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Calculus 1 (for Physics)

Homework 8

Your homework consists of two parts: Part A is an e-assignment in SOWISO (accessible via Brightspace),
while Part B consists of the problems H1-H2 below.

You must submit your work before 17.00 on Friday, 27 October 2023.

Instructions for Part A:

• To locate the e-assignment, go to → My Courses → Calculus 1 (for Physics) → Assessment → Assignments

• You may make any number of attempts, so you might use a few attempts as practice, but keep in
mind that it is only the score of your final attempt that will count towards the homework mark.

Instructions for Part B:

• Submit your work in your tutorial group’s box located near the reception desk in Nijenborgh 4.
• Make sure your name, S-number, and tutorial group are written on the first page.
• Each problem carries 4 marks. Two further marks can be awarded for the clarity/tidiness of your
• Your work should be clearly and logically structured.
• You should explain your reasoning using words, not just formulas and arrows.
• Marked work will be returned to you in due course via your tutor.

H1) A spring with damping constant 6 has a mass of 5 kg attached to it. A force of 5 N is required to
keep the spring stretched 1 m beyond its natural length. The spring starts at its equilibrium position and
is given an initial velocity of 4 m/s. Find the position of the mass at any time t (in seconds).

H2) Solve the following second-order inhomogeneous differential equations with the given initial values.
y ′′ (x) − 4y ′(x) + 5y(x) = 2e3x , y(0) = 1, y ′ (0) = 5.

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