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Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria

Mhidi Charef Middle School. Safsaf

First Term Test

Text :
El-Aqsa Mosque is one of the most well-known and major
mosques in the world. It is located in the Old City of El Quds,
Palestine. It includes “Qobat Sakhra” and many other
The Dome of the Rock “Qobat Sakhra” was built by the
Khalifa abdemalik Ibn Marwan in 685 and opened in 771. It
was designed by Raja al-Kindi and Yazid Ibn Salam. The Dome
is 35m heigh and has a diameter of 20m. it is made of copper
and covered by gold.
The mosque has been repeatedly attacked by the Israeli
occupier, most notably, the arson attack on August 21 st,1969
when most of the mosque was burnt. And the current attacks on
the native Palestinians that started on October 2023, and the
war crimes against the citizens.
Part one : (14 points)
Reading Comprehension :
Activity one : I read the text and complete the ID card. (03points)
Name of the Landmark : The Dome of the Rock 0.5
Location : the Old city of el Quds, Palestine 0.5
Date of construction : 685 0.5
Designer : Raja al-Kindi and Yazid Ibn Salam 0.5
Height of the dome : 35m 0.5
Diameter of the dome : 20m 0.5

Activity two : I read the text and answer the questions. (02points)
1. Where is the Dome of the Rock Located ?
The Dome of the Rock is Located in the old city of el Quds, Palestine. 1p
2. What is it made of ?
It is made of copper and covered by gold. 1p
Activity three : Find in the Text. (02points)
A. Situated = Located 0.5 Famous = Well-known 0.5
B. finished ≠ Started 0.5 colonist ≠ Native 0.5

Mastery of Language :
Activity one : supply the punctuation and capital letters where necessary.(02points)
The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris. 0.5*4
Activity two : compare and join each pair using ‘as …’ ‘not as ……….as’.(03points)
1. Pisa Tower is a famous monument / Eiffel Tower is a famous monument.
Pisa Tower is as famous as Eiffel Tower. 1p
2. The Great Mosque of Algiers is a new monument (2012) / Sultan Ahmed Mosque is an old
monument (1609).
The Great Mosque of Algiers is not as old as Sultan Ahmed Mosque. 1p
3. Eiffel Tower is 330 metres high / Burj Khalifa is 828 metres high.
Eiffel Tower is not as high as Burdj Khalifa. 1p
Activity three: classify the words in the right column according to their pronunciation. (02points)
Sight – Made – High – Great 0.5*4

/ei/ /ai/
Made - Great Sight - High

Part Two : (06 points)

Situation of Integration :
You went to canstantine and you visited the mosque of Emir Abdelkader. You were really fascinated about
it. Write a short description about this famous landmark.

One of the fabulous landmarks in my beautiful country Algeria is Emir

Abdelkader Mosque. It is the second biggest mosque in Algeria. It is located in
my lovely city Constantine. This splendid monument was designed by the
Egyptian Engineer Mustapha Moussa.

Emir Abdelkader Mosque was built between 1969-1994. This mosque

has two minarets which are 107 meters high and a dome with 64 meters tall. It
is made of marble and granite.

The Mosque is named after the military leader Emir Abdelkader, I am so

proud of this magnificent mosque!

Good Luck

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