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Episode 1 "The Old Grist Mill"

1. Choose the right option to fill the gap:

Led through the _____ by the milk light of ______
a. list, moon b. mist, moon c. mist, soon
All that was lost is revealed.
Our long-bygone burdens mere echoes of the ______,
a. spring b. sping c. sling
But where have we ______
a c
and where shall we _____?
a. come, end b. some, went c. some, end
If _______
b can't come true then why not pretend?
a. breams b. dreams c. greams
How the gentle wind beckons through the leaves
as ________
c colors fall…
a. haut and b. otter c. autumn

2. Fill the gap with one word (there are EXTRA words)
far away wood mysterious Neverland once Unknown travel somewhere

____________ lost in the clouded annals of history lies a place that few have seen a ____________
Unknown mysterious
place called the ______________,
Neverland where long-forgotten stories are revealed to those who travel
through the _______.

3. Who said it? Write G for Greg, W for Wirt, B for Beatrice or WM for The Woodsman
___ : - Antelope, Guggenheim, Albert, Salami, Giggly, Jumpy, Tom, Thomas, Tambourine, Leg face
McCullen, Artichoke, Penguin, Pete, Steve, but I think the very worst name for this frog is..
___ : - Wait. Wait a second. Uh, Greg, where are we?
___ : - In the woods.
___ : - I mean - what are we doing out here?
___ : - We're walking home.
___ : - Greg, I think we're lost. We sh.. we should have left - a trail or something.
___ : - I can leave a trail of - candy from my pants.
___ : - No. Though I am lost, my wounded heart resides back home, in pieces, strewn about the
graveyard of my lost love, for only… Do you hear that?
___ : - Yeah.
___ : - Do you think it's some kind of deranged lunatic with an ax waiting out there in the darkness for
innocent victims? Greg. Greg! Greg, you're gonna get us
into trouble again.
___ : - We should ask him for help.
___ : - No, we should not ask - him for help.
___ : - But
___ : - Shh!
___ : - You shush.
___ : - You shush.
___ : - Shh.

___ : - You think we should have asked him for help?

B : - Maybe I can help you. I mean, you guys are lost, right?
___ : - What in the world is going on?
G : - Well, you're slapping yourself and I'm answering your question and
___ : - No, Greg. A bird's brain isn't big enough - for cognizant speech.
___ : - Hey, what was that?
___ : - I mean, I'm just saying you're… you're weird like, not normal. I-I mean Oh, my gosh. Stop
talking to it, Wirt.
___ : - "It"?
___ : - Uh uh
___ : - What are you doing here?! Explain yourselves!
___ : - And I'll see you guys later.Bye.
___ : - Calm calm down, mister.
___ : - Wh-Whatever you do here is your business.
___ : - We just want to get home with all of our legs - and arms attached.
___ : - These woods are no place for children. Don't you know the beast is afoot here?
___ : - The beast? W-W-W-We don't know anything about that. W-We're just two lost kids trying to get
___ : - Well, welcome to the Unknown, boys. You're more lost than you realize.

4. Put the phrases in the correct order to make up a dialogue:

W: - What what is your work, exactly?
G: - To help us?
WM: - What are you boys whispering about?
G: - We're talking about running away out of here.
W: - Shh! Shh!
G: - Okay.
WM: -Everyone has a torch to burn, and this here's mine. I grind the horrid edelwood trees into oil to
keep this lantern lit. This is my lot in life. This is my burden
WM: - Leave if you wish. But remember the beast haunts these woods, ever singing his mournful
melody in search of - lost souls such as yourselves!
WM: - No, not to help you. I have work to do in the mill. When I am finished, I will do what I can to
guide you if you - are still here when I return.
G: - Shh! Shh!
W: - This guy sounds loony. Maybe we should make a break for it, if we can. But he must know the
woods really well, so we may need to knock him out first, except that may turn out really badly, huh?
Yeah, bad bad plan. Forget it. Bad plan.

5. What were The Woodsman’s final instructions? Choose from the list
- You must stay at the mill and I’ll protect you.
- You must turn back home.
- You must go. Go north. Look for a town.
- Beware the Unknown!
- Fight with the beast and live in the Unknown!
- Fear the beast and leave these woods if you
- Look after your brother properly.
- Find the beast and make him leave the woods.
- Look after that frog. Give him a proper name

6. What have you learned about Wirt, Greg, Beatrice and The Woodsman from this episode?

Episode 2 - Hard Times at the Huskin' Bee

1. Translate into your language:

That settles it - give sb a ride home -

owe sb a favor - Let's not jump to any conclusions –

do sb a good turn -

Let's small-talk - Let me get this straight –

Waffles make me sick -

Pardon me there - find sb guilty of –

find the place creepy - get rid of the rocks -

You're in denial - be even -

Something feels off about this place – That's vague -

Episode 3 - "Schooltown Follies"
Comprehension check

1. Where were the kids going?

a. To the end of the forest
b. To the kind woman who will help them to get home
c. To help others in the woods
2. Wirt stayed in class because…
a. He wanted to learn
b. He was interested in the teacher
c. He wanted to get on Beartice’s nerves
3. Why was the teacher so moody?
a. She was left by her boyfriend
b. Her boyfriend died
c. Her father was a bankrupt
4. Why was the old man moody?
a. He was afraid of the gorilla.
b. He didn’t like that primer school for animals.
c. He had no money to keep the school open.
5. Why did Jimmy become a gorilla?
a. It was a job in the circus to buy a wedding ring for the young woman.
b. He wanted to scare everyone around.
c. He put this costume on for fun and got stuck in it

2. Write a vocabulary list with some words you heard in the Chapter.


- The woods: el bosc.

Episode 4 - "Songs of the Dark Lantern"

1. Match the words or phrases from the episode to their synonyms

1. Scary
2. Strange
3. Crazy a. That driver is nuts.
4. All the time b. Who knows where we are by now with that
5. Take it easy guy acting all bananas.
6. Silly c. Let's go to this creepy tavern and ask for
7. Give away a secret some directions.
d. Keep it together, tailor.
e. Let the cat out of the bag!
f. The woodsman was the guy with the weird
lantern, not the beast.
g. You were the beast all along!
2. Circle the professions mentioned in the episode

butcher baker midwife driver tailor

doctor tavern keeper fireman the master and apprentice (=pupil)

shop-assistant highwayman woodsman accountant

calligrapher nurse cobbler baker and patissier


3. What have you learnt from the Wirt’s song?

“My name is Wirt, and his name is Greg. We're related 'cause my mom remarried and then gave birth to
him with my stepdad. We're not from around here. Can you all give me some directions today? So we
can be on our # wa-a-a-y #”


4. Who is a pilgrim?
5. Who is the Beast, and why?

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