LM Rowell Autria

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Discover the top 5 tiny mistakes on

Facebook ads, local businesses

make which can hurt their profit BIG
time, and how to FIX it.
By: Rowell Austria

One of the things I ’ve always think and remember whenever I need to do something really
important in my business…


Any decisions in every area of my life, not just me but as well as you who are reading this
right now. You may not notice it but from the moment that you have clicked on one of my

Or you have seen this on my website, or a good friend shared this to you because it was too
awesome not to share. (LOL)

I would never forget one of the most productive binge-watching that I did. I browsed
NETFLIX and picked this documentary about this girl name Marj. She’s the black star of the

Getting accused as the mastermind of the heist happened in the U.S way back 2003 and
the murderer of his lived-in partner found in a huge freezer 3 weeks after his death.

What crazy was that it took more than a decade, with a number of people had interviewed,
testimonies had revealed, some were true and some weren't.

Media were all eyes back then and the feds were never been busier before they finally had
collected solid pieces of evidence. They were able to pick up the puzzles together to proved
that Marj is guilty.

Though Marj used all her appeals yet she had failed.

Marj was called as one of the EVIL GENIUSES in the history.

You'll be amazed how she planned the heist to desperately have $250,000. They used this
thing called a scavenger hunt. But that time, it was real. They've got a fall guy named, Bryan
Wells. Wells was against about it but unfortunately, he was trapped and beaten up.
Marj and partners in crime put the time bomb on Wells' neck to forcibly rob the bank and
bring the $250,000 within 55 minutes. Enough time to reach the secret place they have
agreed on.

It was a detailed plan because it came up with a map where the money should deliver to,
what areas to avoid and a mindblowing pattern to unlock the time bomb.

I wonder how much time did she use and brought this plan into action.

Did I mention TIME?


Because time is everything.

1. Rushed Ads- T​hat's the number 1 mistake of tons of mediocre advertisers and business
owners out there.

As the saying goes "You Can't Rush Ads"

They rush the process of creating their ads every single time just to be able to attract their
customers thinking if they do it first and quick, ka-ching will follow.

I hate to tell you but you're just burning your money, ruining your offers, and wasting your
efforts doing that.

Get a promotional calendar. See in advance the specific days when you can launch your
upcoming promotions, product launch, and features. Regardless to which country you are

Still confused? Well, go to google and search "Promo Calendars for 2019, or e-com
business calendar, or local business calendar plan for marketing. Some of the guides are
PDFs, downloadable and are free.


2. I ran 1 ad and it didn’t work. - I got scammed.

I get it. It happened to me a thousand times when I refused to seek help from experts when I
started. I spent more than I expected without ROI. Imagine that.
Editing your live ads is really not a good practice especially if you do it a lot. There’s what
you called “Learning Phase” where Facebook is doing some deep data research to serve
your ads to the right audience. It restarts everything and affects your ads performance.


Do ad variations aka SPLIT TEST.

I have this habit where actually part of my job as a marketer. This is when we go shopping
and observing products as well. I would grab two products of the same size, flavor, and
price, yet each packaging color is different.

Same in the magazine where you can see ads with the variation of contact numbers. Yes. It
has something to do with split testing.

You can never improve what you can’t measure. So the next time you do ads, make a split
testing and log all of your results. Keep good ads up and kill what’s bad.

3 Too much offers.

You can’t just put everything that you can give to your customers. Your job is to be a solution
not another problem. You need to strategize and always save the best for last.


Make sure that your offer is precise and clear. Don’t use unfamiliar words and simplify your
ways to avail it. I’m sure your customers will love to buy from you again and again.

4. Leading your customers to LABYRINTH -

It’s a mortal sin putting crazy numbers of ways to reach you. Nobody wants that especially if
that’s your only chance to make your prospects take action.

Be decisive how they will contact you, Put a single call to action. After testing which
call-to-action works better and stick to it for a particular length of time.

Learn more, Send a message, Sign, up, or Call us now. There’s no exact formula to have an
effective one. Unless you test, you’ll never find out.
5. Poor Video, Sounds and Picture Quality.
Although we have seen unpolished IG and Facebook videos, still nothing beats quality when
it comes to educating your customers about your offer.

Dragged pictures online, ripped videos on youtube, poor sounds and copyright-protected
music is a BIG NO NO when doing ads.

Invest in this by getting freelancers out there. Get inspirations even from your competitors
and start to think about how your graphic could support your campaign. For the best options,
you can look for royalty free music, video clips, and high-resolution photos. Make sure that
what you get are relevant to you offer as well.

Your creative’s job is to help your customers in visualizing how your product can end their
frustrations, fulfilling their desire and solve their problems.

That’s the GOAL.

That’s it! With actions and hard work, these 5 Ad cures will surely bring a tremendous effect
to your next ad. Now go out and start implementing it.


I can help. Just click this link (link) and have a long -hour call with me FOR FREE!

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