envies the characters
living as they please in the real world, while she
If the party has a stooge and you are using Option B, languishes in a gilded cage, a thought which obviously
then proceed to ‘Sir, about my Daughter’, otherwise saddens her a great deal and upon which she doesn’t
proceed to ‘New Friends’ dwell, preferring instead to change the subject.

However, as she does so, the door to the parlour opens

Sir, about my daughter...
If you are using story option B (where one of the
and Mr Dempsey enters, accompanied by an older
man who possesses a deathly pallor, cold eyes and an
characters is interested in becoming the groom for arrogant sneer.
Levinia) things play out a little differently. Unless your
28 characters are as evil as Uriah (yikes), this story option is
much more lighthearted and inclined to a farce or fairy
tale atmosphere.
Intimate Strangers
Enter the Groom
Mr Dempsey casts his eye briefly over the
A character who agrees to the wedding is not assembled characters with some surprise
allowed to see Levinia until the happy event. This (and perhaps distaste if they are lower class
is because Levinia has been chained to her bed to ‘riff raff ’). He expresses his apologies for the
prevent her escape from her father’s arrangements. intrusion, but he was unaware that Levinia was
The wedding is announced in every London entertaining, and asks if they might excuse him
newspaper and the character starts receiving for the intrusion, but he needs to speak to his
telegrams of congratulation from society figures daughter in private.
he doesn’t even know, including a wire from Sir
Robert informing the character of the wedding After a moment’s stunned silence (while
date, only a week away. characters might already be getting up and
leaving), Levinia expresses her outrage at her
At the wedding, Levinia makes a break for father’s rudeness and asks the characters if they
freedom at the door, but is apprehended and wouldn’t mind viewing the conservatory for a
ushered into the chapel. Upon seeing the social few minutes instead. It is a little unconventional,
gathering, Levinia ceases to struggle in the face but we want those (no doubt) nosy characters
of such colossal social disgrace and the marriage to know what’s going on.
is conducted.
Sighing, Mr Dempsey agrees, and waits while
The Honeymoon Levinia, apologising profusely, shows the
The happy couple have a splendid honeymoon characters into the adjoining conservatory
planned for them, if they both make it. If Levinia before returning to the parlour.
does not like her husband, then the train journey to
their honeymoon destination will be fraught with Its’ possible that overly polite characters might
escape attempts and loud argumentative assaults. actually leave at Mr Dempsey’s bidding rather
Assuming that Levinia fails to escape without than stay at Levinia’s request, in which case
murder being committed, she will drink herself they soon realise that things aren’t right when
stupid and attempt to offend everyone in the train Levinia turns up on a party member’s doorstep
buffet as recompense for her treatment. If things later in the section ‘Among the People’.
get really out of hand, the characters could find
themselves chasing a drunken Levinia across the For those characters who do stay for the big
tops of the moving train carriages. event, let them make Wits + Perception and
Dexterity + Hide & Sneak rolls to listen in
Once at the honeymoon location, the husband or spy into the parlour undetected. Given the
might be eager to consummate the marriage and potential rush for a good spot, you should

White Wedding
start his succession. Such a chain of events will impose a 3 Black dice penalty to the rolls for
only take place over Levinia’s dead body. That is, a Difficult skill roll. However, you might want
unless the character has a vast amount of charm to be lenient if they are truly hapless; after all
and luck and has managed to win her heart against they’re here for the gossip, right?
all odds.
Once they characters are in the conservatory
Of course, Levinia and the character might actually and (apparently) out of the way, Levina’s father
get on; at least, they might both be oddballs of introduces his companion, Uriah Clarence. He
society and agree to lead separate lives, maintaining is a wealthy stock broker with whom Levinia’s
father has been doing a lot of business, and
their marriage to appease social pressure. who has asked for Levinia’s hand in marriage.
As Levinia looks on, shell shocked, Mr
Happy Ever After? Dempsey adds that he has considered the
The main things to come out of this scenario for proposal and accepted. The marriage will be
the characters are a change in social perspective for taking place next week and he suggests that the
some and, of course, Levinia Dempsey. Levinia is two spend some time to get acquainted.
undoubtedly a useful person to know, if only for
her medium skills. A party might also value her Levinia starts to say, ‘How dare you,’ but her
knowledge of etiquette and high society. Whether father curtly reminds her that she is a woman
the characters’ final relationship with Levinia is now, not a girl and, as she has so successfully
marital, intimate, cordial, amicable or loyal is really ostracised herself from the rest of society, she
up to the players and how they act. is lucky to have found a groom at all. There
are to be no ifs, buts, or refusals. With that
statement, he nods and smiles at the grim Mr
Clarence and leaves the room for Levinia and Mr
Clarence to get acquainted.
Uriah Clarence
Levinia slumps onto the divan, obviously still
shocked by the proceedings. Uriah hobbles over, Clever characters might want to dig around
sits next to her and says, ‘Quite a shock I’m sure, in Uriah’s dirty laundry and see just how
but you’ll come to appreciate me..’ As he speaks, dirty it really is, and why not! They have
Uriah runs his hand across Levinia’s hair, an several reasons to do so. They might be
action which snaps her out of her shocked state. intrigued by his unnerving display of
Her lip curled in disgust, she tries to slap Uriah power in the Dempseys’ parlour, or they
hard across the face but, with an unnatural speed might simply want to find a reason they
and strength, Uriah grabs her hand in mid strike can give Mr Dempsey for the marriage not
and forces it behind her back. With this show to go ahead.
of power, Levinia’s medium senses allow her to
observe a deathly and unnatural aura surrounding Uriah is a successful stock broker by day,
Uriah; although she doesn’t understand what she and spends much of every day in his
has glimpsed, it terrifies her nonetheless. If one London city offices, building the wealth
of the other characters has the Medium abilities of the empire and lucratively expanding
‘Aura Reading’ or ‘Magic Sense’, they may be able his own coffers as he does so. Regrettably,
to see the aura too. Observant characters in the Uriah does not do anything illegal by day;
conservatory will notice several of the plants by his day job as a stock broker is totally
the parlour noticeably wilt at the same time. genuine and totally legal. Although it
should be mentioned that it really doesn’t
Uriah, grinning evilly at his power over her, make him a better person. He’s successful
mashes his withered lips against hers in a feral kiss at his day job because he’s an evil minded
before releasing her with the promise, ’I shall enjoy and sadistic tyrant, and because he has no
taming you, Levinia, and tame you I shall.’ Uriah compunction about disturbing the spirits
stands and leaves, pausing only to nod farewell. of the dead to support and verify his
‘Until our wedding night, my love,’ he adds speculations.
tauntingly as he leaves.
Characters who dig too deep into the
Naturally, some characters may intervene as the company portfolios Uriah manages
scene turns ugly and, if they do so, Uriah’s clinch might begin to see all manner of sinister
is cut short, and he departs peacefully, offering connections and unpleasant deeds (also
his parting comments as he goes. He certainly an ideal place for you to drop a lead for a
has no intention of fighting the characters in the future adventure) and chasing off after just
Dempsey household, but he will mark them as such a red herring might provide good fun
enemies from now on. If the characters are daft in its own right.
enough to engage in an all out brawl, the servants
will rush in (led by the butler) to break up the fight Characters looking for dirt on Uriah
and cast the characters out onto the street. find it in spades at his home in London,
where the library is filled with ancient
For those characters who remain discreet spies and proscribed books on death, and the
while Uriah is present, they are free to attend to basement is filled with body parts and
the shocked and distressed Levinia once Uriah has cadavers left over from Uriah’s enthusiastic
left. Levinia tearfully relates the disgusting deathly experiments.
aura she saw around Uriah. Characters with the
Thaumaturgy skill, or Lore specialty can roll We won’t dwell on the nature of Uriah’s
Wits (+ the skill) to suspect that the aura might experiments; we’ll leave that to you,
be indicative of necromantic magic. However, the Gamesmaster. Is Uriah creating a
the skill roll is ‘Very Difficult’ (6 Black Dice), as ‘Frankenstein’s monster’, is he trying
Necromancy is believed to be a dead and long to animate the dead, or does he simply
forgotten art. The characters won’t have seen have a morbid interest in anatomy? You
anything like it first hand before. decide and, while you’re at it, decide how
successful he’s been!
In Levinia’s mind, the path is clear; she cannot
marry Uriah, she would rather die. If her father is
to insist on being so blind, then she will run away.
30 Her bright eyes reddened with tears, she turns to
the characters and begs, ‘Help me, please?’
Escape Plans
In the last couple of sections, the characters have
Among the People
Whether the players rescue Levinia, or whether she
primarily been observers; now they can spring into escapes herself, Levinia is ill equipped for everyday life.
action and hatch the kind of ludicrous, hare brained Levinia’s idea of freedom is to join the ranks of the
scheme that only players can hatch. proletariat and live without the shackles of high society.
Unfortunately, she has little idea of the harsh realities
However, Levinia is sensible enough to realise that (as of working class life, she doesn’t know how to cook for
much as she might want to) she cannot simply run out herself or even repair her clothes. These wouldn’t be
into the street and disappear right now. She needs to desperate problems but for the fact that, as a woman,
gather some modest possessions first, but will yield to she has no money or property. All the wealth she had
characters’ advice on the nature of the breakout. Make actually belongs to her father. Selling some jewellery
no mistake, this is a breakout. From the moment Uriah gains her a couple of pounds, which Levinia’s delicate
left, Levinia was effectively under house arrest. Servants and sophisticated tastes soon devour. Levinia’s dream of
dog her every step to prevent just such a dramatic proletarian existence wasn’t the picture of squalor and
escape. grime that is the reality.
So, how will the characters get Levinia to freedom? Will It’s possible of course that the characters don’t break
they return by night and assist Levinia in a stealthy exit Levinia out; they might not even know about the
via her bedroom window? Will they invite Levinia out marriage arrangement if they left at Mr Dempsey’s
in the hope that they can lose any chaperones that come request earlier on. If this is the case, then they do
with her and escape that way (unfortunately, that is a bad hear about Levinia’s marriage when they read an
plan as Levinia is not going to be let out of the house)? announcement in the society column of the newspapers.
Will they execute a fake ‘home invasion’ and ‘kidnap’ As if on cue, a bedraggled Levinia turns up on the
Levinia? Perhaps they’ll plan to wait until the wedding characters’ doorstep moments later. She has realised that
day itself and help Levinia escape while she and Uriah her only income as an educated yet unskilled woman will
are en route to their honeymoon? be through prostitution or marriage, and she’ll relate
the tale of events and explain her dread of the insidious
Whatever the characters cook up, bear in mind the Uriah.
following points:
Whether the characters free her, or whether she turns to
If the characters call again, they will simply them for a last resort, Levinia’s freedom is short lived.
be told by the butler that Levinia is not taking The characters’ contacts will warn them that some ugly
visitors. looking thugs have been asking around for them and a
young Eldren woman matching Levinia’s description.
The only visitors that will be allowed in will be the A little additional questioning will reveal the thugs are
seamstresses tasked to create Levinia’s wedding three Weasel Beastmen. It doesn’t take the thugs (Uriah’s

White Wedding
dress (which will take several sittings to complete). grave robbers) long to locate the characters through
Levinia will not be allowed out of the house, and a combination of legwork and séances conducted by
the servants have been instructed to watch the Uriah.
doors. Within a day, the troublesome Levinia is
locked in her room unless the tailors are in situ. At your convenience, once the characters have had a
chance to see how helpless and vulnerable Levinia is in
The servants guarding Levinia are not maniacs or the real world, the grave robbers strike and carry Levinia
soldiers; if attacked, they retreat and call for the off to a secret location where she will remain until the
law. A party willing to use force to free Levinia wedding. The Weasel grave robbers work for Uriah,
can rescue her easily but, as a result, the police not the Dempseys and they have no compunctions
will call out a manhunt to find the kidnappers. about violence to the characters. In fact, they rather
enjoy a fight, as long as it looks like they’ll win. The
Once the characters have a plan, think about how to grave robbers prefer to strike at night when Levinia
make it a challenge; for example, a night time breakout and whichever character she is staying with are asleep.
from the bedroom window will by necessity requires a The grave robbers will break into the home and carry
ladder, so how will the characters get it there quietly? a screaming Levinia into the night to a waiting coach,
Once there, make sure the characters are swift and quiet, pausing only to knock out any characters who try to
to avoid the attention of the police who maintain regular stop them. If the characters plan things too well, Uriah
foot patrols around Belgravia, and will no doubt be may be able to provide supernatural help for his thugs in
innately suspicious of characters with ladders to upstairs their kidnapping attempt.
windows in the middle of the night! In such a plan, a
single failed sneak roll can bring either the police from
outside, or the house occupants to the scene and turn
the escape into a madcap dash through the night time
The Wedding
Whether she’s left to stew since day one or whether she
Cast of Characters
tastes freedom for a few days before recapture, Levinia Miss Levinia Dempsey
still has a wedding to go to. On the morning of the Daughter to a master industrialist and society host,
wedding, Levinia is bodily hauled out of the house in Levinia could have been a popular girl. As an only
her wedding dress and into the coach that takes her to child, she is spoilt; with her wealthy father providing
the church. everything she could possibly want. She is highly
intelligent and, wishing an education, she received one.
At the church doors, Levinia makes a final break for The finest tutors in Europe attended to the precocious
freedom, only to be detained by her chaperones and child’s education in every subject she wished. Now, as a
ushered into the chapel. Once inside, upon seeing the young woman, her imperial and patriotic father deeply
social gathering, Levinia finally ceases to struggle in the regrets his generosity. Levinia’s education in politics
face of such colossal social disgrace, and the marriage and sociology has prompted a fashionable interest in
is conducted. All the while, Levinia tries to think about radical politics, namely Communism with quite strong
how she can escape Uriah before the evening. verbal Bolshevism. Her past as a spoilt brat has led to an
obsession with breaking rules, primarily social rules.
Once the ceremony is over, the ‘happy’ couple leave
by coach straight for Uriah’s townhouse, excusing Levinia, with her promiscuous and political talk,
themselves from the reception on account of poor has become an embarrassment to her father’s social
health on Uriah’s part. position. Now, he intends to marry her off, to place the
embarrassment on someone else. Of course Levinia’s
Characters determined to free Levinia now have a final attitude toward others of her social class is highly
chance for closure at Uriah’s townhouse, where they defamatory, and not conducive to offers of marriage.
must face off against the graverobbers before they can
eventually find Uriah and Levinia upstairs, where Levinia Rank: 1
is locked in a valiant and futile struggle to prevent the Race: Eldren
eager Uriah from consummating the marriage. Social Class: Upper
Social Ethics: Levinia makes a show of being Bolshevik
Happy Endings?
If the characters can defeat Uriah and his thugs, there is
but, at heart, has more in common with the chartists
Personality: Energetic and outspoken
a chance for a happy ending. If Uriah is dead, Levinia is Childhood Experience: Private Tutors
free to remain single (for now). Vocation: Bored Society Debutante
It’s possible that the characters might see a value to Attributes
supporting Levinia as a dependant in exchange for her Strength: 0, Dexterity: 1, Fortitude: 0, Presence: 4, Wits: 2,
medium abilities. Any party intending to investigate for Resolve: 1, Initiative: 3, Movement: 6 (3/18/6/2/1), Health: 2
a living will find her medium senses extremely useful. It (4), Mana: 1 (6)
is the best way for her to gain some independence from
her family. Special Abilities: Artistic Eccentricity (Personality Flaw
-Temper Fits), Planer Empathy (See the Supernatural)
Naturally, it’s possible that the characters might fail,
Uriah might consummate the marriage and, unless Common Skills
the characters intervene, he’ll make Levinia’s life hell, Bull 2, Charm 3, Dodge 2, Etiquette 4, General
degrading her for his own amusement before finally Knowledge 3, Perception 2
fulfilling his real objective, the murder of Levinia’s
father. As Levinia’s husband, all of Mr Dempsey’s Specialties
wealth and investments will pass to Uriah, not Levinia. Conversation 2, Fashion 5, High Society 2, Politics 3
Remember that, if Uriah lives (perhaps due to the
mercy of the characters), he is still legally married to Magical Skills
Levinia. The characters have no legal rights to interfere Sensate Medium 4
in the horrors he is looking forward to visiting on his
new bride. Should the character find a way to defeat Talents
Uriah without killing him, he would make an excellent Beautiful, Sensate Medium (2 abilities)
recurring villain later on in your campaign. His plan to
secure the Dempsey fortune and get ‘revenge’ on the Privileges
characters will become a consuming obsession. Should None
32 a character end up marrying Levinia, Uriah will also
appear to do all he can to destroy their happiness. Assets
Income – upper (5) (soon to be cut off), Wardrobe.
Complications Assets
None (but things are going to get very complicated Fashionable City Villa, Income – upper (5)
Magical Abilities Cursed (Aura of Corruption)
Sensate Medium (Aura Reading, See the Supernatural,
Sixth Sense) Magical Abilities
Necromancer (Death’s Cold Touch, Death’s Lingering
Personal Effects Stench, Dust, Seance)
Levinia has never lifted a weapon in her life, and thus
possesses none. Her wardrobe of tailored gowns and Personal Effects
collection of jewellery are both priceless. Uriah keeps a stout walking cane with him that he
can use to strike servants and passersby. His clothes
Sir Robert Dempsey are expensive and well tailored, but not especially
Where many of the gentry have fallen upon hard times, fashionable or worn with any style. In case of
Sir Robert’s fortunes have flourished. He wholeheartedly emergencies, he also carries a small pistol (damage:8)
embraces the industrial era and is always looking for new
investments and ventures in need of capital. His manner Uriah’s Spells
is more that of a businessman than an aristocrat.
Death’s Cold Touch
Sir Robert’s statistics shouldn’t be important during the Difficulty: 2
adventure. Should the characters take him on in combat, Cost 3+Normal
he will likely be beaten after landing a few blows, and Range: Touch
then call the police! However, you can feel free to Duration: Rounds
give him a dice pool of 6 for most tasks pertaining to Once cast, the Necromancer’s hands become
business and society. Robert also has 3 Health dice. cadaverous, and radiate cold. Anything touched ages;
the extent of the ageing is dependent upon the number
Uriah Clarence of rounds it remains in contact. With 1 round, cloth
Uriah has always been selfish and power obsessed, but dissolves into dust; with two, wood becomes weak and
his recent discovery of Necromancy has driven him fragile. With three, a young man becomes an elderly
to the point of obsession, so much so that he barely cripple. With four, metal devices such as locks, guns and
notices the effects of his corruption. swords turn to flakes and chunks of rust. Living targets
may spend Mana to resist the effects (2 Mana points
Rank: 5 Necromancer buys them an extra round) but they still take 4 dice of
Race: Human Health damage.
Social Class: Upper
Death’s Lingering Stench

White Wedding
Social Ethics: He cares nothing for anyone else
Personality: Selfish, twisted and evil Difficulty: 2
Cost 2+Normal
Attributes Range: See description
Strength: 0, Dexterity: 2, Fortitude: 2, Presence: 4, Wits: 3, Duration: Instant
Resolve: 4, Initiative: 5, Movement: 7 (3/21/7/3/1), Health: 4 Creates a poisonous cloud of stinking corpse gas around
(8), Mana: 4 (24) the caster; the gas has a radius of 10 yards plus 5 yards
for each Resolve point of the caster. The gas is also a
Common Skills poison, which does 1 health pip of damage each round
Bull 3, Concentration 3, Dodge 2, Etiquette 3, Firearms to anyone in the cloud, to which the caster is immune
2, General Knowledge 3, Intimidate 4, Perception 2
Specialties Difficulty: 2
Accounting 4, Business 5, High Society 2, Legal Matters Cost 1+Normal
3, Lore 5, Politics 1, Research 3, Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Magical Skills This showy spell rots inanimate matter to dust at the
Necromancy 6 touch. Each casting rots one cubic foot of matter. Dust
has no effect on living flesh.
Feign Death, Necromancer Séance
Difficulty: 4
Privileges Cost 4+Normal 33
None Range: Self
Duration: Minutes
The caster attempts to communicate with specific spirits Rank: 2 Thugs
from the netherworld. With success, the spirit requested Race: Beastmen (Weasel)
is found, but information gleaned may be nebulous, Social Class: Lower
unrelated or meaningless. With a special success, the Social Ethics: Whatever pays
information gleaned is relevant to the questions and Personality: Obedient and loyal
accurate. With failure, nothing useful comes of the
attempt. An especially bad failure calls the attention of Attributes
the void. The dead may only be questioned concerning Strength: 3, Dexterity: 3, Fortitude: 2, Presence: 1, Wits: 0,
matters of the past. Resolve: 2, Initiative: 3, Movement: 8 (4/24/8/4/2),
Health: 4 (8), Mana: 2 (12)
Jed, Ned & Ted - The Grave Robbers
These three Weasel Beastmen are a motley and nefarious Common Skills
crew. However, Uriah pays them well to do his dirty Bull 2, Dodge 3, Firearms 2, Fisticuffs 5, Hide & Sneak
work, and no job is too dirty for them. They are lazy and 3, Perception 2, Swordplay 4
shiftless but know which side their bread is buttered on,
and that no one but Uriah would employ them. Personal Effects
Spade, Ragged Clothes, Cheap Cigarettes, Surly Attitude,
Selection of Knives

Original Writing by
John Tuckey, Scott Rhymer and Richard Nunn

Second edition Revisions by

Andrew Peregrine

Graphics and Layout by

Gabriel Strange

Cover Art
The Fair Toxophilites (1872)
William Powell Frith (1819-1909)

Heresy Engine design by

Ian Sturrock

Proofreading by
Annie Percik

To find out more about Victoriana visit

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