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English Classwork

Pilar Jaramillo

1. Look at the photo and read the caption. Discuss the questions.

1. A book for me can represented different things, most of the time they are for
education and are boring, however there are some times that I do like to read
something for myself and a book become a way of distracting and entertainment.

2. I recently finished reading Evelyn Hugo's The Seventh Husband for IB.

3. When I was a child, I use to read a lot of fantasy book, my favorite one since now is
the Book of the fantastic animals, but more than the book with the story, I had a sort of
guidebook about all these animals which had beautiful drawings and described them
making them look like the real thing.

4. The Perks of Being a Wallflower, the movie and the book.

5. I enjoy reading romantic books but I also love everything that has to do with mystery
or horror, I rarely read books like emotional or philosophical books but the few I have
read I have enjoyed them a lot.

6. I prefer to read in print because I enjoy framing books with post its or annotations
making them much more my own, plus in digital I have many more distractions and get
lost easily.

7. I love romantic comedies and normal comedies, animated movies like Tim Burton's
and I love watching movies that are a bit strong like Quentin Tarantino's, but I hate
watching horror movies.

2. Look at the adjectives

1. Postive Meaning: Accessible, entertaining, sentimental, moving, witty, gripping

Negative Meaning: Slow-moving, boring, overrated

2. Sentimental, thought-provoking, touching.

3. Match the words in Activity 2 with the comments about books and movies.
More than one answer may be possible.

1. Sentimental
2. Overrated
3. Slow-moving
4. Boring
5. Entertaining
6. Witty
7. Accessible
8. Intriguing
9. Moving
10. Thought-provoking
11. Gripping
12. Touching

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