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Short – Term Internship

Machine Learning

A Short-Term Internship report submitted in partial fulfillment

for the award of degree in



Under the esteemed guidance of


Assistant Professor
Department of CSE

Department of Emerging Technologies in Computer Science


KURNOOL (Affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological

University, ANANTAPUR)

Department of Emerging Technologies in Computer Science



A Short-Term Internship by



Smt. T. SWATHI, Dr. N. KasiViswanth

Assistant Professor, Professor & HOD,

Department of C.S.E, Department of C.S.E,


Program Book Short Term Internship


Kurnool (Affiliated to JNTU, ANANTAPUR)

Program Book for Short-Term Internship

Name of the Student: B. Charishma

Name of the College: G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College - Kurnool

Registration Number: 219X5A05L0

Period of Internship: 8 weeks

From: August 2022 To: September 2022

Name & Address of the Intern Organization : Verzeo Edu Tech, Bangalore,


An Internship Report
Machine learning with Python

Submitted in accordance with the requirement for the degree of B.Tech

Name of the College: G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College - Kurnool


Name of the Faculty Guide: T. Swathi Assistant Professor CSE

Duration of the Internship: From 01-08-2022 To 30-09-2022

Name of the Student: B. Charishma

Programme of Study: B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering

Year of Study: IV Year.

Register Number: 219X5A05L0

Date of Submission: 11-10-2023

Student’s Declaration

I, Bommaji Charishma, a student of COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Program, Reg.

No. 219X5A05L0 of the Department of COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, College do
hereby declare that I have completed the mandatory internship from 01-08-2022 to 30-09-

2022 in Verzeo Edu Tech under the Faculty Guideship of T. Swathi Department of
COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, G. Pulla Reddy Engineering College(Autonomous),

(Signature and Date)

Certificate from Intern Organization


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have been instrumental in making my
internship at Verzeo a valuable and enriching experience.

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt thanks to the Verzeo team for providing me with this
opportunity. Your guidance, support, and mentorship have been invaluable throughout my internship
journey. I appreciate the dedication and commitment of the instructors, mentors, and support staff who
have contributed to my professional development.

I would like to thank my fellow interns for their collaboration and camaraderie. Working with such a
talented and diverse group of individuals has been both inspiring and educational. Our collaborative
efforts have enriched my learning experience.

I am deeply grateful to the subject matter experts and trainers who shared their knowledge and
expertise. Your insights and teaching have broadened my understanding of Python programming, data
manipulation, and data analysis.

I extend my thanks to my peers and colleagues who engaged in discussions, shared their experiences,
and provided valuable feedback. These interactions have contributed significantly to my growth and
I also acknowledge the importance of my family and friends, whose unwavering support and
encouragement have been my constant motivation.

Lastly, I express my gratitude to Verzeo for creating a nurturing and inclusive learning environment.
This internship has equipped me with valuable skills and knowledge that will undoubtedly shape my
future endeavors.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my internship journey at Verzeo. Your support and
mentorship have been pivotal in my growth, and I look forward to applying the knowledge and skills I
have gained in my future pursuits.


Learning Objectives and Outcomes

● Comprehensive Understanding of Machine Learning: Develop a solid foundation in

machine learning concepts, algorithms, and methodologies to facilitate practical
● Proficiency in Python Programming: Attain a high level of proficiency in using the Python
programming language for machine learning tasks, including data manipulation, model
development, and evaluation.
● Hands-on Project Experience: Gain practical experience by working on diverse machine
learning projects, applying theoretical knowledge to real-world datasets and problems.
● Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering: Acquire the skills to preprocess raw data,
handle missing values, and engineer relevant features to enhance model performance.

Sector of Business and Intern Organization

The Verzeo internship I pursued centered around machine learning with Python, situated within the
education and technology sector. Verzeo, an esteemed educational platform, facilitated my journey.
Their commitment to practical learning, guided by experienced mentors, enabled me to develop a
strong grasp of Python programming, machine learning concepts, and their real-world applications.
This intersection of education and technology provided a unique environment to hone skills and
explore the transformative potential of machine learning in modern education.

Activities Done:
During my Verzeo internship on "Machine Learning with Python," I engaged in a diverse range of
activities that contributed to my learning and skill development:

Hands-on Project Development:

I actively participated in designing, developing, and implementing machine learning projects. These
projects covered a variety of domains, including classification, regression, natural language
processing, and image recognition.
Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering:
I gained experience in preprocessing raw data, handling missing values, scaling features, and
engineering new features to improve the quality of input data for machine learning models.

Model Selection and Evaluation:

I delved into the process of selecting appropriate machine learning algorithms based on project
requirements. I also focused on evaluating model performance using various metrics and visualization
Coding and Python Proficiency:
I honed my programming skills by writing code for data preprocessing, model training, and evaluation.
This improved my proficiency in Python and the libraries commonly used in machine learning, such as
pandas, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow.


A. Introduction of the Organization

Verzeo is a dynamic and forward-thinking educational platform that operates at the intersection of
education and technology. Established with a mission to empower individuals with practical skills
essential for success in the contemporary job market, Verzeo offers a wide array of innovative
educational programs that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application.

B. Vision, Mission, and Values of the Organization

To revolutionize education by empowering individuals with practical skills, fostering innovation, and
preparing them to excel in a rapidly changing world.

Mission and Values:

Verzeo's core mission is to revolutionize the way education is imparted by emphasizing hands-on
experience, industry alignment, and practical skill development. Rooted in the values of Learning,
Innovation, Practicality, and Collaboration, the organization strives to equip learners with the tools
they need to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

C. Policy of the Organization, in relation with the intern role

At Verzeo, our internship program is designed to offer a valuable learning experience. Interns are
expected to actively engage in projects, collaborate with mentors and peers, and uphold professional
conduct. We emphasize hands-on learning, encourage collaboration, and provide mentorship to
enhance interns' skills and understanding. By participating in our program, interns commit to
professionalism, ethical conduct, ownership of work, and continuous learning. Feedback and
evaluation are provided to aid interns' growth. Adherence to our code of conduct and policies is
essential. Verzeo aims to create a supportive environment for interns to learn and develop

D. Organizational Structure
Verzeo's organizational structure is led by the CEO and COO, overseeing departments like
Education,Technology, Mentorship, Marketing, Operations, and Data Science. The Internship Team,
managed by coordinators, ensures effective intern engagement. The CFO and administrative staff
handle finances and operations. An Advisory Board of experts guides program direction. This
framework blends education, technology, mentorship, and expert guidance to create a comprehensive
learning experience.

E. Roles and Responsibilities of the Employees in which the Intern is placed

● Actively participate in assigned projects and tasks.

● Collaborate with mentors and peers to learn and solve problems.
● Communicate progress, challenges, and insights effectively.
● Seek guidance and feedback from mentors and coordinators to enhance learning.
This team ensures that interns have a structured and productive experience, where they are guided and
supported in their learning journey while actively contributing to the organization's projects and goals.

F. Performance of the Organization in terms of turnover, profits, market reach, and market value

While specific data on turnover, profits, market reach, and market value is not available, Verzeo's
dedication to narrowing educational disparities and empowering students for achievement underscores
its impact within the industry.

G. Future Plans of the Organization

Verzeo's future plans seem to revolve around growth, accessibility, and innovation. They aim to
expand their team and valuation, with a focus on reaching 1500 employees by 2021 and a valuation of
500 crore by 2022. The organization's commitment to democratizing education indicates a strategy of
expanding their global reach and catering to diverse learners. They plan to enhance course offerings,
utilize AI for personalized insights, and continue innovating in online education.
The emphasis on networking suggests a goal of fostering a collaborative learning community.


During my internship at Verzeo, I was engaged in a variety of activities and responsibilities that
provided me with a comprehensive learning experience. Here's an overview of my internship journey:

Project-Based Learning: I participated in multiple machine learning projects that covered diverse
domains, such as classification, regression, and natural language processing. I worked on real-world
datasets, applying theoretical concepts to practical problems.
Data Preprocessing: I gained hands-on experience in data preprocessing techniques, including data
cleaning, handling missing values, and feature scaling. This laid the foundation for working with real
and often noisy datasets.
Model Development: I developed machine learning models using Python and relevant libraries. This
involved selecting appropriate algorithms, fine-tuning hyperparameters, and optimizing model
Collaborative Environment: I collaborated closely with mentors and fellow interns through regular
team discussions and virtual meetings. This provided opportunities to share ideas, seek guidance, and
engage in brainstorming sessions.
Weekly Work Schedule: My internship followed a structured schedule, with Mondays reserved for
project planning and goal-setting. Tuesdays to Thursdays were dedicated to coding, model
development, and data analysis. Fridays were allocated for progress assessment, documentation, and
preparation for weekly reviews.
Equipment Used: I primarily utilized my personal laptop with the required software stack installed.
Verzeo's online platform facilitated communication with mentors and access to learning resources.

Working Conditions:
The internship was conducted remotely, providing flexibility in terms of workspace and working
hours. Regular virtual meetings and communication platforms ensured seamless collaboration. This
remote setup allowed me to work from my preferred environment while staying connected with the
Verzeo team.

Skills Acquired:
Through these activities, I acquired a range of valuable skills, including:

● Proficiency in Python programming for machine learning tasks.

● Data preprocessing techniques to clean and transform raw data.
● Model selection and hyperparameter tuning to optimize performance.
● Collaboration and effective communication within a virtual team.
● Problem-solving skills to address challenges encountered during projects.

Overall, my internship at Verzeo provided me with practical experience in applying machine learning
concepts, working in a remote collaborative environment, and enhancing my technical and problem-
solving skills. The exposure to real-world projects equipped me with skills that are directly applicable
to the industry, positioning me as a more confident and capable practitioner in the field of machine

I am confident that the skills I acquired during my internship will be valuable in my future career.



& In-charge
DATE Signature

Engaged in orientation and introduction session Gained insights into the

Day - 1
structure and goals of the
01-08-22 internship program

Day - 2 Participated in live recording sessions on Learned about supervised and

machine learning unsupervised learning concepts

Day - 3 Explored learning modules covering regression Gained knowledge of linear

and classification regression, logistic regression,
03-08-22 and their applications

Day - 4 Deepened understanding of clustering and Learned about k-means

dimensionality reduction techniques clustering and principal
04-08-22 component analysis (PCA)

Day - 5 Engaged with model evaluation and metrics Explored accuracy, precision,
content recall, F1-score, and ROC
05-08-22 curves
Day - 6 Participated in doubt clarification and Clarified doubts and engaged
interactive session in discussions on practical
06-08-22 applications


WEEK – 1 (From Dt 01-08-2022 to Dt 06-08-2022)

Objectives of the Activity Done:

During the first week of my internship at Verzeo in the "Machine Learning with Python" track, my
primary objectives were to engage in doubt clarification sessions and participate in live recording
sessions focused on machine learning concepts. These activities aimed to provide me with a
foundational understanding of the subject and set the tone for the upcoming weeks of my internship.

Detailed Report:

Doubt Clarification Sessions:

I actively participated in doubt clarification sessions, where I had the opportunity to ask questions and
seek clarity on various aspects of machine learning. These sessions were conducted by experienced
mentors who patiently addressed queries related to fundamental concepts, tools, and methodologies.
By engaging in these sessions, I gained a clearer perspective on the key components of machine

Live Recording Sessions of Machine Learning:

I attended live recording sessions that were focused on machine learning topics. These sessions
covered a range of concepts, including supervised and unsupervised learning, feature engineering,
model evaluation, and more. The sessions were conducted by subject matter experts who provided in-
depth explanations and real-world examples, enriching my understanding of machine learning

Reflection on Week 1:
Week 1 was both enlightening and engaging. The doubt clarification sessions were incredibly helpful
in addressing any initial uncertainties I had about the subject. The live recording sessions were
informative and provided practical insights into how machine learning techniques are applied in real-
world scenarios.

Looking Ahead:
As I move forward in my internship, I anticipate building upon the foundational knowledge gained in
Week 1. The doubt clarification sessions and live recording sessions have motivated me to delve deeper
into the intricacies of machine learning and explore hands-on projects that will enhance my skills.

Challenges Faced:

During the live recording sessions, I encountered some challenges in grasping certain advanced
concepts. However, I plan to review the recorded sessions and consult additional resources to
overcome these challenges.

Goals for Next Week:

Review the recorded live sessions for a better grasp of complex concepts.
Prepare questions for the upcoming doubt clarification sessions.
Begin exploring introductory machine learning projects to apply the knowledge gained.

Overall Progress:
Week 1 has provided a strong foundation for my internship journey. The combination of doubt
clarification sessions and live recording sessions has ignited my enthusiasm to further explore the
world of machine learning.

Additional Notes:
I am excited to continue learning and applying machine learning concepts in practical projects as the
internship progresses.



& ACTIVITY In-charge
DATE Signature

Day - 1 Attended live recording sessions on Python Learned Python syntax, data
programming types, and its role in machine
08-08-22 learning

Day - 2 Engaged with class notes to review and Consolidated understanding

practice Python concepts of variables, loops, and
09-08-22 functions

Day - 3 Delved into dedicated Python learning Deepened knowledge of

materials functions, modules, and
10-08-22 libraries in Python

Day - 4 Explored multimedia content introducing Gained interactive insights

Python into Python's basics and
11-08-22 capabilities

Day - 5 Watched content videos on Python's Learned about Python's

applications and significance history and its relevance in
12-08-22 various fields

Day - 6 Participated in doubt clarification and Addressed queries and

interactive session engaged in discussions about
13-08-22 Python's practical uses
WEEK – 2 (From Dt 08-08-2022 to Dt 13-08-2022)

Objectives of the Activity Done:

In the second week of my internship at Verzeo in the "Machine Learning with Python" track, my
key objectives were to gain a foundational understanding of the Python programming language
and its applications within the context of machine learning. This week's activities focused on live
recording sessions, class notes, multimedia content, and content videos, all aimed at enhancing
my Python proficiency.

Detailed Report:

Live Recording Sessions of Python:

I participated in live recording sessions that comprehensively covered the Python programming
language. These sessions introduced me to Python's syntax, variables, data types, and control
structures. I also learned about Python's role in machine learning and data analysis.

Class Notes:
Engaging with the provided class notes allowed me to review and consolidate my understanding
of Python programming. I focused on core concepts such as variables, loops, and functions,
which are fundamental to building a strong programming foundation.

Python Notes:
I dedicated time to delving into specific Python learning materials. This deepened my knowledge
of more advanced topics, including functions, modules, and libraries. I put my learning into
practice by working through coding challenges.

Multimedia - Introduction to Python:

Exploring multimedia content provided a dynamic and interactive introduction to Python. I
gained insights into the Python environment, basic operations, and input/output functions.
Visual learning supplemented my understanding of Python's versatility.

Content Videos - Introduction to Python:

By watching content videos, I acquired a comprehensive overview of Python's significance and
applications. The videos covered Python's history, real-world applications, and its role in diverse
fields. This provided a broader perspective on Python's utility.

Reflection on Week 2:
Week 2 was a transformative journey into the world of Python programming. Through live
recording sessions, class notes, dedicated learning materials, multimedia content, and videos, I
achieved a well-rounded grasp of Python's syntax, data handling, and its applicability in real-
world scenarios. The interactive nature of the sessions and diverse learning resources enriched
my understanding and motivated me to explore Python further.

Looking Ahead:
As I progress into the subsequent weeks, I anticipate leveraging the Python skills gained in
practical machine learning projects. The foundational knowledge acquired in Week 2 serves as a
strong basis for integrating programming with machine learning concepts.

Challenges Faced:
Some complex programming concepts required additional clarification. I utilized the interactive
sessions and doubt clarification to address these challenges, enhancing my learning experience.

Goals for Next Week:

Apply Python programming skills to basic tasks and coding challenges.

Begin exploring Python libraries essential for machine learning, such as NumPy and Pandas.
Identify potential projects that involve applying Python in machine learning contexts.

Overall Progress:
Week 2 has been instrumental in shaping my understanding of Python's role in machine
learning. The diverse learning resources have provided me with a multifaceted view of Python's
capabilities, preparing me for the practical applications that lie ahead.
Additional Notes:
I am excited about the journey ahead, where I will fuse Python programming with machine
learning concepts to create meaningful and impactful projects.



& In-charge
DATE Signature

Immersed myself in the module on variables Learned variable assignment,

Day - 1 in Python data types, and naming
15-08-22 conventions

Day - 2 Engaged with the data structures module, Understood methods and
exploring lists, tuples, and dictionaries applications of different data
16-08-22 structures

Delved into conditions and control flow Learned about if-else

Day - 3 module constructs, logical operators,
and decision-making in
17-08-22 programming

Participated in interactive coding exercises Applied knowledge of

Day - 4 variables, data structures,
and conditions through
18-08-22 practical coding challenges

Day - 5 Applied learned concepts to create a simple Practically used variables,

program data structures, and
19-08-22 conditions in a programming

Day - 6 Participated in doubt clarification and Addressed challenges and

interactive session engaged in discussions about
20-08-22 practical implementation


WEEK – 3 (From Dt 15-08-2022 to Dt 20-08-2022)

Objectives of the Activity Done:

During the third week of my internship at Verzeo in the "Machine Learning with Python" track, my
key objectives were to develop a solid understanding of fundamental programming concepts in
Python. This week's modules focused on variables, data structures, and conditions, all of which form
the building blocks of programming and are crucial for implementing machine learning algorithms.

Detailed Report:

Variables in Python:
I engaged in a module dedicated to variables in Python. This module covered variable assignment,
data types, and naming conventions. Through practical examples, I learned to declare, manipulate,
and utilize variables effectively in programming.

Data Structures:
Exploring the data structures module allowed me to delve into lists, tuples, and dictionaries. I gained
insight into their respective characteristics, methods, and use cases. These data structures are essential
for organizing and managing data, a critical skill in programming.

Conditions and Control Flow:

The conditions module introduced me to conditional statements and control flow mechanisms. I
learned about if-else constructs, logical operators, and the importance of decision-making structures
in programming logic.

Reflection on Week 3:
Week 3 was transformative in terms of programming proficiency. The modules on variables, data
structures, and conditions provided me with essential tools to build functional programs. I grasped the
significance of variable management, data organization, and logical control. The interactive coding
exercises deepened my practical skills, and the application of these concepts in a simple program
showcased their real-world relevance.

Looking Ahead:
With a strong foundation in programming fundamentals, I am eager to incorporate these skills into
my machine learning journey. By weaving programming logic with machine learning algorithms, I
aim to create sophisticated and efficient models.

Challenges Faced:
Understanding the nuances of logical operators and nested conditions posed challenges. The doubt
clarification session and interactive discussions proved valuable in overcoming these hurdles.

Goals for Next Week:

Implement variables and data structures in machine learning data preprocessing tasks.
Explore advanced conditions and loops to enhance iterative processes.
Initiate exploration of machine learning algorithms and their application.

Overall Progress:
Week 3 marked a significant milestone in my internship, equipping me with fundamental
programming expertise. The comprehension of variables, data structures, and conditions opens the
door to building robust programs that support machine learning endeavors.

Additional Notes:
The fusion of programming fundamentals and machine learning concepts is a thrilling prospect that I
eagerly anticipate in the upcoming weeks.



& In-charge
DATE Signature

Learned about for loops, while

Day - 1
Explored the module on loops in Python loops, and their applications
22-08-22 .

Day - 2 Engaged with the functions module, Gained insights into creating
understanding function definition and modular and reusable code
23-08-22 parameters using functions

Immersed myself in the game concepts module Learned how to apply loops
Day - 3 and functions in creating
24-08-22 games

Day - 4 Participated in interactive coding exercises Applied loop structures and

related to loops and functions function concepts to coding
25-08-22 challenges

Developed game logic and

Day - 5 identified roles for
Collaborated with peers to brainstorm and implementing loops and
26-08-22 design a simple game functions

Day - 6 Participated in doubt clarification and Clarified doubts about loops,

interactive session functions, and game design
27-08-22 concepts


WEEK – 4 (From Dt 22-08-2022 to Dt 27-08-2022)

Objectives of the Activity Done:

Loops Proficiency: Develop a solid understanding of loop structures in Python, including for loops and
while loops.

Function Mastery: Comprehend the concept of functions, their definition, parameters, and return
values, aiming to create modular and efficient code.

Game Development Insights: Explore the practical application of loops and functions in game
development, understanding their significance in interactive programming.

Detailed Report:

Throughout Week 4, the focus was on enhancing our programming skills through the study of loops,
functions, and their application in game development. The week's activities were structured as follows:

Loops in Python:
Engaged with the "Loops in Python" module, gaining a solid understanding of loop structures.

Explored both for loops and while loops, comprehending their syntax and applications.

Recognized the importance of loops in implementing iterative processes within our programs.

Functions in Python:

Delved into the "Functions in Python" module, which introduced us to the concept of functions.

Learned the fundamentals of defining functions, passing parameters, and utilizing return values.

Recognized functions as a means to create modular and reusable code segments.


Game Concepts and Application:

Explored the application of loops and functions in game development during this module.

Understood how loops can be used to handle repetitive tasks in games, and functions can encapsulate
specific behaviors.

Gained insights into coding strategies for game development using Python, considering both loop-
driven mechanics and organized functions.

Reflection on Week 4:
Week 4 marked an immersive journey into loop structures, functions, and their application in game
development. The acquired proficiency in loop implementation and function creation lays the
foundation for building more complex programs. The collaborative game design exercise added a
creative dimension to our learning.

Goals for Next Week:

● Apply loop and function concepts to real-world programming tasks.

● Explore advanced functions and more complex game mechanics.
● Initiate exploration of algorithms and their role in game programming.
Additional Notes:

The harmonization of programming concepts and game development principles continues to shape our
skill set, enhancing both coding and creative abilities.




& In-charge
DATE Signature

Learned about reading and

Day - 1
Explored the module on input-output (IO) writing files, handling different
29-08-22 operations in Python file formats

Day - 2 Engaged with the Excel operations module Gained insights into reading
and manipulating Excel files
30-08-22 using

Day - 3 Delved into the error handling module Learned about try-except
blocks, handling exceptions,
31-08-22 and ensuring robust code
Day - 4 Participated in interactive coding exercises related Applied knowledge of file
to IO and Excel operations handling and data manipulation

Day - 5 Engaged in practical exercises involving error Implemented try-except blocks

handling in code and handled exceptions
02-09-22 effectively

Participated in doubt clarification and interactive Clarified doubts about IO

Day - 6 session operations, Excel handling, and
error management
03-09-22 .


WEEK – 5 (From Dt 29-08-2022 to Dt 03-09-2022)

Objectives of the Activity Done:

IO Operations Mastery: Gain a deep understanding of Input/Output (IO) operations in Python,

including reading and writing files.
Excel Operations: Explore the manipulation of Excel files using Python, aiming to handle data
Error Handling: Understand the concept of error handling and exception handling, ensuring robust
code execution.

Detailed Report:

Throughout Week 5, the emphasis was on enhancing our ability to handle data through Input/Output
operations, excel manipulation, and error handling mechanisms. The week's activities were structured
as follows:
IO Operations:

Engaged with the "IO Operations" module, focusing on reading and writing files in Python.
Explored methods to open, read, and close different types of files, such as text and CSV.
Acquired skills to efficiently extract and manipulate data from files, a crucial aspect of data analysis.

Excel Operations:

Explored the manipulation of Excel files in Python during this module.

Learned how to work with Excel spreadsheets, including reading, modifying, and creating Excel files.
Recognized the significance of Python in handling Excel data, streamlining data processing tasks.

Error Handling:

Delved into the concept of error handling and exception handling in Python.
Learned about the try-except block and its role in preventing program crashes due to errors.
Gained insights into writing robust code that can handle unforeseen situations gracefully.

Reflection on Week 5:

Week 5 was dedicated to mastering IO operations, Excel manipulation, and error handling in Python.
The acquired skills are essential for efficient data processing, manipulation, and writing robust code.
The collaborative problem-solving exercise added a practical dimension to our learning journey.
Goals for Next Week:

● Apply IO and Excel concepts to real-world data processing tasks.

● Dive deeper into error handling mechanisms and advanced data manipulation techniques.
● Explore broader data handling libraries and their applications.

Additional Notes:
The ability to seamlessly handle data and manage potential errors enhances our programming
capabilities and prepares us for real-world challenges.


& In-charge
DATE Signature

Gained understanding of
Pandas data structures and
Day - 1
Immersed in Pandas introduction, data reading, how to read different file
05-09-22 and dataframe creation formats

Day - 2 Learned to access, summarize,

Explored Pandas functions including head, tail, and display data from
06-09-22 slicing, describe, and info dataframes

Day - 3 Delved into Pandas functions like columns, Acquired insights into data
unique, value counts, and filtering attributes, distribution, and
07-09-22 basic data manipulation

Day - 4 Participated in advanced data frame Learned to restructure data

manipulation: adding, removing, renaming frames, enhancing data
08-09-22 columns organization

Engaged with resetting index, ILOC, LOC Gained proficiency in data

Day - 5 functions, and complex filtering indexing, advanced filtering,
and location-based data
09-09-22 extraction

Day - 6 Participated in data visualization module: line Acquired skills in creating

graphs, bar graphs, histograms, and pie charts various types of plots for data
10-09-22 visualization

WEEK – 6 (From Dt 05-09-2022 to Dt 10-09-2022)

Objectives of the Activity Done:

Pandas Proficiency: Attain a comprehensive understanding of the Pandas library, a powerful tool for
data manipulation and analysis.

Data Description: Learn the basics of data description, including summary statistics and data
exploration techniques.

Data Visualization: Explore data visualization techniques to communicate insights effectively.

Detailed Report:

During Week 6, the focus was on advancing our data manipulation, analysis, and visualization skills
using the Pandas library. The week's activities were structured as follows:

Pandas Introduction and Reading Data:

Immersed in the "Pandas" module, gaining insights into its significance for data manipulation.

Explored Pandas' data structures, such as Series and DataFrames, and their usage.

Learned how to read and load data from various sources using Pandas.

Data Slicing, Description, and Basic Functions:

Delved into data slicing, utilizing Pandas to select, filter, and slice data.

Explored basic data description techniques, calculating summary statistics using Pandas functions.

Gained proficiency in applying functions like describe, info, columns, unique, and value counts.

Data Frame Operations:

Learned about more advanced Data Frame operations during this module.

Explored techniques for adding and removing columns, as well as reordering them.
Learned about appending data and resetting index in Data Frames.
Indexing and Data Filtering:

Dived into indexing techniques, including the use of iloc and loc functions.

Explored data filtering and performed both simple and complex filtering using Pandas.

Gained insights into handling and manipulating data within Data Frames.

Data Aggregation and Grouping:

Explored data aggregation techniques and the use of group by function in Pandas.

Learned how to perform aggregations on data subsets, gaining insights into data patterns.

Gained proficiency in summarizing and analyzing data at different levels.

Data Visualization Techniques:

Engaged in the "Data Visualization" module, focusing on data visualization using Python libraries.

Explored line graphs, bar graphs, histograms, and pie charts.

Learned how to communicate data insights effectively through visualization.

Reflection on Week 6:
Week 6 was dedicated to mastering data manipulation and visualization using the Pandas library. I
gained proficiency in using Pandas' powerful tools to analyze, summarize, and visualize data. The
exploration of data visualization techniques further enhanced my ability to communicate insights.

Goals for Next Week:

 Apply Pandas techniques to real-world data analysis tasks.

 Explore more advanced Pandas functionalities and data transformation methods.
 Dive deeper into advanced data visualization techniques and their applications.

Additional Notes:
The Pandas library has proven to be a crucial tool in data analysis and manipulation, and I'm excited to
apply these skills to practical scenarios.



& In-charge
DATE Signature

Day - 1 Project Kickoff: Objectives and dataset Clarified project objectives and
selection goals

Day - 2 Data Preprocessing: Handling missing data and Learned how to handle missing
encoding data
13-09-22 Gained knowledge of
categorical data encoding

Day - 3 EDA: Visualizing data and identifying Gained insights into data
correlations distributions Discovered
14-09-22 relationships in the data

Day - 4 Feature Engineering: Extracting and enhancing Identified important features for
features prediction Improved feature
15-09-22 quality

Day - 5 Model Building: Experimenting with Understood different regression

regression algorithms techniques Learned data
16-09-22 splitting for model evaluation

Model Evaluation and Tuning: Metrics and Gained insights into model
Day - 6 fine-tuning evaluation. - Successfully tuned
17-09-22 the model for better

WEEK – 7 (From Dt 12-09-2022 to Dt 17-09-2022)
Week 7 Project Report: Startup Profit Prediction

Project Title: Startup Profit Prediction

Project Description: During the seventh week of my internship at Verzeo, I focused on my minor
project, which involved developing a startup profit prediction model. The primary objective of this
project was to create a predictive model that could estimate the potential profit of a startup based on
various factors and features.

Technologies Used:
● Python for coding and data analysis
● Jupyter Notebook for coding and model development
● Pandas and NumPy for data manipulation
● Scikit-Learn for machine learning and model building
● Matplotlib and Seaborn for data visualization

● Real-world startup datasets for training and testing

Project Tasks:
Data Collection: Gathered real-world data sets containing information about various startups,
including features like R&D spending, marketing spending, location, and more.
Data Preprocessing: Cleaned and preprocessed the data by handling missing values, encoding
categorical variables, and normalizing numeric features.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Conducted EDA to understand the distribution of variables,
identify correlations, and visualize key insights about startup data.
Feature Engineering: Extracted relevant features and engineered new ones to enhance the predictive
power of the model.
Model Building: Utilized Scikit-Learn to build and train a regression model for profit prediction.
Experimented with various algorithms, including linear regression and decision trees.
Model Evaluation: Evaluated the model's performance using appropriate metrics such as mean
squared error (MSE) and R-squared (R2). Tuned hyperparameters for optimal results.
Predictive Deployment: Deployed the trained model to predict profit values for new startup data.

Challenges Faced:
● Dealing with missing data and deciding on the best imputation strategies.
● Selecting the most relevant features for the predictive model.
● Ensuring the model's accuracy and reliability in predicting profit outcomes.

● Successful development of a startup profit prediction model with competitive performance.

● Improved understanding of regression modeling and feature engineering techniques.
● Deployment of a functional prediction model for future profit estimation.

Learnings: Working on this project allowed me to deepen my understanding of data preprocessing,

feature engineering, and regression modeling. I gained insights into the challenges of real-world data
and how to address them effectively. Additionally, I enhanced my knowledge of machine learning
evaluation metrics and model deployment.

Future Plans: In the future, I plan to further refine and expand this startup profit prediction model by
incorporating more advanced machine learning techniques and considering additional factors that
could influence startup profitability. I aim to create a robust and reliable tool that can assist
entrepreneurs and investors in making informed decisions.
This week's project work was a significant step in applying the skills and knowledge I've gained
during my internship to solve real-world problems. It reinforced the importance of data-driven
decision-making and predictive modeling in the business and startup ecosystem.


& In-charge
DATE Signature

Day - 1 Project Initiation: Define objectives and goals Clarified project objectives and
19-09-22 Defined clear project goals

Day - 2 Data Collection: Gathered fake news and real Collected relevant datasets for
news datasets analysis. | - Understanding data
20-09-22 collection importance

Data Preprocessing: Cleaned and prepared text Performed data cleaning and
Day - 3 data preprocessing. | - Gained
21-09-22 expertise in text data

Day - 4 Feature Engineering: Extracted relevant text Extracted and engineered text
features features. | - Identified and
22-09-22 created valuable textual features

Model Building: Explored machine learning Explored various classification

Day - 5 algorithms algorithms. | - Learned about
23-09-22 different classification

Day - 6 Model Evaluation and Tuning: Optimized Evaluated and fine-tuned the
model performance model. | - Emphasized model
24-09-22 evaluation and tuning

WEEK – 8 (From Dt 19-09-2022 to Dt 24-09-2022)

Week 8 Project Log Report: Fake News Detection

Project Title: Fake News Detection

Project Description: During the eighth week of my internship at Verzeo, I dedicated my time to a
major project focused on fake news detection. The primary objective of this project was to develop a
machine learning model capable of identifying and classifying fake news articles from legitimate ones
based on various textual features and content analysis.

Technologies Used:
● Python for coding and data analysis
● Jupyter Notebook for coding and model development
● Natural Language Processing (NLP) libraries such as NLTK and spaCy
● Scikit-Learn for machine learning and model building
● Real-world datasets containing news articles

Project Tasks:

Data Collection: Acquired real-world datasets containing news articles, including labeled data
indicating whether articles are fake or real.
Data Preprocessing: Conducted data cleaning and text preprocessing activities, including
tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming or lemmatization.
Feature Extraction: Extracted relevant textual features from news articles, such as word frequencies,
TF-IDF scores, and n-grams.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Explored the distribution of text features and visualized
patterns in the data.
Model Selection: Utilized Scikit-Learn to experiment with different machine learning algorithms for
text classification, including Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machines (SVM).
Model Training: Trained the selected machine learning model using the preprocessed data.
Model Evaluation: Evaluated the model's performance using metrics such as accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1-score.
Tuning and Optimization: Fine-tuned hyperparameters and explored feature engineering
techniques to improve model accuracy.
Predictive Deployment: Deployed the trained model for fake news detection, enabling it to classify
news articles in real-time.

Challenges Faced:
● Handling and preprocessing large text datasets efficiently.
● Ensuring the model's robustness and adaptability to various news sources and writing styles.
● Balancing model accuracy with false positives and false negatives in fake news detection.

● Successful development of a fake news detection model with competitive performance.
● Improved understanding of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and text
● Deployment of a functional model for real-time fake news detection.

● Enhanced skills in text preprocessing, feature extraction, and text classification.
● Gained practical experience in machine learning model development for NLP tasks.
● Acquired knowledge of model evaluation metrics for classification tasks.

Future Plans: In the future, I plan to further refine and enhance the fake news detection model by
exploring advanced NLP techniques, considering additional textual features, and addressing
challenges related to real-world news sources. The goal is to create a reliable tool for identifying fake
news and promoting trustworthy information sources.

This major project was a significant milestone in my internship, allowing me to apply my machine
learning and NLP skills to address a critical issue in today's information landscape.


Describe the work environment you have experienced :

During my internship at Verzeo, I had the privilege of experiencing a dynamic and enriching work
environment that fostered both professional growth and personal development. The work environment at
Verzeo can be described as follows:

Collaborative Culture: Verzeo cultivates a collaborative work culture where interns and employees
collaborate seamlessly. Regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and group projects encourage
open communication and the sharing of ideas

Supportive Team: The Verzeo team comprises experienced professionals who are supportive,
approachable, and eager to guide interns. They readily provided assistance and valuable insights
whenever I faced challenges or sought clarification

Structured Learning: The internship program is thoughtfully structured with well-defined modules and
learning objectives. The organized curriculum, along with detailed learning resources, ensured a
comprehensive understanding of each topic.

Flexibility and Autonomy: Despite the structured framework, there's ample flexibility for interns to
explore areas of interest within the modules. This autonomy allowed me to dive deeper into topics that
aligned with my career aspirations.

Hands-On Learning: Verzeo emphasizes hands-on learning, providing practical exercises and coding
challenges. This approach facilitated the application of theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios,
enhancing our problem-solving skills.

Continuous Feedback: Regular feedback sessions with mentors and trainers were instrumental in
gauging my progress. Constructive feedback guided my improvement and enabled me to track my skill

Networking Opportunities: Verzeo facilitated networking opportunities with fellow interns and
professionals through online platforms. Engaging in discussions, sharing experiences, and connecting
with industry experts enriched the internship experience.

Inclusive Environment: The work environment at Verzeo is inclusive and diverse, fostering a sense of
belonging among interns. The organization's commitment to equal access to quality education reflects in
its approach to fostering a welcoming atmosphere.

Technology Integration: The use of advanced technologies, such as AI-enabled platforms, showcased
Verzeo's commitment to staying at the forefront of educational innovation. It provided interns with
exposure to industry-relevant tools.

Professional Development: Beyond technical skills, the internship at Verzeo offered opportunities to
enhance soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and time management. These skills are crucial
for a well-rounded professional.

In summary, the work environment at Verzeo offered a perfect blend of structured learning, practical
application, collaborative spirit, and supportive mentorship. This environment not only facilitated the
acquisition of technical skills but also nurtured a growth mindset that will undoubtedly benefit me in my
future endeavors.

Describe the real time technical skills you have acquired :

During my internship at Verzeo, I had the opportunity to acquire a range of real-time technical skills that
are invaluable in the field of data science and programming. The hands-on experience and practical
application of these skills were essential in enhancing my proficiency and confidence. Here are the key
technical skills I gained:

Python Programming: Through the comprehensive Python modules, I honed my Python programming
skills. I can now write efficient and clean Python code, implement loops, functions, and conditional
statements, and work with data structures.

Data Manipulation with Pandas: The intensive training on Pandas equipped me with the ability to
manipulate, transform, and analyze data effectively. I can read data from various sources, perform data
cleaning, filtering, aggregation, and gain insights through statistical calculations.

Data Visualization: I learned how to visualize data using libraries like Matplotlib and Seaborn. I can
create various types of plots, including line graphs, bar charts, histograms, and pie charts, to represent
data visually and communicate insights.

File Handling and IO Operations: I gained hands-on experience in reading and writing different types
of files, including text files and CSV files, using Python's built-in functions and libraries. This skill is
crucial for data extraction and loading.

Excel Operations with Python: The training on Excel operations allowed me to work with Excel
spreadsheets using Pandas. I can read and write data to Excel files, manipulate sheets, and perform data
analysis seamlessly.

Error Handling: I acquired knowledge of error handling and exception handling techniques. I can
implement try-except blocks to handle errors gracefully, ensuring the stability of my code

Basic Game Development Concepts: Through the application of loops and functions in game
development, I gained insight into basic game design and interactive programming. This skill adds a
creative dimension to my technical toolkit.

Practical Coding: The interactive coding exercises and collaborative problem-solving sessions
enhanced my ability to apply theoretical concepts to practical coding challenges. This skill improved my
problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.

Collaborative Skills: Working on group projects and collaborative game design exercises improved my
teamwork and communication skills. Collaborative coding fostered an understanding of version control
and effective collaboration.

Understanding Algorithms: While not covered extensively, the introduction to algorithms laid the
foundation for my understanding of algorithmic thinking and their role in data science and

These real-time technical skills not only expanded my knowledge but also provided me with practical
tools to tackle real-world programming and data analysis challenges. The internship at Verzeo enabled
me to become more confident and capable in the ever-evolving world of technology.

Describe the managerial skills you have acquired

My internship experience at Verzeo provided me with not only technical expertise but also a range of
valuable managerial skills that are crucial for effective teamwork, project management, and professional
growth. Here are the key managerial skills I acquired:

Time Management: Balancing the structured modules, interactive sessions, and assignments required
efficient time management. I learned to prioritize tasks, allocate time for learning and practical
exercises, and meet deadlines effectively.

Organizational Skills: Navigating through the comprehensive curriculum required organization. I

learned to manage study materials, notes, and project files systematically, enhancing my ability to stay
organized in complex projects.

Communication Skills: Engaging in doubt clarification sessions, collaborative exercises, and

discussions honed my communication skills. Clear and effective communication with peers and mentors
was essential for understanding concepts and resolving doubts.

Team Collaboration: Collaborative problem-solving exercises and group projects improved my

teamwork skills. I learned how to collaborate, share ideas, and leverage diverse strengths to achieve
common goals.

Adaptability: Adapting to the virtual learning environment and flexible internship structure improved
my adaptability. I learned to navigate through different tools and platforms, an essential skill in the
digital age.

Problem Solving: Engaging in interactive coding exercises and solving real-world challenges enhanced
my problem-solving skills. I learned to analyze issues, identify effective solutions, and iterate through
solutions for optimal outcomes.

Leadership Skills: Collaborative game design exercises provided insights into leadership roles. I
learned how to guide a team, distribute tasks, and ensure effective coordination for a successful project.

Feedback Incorporation: Regular feedback sessions with mentors helped me understand areas for
improvement. Learning to incorporate constructive feedback positively impacted my professional

Initiative Taking: Exploring topics beyond the curriculum and independently seeking answers to
questions showcased initiative. I learned to take ownership of my learning journey and proactively seek

Problem Prioritization: Facing coding challenges and assignments required prioritization. I learned to
evaluate tasks based on urgency and importance, optimizing my productivity.

Critical Thinking: Analyzing complex problems and designing solutions improved my critical thinking
skills. I learned to approach challenges from different angles and make informed decisions.

Project Management: Collaborative projects and game design exercises introduced project
management aspects. I learned about task allocation, timeline management, and coordination for
successful project completion.

These managerial skills complemented the technical skills acquired during my internship, making me a
more well-rounded professional. The Verzeo internship not only enriched my technical knowledge but
also equipped me with essential skills for effective collaboration, communication, and professional
Describe how you could improve your communication skills:

● Oral communication: I could improve my oral communication skills by practicing speaking

more often. I could also take public speaking classes or join a Toastmasters club.
● Written communication: I could improve my written communication skills by reading more
and writing more often. I could also take a writing class or join a writing group.
● Conversational abilities: I could improve my conversational abilities by listening more and
talking less. I could also practice active listening skills and try to understand the other person's
point of view.
● Confidence levels while communicating: I could improve my confidence levels while
communicating by practicing speaking in front of a mirror or with a friend. I could also remind
myself that everyone makes mistakes and that it's okay to be imperfect.
● Anxiety management: I could manage my anxiety by taking deep breaths, visualizing myself
succeeding, and practicing mindfulness. I could also talk to a therapist or counselor if I need
additional help.
● Understanding others: I could improve my understanding of others by asking clarifying
questions, being open-minded, and trying to see things from their perspective. I could also read
books and articles about communication and interpersonal skills.
● Getting understood by others: I could improve my ability to get understood by others by being
clear and concise in my communication. I could also use active listening skills and pay attention
to body language.
● Extempore speech: I could improve my ability to give extempore speeches by practicing
speaking in front of a mirror or with a friend. I could also take a public speaking class or join a
Toastmasters club.
● Ability to articulate the key points: I could improve my ability to articulate the key points of an
argument or idea by practicing summarizing and paraphrasing. I could also use visuals and
examples to help illustrate my points.
● Closing the conversation: I could improve my ability to close a conversation by summarizing
the key points that were discussed and asking if there are any other questions. I could also thank
the other person for their time and let them know that I enjoyed the conversation.

Greeting, thanking, and appreciating others: I could improve my ability to greet, thank, and appreciate
others by being mindful of the words I use and the tone of my voice. I could also make eye contact and
smile when I greet someone.

Describe how could you could enhance your abilities in group discussions, participation in teams,
contribution as a team member, leading a team/activity.

 Group discussions: I could enhance my abilities in group discussions by being an active listener,
asking clarifying questions, and contributing my own ideas in a constructive way. I could also
practice summarizing the key points of the discussion and making sure that everyone is on the
same page.
 Participation in teams: I could enhance my abilities in participation in teams by being reliable,
trustworthy, and supportive. I could also be willing to share my ideas and opinions, and be open
to feedback from others.
 Contribution as a team member: I could enhance my abilities in contribution as a team
member by being proactive, taking initiative, and being willing to go the extra mile. I could also
be willing to help out my teammates, and be respectful of their ideas and opinions.
 Leading a team/activity: I could enhance my abilities in leading a team/activity by being
organized, decisive, and communicative. I could also be able to motivate and inspire my team,
and be able to delegate tasks effectively.

I am confident that by working on these areas, I can enhance my abilities in group discussions,
participation in teams, contribution as a team member, and leading a team/activity.

Here are some additional tips for enhancing my abilities in these areas:

 Be prepared: Come to group discussions and team meetings prepared with your ideas and
opinions. This will show that you are taking the discussion seriously and that you are willing to
 Be respectful: Listen to the ideas and opinions of others with respect, even if you disagree with
them. This will show that you are open-minded and that you value the input of others.
 Be collaborative: Be willing to work with others to achieve common goals. This will show that
you are a team player and that you are committed to the success of the team.
 Be positive: Be positive and enthusiastic about the work that you are doing. This will help to
create a positive and productive work environment.
Describe the technological developments you have observed and relevant to the subject area of

 Virtual reality (VR): VR can be used to create immersive simulations that allow trainees to
experience new environments and situations. This can be helpful for training on tasks that are
dangerous or difficult to simulate in the real world. For example, VR can be used to train
firefighters on how to put out fires or to train surgeons on how to perform operations.
 Augmented reality (AR): AR can be used to overlay digital information onto the real world.
This can be helpful for training on tasks that require trainees to interact with physical objects. For
example, AR can be used to train mechanics on how to repair cars or to train electricians on how
to wire houses.
 Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI): ML and AI can be used to automate
many training tasks, such as grading assessments and providing feedback to trainees. This can
free up human trainers to focus on more creative and strategic tasks. ML can also be used to
personalize training content to each individual trainee's needs. This can help trainees to learn
more effectively and efficiently.
 Gamification: Gamification can be used to make training more engaging and motivating for
trainees. For example, trainees can earn points or badges for completing tasks, or they can
compete against each other in leaderboards. Gamification can also help to keep trainees focused
and motivated during long training sessions.
 Microlearning: Microlearning is a method of delivering training in short, bite-sized chunks.
This can be helpful for trainees who have busy schedules or who need to learn new information
quickly. Microlearning can also be delivered through mobile devices, which makes it convenient
for trainees to learn on the go.
 Social learning: Social learning is a method of learning that involves interacting with others.
This can be helpful for trainees who want to learn from the experiences of others. Social learning
can be facilitated through online forums, social media, and peer-to-peer coaching.
 Continuous Learning Platforms: Continuous learning platforms, often integrated with machine
learning algorithms, suggest personalized learning paths based on learners' progress and interests.
This keeps learners engaged and motivated to expand their skill set.

I believe that these technological developments have the potential to make me a more effective trainer.
They can help me to create more engaging and effective training experiences for my trainees. I am excited
to explore how I can use these technologies to improve my training skills in the future.

Student Self Evaluation of the Short-Term Internship

Student Name & Registration No: B. CHARISHMA – 219X5A05L0

Term of Internship: From 01-08-2022 To 30-09-2022

Date of Evaluation:

Organization Name & Address: Verzeo Edu Tech, Bangalore, Karnataka

Name & Address of the Supervisor: T. Swathi

Please rate your performance in the following areas:

Rating Scale: Letter grade of CGPA calculation to be provided

1) Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5

2) Written communication 1 2 3 4 5

3) Initiative 1 2 3 4 5

4) Interaction with staff 1 2 3 4 5

5) Attitude 1 2 3 4 5

6) Dependability 1 2 3 4 5

7) Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5

8) Planning and organization 1 2 3 4 5

9) Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5

10) Creativity 1 2 3 4 5

11) Quality of work 1 2 3 4 5

12) Productivity 1 2 3 4 5

13) Progress of learning 1 2 3 4 5

14) Adaptability to organization’s culture/policies 1 2 3 4 5


Signature of the Student

Evaluation by the Supervisor of the Short-Term Internship

Student Name & Registration No: B. CHARISHMA – 219X5A05L0

Term of Internship: From 01-08-2022 To 30-09-2022

Date of Evaluation:

Organization Name & Address: Verzeo Edu Tech, Bangalore, Karnataka

Name & Address of the Supervisor: T. Swathi

Please rate your performance in the following areas:

Rating Scale: Letter grade of CGPA calculation to be provided

1) Oral communication 1 2 3 4 5

2) Written communication 1 2 3 4 5

3) Initiative 1 2 3 4 5

4) Interaction with staff 1 2 3 4 5

5) Attitude 1 2 3 4 5

6) Dependability 1 2 3 4 5

7) Ability to learn 1 2 3 4 5

8) Planning and organization 1 2 3 4 5

9) Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5

10) Creativity 1 2 3 4 5

11) Quality of work 1 2 3 4 5

12) Productivity 1 2 3 4 5

13) Progress of learning 1 2 3 4 5

14) Adaptability to organization’s culture/policies 1 2 3 4 5


Signature of the Supervisor


● Variables
● Conditions
● Loops
● Functions

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