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1. Watch the video and answer the following question.

What is the tale about?

Watch the video again. Pay attention and answer.

 What is the plot of the tale?
 How many characters are there in the tale?

 What are their names?

 Why do you think the author has chosen those names?

 Where do you think the story takes place?

 When does the story happen?

 Where does the Beast live?

 Why do you think he lives there?

 How does Beauty’s father feel in the palace?

 What is Beauty like?

 Does the story have a happy end?

2. Read the beginning of the tale very carefully

There was once a very rich merchant, who had six children, three sons, and three
daughters; being a man of sense, he spared no cost for their education, but gave them
all kinds of masters. His daughters were extremely handsome, especially the youngest.
When she was little everybody admired her, and called her "The little Beauty;" so that,
as she grew up, she still went by the name of Beauty, which made her sisters very
The youngest, as she was handsomer, was also better than her sisters. The two eldest
had a great deal of pride, because they were rich. They gave themselves ridiculous airs,
and would not visit other merchants' daughters, nor keep company with any but persons
of quality. They went out every day to parties of pleasure, balls, plays, concerts, and so
forth, and they laughed at their youngest sister, because she spent the greatest part
of her time in reading good books.

3.- Cover the text and replace the underlined words

with a suitable synonym.

There was once a very wealthy merchant, who had six

children, three sons, and three daughters; being a man of
reason, he spared no cost for their training, but gave
them all kinds of masters. His daughters were extremely
attractive, especially the youngest. When she was little
everybody admired her, and called her "The little Beauty;"
so that, as she got older, she still went by the name of
Beauty, which made her sisters very envious

The youngest, as she was more attractive, was also kinder

than her sisters. The two eldest had a great deal of pride,
because they were wealthy. They gave themselves absurd
airs, and would not visit other merchants' daughters, nor
keep company with any but persons of quality. They went
out every day to parties of pleasure, dance, plays,
concerts, and so forth, and they laughed at their youngest
sister, because she spent the greatest part of her time in
reading good books.
4.- Choose four
words you find
really difficult and
do the exercise.

5.- Put the

different parts of
the story in the correct order.

1- In the beginning, she too was frightened by the ugly

Beast and his gruff voice. But in a few days, she
realized that the Beast was actually very kind and
gentle. He took care of her and she slowly began to
like him. She was no longer afraid of him.
2- She sped to the castle. The Beast was dying and was
glad to see her. She held him and told him she loved
him. Then she kissed him softly. At that very
instant, the Beast changed into a handsome prince!
Beauty was so surprised!.

3- The Beast accepted to let the merchant go if he

promised to send Beauty to live with him. The
merchant fearfully agreed.

4- In a land far away, lived a merchant and his three

daughters. His youngest daughter, Beauty, was very
pretty, loving and kind.

5- The merchant shivered with fright. He begged the

Beast not to hurt him and tried to explain that the
flower was for his daughter Beauty.

6- Beauty was glad to be home again, and under her

care, her father quickly recovered. One day, she
thought of the Beast and looked into the mirror. .To
her dismay, she saw that the Beast too was ill. He
was on the ground moaning in pain.

7- In the morning, just as he was preparing to leave, he

thought of Beauty and plugged a rose. Suddenly, he
heard a shout. A horrible beast was standing before

8- Unable to see her sadness, the Beast sighed and let

her go back home. Beauty was so happy that she
hugged the Beast and ran home.

9- The prince thanked Beauty and told her that a

wicked witch had cast a spell on him, but her sweet
words had broken the spell. Beauty and the prince
were soon married and lived happily ever after.

10- At home, he sorrowfully told Beauty the whole

story. She said that he should keep his promise so
she would go. She left for the castle.

11- Even though the Beast dearly loved her, Beauty

missed her home and her father. She often thought
of him and cried. One day, she looked through a
magic mirror that the Beast gave her, and saw that
her father was terribly unwell.

12- One day, the merchant got lost deep in the woods
and reached a castle hidden amongst the trees. He
spent the night in the castle.
6.- Draw one of the characters. List at 6 character
traits and define each trait. Give an example of the
story to show the trait.
7.- Compare “Beauty and the Beast” with other fairy
tales, and decide whether Beauty is actually more
intelligent than the average heroine, or if the author is
unusual in having mentioned her intelligence.


















Have a look at the summary of the tale (exercise 5)

and update the story.


Answer the following questions.

What was the plot of the story?

What characters represented beauty at the beginning
of the story and why?
Which character represented beauty at the end of
the story and why?
What adverbs and adjectives were used to describe
beauty in the story?
What does an ugly person look like?
What does a beautiful person look like?
How are ugly people treated by others?
How are beautiful people treated by others?
Is it a “good thing” to treat people differently based
on their appearance?


Complete the following worksheet.

Here is paper doll of the Disney version of the story. Make
more clothes for Belle, create dolls of other characters
from the story, or make you own idea of Beauty.


Acrostics is a saying or sentence where the first letter

of each word in the saying will help you remember how to
spell a word, or the order of things. Example:
A Rat In The House Might Eat The Ice Cream - the first
letter of each word spells ARITHMETIC

a) Make two acrostics with the words BEAUTY and BEAST

b) Look for similarities . Compare “Beauty and the Beast”

with two other popular tales: “The Frog Prince” and “The
Ugly Duck”.



Science and art

The Beast in the various illustrations for this story is

depicted as something like a bear, a walrus, a warthog, or
some other animal. Scour books, magazine, and the
Internet for pictures of unusual animals on which you base
your idea of the Beast. Draw your own version of the
Beast, incorporating and labeling characteristics of the
real-life animal you chose. Create a blog and insert any
research you may consider interesting to share.

You may also want to create a poster and stick everything

you’ve learned about this wonderful tale.

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