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Bonus Tolerance and Virtual Envelope Concept

Virtual Condition MMC Internal Feature

The virtual condition for an internal feature at MMC is the inner boundary. We are trying to calculate what is the smallest area
this hole can never cross to make sure when we assemble a part through it we know what our limit is. This helps us to design a
pin so that it is always smaller than this virtual condition and we can achieve a clearance fit.
The virtual condition is established from the MMC. In this case the hole size for MMC is .230
Now we have provided a Ø 0.01 Position Zone indicated by a red dot in the figure below (a). The virtual condition is the inner
limit ( the yellow region ) that the part cannot cross into (b).

(a) (b)

Virtual Condition is the minimum inner boundary that a mating part will always fit(internally).

Virtual Condition is always the worst-case condition, regardless of hole size. It will not change
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Here we can see that the hole can never fall into the yellow region, and the positional tolerance, the red zone is not changing
Now what happens if the hole departs from the MMC condition towards the LMC condition

If the size of the hole becomes larger or it approaches the LMC condition we gain more bonus tolerance for position. It also
ensures that we can be further out of position with our hole as the hole is larger. This also enables that the minimum size pin
can be fitted as the Virtual Condition boundary is not changing.

Enlarged Positional Tolerance

Unchanged Virtual Condition boundary

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Virtual Condition (Inner Boundary) Calculation

VC= MMC(Smallest Size)- Geometric Tolerance

In this case, MMC Size of Feature: Ø .230; Positional Tolerance Zone at MMC : Ø .010 .
Virtual Condition Inner boundary= Ø .220

We can see that since the VC is same regardless of the hole size we can see that we can gain positional tolerance as the hole size

Bonus Tolerance Calculation

If the hole size departs from MMC suppose it is Ø .260 then the bonus tolerance is Actual Feature Size- Size at MMC
which is Ø .260- Ø .230= Ø .03. So, we can have an additional Ø .03 added to the positional tolerance Ø .01. The max. bonus
tolerance that can be added is LMC-MMC which is Ø .270- Ø .230= Ø .040
Virtual Condition-MMC External Feature

In this case we are controlling the outer boundary

External Feature
Ø .01 Position Tolerance Zone

Virtual Condition: Max. outer boundary where

the feature will be located
Now when the pin got smaller it stills
remains within the Virtual Boundary (yellow
zone) and cannot exceed that.

The positional tolerance has increased due to the

small pin size

MMC Size of Feature: Ø.270

Positional Zone at MMC: + Ø.010
Virtual Condition: Ø.280
VC Outer Boundary = MMC (Largest Size)+ Geometric Tolerance

Virtual Condition will remain constant regardless of the pin size

The VC is remaining constant and the reduced pin is not able to exceed that
region. The red Positional Tolerance zone has also increased

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Bonus Tolerance Calculation

If the shaft size departs from MMC suppose it is Ø .260 then the bonus tolerance is Size at MMC- Actual Feature Size
which is Ø .270- Ø .260= Ø .01. So, we can have an additional Ø .01 added to the positional tolerance Ø .01. The max.
positional bonus tolerance that can be added is MMC-LMC which is Ø .270- Ø .230= Ø .040

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