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Applied Neuropsychology: Adult

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Oral adaptation of the trail making test: A practical


Tobias Kaemmerer & Patrick Riordan

To cite this article: Tobias Kaemmerer & Patrick Riordan (2016): Oral adaptation
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Oral adaptation of the trail making test: A practical review

Tobias Kaemmerera and Patrick Riordanb
St. Louis Veterans Administration Medical Center, St. Louis, Missouri, USA; bPsychology Department, Hines Veterans Administration Hospital,
Hines, Illinois, USA


Despite being one of the most widely used measures in clinical neuropsychology, the Trail Making Assessment/diagnosis; test
Test is highly reliant on intact vision and motor functioning. Given that these capacities are often construction; tests
compromised in patients requiring neuropsychological evaluation, various authors have proposed
methods for adapting the Trail Making Test for oral administration. To date, a number of
administration and score transformation methods have been proposed. We reviewed the existing
literature on oral adaptation of the Trail Making Test in order to provide recommendations for
practicing clinicians wishing to use the measure, and to highlight directions for future research.
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 05:52 25 May 2016

The Trail Making Test (TMT) has been an integral mea- on the oral TMT, make recommendations for optimal
sure throughout the history of clinical neuropsychology. use of the oral TMT based on existing literature,
Although various conceptualizations of the constructs summarize important considerations and limitations in
underlying performance on this pair of tasks have been the use of the oral TMT, and highlight areas for future
proposed, the TMT has been widely recognized as an research.
important test of executive functioning in the neuropsy-
chologist’s test library. Test usage surveys have shown
the TMT to be one of the most frequently employed neu- Research on the oral TMT
ropsychological measures (e.g., Rabin, Barr, & Butler, To date, a range of studies have addressed oral adapta-
2005). Furthermore, given its relatively straightforward tions of the TMT in clinical and research contexts.
instructions and limited time demands (particularly in Approximately two decades ago, Ricker and Axelrod
comparison to other tests of executive functioning), (1994) formally introduced an oral adaptation of the
the TMT can be an especially useful measure with geria- TMT. Healthy participants (N ¼ 58) from three age
tric populations. Despite its considerable utility, the groups (two younger adult groups and one older adult
demands of the TMT are such that obtaining valid data group) were administered both the traditional written
is inherently dependent upon intact vision and motor TMT and an oral version of the TMT. They found that
functioning. However, geriatric patients, individuals the ratio of written-to-oral completion times for TMT-
with a history of stroke, and other patient populations A and TMT-B did not significantly differ between age
commonly referred for neuropsychological evaluation groups, suggesting that, among healthy individuals,
often suffer from visual and/or motor limitations that there is a consistent, age-independent relationship
preclude standard administration of the test. between written and oral performance of this measure.
Given the value of the TMT and the fact that standar- Building on their previous work, Ricker, Axelrod, and
dized administration is not feasible for many individuals, Houtler (1996) analyzed oral TMT performance among
a variety of authors have proposed methods for oral 85 patients who had suffered recent (<3 weeks prior)
administration of the TMT. While the core concepts of anterior or posterior cerebral infarction. The TMT was
adapting the TMT for oral administration are straight- administered to each patient in both its written and oral
forward and have remained relatively consistent across form within a larger battery of tests. Oral TMT-B raw
published literature, the specific instructions for admin- scores were transformed to written equivalents using
istration, score transformation, and interpretation of the the ratio previously established by the authors (i.e.,
obtained results have varied across studies. The current written TMT-B ¼ oral TMT-B X 2.44; Ricker & Axelrod,
review aims to briefly summarize the available research 1994). The written equivalents were then

CONTACT Patrick Riordan, Ph.D patrick.f.riordan@gmail.com Psychology Department, Hines Veterans Administration Hospital, Mail Code 116/B Hines,
IL 60141.
© 2016 Taylor & Francis

demographically corrected using the norms established convergent validity of the oral TMT as a measure of
by Heaton, Grant, and Matthews (1991). For the written cognitive flexibility. The oral form was not related to
TMT-B, neither raw scores nor demographically cor- visual or motor skills, providing divergent validity for
rected T-scores were significantly different between the oral adaptation of the measure. Performance on
groups (though the T-score difference approached sig- both the written and oral forms of the TMT was influ-
nificance). However, the transformed oral TMT-B scores enced by age, gender, education, and general intellectual
(both raw and demographically corrected T) were sig- ability, and both forms were sensitive to cognitive
nificantly different between groups, with the anterior decline in dementia. While written TMT raw scores
lesion group showing greater impairment, suggesting (time to completion) were more highly correlated with
greater sensitivity of the oral version of the test to frontal tests of cognitive flexibility (e.g., WAIS-R Digit Symbol
lobe dysfunction. Furthermore, oral TMT-B scores were subtest) than oral TMT raw scores, the use of difference
significantly correlated with the percentage of persevera- (B-A) and ratio (B/A) scores for both forms reduced
tive errors on the Wisconsin Card Sorting test (WCST), these differences. Thus, the authors argued that the
providing some evidence of the concurrent validity of use of difference or ratio scores may reduce the poten-
the oral TMT as an executive measure. tial differences caused by the different administration
Abraham, Axelrod, and Ricker (1996) evaluated modalities.
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 05:52 25 May 2016

written and oral TMT performance in a mixed clinical Ruchinskas (2003) evaluated the utility of the oral
sample of adult patients (N ¼ 112) undergoing neurop- TMT in a sample of 86 older general medical and neuro-
sychological evaluation. Oral TMT-B performance was logic inpatients and 30 healthy controls. Mean education
observed to correlate with written TMT-B performance was relatively low across the study (i.e., less than high
in the expected direction. Consistent with previous find- school among the clinical groups and 12.5 years among
ings, oral TMT-B performance was significantly slower healthy controls). The author found moderate correla-
among the older patients, yet the ratio of written-to-oral tions between oral TMT-B and Mini-Mental State Exam
TMT-B did not differ as a function of age. In addition, (MMSE) scores as well as moderate education effects for
the written-to-oral TMT-B ratio did not differ signifi- oral TMT-B. In addition, oral TMT-B was significantly
cantly as a function of written TMT-B performance or correlated with number of perseverations on other execu-
motor function as assessed by dominant hand finger- tive tasks administered (e.g., Luria’s “rampart” design;
tapping. Thus, the authors argued that the oral TMT alternating motor sequencing tasks). High failure rates
is a valid tool for the assessment of executive skills in on oral TMT-B were observed among the general medical
clinical populations regardless of age, motor speed, or (42%) and neurologic (61%) inpatients using a cutoff of
level of cognitive flexibility. 300 seconds or 5 errors. The author concluded that the
Pointing to previous factor analyses showing that the oral TMT is a fair measure of general cognitive integrity
traditional written TMT taps rapid visual search and but suggested caution in its utilization among older medi-
visuospatial sequencing (e.g., Fossum, Holmberg, & cal patients and those with lower levels of education.
Reinvang, 1992), Oliveira-Souza et al. (2000) sought to Notably, this study also found limited evidence of clinical
determine the extent to which TMT-B also uniquely utility for oral TMT-A, with significantly different mean
measures the ability to switch between conceptual sets. time to completion scores observed across control and
The authors found a strong positive correlation (r ¼ .59) neurologic impairment groups.
between the written and oral forms of TMT-B among 55 In response to a lack of formal validity studies and
healthy adults and argued that, given the lack of visuo- available normative data for the oral TMT, Mrazik,
motor components of oral TMT-B, this strong corre- Millis, and Drane (2010) evaluated performance on both
lation supports the notion that cognitive set-shifting is the written and oral versions of the TMT among 81
an important aspect of performance on part B of this healthy adults. The authors found a strong correlation
measure regardless of administration modality. (r ¼ .62) between the written and oral forms of TMT-
Kowalczyk, McDonald, Cranney, and McMahon B, but weak correlations between oral TMT-A and both
(2001) evaluated the convergent and divergent validity parts of the written TMT. While oral TMT-A was not
of the written and oral forms of the TMT. Both forms significantly correlated with any demographic factors,
were administered within the context of a broader oral TMT-B was significantly correlated with age (but
battery of tests among 16 older adults with dementia not education or gender) in their sample. The authors
and 60 healthy controls. Oral TMT performances had argued that oral TMT-A is not an equivalent task to writ-
a significant positive correlation with each other and ten TMT-A given the weak correlations observed, noting
with both parts of the written TMT, WAIS-R Digit that this is likely due to the simplicity of the oral version,
Symbol subtest, and COWAT, supporting the which is essentially an overlearned counting task that

tends to yield a restricted range of scores. In contrast, significant recruitment of ventral and dorsal visual path-
they highlighted the strong relationship between the ways and dorsolateral and medial prefrontal cortices
written and oral forms of TMT-B, noting that this may (Allen et al., 2011; Moll et al., 2002). Nevertheless, overall,
reflect a shared dependence on mental flexibility and oral adaptations have received a minimal amount of
divided attention. Of note, the written-to-oral TMT-B attention in the functional neuroimaging research.
ratios observed were lower than those previously
reported (2.1 vs. 2.44) and, unlike in previous studies,
Clinical studies
variable across age groups. Thus the authors cautioned
against the use of a uniform conversion factor to predict Although the instructions for administering, transform-
performance on the written version based on oral TMT ing, and scoring oral adaptations of the TMT have not
performance. Finally, the authors aptly noted a lack of been fully standardized, a number of clinical studies
clarity about how the examiner is to respond when an have employed the oral TMT and provide further evi-
examinee makes an error during oral TMT performance dence of its considerable value across a range of popula-
and addressed this by providing simple, scripted tions. A 2002 study by Chiaravalloti and DeLuca (2002)
instructions. used oral adaptations of TMT A & B in a comparison of
Bastug et al. (2013) evaluated the discriminative and neuropsychological test performances across individuals
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 05:52 25 May 2016

concurrent validity of the oral TMT in older patients with MS and healthy adults, given that motor deficits
with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s associated with MS could artificially impair perfor-
disease (AD), and healthy controls (HC). The oral mance on the written administration. In 2006, Bennett
TMT-A discriminated between AD and MCI, but not and colleagues used oral TMT-B as a measure of
MCI and HC. Oral TMT-B discriminated between all executive functioning in a study assessing functional
groups (time to completion: AD > MCI > HC). Neither and neuroimaging correlates of neuropsychological test
part of the oral TMT correlated with age, but oral performance in the very elderly. Grober et al. (2008)
TMT-B completion time negatively correlated with edu- used an oral adaptation of TMT-B in order to control
cation. Strong correlations were observed between the for motor impairment in a study assessing screening
oral TMT (both parts) and other neuropsychological methods for early dementia. Cercy, Simakhodskaya, &
measures including Clock Drawing, WAIS-R Digits Elliott (2010) developed a brief cognitive screening
Backward, and the written TMT. The authors concluded instrument for use with psychiatric patients in emerg-
that the oral TMT (especially part B) is a valid tool for ency medical settings that included oral adaptations of
measuring different levels of cognitive impairment, parti- TMT A & B. Notably, they found improved classi-
cularly when visual or motor deficits are present. They fication accuracy for identifying cognitive impairment
noted that, in comparison to its written counterpart, after removing the oral TMT-A results from their com-
the oral version of the TMT takes less time to administer, posite score and only including oral TMT-B. In a study
is less affected by the aging process, and can be adminis- of hypotensive patients with spinal cord injury, Jegede
tered via telephone (as in Mitsis et al., 2010). Of note, the et al. (2010) used oral adaptations of oral TMT A & B
authors recommended the use of oral TMT-B or combi- and found performance differences across SCI patients
nation scores (e.g., A þ B) instead of the oral TMT-A. with and without hypotension on oral TMT-A. In
Finally, given that the written and oral versions of the 2010, Mitsis et al. used the oral adaptation of TMT A
TMT are not identical, they argued in favor of developing & B in a study of telephone-based cognitive assessment
independent normative data for the oral TMT instead of in the elderly. In comparison to in-person assessment,
converting oral TMT scores to written TMT scores. they found statistically significant performance differ-
Unlike many other popular neuropsychological mea- ences for written versus oral TMT-A but not B. A
sures, the TMT has been used sparsely within functional 2012 study of patients with ALS by Jelsone-Swain et
neuroimaging studies, most likely because the physical al. (2012) used a ratio score of performance on oral
aspects of the traditional, paper and pencil administra- TMT-A and oral TMT-B to account for processing
tion are not conducive to fMRI. As a result, multiple speed differences across participants, in which they
authors have devised adaptations of the TMT more suit- found significant group differences between ALS
able for fMRI research (e.g., Allen, Owens, Fong, & patients and healthy controls on oral TMT-B raw scores,
Richards, 2011; Moll, de Oliveira-Souza, Moll, Bramati, but not oral TMT-B/oral TMT-A ratios.
& Andreiuolo, 2002; Zakzanis, Mraz, & Graham, 2005). Given its status as a well-established test of executive
Corresponding investigations have helped to elucidate functioning without significant time demands, the tra-
the neural underpinnings of TMT performance and have ditional TMT has also been utilized as a subtest within
generally aligned with previous data suggesting multiple brief cognitive screening batteries designed to

simplify and improve detection of cognitive impairment ratio scores. At the same time, the preponderance
in specific disease processes (e.g., the Alzheimer’s of available evidence clearly indicates that establish-
Disease Centers’ Uniform Data Set Neuropsychological ing a uniform conversion factor for oral TMT-A to
Test Battery, Weintraub et al., 2009; the American written TMT-A is not possible, and that oral TMT-
College of Rheumatology neuropsychological battery A cannot be meaningfully interpreted as an analogue
for systemic lupus erythematosus, Kozora, Ellison, & form of written TMT-A.
West, 2004). The oral adaptation of the TMT has also 2. Early research did not delineate specific instructions for
been utilized for such purposes, particularly in cognitive administration of the oral TMT and for standardized
screening batteries designed for use with populations management of examinee errors. However, adding to
with significant motor impairments. For instance, the the initial instructions provided by Ricker and Axelrod
Edinburgh Cognitive and Behavioral Amyotrophic (1994), Mrazik et al. (2010) added standardized instruc-
Lateral Sclerosis Screen (ECAS; Abrahams, Newton, tions for management of errors. Given the comprehen-
Niven, Foley, & Bak, 2014) has been shown to have high siveness of these instructions and the normative
sensitivity (85%) and specificity (85%) in the detection database associated with them, their use is recom-
of cognitive impairments characteristic of ALS patients mended in clinical applications and future research:
(Niven et al., 2015). While the ECAS version of the Introductory Instructions (from Ricker & Axelrod,
Downloaded by [University of Nebraska, Lincoln] at 05:52 25 May 2016

OTMT uses its own unique administration and scoring 1994, pp. 48–49).
procedures (e.g., raw score ¼ number of correct trials vs. Oral TMT-A: “I would like you to count from 1 to 25
time to completion), the subtest preserves the basic as quickly as you can 1, 2, 3, and so on. Are you ready?
OTMT structure and procedure of verbally alternating Begin.”
between numbers and letters, from “1-A” through Oral TMT-B: “Now I would like you to count again,
“12-L.” Because the raw score equals the number of but this time you are to switch between number and let-
correct trials and not the time to completion as in the ter, so you would say 1-A-2-B-3-C, and so on, until I say
traditional OTMT, the ECAS version appears to place ‘stop’. Are you ready? Begin.”
more emphasis on set-shifting ability/accuracy without Correction Instructions (from Mrazik et al., 2010,
the speed component. p. 238).
If the patient makes an error on Part A, the examiner
is to reorient them to the last correct number by saying:
Recommendations for use of oral trails based
“You last said ‘[specific number],’ please continue from
on research to date
Given the lack of consistent standardization and find- If the patient makes an error on Part B, the examiner
ings across studies of the oral TMT, caution should be is to reorient them to the last correct pair by saying:
taken in administration and interpretation of the mea- “You said‘[specific number] [specific letter];’ Continue
sure. At the same time, the TMT has well-documented from there.”
utility and is not easily substituted for in cases of visual 3. Although early studies on the oral TMT appeared to
and/or motor impairment. Furthermore, the existing suggest that a uniform conversion factor for oral
research literature provides clear instructions for the TMT-B is sufficient (e.g., Ricker & Axelrod, 1994),
administration of the adapted measure, considerable subsequent research has provided compelling evi-
evidence for concurrent and divergent validity, and dence that use of age-adjusted conversion ratios
reasonably consistent conversion factors to transform may be more appropriate. Until more comprehensive
oral TMT scores for interpretation with written TMT normative data specific to the oral TMT are pub-
norms. Based on the available research literature, the lished, clinicians are likely best served by considering
following recommendations are made for best current both the uniform oral TMT-B conversion factor of
use of the oral adaptation of the TMT: 2.44 proposed by Ricker and Axelrod (1994), as well
1. Although multiple authors have noted the limited as the age- specific oral TMT-B conversion factors
clinical utility of oral TMT-A (e.g., Bastug et al., established by Mrazik et al. (2010), which are
2013) and some have suggested omitting it, adminis- summarized below:20–39: 1.7 29–49: 1.8 39–59: 1.9
tration of both A and B trials is recommended for 49–69: 2.2 59–79: 2.3 69–90: 2.3
oral adaptation of the measure in order to maximize Given that there are currently no standardized rules
consistency of administration. Furthermore, existing governing when to administer the TMT in oral versus
studies have provided limited evidence of potential written form, examiners must rely on clinical judgment
clinical utility for oral TMT-A (e.g., Ruchinskas, to decide which approach will allow for the most
2003), as well as potential utility of oral TMT B/A valid assessment of the core underlying constructs

(i.e., cognitive processing speed, mental flexibility, discriminative tool for different levels of cognitive impair-
set-shifting). When the most appropriate modality for ment and normal aging. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychol-
administration is not obvious (e.g., a stroke patient with ogy, 28, 411–417. doi:10.1093/arclin/act035
Bennett, D., Schneider, J., Arvanitakis, Z., Kelly, J., Aggarwal,
motor and language deficits hindering both dominant N., et al. (2006). Neuropathology of older persons without
hand function and speech), the clinician may choose cognitive impairment from two community-based studies.
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tic accuracy of a new instrument for detecting cognitive
dysfunction in an emergent psychiatric population: The
Future directions brief cognitive screen. Academic Emergency Medicine, 17,
307–315. doi:10.1111/j.1553-2712.2010.00682.x
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of the TMT clearly supports judicious clinical use of the means of maximizing learning in multiple sclerosis: An
measure, further research and development of the oral application of the generation effect. Archives of Physical
TMT is needed. Oral adaptation of the TMT is parti- Medicine and Rehabilitation, 83, 1070–1079. doi:10.1053/
cularly supported in the assessment of examinees who Fossum, B., Holmberg, H., & Reinvang, I. (1992). Spatial and
cannot be administered the traditional written version symbolic factors in performance on trail making test.
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TMT as not only an alternative administration method hensive norms for an expanded Halstead–Reitan battery.
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