Gyne 2

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\\\\ The word obstetrics is derived from Latin term obstetrix, which means which of the

\\ midwife
\\\ deliverer
\\\ attendant
\\\ surgeon

\\\\ Which of one of the following corresponds to the perinatal period?

\\\ 22 to 28 weeks gestation
\\\ 22 to 34 weeks gestation
\\\ 20 to 40 weeks gestation
\\ 20 weeks to 4 weeks postpartum

\\\\ What is the upper gestational age cutoff for defining the birth of a preterm infant?
\\\ 29 weeks
\\\ 33 weeks
\\\ 35 weeks
\\ 37 weeks

\\\\ How is an infant classified that is born between 260 and 294 days of gestation?
\\\ preterm infant
\\ term infant
\\\ postterm infant
\\\ postmature infant

\\\\ What is the single most common cause of maternal mortality?

\\ embolism
\\\ hypertension
\\\ hemorrhage
\\\ ectopic pregnancy

\\\\ What is the single most common cause of neonatal death?

\\ low birthweight
\\\ congenital anomalies
\\\ infection
\\\ perinatal asphyxia

\\\\ How long after fertilization does it take for the zygote to reach the uterine cavity?
\\\ 1 to 2 days
\\ 3 to 4 days
\\\ 5 to 6 days
\\\ 7 days

\\\\ What hormone is responsible for maintenance of the corpus luteum if implantation of
the fertilized ovum takes place?
\\\ estrogen
\\ progesterone
\\\ hCG
\\\ hPL

\\\\ Which of the following isn’t a presumptive symptom of pregnancy?

\\\ nausea
\\\ fatigue
\\\ urinary frequency
\\ constipation

\\\\ Which of the following is not considered a probable sign of pregnancy?

\\\ enlargement of the abdomen
\\\ changes in shape, size, and consistency of uterus
\\\ cessation of menses
\\ ballottement

\\\\ The clitoris is the homologue of which of the following structure?

\\ penis
\\\ scrotum
\\\ gubernaculum testis
\\\ corpora cavernosa

\\\\ What is the principal erogenous organ or area of women?

\\\ vagina
\\ clitoris
\\\ labia minora
\\\ G-spot

\\\\ Which of the following is the predominant bacteria of the vagina during pregnancy?
\\\ Peptostreptococcus sp.
\\\ Listeria monocytogenes
\\ Lactobacillus sp.
\\\ Streptococcus agalactiae

\\\\ The uterine artery is a main branch of which of the following arteries?
\\\ aorta
\\\ common iliac
\\\ external iliac
\\ internal iliac

\\\\ The ovarian artery is a direct branch of which of the following vessels?
\\ aorta
\\\ common iliac
\\\ external iliac
\\\ internal iliac

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