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Select the most appropriate response by shading the right answer in the answer sheet provided.

1. Which of the following is a restrictive disorder of the respiratory system?

a. Atelectasis
b. Bronchitis
c. Pneumothorax
d. Respiratory acidosis

2. Which of the following may NOT be a cause of pulmonary oedema?

a. Inflammation in the lungs

b. Increased capillary permeability
c. Decrease in plasma protein levels
d. Increase in blood pH

3. Which of the following will NOT be characteristic of common cold manifestations?

a. Rhinitis
b. Sinusitis
c. Constricted chest
d. Nasal congestion

4. Which condition would present with the following symptoms: headache, fever or chills,
nasal discharge, body aches, unproductive cough?

a. Influenza
b. Asthma
c. Laryngitis
d. Tonsilitis

5. Which respiratory disorder resulting from airway inflammation presents with wheezing?

a. Atelectasis
b. Emphysema
c. Pneumothorax
d. Asthma

6. The common clinical manifestations of respiratory disorders include all of the following

a. Coughing
b. Sneezing
c. Vomiting
d. Dyspnoea

7. Thick, yellowish-green sputum could indicate:

a. Pneumococcal pneumonia
b. Bacterial infection
c. Normal secretion
d. Asthama

8. A collapse of the lung that results from external air pressure from the thoracic cavity
would be named:

a. Respiratory acidosis
b. Respiratory alkalosis
c. Pneumothorax
d. Atelectasis

9. Hyperventilation could rid the body of more CO2 than is normally removed. What
condition could this lead to?

a. Respiratory acidosis
b. Respiratory alkalosis
c. Pneumonia
d. Cyanosis

10. Which of the following is likely to occur if heart valves do not close properly?

a. Stenosis
b. Regurgitation
c. Cardiogenic shock
d. Arrhythmia

11. The right coronary artery occlusion may cause poor supply to the right atrium of the
heart. Which of the following may occur as a consequence of this occurence?

a. Valve stenosis
b. Arrhythmias
c. Pulmonary oedema
d. Congestive heart failure

12. A temporary localized reduced blood flow in the brain as a result of partial
blockage/occlusion of an artery. The resultant ischemic signs and symptoms are usually
short lived. This could indicate which type of cerebrovascular disease?

a. Myocardial infarction
b. Transient Ischemic attack
c. Embolism
d. Stroke

13. Which of the following are modifiable risk factors for atherosclerosis?

a. Smoking, gender
b. Gender, genetics
c. Hypertension, genetics
d. Diet, lifestyle

14. Prolonged high resistance to out flow of blood from the left ventricle could lead to
weakness of the aortic wall and subsequently lead to:

a. Aneurysm
b. Embolism
c. Pericarditis
d. Deep vein thrombosis

15. Fluid accumulating in the heart as a result of the myocardium failing to generate enough
force to pump out all the blood could lead to which of the following conditions?

a. Congestive heart failure and pulmonary oedema

b. Pulmonary oedema and cardiogenic shock
c. Atherosclerosis and pulmonary embolism
d. Angina and deep vein thrombosis

16. Abrupt onset of haematuria and proteinuria, with reduced glomerular filtration rate and
water retention would characterise which kidney disorder?

a. Acute glomerular nephritis

b. Chronic glomerular nephritis
c. Nephrotic syndrome
d. Kidney failure

17. A juvenile onset of beta cell malfunction may result in which of the disorders below?

a. Diabetes mellitus type I

b. Diabetes mellitus type II
c. Diabetes insipidus
d. Hypoglycaemia

18. Which of the following is NOT a symptom associated with diabetes mellitus

a. Polyuria
b. Polyphagia
c. Polydipsia
d. Oligouria

19. Over-secretion of growth hormone in adults could lead to which disorder?

a. Grave’s disease
b. Acromegaly
c. Dwarfism
d. Gigantism

20. The condition shown below would be hyper-stimulation of which gland?

a. Thymus
b. Adrenal
c. Thyroid
d. Parathyroid

21. Name the disorder shown in Q20 above.

a. Cretinism
b. Goitre
c. Graves’ disease
d. Addison’s disease

22. Cushing syndrome occurs when your body is exposed to high levels of which hormone?

a. Glucagon
b. Cortisol
c. Parathyroid hormone
d. Antidiuretic hormone

23. What effect does Cushing syndrome have on body fat distribution?

a. Fat is evenly distributed

b. Fat accumulates around the thighs
c. The neck area becomes the target for fat deposit
d. Fat is deposited around the midsection of the body

24. Weight gain, cold intolerance, fatigue, sleepiness, dry skin and hair would indicate which
disorder of the thyroid gland?

a. Hyperthyroidism
b. Hypothyroidism
c. Hashimoto’s disease
d. Thyroid tumors

25. Which urinary system disorder manifests with back pain, oligouria, facial edema, dark
cloudy urine?

a. Polycystic kidney
b. Glomerulonephritis
c. Cystitis
d. Pyelonephritis

26. The diagram below shows which disorder of the renal system

a. Pyelonephritis
b. Glomerulonephritis
c. Polycystic kidney
d. Obstructive renal failure

27. Which of the following is NOT a normal constituent of urine?

a. Urea
b. Salts
c. electrolytes
d. Protein

28. Urinary incontinence could occur as a result of all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Increased intra-abdominal pressure

b. Spinal cord injuries
c. Brain injuries
d. Blockage of urethra

29. Rigidity, bradykinesia, tremor, postural instability. These symptoms could highlight
which disease of the nervous system?

a. Myasthenia gravis
b. Alzheimer’s
c. Parkinson’s
d. Epilepsy

30. Which of the following does NOT fall into the category of pain classification?

a. Neurophysiologic
b. Neurogenic
c. Regional
d. Sympathetic

31. Which type of anemia will result from failure to absorb vitamin B12 due to lack of
intrinsic factor?

a. Iron deficiency
b. Macrocytic
c. Pernicious
d. Normocytic

32. Which of the following will result in macrocytic anaemia?

a. Failure of DNA replication

b. Failure of protein synthesis
c. Failure of haem synthesis
d. Acute blood loss
e. Iron deficiency

33. Which of the following blood test parameters will be within the normal range in cases of
microcytic anaemia?

a. Hb
b. Hct
c. MCH
d. MCV

For question 34 to 40, circle TRUE or FALSE in the answer grid provided.
34. Pneumot is characterized by accumulation of exudates in the airway
35. Atherosclerosis can lead to myocardial ischemia and heart attack
36. Stenosis results in back flow of blood
37. Angina pectoris is an ischemic disorder
38. A bluish discoloration of the skin that results from poor oxygenation of the tissues is
called dyspnoea
39. A cough reflex results from irritants reaching the lower respiratory tract
40. Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles could lead to urine retention

Section B
Match the disorders in Column A with their appropriate descriptions or symptoms in Column B
Write the letter that corresponds to your answer in Column B of the answer grid provided
Column A Column B
41. Emphysema A. Increased mucous glands secretion,
inflammation, infection
42. Asthma B. Inadequate capacity of the blood to transport
oxygen in the conditions prevailing.

43. Cardiac temponade C. Destruction of alveolar walls, loss of elasticity,

impaired expiration
44. Anaemia D. Abnormal shape of red blood cells
45. Atelectasis E. Disorder of blood that results in internal clotting
F. Inflammation, bronchoconstriction
G. Unchecked increase in pressure in the pericardial
H. The heart fails to pump enough blood to meet
the body’s metabolic needs

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