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The current study on the impact of teenage pregnancy among senior high school

students is relevant to the existing literature and studies on the topic.

The study conducted by Baxter, Dundas, Popham, and Craig (2021) compares the
effectiveness of England's teenage pregnancy strategy with other high-income
countries. This study provides a broader perspective on the issue of teenage pregnancy
and offers insights into the potential strategies for addressing this problem.

The study conducted by Barmao, Nyaga, and Lelan (2015) explores the impact of
teenage motherhood on academic performance in public primary schools in Bungoma
County, Kenya. This study highlights the potential negative consequences of teenage
pregnancy on educational outcomes.

Gatbonton's study (2021) focuses on the educational experiences of adolescent

mothers studying in college in the Philippines. This research sheds light on the
challenges faced by teenage mothers in continuing their education and the potential
implications for their future prospects.

The study by Mathewos and Mekuria (2018) examines teenage pregnancy and its
associated factors among school adolescents in Arba Minch Town, Southern Ethiopia.
This study contributes to the understanding of the factors that contribute to teenage
pregnancy and the potential consequences for adolescents in Ethiopia.

Maemeko, Nkengbeza, and Chokomosi (2018) investigate the impact of teenage

pregnancy on the academic performance of Grade 7 learners in the Zambezi Region.
This study provides insights into the specific effects of teenage pregnancy on academic
achievement in a specific region.

Mohr, Carbajal, and Sharma (2019) conduct a systematic literature review on the
influence of educational attainment on teenage pregnancy in low-income countries. This
review summarizes existing research on the topic and identifies gaps in the literature.
The study by Nkosi and Pretorius (2019) explores the perceptions of educators on the
influence of teenage pregnancy on education in a secondary school in Gauteng, South
Africa. This research provides valuable insights into the views and experiences of
educators in dealing with the challenges posed by teenage pregnancy.

Pepito et al. (2022) examine the association between exposure to family planning
messages and teenage pregnancy in the Philippines. This study contributes to the
understanding of the role of family planning initiatives in preventing teenage pregnancy.
The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) (2023) provides key indicators on teenage
pregnancy in the Philippines based on the 2022 National Demographic and Health
Survey. This statistical data offers a comprehensive overview of the prevalence and
trends of teenage pregnancy in the country.

Salvador et al. (2016) discuss the phenomenon of teenage pregnancy in the

Philippines. This article provides a general understanding of the issue and highlights the
social and economic factors contributing to teenage pregnancy.

Tabei et al. (2021) analyze the association between teenage pregnancy and family
factors using data from the Philippine National Demographic and Health Survey 2017.
This study explores the familial influences on teenage pregnancy and identifies potential
areas for intervention.

Ventanilla and Villaruel (2022) examine the relationship between family communication
patterns and teenage pregnancies among Filipino youth. This research sheds light on
the importance of communication within families in preventing teenage pregnancy.

Zorilla (2021) discusses the negative impacts of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines.
This article highlights the social, economic, and health consequences of teenage
pregnancy and emphasizes the need for comprehensive interventions.

In summary, these existing studies and literature provide valuable insights into the
impact of teenage pregnancy on various aspects, such as education, academic
performance, family dynamics, and societal outcomes. The current study on the impact
of teenage pregnancy among senior high school students builds upon this existing
knowledge by examining the specific consequences of teenage pregnancy in this
particular population.

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