Laboratory Manual RCD 2

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Laboratory Manual

Reinforced Concrete Design 2


FALL 2023

Department of Civil Engineering

Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering
& Management Sciences, Quetta
Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23

Laboratory Certificate

This is Certified that Mr./Mrs. …………………….…… of Civil Engineering department having

CMS ID ……………… has carried out the necessary lab experiments during the year 20__ .

Name of Instructor. _____________________________

Signature of Instructor. _____________________________

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23


To produce highly competent professionals of high ethical values, enabling them for executive
positions in civil engineering, higher studies in prestigious universities, life-long learning, and
societal leadership. Also, to provide a dynamic learning environment that emphasizes openended
design, problem-solving skills, teamwork, communication, promote cutting edge research and
leadership skills.


PEO-1: Graduates will have the essential knowledge and possess adequate civil engineering

PEO-2: Graduates will be able to establish/build themselves as civil engineering professionals

and develop expertise through lifelong learning.

PEO-3: Graduates will be able to pursue research and higher studies at prestigious universities.

PEO-4: Graduates will be able to work effectively as responsible professionals of high ethical
values independently or in teams.


PLO-01: Engineering Knowledge: Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and

engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.

PLO-02: Problem Analysis: Ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles
of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

PLO-03: Design/Development of Solutions: Ability to design solutions for complex engineering

problems and design systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with
appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23

PLO-04: Investigation: Ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical

way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and
interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid

PLO-05: Modern Tool Usage: Ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to
complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.

PLO-06: The Engineer and Society: Ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex
engineering problems.

PLO-07: Environment and Sustainability: Ability to understand the impact of professional

engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, demonstrate knowledge
of, and need for sustainable development.17

PLO-08: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of engineering practice.

PLO-09: Individual and Team Work: Ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team,
on multifaceted and/or multidisciplinary settings.

PLO-10: Communication: Ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing on

complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at
large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentations, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PLO-11: Project Management: Ability to demonstrate management skills and apply engineering
principles to one’s own work, as a member and/or leader in a team to manage projects
in a multidisciplinary environment.

PLO-12: Lifelong Learning: Ability to recognize importance of and pursue lifelong learning in
the broader context of innovation and technological developments.

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23


PLO-09: Individual and Team Work: Ability to work effectively, as an individual or in a team,
on multifaceted and/or multidisciplinary settings.

PLO-10: Communication: Ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing on

complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at
large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentations, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.


CLO-01: PERFORM and PRACTISE the experiments related to the subject (Domain:
Psychomotor and Taxonomy Level 3).

CLO-02: FORMULATE and ORGANIZE experimental data (Domain: Affective and

Taxonomy Level 4).

CLO-03: PARTICIPATE in lab activities and COMPLY with the instructions (Domain:
Affective and Taxonomy Level 2).

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23

CONTENTS Name of Experiments Date Marks

To determine the tensile strength of steel

(ASTM A 615-04)

Bend test of steel bar
(ASTM A 615-04)

Vickers hardness of metallic materials
(ASTM E92-82)

Rebound number of hardened concretes
(ASTM C805-02)

Pulse velocity through concrete
(ASTM C597 – 09)

Penetration resistance of hardened concrete
ASTM C 803/C 803M

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23


(ASTM A 615-04)

The objective of this lab experiments is to incrementally load a steel bar till failure, while recording
the value of the load and the change in length of the steel bar at each stage. Then based on the
collected data, determine:
1. Modulus of Elasticity of Steel & Compare it to the theoretical value.
2. Yield strength of Steel, σ yield
3. Ultimate strength of steel, σ Ultimate
4. Plot Stress Vs Strain Curve for steel


1. Universal testing machine with accessories

2. Vernier calipers.
3. Scale.
4. Weight balance


The most common material in construction besides concrete is steel. Concrete, though it has a high
compressive strength, its tensile strength is usually much lower and mounts up to 8 – 12 % of its
compressive strength. Steel, therefore, is used in concrete structural elements to bare tensile loads
and bending moments.
The major components of steel are Iron and carbon which ranges between 0.01 and 1 percent.
Sulfur, phosphorus, manganese, silicon and as much as 20 other alloys are present in steel and are
added in various quantities to steel during its manufacturing process depending on the desired
hardness, toughness, and tensile strength of steel. Reinforcing steel bars are usually manufactured
in 3 different forms:
• Plain bars
• Deformed bars
• Plain & deformed wires

Figure 1: Plain Bars Figure 2: Deformed Bars Figure 3: Plain & Deformed wires

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23

The deformation in deformed steel bars is intended to increase the bonding between steel and
concrete and to prevent slippage of the steel reinforcement bars Steel reinforcement bars are
produced mainly with three different yield strengths, shown in the table below. The grade of steel
indicates its yield strength in Ksi.

Reinforcement Steel Strength

Table 1: Grades of steel.

Grade σ yield (psi) σ yield (MPa)

40 40,000 300
60 60,000 400
75 75,000 500


1. Load a Steel bar into the Universal testing machine, with 18” length of steel between the
testing machine clamps.
2. Start the machine and apply load at constant rate.
3. At failure notice the tip & cone failure mode of the steel bar.

Note: Possible source of error; Slipping of the steel at the testing machine grips.

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Observations and Calculations:

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(ASTM A 615-04)

1. The bending test of reinforcement steel is performed to verify that steel ductility and to
ensure that no fracture or cracks will occur during the bending.
2. The steel bars are bent to form a specific shape such as shear stirrups, L-bars, and other
shapes. therefore, steel should have sufficient ductility to enable the bending of
reinforcement bars without affecting the steel strength


1. Universal testing machine with accessories

2. Weight balance
3. Scale

Bending Requirements:

The bend-test specimen shall withstand being bent around a pin without cracking on the outside
radius of the bent portion. When material is furnished in coils, the test sample shall be straightened
prior to placing it in the bend tester.
The bend test shall be made on specimens of sufficient length to ensure free bending and with
apparatus which provides:
• Continuous and uniform application of force throughout the duration of the bending
• Unrestricted movement of the specimen at points of contact with the apparatus and bending
around a pin free to rotate.
• Close wrapping of the specimen around the pin during the bending operation.
• It is permissible to use more severe methods of bend testing, such as placing a specimen
across two pins free to rotate and applying the bending force with a fixed pin.

Figure 4: Bend test assembly.

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23

The reinforcing steel may fracture or crack due to the following reasons:
• The ribs of steel are a location of concentrated stress, and it is considered as a weak point.
these locations may fracture if steel bends.
• The steel possesses high strength. Therefore, a larger force is required to bend steel, and
this could cause steel to crack.
• Also, the radius of bending the reinforcement, smaller radius of bending will have a greater
adverse effect on reinforcement steel.
• The low temperature playing an important role in reducing the steel bar’s toughness, and
this may result in bars cracking or fracture if bent.


1. Fix the third point loading assembly on UTM for bending

2. Place the specimen of steel correctly.
3. Start the test with continuous and uniform application of force.
4. Bend the steel bar till the desired deformation.
5. After performing the bending test, the convex surface of the tested bar should be checked
by the unaided eye to identify any cracks or fractures.

Observations and Calculations:

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23


(ASTM E92-82)

This test method covers the determination of the Vickers hardness of metallic materials, using
applied loads of 1 kgf to 120 kgf.


1. Testing Machine
2. Indenter
3. Measuring Microscope


An indentation hardness test using calibrated machines to force a square-based pyramidal diamond
indenter having specified face angles, under a predetermined load, into the surface of the material
under test and to measure the diagonals of the resulting impression after removal of the load.
Vickers hardness tests are made at test loads of 1 kgf to 120 kgf.

Vickers hardness number HV:

A number related to the applied load and the surface area of the permanent impression made by a
square-based pyramidal diamond indenter having included face angles of 136*.

Test Specimen

The Vickers hardness test is adaptable to a wide variety of test specimens ranging from large bars
and rolled sections to minute pieces in metallographic mounts
• Thickness
The thickness of the test specimen shall be such
that no bulge or marking showing the effect of
the force appears on the side of the specimen
opposite the impression. In any event, the
thickness of the specimen shall be at least one-
and one-half times the length of the diagonal.
• Finish
The surface of the specimen should be so
prepared that the ends of the diagonals are
clearly defined and can be read with the
precision of ± 0.0005 mm or ± 0.5 % of the
length of the diagonals, whichever is larger.
Care should be taken in specimen preparation to
avoid tempering during grinding, or work-
hardening the surface during polishing. Figure 5: Vickers hardness indenter.

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23


1. Magnitude of Test Force

Test forces of 1 kgf to 120 kgf may be used, depending on the requirements of the test.
Although tests on homogeneous materials indicate that the Vickers hardness number is
nearly independent of the test force, this condition will not be present in cases where there
is a hardness gradient from the specimen surface to the interior of the specimen. The
magnitude of the test force should therefore be stated in the test report.

2. Application of Test Force

Apply the test force and release smoothly without shock or vibration. The time of
application of the full test force shall be 10 to 15 sec unless otherwise specified.

3. Spacing of Indentations
The center of the impression shall not be closer to any edge of the test specimen or to
another impression than a distance equal to two- and one-half times the length of the
diagonal of the impression. When laminated material is tested, a bond surface shall be
considered as an edge for spacing of indentation calculation.


HV = 1.854 (F/D2)
F = Applied load (kilograms-force).
D = Mean diagonal of impression, mm.

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23

Observations and Calculations:

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23


(ASTM C805-02)

This test method covers the determination of a rebound number of hardened concretes using a
spring-driven steel hammer.


1. Rebound hammer.
2. Abrasive stone: consisting of medium-grain texture silicon carbide or equivalent material.


This test is also known as the Schmidt hammer or impact hammer and is a non-destructive method
of testing concrete. The test is based on the principle that the rebound of an elastic mass depends
on the hardness of the surface against which the mass strikes. This test method is applicable to
assess the in-place uniformity of concrete, to delineate regions in a structure of poor quality or
deteriorated concrete, and to estimate in-place strength development.

For a given concrete mixture, the rebound number is affected by factors such as the moisture
content of the test surface, the method used to obtain the test surface (type of form material or type
of finishing), and the depth of carbonation. These factors need to be considered in preparing the
strength relationship and interpreting test results.

If more than one hammer is to be used, perform tests on a range of typical concrete surfaces to
determine the magnitude of the differences to be expected.

Figure 6: Spring-driven steel hammer.

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23

Selection of Test Surface:

Concrete members to be tested shall be at least 100 mm (4 in.) thick and fixed within a structure.
Smaller specimens must be rigidly supported. Avoid areas exhibiting honeycombing, scaling, or
high porosity. Do not compare test results if the form material against which the concrete was
placed is not similar. Troweled surfaces generally exhibit higher rebound numbers than screeded
or formed finishes. If possible, test structural slabs from the underside to avoid finished surfaces.

Concretes should be approximately the same age and moisture condition to be compared. Dry
concretes give higher rebound numbers than wet concrete, and the surface layer of concrete may
be carbonated, yielding higher rebound numbers.

Preparation of test surface:

A test area shall be at least150 mm (6 in.) in diameter. Heavily textured, soft, or surfaces with
loose mortar shall be ground flat with the abrasive stone. Smooth-formed or troweled surfaces do
not have to be ground prior to testing. Do not compare results from ground and unground surfaces.
In cases of a thick layer of carbonated concrete, it may be necessary to remove the carbonated
layer in the test area, using a power grinder, to obtain rebound numbers that are representative of
the interior concrete. Data are not available on the relationship between rebound number and
thickness of carbonated concrete. The user must exercise professional judgment when testing
carbonated concrete. Do not test frozen concrete.


1- Firmly hold the instrument in a position that allows the plunger to strike perpendicularly
to the surface tested. Gradually increase the pressure on the plunger until the hammer
2- After impact, record the rebound number to two significant figures.
3- Take ten readings from each test area. No two impact tests shall be closer together than 25

Discard readings differing from the average of 10 readings by more than 6 units and determine the
average of the remaining readings. If more than 2 readings differ from the average by 6 units,
discard the entire set of readings.

Table 2: Quality of concrete based on rebound number.

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Observations and Calculations:

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23


(ASTM C597 – 09)

This test method covers the determination of the propagation velocity of longitudinal stress wave
pulses through concrete.


1. The testing apparatus consists of a pulse generator, a pair of transducers (transmitter and
receiver), an amplifier, a time measuring circuit, a time display unit, and connecting cables.
2. Scale
3. Coupling agent


This test is done to assess the quality of concrete by ultrasonic pulse velocity method.
The method consists of measuring the time of travel of an ultrasonic pulse passing through the
concrete being tested. Comparatively higher velocity is obtained when concrete quality is good in
terms of density, uniformity, homogeneity etc.

This test method is applicable to assess the uniformity and relative quality of concrete, to indicate
the presence of voids and cracks, and to evaluate the effectiveness of crack repairs. It is also
applicable to indicate changes in the properties of concrete, and in the survey of structures, to
estimate the severity of deterioration or cracking.

Figure 7: Illustration of UPV test setup.

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23


1. Verify that the equipment is operating properly and perform a zero-time adjustment.
2. Apply the coupling agent to the transducer faces and press the faces together. The
instrument uses a microprocessor to record this delay time, which is subtracted
automatically from subsequent transit time measurements.
3. For testing existing construction, select test locations
4. For best results, locate the transducers directly opposite each other. Because the beam
width of the vibrational pulses emitted by the transducers is large, it is permissible to
measure transit times across corners of a structure but with some loss of sensitivity and
accuracy. Measurements along the same surface shall not be used unless only one face of
the structure is accessible.
5. Apply an appropriate coupling agent (such as water, oil, petroleum jelly, grease, moldable
rubber, or other viscous materials) to the transducer faces or the test surface, or both. Press
the faces of the transducers firmly against the surfaces of the concrete until a stable transit
time is displayed and measure the transit time. Determine the straight-line distance between
centers of transducer faces.

Calculate the pulse velocity as follows:

V= pulse velocity, km/s
L= distance between transducers, mm
T= transit time, µs

Table 3: Quality of concrete based on Pulse velocity.


>4.0 km/s Very good to excellent

Good to very good, slight porosity may

3.5 – 4.0 km/s

Satisfactory but loss of integrity is

3.0 – 3.5 km/s

<3.0 km/s Poor and los of integrity exist.

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Observations and Calculations:

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Reinforced Concrete Design-2 Lab Fall-23


ASTM C 803/C 803M

This test method covers the determination of the resistance of hardened concrete to penetration by
either a steel probe or pin.


1. Driver unit (Windsor pin system)

2. Steel probe/ pin
3. Measuring instrument (caliper, gauge)


A driver delivers a known amount of energy to either a steel probe or pin. The penetration
resistance of the concrete is determined by measuring either the exposed lengths of probes that
have been driven into the concrete or by measuring the depth of the holes created by the penetration
of the pins into the concrete.
This test method is applicable to estimate in-place strength, provided that a relationship has been
experimentally established between penetration resistance and concrete strength. A spring-
actuated driver unit with a spring stiffness of 49.7 kN/m [284 lb/in.] has been successfully used to
test concrete with strength in the range of 3 to 28 MPa [450 to 4000 psi].

Figure 8: Windsor pin system.

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1. Insert a new pin into the chuck.

2. Tighten the loading nut until the trigger mechanism latch closes to hold the spring in place.
3. It is very important to back off the loading nut completely to the top of the load screw
before pulling trigger. Failure to do so will result in damage to the threads of both nut and
4. Place the instrument on a smooth flat surface of the material to be tested (2-3 square
inches). If necessary, use a grindstone to prepare the surface.
5. Place the instrument perpendicular to the test surface and pull the trigger. The instrument
should be held firmly against the surface, particularly when testing vertical walls and
6. With the chuck removed, the V-shaped barrel can be inserted directly into the mortar joint
ensuring pin penetration at its center.
7. Remove the instrument, then using the rubber bulb-type blower, clean out the small hole
made in the material surface.
8. Place the micrometer over the hole, making sure that the reference surface of the
micrometer is flat on the material (For measuring mortar joints, the micrometer utilizes a
V-shaped barrel similar to the pin driver.)
9. Insert micrometer probe to the bottom of the hole using the knurled thimble on the head of
the micrometer.
10. Read and note the micrometer reading. Remove chuck to expose V-Shaped barrel if
measuring in a mortar joint.
11. After each strike, check the steel pin in the go/no-go gauge provided - located in the plastic
box containing 40 steel pins. If the pin can easily pass through the slot in the gauge, or it
appears too blunt, it should be discarded and a new one selected. (Note) When checking
the length of a used pin, make sure that it is parallel to the surface of the gauge.
12. Repeat the above procedure seven times and reject the two readings farthest from the mean.
13. Average the five best remaining point readings and, using the charts provided, look up the
corresponding compressive strength. If the pin is too blunt or too short, the strength of the
material can be considerably overstated.

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Observations and Calculations:

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