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The second conference for confederation

By: Jasonjot Rupal

October 27th 1867
Location: Toronto

What was the Quebec conference?: The Quebec conference was held (October 1864 from the 10th to the
27th) in Quebec city. This conference was held in about two weeks. Representatives from Canada West,
Canada East and the Atlantic colonies discussed and had a debate on the wants and needs for the
colonies. The Quebec conference established that the federal government would be split into two
houses. The Lower house, also known as the House of commons, was based on population size, and The
2nd house was called the upper house, also known as senates. The Lower house was based on regional
representation. This meant that there would be a more equal number of members from Canada West,
Canada East, and the Atlantic colonies.

Where did the Quebec conference take place? Why did this conference take place? How did the Quebec
conference take place? When did this conference take place? Who was a part of this conference?

These are all popular questions that have come from people about the Quebec conference and we are
here to tell you more about it. The Quebec conference took place in Quebec city to discuss a proposed
canadian confederation meeting to discuss joining confederation. About 4 colonies attended this
conference, they were Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island (PEI), and Newfoundland.
The Quebec conference took place because politicians wanted to discuss the terms and conditions and
different policies, and how the land would be seperated and how the land would be distributed. The
most important issues decided in Quebec City were the structure of parliament, meaning the structure
of the government and the distribution of powers between the federal and provincial government. Before
the Quebec conference took place, during the Quebec conference, Representatives / politicians also
agreed that the federal government would need to help fund and finish the railway from Quebec to the
maritimes. Before the Quebec conference took place, there was a different conference that took place, it
was called the Charlottetown conference, this conference took place in september 1864, and soon the
London conference would happen, to finalize terms and conditions for the confederation of Canada. As
results from the Quebec Conference 3 groups ended up joining confederation, Other countries like Prince
Edward Island and Newfoundland were still yet to be convinced. PEI and Newfoundland’s interest was
the union. Their were some copies that were drafted in the Quebec conference, and on one of them were
14 resolutions that were adopted at a conference of delegates from the Provinces of Canada, Nova
Scotia, and New Brunswick and the colonies of Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island, held at the
city of Quebec was the basis of a proposed confederation of those Provinces and Colonies. When the
Quebec conference ended, there were 72 resolutions that ended up being formed. These 72 resolutions
were debated in various legislatures. These resolutions went on to form the basis of Canada's
constitution in the Quebec conference. In a few weeks or days we were going to hold another
conference. After Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland rejected the resolutions, the Province of
Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were the only countries remaining that supported the union.
With this being, they were all down to join confederation and this being, the Quebec conference ended
up taking place and being a bit successful because of the other countries joining confederation. With the
remaining time we have, I'm guessing we (we meaning all the founding fathers) are going to hold one
or more meetings to convince other colonies into joining the confederation.

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