Practice Task 3 Language and Culture

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A brief essay about the customs, traditions and language kichwa of indigenous people of the

province of Chimborazo.

Roberto David Alarcón Rodas

Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador

Language and Culture

Unit 3: Development of language

September 5, 2023

A brief essay about the customs, traditions and language kichwa of indigenous people of the

province of Chimborazo.

In the heart of Chimborazo, Ecuador, a mix of important traditions and customs tells an

exciting narrative that connects the Kichwa Puruwa people to their ancestral roots and the

sacred essence of Mother Earth, Pachamama. This story is seen in two different ways, a colorful

celebration known as the Puruwa Carnival or Pawkar Raymi, and the other, the intricate rituals

of rural weddings. Moreover, the linguistic variations of the Kichwa language, shaped by

historical and contemporary influences, make the region’s culture even more interesting. This

essay will give a brief information about the captivating world of the Kichwa Puruwa people in

Chimborazo, Ecuador, as it reveals their fascinating traditions, long-lasting customs, and the

evolution of their languages, all of which converge to shape their unique cultural identity.

Regarding to festivities, according to Dirección de Gestión de Turismo de GADM

Riobamba (2022), in Carnaval, the Kichwa Puruwa people in Chimborazo, Ecuador celebrate

“the Puruwa Carnival” or “Pawkar Raymi” as a tribute to Pachamama, Mother Earth. This

celebration includes rhythmic music, ceremonial offerings of roosters and food, and the

custom of house-to-house visits. One of the symbolic rituals is splashing young individuals with

spring water, which signifies the profound connection to nature and the invocation of fertility

and rain for a bountiful harvest. “The okamari” tribute encompasses grains, animals, and

abundant food, all paying homage to the land and the gift of life. For my interviewee, Carnaval

is more than just a festivity in this region; it is the heart of local customs, encompassing the

preparation of chicha, traditional dishes, lively dances, and colorful parades, making it the

most eagerly anticipated celebration in the Inter-Andean region.

About traditions concerned to marriage, my interviewee told me that rural weddings

are more traditional and ritualized than urban weddings in the province of Chimborazo. The

groom visits the bride's family to formally request her hand in marriage, accompanied by

offerings like valuable objects or pigs as part of the dowry tradition. Traditional games once

integral to these rural weddings are gradually giving way to more contemporary forms of

celebration due to modern influences. Some communities incorporate unique practices, such

as the creation of makeshift huts where the bride and groom are isolated for a specified

period. During this confinement, the couple shares private moments while a guardian and dog

make sure the bride stays safe. El Comercio (2016) mentions in its article about “Las bodas

indígenas fusionan rituales mestizos y andinos” that traditional practices like “japitukuy” and

“chapuy”, still happen in weddings today, although they have experienced changes influenced

by mestizo customs, including engagement parties. The extended five-day weddings with

elaborate rituals and communal games of the past have become less common in

contemporary times, signifying the shifting dynamics within Ecuadorian wedding traditions.

Finally, the language. My interviewee told me that Kichwa is a language spoken in

Ecuador, but it varies in different parts of the country. In Otavalo, Kichwa is common, but the

way it is spoken is different from other regions. Conversations in Otavalo have a unique

nuance that distinguishes them from other Kichwa speakers in different areas. Currently, in

writing, the letter 'K' is preferred over 'J' in Kichwa language. This preference reflects a more

contemporary linguistic variation since the older Kichwa language used the 'J.' Even, in

congregations and communities, members are encouraged to make these modifications,

replacing 'J' with 'K,' as part of a linguistic updating process. Furthermore, Otavalo org (2017)

mentions in its article “Quichua or Quecha” that the Quechua language has different dialects in

the north and south, which can make it hard for speakers from different regions to understand

each other. Despite the preference for "K" in Ecuadorian Quechua, both Quichua and Quechua

share a common set of three vowels (A, I, and U). The choice between "Quichua" and "Kichwa"

dates back to Spanish conquistador influence, with Peru's 1975 spelling reforms further

impacting South American regions like Ecuador, sparking debates over orthographic variations

like "Quichua" and "Kichwa."


To conclude, in Chimborazo, Ecuador, the culture of the Kichwa Puruwa people is a

lively mix of traditional practices and adaptations. The Puruwa Carnival honors Pachamama

through music, symbolic rituals, and communal celebrations, while traditional rural weddings,

influenced by modernity, maintain their cultural essence. Linguistic nuances in Kichwa and

Quechua, such as the preference for 'K' over 'J' and regional dialects, highlight the complex

nature of their identity. This combination of tradition, customs, change, and language defines

the strong character of the Kichwa Puruwa people, connecting the past and present in their

long-lasting heritage.


Dirección de Gestión de Turismo d GADM Riobamba (2022). Pawkar Raymi Carnaval Puruwa.



El Comercio (octubre 6, 2016). Las bodas indígenas fusionan rituales mestizos y andinos. From (mayo 26, 2017). Quichua o Quechua? Ciudad de Otavalo. From


Entrevista con un representante de la cultura indígena

1) ¿De qué parte del país es usted?

De la provincia de Chimborazo.

2) ¿Qué idioma suele hablar además del español?

Kichwa pero es diferente en distintas partes del país.

3) ¿Podría decime alguna tradición que quisiera contar?

En Chimborazo, tradición es lo que hacen en la fiesta, es cuando se celebra el carnaval. Eso es

todo por allá. Y las tradiciones que hacen, chicha, comidas, todo eso, bailes, comparsas, todo.
Lo de la Sierra, lo que más festejan es carnaval más que otras cosas.

4) Me llamó la atención sobre que el kichwa es diferente en distintas partes del país. ¿Me
podría explicar un poco sobre eso?

En Otavalo se habla distinto. O sea, el kichwa es el mismo, pero allá hablan diferente. Eso sí, no
sé cómo, pero allá, ellos hablan diferente. Ellos tienen otro tipo de conversación.

5) ¿Me podría decir cómo es la ceremonia de matrimonio en Chimborazo?

En la ciudad y en el campo es muy diferente. Los matrimonios son de inmenso gasto. En el

campo, el novio tiene que ir a pedir la mano. Entonces, ahí tiene que ir con chanchos o tantas
cosas. Con ofrendas, un dote. En los matrimonios, se hacen juegos, pero con la modernidad,
van dejando poco a poco, esos juegos tradicionales.

6) ¿Podría explicarme un poco de ese juego tradicional?

Hacen unos huecos, así adentro por la tierra y hacen una choza y ahí les mandan a los novios.
Ahí adentro, los novios pueden hacer lo que quieran. Alrededor de esa choza, se encuentra un
portero acompañado de un perro, para cuidar que la novia no salga. Después de un rato, los
sacan de ese hueco.

7) ¿Podría decirme sobre algo nuevo en el idioma kichwa, el idioma o alfabeto?

Lo que es en escrito, letra, ahorita se usa más la K que la J. El uso de la J, es kichwa antiguo, lo
actual es con K. Es una nueva variación. Antes se escribía con sólo J. Antes tenía un librito de
cantos en kichwa, era puro con J. Antiguo. En las congregaciones, nos mandan hacer esas
modificaciones, de reemplazar la J por la K.

Nota: Se tuvo que hacer pequeñas adaptaciones a esta entrevista, al hacerlo de manera
escrita. Debido a que fue desarrollada de manera muy informal y lo más breve posible con el
fin de abarcar las temáticas que se quería desarrollar.

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