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Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2012 Ó 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S

What influences the use of dental Zoe Marshman1, Jenny Porritt1, Tom
Dyer1, Ceri Wyborn2, Jenny Godson3
and Sarah Baker1

services by adults in the UK? 1

School of Clinical Dentistry, University of
Sheffield Sheffield, UK, 2Yorkshire and
Humber Public Health Observatory York,
UK, 3Yorkshire and Humber Strategic
Marshman Z, Porritt J, Dyer T, Wyborn C, Godson J, Baker S. What influences Health Authority Leeds, UK
the use of dental services by adults in the UK? Community Dent Oral Epidemiol
2012. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S

Abstract – Objectives: Optimizing access to and utilization of dental services

remains a major public health challenge. The aim of this study was to use
Andersen’s behavioural model to investigate the factors that influence
utilization of dental services and predict oral health outcomes, and to identify
how access could be improved. Methods: Secondary analysis was conducted of
data from a regional postal survey (n = 10 864) of adults in the UK. Items were
chosen to reflect variables of Andersen’s behavioural model including
predisposing characteristics (deprivation), enabling resources (perceived
difficulty accessing a dentist), need (perceived treatment need), health
behaviours (reason for attendance and time since the last visit to the dentist)
and oral health outcomes (oral health impacts (symptoms, functional limitation
and social) and global oral health). Structural equation modelling was used to
estimate the direct and indirect pathways between the variables within the
model. Results: When a combination of indirect and direct effects were taken
into account, perceived difficulty accessing the dentist was associated with
higher perceived treatment need (b = 0.25, P < 0.01), increased oral health Key words: oral health; dental services;
impacts (b = 0.23, P < 0.01) and worse global oral health (b = 0.21, adults
P < 0.01). Overall, the variables included within this model explained 17.4% of Zoe Marshman, Oral Health and
the variance for dental attendance, 55.4% of the variance for the length of time Development, School of Clinical Dentistry,
Sheffield University, Claremont Crescent,
since people had last visited the dentist, 21.7% of the variance for oral health
Sheffield S10 2TA, UK
impacts and 42.9% of the variance for people’s global oral health. Conclusions: Tel.: 0114 2717893
Perceived treatment need and difficulty accessing dental services were found to Fax: 0114 2717843
be key predictors of oral health outcomes. Further research is needed to e-mail:
develop and evaluate effective interventions to improve access to dental Submitted 15 February 2011;
services. accepted 17 January 2012

Optimizing access to and utilization of dental ser- conducted in the UK to investigate factors that
vices remains a major public health challenge inter- influence service use or to identify ways to opti-
nationally with significant impacts on individuals, mize utilization.
communities and costs to society (1). For example, Several studies have investigated influences on
in the UK, access to dental services has been a dental service utilization using models of health-
political imperative since the 1990s with many pol- care as theoretical frameworks (4–9). The most
icy initiatives to improve the situation. In 2006, a well-known of these are the behavioural models
new National Health Service (NHS) primary dental developed by Andersen et al. (10). The original
care contract was introduced in England to expand model suggested that people’s use of health ser-
capacity and ensure services were ‘easy to access’ vices is dependent on their predisposition to use of
for patients (2). However, a review of the impact of services, factors that enable or impede use and
the new contract concluded that the aim to their need for care. This model was later refined to
improve access had not been realized with fewer describe the interrelationships between population
courses of treatment carried out and fewer people characteristics (predisposing factors, enabling
seeing an NHS dentist (3). Little research has been resources and need), health behaviours and health

doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0528.2012.00675.x
Marshman et al.

Population characteristics Health behaviour Outcomes

characteristics Perceived
Deprivation Use of health health status
Length of time since Oral health
last visited dentist impacts

Enabling resources
Perceived difficulties
accessing a dentist

Use of health health status
Reason for dental Global oral
attendance health
Perceived treatment

Fig. 1. Model of dental service use and oral health outcomes based on Andersen’s behavioural model (1995).

outcomes (Fig. 1) and has been used to investigate suggested further work with Andersen’s models to
variables that explain service use and ways to explore the contribution of the socioeconomic pro-
improve it. file of the individual, the importance of age and
Reisine applied the original model to dental ser- development of the model’s dental public health
vices utilization to university employees in the applications.
USA assessing predisposing factors (including age, Other studies have also used versions of Ander-
sex, education, dental attitudes), enabling factors sen’s models to investigate utilization of oral health
(family income, participant’s perception of diffi- services with older people in the USA (5, 6) and
culty visiting the dentist), clinical measures of need New Zealand (5), young people in Denmark (4)
and use of dental services (the number of visits and adults in sub-Sahara Africa (7) adding further
over the past 2 years). She found sex to be the most support for the use of this model.
influential variable with income and age having no In summary, support has been found for the
significant effects, although she acknowledged that application of Andersen’s behavioural models to
enabling factors may be more important in a gen- dental service utilization in employed and general
eral population (8). populations using a range of different indicators to
Andersen’s model has also been tested in rela- reflect the variables in the model (8, 9). Research is
tion to oral health in the general population with required to establish the influence of factors, partic-
support found for the hypotheses proposed (9). ularly sex (8), age and socioeconomic status, and to
Baker tested the revised model and the interrela- develop the dental public health application of this
tionships between predisposing factors (qualifica- research (9).
tions, income, social class), enabling factors (oral The aim of this study was to use Andersen’s
health education, perceptions of treatment model in a secondary analysis to investigate the
expense) and need and whether their influence on factors that influence access and utilization of den-
oral health behaviours (toothbrushing, dental tal services and oral health outcomes, from a sur-
attendance) and outcomes (oral health-related vey of adults in the UK, and to identify where
quality of life) were direct or mediated based on improvements in access could be made. The ver-
data from a national Adult Dental Health Survey sion of Andersen’s model selected was based on
in the UK. She found support for the model but hypothesized pathways that have been supported
that the impact of the predisposing factors on need, within the dental literature.
use of services and oral health outcomes was indi-
rect. Debates continue about the nature of the path-
ways (direct and indirect) through which
socioeconomic factors influence oral health and the
Materials and methods
appropriateness of the different approaches to In 2008, a postal survey of adults in the Yorkshire
measurement taken (area-based indicators versus and Humber region of the UK was conducted to
income or occupation measures) (11, 12). Baker investigate oral health and service utilization (13).

Influences on dental service use

The questionnaire covered adults’ experience of Table 1. Responses to items included within the Adult
using dental services, self-reported oral health sta- Dental Health Survey (N = 10864)
tus and the impact of the mouth on everyday life. Variable N (%)
The questionnaire was sent to a sample of 25 200
Predisposing factors
adults (16 years and over), representative of those Deprivation (Index of Multiple Deprivation) 10 849
in the region, using the database of patients Least deprived 1447 (13.3)
registered with a general medical practitioner. Less deprived 2503 (23.0)
Nonrespondents were sent two reminders (at 3- to Average 2219 (20.4)
More deprived 2210 (20.3)
4-week intervals). Ethical approval was provided
Most deprived 2470 (22.7)
by Bradford Research Ethics Committee, and Enabling resources – perceived difficulties accessing a
research governance approval was also obtained dentist
from the hosting health organizations. Difficulty accessing routine care 10 769
Yes 2232 (20.5)
Don’t know/can’t remember 854 (7.9)
Measures No 7547 (69.5)
Items from the questionnaire were chosen to reflect Need
seven variables of Andersen’s behavioural model Perceived treatment need 10 585
of service utilization (10). The variables included Would need treatment 2628 (24.2)
Don’t know 2621 (24.1)
population characteristics (predisposing character- Would not need treatment 5336 (49.1)
istics, enabling resources and need), oral health Use of health services
behaviours and oral health outcomes (Table 1). Reason for attending dentist 10 627
To have a regular check up 7352 (67.7)
To have an occasional check up 818 (7.5)
Population characteristics Only when trouble with teeth 2145 (19.7)
The population characteristics were predisposing Never been 312 (2.9)
characteristics (deprivation), enabling resources Length of time since last visit 10 706
(perceived difficulty accessing a dentist) and Up to 1year ago 7761 (71.4)
Between 1 and 2years ago 678 (6.2)
need (perceived treatment need). Deprivation Between 2 and 5years ago 801 (7.4)
was assessed based on the participant’s postcode More than 5years ago 1334 (12.3)
using a composite area-based measure called the Never been 132 (1.2)
Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007, which mea- Health outcomes
Oral health related impacts
sures seven domains of deprivation at the small
Painful aching in mouth (oral 10 797
area level (with populations of around 1500) symptoms)
(14). The domains include income, employment, Never 5424 (49.9)
health, education, skills and training, barriers to Hardly ever 2352 (21.6)
Occasionally 2339 (21.5)
housing and services, living environment and
Fairly often 414 (3.8)
crime. Areas are ranked according to quintiles Very often 268 (2.5)
with the ‘least deprived’ and ‘most deprived’ Discomfort eating food (functional 10 810
quintiles comprising those neighbourhoods fall- limitations)
ing among the least or most deprived 20% in Never 4746 (43.7)
Hardly ever 2455 (22.6)
England. Occasionally 2677 (24.6)
Perceived difficulty accessing a dentist was Fairly often 539 (5.0)
assessed using the question ‘Is it difficult for you to Very often 393 (3.6)
get routine (e.g. check-up and fillings) dental care?’ Self-conscious (social impacts) 10 788
Never 6108 (56.2)
Responses were scored using ‘Yes’ = 1, ‘Don’t Hardly ever 1611 (14.8)
know/can’t remember’ = 2, and ‘No’ = 3, with Occasionally 1831 (16.9)
higher scores representing increased perceived Fairly often 643 (5.9)
ease accessing dental services. Participants’ per- Very often 595 (5.5)
Global oral health 10 769
ceived treatment need was measured by responses Excellent 994 (9.1)
to the question ‘If you went to the dentist tomor- Very good 3160 (29.1)
row, do you think you would need treatment?’ Good 3856 (35.5)
Responses included ‘I would need treatment’ = 1; Fair 1975 (18.2)
Poor 588 (5.4)
‘Don’t know’ = 2; and ‘I would not need treat-
Very poor 196 (1.8)
ment’ = 3, with higher scores reflecting less per-
ceived treatment need (15).

Marshman et al.

Health behaviours dentures?’ (functional limitations); and ‘In the last

Health behaviours relating to dental care utiliza- 12 months, have you been self-conscious because
tion were assessed using two separate items within of your teeth, mouth or dentures?’ (social impacts).
the questionnaire. Participants were asked ‘About Responses included Never = 1; Hardly ever = 2;
how long ago was your last visit to the dentist?’ Occasionally = 3; Fairly often = 4; Very often = 5.
Responses included ‘Up to 1 year ago’ = 1; Global oral health was assessed using the question:
‘Between 1 and 2 years ago’ = 2; ‘Between 2 and ‘Would you say the health of your teeth, lips, jaws
5 years ago’ = 3; ‘More than 5 years ago’ = 4; and and mouth is?’ Responses included Excellent = 1;
‘Never been’ = 5 (15). Participants were also asked Very good = 2; Good = 3; Fair = 4; Poor = 5; Very
about their reasons for visiting the dentist: ‘In gen- poor = 6 (17).
eral why do you go to the dentist?’ to which
responses included ‘To have a regular check Analysis
up’ = 1; ‘To have an occasional check up’ = 2; Structural equation modelling (SEM) with observed
‘Only when you have trouble with your teeth’ = 3; variables using AMOS 18.0 (SPSS, Chicago, Illinois,
and ‘Never been’ = 4. USA) was used to estimate the direction of direct
and indirect paths between the seven variables
Oral health outcomes within the model. SEM with observed variables is
The oral health outcomes measured included spe- a technique that measures the extent to which a
cific oral health impacts and global oral health. prespecified structural model fits a data set. Two
Oral health impacts were assessed by calculating alternative models of dental care utilization were
the total score from three questions taken from the compared using four goodness-of-fit indices and
Oral Health Impact Profile (16): ‘In the last two statistics used for the comparison of two
12 months have you had a painful aching in your models (Table 2) (18–20). Model 1 included 14
mouth?’ (oral symptoms); ‘In the last 12 months, direct pathways and was based on a simple linear
have you found it uncomfortable to eat any foods version of Andersen’s behavioural model (Fig. 1)
because of problems with your teeth, mouth or (10). However, findings from the dental literature

Table 2. Goodness-of-fit indices and multi-group analysis

Goodness of fit
Comparison of two models
CFI IFI RMSEA SRMR BCC (Lowest ECVI (Lowest Criteria
Model fitting (>0.95) (>0.95) (<0.08) (<0.05) value better fit) value better fit) fitted
Model 1 (N = 10864) 0.74 0.74 0.15 –a 1680.10 0.16 0/4
Model 2b (N = 10864) 0.98 0.98 0.05 0.02 175.83 0.02 4/4
(Accepted model)
Multi-group analysisb
Males (N=4832) 0.98 0.98 0.06 0.02 – – 4/4
Females (N=6032) 0.98 0.98 0.05 0.02 – – 4/4
16–44years (N=3920) 0.96 0.96 0.08 0.03 – – 4/4
45–74years (N=5647) 0.98 0.98 0.05 0.01 – – 4/4
75years and over 0.99 0.99 0.04 0.01 – – 4/4
Random subgroups
Group 1 (N=5432) 0.98 0.98 0.05 0.02 4/4
Group 2 (N=5432) 0.98 0.98 0.05 0.02 4/4
Alternative sample
Following list-wise 0.98 0.98 0.06 0.02 4/4
deletion (N=10220)
CFI, Comparative Fit Index; IFI, Incremental Fit Index; RMSEA, root mean squared error of approximation; SRMR, stan-
dardized root mean square residual; BCC, Browne and Cudeck criterion; ECVI, Expected Cross-validation Index.
Figures in bold are those that meet the model-fitting criteria.
Model 1: 14 direct pathways hypothesized; Model 2: 17 direct pathways hypothesized.
Model not successfully fitted.
Multi-group analysis was based on model 2 (accepted model).

Influences on dental service use

have revealed significant associations between Results

population characteristics, such as predisposing
characteristics (21, 22), enabling resources (9, 23) Sample
and need (24, 25), and oral health outcomes in the Of the 25 200 questionnaires, 10 864 were returned
adult population. Therefore, model 2 included 17 completed (43.1% response rate). The sample con-
hypothesized direct pathways, which included sisted of 6032 women (55.5%) and 4832 men
additional pathways between population charac- (44.5%). The age of participants ranged from 16 to
teristics (deprivation, perceived difficulties access- 104 years (mean = 52.5, SD = 18.5). Missing data
ing a dentist and perceived treatment need) and for each of the variables can be seen in Table 1.
oral health outcomes (Fig. 2). Criteria that Based on the measure of deprivation, 1447 partici-
addressed the issue of parsimony within models pants in the sample were in the least deprived
and imposed penalties for model complexity were (13.3%) and 2470 were in the most deprived quin-
employed (e.g. Incremental Fit Index and Browne tiles (22.7%) in England. Table 1 describes the char-
–Cudeck criterion). acteristics of the study variables.
The parameters of each model were estimated
using the asymptotic distribution-free (ADF) esti- Model fit
mator, which is a methodology specifically When examining the overall fit of the two hypoth-
designed for dealing with categorical variables, esized models, the analysis revealed that model 2
and a total of 900 bootstraps were created from the was a better fit of the data (Table 2). Model 2 fit all
dataset with the aim of deriving less biased stan- four goodness-of-fit indices and was therefore the
dard errors (20). The 95% confidence interval (CI) accepted model of dental service utilization with
bootstrap percentiles were used to interpret the all subsequent analyses based on model 2 (Fig. 2).
results as these have been shown to be more accu- When multi-group analyses were conducted using
rate (20, 26, 27). However, bootstrapping proce- this model, the results revealed that both the male
dures cannot be performed on data with missing and female models and the three models for the
values, so data imputation was used and missing different age groups were an acceptable fit
values were replaced by median scores for each (Table 2). The model was also rerun using only
variable. those individuals who provided complete data
To test whether the demographic variables of age (N = 10,220). The results revealed that the model
and gender (8, 9) acted as moderators of the direct fit was still acceptable, suggesting data imputation
pathways within the accepted model, two multi- did not influence the overall acceptability of the
group analyses were conducted. This involved cre- model (Table 2). To test the robustness of the
ating two separate models for gender (male and model, the sample was also split into two equal
female) and three separate models for age (13). groups (at random) and the acceptability of the

Population characteristics Health behaviour Outcomes

Pre-disposing Enabling Need Use of health Use of health Perceived Perceived

characteristics resources services services health status health status
Deprivation Perceived treatment Reason for dental Length of time since Oral health Global oral
difficulties need attendance last visited dentist impacts health
accessing a (17.4%) (55.4%) (21.7%) (42.9%)

Significant pathways
Non significant pathway

Fig. 2. Adapted model of dental service use and oral health outcomes (derived from Andersen’s (1995) behavioural
model and dental literature). Note: 17 direct pathways hypothesised, 16 direct pathways significant. (n%)= Percentage
of variance explained.

Marshman et al.

model re-analysed. Examination of fit indices time since the last dental visit and oral health
revealed the model fit to be acceptable for both impacts, with more recent dental visits being asso-
groups. ciated with increased impacts for those aged
Overall, the variables included within this model between 16 and 44 years (b = 0.06, P < 0.01).
explained 17.4% of the variance for reason for den-
tal attendance, 55.4% of the variance for the length Significant indirect pathways. When examining indi-
of time since people had last visited the dentist, rect pathways separately, 12 of the indirect path-
21.7% of the variance for oral health impacts and ways that existed within the model were
42.9% of the variance for people’s global oral significant (Table 3). Significant indirect predictors
health (Fig. 2). of oral health impacts included deprivation
(b = 0.06, P < 0.01) and difficulties with accessing
Significant direct pathways. When the direct effects the dentist (b = 0.10, P < 0.01). Significant indi-
were taken into account, all but one of the 17 path- rect predictors of global oral health included depri-
ways hypothesized in model 2 were significant; vation (b = 0.11, P < 0.01), difficulties with
length of time since last visiting the dentist did not accessing the dentist (b = 0.17, P < 0.01), per-
significantly predict oral health impacts (Table 3). ceived treatment need (b = 0.21, P < 0.01) and
Significant direct predictors of oral health impacts reason for visiting the dentist (b = 0.06, P < 0.01).
included deprivation (b = 0.07, P < 0.01), per- Whilst a number of variables indirectly predicted
ceived difficulties with accessing a dentist oral health outcomes, perceived difficulties access-
(b = 0.12, P < 0.01) and perceived treatment need ing the dentist and perceived treatment need were
(b = 0.41, P < 0.01). Significant direct predictors the two variables that most influenced oral health
of global oral health included difficulties with through a variety of indirect pathways (Fig. 2).
access (b = 0.04, P < 0.01), perceived treatment
need (b = 0.27, P < 0.01), length of time since the
last visit (b = 0.09, P < 0.01), and oral health
impacts (b = 0.44, P < 0.01). Therefore, the results
revealed that a higher perceived treatment need Data from a large (>10 000) sample of adults in
and perceived problems accessing the dentist were the UK were analysed. Perceived difficulty access-
associated with increased oral health impacts and ing a dentist and perceived treatment need were
worse global oral health. Increased deprivation found to be key factors predictive of oral health
was also associated with worse oral health out- outcomes in adults. The model fit was acceptable
comes, but to a lesser extent. for men, women and all of the three age groups
All of the significant predictors of oral health analysed, and interestingly, perceived difficulty
outcomes existed when gender and the three age accessing a dentist and perceived treatment need
groups were analysed separately, with just two remained significant predictors of oral health
exceptions; for the older age group (over 75 years), impacts irrelevant of age and gender. The model
perceived difficulties accessing care was not a sig- explained a large amount of variance for both
nificant predictor of global oral health, and depri- dental service utilization and oral health out-
vation was no longer a significant predictor of oral comes, confirming the support for using the
health impacts. Some of the weaker relationships adapted behavioural model as applied to oral
between the variables within the model (Table 3) health (9). Perceived treatment need was the main
also ceased to exist within the multi-group analy- predictor of oral health behaviours and outcomes.
sis. There was no significant relationship between Individuals who had higher level of perceived
perceived access and length of time since last den- treatment need were less likely to attend regular
tal visit for women and those in the youngest age dental appointments. In contrast, Reisine found
group (16–44 years) or between perceived access sex to be the most influential variable, with
and reason for dental visit in the group aged income and age having no significant effects (8).
between 45 and 74 years. There was also no rela- While clinical measures of need were included in
tionship between deprivation and perceived access her analyses, perceived need for treatment was
for men and between deprivation and perceived not. Baker found the pathway between perceived
treatment need for those over the age of 75 years. treatment need and oral health outcomes to be sig-
The only additional significant pathway in the nificant, but did not include perceived difficulty
multi-group analysis was between the length of accessing a dentist (9).

Influences on dental service use

Table 3. Significant direct and indirect pathways within the accepted model (model 2)
Direct pathways Indirect pathways Total pathways
b Bootstrap bias b Bootstrap bias b Bootstrap bias
Significant pathways value corrected 95% CI value corrected 95% CI value corrected 95% CI
Deprivation ? difficulties with 0.03** 0.05 to 0.01 – – 0.03** 0.05 to 0.01
Deprivation ? perceived 0.12** 0.14 to 0.11 0.01** 0.01 to 0.00 0.13** 0.15 to 0.11
treatment need
Deprivation ? reason for 0.15** 0.13 to 0.16 0.05** 0.04 to 0.06 0.19** 0.17 to 0.21
visiting dentista
Deprivation ? length of time – – 0.15** 0.13 to 0.16 0.15** 0.13 to 0.16
since visita
Deprivation ? oral health 0.07** 0.05 to 0.09 0.06** 0.05 to 0.07 0.13** 0.11 to 0.15
Deprivation ? global oral – – 0.11** 0.09 to 0.12 0.11** 0.09 to 0.12
Difficulties with access ? 0.25** 0.23 to 0.27 – – 0.25** 0.23 to 0.27
perceived treatment need
Difficulties with access ? 0.06** 0.03 to 0.09 0.10** 0.11 to 0.09 0.04** 0.07 to 0.01
reason for visiting dentist
Difficulties with access ? 0.04** 0.02 to 0.07 0.05** 0.07 to 0.03 0.01 0.04 to 0.02
length of time since visita
Difficulties with access ? oral 0.12** 0.15 to 0.11 0.10** 0.11 to 0.09 0.23** 0.25 to 0.21
health impactsa
Difficulties with access ? 0.04** 0.05 to 0.02 0.17** 0.18 to 0.15 0.21** 0.23 to 0.18
global oral healtha
Perceived treatment need ? 0.11** 0.13 to 0.09 0.27** 0.28 to 0.25 0.38** 0.40 to 0.36
length of time since visit
Perceived treatment need ? 0.38** 0.40 to 0.36 – – 0.38** 0.40 to 0.36
reason for visiting dentist
Perceived treatment need ? 0.41** 0.43 to 0.39 0.00 0.00 to 01 0.40** 0.42 to 0.39
oral health impactsa
Perceived treatment need ? 0.27** 0.29 to 0.25 0.21** 0.23 to 0.20 0.48** 0.50 to 0.47
global oral healtha
Reason for visiting dentist ? 0.70** 0.68 to 0.71 – – 0.70** 0.68 to 0.71
length of time since visit
Reason for visiting dentist ? – – 0.01 0.02 to 0.01 0.00 0.02 to 0.01
oral health impacts
Reason for visiting dentist ? – – 0.06** 0.05 to 0.08 0.06** 0.05 to 0.08
global oral healtha
Length of time since visit ? 0.01 0.03 to 0.01 – – 0.01 0.03 to 0.01
oral health impacts
Length of time since visit ? 0.09** 0.08 to 0.11 0.01 0.01 to 0.00 0.09** 0.07 to 0.11
global oral health
Oral health impacts ? global 0.44** 0.43 to 0.46 – – 0.44** 0.43 to 0.46
oral health
Significant predictors of oral health outcomes represented by direct pathways are highlighted in bold.
**P < 0.01.
aVarious indirect pathways possible.

Perceived difficulty accessing a dentist was a traditional oral healthcare needs assessments sug-
predictor of oral health outcomes and influenced gested that there was sufficient volume of NHS
dental service utilization indirectly through per- dental services to meet the needs of patients in
ceived need. This is the first study to indicate the most areas. Further research is needed to explore
importance of this factor in oral health research, this concept of perceived difficulty accessing a den-
although the influence of healthcare availability on tist, which may be related to lack of availability or
health was discussed by Lalonde (28). While there other factors such as anxiety, difficulties with phys-
had been an historical lack of dental service provi- ical access or affordability. However, identification
sion in this region, at the time of data collection, of the importance of this variable also offers an

Marshman et al.

opportunity for intervention to improve service hypothesized by theoretical models (32), it should
utilization and outcomes. Such interventions be recognized that there are some limitations of its
would need to be effective at changing the public use in this study. First, a median imputation
perceptions of the accessibility of dental services. method was used to handle missing data, which
Information would need to be designed to make will have had the potential to reduce the variance
people aware of how to access dental services from of the variables, possibly resulting in underestima-
sources and in a format appropriate to the public’s tion of correlation between these variables and
needs. Social marketing techniques (29), which other variables within the model (33). However, it
identify what will motivate the public to change is not possible to use ADF with missing data. Sec-
oral health behaviours, may be useful to provide ond, the use of categorical indicators (e.g. ordinal
insights into suitable media and methods to dispel data) within the model is not ideal; however, the
myths about access difficulties. In dental service categorical variable methodology of ADF was
management terms, the dental contract introduced employed to deal with this issue (20).
in England in 2006 removed the ability of a patient While the variables tested in this study
to register with a dentist (2). There is some evi- explained a large amount of variance for both den-
dence to suggest that being registered with a den- tal service utilization and oral health outcomes,
tist has a positive impact on perceptions of access half of the variance remains unexplained. There-
(22). A new dental contract will be piloted in Eng- fore, other factors need to be considered in future
land from April 2011 with the concept of registra- including dental anxiety (8) and costs of treatment
tion restored (30). (4). Owing to the constraints of carrying out a sec-
Andersen highlighted the high degree of muta- ondary analysis of survey data, it was not possible
bility of enabling resources such as perceived to examine these and other factors such as educa-
access to health services and contrasted this with tion and occupation. It was also not appropriate to
immutable variables such as deprivation (10). This include ethnicity as 96.0% of the sample was White
study used an area-based composite measure of British. Further research is needed to identify and
deprivation, rather than an individual indicator of investigate the contribution of such factors. In
socioeconomic status, and found that deprivation addition, as the survey data were collected in the
was not as strong a predictor of oral health impacts UK, the contribution of factors relating to the orga-
as perceived access or perceived treatment need. nization and delivery of dental services (10) also
A similar study in the UK, which used social need to be considered.
class, income and education, also found enabling Finally, although the response rate of 43.1% com-
resources (oral health education, treatment pares favourably with the other UK postal surveys
expense, dental anxiety) and need to be stronger (34), the possibility of nonresponse bias is an addi-
predictors of health behaviour and outcome than tional limitation of this study, which may have
predisposing factors (9). Reisine in the US study influenced the significant factors identified. It may
also found income to have no significant effect on be that as the response rate was lower from those
dental service use (8). Further research is needed to in more deprived areas (13) that the patterns of
identify other factors that might mediate the rela- access seen in this study reflect the access of less
tionships between predisposing factors such as deprived people who were more likely to respond.
deprivation and other variables within the model.
Indeed, psychosocial resources (such as optimism,
coping style or personal control) and social support
have been shown to influence the relationship
Conclusions and implications
between socioeconomic status and health (31). This was the first study to identify the public’s per-
These findings contribute to debates about the ceptions of difficulties accessing dental services as
degree to which socioeconomic status and depriva- a key predictor of oral health outcomes. Despite
tion explain inequalities in access and utilization of the limitations of the study, this finding offers an
oral healthcare (11,12). opportunity for interventions to address public
perceptions through the use of social marketing
Limitations techniques or changes to the ways dental contracts
While the use of structural equation modelling are developed. An area-based composite measure
with observed variables provides a sophisticated of deprivation was used and found deprivation to
analytical procedure to test the causal processes be a weak predictor of oral health impacts

Influences on dental service use

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