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One Planet International School

Title: The Role of Mazzini ,Cavour & Garibaldi for the unification
of Italy (How was Italian Unification realized?) Kisanet T/slassie,Betselot Abel,Meliha Abdo,

Eldana Sewnet,Grace Wegderesegn,Meklit Mr. Asaye

Date: Oct 12 2023

1.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction 3

1.2 The role of Mazzini & Garibaldi


1.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . Cavour the clever

1.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Italy’s Victory

1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Summary

1.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Reference

The unification of Italy (Italian: Unità d'Italia [uniˈta ddiˈtaːlja]), also known as
the Risorgimento (/rɪˌsɔːrdʒɪˈmɛntoʊ/, Italian: [risordʒiˈmento]; lit. 'Resurgence'),
was the 19th-century political and social movement that resulted in 1861 in
the consolidation of different states of the Italian Peninsula and its outlying isles
into a single state, the Kingdom of Italy. Inspired by the rebellions in the 1820s
and 1830s against the outcome of the Congress of Vienna, the unification process
was precipitated by the Revolutions of 1848, and reached completion in 1871
after the capture of Rome and its designation as the capital of the Kingdom of

Even after 1871, many Italian speakers (such as Trentino-Alto

Adigan Italians, Istrian Italians, and Dalmatian Italians) remained outside the
borders of the Kingdom of Italy, planting the seeds of Italian irredentism.
Individuals who played a major part in the struggle for unification and liberation
from foreign domination included King Victor Emmanuel II of Italy, Camillo Benso,
Count of Cavour, Giuseppe Garibaldi, and Giuseppe Mazzini.

Some of the states that had been envisaged as part of the unification process
(terre irredente) did not join the Kingdom until after Italy defeated Austria-
Hungary in the First World War, culminating in the Treaty of Rapallo in 1920.
Some historians see the Risorgimento as continuing up until that time, which is
the view presented at the Central Museum of the Risorgimento at the Vittoriano,
Giuseppe Mazzini the prophet of Italian nationalism
He established Giovanne Italia-Young Italy with the aim of an Italian Republic
In 1848 revolts were breaking out all over North Italy Mazzini's activity in
revolutionary movements caused him to be imprisoned soon after he joined.

While in prison, he concluded that Italy could − and therefore should − be unified,
and he formulated a program for establishing a free, independent, and republican
nation with Rome as its capital. Following his release in 1831, he went
to Marseille in France, where he organized a new political society
and established Republic in Rome and formed a committee of three Triumvirs
Mazzini was one these Triumvirs.

Role of Garibaldi
Garibaldi, a native of Nice (then part of Piedmont), participated in an uprising in
Piedmont in 1834 and was sentenced to death. He escaped to South America,
though, spending fourteen years in exile, taking part in several wars, and learning
the art of guerrilla warfare.

And after met Mazzini at the headquarters of young Italy in 1833

When 3 major powers surrounded and attacked the Roman Republic the chief
fighter on the side of the roman republic was Garibaldi.
Garibaldi and Mazzini both were fiercely devoted to Italian unification

Cavour the Clever

Cavour the Prime Minister of Victor Emmanuel, King of Piedmont (1810–1861)
provided critical leadership. He was a modernizer interested in agrarian
improvements, banks, railways and free trade.

He also wanted to make Victor Emmanuel as the King of Italy he took advantage
of Mazzini and Garibaldi activities.

Cavour was clear that Italy required International support. In these circumstances
the Crimean war of 1854 broke out. In this war Cavour sent Italian forces to assist
Britain and France against Russia.

Cavour the French defeated Austria

Garibaldi and his volunteers were on the verge of defeat. But even in the hour of
defeat fortune smiled upon him and he turned defeat into victory.

Garibaldi’s early success whipped up the spirit of nationalism of the Italians and
the result was that Victor Emmanuel of Piedmont became King of Italy in 1861.
and Cavour took advantage of Garibaldi’s successes.

He had the ear of the king and in 1852 became prime minister. He ran an efficient
active government, promoting rapid economic modernization while upgrading the
administration of the army and the financial and legal systems. After a decade
both Venice and Rome joined the rest Italy and became the capital.

In 1855, the kingdom became an ally of Britain and France in the Crimean War,
which gave Cavour's diplomacy legitimacy in the eyes of the great powers.

The kingdom was a constitutional one and Itally became a united nation Victor
Emmanuel became king and Italy became an independent nation Victor.
Even though all people of Italy sacrificed to gain this freedom but without the 3
men it woudnt have been possible

Who blew the breath of life into her frame: Cavour, Mazzini, Garibaldi: three Her
brain, her soul her sword and sset her freedom ruinous discords with one
lustrious aim- George Meredith

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