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Prologue: Justice and Evil

One of the longest natural defenses that crosses the center of Europe.
It was on this ridge that the headquarters of the terrorist organization Rebellion was
located , which once tried to build a new world where blazers would take the supreme
But all this is in the past. The headquarters has completely lost its strength, now it is
just a pile of rubble with torn corpses.
Responsible for such destruction was one of the leaders of the Rebellion, the Puppet
King Or-Goul, who was part of the Twelve Apostles .
All Twelve Apostles were destroyed by Or-Goul's faction, with the exception of
himself and a couple of other people.
The uprising fell completely. From now on, this place will forever be abandoned.
The now destroyed terrorist headquarters was teeming with countless people.
Among them was an old man, one of the surviving Twelve Apostles , and the head of
the largest conglomerate, Kuzu Kazamatsuri. Despite his advanced age, he had a
dense, muscular body, and the strict black suit and white scarf only emphasized the
dignity of his body even more.
Beast Tamer Rinna Kazamatsuri, daughter of Kuzu Kazamatsuri.
Rinna Kazamatsuri's maid, Charlotte Corday.
Sarah Bloodlili, whom Kuzu Kazamatsuri adopted after the death of a friend of the
And a loyal ally of Kuzu Kazamatsuri, Prime Minister of Japan, Bakuga Tsukikage.
Thanks to Tsukikage's Moon Ball ability , they were able to clarify what happened at
the devastated Rebellion base. But when they tried to find and test the leader of
the Rebellion , Tyrant, who was hiding in the depths of the hideout ...
Another force interrupted them.
A myriad of armed soldiers, with the roar of helicopters, parachuted directly to them
in a destroyed shelter. The soldiers with firearms in their hands, who instantly
surrounded Tsukikage and his companions, belonged to the supernatural unit
"PSYON [1] ", the American army. Along with them was their commander, a tall guy
whose face was hidden by a sun visor, Superman Abraham Carter.

[1] The author first used their division in Japanese サ サ オ ン (offspring / heir). I'll
leave the English version.
- Abraham, where are you taking us? - Kuzu asked in an angry tone for everyone.
- ...
But Abraham ignored him. Without answering, he continued walking in front of
Kuzu. Behind them , the rest of the trio descended the stairs to
the Rebellion's hideout , built by digging a mountain.
“Ghh…,” Rinna's face was distorted in a painful grimace.
They all, including Kuza, did not follow Abraham of their own accord. Their bodies
did not obey, they could not resist and simply walked forward against their will.
This involved the power of Superman Abraham Carter.
Finally the whole company reached the doors of the elevator.
“Go ahead,” Abraham ordered, and everyone got into the elevator.
With a deafening rumble, the elevator began to move, carrying them all deep into the
bowels of the earth.
- More than half a century ago, there was a great war that engulfed the whole
world. I'm talking about World War II, ”Abraham suddenly opened his mouth.
He decided to start with the modern history of the world.
- The countries of the "axis [1] " Germany, Italy, Japan against the "united
nations" [2] America, England and China. The war that divided the world into
hostile sides, provoked by the German invasion of Poland, was considered the end of
protracted imperialism ... However, this point of view is wrong, - said Abraham and
fell silent for a second, glancing over his visor at Rinna. - Daughter of Kazamatsuri,
do you know the real truth of that war?

[1] The Axis countries are known as the Nazi bloc, the Hitlerite coalition.
[2] Anti-Hitler coalition

- Don't look down on me ... I am Princess Kazamatsuri, whose family dominates all
the political and economic monsters of Japan. Of course, I know everything, - in the
usual theatrical manner of speech, Rinna threw out her anger at the person holding
them back.
She heard the true story of the world from her father.
- It was not the nation that caused the outbreak of the world war. The main
responsible was the dark king, seated on the throne of the abyss of the world ... I'm
talking about the leader of the Rebellion , the Tyrant.
“That's right,” nodded Abraham. - The tyrant was brainwashing people from the
ruling class around the world with his abilities, drawing them into war. When the
world was depleted, the Rebellion set out to build a new form of government in
which people with supernatural powers would dominate.
It was this goal that the Uprising defended for several hundred years, as it appeared
on the stage of world history. The tyrant, as the heir of these ideas, stretched out his
arms out of the deep night, capturing the consciousness of people from both sides. In
fact, he deliberately unleashed a war in order to translate his wishes into peace.
The war, fueled by an apparent ill will, grew fiercer. The generally accepted
formulation of war that it is a battle between two belligerent countries has become
completely wrong. The war turned into a mass genocide, which was supposed to end
with the use of nuclear weapons. If the situation really got to this point, the current
shape of the world would be fundamentally different.
Fortunately, the Tyrant's ambitions, which were about to become reality, were
thwarted by White-bearded Arthur Bright, the current head of the International
League of Mages-Knights .
In those days, he was the main force of the British troops. When Whitebeard forced
Italy to surrender, he realized that the Tyrant, the leader of the terrorist
group Uprising , was behind this war .
He found a true enemy that had to be defeated from the very beginning.
Having clarified the situation, he immediately took action. Secretly lest he be tracked
down by Tyrant's brainwashed spies, Whitebeard contacted his trusted blazers to form
a special task force operating beyond the Axis and the United Nations.
With his squadron, he attacked the headquarters of the Rebellion and severely
wounded Tyrant.
White-bearded deliberately ignored all the orders of his headquarters and personally
attracted the Great Hero Ryomu Kurogane to his side, who helped him to deal with
the Tyrant. Later, the White-bearded and the Great Hero became the main forces of
the International League of Mages-Knights .
When Tyrant's brainwashing activities ended, the war was finally over.
“… America swallowed humiliation for the destruction of Midway [3] , for which
Ryoma Kurogane was responsible, and canceled the punitive operation against
Tokyo… But it turned out to be a mistake,” Abraham summed up his story.

[3] Battle of Midway Atoll - Major World War II naval battle in the Pacific

Immediately after his words, the elevator, which had been descending with a loud
rumble all this time, stopped.
“All this time we have been deceived by the current International League of Mages-
Knights .
The elevator doors opened and absolute darkness spread before them. It was so deep
that the light pouring from the elevator was unable to dispel it even a little.
Despite the darkness, Abraham took a few steps forward and waved his hand. At the
same moment, flames burst from his palm, scattering and revealing the surrounding
“… Oh,” Wrynn sighed in surprise, and Sarah opened her eyes wide.
The place they went down to was a wide, domed room.
There was a throne right in the center of the room.
And in the throne ... was a middle-aged man.
He was the only person in this room.
- ... It's ... Tyrant ...
For the first time, Sarah and Wrynn saw the Tyrant with their own eyes. Although they
frequently visited the headquarters of the Rebellion , only the Twelve Apostles were
allowed to enter.
What was this person like? With lively curiosity, they began to carefully examine what
was hidden by the darkness.
But soon ... they felt uneasy.
The feeling that something was wrong increased with every step
- AND!?
Finally, they understood the cause of their own concern.
Despite all the movements of Sarah and the others, the Tyrant never moved.
After all,

All this time, the Tyrant was frozen and crucified with a Japanese sword, like some
kind of insect.

A frozen corpse with a bloody sword, which may have been his own spiritual device,
sat on the throne. A grimace of anger and fright froze on his face.
In other words…
“Here’s proof of the League’s lies . Whitebeard and Kurogane announced that they
had severely wounded Tiran and carried him to this place. But everything turned out
to be untrue. They killed Tyrant more than half a century ago.
Tyrant was killed by none other than the White Beard, and then he hid the real truth.
“The League hid the fact that Tyrant was dead and took control of the terrorist
organization Uprising . By violent methods, you forced us to accept the world on our
own interests, and this is nothing more than a real betrayal. Earlier, to my question,
you answered that you are not enemies of this world. But you have resorted to
sophistry again. You are the enemies of the whole world ... International League of
Mages-Knights , - said Abraham and removed his sun visor to look at one of the
surviving leaders of the Twelve Apostles of the Rebellion .
He accused this man of acting as an intermediary between the Rebellion and
the League .
And these accusations
- Well, well, with these words you wanted to call me to conscience? - Kuzu said with
contempt, casting a glance over Abraham. “Besides, you deliberately decided to
leave out something of this story. Right, Superman Abraham Carter?
What Abraham accused was for the most part true. The very presence of Kuzu here
was proof.
He provided significant financial support to the Uprising , and in return received
complete control over world crime. In fact, it could be described as some kind of
investment in inciting conflicts with the subsequent receipt of profits.
Kazamatsuri The post-war conglomerate was closely associated with the shadowy part
of the world.
In fact, this cooperation did not set itself the highest idea of making a profit. The
Kazamatsuri Conglomerate most wanted to win over the One-Armed Swordsman, the
Puppet King, and other criminals who had joined the Rebellion .
The real purpose of Kuzu's affiliation with the Rebellion was to bring Japan, and
therefore the League, into the epicenter of evil, to keep abreast of
the Rebellion's actions and somehow control their voting rights, which they received
after generous financial support.
This is why the reproach that they had betrayed the world was true.
And Kuzu himself was not going to deny it.
But ... it was not Abraham's accusations that made him mad.
True, Abraham's accusations are true, but not entirely. There was at least one fact that
Abraham deliberately misrepresented.
“Yes, we deliberately concealed the death of the Tyrant. But we didn’t do it for our
own benefit. America! As a member of the Alliance of the Great Powers, you also
knew about his death!
Everything is correct. With his speech, Abraham exposed the United States and
the Alliance of the Great Powers as victims of deception by the League .
“At that time, the world was badly damaged by the war caused by the Tyrant's
conspiracy. A lot of blood was spilled, someone harbored deep grievances ... the
whole world was sitting on a powder keg! War could flare up again in any part of the
world! In such an unstable situation, the loss of a key link in the person of the Tyrant
was extremely dangerous! How would the villains react if they knew about his death
It is quite obvious that they would start wreaking havoc around the world and the
situation spiraled out of control again.
A world fueled by ugliness would once again be mired in the fire of violence.
- Then the world more than ever needed time to calm down. It was for this reason
that the Uprising could not be allowed to leave the world stage. Sharing a common
idea, representatives of the largest factions in the person of the League and
the Alliance secretly met here in the Uprising in order to maintain the " necessary
evil "!
If the criminal forces were directed and the Rebellion was unobtrusively controlled ,
then the opportunity opened up to cross at the root any dangers that could provoke the
destruction of the three-pole structure of the world.
Of course, from time to time, terrorist organizations arranged local outrages, but from
a global point of view, until now, it has been possible to maintain the system in
excellent condition.
“Don't tell me you didn't know about it. You are the son of a Great Professor, one of
the top leaders of the Revolt of the Twelve Apostles , like me, and also a member of
the Alliance of the Great Powers .
Everything is correct.
In other words, Abraham and the Alliance were also part of the great deception
regarding the Rebellion .
In a sense, this is self-evident.
If the two largest factions could not come to an agreement, it would be impossible to
maintain the great deception for a century.
- I don't know anything about it. This has never happened. Only the League
is involved .
With a stubborn voice that did not color him in the least, Abraham did not accept
Cuzu's words.
- AND!? Enough grimacing! What are you thinking about, Abraham!
Why is the person in front of him lying so blatantly?
Not understanding Abraham's thoughts, Cuzu broke into a cry.
- …Clear. So this is what you want.
- Tsukikage?
Previously, Tsukikage, who silently followed Abraham, was the first to unravel the
enemy's plan.
- So you intend to push all the blame onto the League in order to begin to administer
justice around the world?
Tsukikage's words made Kuzu's face harden.
Of course, as he did not immediately guess.
The only reason a nation can call itself world justice is only to " justify a pretext for
war ."
- Do you intend to repeat the last war? You, the Alliance of the Great Powers ... no

- Exactly!

When Tsukikage asked Abraham a question, there was applause from behind the
throne. Everyone, reflexively turned to the source of the sound.
After a couple of seconds, a man emerged from the shadow of the throne.
He was an obese, barrel-shaped old man in a white coat.
When the old man saw that all attention was riveted on him, he narrowed his eyes in
satisfaction and stopped clapping. His hand went to his breast pocket from which
protruded a bong [1] .

[1] Device for smoking hemp and tobacco

- Fyuyuyu〜 ... !? Khh, khh !?

As soon as the old man took a drag, he coughed loudly.
- Shopping mall ... cheap leaves. Never mind, later I will definitely file a claim with
the dealer, ”he complained and threw the bong on the stone floor. Noticing that
everyone around him was looking at him with a painful grimace on his face, he
shrugged his shoulders with a smile on his face. - Oh, why are you staring at me like
that? In your island state, this is prohibited, but here it is a legal luxury.
However, Kuzu's eyes continued to drill the old man with dislike. And it's not at all
that he smoked marijuana.
The fact is that this obese old man is an influential person in America.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the United States Federal Reserve Bank, one of
the Twelve Apostles , the highest leaders of the Rebellion , the Great Professor Islands
Burg, that is who this man is.
- Sarah, haven't seen each other for a long time. How are you? How is the body?
- ...
This man has treated Sarah's illness in the past. However, despite the fact that this old
man was actually her benefactor, Sarah's eyes did not glow with goodwill.
However, even her hostility was not as strong as that of Kuzu.
- Islands, you ...!
Their entire company was detained by his son Abraham.
After all the rubbish from Abraham and the suggestion that Tsukikage made, Kuzu
couldn't stop his anger.
With a bloodthirsty expression on his face, now he looked more like a demon.
However, Islands, behind which the absolute advantage, did not show any hint of fear.
- A-ha-ha, calmer, calmer. Being overly aroused can fuck you with a heart attack,
Kazamatsuri. The Puppet King has destroyed the current structure of the world,
which has been in place since the end of the great war. A new era is coming. It is
only natural that we, as a great nation, strive to be the first to seize the initiative. Is it
wrong? Islands asked with a grin.
With his own words, he confirmed the correctness of Tsukikage's assumptions.
- And for this we need your help ... A room for you has already been prepared at a
nearby US military base. We’ll have a good chat there.
The PSYON unit that had detained Tsukikage left the Rebellion headquarters after
retrieving Tyrant's corpse.
The mountains, whose peaks were cut down by the One-armed Swordsman, plunged
into silent silence again.
However, two days later, as "PSYON" left this place; when the winds flattened the
layer of eternal snow, trodden by many people, the young guy left his mark on it.
- ...
A strong wind blowing among the mountains fluttered his outer garments. Beneath it
was a kimono that exposed a slender, trained body.
Long hair was cut short, but the sharp look, reminiscent of the blade of a blade, it was
immediately clear who it was.
With a materialized sword in hand that was much larger than an ordinary Japanese
sword, Hurricane Sword Emperor Ouma Kurogane appeared in the mountains.
Immediately after the end of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival, he crossed the
continent to arrive at this place.
He had one goal - to return the debt to the Tyrant, who humiliated him in the past.
However, before he could set foot on the alpine ridge that was his original destination,
a sudden call came to his student smartphone given to everyone at the academy.
When he read the name of the caller, he was extremely surprised. Ouma never thought
that there would be even one more person on this planet besides his brother Ikki who
could call him.
Remembering how to use this device, he accepted the call.

… On the other side of the tube a request for help was heard.

The place spoken by the caller, oddly enough, coincided with his original
destination. Without a second thought, Ouma crossed the Alps and arrived at the
destroyed refuge of the Rebellion . Turning his head quickly, he peered into the
surrounding landscape, but found no one besides himself.
Where did the person who called him go?
As if answering his question,
- I'm here…
A voice called out to him.
The voice came from where no one should have been.
When Ouma turned around, he saw a human silhouette that had not been there a second
Before him stood Charlotte Corday. It was she who was the person who asked him for
- I am glad that you are near this place ...
- Sarah's noble art?
"The roadside stone is gray ."
Bloody Da Vinci's noble art embodied her own images into the world through
colors. This technique completely hides the painted object from others.
Since the painted object in this case was Charlotte, in the eyes of people she looked
like part of a rock.
However, when she called Ouma, Sarah's magic vanished.
There were no talking stones. That's why Ouma quickly put two and two together in
his head and realized who could own such an ability.
However, he was more alarmed by the situation that they had to use such magic.
- Where is Kazamatsuri?
- Madam was kidnapped ... It was the American army ...
- So America.
"Please ... Help Lady Rinne-san and Grandpa ...!" Charlotte asked.
She staggered over to Ouma and folded her hands in a pleading gesture.
Her body was as cold as ice, and her fingers were white with frostbite.
Unsurprisingly, she stood in one place all this time until Ouma arrived.
Having carefully examined the desperate girl from head to toe,
“Tell me where the American troops were headed,” Ouma asked Charlotte and threw
his outerwear over her.
Exhausted Charlotte could no longer speak, but nevertheless found some strength in
herself and pointed her finger in the direction where "PSYON" had gone.
That was enough.
“ Dragon's Eye ,” Ouma said, and pointed the blade of his Ryutsume sword into the
Read the wind. Listen to him.
Follow the remnants of magical power scattered by the wind. Follow in their footsteps
Soon, Ouma was figuring out where the source of magical power he was tracking was
Chapter 1: Hurricane Sword Emperor vs
This country suffered the most from Nazi Germany during the World War. In the post-
war years, she aspired to join the League , the center of which was Great Britain, but
after the former Axis countries such as Japan, Italy and Germany began to join
the League , Czechoslovakia pulled away from the old ideas and finally fell
completely under American influence.
Currently, there were several American military bases in the country, and Kuzu
Kazamatsuri, Rinnu Kazamatsuri, Sarau Bloodlili, Bakugu Tsukikage were delivered
from the Alps directly to one of them.
Deep in the bowels of the military base, in a room where only one incandescent lamp
hung, behind locked steel doors were Kuzu and Tsukikage.
They were both tied to aluminum chairs with duct tape, and sweat trickled down from
Behind them stood Superman Abraham Carter and kept his hands on the back of their
heads. Magic power poured from his palms, bluish in color.
- Uh ...
As the blaze of his magical power grew brighter, Kuzu and Tsukikage's bodies shook
more violently, and they both vomited from their mouths.
" Spiritual Manipulation ".
Both of them were brainwashed with Superman's abilities to give an American-
friendly testimony.
- ...
Things weren't going well.
More than three days have passed since they were taken to the base.
Without rest and sleep, both of them were brainwashed with magical power, but even
that did not break them. By their own willpower, they blocked any attempts to
penetrate their brain, managed not to lower their heads and look with anger at the Great
Professor Islands Burg.
- Fyuyuyu 〜 Amazing. How stubborn you are, ”breathed out the smoke from
the Isles marijuana and waved his hand to Abraham, urging him to stop for a
while. “Tsukikage-kun is psychic, I'm not too surprised by his resistance. But you,
Kazamatsuri, are just an ordinary person. Why do you have so much strength to
resist brainwashing.
“Don't underestimate me, you bloody americos… This… nothing for me… after the
last war…
- God, God. You are many years old, why so much stubbornness? If Japanese Prime
Minister Tsukikage-kun had surrendered, I would have considered that I had reached
the minimum goal and interrupted your torture. But you keep wasting my time. How
about volunteering to stop resisting, huh? Islands asked , turning away from the
dying-looking Kuzu.
He planned to ask a question to Tsukikage, but he, due to the fact that he was not as
old as Kuzu, raised his emaciated face in the air and was the first to ask Islands
a question .
- Mister Islands ...
- What?
- America is already the superpower of the Alliance ... The league , consisting of
small countries, cannot compete with you ...
-…? Well yes. So what?
- Then why do you so want to become world justice and unleash a war ... why do
you want to become even more powerful and threaten the lives of innocent people
Tsukikage's head did not leave the scene that once was shown to him "the ability to
look into history ."
Tokyo, engulfed in blazing fire.
The restraining force in the face of the Rebellion has been completely destroyed by
Or-Goul. The Alliance of Great Powers , taking advantage of a turning point in
history, is trying to unleash a new war, declaring itself world justice.
But why all this? Is what America has achieved in the Alliance of Great Powers not
enough for them?
This is exactly what Tsukikage asked. His face, pale with pain and exhaustion, twisted
into an angry grimace.
Observing the despair on Tsukikage's face, Islands' lips, tarnished from the constant
smoking of marijuana, stretched into a grin, revealing yellowed teeth.
- A-ha-ha, that's how it is. Tsukikage-kun, you saw something, right?
- ...
- Now I understand the meaning of your strange behavior when you began to seek
power from the Uprising through Kuzu, one of the top leaders. Well, that makes
- I don't care what you understand. I just want you to answer my question,
”Tsukikage asked, putting even more strength into his words.
“I see no reason to hide it,” said Islands. - Of course, America is the strongest of the
superpowers. Although in terms of population we are inferior to China, in terms of
the scale of the economy and national power, we are in first place. But all this is not
enough. We, the United States of America, desire a strength that exceeds that of
the League and Alliance combined.
- Nobody will point the finger at America. No one dares to object to us when we
publicly shoot a person in any country. This is the kind of nation America is striving
to become!
For such purposes, it is not enough to have an overwhelming military power and a
thriving economy.
“We just need" justice . " In our world, not a single person can object and go against
the concept of absolute " justice ". We will convince the whole world that America
must become the rulers of " world justice ".
And in order to assert its position as the ruler of " justice ", America decided to blame
the entire post-war deception entirely on the League .

“After we declare the League evil, we will crush, dust your country and engrave the
righteousness and fear of America throughout the world. We will create a new world
in which we will become " world justice ". A new era will begin with the rise of
America ...

- Stop talking nonsense! - shouted Tsukikage, unable to listen to all the nonsense of
the Islands. - We humans have the right to vote ...! We have hearts ...! You are going
to pursue your goals with violence! Having gained such power, you will once again
start a war that will burn the whole world! Nobody in the US wants this! No one!

- A-ha-ha! Who would have thought that some politicians could say such nonsense. I
don't care what people want and what they don't want. Even if the war broke out, the
political and economic businessmen will not fight on the front lines,
” Islands laughed .
Maintain hegemony by any available force.
Disdainful attitude of politicians to their duties.
Complete rejection of any negotiations and rational cooperation with other countries.
Bleeding other countries with the forces of their own youth in order to support their
own selfish goals.
Watching the flames of a flaring war aside is not what a democratic state should strive
It is understandable why Tsukikage was furious, but, unfortunately, his thoughts never
reach the Islands. After all, this man saw nothing wrong with people with low social
status putting their heads down for the ideals of America's political and economic elite.
-… Well, to be honest, I repeated only the words of our president. In fact, I am not at
all interested in " world justice " or " new era ".
- What?
“As you know, I am a researcher of people with psychic abilities. Any activity in the
political and business spheres of the world, I consider nothing more than funding my
research. But now I am experiencing some difficulties. For example, fundraising for
my experiments on humans. Ethical rules have followed me everywhere, preventing
users with supernatural powers from being properly studied. I cannot begin
experiments to transform an incompetent person into a person with supernatural
powers. I cannot do autopsies and experiment, especially when it comes to
experiments with babies. I thought my high position was in the Rebellionwill help
me, but all these old people were so resentful. I couldn't kidnap anyone ... what a
disappointment. But when the president shared his plan to accuse the League of lying
and elevate America as " world justice, " I thought it was a good opportunity to get
some new guinea pigs from the League's knights and commoners . Moreover, I have
never examined samples of the real Desperate ... Now, now you know why I took
part in this plan.
- Crazy bastard ...! - with contempt Kuzu spat out, barely remaining in
But like last time, Kuzu's ostentatious bravado only only amused Islands.
- Well, here I am such a crazy bastard. And now I am obliged by any means to force
you to testify about the crimes of the League and Japan in court. Of course, you can
do without violence and peacefully discuss the price for your words, - said Islands
and went to Tsukikage. Leaning over to him, he began to whisper in his ear. - When
the Third World War to destroy the League begins , we will completely crush Japan,
as a symbol of the birth of " world justice " ... If you cooperate with us, we promise
to provide protection to all your relatives before the war begins. Of course, we are
talking about subsequent generations up to the third generation. What do you
think? Sounds good, right?
- Fuck you! - could not resist Tsukikage and spat in the face of Islands.
- A-ha-ha! Tsukikage, was he trying to seduce you !? Naive idiot! - Kuzu laughed
heartily at the sight of the spectacle that had just happened.
It is quite obvious that of all the people in the room, Islands did not laugh.
He was far from laughing.
Exhaling heavily, he wiped the saliva off his cheek.
- …Fun!!
- 〜〜!!
And fired into Tsukikage's ear with a materialized device that looked like a flesh-
colored pistol.
A flesh bullet hit Tsukikage's lobe. Merging into his body, she began to mutate
Tsukikage cells, shrinking his ear and transforming into a distorted mouth with
crooked teeth.
- He-ha, ha-ha, he-he, - the mouth burst out laughing, grimacing.
- Hey, don't get emotional.
- All is well, this will not happen again. It's just that a similar laugh has been heard
near my ears all my life, ” Islands answered to Abraham's words and dispelled his
device. He sat down again in the chair.
- Well, nothing can be done about it. It's time to change your strategy. Avi, turn on
the monitor.
As soon as the Islands gave the order, Abraham instantly turned on the huge monitor,
which was simply attached to the concrete wall behind the Islands.
The image displayed on the monitor
- AND…!? Rinna !! Sarah!!
It showed two people tied to chairs, just like Kuzu and Tsukikage.
- Islands !! What have you done to my daughters !! - splashing blood, Kuzu roared at
the sight of the figures of his daughters, who were completely naked and tied to
chairs with duct tape.
His throat, which hadn't received a drop of water in the past three days, cracked with
his own scream. Seeing the desperate situation of his former rival, Islands laughed
- I haven't done anything yet. But now, I was forced to undress them, fearing a
possible fire.
- Combustion !? What are you talking about !!
“You both know that magic in an illusory form affects only the soul of a person and
does not harm his body. This effect can be compared to strong hypnosis, you feel
pain, wounds, but your body is still intact. This trait has been nicknamed the " blunt
blade " and your League has used something similar in the past to train psychic
knights ... However, this trait has many uses. Did you know about this?
- Ah
There was a slight cry on the other side of the monitor. When Kuzu quickly shifted his
gaze to the monitor, he saw two soldiers from PSYON in fireproof suits, holding fire
in their hands, approaching his daughters.
- Yes, I meant torture.
- 〜〜…!
- Do you understand what I'm getting at? If you disobey America's demands, we will
torture them. With " pyrokinesis " we will begin to burn their faces. Of course, the
flame is illusory, their bodies will not suffer, but the pain will never end. Their
brains will boil for hours, days, weeks until you decide to give up.
- Bastard !!
- Should I count your answer that you stop being stubborn? Or maybe…
- Dad !!
Kuzu immediately turned around upon hearing Rinna's voice. His daughter, still tied
to the chair, smiled bravely despite all the fear.
- I'm alright! Whatever those guys do, don't tell them anything! Do not listen to
- Rinna ...
- A deceitful but precious act of keeping the peace! Dad, you always said that
Kazamatsuri keep the world from the shadows! But I am Kazamatsuri too! We can't
lose to these guys!
As if trying to cheer herself up, Rinna turned to Sarah and spoke to her in a playful
- Sarah, you are a member of our family! You have to hold on too ...!
- …I know. I was always grateful that you accepted me, - Sarah nodded and pressed
her lips tightly to thank her benefactor who adopted her.
- My girls ...
Their determination was not fake.
Through their coordination, they together secretly hid Charlotte from PSYON's
eyes. They told her to endure to the last and wait until outside help arrived.
It seemed that their determination on their face could not erase anything,
- Get started.


Pain and fear easily made their adjustments.

The tightly clasped lips, which were supposed to help contain the screams,
immediately parted.
When the fiery hands grabbed their faces, the girls' screams filled the entire narrow
- Stop! Stop doing this, Islands !!
Writhing, the girls tried to avoid pain, but the fiery hands held them tight.
If the flames were real, their faces would have already burned, and their skulls turned
into heaps of ash. But as stated earlier, the flames are illusory and like powerful
Outwardly, their faces remained intact, but the incessant pain made their brains boil
in hellish torment.
Naturally, unable to withstand the torture, both girls fainted after long convulsions and
screams with bubbling foam from their mouths.
- Lost consciousness.
- Mine also lost consciousness.
- This smug, impudent imp has suffered too little. Bring them to life.
Following orders, the soldiers from PSYON slapped the girls' faces, forcibly forcing
them to regain their senses.
Such a violent scene is unbearable for any parent.
- I understood! I got it! Just stop!
- And what is interesting, did you understand?
- I'll say anything ...! Just stop torturing my daughters!
“All this time I expected such words,” Islands nodded importantly , indicating that
his request was heard. “But you see, the words of Kazamatsuri alone will not be
enough. The news that Japan's largest conglomerate has been behind the Uprising all
this time is shocking, but the world will not shake ... Any words are useless if
the League does not appear in them . We need recognition from the Prime Minister
of Japan, one of the leaders of the League countries . Well, what do you think about
this, Tsukikage-kun?
- ...
“Your friend Kazamatsuri is ready to cooperate with us. What about you?
- Tsukikage! You are welcome!! Kuzu turned to Tsukikage.
- I'm sorry. But I can't do that, ”he said quietly, shaking his head.
“… So you intend to leave them? Is that what they do to the people in your
countries, Prime Minister Tsukikage?
- ...
“Despite its illusory form, the pain is real. With a strong will, you can suppress pain,
but it can work as long as you are energized. You can hold back the pain for hours,
days, but everything comes to an end. Everything has its limits, even
willpower. There is nothing worse for a brave warrior than being broken by
torture. The autonomic nervous system will fail and their intestines with the bladder
will begin to empty. Long, strong screams will tear your throat to shreds. Oh, even I
hate to see the torment of such young girls. Maybe you disagree with me, Tsukikage-
- Tsukikage! I understand your torment! But please tell him that you will cooperate
too !!
Under pressure from both sides, Tsukikage pressed his lips together so hard that blood
dripped onto the floor.
His friendship with Kuzu began long before his political career.
He had known Rinna since childhood, and Sarah since she was adopted. These girls
were like his own children.
That was why his heart was bleeding just like Kuzu's at seeing the girls suffer.
Still, there are principles that cannot be abandoned.
“… I am a politician who is trusted by the Japanese people. This trust helps to
preserve the sovereignty of our country. I want to save my country from a terrible
nightmare. You play dirty, but I will never become a traitor ...!
- Tsukikage ...
Kuzu began to carry the burden of Japan long before Tsukikage. That is why, with a
pain in his heart, he understood the responsibility on the shoulders of a friend.
As Kuzu groaned in powerlessness, Islands looked at Tsukikage with disappointment.
- Ok, I understood everything. Then from now on I pledge to make the situation even
more tragic ...
- Gykh
- Wow!
Soldier "PSYON" forcibly stuck their fingers into the mouths of two
girls. " Pyrokinesis " still remained to be active on their toes.
What's next for them? With fear and despair at the approaching new nightmare, tears
flowed from the eyes of Rinna and Sarah.
“But if you, Kazamatsuri, still manage to convince your obstinate friend, I will
change my anger to mercy. In the meantime, let's watch the new torment of these
- Aaaaaaa !!!!
Right at this moment,

- Ha ...!?!?!?
There was a loud, deafening roar that shook the entire base. In the wake of the sounds
of destruction, a loud siren whine sounded, warning of an emergency.
- Is something wrong, Avi?
When asked by Islands, Abraham was silent for a while. With his own power, he
checked the situation at the base and only then opened his mouth.
- We have an uninvited guest.
The Tatras was the name of the US military base in which prisoners were hiding.
This military facility was surrounded on all sides by a 10-meter concrete fence, so
getting there is by no means easy.
However, whatever the wall is, it is nothing in front of the power of the blazer.
The compressed vacuum bullet hit one side of the outer concrete wall.
Hurricane Sword Emperor Ouma Kurogane made a hole with his own hands and
entered the base.
Before simply chasing in the direction Charlotte showed, Ouma used Dragon's
Eye ability to hunt down traces of magical power.
Of course, he traced in detail the location of the source of magical power. With the tip
of the Ryutsume , which was much larger than an ordinary Japanese sword, he pointed
towards the base.
- Kazamatsuri are in that building.
- Have you found out their exact location?
Ouma nodded briefly and put Charlotte on the ground, which he had been carrying
under his arm the whole time.
Swinging his sword
- " Heavenly Dragon Armor ".
He enveloped the girl's body in wind. This wind had the ability to distort air currents,
thereby refracting light. In fact, the wind armor made her figure optically invisible.
- Hurry up and save them. I'll take the annoying little thing on myself.
“Thanks a lot, Ouma…” Charlotte said and ran.
As her footsteps died away in the distance, under the loud howl of a siren, countless
floodlights illuminated Ouma's silhouette and immediately a dozen soldiers
surrounded him.
- Don `t move!! Oh, it's just a fucking kid!
- I hope you prepared to die after you burst into the US military base!
“… You stole my words.
- What !?
- Enough chatter! He can't be left alive anyway. Fire!
On command, the soldiers simultaneously pulled the trigger.
Attack on a military facility. All too obvious an enemy act. Even a child will not be
forgiven for such an act.
All the weapons supplied to the American troops are calculated to kill even a blazer
protected by magic armor.
A dozen rifles fired a simultaneous volley at the enemy.
An ordinary blazer is able to slow down the bullets flying at it and get off with
bruises. But when it comes to a flurry of fire, it's really necessary ...
However, Oumu is by no means an ordinary blazer.
- What!? Didn't hit !?
- He dodged ... !?
- Not! All the bullets flew to the target!
One of the soldiers was the first to notice that something was wrong.
The line of fire, which was supposed to converge at one point and hit the enemy, was
greatly distorted. This led to the fact that all the bullets were simply scattered on the
Ouma's element is " wind ". Using the wind, he deflected all the bullets flying at him.
And then immediately
“I hope you didn't think that your weapon could harm me in any way. Well, it seems
now it's my turn to ask you. Are you ready to die?
He attacked in response.
Ouma is not one of those knights who play defense. He always believed that if you are
not ready to demonstrate to the enemy your determination to fight, then you have no
right to join the battle.
- " Vacuum Barrier - Tragedy "
-… !?
Ouma threw his giant Ryutsume blade high into the night sky. At the same instant, a
gusty gust of wind raised dust at the feet of the soldiers.
But what did he intend to do with this?
However, soon the answer to this question completely disappeared from the soldiers.
- Khh !? I can not…!?
The " Vacuum Barrier " created a powerful updraft.
But " Vacuum Barrier - Tragedy " had another feature.
Soon after Ouma applied his noble art, crimson steam began to be emitted from the
ears, mouth, and sweat glands of the soldiers.
These vapors belonged to their bodily fluids.
- A-ah !? Hot! My blood is boiling !?
- Ghh, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah !!
In nature, there was a close connection between atmospheric pressure and the state of
things. For example, the boiling point of liquids under vacuum was reduced to
minimum values.
As a result, all the fluids inside the soldiers began to boil from their own body
temperature. Like rotting trees, the soldiers trapped in Ouma's barrier fell one by one
to the ground.
- Fuck! What is it!? What the hell happened here !! - the soldiers, who fled to the
rescue, were frightened at the sight of such a terrible sight.
- Back to everyone !! Now this sucker is flying in the air !!
The soldiers parted to the sides, allowing the huge body to lead the reinforcements.
A giant piece of iron that makes a crash with every movement.
Turning the tower towards Ouma
- Prepare to be torn to shreds !!
The tank fired an armor-piercing round.
A piece of iron weighing 20 kilograms, flying at a speed of 1000 meters per
second. The energy of the projectile was much higher than the energy of the
bullet. From such a close distance, there is no way to protect yourself by the force of
the wind.
Realizing this,
- ...
Ouma stretched out his arms in front of him and spread his fingers to the sides,
preparing to take the shell on himself.
A powerful blow tore him from his place, forcing him to shuffle his feet on the asphalt
pavement of the base. Oumu was thrown back 10 meters, but maintaining an
absolutely straight posture, he managed to catch the projectile.
- He stopped the armor-piercing shell of the tank with his bare hands !?
“Don't worry, I'll get it back,” Ouma said, and tossed a deformed armor-piercing
round at the soldiers.
The thrown shell hit the right track of the tank, damaging it.
With a broken track, the tank could no longer move.
- " Whirlwind of Blades "
Realizing this, Ouma swung his sword in pursuit of the projectile and shot a cutting
tornado in a straight trajectory.
The tornado, like a drill, flew into the ranks of the soldiers, crushing them to pieces.
The tank's armor did not survive either. The damaged fuel tank burst into flames,
detonating powder rounds in the vehicle's arsenal. Under the deafening roar of the
explosion, the tank turned into a heap of scrap metal.
- This psychic simply does not feel any of our attacks ...! How strong is the damn
bastard's " body " !?
The enemy had just demonstrated their monstrous power before their eyes. The
frightened soldiers, trembling all over, began to slowly retreat back ...
But, fortunately for them, help loomed on the horizon.
- All soldiers retreat immediately. I repeat, all soldiers should stop fighting and
retreat immediately.
- Mister Islands !?
“This youth, Ouma-kun, is a young knight of the A-rank of the League. It is believed
that a psychic of this rank is able to stand alone against a small army. All your
strength is not enough to defeat him. Leave this job to the PSYON squad.
As the broadcast echoed throughout the base, Ouma sensed that the moonlight was
casting a shadow somehow wrong, and looked up.
Up there ...
A man in all black, with a lowered sun visor and with silver gloves on his fists, dived
at him.
Sensing danger, Ouma took a defensive stance, preparing to take the enemy's blow
with the Ryutsume's blade .
- " Electrokinesis "
The man in all black reacted too. Seeing that his blow would be deflected, he
unclenched his fists, grabbed hold of the Ryutsume with all his fingers and sent a high-
voltage current through Ouma's blade.
With a rolling sound, as if the air itself had shattered into pieces, the electrical charge
passed through Ouma's body.
But despite the high voltage discharge,
-… !!
Ouma's face remained unperturbed.
Ignoring the pain of the high-voltage-struck flesh, Ouma quickly clenched his fist and
fired it at the enemy.
The oblique hook on the right side should have hit his opponent.
-… !?
But Ouma's fist just ripped open the void. His opponent in black suddenly disappeared.
Ouma didn’t blink, and his abilities didn’t pick up on any fluctuations in the air
currents that could appear from the rapid movement of a human-sized object.
- Not moving at high speed. Just suddenly disappeared and suddenly appeared, - said
Ouma and turned back.
Behind him stood his opponent in all black.
- Who are you?
- Abraham Carter. The one who destroys the enemies of the United States.
The giant monitor in the interrogation room changed its picture. Instead of torturing
Rinna and Sarah, it broadcast the fight between Ouma Kurogane and Abraham Carter.
Ouma, taking a defensive stance with the giant sword " Ryutsume ", prepared to repel
the oncoming attack from the diving Abraham, whose device looked like a pair of
silver gloves " Gospel ".
Islands for a while peering at the monitor with tension,
- So Ouma-kun is responsible for the raid on the US military base.
Relieved, he sank back into his chair.
- As before, he does absurd things. Is this young man completely out of control?
“… I don’t think it’s worth treating him with disdain. As you noticed, Ouma-kun is
an A-rank knight. Its potential is enormous.
- Even so, we need not be afraid. After all, we have our own Desperate , - with
arrogance in his voice, Islands answered the words of Tsukikage.
However, he had every right to do so.
Superman Abraham Carter is the strongest psychic in the United States of America.
- Abraham Carter is a psychic with the power of " esper a". " Pyrokinesis ",
" electrokinesis ", " teleportation ", " spiritual manipulation " and so on ... In
addition to the fact that Superman can manipulate countless abilities at will, he has
an unsurpassed power of attack and defense. I admit that Hurricane Sword Emperor
Ouma Kurogane is strong, but he is far from Superman.
- The superiority and inferiority between these two has been tested in the past. Do
you understand what I'm talking about, Kazamatsuri? - said Islands and quickly
shifted his gaze to the emaciated face of Kuzu.
- ...
- What is he talking about, Kuzu? Tsukikage asked, seeing bitterness in his friend's
“… To maintain balance in the world, the death of the Tyrant had to be hidden from
everyone. Even the Twelve Apostles , among whom were members of
the League and the Alliance , did not all know the real truth ... However, even so
there were people who suspected something, ”Kuzu replied.
The one-armed Swordsman Wallenstein, who shared the ideals of the Rebellion , the
Puppet King Or Gol, who simply enjoyed the creation of "evil", people like them were
relatively obedient and did not bring problems to the Rebellion .
But there were other people in the world. Hungry for the legends of the Tyrant, they
dreamed of meeting the Tyrant, overthrowing the throne and taking his place. That is
why these people completely ignored the prohibitions of the Twelve Apostles about
contact with the Tyrant and came to the mountains to challenge him and fight.
“The League and the Alliance took this secret very seriously. Each side appointed its
own killer, who, under cover of night, buried all the fools who hoped to reveal the
truth about the Tyrant. The Alliance assassin was, of course, Abraham. Among the
people trying to face the Tyrant, there were fighters not only from
the Uprising itself , but also from outside. One of them was Ouma Kurogane, who
has traveled abroad and trained in the past.
It was during this time that Ouma suffered a crushing defeat. With a horrifying trauma
that nearly cost him his life, his heart met with bitter disappointment.
But the Tyrant, as it became clear, had been dead all this time. He could not have been
Ouma's opponent in the past.
“The one who fought back Oume and nearly killed him was Abraham.
At Kuzu Islands' words, he nodded in agreement.
“That's right… Ouma Kurogane has already lost to Superman once. And now, after
so many years, they met again ... But as already mentioned, the superiority and
inferiority between them was tested in the past. This fight will end with nothing good
for him.
The circle, outlined by the spotlights in the dark, formed the field for the duel.
The two blazers clashed with each other in battle.
Ouma fought with a huge long sword, and Abraham with clenched fists.
If we take the defeat zone, then Ouma was in the lead, and if the attack speed was
But now there was a battle between two blazers. It is extremely silly to highlight the
advantages and disadvantages by their appearance alone.
Ouma used the element of wind to zero out the coefficient of friction. With a wide
area of impact and a threatening spinning force, he was in complete control of mid-
range combat.
However, all his attacks Abraham easily avoided, using " predicting the future " and
" teleportation ".
Slipping deep into Ouma's defeat zone, Abraham extended his fist.
However, before his punch reached Ouma's body, his fist stopped in the air.
Air armor. The Heavenly Dragon Armor nullified the inertia of the impact.
Abraham, whose attack was abruptly stopped, loses his balance and Ouma
immediately makes a blow with a sword, from which there is no way to hide. But
Abraham still avoids the deadly " teleportation " attack .
... And so it was repeated from the beginning of their battle.
They are both knights who boasted unrivaled attack power and unbeatable
defense. Fighting fiercely and not yielding, they attacked each other with blades and
fists, spraying magical sparks of bluish and greenish color in all directions.
However, such an antagonism between them did not last long.
- Ah ...!
For the first time, Ouma, constantly attacking with all the fury of Abraham, freezes in
Although, not entirely true. He did not stand still. He just couldn't move.
"I can't move ... this is ..."
- " Telekinesis "
Abraham's pupils sparkled brightly under the sun visor.
" Telekinesis ", one of the supernatural powers of Superman Abraham Carter. This
ability added dynamic interference to the object with an invisible force. Since this
ability was different from " magic ", only Abraham himself could control and perceive
Right now, Abraham's " telekinesis " was reaching out countless invisible hands and
holding Ouma's body with them.
Of course, " telekinesis " was needed not only for containment.
- " Psycho-Rush "
- Ah ... !?
As soon as Ouma froze in place, an invisible series of blows fell on his body.
Not " pressure " and not " magic ". Mental interference attacks were beyond what he
could sense with his five senses or his Dragon's Eye ability .
No external influence, only dynamic, subordinate directly to Abraham. " Heavenly
Dragon Armor " is absolutely powerless against such attacks. Blow after blow Ouma
received on his body.
Finally, invisible blows slammed Ouma into the wall of the building. Seeing that
Abraham was victorious, the American soldiers applauded.
Ouma tried to get to his feet, but his body did not move. Invisible hands still held him
firmly against the wall.
And then ... Ouma understood.
- I know this power ...
That's right, this " telekinesis " was familiar to him. A mysterious invisible power, not
detectable even by his " Dragon Eye ", which caught any magical powers through
vibrations in the air. He had already lost to this power once.
- Why can you use this power ...!
- A-ha-ha! The reason is incredibly simple, Ouma-kun! In the past, when you
foolishly defied the Rebellion and tried to get deep into the base, it was Superman
Abraham Carter who wiped the floor with you! Islands exclaimed at Ouma's words.
- What…?
“You didn't fight the Tyrant. The adult world is complex, but I think I will be "right"
when I say that your mind and your body remembered that defeat. And now the same
situation is repeated!
On that day, Ouma was broken, crushed and defeated by Abraham's " telekinesis " at
the entrance to the Tyrant's throne room. He did not even have the opportunity to see
Abraham in the face.
It was these memories that Islands revived in Ouma's head. He wanted to revive the
old fear in this young man.
- You are afraid? Are you afraid? In the past, you couldn't do anything? And now
you've broken into us again, dooming yourself to death. You met your old adversary
... but this time I will not help you. You have crossed all the lines of what is
permitted, brat. Prepare to die, Ouma-kun.
Islands remembered everything. He watched him that day, standing next to Abraham.
Ouma Kurogane's heart was shattered. The tantalizing power that he could not see and
feel shocked all his confidence and determination in his own strength, accumulated
until that day. His expression was constrained by a grimace of fear.
For Ouma, defeat at the hand of Abraham is a wound that cannot be forgotten.
And now Islands made him remember that day with his own hand.
He will make his body tremble and his heart weep.
“What is your next action? Will you beg for mercy with an unhappy face, or will you
try to escape without even looking fear in the eye? " - thought Islands.
His assumptions were fundamentally flawed.
He could not even imagine how he lived and what Ouma was thinking to this day.
- ... huh

Ouma, who rarely showed his emotions with his mouth wide open, laughed out loud. It
was as if the joy that had been accumulating in him for a long time burst out from
under an iron mask.
- ... What's so funny? Islands asked, puzzled.
- Funny? No, I'm just glad. I was so worried about the whereabouts of the real
Tyrant, but now the question is completely dropped. This is the opponent I had to
challenge! This is the enemy that I must step over! What do you usually call these
meetings? Happy rendezvous?
At the same second, Abraham frowned slightly from under his impenetrable visor
The thing is that Ouma pushed away the invisible wall of " telekinesis " and swung
" Ryutsume ".
- " Blade Vortex " !!
The cutting tornado rushed straight at Abraham. Of course, such a ranged attack could
not reach him. A split second before danger, Abraham escaped with the help of
" teleportation ".
- What…
Islands' groan of surprise came from their broadcasting systems.
Ouma was completely under the control of "telekinesis ". Completely devoid of
control over his own body ... he escaped from the invisible fetters with only physical
strength and counterattacked in response. A similar fact stunned the Islands.
“Don't underestimate me. Before you is a person who lived, slept and woke up with
only one thought to " plunge " claws into the heart of that person.
The wide grin was not about to disappear from Ouma's face.
There was not a drop of " fear " in his expression , which Islands had mentioned a
little earlier.
And this is not at all interesting to him.
- Avi, it seems that the young man completely forgot about his position. Teach him a
lesson again.
Immediately after Islands' words, Abraham removed the sun visor covering half of his
Without a visor, his golden pupils shone like moons in the darkness of absolutely black
Ouma, watching Abraham, felt his heart begin to beat faster. His body tingled, his
pulse quickened, and his temperature rose, as if magma was flowing through his body
instead of blood.
Analyzing his own state, Ouma realized that he was overexcited, and this made him
very happy.
After the battle with Stella at the festival, the fear of the Tyrant, which froze his entire
body from only memories, completely disappeared.
From the moment of defeat, when he recklessly went to him, one thousand five
hundred days had passed.
The experience and confidence in overcoming setbacks over the past two years made
him stronger.
Without a doubt, he is in great shape now.
And then, when the desire to crush the enemy in front of him reached its climax,
- Haaaaaaaaa !!
Ouma rushed forward.
Straight to the enemy, whom he vowed to defeat, with a sword at the ready.
The target is the neck. Always strive to take your enemy's life.
Its zero-friction blade slid straight to Abraham's neck, but at the moment of contact,
Oum cut only air.
" Teleportation ". One of the noble arts of Abraham, which allows him to instantly
move his coordinates of existence from one point to another.
Ouma is completely powerless in the face of this locomotion technique, which
completely ignores the limits of the human body and moves the object.
- " Blade Vortex " !!
Ouma was no longer going to let the enemy run away like he used to. He, reading the
vibrations in the air with the help of the " Dragon's Eye ", instantly understood where
Abraham would appear and released a cutting tornado.
Abraham had no choice but to protect himself with his gloves, which were his spiritual
" Teleport " - is incredibly powerful, but at the same time, a difficult technique. It is
impossible to use it continuously.
" Teleportation " necessarily takes time to activate, and it was this disadvantage that
Ouma took advantage of. Taking the opportunity, he began to approach the enemy.
His legs moved without the slightest resistance in the air. Ouma, as if riding the wind,
was getting closer to Abraham and,
- Haaaaaaaaa !!
Like a fierce typhoon, he swung with all the strength Stella could envy, a huge blade.
However, in addition to " teleportation, " Abraham still had " telekinesis ". With this
power, he could reach out invisible hands to the enemy and attack.
Activated only by his mental work, he could use it as a protection during the use of
" teleportation ".
-… !?
Ouma didn't stop.

Being beaten, spilling blood, feeling pain, shock and fear of invisibly wielding blades.
A crushing defeat that he once had to endure ...
To overcome the shame of that defeat, Ouma vowed never to flee from the enemy.
For the sake of victory, he must learn to withstand the monstrous force of any
Overcome your own fears. And overcome the most important fear of oneself.
If he succeeds, then he can become stronger.
It may seem like a waste of time, but for the sake of future victory, he honed his skills
to perfection.
He took every chance he got. Absorbing all the experience that he received during the
presented opportunities, he tempered his steel body even more, and his will, which
would have previously been clouded by fear, no longer feared the enemy's power!
- Shopping mall ...!
Within a moment, Abraham predicted a dangerous future.
A future in which his right arm will be cut off by the next enemy attack.
If he does not urgently intervene, the prediction will overtake him.
Using brute force, Abraham set in motion. He knows the future trajectory of the enemy
blade. Then it makes sense to defend yourself with the " Gospel " and,
- " Electrokinesis "
Use a high-voltage discharge again to slow down Ouma's attack ...

- " Fire Thunder "

All efforts are in vain.

Abraham put a block in front of him, but Ouma pushed
the Ryutsume blade forward with force and cut off the opponent's arm to the very
shoulder, completely ignoring the charged " Gospel ".
- Oooooooooooooooh !!!!
With Ouma's loud warlike cry, Abraham's hand flew far beyond the floodlights.
Tsukikage watching his figure on the monitor

- What's happening!?

Shouted loudly. There were notes of disappointment and confusion in his voice.
The fact is that the figure of Ouma, broadcast on the monitor,

She stood motionless opposite Abraham.

- Hehe ... It's just Avi's " hypnotism ".

- Hypnosis ... really!
“From the moment Avi took off his visor, Ouma-kun fell into a deep sleep. Into the
wonderful world of dreams, where you feel at home and where any of your dreams
come true. I think in his sleep he will defeat Avi and satisfy his thirst for revenge. It's
so cute.
No matter how sad it was, everything that happened was just a dream.
At the present moment, the further fate of Ouma lay entirely in the hands of Abraham.
- Hehe, no matter how sad it was, but the difference in their strength is
colossal. However, Ouma-kun is to blame for trying to compete with Avi. After all,
do not say, Avi is the top of my creation! Tyrant's clone, revived in the modern
world thanks to my " cell magic " and Tyrant's DNA ...!
Kuzu and Tsuikage's faces were simultaneously contorted in a bitter grimace.
Because all the words about Abraham are true.
To conclude cooperation with the Alliance , namely with America, Whitebeard and
the League should not have gone that far.
Hadron Collider, capable of releasing high-energy directed force particles; mass
production of " EDY " mechanized soldiers who rivaled the knights of the League in
strength .
They underestimated America. Namely, the power of the truly unique genius of
Islands Burg, the inventor who pushed America's military might a century ahead.
It was this genius who brought the Tyrant back to the current era with just one strand
of hair.
The strongest warrior, completely loyal to his master!
- The power of the strongest psychic who captured the whole world at one
time! Show her, Abraham!
- ...
Following Islands' orders, Abraham moved into motion. With fire in his right hand
from " pyrokinesis " and with a high-voltage discharge of lightning from
" electrokinesis ", he stood in front of the frozen Ouma,
And he created a " pseudomuscle " with the help of " telekinesis ".
Additionally straining Ouma with the power of " telekinesis "

- " Crazy Storm "

Abraham struck his defenseless body with a fist in which the combined power of fire
and lightning circulated.
" Pseudomuscle " from " telekinesis ", enhanced by the released magical power.
Even Ouma's steel body could not withstand a blow of such power.
Meat with flesh burns, bones crumble, and internal organs are torn to pieces.
- Ha !!
Ouma's body was torn from its place, and he at full speed, crushing concrete walls,
crashed into one of the buildings of the US military base.
- Ghah ... !?
Ouma was dismayed when he realized he was buried under the ruins of a building.
What happened?
He was completely confident that he had cut off Abraham's hands and the advantage
was on his side.
However, suddenly for him that world was shattered by the strongest pain and shock
that he was lying in a heap of rubble.
- Ghah, ghah!
All his flesh ached, as if they were trying to burn him alive, his bones were ground
into dust, and his internal organs were turned into mush.
Not only his body suffered, but also his mind. He couldn't focus and stop the dizziness
of his head.
Is it possible that electrical charge is the source of turbidity?
It is not entirely clear how, but apparently this blow was struck by Abraham. These
are the thoughts Ouma came to when analyzing his current situation.
But even though Ouma accepted this harsh reality, he was not going to put up with
With the strength of trained muscles and the pressure of the wind, Ouma held his
broken, crippled body together. Though his mind was clouded with endless pain, he
forced himself to stand.
He could still stand, because it was not in vain that he tempered his body for a long
Now he was completely different from his old self, who would have been broken long
… However, this did not change the fact that Abraham was terrifying. Definitely.
The supernatural powers of Abraham ... is it possible that this was some kind of
" Teleportation ", " predicting the future ", " telekinesis " and so on ... The monstrous
attack inflicted devastating damage on his body.
America's Strongest Blazer ... that's why it was so important for Oume to challenge
With an unshakable will, Ouma, all tattered in rags, stood up, preparing to continue
the fight ...


Pushing the debris in front of him, his eyes suddenly stumbled on Rinna and Sarah.

- ...

Concrete room with non-hidden pipes on the walls. The unconscious girls, completely
naked, were tied to chairs with duct tape.
With rolling eyes and bubbling foam at their mouth, a puddle of what appeared to be
their urine was spreading on the seats below them.
Such a picture is quite enough to understand what happened to them in the recent past.
Watching for a while
- I see. So that's the kind of person you are. ”Ouma breathed out in a cold,
contemptuous tone.
It was clear from his voice that he was very disappointed in something.
“Well, that was easy, Avi, ” he addressed through the Islands radio broadcasting
system to Abraham, who literally blew his opponent off. “I think he's dead. What a
brave brat. Okay, let's leave all the cleaning up to the base soldiers, and we
ourselves will continue the interrogation. We have already deviated from the
schedule a lot.
Islands ordered Abraham to return.
- Avi, something happened?
Abraham didn't even try to budge. Standing motionless, he looked in the direction
where Ouma had flown.
“… The direction of the wind has changed,” Abraham muttered.
- What?
At first, Islands did not understand Abraham's cryptic words. But looking more
closely, he exclaimed.
- That's it! The wind is drawn inward ...!
Abraham's dark coat swayed unnaturally. Even the dust in the air moved strangely.
Wind direction has not changed. It's just that all the air around their entire base
converged at one point where Ouma was buried.
The air currents began to circulate more and more, forming an air vortex, similar to a
Air was sucked in.
The wind was getting stronger.
In proportion to all this ...
“Impossible,” Abraham muttered.
The " magical power " of the man he had just mortally wounded grew steadily.
Finally, as the wind exhausted all its strength, a pillar of light exploded at the center
of the tornado.
The blinding blue of super-dense magical power burned the night sky white.
And in the center of this radiance, Ouma, in a robe of magical power, walked through
the rubble to once again confront Abraham.
In that it was Ouma, Abraham was convinced that all the circulating masses had settled
“You… you swallowed all the wind around!
The total magical power of the blazer is determined at the time of birth. After all,
magical power is the total weight of the blazer's fate, which he must bear.
The only way to increase your magical power is to step beyond your own limits set by
fate and enter the kingdom of the Desperate .
However, there are exceptions everywhere. Natural Interference Blazers are capable
of transforming their elemental power into " pseudo-magical power ".
(The current timeline is slightly ahead of the main plot. A little later, Raikiri Toka
Todo will use the same technique and suck up all the electricity from the Kyushu
power plants to convert it into his power)
It is this feature that Ouma has now taken advantage of.
Hurricane Sword Emperor Ouma Kurogane is a natural intervention blazer whose
element is " wind ". He was able to " absorb " all the wind blowing around the world,
and turn it into his own magical power, which would greatly increase the power of his
That's right, he could always do something like that.
Then a logical question arises, why did he not use such power in difficult situations
The answer is simple. Previously, he did not even think to use this power.
Ouma Kurogane is not a " warrior " like his younger brother Ikki Kurogane, who puts
all his power on the line to win. Ouma has always been a " seeker " who challenges
adversity in order to assert himself that he is the strongest of them all.
He has absolutely no interest in social status, fame and money.
He is not interested in flattery and praise from others.
He just wanted to reach the top where he could finally believe in himself.
People like him are wanderers who strive for this summit all their lives.
By challenging himself, he did not try to somehow strengthen himself or weaken the
opponent. Using only his strength, he strove to win the battle in front of him and step
to a new level.
Therefore, what he has done now is for him a step back, not a leap forward.
Embrace the full strength of the enemy with your own strength. Accept and
conquer. That's what the battles meant to him.
In a sense, no one showed more respect for the enemy than Ouma Kurogane.
But right now he gave up his principles.
With a strength that was not inherent in him by nature, he was going to do away with
the current enemy.
Absolutely cold-blooded, the glint of admiration and excitement disappeared in his

- I changed my mind. Right now, I will end you with the same war you started.

The moment he saw Rinna and Sarah, the meaning of the battle for Ouma completely
This is no longer a challenge to difficulties, but an ordinary " fight " that would erase
another unpleasant creature in front of him.
There is no need for admiration anymore.
- ...
When Ouma pushed Ryutsume high into the sky, the light pouring from his body
turned into a giant blinding tornado. A monstrous force that seemed to reach the moon
itself spilled over into the Ryutsume's blade .
A raging giant tornado enclosed in a sword.
This is Ouma Kurogane's special technique, which he once used in a battle against
Some time ago, Ouma absorbed the force of the wind until the entire surrounding area
became a windless space.
By controlling, squeezing, and inserting the raging giant tornado into
the Ryutsume's blade , he infused his sword with immense magical power.
Laying down layer after layer of the tornado's magical power, he squeezed the tornado
into a glow that was not much larger than his own sword.
In other words,

- " Kusanagi - Shinuchi " [1]

[1]《月 輪 割 り 断 つ 天龍 の 大 爪 —— 真 打》- Huge dragon claw that rips apart

the moon disk - True blow

It was the finished form of " Kusanagi ", which he could not use before, because his
strength alone was not enough.
"What is this sword?" - Scared Superman Abraham Carter.
" Kusanagi - Shinuchi ".
At first glance, he seemed to be drawn to the thin blade of light.
But this was different from wind suction as a little earlier.
He seemed attracted to.
The very space of the world was curved in the direction of this blade.
The reality is that a monstrous amount of energy has been wedged into such a thin
blade of light.
That thought alone horrified Abraham.
What will happen to him if this blade touches him?
- Avi! Stop him immediately !! Don't let him do whatever he pleases !! - shouted
Islands, sensing that something was wrong.
But his order was late, Abraham began to act without his words.
" Hypnosis ".
One of their techniques of Abraham, which penetrated through the eyes of the
opponent into the depths of their consciousness.
He decided to once again use the technique that had previously crushed Ouma.
Ouma didn't stop.
His right hand, he touched the left hand holding the " Kusanagi - Shinuchi ", as if
intending to stretch the shoulder joint.
"This guy, he is not looking at me ...!"
" Hypnosis " will not work if the enemy does not focus their attention on him.
Abraham could not penetrate the depths of his consciousness, because Ouma
completely lost interest in him.
Abraham became another stone for him by the side of the road. Who even pays
attention to stones?
In the next instant, the ability to " predict the future " showed Abraham the picture
awaiting him in the next few seconds.
On it his torso and head were separated.
It's all very bad.
He could no longer stand in one place.
He needs to run. Long away. Run as far as possible!
With this thought in mind, Abraham activated " teleportation " to the maximum
He chose the point for moving 5 kilometers from the base. Namely, the slope of the
Tatra mountain range, located near the US military base.
And when Abraham was teleported to leave the battlefield,

- " Wind of the Single Impact "

The picture before his eyes turned upside down.
The mountain slope of the Tatra Mountains, whose peaks were cut across, were
reflected in his eyes upside down.
When heaven and earth changed places once more, he saw his body in front of him,
- ... Oh ...
Which was headless.
" Single Blow Wind "
Ouma's special noble art that can only be used when Kusanagi-Shinuchi is active .
The effective range of this technique was about 500 kilometers. A sword that slices
through everything from the surface of the Earth to space debris in the outer
atmosphere. To activate, it is enough to unfold the cutting edge of " Ryutsume ".
Even " teleportation " to a maximum distance of 5 kilometers will not save you. Ouma
instantly used the Dragon's Eye to track Abraham and turned the blade of his sword
so that his head was blown off.
- ...
Ouma had just finished an enemy he had been striving for for a long time, but his
expression remained detached.
He just used a power that didn't belong to him. Moreover, in addition to this, already
in the middle of the battle with Abraham, he lost interest in the battle.
However, even now there were people who applauded his undeserved victory.
- Bravo. You exceeded all my expectations. I'm delighted, Ouma-kun.
The one who applauded was the Islands Burg. Ignoring the cries of the base soldiers
to stop, he boldly walked towards Ouma.
“Oh, I think you shouldn't blame Avi-kun's defeat. It's always easy to underestimate
you, psychics of natural intervention, - continued praising Islands Ouma with a wide
smile, exposing his teeth tarnished from frequent smoking marijuana.
But, of course, this was no ordinary verbal praise.
In each of his words, there was a certain " sharpness " that made all listeners
immediately wary.
Ouma was no exception. Without hiding his stern expression,
- I already said that I will answer your war with my war.
He swung the Ryutsume toward the Islands.
“Don't even think that you will be able to return safely to America, Islands.
Ouma knew that the Islands Burg was behind Abraham. It's easy to add two and two
together to realize that this person was responsible for the torment of Rinna, Sarah,
and others. While the Islands weren't a combat blazer, Ouma had no intention of
showing any mercy to him.
However, Ouma was wrong about something.

“… Oh, those are my words,” said Islands.

At the same moment, Ouma's body collapsed to the ground under the weight of
unprecedented pressure.
“Ouma-kun, what do you think is the greatest strength of absolutely any
war? Firepower? Defense? Intelligence service? No, no, no ... For a long time, wars
were won by numbers.
While pinned to the ground, Ouma caught the sound of countless footsteps
approaching. Straining all his strength, he lifted his neck slightly and looked in the
direction from which the sound was coming. From the side of the base, soldiers from
the "PSYON" detachment were running towards him, fully equipped in bulletproof
helmets and body armor.
- It can't be.
- As much as you can.
The feeling of the monstrous pressure brought a strong deja vu to Ouma.
Without a doubt, this is " telekinesis ".
Confirming Ouma's guess, Islands waved his hand. At his signal, the "PSYON"
detachment, consisting of several dozen soldiers, took off their helmets.

Each of them looked exactly like Superman Abraham Carter.

- A-ha-ha! Everything is as you think! US elite squad - "PSYON", all its members
are Abraham Carter!
- Superman Abraham Carter's true strength is not just combat power! We are capable
of " mass " producing Desperate Titan powers! This is why Abraham's real strength
lies in " overwhelming numbers "!
Mass production force of high quality and high performance.
This is why Superman Abraham Carter is the strongest psychic in the United States.
Even Ouma cannot budge if attacked simultaneously by thirty Abrahams.
“It is commendable that, while still a student, you managed to defeat Avi. But right
here ... it's over for you.
Immediately after Islands' words, all the Abrahams raised their hands
simultaneously. Flames began to form on their silvery gloves.
" Pyrokinesis ". Using this power, the Abrahams created a giant fireball in the sky over
The fireball, created by the force of several dozen Desperate ones , slowly descended
on Ouma.
A flaming star like the sun. No human would survive if she swallowed it.
Of course, Ouma struggled to escape. But he is trapped in " telekinesis " and cannot
His body will incinerate, remaining motionless.
When Ouma got ready to die and just waited

The loud ringing of a bell sounded somewhere above him, and the fiery star split in

Having lost all its strength, the fiery star flashed brightly and disappeared.
And then, among the bright sparks, the one who saved Ouma from certain death, a
little old man appeared in tengu-geta.

- Ho ho ho. On the verge of death, Ouma.

Ouma had known this man since childhood. Everyone knew the name of this old
man. One of the oldest magic knights in Japan. In the last war, he was called the eternal
rival of the Great Hero Ryoma Kurogane.
- Torajiro Nango ...!
- God of War…!? Why is he here ...!
Suddenly arrived ally.
Everything is correct. It was Torajiro Nango, sent by Itsuki Kurogane to search for the
missing Prime Minister Tsukikage, who, as it turned out, was later kidnapped by
American troops.
Through the thick eyelids that turned his eyes into narrow slits, Nango looked carefully
at the Abrahams and,

- Hey ... can you let him go? He said.

At the same moment

- AND!?!?!?
The Telekinesis holding back Ouma has expired.

And not only.

The entire detachment of Abrahams who surrounded Ouma ... froze in place.
Just one word from him.
- " Sound " psychic ... The famous God of War, using the " soul of the word [1] " ... -
Islands said bitterly, recognizing the God of War by the magic.
[1] Kotodama (言 霊, "soul of the word") is a concept in Japanese culture that
associates some supernatural attributes with the spoken word

They all remained clear of consciousness, but could not control their own bodies.
On the other hand, Nango quickly turned away from the immobilized " soul word " of
Abrahams and looked at the lying Ouma.
- Ho ho ho. Ouma, are you in such a worn out state that you cannot get up or are you
just waiting for the moment when the old man will reach out to you?
"... I don't need this," Ouma replied sharply to Nango's taunt.
He reattached his bones to the pressure of the wind, which were further shattered by
the monstrous pressure of " telekinesis ", and rose to his feet.
- I'm alright. Wounds like this cannot stop me from fighting.
With a gleeful nod of his head at Ouma's gallant response, Nango opened his mouth
- Tsukikage-kun and Kazamatsuri are saved. The three girls are fine too, and they are
waiting for you. Take all five with you and go to Japan as soon as possible ... Leave
the rest to me, - ordered Nango Oume.
There was power in his words. But Nango is the oldest knight, who is over ninety
years old. That's why Ouma asked again.
- Do you want everything to be left to you, old man?
- Ho ho ho! Exactly. When you are old, you can allow such a childish act, but even
so, we adults have our pride. Maybe in another case, I let you help me, but now
everything is different, - Nango laughed, shaking his small body.
- It sounded selfish.
- Maybe. But I have entrusted you with other equally important work. Go away,
Nango Ouma ordered again.
Before Ouma could protest, he added, stroking the handle of his cane, which was his
spirit device.
“I don’t want the blade of my magic flute to rust any further.
His words were imbued with determination and fortitude.
It was ... not just bragging.
Behind his words stood " strength " and " achievements " that many could only envy.
-… Got it.
Ouma no longer intended to object. With a submissive nod, he was about to follow the
order, but,
"Do you think I'll let you run away?" AND? You will not leave here! Avi !!
While Ouma talked to Nango, Islands and Abrahams did not sit idly by.
- God of War, you have been standing on the world stage for too long! We know
how to handle your stunts! You are no match for Avi! Islands shouted.
The noble art of " soul of the word " is believed to suppress brain waves with " sound
waves ". By selecting the same frequency, it blocks the brain waves, and the person
cannot move.
- It is enough to control your body directly with the help of " telekinesis "! Then your
" soul of the word " will simply become useless !! Avi, leave this old man
alone! Don't let Tsukikage and Kazamatsuri escape from us !!
Fighting and killing the God of War for America is the lowest priority target.
Tsukikage and Kazamatsuri. Now it is very important to make them useful witnesses
who would give confessions convenient for America. This is why the Islands have set
top priority on them.
Having received the order, the Abrahams hastened to carry it out.
Ignoring Ouma and Nango, they walked behind them and were about to set off in
pursuit as ...
- Hey. You weren't taught not to turn your back on the enemy? - asked the ten
Abrahams in Nango in a tone in which there were absolutely no notes of friendliness
as in a conversation with Ouma.

- " Cutting Sound "

Pulling out the cane with a speed elusive to the eye, the ringing sound of a bell from
the " magic flute " was heard in the air ,
- GHAHAHRGH ...!?!?!?
And at the same instant, all ten Abrahams, who had run past Nango, collapsed to the
Another Abraham, trying to run next to Nango, bleeding, fell to the ground.

“You suckers who have lived no more than twenty years. You will be overtaken by
instant death if you underestimate me, ”Nango said in a voice dripping with anger,
without turning towards the Abrahams.

- Bloody old man ...! - Islands moaned from impotence.

The ability to shred your opponent with just the sound of the " magic flute ". This is
the noble art of the " soul of the word " of the God of War.
They just can't get past this oldest knight.
Islands had no choice but to gnash his teeth and let them go.
As a result, Abrahams failed to catch up with Ouma.
Ouma's squad moved too fast. And if we take into account the camouflage " Roadside
Stone - Gray " and " Heavenly Dragon Armor " it was simply impossible to catch up
and find them.
Moving with the speed of the wind thanks to the noble art of Ouma, the detachment
hurried to Japan.
But… there was a nuisance on the way.
Bakugu Tsukikage was struck by the high temperature and fainted.
At first, everyone associated his illness with exhaustion from Abraham's long
But later they suspected something was wrong.
Unconscious, Tsukikage groaned and tossed about as if he was having a terrible
- Master-sama.
- I'm fine. What's with Tsukikage?
“… Still bad.
Crossing the Himalayas, they ended up in China, where they temporarily stayed at a
hotel to show Tsukikage to a doctor.
But even the doctor did not find out the cause of Tsukikage's unconsciousness.
It was then that Kuzu recalled a long-standing dream of Tsukikage, which prompted
his friend to go into politics.
Is it possible that he is dreaming again? A new nightmare that threatened to come true?
“… I have to finish some business here first. But when the sun goes down, we need
to hurry to Japan. Warn Ouma, Cuza ordered Charlotte.
- Understood.
We need to return to Japan as soon as possible.
Kuzu's intuition sounded the alarm.
And, to the greatest regret, his fears were not unfounded.

It was on this day that the US Pacific Fleet invaded the coastal waters of Japan, which
was in the midst of the Great Flame trials.
Chapter 2: Slaying the Crows of Three
Thousand Worlds
- Ah ... ah ...
Cloudy rainy day. A woman in a formal suit hung motionless in the air.
A-rank knight of the Japanese branch of the League - Kurono Shinguji.
Sometime in the past, after establishing herself as a talented knight, she rose to third
place in the High League of Knight Kings . There she also received her nickname
World Clock.

But now all she could do was stare in despair at the blazing land. A fire of
unprecedented power rose to the sky, painting it crimson.

It all happened in an instant.

Kurono was briefly distracted when she decided to take a look at how the Japanese
ground forces were doing.
Then it happened. The enemy she confronted in Tokyo Bay, the White Whale Douglas
Appleton of the main weapons of the Enterprise , a device belonging to the monster
class, pierced the heart of Japan.
Namely, Tokyo's underground shelter in the geofront, where all residents of the capital
were evacuated.
The shelter's defense can withstand a direct hit from a nuclear missile ... But it is
completely useless against the Enterprise 's 88-inch Hadron Cannon , which fires
high-energy directional force particles, an invention created by America's advanced
military technology a century ahead.
The multi-layered armor separating the earth's surface from the geofront melted in one
attack, creating a huge explosion.
Scorched Tokyo. Hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, died at that
moment. But her family could have been among them.
“Ah… ah…” Kurono gazed silently at the burning Tokyo, completely forgetting
about the enemy.
- Oh, exactly. Destruction like this makes you feel guilty, right? Douglas Appleton,
the man responsible for such a disaster, spoke to Kurono over the loudspeaker. “But
if you hadn't left the High League of Knight Kings, continued to work hard on the
front lines and achieved awakening, you were able to defeat me and prevent this
reality. Am I right, World Clock? But you chose to give up your talent, leave the
front line and devote yourself to your family. The family kept you from fighting. The
existence of things that need our protection only weakens. Your family has become
fetters for you.

Kurono's shrill cry of pain ripped through the air.

Now it is only the second day of the defense of the capital.
But how did it come to this? Let's go back a little ...
The battle for the defense of the capital from the suddenly attacked US Pacific Fleet.
Using all the forces of knights-magicians, knights-apprentices and forces of self-
defense - on the first day of military events, Japan somehow managed to fight back
and push the enemy back. The looming threat over Tokyo at nightfall disappeared
from the battlefield for some time.
During the lull, the Tokyo Bay defense line set up an overnight camp and began
preparing to eat. Each defender looked emaciated and wounded, but still that didn't
stop them from having slightly upbeat expressions on their faces.
For their generation, this war is the first in life, they have not yet had time to feel all
the pain and horror. And the appearance of the knights-apprentices on the front line
was greeted with solemn shouts.
- Girl, you are so fast. My eyes could not follow your movements.
- No wonder I wear the nickname Runner Euphoria. Speed is my credo!
- The kid is also incredibly strong. With one blow he crumbled "EDY". I think your
body needs a lot of strength. Would you like a chocolate bar?
- Many thanks.
Meanwhile, a little behind the bustling defense line, a bustle began again in the city
This was the transportation and distribution of supplies to shelters.
Although the US Pacific Fleet retreated, it still remained in Japan's exclusive economic
There he awaited support in the person of the second fleet, which was soon to reach
the shores of Japan via the Pacific Ocean.
The estimated time for the unification of the two fleets is tomorrow morning.
This could only mean one thing - the end of the war is not yet near
Tomorrow their enemy with reinforcements will attack Japan again. This means the
next battle will be much tougher.
Moving along the side of the road, so as not to disturb anyone, Kurono was walking
to the shelter, to the place where her family lived under protection, when she heard the
previously familiar voice of a young man.
- Well, well, don't cry like that. Boys have to be strong, right?
- Wow! This brother speaks just like my mom!
- I'm scared!
- Oh, don't be afraid. Everything will be fine.
"Are you back yet, Arisuin?" - called Kurono a tall boy with lilac hair, who, to all the
commotion, announced that he would go to his hometown and visit the graves of his
“Oh, Director Sensei, you look tired,” Arisuin said with a welcoming smile on his
- Are these kids lost?
- It's like that. The evacuation was sudden and many children were separated from
their parents. I use my abilities to bring the children back to them in one piece,
”Arisuin responded, wiping the five-year-old's tears with a blue handkerchief while
stroking his head at the same time. “I’m not very useful on the front lines, so I
decided to concentrate my forces in the rear.
Arisuin's noble art is based on " shadow ".
Attacks from the shadows, movement from the shadows, immobilization from the
shadows ... Of course, his power is universal, but it lacks firepower.
Moreover, in large-scale battles, the number of " light sources " decreases and
increases uncontrollably, which prevents the use of shadow techniques such as shadow
This is why Arisuin chose to use his powers outside the battlefield. Its movement from
shadow to shadow is free and imperceptible, and ignores any obstacles and crowds of
people on the way. In other words, his abilities were perfect for carrying things and
moving people around.
- You shouldn't underestimate your responsibilities. What you do is very
important. Hurry up and get these kids to their parents as soon as possible.
The confused expression on the crying child's face intensified Kurono's desire to meet
her daughter as soon as possible. Saying goodbye to Arisuin, she sped up, but when
Kurono reached the first sector of the hideout, she saw a person whom she simply
could not help but say hello to.
- Good evening, Head.
“Thank you for your hard work, Shinguji-kun.
Everything is correct. It was the head of the Japanese branch of the League who
temporarily took over the duties of Prime Minister Tsukikage, Itsuki Kurogane, the
father of Ikki and Shizuku Kurogane.
- I'm sorry. I expected to cope with everything until tomorrow morning ... but did not
take into account the size of the enemy ...
- Things are good. We were able to knock back the first wave of enemies only
because you held back the Enterprise all this time .
“But…” Kurono grimaced.
The reason for her haste lay in the walking disaster in Kyushu.
Great Flame of Tendou Harim. The criminal who escaped from the ice prison attacked
Kurono had no choice but to leave Kyushu and return to Tokyo for protection. But
without her, without her power, people will continue to die.
That was why she wanted to deal with the Enterprise as soon as possible and get back
to Kyushu.
Watching the expression on Kurono's face, Itsuki opened his mouth.
- I have a good news. Without waiting for your return, the disciples themselves
suppressed the Great Flame.
- !!!!
“Todo-kun consumed all of Kyushu's electricity and destroyed the Great Flame.
- That ... before ...
Kurono's eyes widened in surprise. When she last saw Tohka, the girl was completely
crushed by the power of the Great Flame.
It is amazing not only that she was able to come to her senses, but also that she found
the strength to destroy the enemy.
“I always thought she was a talented student knight with extraordinary abilities, but
so that… Indeed, the news is really good.
- The same battle for the defense of the capital took place in Kyushu, and the young
generation of B and C-rank knights did an excellent job. Such achievements are the
result of excellent work on the part of teachers.
- We don't do much. Rather, we just support them, ”Kurono replied with a sigh of
She promised Toki to return to Kyushu as soon as possible, but her opponent was the
White Kit Douglas Appleton himself. Before the rise of Superman Abraham Carter,
this man was considered the strongest in America. Of course, he was strong, but
Kurono was more worried about the monstrously large size of his device.
Kurono's abilities were based on " time ". Without a doubt, her abilities are incredibly
strong, but there was one weak point that Kurono could not do anything about.
Among all her techniques, there was not one with large-scale destructive power.
If the size of the enemy is excessively large, it will be very difficult for her to inflict a
fatal wound.
After today's battle, Kurono was already thinking about the prospect of a long-term
battle, so the news that Tohka had eliminated another threat in the face of the Great
Flame played into her hands.
After all ... the battle in Tokyo is far from over.
“… Nene and the others have not returned yet?
Princess Yaksha, still on a business trip in Vermilion, was to receive an order to return
immediately after the enemy attacked Tokyo. That's why Kurono decided to ask
Itsuki, but Hisuki only knitted his eyebrows and shook his head.
- In the battle against Khabub, Princess Yaksha lost her hand. As one of the members
of the High League of Knight Kings , she should have somatic cells in the cell bank
and there should be no problems with recovery, but ... even that will take some
time. I'm sure she's no longer Vermilione, but because of the enemy attack, we have
a problem with the interruption of communication. It is not known when she will be
able to return. ”Itsuki paused for a second, as if collecting his thoughts, and resumed
his speech. - In addition, the largest countries of the League , like Japan, were
attacked by the Alliance . The reason for the attack is absolutely the same - betrayal
by the League . America incites the Alliancetake part in the war by saying that they
captured the Japanese Prime Minister Tsukikage and that he confessed to
the Uprising . But now that Tsukikage has arrived at the Tsushima military base, we
can discredit America's claim and request assistance from
other League countries when the Alliance forces retreat from them. But ... as you can
see, other countries just sit on the sidelines and have not responded to our request for
help. Therefore, at the very least, we will again have to defend ourselves against an
American attack.
- Agree.
“The next enemy attack will take place after joining up with a second fleet crossing
the Pacific. The approximate time of the attack is tomorrow morning. Some knights
sent to Kyushu have already returned to us this evening, so tomorrow there will be
an all-out war. Now go and get some rest.
“… Okay,” Kurono made a slight bow and walked on.
If they join forces with Kyushu, tomorrow's fight will be easier than today.
And then the outcome of the war will entirely depend on the outcome of her battle
with Appleton.
Feeling an even heavier burden on her shoulders, Kurono approached the entrance to
the hideout.
The Kurono family occupied a separate room in the hideout.
This privilege was enjoyed not only by the Kurono family, but also by every knight-
magician who fought on the front lines.
In modern wars, victory or defeat is highly dependent on the outcome of the battles
between blazers. To maintain a good mental state, the government took full
responsibility for their families.
- Mom!
- May!
When Kurono opened the door of the tiny 4-tatami room, her eyes met the teary eyes
of Mei Shinguji's three-year-old daughter, who immediately ran towards her. Kneeling
down to be level with her, Kurono hugged her daughter tightly and hugged her to her
- Hello my dear. You're doing well, aren't you hurt?
- Whimper, whimper ... no, but I was so scared 〜...
- Do not be afraid. I will protect you and our home.
-… Mom, does nothing hurt you?
- Do not worry. Your mom is very strong.
Thank goodness the crowd only crumpled her a little, Kurono thought as she stroked
May's crumpled hair.
To her great relief, she did not find any injuries on her daughter's body.
“Kurono-san, you did a good job.
In addition to her daughter, there was another person in the room. A gentle-looking
man with brown hair greeted Kurono as he continued to arrange things in the
room. This man was her husband and his name was Takumi Shinguji.
"Takumi, have you been here long?"
- People from the League came for us , we decided to trust them.
- ... Forgive me for entrusting the government with your evacuation ... How I would
like to say that now I will be with you and take over protection ...
Her sincere desire is unrealizable. The current situation needed a knight with her
strength more than ever. Realizing that Kurono won't be back tomorrow, Takumi
- I understand. Please don't worry, I will protect Mei with all my might ... Don't
worry about us, you better take care of yourself, Kurono-san.
- Oh.
- We just got food. Let's have dinner.
- Boiled rice! The one that May likes!
The night has come. Long-absent Kurono finally found time to retire with her family
and have dinner together.
She has not seen her husband and daughter since the turmoil began following the chaos
wrought by the Puppet King. But now, ironically, the war has brought her back to her
Smiling bitterly, Kurono reached for the canned food.
The next day, with the indigo sky turning blue in the morning, yesterday's enemy
loomed again on the horizon.
Confirming the threat, one of the figures separated from the defense line in Tokyo
A woman running across the sky with pistols in hand - Kurono Shinguji's World
Clock. With the help of her abilities, she fixed the time of space and ran along it, as if
on the ground.
The target is the center of the enemy troops. Or, to be more precise, a huge ship with
an aircraft carrier deck and an inverted battleship bottom.
The monstrous aircraft carrier Enterprise was the materialization of the soul
of Desperate Douglas Appleton, better known as the White Whale.
- Today I will be done with you! Douglas Appleton!
- Ha ha ha! As usual, you alone confront me! What courage!
Kurono approached him at high speed. Ignoring the other ships, Appleton launched
myriads of EDY mechanical soldiers at her.
The number of mechanical soldiers exceeded several hundred. Just glancing around,
it was not possible to count them all. With jetpacks on their backs, EDYs rushed
through the air towards Kurono and began firing at her with miniature handheld
Hadron Colliders in an attempt to shoot her down.
- " Doubling time - tenfold speed "!
Kurono is able to speed up his time and move at a speed unacceptable for an ordinary
person. Such monotonous artillery barrage could never hit it.
Moving a little to the side
- " Hourly Draw of Death "
Kurono fired a time-accelerating bullet at EDY , blocking her path. " Death's Hour
Draw " devoured " EDY " in an instant . Rusting and cracking, the mechanical
soldier's armor turned to dust and he, falling apart into pieces, collapsed into the sea.
Kurono's noble art fired magical bullets that, upon contact, accelerated the object's
time ten thousand times, causing " decrepitude " and " wear " in an instant.
It took very little time to turn twenty more EDYs into rusty wreckage .
The path is clear. Aiming at the huge aircraft carrier battleship Enterprise , which was
within range of her pistols, Kurono pulled the trigger once again, and the No Death
Sentinel's bullet pierced the ship's hull, as did EDY .
But ... The Enterprise is not just a machine. Douglas Appleton's device has been
modified with " bio-metal " with the help of Island's cell magic.
As soon as the Death Sentinel's magic bullet hit the Enterprise , it instantly cleared the
affected hull. Preventing destruction from rapid wear and tear, Douglas moved the
" bio-metal " and filled the resulting cavity.
The surprises did not end there, the " bio-metal " like liquid mercury quickly took the
form of an automatic turret and returned fire on Kurono.
“Suddenly attack the king in such an agitated state! Do not think that I will praise
your brazen attempt to attack the Enterprise!
“I don't give a damn, I'm not here to chat with you. Do mercy and sink at last!
The artillery fire on the Enterprise could not stop Kurono. Defending herself, she
pulled the trigger many times, but ...
All her efforts only slightly reduced the overall mass of the Enterprise .
As previously mentioned, Kurono's time-based abilities weren't massively
destructive. The narrow range of effects of her abilities was completely offset by the
gigantic size of the Enterprise .
- Shit ...
- All attempts are in vain! You want to end me in order to change the course of the
war, but your toy fart can not harm me!
- I already told you to shut up!
If she knew in what part of the ship the battleship-aircraft carrier Appleton was,
perhaps her attacks would be more effective.
Unfortunately, Kurono does not have any detection techniques.
That is why she reacted so sharply to the provocation of the enemy.
- Do not worry. As you wish, the war will be resolved today! The justice of the
United States of America will destroy you! - continued to speak in the same tone with
Kurono Douglas.
- That yesterday, that today you could not even leave a scratch on me, but you bark
much more at the same time, you damn American mongrel.
- Am I barking? Ha ha ha, good. Then listen carefully. Can you hear the distant
howling of a dog? It belongs to "evil"! Soon our justice will cut off their cries of
- …What!?
What was he talking about?
Asking the question, Kurono listened to the sound Appleton was talking about.
And then,
- AND!?
She heard.
From the ground she flew from. From the side of the defense line in Tokyo Bay ...
There were numerous cries of confusion and despair.
The Japanese line of defense in Tokyo Bay was represented primarily by the self-
defense forces and knight magicians.
Just like yesterday, countless mechanical EDY dolls took off from the decks of US
assault ships.
The first restraining force was the Air Self-Defense Force fighters and the Ground
Self-Defense Forces Tank Corps deployed along the coastal waters of the bay.
However, do not forget that the EDY's agility was unmatched, it is not so easy to deal
with them.
The same words can be said about the landing assault ships.
Japan's enemy is the largest military power in the world, America. Simple artillery fire
from tanks could not reach, let alone penetrate the EDY armor .
And this meant only one thing - a fierce battle, like yesterday, would unfold on
land. And then the second restraining force will enter the battle.
- Coming ...! Yesterday's mechanical dolls!
The barricade was deployed all over the Tokyo Bay. Hiding behind her, the self-
defense forces watched the situation in the sky and at sea.
- Pull yourself together. We need to do the same things we did yesterday.
- Exactly. Moreover, today the knights from Kyushu are with us. Thunderous Justice
is here too.
- We pretty much exhausted the enemy's forces in yesterday's battle. It should be
easier today.
Everything, as one of the participants in the defense line said. Although their adversary
had allied with the second fleet, the number of landing ships and " EDY " was not
much different from yesterday's number. They must have really thinned out the enemy
forces in yesterday's battle.
Soon, with a loud noise, a huge landing ship began approaching the port, which
skillfully defended itself from the artillery shelling of the Japanese side.
- One of the enemy landing ships broke through our defenses and is already in the
- Nothing wrong! As soon as the ship is within our reach, open fire for everyone!
The Japanese defense line leaned out a little from behind the reinforced concrete
barricade and prepared for the descent of enemy soldiers from the ship.
Soon the ship moored to the shore.
But those who came out of it ...
- Huh? Hey, these guys are different from yesterday's soldiers.
None of those who came out were dressed in heavy equipment like yesterday's
American soldiers. They all wore light black cloaks, and only silver gloves on their
fists could be counted as weapons.
- What the hell is going on?
It wasn't their equipment that worried the defenders of the Japanese defense line.
And the faces.
Each of the descended ship ... was a blond blond with a long face.
- Twins? No, this cannot be! But then why does everyone have the same faces !?
- Don't take it into your head! I also cannot understand why our enemy looks the
same, but it doesn't matter at all! We only have one mission - to protect
Tokyo! Remember this! The middle-aged sergeant exclaimed, trying to calm his
And after these words,
- Attention! All personnel open fire on the enemy!
The order followed, and each soldier of the Ground Self-Defense Forces opened fire
at the enemy's landing site.
The fire from machine guns and an artillery volley of tanks in an instant wiped out the
port in which the enemy had landed. There was no way to escape such powerful,
targeted fire.
- …We made it?
When the dust curtain subsided a little, not a trace of the enemy remained.
- AND?
- ...
After all, all the blond guys who got off the landing ship were standing inside the
barricade erected by the ground self-defense forces, or more precisely, behind the
backs of the soldiers.
- How did the enemy end up on our side of the barricade !?
- " Pyrokinesis "
A moment later, the hand of one of the blondes spewed flame, causing a huge
explosion. The same thing happened at different points of the line of defense. The
barricade was quickly filled with gaps.
- Ambush !? But how!
- Ghaaa! How? What's going on ... ahhh!
- Shit! Those guys! They are already inside!
- To arms! We must deal with them!
- Ghaaaaaaaaaaaa !!
The front line of defense fell into a panic.
Each defender instantly reacted to the enemy suddenly appearing behind their
backs. With machine guns in hand and knives, they attacked the blondes, but
unfortunately, the enemy was a blazer using a variety of techniques.
The average soldier will never be able to oppose anything to a blazer. Bright flashes
of lightning and searing flames killed the Japanese soldiers one by one.
Realizing that things were bad, the Japanese magic knights rushed to the
rescue. Among them were apprentice knights B and C-rank, also called to the front
- Shopping mall ...! Damn it!
Last night they all had a merry supper, and now her comrades are being mowed down
one by one. Tomaru Renren , like an arrow, burst into the battlefield.
- " Blackbird " !!
Supersonic speed strike. She instantly intercepts one of the blond guys.
But just before the blow,
- Disappeared !?
Her opponent disappeared from sight. But the girl didn't even blink.
- Ghah !?
At the same moment, Renren screamed and fell to the ground. A blow from
somewhere above knocked her down. The enemy she had lost sight of immediately
counterattacked Renren .
Without even giving time to recover,
- Hh !?
Something invisible gripped Renren's right leg. Moreover, this invisible force abruptly
twisted her right shin, as if intending to tear off her leg.
- Ghaaaaaaaaa !!
- Tomaru !! I'm coming !! - Shouted the Destroyer Ikazuchi Saijo , rushing with all
his might towards his friend. - Nah !! - I waved and immediately lowered his
sword Saijo on the enemy.
However, the enemy did not even embarrassed attack Saijo . Even before the boy had
time to swing the sword, he, as if reading his movements, made a lazy evasive
movement that did not go unnoticed by Saijo .
- This guy has too many abilities! - exclaimed Saijo, but he could not do anything
against it.
As with Renren, the enemy disappeared from his sight. Before Saijo can sense the
boy's presence behind him,
- " Electrokinesis "
- Ghaaaaa !!
A high-voltage electric shock attack hit his body and he lost consciousness.
- Saijo-kun! Tomaru-kun !!
Yuri Oriiki , a C-rank knight, and part-time instructor of the Hagun Academy, rushed
to the aid of her two students, who had no chance to be crushed by the enemy, and
attacked the guy.
But, as before, as if reading the future, the enemy dodged at the very last moment.
Looking at the guy up close and remembering his abilities, Orici realized who their
enemy was.
“This guy… but why!
However, there was no answer to the question why he was not alone.
- No matter how strong you are, no human opponent can resist my technique !!
Their number shouldn't worry her now.
The goal is in front of her, it's time to act.
As soon as Oriiki plunged deeper into the battlefield, she immediately used her noble
- " Purple Pain " !!
Sharing the pain of her unhealthy body, she transferred it to the enemy consciousness
within the range of her own technique and incapacitated them.
- AND!?
But it seems that her ability had no effect on the guy. He clenched his fist and punched
her hard in the stomach. " Purple Pain " was supposed to share this pain with the
enemy consciousness, but ...
“Despite all the pain… are you able to move !? - Coughing blood from her mouth,
Oriiki fell to her knees.
The guy didn't react again. Blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, but he
continued to stand firmly on his feet in front of her.
Moreover, he prepared to use the fire ability on Orici from close range.
If Orici does nothing, she will be incinerated in a matter of seconds.
“I will die and I will not be able to do anything ...! How bad! "
The Purple Pain ability is simply useless if the enemy is attacking with fast deadly
vehicles. Her ability simply won't have time to work.
But she can't escape. After hitting the body, she is unable to stand up, and the enemy
is standing right in front of her.
Death is inevitable.

- "The Scarlet Thunder God " !!

But a red flash that flashed with a deafening clap of thunder saved Oriiki.
Stormbringer Veteran Knight Wearing a Red Cloak - Thunder Judgment Yuzu Kaeda.
As soon as he pierced the enemy with a spear, materializing his soul, and used the
" Crimson God of Thunder ", the guy's body instantly " charred " and after a moment
turned to dust.
"Kaeda-san, you saved me ...!"
- What were you thinking when you entered the battle. I don’t believe you didn’t
recognize him. This guy is able to predict the future and teleport ...! If your
movements cannot compete with the speed of thought, don't even think about going
into action ... !! - shouted Kaeda, biting into the camp of the enemy with a truly
lightning speed.
The combination of incredibly fast speed and monstrous attack power, Yuzu Kaeda,
as one of the leading magic knights of Japan, fully lived up to his A-rank.
But still…
There were too many " clone " guys .
Other mage knights on the battlefield are nowhere near as strong as Kaeda. Of course,
the line of defense ceased to fulfill its function and to contain the enemy.
- Ah !! God! Not that! - shouted Oriki, watching the situation in the sky.
Mechanical dolls " EDY ", whose number exceeded a hundred, rushed across the sky
towards the unprotected city. Namely, to the very center, to the geofront, where the
bomb shelters and the Joint Operational Headquarters were located.
- " EDY " broke through the defense line in the bay! They rushed to the city center !!
- High-energy laser from Hadron Colliders " EDY " hit the city center! The city's
defense system has been destroyed! Huge damage to the shelter has been confirmed!
- The power of the enemy AI is on a completely different level! One more attack and
the geofront will be destroyed!
“What the hell is going on on the front lines?
An alarm squealed loudly at the " Joint Operations Headquarters " located in the
Japanese branch of the League , the building of which was lowered by an elevator into
the geofront due to an emergency.
The line of defense has been broken, the enemy is already above their heads. The top
leaders of the Self-Defense Forces and the League could not hide their confusion.
- Yesterday the situation was under our control ...
- Who are all these guys with the same faces!
The defense line, which yesterday threw back US troops, was destroyed to
The reason for this plight is obvious to everyone. The culprits are those guys on the
monitor. But only Itsuki Kurogane Iron Blood, the head of the Joint Operations
Headquarters, knew who it was.
- It's Superman Abraham Carter ...!
- Is it really the same Superman !?
- But why is there so much! Does anyone know what's going on !?
“I'm not sure, but my guess is these are clones. The genius Great Professor Islands
Burg lives in the USA. We shouldn't be surprised that they have this kind of
technology, ”Itsuki said.
Soon after his words, the worst nightmare came true. One of the operators at the
console shouted loudly.
- The protective partition of the elevator C 15 has been broken ! Several EDYs have
already invaded the geofront !!

- OH ... !!!

The multi-layer armor separating the surface and the geofront has been destroyed. The
only thing that separated the enemies from the Joint Operations Headquarters was a
small empty space to intercept the enemy, called the last stronghold.
Itsuka Kurogane's voice sounded loudly in the air saturated with the tension that the
enemy was very close, giving urgent orders.
- Activate all protective systems of the geofront! It is our responsibility to
prevent EDY from invading the hideout by any means necessary !
- Yes sir!
- As a matter of urgency, summon all the knights-magicians and knights-apprentices
of the D and E- rank who are in reserve.
- You can not…
- The order is not discussed. Expand everyone on the bottom level of the geofront
and warn of the " EDY " intrusion .
All the operators and generals of the Self-Defense Forces turned around at Itsuki's
Equipped with advanced AI and destructive power, the mechanical EDY dolls are
the equivalent of League C-rank blazers in strength .
In addition to the D and E- rank Mage Knights, Itsuki ordered the mobilization of
Apprentice Knights of the same rank. What tragedy will happen in the future? Are
they playing with fire?
-…! Should we do this !?
"I take full responsibility," Itsuki said sharply. The crease between his eyebrows
went deeper.
He always adhered to the rule that the right person must be in the right place at the
right time. This decision was given to him with great difficulty.
But in the current situation, it is simply necessary to take risks.
Indeed, behind the protective layer, apart from the Joint Operational Headquarters ...
there is also a shelter with civilians.
- Now it is the situation when any combat-ready person can influence the course of
the battle.
" EDY " broke into the Geo Front through the elevator shaft and lowered his PDA
Hadron Collider at the floor. His goal was much lower.
In the same second, the Hadron Collider's orange high-energy laser easily melted the
iron coating beneath it and brought down the floor.
Without hesitation for a long time, " EDY " jumped into the resulting hole ...
And I came face to face with them.
- Here he is!
- Just think, the enemy is already here! In this place!
For all these people, EDY has melted the ceiling. Dressed in scarlet Donrow Academy
uniforms, they all swallowed convulsively.
That's right, all these people are knights-apprentices of the D and E- rank, who were
urgently gathered in this place.
From the very beginning, all of them were left in the geofront, because they were not
strong enough to fight on the front lines.
Their combat power is not great enough for large-scale battles, which is why, with the
summoned devices in hand, they could not stop trembling in fear.
- Well, all get together! - shouted a young girl in the hakama [1] , leading this

[1] Hakama - ankle-length skirt or pleated trousers. Samurai traditional clothing

This girl was Ayase Ayatsuji. Aiming her scarlet Japanese sword at EDY , she
screamed again.
- Behind our backs are ordinary people who are not capable of fighting like
us! There are many victims and children among them! No enemy must pass through
us !!
- Yes! Nee-san!
- We will give our best!
- We will destroy them!
To Ayase's loud encouraging words, all the guys responded with the same loud battle
At the same moment
- Biological reaction. Multiple confirmation. Search and destroy mode is activated.
" EDY " attacked.
He pointed his hands towards Ayase and fired from the Palm Hadron Colliders.
- Dodge!
- Ooh!
On the verge of death, everyone pressed against the walls of the narrow passage. The
incinerating laser beam flew across the entire passage and exploded somewhere at the
end. The scalding air from the explosion flew across the entire passage, frightening
"Even a blazer can't stand a direct hit ...!"
And what about ordinary people like her father if the beam hits them?
It's even scary to think about something like that.
That is why she is obliged to prevent such a reality.
- Haaaaaaaaaaa ... !!
Before EDY could attack again, Ayase went on the offensive. Blade at the ready, she
rushed towards him. Needless to say, " EDY " was not going to stand silently to the
side, a movable ultra-vibrating blade came out of his hand, and he made a chopping
As the master of the Ayatsuji style, which relied on parrying enemy attacks and then
counterattacking, Ayase had little difficulty in dodging. Jumping up high, she stabbed
" EDY " with her sword .
- …Painfully.
Her scarlet Akatsume blade , capable of slicing through any human flesh, didn't even
leave a scratch on EDY's armor . Moreover, the sensation of a blow with something
hard gave off from the palm and ran all over the arm, causing pain in the bones.
" EDY " moved and swung the blade again. Fearing of being hurt, Ayase jumped back
to her squad.
- How hard ...!
- Incorrectly applied force will damage the muscles that control the blade, Ayasa.
- !!
When Ayase turned to look at the voice, she saw a middle-aged man approaching her,
who definitely shouldn't have been there. This was Kaito Ayatsuji, the father of Ayase
Ayatsuji, who was nicknamed the Last Samurai in the past.
- Father ... !? Why are you here!
“There is only one reason why an old swordsman might show up on the battlefield
with a sword in hand.
After his words, Ayase noticed that her father was indeed holding the katana in his
- This is madness, father!
- She's right, sensei! You are not even a blazer!
“Besides, you've just been discharged from the hospital! You should go ...
Ayase was forced to distract herself, but the mechanical doll was not going to pass up
the opportunity. A machine gun appeared from the same place from which the
ultravibrating blade was leaving. Aiming the muzzle towards the detachment, " EDY "
prepared to open aimed fire.
- Beware ...!
- Oh.
But not a single bullet fired from the muzzle of the machine gun.
- Ayatsuji Sword Style - " Patterned Haze "
In an instant, having reduced ten meters distance, Kaito's blade, without breaking, cut
" EDY " into five pieces.
"Even if I'm old or sick, you shouldn't worry about me," Kaito said, destroying
" EDY ".
- Dad ...!
Now, in battle, his face seemed to be ten years younger.
- Do not stand in pillars! The next ones are on the way!
- Y-that's right!
The Ayatsuji dojo students prepared to confront the new three EDYs that jumped
down towards them. Now that they had calmed down, they were able to fight " EDY "
and destroy them.
They are all students of the Ayatsuji dojo. Kaito was not only paying full attention to
Sword Eater Kurashiki Kuraudo.
But restraining eternally mechanical dolls will be problematic. If the number of
enemies increases, their situation will worsen.
"We could use this guy's strength so much ..."
But now he is not with them. Without warning anyone, Kurashiki went to Kyushu and
still hasn't returned.
- What happened on earth? Kurono exclaimed in great dismay, watching the flames
in the heart of Tokyo.
“PSYON is the second US force to join our fleet, ” Appleton replied from
the Enterprise .
- Ah !!
- I see you are familiar with a special unit "PSYON" led by the most powerful
psychic Superman Abraham Carter. However, the PSYON squad has one surprising
fact that even I was not aware of before the operation began. I mean, all the PSYON
members are clones of Abraham Carter created by Dr. Islands!
- W-what !?
- A-ha-ha! It sounds really scary. They use "telepathy" to unite their own minds,
which allows them to achieve amazing results in a team. Of course, their combat
power does not match the original, but even so they are stronger than your average
static A-rank psychics. Superman and "PSYON" are why the US Army is the
strongest in the world! Appleton broke off for a moment, as if intending to tease
Kurono with a pause. “There are two hundred Superman clones involved in this
- ~~~~!
A terrifying fact for both Kurono and all of Japan.
- Our absolute justice will burn evil to the ground !!
- Damn you !!
Reflexively, in the face of a desperate situation, Kurono made a mistake that a knight
of her rank had no right to make. Or, to be more precise, she turned her back on
the Enterprise and tried to return to Tokyo.
- I guessed that this would happen. But you should have understood that even a
second distraction of attention from me can lead to the death of a colossal number of
- AND!? Ghah !!
Just as Kurono was distracted from Appleton, the EDYs circling around her took
action. Everyone, at the same time, shot her with their own hands. The strong cables
connecting their arms to their bodies wrapped around Kurono's arms, depriving her of
her freedom.
- Let me go! You!
Then, in front of the disarmed Kurono, the Enterprise began loading the twin main
hadron cannons attached to its bottom.
His goal was the very heart of Tokyo.
- Hey, that's enough! Douglas Appleton! What are you going to do!! - scared
- Stupid question. Too stupid question, World Clock. Evil must die. This is what
justice does.
- Stop! In addition, there are evacuation shelters for civilians in the
geofront! Shouted Kurono, desperately trying to break the cables.
- …It is sad. True. But we have no right to let evil prevail! If we want to eradicate
evil in the face of the League, which, acting from the shadows and under the guise of
the Rebellion, threatens the whole world, we must act with confidence! These are
precious sacrifices for the good of justice! - did not listen to Kurono Appleton.
He fully believed in his own justice and in the justice of his country.
Without a shadow of doubt and hesitation

- " Purifying Fire of Justice " !!

He fired.
An orange flash fired from its 88-caliber main guns.
He just erased Tokyo with his own hands.
And with it millions of innocent lives.
"What happened?" Douglas Appleton asked himself in confusion. - "What
Again and again he asked himself, but the answer was not incomprehensible thing he
did not have.
He saw nothing and noticed nothing.

- Haa, haaaa ... Uh ...

Suddenly, Kurono appeared before him and at the same instant both of his main
weapons were destroyed. Degrading magic bullets hit his main guns just before he
prepared to fire. The energy that had lost control exploded right inside him, severely
damaging its lower part of the Enterprise , made in the form of a battleship.
If you just line up these facts one after another, nothing strange was observed.


Kurono, who destroyed his main weapons, was tightly tied " EDY " a second ago .
Considering its position, time, position, the chain of events that occurred is absolutely
impossible. This is one hundred percent fact.
Only one thing would help Kurono make something impossible into reality ...
“… Have you finally achieved ' awakening '?
Everyone knows that the World Clock is a knight who manipulates time. If she really
can overcome her destiny and all her power " awakens ", perhaps she will be able to
overcome the irreversibility of fate in time, which no one has previously been able to
There could be no other explanation for this situation.
Kurono Shinguji has definitely rewound time. Knowing what would happen in the
future, she rewrote the past and prevented him from bringing an act of justice.
"... What a terrifying power," a thought flew through Appleton's head in awe, but ...
- A-ha-ha! Good! I got it! Otherwise it would not be interesting! The time has come
for me, as one of the Desperate, to give my best!
That's right, he is also Desperate . It is not in his best interest to succumb to fate.
If the enemy in front of him is able to distort the past and rewrite it in the way that
suits him, then he, Appleton, just needs to continue to distort the present with all his
Overflowing with fortitude, he set about rebuilding the exploded underbody of
the Enterprise with bio-metal in order to once again confront Kurono.
- Khh, bueh ...!
- AND…!?
To his surprise, Kurono, frozen in the sky, vomited blood. Only then did Appleton
notice something strange, previously unseen by his eye.
Although, this is not surprising. After all, Kurono has dark hair, and she is dressed in
a dark blue suit.

Kurono's entire body was covered in blood.

From a suit to leather shoes. The blood literally dripped from her.
- What ... World Clock, what's wrong with your body ... !?
But Kurono did not answer.
Or maybe she couldn't answer him?
Breathing heavily, her shoulders rose and fell painfully.
... But Appleton is definitely not responsible for these wounds.
He had not inflicted a single wound on her since yesterday. As for Kurono,
the Enterprise was too much of an enemy, so for Appleton it was too small a target.
Therefore, the assumption that the wounds were not from his hand is quite reasonable.
Then ... could it be that her wounds are a consequence of rewinding time?
Even if you rewind time back, you cannot control the act of returning to your time
The human body is not adapted to such travel.
Then maybe all of Kurono's wounds are from that?
Appleton pondered this idea for a while, but ...
"No no…!"
When he moved the camera and took a closer look at it,
On her bleeding scars
On her bruises on her face
On severe burns with caked flesh that is stuck together with burnt clothes.
To deep lacerations
Such wounds can only be obtained in combat.
- It can't be, you !!
When Appleton scanned her body from head to toe, a terrible guess hit his head.
Exactly then,
- Admiral! Something terrible has happened!
His guess ... was confirmed by a report from the front line.
- Ghargh!
- Kaeda-san!
Thunderous Justice Yuzu Kaeda fought like a lion. But Abraham is an American
biological weapon created on the basis of Tyrant's cells and possessing incredible
physical and magical powers.
Abraham is far from an enemy that can be dealt with alone.
At first, Kaeda dominated, thanks to lightning speed and strength, but gradually he
began to lose ground in front of a large number of enemies and in the end was caught
by the invisible hand of Abraham.
After being trapped, it was all over for him. Twisting his arms and legs in
" psychokinesis ", the Abrahams delivered a powerful blow that threw Kaeda
back. Rolling on the ground, he pressed his back against the wreckage of the barricade
and could no longer move.
- ...
A dozen Abrahams, who dealt with Kaeda, simultaneously looked at the next target of
Yuri Oriiki, who remained the last mage knight on the front line.
"Everything is bad, I cannot do anything against them ..."
The battlefield where the Abrahams raged was not the only one.
You might even notice that due to Kaeda's struggle, their section of the barricade
suffered the least.
Everything around her was destroyed with extreme cruelty.
Exploded tanks, engulfed in flames; destroyed barricade; the number of defeated
defenders of the line of defense far exceeded the number of fighters still standing.
The entire line of defense was destroyed by a small handful of enemies.
"Too dishonest force ..."
All of their strange enemies were members of the "PSYON" squad, who somehow
looked like Abraham Carter.
Before the terrible picture, Oriiki made up her mind.
"It seems that I have no choice but to use this."
Use a trump card called "Cytokine Storm [1] "

[1] Cytokine storm or hypercytokinemia is a potentially lethal response from the

immune system.

Share not only pain, but also illness with everyone around you.
Acting directly on the immune system of each person in the range of ability, it will
literally force the human body to self-destruct from the inside.

Her ability name is " Bloodied Rigid Storm "

An extremely powerful noble art with one drawback. When activated at full power,
targets are selected without its control.
Enemies, allies, her ability will affect everyone in the range. And, of course, the
apprentice knights lying near Orica.
Those who are already wounded will suffer much more severely than Abraham.
Perhaps ... they will even die.
But there is no other way. As a knight magician, Oriiki simply had to take this step.
- If you can, forgive me, guys ... - Oriika apologized to her beloved students and
prepared to activate the ability ...
But immediately before use,

-… !!

All the bodies of the slowly approaching Abrahams were filled with holes. Oriiki was
willing to swear she heard the sound of a thousand gunshots.
- Ah ...!
This noble art is familiar to Oriika.
Stop time, open fire, and then restart the course of time. A technique that instantly hits
a target with hundreds of bullets at the same time.
" Hourly Draw ". Only one knight-magician in Japan could do this ...
When Oriiki looked back, Kurono Shinguji was standing behind her.
- Director-sensei! Why are you here!
- No time for explanations! Grab the students quickly and get out of here! Kurono
screamed with a furious expression on her face.
She quickly ran past Oriika and rushed straight to the Abrahams she had perforated.
As soon as Orica turned back to the Abrahams, she saw that they tried to counterattack,
manipulating their perforated bodies with " psychokinesis ".
Another shot and Kurono from a long distance blew off the head of one of the
- Caution ...!
The enemy is not alone.
The other Abrahams, combining " pyrokinesis " and " electrokinesis " in both hands,
rushed to attack Kurono.
- ~~~~!?!?
But in the next moment, Oriiki could not contain a surprised cry. When she already
thought that the number of Abrahams would crush Kurono, the same amount of
Kuronos appeared from the air as the Abrahams, and they at once extinguished the
enemy's attempt to counterattack.
And this happened everywhere.
Surprised screams echoed here and there.
As soon as Oriika looked around, she saw that Kurono fought against the Abrahams
along the entire line of the barricade.
- What's going on here !?

… It was not only Oriiki who was confused.

The joint operational headquarters , monitoring the situation on the front line on the
monitor, was also extremely embarrassed by everything that was happening.
- Report from the battlefield !! Several… no, a large number of Kurono Shinguji's
World Clocks appeared all over the battlefield! They made contact with "PSYON"!
- What it is!? Why is Kurono-san getting so many ...!
- It can't be like that, but ... does Japan also have cloning technology !?
The headquarters immediately became noisy. Everyone present began to discuss the
similarity of Abraham's cloning technology with Kurono.
- …Not.
Only one person at the Joint Operations Headquarters knew what Kurono had done.
“Shinguji-kun… what recklessness!
- Head, explain to us. Tell me what the hell is going on on the battlefield ...?
“… Shinguji-kun's abilities are" time manipulation . " There is only one explanation
for everything that happens. Shinguji-kun has made dozens ... hundreds of identical
interventions in the past in one period of time.
- You didn't just change the past ... World Clock, you intervened in the past many
times at the same time, accumulating results! Is this really the power that you got
beyond your own destiny ...! - said Appleton, the general commander of the entire
US Army, after a report from the front line.
His guess turned out to be correct.

- The noble art of " Three Thousand Worlds " ...!

It was this ability that Kurono Shinguji acquired after " awakening ."
When she reached the limits, when she reached the end of further development,
A new power was waiting for her outside the door.
Everything is exactly so, this door was always next to her.
Surpass your own destiny or submit to your destiny? On that day, she made a choice
and decided to become a mother.
But the door has not disappeared anywhere.
Kurono tried not to look at her. She was even scared to touch her, to lose her humanity
and to lose the happiness that she had acquired.
So she reasoned until yesterday.
- Hey Hey! Teacher said we would be okay because my mom is protecting us. Is
Momma so strong?
Perhaps May heard this from the kindergarten teacher. Kurono retired from the High
League of Knight Kings even before her daughter was born. This is why Mei never
knew about her mom's fighting background.
"That's right, " Takumi, Kurono's husband, proudly replied to Mei's words. “Your
mom was the third most powerful knight in the world. If she had not quit her job and
continued to try further, I'm sure she would have become the strongest person on
- Awesome! May exclaimed, eyes wide in surprise. But after a moment she tilted her
head to one side in confusion. - Why then did mom leave?
“… At that time I was pregnant with you. It is very dangerous to go on assignments
with a belly. That's why I left.
To be honest, Kurono was not very fond of talking about this topic.
She will never forget that rainy day when she bowed before the old enemy, in the
battle with which she spent all her youth, and the expression on Nene Saikyo's face.
- Well, what happened is gone. Today…
Kurono tried to change the subject.
- Then you can come back now! May has become a completely grown lady!
May interrupted her.
- It doesn't work that way. Mae, you're still little, and I retired long ago. I'm not
nearly as strong as I was before ...
“But even after you left, you continued to train every day.
- Takumi ...
“I heard that you were the only one who could hold back Admiral Douglas Appleton
of America. If you are capable of this, I don't think there will be any problems with
the return.
- May really wants to see her cool mom!
"... that's enough, " Kurono said sharply.
Perhaps they think that if she continues to try at the same pace, she can return. It is
true that today she fought on equal terms with Douglas Appleton, one of America's
leading fighters.
“Today I fought to protect you. For your sake, I am ready to put even my life on the
line. You are my precious family, I have a duty to protect you ... but the A-Rank
League is different. I don't want to risk my life for my pride anymore. My life no
longer belongs to me alone ... But this does not mean that the world shares my ideas.
Kurono knew how greedy people were for victory in this world. And they are so
greedy that they are even ready to die.
Once Kurono was the same.
But not now.
She no longer felt that determination when she struggled to compete with Nene at
the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival .
“This is not the world I would like to return to, ” Kurono said.
“Can I say one more thing, I'm sorry… ” Takumi said. He felt that the conversation
was unpleasant for Kurono, so he apologized first. “After all, I’m just
an E- rank knight , so I really cannot understand how you, Kurono-san, and Nene-
chan felt in the battle for the pinnacle of skill. If Kurono-san says that the other
world is alien to her and she is happy to be with us, that is great.
“… Oh, of course. I really think it's best with you, ”Kurono tried to reply instantly.
But it didn't work out.
The words stuck in her throat and did not immediately come out of her.
Meanwhile, Takumi continued to speak, not looking at Kurono, but somewhere
through her.
- But still there is one thing that I would like to convey to you. Kurono-san, family is
not a shackle that shackles hands and feet.
“You know, Mei-chan has never cried for today. She understood that it would be
difficult to evacuate with the teacher from the kindergarten, so she had patience and
waited. True?
- Naturally! Mei is no longer a child! Lovely ladies never cry!
“… Our treasure has grown so quickly. In this war, we are as strong as our child
is. The family is not a burden to be constantly defended. The family is a faithful
companion who fights alongside you. Even though I used the word "fight", in reality
we can only support you.
- We strongly support you! May exclaimed.
“Kurono-san, you said earlier that you cannot join that world because you no longer
have the same determination. Of course, we understand what you mean. We would
be very worried if you continued to fight for your pride. But can't the voice of family
replace your past desperate determination? Takumi asked, stroking May's head.
- I'm so stupid. I didn't notice until my husband told me directly ... ”Kurono
muttered, coughing up a lump of blood that had entered her lungs.
... Of course, I lost my former life-threatening passion.
To win at the cost of my own life, I stopped thinking that way.
That's why I didn't open that door. I believed that my ego was not enough to exist on
the other side of the door.
I thought so to this day, for a long time.
It even seemed to me that I became weaker. Maybe this was the reason for my escape
from Nene. I didn't want to show her my weakness.
Along with the losses, new things appeared.
New life, family, love for family.
And, probably, a new pride ... I really wanted my family to be proud of me.
Now, finally, the long-awaited " voice " pushed me in the back. The impulse led to the
excitement of infinite power.
And I very much doubt that this new power is inferior to my old one.

“This moment is the heyday of the Kurono Shinguji World Clock. I don't think that
my family has become a fetter for me, White Whale Douglas Appleton ...!

Immediately after her words, Kurono lifted her wet face and smiled.
Feeling all the energy, all the determination in Kurono's words,
- Bravo.
With applause and praise, Appleton stepped onto the deck of the Enterprise .
- I hate evil. But this does not mean that I am unable to admire the
enemy. Continuous intervention at the same time. With your abilities, this sounds
easy. But the way you look; what you said is the undeniable fact that you have
continuously intervened in the past and fought two hundred Desperate Ones . You
came back with a terrifying victory. Bravo. Amazing willpower. I can’t resist taking
off my hat as a sign of respect for you, World Clock, ”continued to praise Kurono
Appleton without ceasing to clap.
He hid inside the Enterprise for a long time , but now he deliberately stepped onto the
bridge and showed himself.
There was, of course, a reason for that.
- But, as you can see, the price was great. Your appearance no longer suggests
further combat. You can't even point your pistols at me.
- ...
That's exactly how it is. It was Kurono's current condition that caused him to open up.
She no longer has the strength to fight the Enterprise .
And his beliefs are absolutely correct. Right now, Kurono was doing her best not to
fall from a height to the ground. She couldn't even hold the pistols in front of her.
Then it turns out that all Kurono's efforts were in vain. She only won a short respite
before crushing the defensive line.
- With your desperate efforts, you earned 10 minutes. In 10 minutes I will rebuild
the Enterprise's main guns and fire one more shot into central Tokyo. You no longer
have the strength to stop me. My second blow will end this war.
With his " buoyancy " ability , Appleton manipulated " bio-metal ". At the time of his
words, he had already begun to disassemble the destroyed weapons in order to recreate
them again.
Despite everything, Kurono's face remained fearless.
- Ten minutes? This should be enough ...
- What?
- You haven't understood anything yet ...? It's obvious, though. Probably, only I can
always sense the approach of that disgusting person ...
- What are you talking about ... Huh !?
The meaning of the word reached Appleton belatedly.
Enterprise anti-aircraft radar . She notified him about the approach of something huge
falling from the sky.
Something with a diameter of 20-30 meters. And it was not an artificial body, it was a
real comet ...

- Watch out, Appleton. Despite her disgusting behavior, she is extremely strong.

A moment later, it dawned on Appleton. A comet with a fiery tail that, piercing the
cloudy sky, flew to the Enterprise ,



Riding her was a miniature figure in a scarlet kimono, Princess Yaksha Nene Saikyo.
Lead clouds hanging low over the sea.
The shooting star, leaving behind a fiery tail, was ready to tear everything with itself
to shreds.
It was Princess Yaksha Nene Saikyo and her forbidden ability " Hadu Tensei ", which
pulled out various space debris outside the atmosphere by gravity and hit them with
all force at the enemy.
And now, this incredible super-massive attack was falling directly on the Enterprise .
- Shit! Direct hit on me !? Prepare for an air strike !!
Appleton reacted instantly.
Abandoning an attempt to rebuild the main guns, he used " bio-metal " to turn the deck
of an aircraft carrier into the deck of an air defense cruiser with a huge number of anti-
aircraft guns and rocket launchers.
With a volley of fire from all the cannons, he met a falling meteorite with a diameter
of 30 meters.
But the entire massive attack led to a slight decrease in the volume of the meteorite
and did not stop its fall in any way.
- " Heavenly Dweller " !!
Realizing that he could not destroy the meteorite in time, Appleton tried to counter it
with his " buoyancy " ability .
Appleton's " buoyancy " ability is an incredible power that allows the Enterprise to
freely manipulate the twelve thousand tons of the Enterprise .
- ~~~~ …… !
With the same ability, he made the Enterprise soar in the sky.
But now, despite his abilities, Appleton only managed to slow down the meteorite's
fall a little.

In conclusion, we can only add that this surprise attack led to a change in the course
of the war.

Direct hit by " Hadu Tensei " in the " Enterprise ".
The impact from the contact caused a huge explosion. A deafening roar, as if a
thousand thunderclaps struck one place, shook the sea.
Struck by the supermassive object, the Enterprise lost half of its volume and
exploded. Tilting and spewing a column of flame, he began to fall into the sea.
On the other hand, Nene quickly jumped off the Hadu Tensei before a direct hit .
- Kuu-chan! She shouted at Kurono, who, after the Enterprise 's explosion, began to
fall down, as if all her threads had been abruptly cut off.
She caught and hugged Kurono's body tightly, continuing to float in the air thanks to
her own gravitational forces.
At the same moment, Nene's face turned deathly pale.
- Oh, God, where are all these wounds from ...! I've never seen such a wounded
person! Hey!
Sensation of moisture from a suit soaked in blood. Just by touching Kurono, blood
oozed through her fingers.
And that same blood ... it was incredibly cold. To such an extent that the temperature
of life was not felt in her.
How much blood has she lost so far?
In this state, it is a miracle that Kurono is still alive.
Watching her friend's depressing state, Nene's face was contorted with grief.
“Don't look at me like that, I don't want to see that expression on your face anymore.
Kurono, barely keeping herself awake, reached out to Nene and wiped the tears on her
face with her bloody palm.
- Do not worry. I'll be back. I'll be back ... and we'll finish ... this time ... the event of
that summer ...
With a strong expression on her face that did not match her physical condition, Kurono
spoke the words that Nene had always dreamed of hearing.
- Kuu-chan!
“But not now… I'm very tired… I need a little break… and then…
Before she could fully voice her thought, Kurono fainted.
A very dangerous thing.
But Nene cried no more.
She will be back. With her nasty and self-confident face, which Nene hated the most,
she said exactly those words.
She promised to come back, so she won't die here.
Kurono always keeps his word. Nene knew this better than anyone in the world.
- Ah, leave it all to us. We will protect this place. Kuu-chan, you can count on me
and your dear students.
A huge explosion in the sky.
On the flames of the Enterprise , the American soldiers invading Tokyo Bay watched
in horror.
- Admiral Appleton !!
- What!? What the hell happened! Report!
“It's… it's a meteorite! A meteorite crashed into the Enterprise !
- Idiot! Meteorites don't just fall! This is Hadu Tensei ! Princess Yaksha is back from
"The Enterprise is half destroyed!" He is rapidly losing height! Will crash now!
- Protect the admiral! Prepare to launch rockets!
The US Army boasted the highest level of training in the world.
Although the officers and soldiers were frightened, they quickly coordinated for
further action.
Their initial goal is to rescue Commander-in-Chief Douglas Appleton.

- ~~~~~~~!?!?

The movement of ships, heading towards the hovering in the sky Nene and Kurono,
suddenly stopped.
What happened? In order to clarify what was the matter, one of the soldiers leaned out
of the ship.
Then he saw that the sea in front of them was frozen to a dazzling white.
- Eh? The sea is frozen !?
- Is it really " Ice Plain " ...!
“The same ability Ryoma Kurogane used in the Midway battle !? The soldier
exclaimed, recalling the greatest shame of the US Pacific Fleet in the last war.
Then, the strength of one blazer was enough to freeze the sea to the bottom and force
the fleet to retreat.
But this happened half a century ago.
Ryoma Kurogane is dead, so this is hardly his doing.
But their premonitions were true to some extent.
Because one girl still inherited magic from Ryoma Kurogane.

Lorelei Shizuku Kurogane. It is she who is responsible for the freezing of the sea.
Everything is correct. She returned to Japan. Together with Princess Yaksha and her
- I stopped the movement of the enemy! Shouted Shizuku, tiny, like a fairy from a
fairy tale, fluttering in the air next to her brother, Mediocre Knight Ikki Kurogane.
The reason Shizuku looked like this was because during the military campaign
Vermilion Ikki lost almost half of his own body. She shared her somatic cells with him
as temporary help for his recovery.
However, their current tandem cannot be called weak.
“That ship first. Shizuku, go ahead! Together we can use that sword technique!
“Okay, onii-sama!
You got it right. Right now, Ikki was sharing one body with Shizuku. And this could
only mean one thing - his mastery of the sword art as a Mediocre Knight merged with
Lorelei's water magic.
And in such a combination, they could use the special technique of the Kurogane
The special rare ice noble art of the Great Hero Ryoma Kurogane, which, when the
blade of the sword touches, instantly freezes the target, and after a sharp blow breaks
it into small pieces.

- " Sword-whale " !!

Holding the sword flat to the water surface, Ikki pulled it back, as if intending to shoot
from a bow,
And rushed forward.
Rapidly closing the distance, Ikki lunged forward and pierced the ship's hull.
The moment the tip of his Intetsu lightly touched the hull, the entire ship froze to the
ground and lost control. The force of the blow went through the entire body. The
slightest " shaking " was enough for all the welds to parted, and the screw connections
One blow was enough to break the destroyer into small pieces.
- AAAAAA !!!!
- The ship was blown apart by just one blow ... !?
- It just can't be!
The crumbling ship was swallowed up by the shattered sea of ice.
In a hurry, soldiers and officers jumped out of the ship. Ikki and Shizuku could have
dealt with them, but they did not. Having lost the ship, the soldiers ceased to pose a
threat. There are still many enemy ships around, it is better to turn your attention to
- Shizuku, that ship on the right!
- Got it!
This time they aimed at the destroyer, which was guarded by a huge aircraft carrier
that entered the bay.
But this time the enemy attacked first. From machine guns and rocket launchers
located on the ships, the enemy tried to intercept the two knights running across the
icy sea.
- " Blue Samsara " ...!
The enemy failed.
All their shells just passed through Ikki's body, which suddenly turned into steam for
Getting close to the ship without any problems,

- " Freeze " !!

Ikki fired his sword forward. Only on this one he made an oblique attack.
Although the attack was slightly different, the principle remained the same. Ikki's
attack cut the frozen destroyer in two, and the ship quickly sank into the sea.
The most powerful magical power of Shizuku and the incredibly sharp skill of using
the sword of Ikki.
Merging together and gaining magical powers, the Mediocre Knight became a knight-
magician without the slightest weaknesses in the defense. Normal attacks will never
stop him.
“Good job, onii-sama! Then the next should be an aircraft carrier ...
- Shizuku!
- AND!?
Suddenly, orange heat flashes rained down on Ikki's head.
Heat attack. " Blue Samsara " is absolutely powerless against this.
Grabbing Shizuku, Ikki jumped back abruptly and looked up at the sky. There, about
twenty meters above sea level, a swarm of shadows hovered over his head. They all
belonged to " EDY " mechanical dolls designed to combat blazers.
- Search and destroy mode.
- Destroy.
- Destroy.
- Mechanical dolls?
Now their number was about twenty. But with every second the number only grew.
The culprit was, of course, the aircraft carrier. All EDYs took off from the deck of an
aircraft carrier guarded by destroyers.
"We need to do something with the aircraft carrier as soon as possible," Ikki thought
and looked at Shizuka. - Shizuku. It's time to abort our merger. I leave all the
mechanical dolls to you, while I myself will take care of the aircraft carrier.
“This is crazy, onii-sama! With your body, this is ... ”Shizuku objected.
Shizuku's disagreement was logical. Not so long ago, her brother lost almost half of
his own body. If she now breaks her fusion with Ikki, he will immediately return to
the form of a child with the appropriate strength.
However, no matter what,
- Just believe in me. Now, I am much stronger than before.
Ikki smiled a smile that Shizuku trusted more than anything in this world.
-…! Good! Good luck, onii-sama!
- Shizuku, the same to you.
It was impossible to go against the words of the person she loved with all her
heart. Therefore, Shizuku broke the merger.
- Destroy. Destroy. Destroy.
All the EDYs in the sky quickly shifted their handheld hadron cannons towards her
little running brother.
Ikki left mechanical dolls on her. Shizuku deliberately did not revert to her former
form and sprayed her blood all over the place, which quickly evaporated.

- " Rest in Peace "

Traveling as steam, it penetrated each EDY through the exhaust of the engines and
froze their internal mechanisms, effectively destroying the mechanical dolls from the
- Unich ...
Having lost the ability to soar in the sky, " EDY " one after another fell into the sea.
Meanwhile, Ikki, clinging to the irregularities of the hull of the aircraft carrier, reached
the deck.
A dozen soldiers armed with machine guns were already waiting for him there.
- Attention! The enemy is already on deck!
- Yes, it's a jerk!
- But very skillful! No mercy! Shoot to kill!
All soldiers simultaneously prepared to open fire on Ikki. But when they pulled the
trigger, Ikki was already out of their sight.
Where did he disappear to? The answer was at their feet
- Down below! This jerk dived under a barrage of fire!
Ikki immediately realized the main advantage of his small body.
Body type and height. With a fragile and small body, he gained the maneuverability
of a cat.
Making full use of the small size of his body, Ikki ducked from the shower of bullets
and threw himself at the feet of the soldiers.
His body, in addition to advantages, of course had disadvantages.
Attack Power.
All American soldiers wore protective suits made of extra strong fibers, which were
also used to make " EDY " armor .
With such a small body, it is naive to assume that he will manage to somehow scratch
the armor.
But Ikki knew something similar could happen in the future. That's why,
“Now is a great time to try your idea with Edelberg!”
He said that he is stronger now than before.
The last words addressed to Shizuku were not untrue.
Now Ikki planned to use the idea, which he was inspired by when he learned to
concentrate his magical power on the top of Edelberg.
Training taught him to spend magical powers more restrainedly during " Itto Rasetsu "
and " Itto Shura ". But instead of using his trump card, Ikki began concentrating
magical power in Intetsu . Using his acquired skills to control magical power on
Edelberg, Ikki squeezed, sharpened and made the Intetsu's blade even thinner.
Then, on Edelberg, Ikki concentrated all his magical powers at one point and repulsed
the attack of Edelweiss.
It's time to put theory into practice.
The connection between substances. Create such a thin blade to deal with enemies not
by force, but by skill!


Spinning like a top, Ikki cut off the legs of nearby soldiers along with their armor. But
he didn't stop there. Moving as bent as possible to the deck, he cut out the soldiers one
by one.
- Impossible ...! We're wearing the same armor as " EDY " !?
- Damn it! It's too small, I can't aim!
- Idiots! We can't lose to the jerk ... ghaa!
- Shit! Shit! Damn brat, where did you get so much power ... ghargh !?
Over time, the surviving soldiers completely lost sight of Ikki Kurogane.
Their eyes could not track the boy, who leapt around them with the agility of a cat.
He disappeared as if he had melted into thin air.
However, in reality, everything was different.
Ikki did not disappear anywhere, all this time he was near the soldiers, standing in one
All because of the blind spots, which, being an " unconscious awakening ", increased
in the soldiers so much that they narrowed their field of vision. [1]

[1] I have no idea what the author meant in this proposal.

Ikki slipped from one blind spot to another using a special movement technique, better
known as the " traceless step ".
- To be honest, I have just returned and am not at all in the know. I do not understand
the meaning of justice for which this war was unleashed. But ... this is my
home. You have done so much harm. Don't even think that you will get away with it


It took very little time for Ikki to destroy the interception team of American soldiers
and seize control of the aircraft carrier.
Such changes in the course of the battle took place not only at sea.
There below,
In the underground part of the city, in the protected layers of the geofront,
The last line of defense awaited outside help.
The line of defense in the geofront was hard.
It consisted entirely of D and E- rank knights. No matter how they fought, their
strength could not stop the advance of the fifty EDYs , simultaneously invading the
geofront. Little by little, the defenders were pushed into the deeper zones of the
geofront, located on the top floor.
- Ghah!
- Ayase!
- NEE-SAN !!
Ayase could not evade fist " EDY ". A powerful blow tore her off the ground and
threw her into the wall of the last bulwark of defense.
The last floor, as the last line of defense, was intentionally made wider. But now,
besides her, about a hundred defenders, including " EDY ", fought here. The ability to
maneuver was severely limited.
Ayase tried to get up quickly,
- AND!?
But her legs didn't even move.
She hit her back too hard against the wall and injured her spine.
An orange flash illuminated her pathetic look. Light of annihilation oozed from the
muzzle of the EDY handheld hadron cannon .
Ayase has already prepared herself for death
- Ghah ...!
But her body was suddenly thrown away from the light.
Kaito, Ayase's father, kicked her away from the enemy attack.
- No, father!
Saving his daughter, Kaito exhausted his last strength and speed and stood motionless
in place.
Deadly stop. The light grew brighter, burning out the shadows to white, and prepared
to devour Kaito ...

- How pathetic you are. Let some dolls mock you like that.

With that, a man who had jumped from one of the countless holes punched in the
ceiling by the " EDY " invasion landed on the mechanical doll's head and trampled it.
Ayase and her students knew this man in red clothes all too well.
- You…!
Everything is correct. This was the Sword Eater Kurashiki Kuraudo, who was well
known to the Ayatsuji family and all the students of Donrow Academy.
- You're back, Kuraudo!
- Please stop leaving without permission! Don't you know how difficult Tokyo is
right now !?
“Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,” came an apologetic voice, and from the same hole where
Curaudo had jumped, another guy appeared.
A knight with a spear in his hand and in a bandana tied around dyed blond hair.
Last year's King of Swords of Seven Stars, Star of Naniwa Yudai Moroboshi.
- I understand your anger. You've been driven so deep into the geofront.
- Moroboshi-san ...!
- Sorry, nee-chan. That he took this scoundrel with him, - Moroboshi apologized
again to Ayase, folding his hands in a pleading gesture.
Meanwhile, behind him, " EDY " swung his ultra-vibrating blade.
- Caution! " EDY " is cars! My and your abilities ..., - tried to warn Ayase.
“… Oh, my noble art is useless against such enemies. But even I wouldn't call the
opponent too uncomfortable.
Her warning was in vain.
As if he had eyes in the back of his head, Morobosi lunged back and tip of the
spear " torus " easily passed "through the chest armor EDY ".
-…! - Ayase was speechless.
When she attacked with the sword " EDY ", she could not even scratch the armor of a
mechanical doll. And Moroboshi's spear went into the armor like a knife into butter.
"Stop counting flies, Sword Eater!"
- Well, don't command me here! - Kuraudo snapped at Moroboshi's words and
materialized his twin bone blades " Orochimaru ".
Following Morobosi, he jumped into the crowd approaching " EDY ".
… And then he looked over his shoulder at Ayase lying on the floor.
- Hey, take care of your wounds.
Dropping a phrase that could be counted as a semblance of concern, Kuraudo
completely turned his attention to " EDY ". With machine guns and hadron cannons,
mechanical dolls were already preparing to intercept the guy,
- " King of Bad Roads " ... !!
But all their efforts were in vain in front of a real genius of violence.
He parried machine-gun fire with the help of " Tenyi-muho ", and hadron cannons with
his spiritual blades.
Go ahead. Closing the distance along the shortest path, he reached EDY and plunged
his bone blades into them.
As with Moroboshi, he pierced and chopped " EDY " without much problem. As
she watched the EDY squad that nearly killed them toppled to smithereens, Ayase
keenly sensed the difference between her and their powers.
Such a huge gap in strength made her feel unpleasantly weak.
Soon, after Kuraudo and Moroboshi, Raikiri Toka Todo arrived a little late. She
decided not to use the hole in the ceiling, but to come to the geofront along the usual
“Mechanical dolls… machines that kill people who don't even fight on the
battlefield. Unforgivable ...! I will not allow harm to civilians! - Tohka said,
materializing her device.
With a furious expression on her face, Tohka drew her blade.
- " Raikiri " ...!
As Tohka pulled the Narukami out of its scabbard, thin electrical discharges flew in
all directions. Avoiding people on the way, they penetrated the metal EDYs , burning
their internal mechanisms with a powerful electrical charge.
Furious and sudden help helped turn the tide of the battle in the geofront.
The Joint Operations Headquarters closely watched the dramatic changes on the front
“The knights who returned from the war in Vermilion and Kyushu, one after another,
come to the aid of our forces on the front lines!
- About 70% of the enemy " EDY " invading the geofront destroyed!
- W-we're saved! The long-awaited help has finally arrived!
“Right now, the war is nearing the finish line,” Itsuki said as he watched on the
monitor as the situation returned to normal on both fronts. - It's time for the staff of
the headquarters to take part in this war. I'm going to the front line too ...!
- AND!!!!
Use the remaining reserve forces to deliver the final blow and end the war.
The "king" himself decided to make his move and help clear the area from the rest of
the enemy troops.
... On the other hand, around the time Itsuki issued the final order, the abrupt change
in the course of the war left the US Pacific Fleet command, located on the aircraft
carrier " Pennsylvania ", staying away from the battlefield, became confused.
- Deputy commander in chief! The situation on the battlefield has changed
- Reinforcements have come to the enemy in the form of A-rank psychics Princess
Yaksha and Lorelei! Also on the battlefield, Ikki Kurogane's F- rank boy is spotted ,
from whose hands the Black Knight of A-rank recently fell!
- Neither destroyers nor EDY could stop him!
- Squad "PSYON" was completely destroyed by the World Clock! We've lost the
- Communication with High Commander Admiral Appleton has been lost! He does
not answer!
- Troops " EDY " invading the geofront are practically destroyed! The enemy was
reinforced by the knights from Kyushu !! The invasion failed completely !!
- Deputy commander in chief! Without Enterprise and the PSYON Squad, we cannot
continue to fight! Give the order to retreat ...!
- Hh ...! - the deputy commander-in-chief Mustang gritted his teeth after the military
reports. After he turned fifty, wrinkles creased his entire face. But now, they seem to
have deepened even deeper.
Disgusting frontline situation.
The situation was especially bad with the " EDY " squad , whose mission was to
destroy the enemy headquarters.
It is quite possible that their enemy will unite with a reinforcement detachment, and
they will decide to push the front line further.
In addition, the "PSYON" squad was destroyed by the psychic World Clock.
Again, time manipulation can create additional hassle.
The situation on the front line does not have any factors for improvement. Moreover,
it is still unknown whether their commander-in-chief Appleton is alive or dead.
We can no longer be responsible for the lives of our soldiers, Mustang thought.
Therefore, with a bitter expression on his face, he made a decision ...
- Stop the operation ...

However, a sudden cry on the communication line prevented him from uttering the
full order.
- AND? Admiral Appleton !?
- Admiral Appleton! You are alive!
- The operation continues! I forbid the withdrawal of troops!
The flaming bridge of the Enterprise . Sitting on it, Appleton insisted on continuing
hostilities while he stopped the bleeding with his jacket. Hadu Tensei's attack tore off
his arm.
- We were all at the briefing! This war is to defend world justice !! All this time,
the League hid the death of the Tyrant and secretly manipulated the Uprising from
the shadows , provoking various wars and terrorist attacks around the world for more
than half a century! Appleton shouted into the still working communicator.
Each time he repeated those words, a wave of anger rose from the depths of his
abdomen straight to his head, making his brain throb much stronger than the pain from
a piece of iron stuck in his side.
- Remember! Afghanistan, Iran, Vietnam! All that we lost in these wars was a farce
of the League to better rule the world! How can we forgive them for this
!? NOT!! Definitely not !!
Believing in this justice, Appleton once sent his son, who never returned from the war,
long ago.
His son died in a noble battle for justice.
And now the very evil that stood behind all the wars and killed his son is in front of
So just he will not leave him alone.
- We are world justice! We cannot lose !! For those who died and for the children
who will live in the future! We must overcome evil !!
And of course he would not believe that the instigators who accused the League of evil
themselves secretly controlled the Rebellion to control the world from the shadows ...
Only the US justice that he and his son believed in remained in this middle-aged
With tremendous effort, Bio-metal Appleton rebuilt the 88-inch main guns from
scratch with his buoyancy ability .
The floating Enterprise was preparing to strike again at the very heart of Tokyo.

- " Cleansing Fire of Justice " !!!!

The moment and Appleton fired from the hadron cannon.

Burning the air, the heat flash flew in a straight line into the very center of Tokyo. His
attack is quite enough to finally pierce all the multilayered armor of the geofront and
destroy every person in it.
It would have happened
If some knight hadn't appeared before his heat flash.
“You say too bad words, Flying Admiral.
Then, through the only surviving monitor, Appleton noticed.
In front of his ship, with a shock of fluttering bright red hair and with fiery wings
behind her back, a girl froze.
The Crimson Princess Stella Vermilion. It was she who spoke to Appleton.
With a gesture as if she sympathized with him,
- This war is a vivid example of the poor performance of people involved in
politics. Make good people clean up the dirt after the bad ones. Don't give a damn
about the weaknesses of the soldiers and keep making them fight. I think the
responsibility for this war lies with all the people who created this world, including
Stella swung her sword.
- But you should know, I will not let you kill anyone !!!!
The dragon's flame rose up like a pillar of flame from the sword that Stella was
holding. The monstrous flame never stopped circulating around the blade of the sword
until it turned into a huge sword of light that propped up the heavens.
And then…

- " Fire Salamander " !!!!

Stella aimed her sword of light towards the approaching heat flash.
Collision of white and orange flash of light. There was too much difference in strength
between them.
At the moment of contact thermal spike LHC with " fire salamander ", that had been
destroyed and scattered in all directions.
But the Fire Salamander , without slowing down, reached the
dilapidated Enterprise floating in the sky and cut it into two equal parts.
The Enterprise was consumed by a huge flame .
" Enterprise ", the pride of the US Army. The wind, scattering smoke and flames on
the sides, left nothing from the ship.
Isseki Ishiki, one of the operators on the Pennsylvania observing the battle from a
distance, quickly reported on the state of affairs.
- ... Communication with Admiral Appleton was cut off again ...
“And the Enterprise has just been obliterated by an enemy attack ...
After listening to the report, the deputy commander in chief voiced only one order.
“… Give the order to retreat to all soldiers. Cancel the operation. Start withdrawing
troops ASAP!
The withdrawal of American troops went very smoothly.
Without waiting for the tide, the US Pacific Fleet left Tokyo Bay without delay.
Unlike yesterday, today EDY and the PSYON squad fought for them on the
battlefield .
Not only the mechanical EDY dolls , but also the copies of Abraham had no will of
their own.
They are biological weapons designed to fight on the US side. This is the order that
Islands laid in them during the creation process. They do not need anyone's control,
they will carry out their order until destruction.
Reinforcements from western Japan were still strong. They wanted to open up the
pursuit of the enemy, but Itsuki controlled this moment in time.
- No chase. Please report my words to everyone.
- Are you sure? We have an advantage. We are able to crush the enemy.
If they now manage to thin out the enemy troops even a little, the next battle will be
easier for Japan. That's why the chase sounded logical.
But at the words of his personal secretary, Itsuki just shook his head.
- ... The third attack of the enemy will not be. Our companion failed to spot new
reinforcements. Our enemy has suffered great damage today. Our first priority now
is to heal all the injured, ”Itsuki said and placed his hand on the asphalt to activate
the noble art. - " Iron Blood Transmutation ".
Itsuki allowed his " blood " to penetrate the inorganic matter. After gaining control of
the debris that became part of his body, he erected a huge building next to him.
- I built a temporary hospital. I also contacted the medical staff and they will arrive
soon. For those who need urgent medical attention, bring them to this place.
- Got it. I will immediately convey your order to everyone.
- I count on you. And now with regard to the inhabitants of the geofront ...
"Wait, Chapter ..." Itsuki's secretary interrupted. When he looked at him inquiringly,
with a truly conspiratorial air, the secretary voiced one sentence. “Before we move
on to the next mission, how about you personally tell everyone about the results of
the war?
“… Oh, I completely forgot.
When Itsuki realized this and looked around, he saw all the wounded soldiers of the
Self-Defense Forces and Magic Knights looking at him expectantly.
This is his fault. He completely forgot and planned to move on to a new assignment
without completing the previous one.
But he was reminded. Itsuki picked up the radio and alerted everyone in the area.

- We all had a hard time. But in this war ... the victory went to us.
Immediately after his statement, loud applause rang out everywhere, shaking the
Chapter 3: Mother of God Stella
The day of Japan's great trials has come to an end.
As the sun went down below the horizon, Kuzu Kazamatsuri, who had arrived at
Tsushima base under the protection of Ouma Kurogane, received a phone call.
He received a call from the head of the Japanese branch of the League , who took over
the responsibility for the defense of the capital in place of the absent Tsukikage.
- Here's how. Got it ... Nice work, Itsuki.
When Ryoma's grandson, whom Kuzu considered to be his comrade in arms (Ryoma)
in the past, told about the incident, Kuzu hung up and opened the door of the medical
room, which he left during the conversation.
- I was just contacted. US troops are leaving Japan's coastal waters and appear to be
heading for Guam.
Kuzu addressed his words to an elderly man in a suit lying on the bed.
This man was Bakuga Tsukikage. During his escape from a US military base, he lost
consciousness and has not woken up since.
A nightmare once dreamed of by Tsukikage. Thinking about him, Kuzu assumed that
the war that had taken place was precisely this dream.
Fortunately, the nightmare did not fully materialize.
The young force has dealt with the worst future.
“Your dream was just an unfounded fear. Ouma who saved us and the other young
generation are safe. The future of the country can be left on them.
- ... Oh ...
“You're still young compared to me. Your dream is prolonged. It's time to get to
work, like everyone else, - said Kuzu and roughly shook the sleeping Tsukikage by
the shoulders.
His nightmare is over, it's time to wake up and return to your people.
- ... Oh, oh ...
"Tsukikage ...?"
"Oh ... no ... still ... no ..." Tsukikage suddenly muttered in his sleep. His voice
trembled, and his eyelids were closed with all his might, as if he continued to be
afraid of something in his sleep. - It's not over yet.
After all, the coming " catastrophe " that will go beyond Japan and overwhelm
the League and the Alliance has not even begun.
Some time after Tsukikage left the US military base ...
In the middle of the Tatra Mountains, illuminated by the blue light of the moon.
The small figure, sitting in the shade of the rocks, took a breath.
An old man in a blood-stained kimono. It was the God of War Torajiro Nango.
“It's impossible to fight so many at the same time…” Nango muttered, taking off his
tattered haori [1] .

[1] Haori - jacket worn over a kimono

He wiped the adhering blood from the blade of the cane on the tattered haori and tossed
his dirty clothes aside.
It had been approximately three days since Ouma fled the base. All this time,
continuing to wage guerrilla battles against a dozen Abrahams, the clone tyrants of
America, Nango fought until his body stopped moving.
Abraham - Desperate , with A-rank strength and above. It is not advisable to fight one-
on-one with such an opponent. And when it comes to dozens of such enemies at once,
the utmost concentration and carefully thought out actions are necessary.
This is why Nango's exhaustion was inevitable.
- It would be great to get to the destination ...
The years take their toll. As much as he wanted, he could not deal with all the
Abrahams alone.
He was in hiding right now thanks to his noble art of " lull ". But if he tries to get out
of it, he will surely be killed immediately.
In an amicable way, he needs to somehow leave these surroundings.
“Before escaping, I need to be sure of 'his' location.
It was about the body of the Tyrant.
Before Nango showed up here, he checked the headquarters of the Rebellion , and
found out that Tyrant's corpse was no longer in the throne room.
Following the trail of the corpse, he arrived at the US military base of the Tatras, to
which Tsukikage was taken.
The reason Abraham and the Islands abandoned their pursuit of Tsukikage was
because the Tyrant's corpse must have been located on this military base, serving as
the cause of justice in this war.
So Nango reasoned.
- Agree.
- !!
Someone had exactly the same idea.
The Nango barrier, which suppressed absolutely all sounds. A girl with twin swords
in her hands, resembling wings, broke through the barrier and confirmed the
correctness of his thoughts.
On a hill illuminated by the moonlight, she was beautiful and noble to a white flower.
“Haven't seen each other for a long time, Nango-san.
- ... Ho ho. What an amazing place to meet unexpectedly, Ede.
Diptera Edelweiss.
Once upon a time, Nango's best friend, Ryoma Kurogane, who, after being expelled
from the Kurogane family, lost power and position, became the fencing teacher of this
girl in a foreign land.
- Wow. This is the same grandpa who, besides the Great Sage, is the only one who
bears the title of God of War! Before, I only heard about it from rumors! - a voice
was heard from behind Edelweiss, and a little girl with dark skin and dark hair, who
was the complete opposite of her older friend, came to the fore.
Cheerful little girl dressed in a Chinese dress. Sometime in the past, she came to
Edelberg to challenge the title of the world's strongest Edelweiss.
That's right, it was Sennin (as they called the Desperate in China) Taote Fu Xiaoli,
who opposed the Crimson Princess Stella Vermilion on the white peak.
Xiaoli tried to get close to the legendary fighter who, as an outsider, broke into
the Divine War League hosted by the Shinryu Temple and won, but Edelweiss grabbed
her hand.
... A little later, calming Xiaoli's keen curiosity, Edelweiss got down to business and
told Nango why she had come here.
- After the death of the Puppet King, the Alliance hastened unpleasant movements
across Europe. A big war will break out soon. But before it begins ... I would like to
confirm the location of the Tyrant's body by all means.
Only his corpse was capable of unleashing the Third World War. As someone who
knew Ryoma personally, she knew the real truth about Tyrant.
“When I arrived at headquarters to check the throne room, the body was no longer in
its usual place. I decided to follow the remnants of magical power and found this place.
"In other words, did you inherit Ryoma's last will?"
- I did not take any solemn vows. But lives that can be saved by fencing, acquired in
training with a teacher ... I have no right to sit on the sidelines. This is what I think
At Edelweiss's words, Nango nodded slightly. He realized what was driving her, and
a sharp light disappeared in his eyes.
Then, he turned to Xiaoli, who sparkled with eyes behind Edelweiss.
- Ho-ho-ho, is it really in front of me that little Taote Fu Xiaoli, after whom the
Great Sage himself chased after breaking the " sacred commandments "?
- Yeah! It is a great honor for me to meet you! Now that we've finished introducing
ourselves to each other, it's time to act!
“… How much energy,” Nango smiled as Xiaoli clenched her fists and boxed in
front of him. He turned his gaze to the silent Edelweiss and asked her a question. -
I'm wondering why you, Ede, work together with this girl? Don't you know this girl
is an Alliance fighter ? After all, it is this faction that is responsible for all the unrest
in the world.
- All wrong. I accidentally stumbled upon her lying body, wandering through the
Alps, and saved. Since then, for some reason she only knows, she has followed me
- Lying body?
- Yeah! After being defeated by Stella-dono, I acutely felt a lack of strength and
went to train in the Alps. But due to the fact that I was upset, I completely forgot
about food and got into a snowstorm. I was with one foot in the grave when
Edelweiss-san found me! Oh, she treated me to a terribly delicious smore [1] , which
literally revived me!

[1] Smor is an American sweet. A piece of chocolate marshmallow is sandwiched

between two crackers.

- Ho ho ho. Everything is clear with you, Xiaoli. You really acted like a fool.
- Yeah. People often tell me that. But I'm very strong! They saved my life as a
warrior, I just can't help but repay the debt! Edelweiss-san saved me. I will not leave
her until I have paid my debt!
“I see,” Nango laughed.
It looks like Edelweiss has really had a hard time lately.
However, be that as it may, she is a fighter of the other side, it will be difficult to get
rid of her.
Although, judging by her story, she came here of her own free will.
In that case ... she might be good, Nango thought.
“… Since you're already here, I'm sure you know that all this time I have been
fighting the clones of the American imperialist Superman Abraham Carter. Most
likely, the Tyrant will serve as the trigger for the next war. I'm just sure the
American army is hiding his corpse somewhere in this base.
- It looks like this.
- So all this time you were trying to defeat the clones of Superman in order to get to
that place ...? So this is how it is. Grandpa, out of respect for old age, we just can't
help but help you.
“That's right, from the very beginning I intended to get there.
- Yeah! I'm with Edelweiss-san! I will help you fight the clones of American
At Xiaoli's words, Nango smiled again.
According to rumors, after breaking the " sacred commandments ", she became free
in the use of martial arts. Following Edelweiss everywhere, they have become a
confident couple.
Desperate Trio . They were still losing in numbers, but in quality their strength could
Their forces should be enough to break into the base and check the Tyrant.
- Then go ahead.
All three of them left the Nango barrier at the same time.
At that very second, the Abrahams sensed their presence and with the help of
" teleportation " were in close proximity to them.
The battle has begun.
- Many thanks to everyone for a job well done!
The central part of Tokyo was lowered by an elevator under the multi-layer armor in
the earth's crust.
As soon as the US Pacific Fleet left the waters of Japan, the central part was raised to
the surface. From an impregnable fortress, Tokyo turned into a sleepless city, whose
lights shone so brightly that they overshadowed the stars in the night sky.
After leaving the shelters, people filled all the streets of Tokyo. Restaurant and bar
owners rushed to open their establishments to provide free drinks and food to everyone
who fought for them in this war.
Fun reigned not only in eateries. Streets, rooftops, the whole city was seething with
fun. The people rejoiced at the end of the tests.
Among them were a couple, a boy and a girl, walking around the city with joyful faces.
Nagi Arisuin and Kusakabe Kagami, both first years of the Hagun Academy.
- U-ha-ha! Festive excitement throughout the city!
- Expected. The entire city experienced a hard battle.
- Everywhere you look, everywhere a storehouse for collecting materials! My blood
is starting to boil! - said Kagami, and began to click the camera hung around her
At Hagun Academy, she was the head of the journalism club. She was also responsible
for the release of wall newspapers within the walls of her academy.
The recent commotion was dire, which is why this event must be chronicled.
Of course, the content can remind readers of past fear,
But for this very reason, Kagami wanted to summarize her wall newspaper with
material from this noisy fun. The pictures will decorate her wall newspaper and dilute
the horrors of the battle.
- The first major special edition of the wall newspaper for the second semester
promises to be exciting. I have already interviewed war heroes and other people.
- Oh, maybe you wanted to say that you will interview?
- Nope. I already conduct interviews in different places in Tokyo using my
abilities. Look there. Kaeda-san is standing there. And next to him I am.
Arisuin glanced where Kagami pointed her finger at him.
There, in the middle of a busy highway, stood a slightly reddish Kaeda holding a glass
of shochu [1] in his hands. Kagami was next to him and poked the recorder in his face.
And that was not all.

[1] Shochu is a Japanese strong alcoholic beverage. Stronger than sake.

When he looked around, Kagami was everywhere.

She interviewed the soldiers of the self-defense forces, the knight-magicians, the
knights-apprentices, the housewives, the children ... She interviewed absolutely all
people who were somehow involved in the events of the recent war.
In all this she was helped by the ability that multiplies things - " Grow ". Having
increased her own number, Kagami was busy collecting material for the article.
“But, as I thought, I didn’t manage to interview the most valuable player in this war,
the director of our academy.
“… Director-sensei. So she is still everything ...
- Yes. She did a crazy job ... The regenerating capsule seems to have healed all of
her wounds, but she still hasn't regained consciousness. Saikyo-san is looking after
Kurono single-handedly dealt with the "PSYON" Squad before reinforcements
But the price she paid was extremely high.
- Well, that's okay. I can interview her when she leaves the hospital. I would like to
chat with Stella-chan, Senpai and Shizuku-chan. But something I still can't find
“… After all that has happened, you have not changed a bit and are just as full of
energy. I think this is an amazing quality in you.
- Nya ha ha. That's exactly how it is. Journalism is my meaning of life ... So, stop!
Suddenly, Kagami became alert. As a reporter, she found a familiar face in a crowd of
Without saying goodbye to Arisuin, she rushed to the man.
Erect proud posture. A swaying shock of fiery red hair.
It's all right
- Stella-chayan!
It was her classmate, the Crimson Princess Stella Vermilion.
Not expecting a response, Kagami lashed out at Stella and hugged her tightly.
- Kagami! Wow!
- So much has happened in Vermilion ...!
Kagami hugged Stella even tighter.
As a reporter, she knew all the details of what happened in her home empire of
Vermilion. Not only about the victory, but also about the reasons that led to the
beginning of the war. She was also aware of the numerous deaths of Stella's beloved
inhabitants of the empire.
- …Yes. It was hard. But Ikki and Nene-sensei helped me, ”Stella said, gently
stroking Kagami's head.
- Oh, do I understand correctly that your gratitude to me has already passed?
“And of course I'm grateful to you, Shizuku.
Shizuku, walking on one hand with Stella, snapped. It took Stella a while to answer
the mischievous girl. It was clear from her face that she was not very comfortable
talking about this topic in the company of other classmates.
“We haven't seen each other for a long time, Shizuku,” said Arisuin, slapping
Shizuku on the shoulder.
While Kagami exchanged words with Stella. Arisuin caught up with them and caught
up on the shoulder with Shizuku, who looked happy, which made Stella a little
- Alice, you have already returned, - the girl beamed when she looked back.
To celebrate the reunion with her best friend Arisuin, Shizuku decided to shake hands
- Have you already visited the grave?
“Yes… I haven't seen her since I joined the Rebellion . In addition, I managed to
communicate with familiar people.
- Here's how. It's great.
"How are you doing, Shizuku?" Did you use your time well?
- Yes. I no longer shed tears like I did in the past.
At the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival , Shizuku had no choice but to pray for his
brother's salvation from the Knight in White. But during the Battle of Vermilion, when
Ikki was dying ... no, when he died, they saved him herself.
In other words, Shizuku was proud of her accomplishments.
- It was hard in Vermilion, but on the other hand it was great. I was very surprised
when I received an emergency call while onii-sama and Saikyo-sensei were
recovering. Alice, are you hurt? If necessary, I can heal you.
- Don't worry, I'm fine. I was just supporting the rear. But you know, Kagami fought
on the front lines.
Stella screamed in surprise at his words.
- It's true!? Awesome Kagami! Usually, a D- rank apprentice knight never fights on
the front lines!
- Yes. But senpai's father ... I'm talking about the head of Kurogane, personally
appointed me. I participated in the operation to destroy the enemy fleet from the air,
along with Kirihara-san and the director-sensei.
“… Kirihara? Who is it? - Stella tilted her head questioningly, not remembering the
"Is this the guy who fought against Onii-sama in the first round of the Seven Stars
Sword Art qualifiers ?" An archer with disappearing abilities?
“… Ah, that nasty guy. Clear. He's kind of a C-rank, right? No wonder he fought on
the front lines. ”With a scowl on her face, Stella reacted to Shizuku's words.
- He did a good job. You can learn more about the details when you read the huge
summer special of the Hagun Academy wall newspaper ... And yes, Stella!
- AND? What else?
Kagami suddenly released Stella from her embrace and looked at her with shining
eyes, as if about to ask for something.
"I wonder what she's up to?" - a thought flew through Stella's head.
“There is so much we need to talk to you about, Stella-chan, but first, could you tell
us about Vermilion's military campaign?” I really want to write a special special
about the battle where Stella-chan and the other student knights contributed to the
victory. Oh, please forgive me, I understand that I shouldn't ask you for something
like that… ”Kagami apologized.
She took care of Stella's mental wounds, but at the same time remained a journalist.
She simply could not help asking the participant in that event.
Stella also did not consider her request to be something bad. Kagami was a close friend
of hers, so Stella was not going to refuse her.
- Things are good. I'll tell you about the courage and bravery of its participants so
that you write a cool article! Stella agreed willingly.
- Thank!
- But let's do it a little later, okay? It's just ... I'm looking for Ikki now.
- Senpaya?
- Yes. I lost him in this crowd. Kagami, Alice, have you seen Ikki?
- Senpaya? No, I have not seen.
- I also.
Arisuin and Kagami shook their heads at the same time.
- Stella, have you forgotten? Even if they saw Onii-sama, they simply won't
recognize him, ”Shizuku said sarcastically.
- Oh, exactly, - Stella slapped on the forehead.
Japan and Vermilion are located in different parts of the Earth.
Many people know that Ikki defeated the Black Knight and miraculously survived the
war. But one detail, that he turned into a child, is hidden from the masses.
- We will not find out? What does all this mean?
- Yes, you understand ...
Meanwhile, the straggler Ikki,
- Wow! With this growth, I feel helpless.
Alone he wandered in the crowd. He felt like a leaf floating in a stream of water.
Ikki tried to find Stella and Shizuka, but due to the large difference in height with the
people around him, he could not succeed.
He did not see and did not understand where he was going. Ikki completely obeyed
the will of the stream of people.
At one point, he had a chance to separate from the crowd of people. Slipping out of
the general stream, he took a breath,
- You!
When I heard someone's loud voice.
The voice clearly came from the crowd of people he had left. When Ikki looked
around, he saw a woman rushing towards him at all times with a surprised expression
on her face.
- What happened!? You're covered in blood! She asked, gripping his shoulders
This woman ... no, the girl was well known to him.
That's exactly how it is. Ayase Ayatsuji, the third year of the Hagun Academy, to
which he once taught sword skills, called out to him.
When the strange boy called Ayase's name, she was extremely surprised.
- AND? How do you know my name? Have we met? However, it doesn't matter now
... we need to deal with your wounds as soon as possible!
- Ah, it's all right. This is not my blood.
- Um?
Simultaneously with his words, Ikki took off his jacket and unbuttoned his collar.
By this he showed that his body was not injured.
In this war, he did not receive a single wound. All the blood adhering to his clothes
and hair belonged to the enemy soldiers.
- Well, I'm glad ... I was very scared when I saw you covered in blood.
- It was worth fearing enemies who stained me with this blood.
- AND!?
- Ayatsuji-san. It's me, Ikki. Ikki Kurogane.
There is no reason to keep a secret. Ikki decided to reveal his true self to her.
Ikki's words made Ayase bow her head in question. A moment later, with the
words "Exactly!" , the girl clapped her hands.
-… Ah! I understood everything! You are a fan of Ikki Kurogane! This is so cool,
- What? No, I really am Ikki!
- Of course of course. Only I am familiar with the real Ikki. And he's not that small.
“My body was destroyed during the Vermilion military campaign. Now I am
temporarily in this condition because I am seriously injured.
- I see. So this is how it is.
"She doesn't believe me!"
Don't blame Ayas, though. And the truth is, it's hard to believe in history that someone
was able to go back to a ten-year-old appearance.
Then how can Ikki convince her? Whatever he said, Ayase simply would not
understand or believe him.
Reflecting on the current situation, another person very well known to Ikki separated
from the stream of people.
- Hey Ayase. What are you doing here? It's time for us to go back.
"Kurashiki-kun ...!"
A guy in red clothes with a stuffed black skull on his chest. It was the Sword Eater
Kurashiki Kuraudo.
Once against this student knight from Donrow Academy, Ikki fought at the Ayasa
When a child called his name familiarly, Kuraudo turned his attention to Ikki.
- Huh? What is this for a child?
- I'm not a child. I really am Ikki Kurogane. A lot of different things happened, so
now I look like this.
- Huh? There is no reason why people turn into children, fool.
- Come on, don't be so rude to him. Surely, when you were little, you also imitated
- ... However, I admit that he emanates from an unpleasant feeling for me. And the
face ...
Kuraudo abruptly bent his knees and looked at Ikki's face with his prickly gaze.
Did he suspect something? Ikki tried to answer with an equally hard look.
- So that!
Quite unexpectedly, Kuraudo hit Ikki with a strong click.
- Hey! What are you doing!
- Nothing like that. At some point, I really thought that his face resembled that of
that guy. But I was wrong. That guy could have withstood such a small thing.
"Oh my god ..."
Ikki saw Kuraudo move, but could not answer.
In his previous battle on an aircraft carrier, Ikki relied on tactics and skill. After all,
his physical strength in the body of a child is extremely small.
Shchelban Curaudo hit his skull like a hammer. Ikki couldn't hold back his tears in
- Hey, you're out of your mind! Aren't you ashamed to be violent to a child !? I just
started to change my mind about you, and you again showed yourself as a heartless
person, ”Ayase shouted at Kuraudo's rude act.
- It was just a click.
- But not for a child! Are you okay? Ayase asked, lifting Ikki's bangs and examining
her forehead.
Her face frowned even more when she saw Ikki's forehead redden slightly.
- Come back alone! I first need to take this boy to the bathhouse!
- Ha! Do what you want, ”Kuraudo replied and walked briskly toward the crowd of
people, as if fearing Ayase’s bad mood.
… It was a great opportunity.
Ikki realized his mistake ... when he remembered the reason Ayase had paid attention
to him.
- Bath?
- Yes. People may misunderstand when you walk around covered in blood. Public
baths are now open to everyone free of charge. Come on, I'll see you.
In Ikki's head, the appearance of his jacket appeared. Indeed, covered in blood, he
looks terrible. If he continues to walk like this, a lot of people will worry about him,
like Ayase.
Even he himself was unpleasant to walk like that. The feeling of his hair sticking
together with other people's blood was unpleasant in itself.
- …Good. Thank you Ayatsuji-san.
- Well, fine. I was sweating a lot myself. I also want to put myself in order.
Thanking Ayase, Ikki decided to follow Ayase. Trying to keep up with her, they came
to an old-fashioned public bath.
As is customary in baths, sections for men and women had their own entrances. When
Ikki separated from Ayase and followed the men's curtain ... he got into trouble.
Right at the entrance, the woman running the bathhouse stopped Ikki, who tried to
dive under the bamboo curtain.
“I'm sorry, but there are too many soldiers of the self-defense forces in the men's
bath today. We decided to let all children under ten into the female part of the
bath. Do you mind? - she turned to Ayasa.
- Of course not.
- Still as against! Ikki shouted indignantly at Ayase's quick reply.
The joke has gone too far.
Even if he looked ten years old, in fact he is much more.
This is the real insult to his pride.
- If everything is so, then I do not need a bath! Ayase-san, go alone! - Ikki said
quickly and tried to quickly retreat into the street.
But his reaction weakened along with the strength. It didn't cost Ayasa how to quickly
grab Ikki's hand.
- Do not be silly! If you appear outside like this again, everyone around you will
freak out!
- But I ...
- Everything is good. You don't have to worry. No one will mind if a child like you
sees them, ”Ayase said and pulled Ikki with her with all her strength.
Ayase is the daughter of the swordsman Kaito. She is constantly training in the dojo,
so her physical strength is strong enough.
And Ikki was pretty exhausted today, he did not have the strength to resist.
"At least, there will be people unfamiliar to me ..." - Ikki thought with despondency,
diving under the curtain of the women's section of the bath and looking only at the
But luck completely turned away from him.
“Ah, Ayatsuji-san! That's a meeting!
“Ayatsuji-senpai, good to see you! We have not seen each other since the special
- Good evening. The battle in the geofront was quite tough.
- Hello, President. I am also glad to see you Tomaru-san and Totokubara-san. Good
"There are too many people I know well !!!!"
Even though he did not see anyone, because he only looked at the floor, he heard
voices clearly.
Ikki felt cold sweat run down his spine.
- Oh? Ayatsuji-san, is this boy your little brother?
- Nope. I just walked and saw the boy covered in blood and mud. That's why I
brought him here.
- In blood!? He's not hurt !? - exclaimed Tohka and ran to Ikki.
She knelt down and began to examine his body with concern.
"Do not give up! Don't even think about catching a glimpse of Todo-san. "
When Toki's chubby underwear in underwear came into Ikki's field of vision, he
closed his eyes tightly. His face went red to ear.
However, the girls at first did not pay attention to his embarrassed appearance at all.
- Do not worry. I already examined him a little earlier, he is fine.
- Ah, nice. I was really scared. Oh ... he looks so plaintive.
- He deliberately doesn't look at us.
- Is he shy because there are so many women? How cute.
Talking to each other, Tomaru and Totokubara came even closer to Ikki.
Ikki was convinced of this even with his eyes closed, analyzing the fluctuations in the
air and the temperature around him.
What is happening to him now, he must take with him to the grave. There were no
other ways to avoid social death.
All he has to do now is pretend to be a silly little child ...
While Ikki pondered this in his head, Tohka gently approached his ear.
“… Hey, that might sound weird. But are you by any chance Kurogane-kun?

-… !!
Tohka’s words made Ikki breathless for a moment.
His reaction was the best answer for Toki. Still whispering so that the other girls, who
had already begun to take off their underwear, would not hear her, Tohka continued
speaking into Ikki's ear.
- Oh, so it didn't seem to me when I felt the familiar biocurrent from you.
“This… this… I'm so sorry. I really didn't want anything like this ...! - with closed
eyes, Ikki was already beginning to make excuses.
But Tohka gently stroked his head.
- Hush, I understand everything. Didn't anyone believe you when you said you were
Ikki Kurogane? I know that Kurogane-kun is not the kind of person who would go to
the ladies' bath. You're not that person at all.
- Todo-san ...
“But it’s not surprising that no one believes you with such an appearance. Why do
you look like that?
- Generally…
Ikki told Toki about everything that had happened to him in Vermilion. He was so
small that only she could hear him.
After listening to his story, Tohka nodded in understanding.
“So Kurogane-kun is a seriously injured person who lost half of his body, and
Shizuku-san’s strength is responsible for his current appearance.
- Yes ... that's right. I'm sorry.
- It's a really unpleasant situation. Even if you materialize your spiritual device, you
may not be believed. After all, the katana spiritual weapon is not uncommon for the
knights of Japan, - said Tohka and put her hands on his shoulders. - I understand
how difficult it is for you to convince people that trouble has really happened to
you. Leave it all to me. I will guide you, Kurogane-kun, as long as you keep your
eyes closed.
- Many thanks…!
Once in Ikki's position, Tohka promised to take care of him.
“This boy won't open his eyes. He is a real gentleman and I will help protect this
little boy's pride. Things are good. I will secure him so that he does not fall anywhere
with his eyes closed.
- AND? Well, if that's what you want, President.
Ayase and the others just shrugged and left all the worries to her. They knew Tohka
was the best at communicating with children.
- Okay, I'll help you undress. Please don't move.
Tohka took Ikki aside and helped him take off his clothes, which he could not take off
with his eyes closed.
Oddly enough, Ikki was not at all worried that Tohka would see him naked, and
completely trusted her.
When Tohka removed all the dirty clothes from Ikki, she gently took his hand.
The floor in the bath was slippery enough, without her help, he could slip.
Deeply appreciating Toki's understanding, Ikki firmly grabbed the arm of his savior.
Toki's support was more useful than ever to Ikki. While he was thoroughly
shampooing, Toka thoroughly lathered his body with shampoo. After, when he had a
good soak in the bath with all the girls, he went with Toka into the locker room.
Ikki breathed a sigh of relief as Tohka buttoned the last buttons on his clothes.
At first he thought he had a nightmare. Fortunately, everything went without incident.
All this is thanks to Toki, who entered into his position. In the future, he needs to thank
her properly.
With these thoughts, Ikki with everyone left the bath,

- Ikki, all this time I was thinking where you went ... And that means you were
having fun with Toka-san, yes ...

- AND? Onii-sama !? Why did you come out with everyone from the women's
section of the bath !?
- Oh? Really! So this is really a mini-senpai !?
- Oh my god! He's so cute!

But he still could not avoid social death.

- So, how did you get behind us, you wandered around the city until Ayatsuji found
you? And since your clothes were covered in blood, did you go with her to the
- Yes…
After Stella saw that Ikki came out of the female half of the bath, she, without a word,
threw Ikki into a taxi and drove to Hagun Academy. Right now, on the cold floor, little
Ikki was sitting in his room in the student dormitory.
On the other hand, Stella sat on the first tier of a bunk bed and looked down at Ikki.
From the outside, it looked like a scene of a sinner and a judge who needs to be
Cross-legged and with an icy gaze, Judge-Stella looked down on Ikki like some kind
of insect, and continued to ask her questions.
- And you were lucky enough to enter the female part of the bath, because now you
are a child?
- I honestly did not know that children bathe in a joint bathhouse with women! I am
not lying!
- If so, then you could just run away! Why didn't you do it in the dressing room!
- I fought for the first time in my current body. So I spent too much energy ...
- Hmm! Therefore, you decided to pretend to be a child and look into the women's
bath! Pervert! Libertine! Casanova!
- Oh ...
The words of disdain pierced Ikki's heart more than the enemy attack.
But in this situation, only he himself is to blame. He understood from the very
beginning that he should not go there under any circumstances and under any pretext.
No extenuating circumstances. Ikki must admit the gravity of his crime.
That's why Ikki gave up on the idea of gaining understanding and decided to just give
“… I did a very bad thing. I'm sorry. I want you to forgive me, but what can I do for
this? I am ready to do anything!
He needs to find a way to calm Stella's anger as quickly as possible.
After all, this time he was not looking at the naked Stella. His act did not affect Stella
in any way. That's why Ikki didn't know what words to say to excuse him now.
It was now clear from Stella's appearance that she was still holding back anger inside
That is why Ikki was in a hurry to surrender and try to figure out how to make amends
as soon as possible.
Stella gave him a sullen look, not hiding her bad mood at all.
“… Has your heartbeat increased?
- Um?
- I ask, did your heartbeat quicken when you looked at someone else's
nakedness? Stella asked Ikki in a still grim voice.
In response, Ikki shook his head furiously.
- No! Not! I have not seen anything! I've been looking down all this time ...!
- False. I saw how you gently held Toku-san's hand.
- Todo-san recognized me and got into position. She showed me concern, the only
way I could keep my eyes closed. Yes, my heart beat quickened because this was the
first time it happened to me ... But I really didn't look at anyone. I realized that it was
bad for me and for you, Stella.
- ...
Stella turned away sharply from Ikki's kind-hearted confession. Even so, her cheeks
were clearly reddened. Closing her eyes, she was silent for a while.
Like a sinner awaiting a judge's decision.
Finally Stella opened her mouth.
- Good. I believe you, Ikki, that you did not look at someone else's nakedness.
- In this case!
“But I'm not going to forgive you just like that.
- Yes…
What else can he do?
After Stella's words, Ikki completely collapsed.
“Ikki, you said you'd do anything.
- Um, yes. Anything to make Stella forgive me ...
“Then… you will take a bath with me.
"W-good," Ikki replied in a surprised tone. He hadn't expected Stella to ask for
something like that.
What's the point of her asking? Moreover, he just left the bath.
At Ikki's puzzled gaze, Stella puffed out her cheeks like a puffer fish.
- Because it's not fair! I also want to take a bath with little Ikki!
The locker room he was brought to.
"How did it come to this ..." - a thought flew through Ikki's head when he heard rustling
behind his back.
In contrast, Stella was in a good mood. Behind his back, apart from rustling, Ikki heard
a pleasant melodic hum.
And after a while,
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Ikki.
Stella put her hand on the top of his head. It was quite easy to do, since in its current
state it barely reached her waist.
When Ikki looked around, he found that Stella was not even wearing a towel.
- Um, Stella ...! You should at least wrap yourself in a towel!
- Are you embarrassed? Right now? And this after you played with my body in the
past? - With a defiant smile on her face, Stella touched her chest.
The movement of Stella's chest, which gently changed its shape, revived the desire
for that night, which was still fresh in my head, and Ikki turned away in
“You're right, but that doesn't mean that I'm used to such things ...! Aren't you
ashamed yourself, Stella?
- To me? Well, I'm a little embarrassed, but I don't see anything shameful in
this. After all, my body and my soul belong to you, Ikki. Isn't that so?
- It…
- I was wrong?
- I dont know…
It was the answer to this question that Ikki wanted most of all.
Stella smiled happily at Ikki's words.
- And today I will take a bath with you. Come on, come in, ”Stella Ikki pushed into
the shared dorm bathroom. - Sit over here. I'll wash your hair.
- But I washed it myself only recently ...
- Ikki, did you notice? She still smells like it.
- Yes? And it's true.
- You were in such a hurry to leave the female half of the bathhouse as soon as
possible that you didn't wash your head so thoroughly.
It's true.
Then he did not notice it, because he did not even try to smell himself. But now that
he did, his hair did smell a little bit of sea mud.
- Come on, sit down. I will take good care of you.
- Um, this is ...
As Ikki sat down on a small chair, Stella knelt down behind him and began to gently
massage his hair, wetting it with shower water.
And in this position
"Oh, I can feel her breasts at the back of my head ..."
Sometimes at the back of his head, Ikki felt something soft and warm.
Say what, Stella has big breasts. She may not even notice, but every time she sucked
shampoo on his hair, her breasts hit the back of his head.
From constant contact in Ikki, an irritating desire to touch her juicy fruits awoke. But
at the same time, he understood that he could not do anything in his current body.
This annoying urge made Ikki feel extremely uncomfortable. Most of all he wanted to
run away, but he had no right to do so. Only in this way will Stella forgive him for
visiting the female half of the bath ...
Reflecting on this, Ikki completely entrusted the care of himself to Stella.
- Hee hee. Ikki, your shoulders have become so fragile. How cute.
- ...
When Ikki once again caught Stella's cheerful gaze, excitement arose in his heart.
- ... Stella, is it possible that you like me more in my small form?
Everything is correct. In the heart of Ikki, excitement arose that Stella preferred his
smaller version rather than the original look.
- Ikki, are you really jealous of me? Stella chuckled.
- Little…
- Whoop 〜!
- Hey !? S-Stella !?
Stella suddenly hugged Ikki from behind. His face was pressed into the cleft between
her large breasts. And his heart was beating so hard that he thought his heart was about
to explode.
At the same moment, Stella began to whisper into Ikki's bright red ear.
- Of course, the ordinary version of Ikki is my favorite 〜
“… But Stella now looks much happier than usual.
- Indeed? You are probably right. But I'm happy with another thought. Ikki, when I
look at the real you, I wonder if our child will look like you now. After all, now you
are so cute.
- R-baby !? That's what you were thinking !? - Ikki exclaimed in surprise when Stella
told the reason for her good mood.
Stella tilted her head in question in response.
- AND? There is nothing strange about this. Ikki, you kept your word and saved
Vermilion. My father will no longer object to our relationship.
- Yes? Great.
- Okay, close your eyes. I will wash off the shampoo ...
Looks like Stella wasn't joking.
- But we are still students ...?
- Of course I'm not going to give birth while still studying at the academy. But three
years of study will fly by very quickly. Moreover, when Luna-ane gave up her right
to inherit the throne, I will become the next queen of Vermilion, this is obvious,
”said Stella.
She peeled off Ikki's body and prepared to rinse the shampoo off his head with a
Eyes closed to keep the water out of his eyes, Ikki began to ponder Stella's words.
The right to inherit. How could he forget.
When Princess Lunaise renounced her right to inherit the throne of Vermilion and
decided to marry the prince of the neighboring kingdom of Kledland, only Stella could
inherit the throne.
This means that their child and he himself will become the king of the country in the
- Only now I began to think how great the future lies ahead of us ...
- Yeah. And also my body is much stronger than my mother. I'm sure I can give birth
many times. When we graduate from the academy, we have a lot of work, honey.
With these words, Stella wiped moisture from Ikki's hair and once again hugged his
small body tightly.
After finishing all the procedures in the bathroom, they changed into tracksuits and
left the student dormitory.
The fact that they were wearing tracksuits did not mean that they were going to train.
It was ten in the evening, it was still early to sleep, so Ikki and Stella decided to take
a walk around the school.
Outside their student dormitory, as in the entire city, there was a festive bustle.
- Everyone is so noisy. How much energy is in them.
“Like this war, all the Knights Apprentices have been called.
Many of them did not even qualify for the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival .
This was the first time they had experienced such a dangerous battle. The joy that they
managed to survive eliminated all fatigue.
Without a doubt, their festive fun will last until the morning.
Away from all the noise and din, Stella and Ikki looked at the merriment with a smile.
First Vermilion, then Japan experienced a great test.
So much happened to them in a short period of time, so most of all they wanted to be
alone with each other. Away from all the noise, the two left the Hagun Academy
There was not a soul on the mountain trail that crossed the neighborhood. Their goal
was the best vantage point that can be reached on the treadmill.
It was about a cliff overgrown with numerous trees, from which a beautiful view of
the lake near the academy opened.
The night sky shone with stars, in contrast to the overcast sky during the day. They
thought that a round moon would be beautifully reflected on the water surface of the
lake, and their expectations were justified.
Leaning on the railing, they admired the view of the sparkling stars in the sky and their
reflection on the water surface.
“… The breeze is so cool. So glad.
- Summer is nearing its end.
Unlike the Vermilion Empire, Japan's climate was temperate. That is why the cool
breeze was pleasantly felt on the skin steamed after a bath.
For a while, they simply listened to the sound of trees swaying in the wind.
After all that had happened to them, they both enjoyed the silence.
Finally, Stella's back with a shock of fiery red hair turned her back on this stunning
As Ikki watched her move, Stella stared at the Hagun Academy building behind the
trees below the slope without looking away.
With a delightful glow in her eyes that overshadowed the entire stunning view behind
“… It's only been four months since I entered this academy, but so many things have
changed in my life. Indeed ... having left my native Vermilion, I never thought that I
could grow so much above myself. And even more so, I did not imagine that a
person would appear in my life whom I would love with all my heart.
Stella gently placed her hand on Ikki's tiny hand.
“It's the same with me,” Ikki said, gently squeezing Stella's hand and turning towards
her. - Last year I was already a first year, but during the four months since you came
here, Stella, my life has changed so much that I can't even remember who I was last
Ikki looked at the girl in front of him.
She had a neat face with regular features,
White and delicate skin, which was beautifully combined with bright red hair
shimmering in the light,
And, of course, her ruby eyes, looking at the same height as him.
Ikki loved everything about this girl.
He could not even imagine that he would allow someone to take her away.
It doesn't matter how responsible it is to be with her. As long as they are together, they
will be fine.
- ... Four months ago, I could not even imagine that I could fall madly in love with
someone and start thinking about children ...
“… Worried?
- Little.
Even the strong are sometimes afraid, this is natural. That's why Ikki shared Stella's
- I'm also a little worried about what kind of parent I will be. Especially considering
my relationship with my father.
- ...
- But ...
- What, but?
“My impatient anticipation is much stronger than excitement,” Ikki admitted.
He never thought about the child with Stella until she mentioned it. But now that he
imagined the crystallization of love between him and Stella would turn into life, he
couldn't wait for that moment.
- Especially when I imagine that it will happen to my lovely girlfriend Stella ...
- True? - Stella giggled and leaned towards him. Making eye contact, she asked a
question. - Hey, Ikki. Will you stay with me forever?
Again this question. She asked that stupid question to him again.
However, this seemed sweet to Ikki.
He will not tire of giving her the answer she so longs to hear.
- Sure.
There was no reason to betray Stella's expectations.
- This is just my place. Do I have the right to give it to someone else? Ikki replied.
Investing his true feelings, he answered Stella's question with the words she desired.
- ...
And then the lips of the two lovers, under the starry sky, stretched to each other in
confirmation of the words just spoken.
Deep in the bowels of a US military base.
Having overcome the obstacle course in the form of Abraham, Nango, Edelweiss and
Xiaoli finally reached a long dark corridor leading to the very depths of the base.
“So they are true… rumors about the terrifying power of the clones. I was surprised
when my arm suddenly broke under the influence of an invisible force.
Xiaoli's dominant arm was bent at an unnatural angle by the invisible power of
" telekinesis ." With the stolen power of Stella's " dragon metabolism ", the girl
straightened and healed her hand.
- It is almost impossible for one person to cope with blazers of this level ... Their
communication with the help of " telepathy " is perfect ...
Edelweiss running alongside Xiaoli was not seriously injured. She did not need any
kind of armor, because no protection in the world could rival her spiritual armor,
woven with excess magical power. But even her armor was unable to withstand the
many clones of Superman. Small bruises could be seen on her snow-white skin in
various parts of her body.
As Edelweiss pointed out, Superman Abraham Carter is a Desperate One who
demonstrates incredible performance and power, fighting in a group, rather than
alone. Even for the world's strongest swordsman, fighting such a powerful enemy at
the same time was an uphill battle.
- Nango-san. It's amazing that before us you fought alone.
- Ho ho ho ... I am still that knight who was called " flawless " ... my spinning
defense is invincible in defense ... but on the offensive ...
Of the three, Nango suffered the most.
Half of the face was burned and one eye was missing.
His breathing was shallow, and his face was deathly pale. It was clear from his
appearance that he was seriously injured and could die without immediate treatment.
But Edelweiss showed no sign of concern.
After all, what is happening now has a much higher priority than the life of Nango ...
The oldest knight of Japan himself understood this.
- But our hellish efforts were worth it, we still made our way here.
Finally, all three made it to the deepest part of the US military base.
The entrance to the shelter was separated from the long corridor by a huge iron
- Xiaoli-san, please.
- Ah! Got it!
When it comes to breaking through, your best bet is to rely on the strength of the
Crimson Princess.
Immediately, pale bluish flames engulfed her Baoni gloves .
The flame that emerged from the gloves began to wrap around Xiaoli's arms.
And a fist engulfed in pale blue flames
- " Fire Salamander " !!
Stella's most powerful ability crashed into the barrier in front of them.
A blow with a fiery fist, melted a two-meter-thick steel partition, making a huge hole
in it.
Before their eyes appeared a huge room with a high ceiling, more like an aircraft
hangar, in the center of which stood an icy throne, illuminated by searchlights.
As he walked through the hole, Nango narrowed his only surviving eye.
“Tyrant… how long have I seen him.
The last time Nango saw Tyrant was during their secret mission. Then he was in the
same detachment with White Beard and Ryoma.
The tyrant is the greatest secret of the world today. His longtime meeting with the
Tyrant was explained by an old agreement, according to which, apart from the
" keepers ", no one was allowed to enter the throne room.
- Oh, is it really that famous Tyrant Adam Goetia? Xiaoli asked.
When Nango called the dead body Tyrant, Xiaoli ran to the throne out of curiosity. But
standing in front of him, she immediately bowed her head inquiringly.
- But why? Why did he die?
- He's not dead. Every hour its existence is frozen again and again. This is the
handiwork of my sensei ... Ryoma-sensei, ”Edelweiss answered to Xiaoli's question
and, together with Nango, approached the throne.
A Japanese sword piercing a corpse in front of them. It was one of the swords of the
Great Hero Ryoma Kurogane " Hyoge [1] ".

[1]ひ ょ う げ - Ice Fang.

During the battle with the Tyrant, who controlled the Great War by " spiritual
manipulation " from the shadows, the squad under the leadership of the White Beard
decided that the life of the Tyrant would be frozen every hour in exchange for one of
the " Hyoge " swords , which was said to be part of Ryoma's body.
It was from that time that Ryoma lost half of his strength and was forced to leave the
front line.
“Be quiet, this could be a trap… huh? - began Nango, but broke off in mid-sentence.
Suddenly, the interior lighting of the hangar, which only illuminated the throne, lit up
the entire room. At the same second, the hangar became as bright as day.
And then,
- Ha-ha-ha, I finally cornered you like a rat!
Behind Nango, the Islands emerged from the same hole, accompanied by thirty
- At first you were hiding from us in an unknown direction. And now, with support,
he decided to attack us himself! How naive, there are only three of you! You are not
the enemy of the PSYON squad! Islands shouted, snapping his fingers.
At the same moment, a detachment of Abrahams surrounded the trinity around the
- ...
“Shit… there are so many. Moreover, in such a place ...
Edelweiss and Xiaoli immediately stood up, preparing for battle.
From such a situation, beads of sweat appeared even on Edelweiss's forehead.
Surrounded on all sides in an open area with no chance of cover.
Edelweiss understood that if they entered the battle, she and Xiaoli would be able to
survive, unlike Nango, who would certainly die from wounds and fatigue.
- Nango-san !?
Nango, disregarding the possibility of dying, recklessly attacked the Islands with his
" magic flute ."
Of course, the Abrahams did not stand aside at this time. " Teleporting ", they blocked
Nango's road and swung their fists in his direction, which circulated the power of fire
and lightning.
- Nango-san! It is deadly to attack one, ”shouted Edelweiss, who, having
materialized both blades, prepared to go to intercept.
She tried to dissuade Nango from doing such a rash act, but ...
- ...
Her words did not reach the old knight. As if not hearing her, he ran past Edelweiss
and did not even stop.
What could have made him so angry?
Although Edelweiss was at a loss, she knew that she simply had to protect Nango.
The noble art of Edelweiss had the ability to conclude " contracts " with other people's
- " Submission by Violence "!
This ability allowed her to enslave and command the enemies she inflicted
wounds. Edelweiss used this ability to slash two Abrahams who stood in her way.
When Edelweiss subdued them, she ordered them to flee to the sides of Nango and
protect him from the attacks of other Abrahams.
Thanks to the timely support of Edelweiss and his own strength, Nango covered the
distance between him and the Islands in one step.
- Hee !?
Islands tried to escape, but it was too late. Before he could turn around on his heels,
Nango jumped on him, knocked him to the floor and pierced his shoulder with
the magic flute , sewing his body to the floor.
- Ghah! Islands yelled as Nango crucified him on the floor.
- He did it ...
Nango's attack was reckless and dangerous, but the risk paid off.
Now that they have captured the enemy leader in the face of Islands, the heat should
Edelweiss and Xiaoli thought so, sighing with relief.
… Nango thought differently.
In a choking voice that felt annoyed and impatient, he screamed at the defeated Islands.

- You…! What have you done with Tyrant Adam Goetia's spiritblade !!

- Ah !!
Nango's cry made Edelweiss shudder and turn to the Tyrant's corpse.
And only then did she notice.
The long, bloody sword that the corpse should have disappeared.
The spirit sword " Brutzauga [2] " was not near the Tyrant.

[2] I'm afraid to make a mistake how to properly adapt the name of the Tirana
device. It is not even translated. Therefore, I will leave it as it is.

Suddenly, Islands, who must scream in agony with pain piercing his shoulder ...

He opened his mouth wide, exposing his yellowed teeth, and laughed loudly like a
Cheshire cat.

- Ah !!
When Nango suspected something was wrong, it was too late.
With laughter, countless sickle-shaped objects leapt out of Islands' corpulent body and
pierced Nango.
- Ghah !?
- Nango-san!
- God of War-dono!
The white, crescent-shaped objects that popped out of Islands' body were enormous
- Warrior-shadow ...! " Magic creature " in the form of Islands ...! - Coughing up
blood, guessed Nango.
Islands face split in two from crown to chin, turning into one huge mouth that
immediately began to laugh.
- Ahaha of course. You are absolutely right. Nango-san, while you were fighting all
this time, the real me left this place long ago. After all, I have a very important
business in Japan. Regardless of the results of the US Pacific Fleet, I must continue
my work to get closer to the goal.
“You want to use the Tyrant's corpse to unleash a new Great War ...
Huge lips clicked their tongue.
- No no. This is my job, not my goal. As I said earlier to Tsukikage-kun, I don't care
at all about the president's plans. There is something that only I can do. I cannot
guarantee that the president's plan will be successful. Japan is a strong country. It's
great that you are here on a business trip, but the World Clock and others still remain
in Japan, I don't know at all how the battle will end ... That is why I want to
personally achieve my goal even if the president's plan fails.
- What is your goal ... what do you want to achieve!
Answering the question, a huge tentacle protruded from the huge mouth, which
reached out to the ear of Nango, planted on the ribs, and began to whisper.
Its purpose. As a major researcher of psychic beings ...

- I dream of creating the most powerful life form in the history of mankind.

-… !?
- I want to complete the life form of a " person " with my own hands . I used to think
that I could achieve my goal using the genes of the Tyrant, who was the strongest
psychic in the world and the most formidable dictator in history. But ... you yourself
should have seen, fighting against them. Avi is imperfect. He is the same decoy as
this " magical creature ". There is no soul in him, he is an ordinary
machine. Although his abilities are great, he does not have the power to overcome
his own destiny. And this is no good. An ordinary doll. An unnecessary defective
product, - Islands shared his thoughts in the presence of the Abrahams. - My
" magical creatures " do not go beyond the limits of their power. To reach the
highest, one must be born in this world as a person.
To achieve this goal, Islands needed two things: " Higher body " and " Higher
soul ". Islands received the " Supreme Soul " when he removed " Brutzauga " from
the body of the Tyrant . But with the " Higher body " difficulties arose. He did not
know where to find a " mother's body " of unprecedented strength, which could
contain the " Supreme Soul ".

“… I didn't know what to do until one day I watched the final of the Seven Stars
Sword Art festival .

These carelessly thrown words made Edelweiss turn deadly.

What this man was about to do, a guess pierced her brain.
- So, it's time to say goodbye.
Edelweiss had no time to do anything.
- Ah !? What is this noise!?
Rumble from earth shaking. A deafening underground rumble rocked their entire
- I took the soul of Tyrant " Brutzauga ". I don't need his human shell. You can take
her. You can regard it as my parting gift. I will bury her with you.
- How…! - cried Nango, realizing the gravity of the situation after the words of
- We are now about 20 meters above the ground. A twenty-meter layer of
sedimentary rocks will collapse on you very soon. Even the strength of the
three Desperate will not be enough to get out of this trap.
It's too late.
Tyrant's corpse was used as bait, and Nango and his companions were trapped.
End of the battle. Immediately after Islands' words, the ceiling of the huge hangar
collapsed, filling and destroying the hangar with sediment.
And along with the hangar and people stuck in it.
Before kissing his beloved girlfriend, Ikki closed his eyes.
At the same moment the wind blew.
Only it was not that pleasant breeze that caressed their skin, but a real dark whirlwind
saturated with magical power.
Ikki opened his eyes sharply.
And what was reflected in his field of vision

It was a picture in which one of the Abrahams of the "PSYON" squad ... appeared
behind Stella and grabbed onto her.

- What…!
Stella immediately tried to summon her spirit device, but the enemy attacked first.
Before Stella could utter the words of the call, Abraham grabbed onto Stella's neck
and, with the help of " electrokinesis ", released a lightning bolt.
The high-voltage discharge forcibly short-circuited her brain, turning off her
With the last movement reaching for Ikki, Stella fainted.
However, at the moment when Abraham shocked Stella, Ikki managed to summon
" Intetsu " and lunged in the direction of the enemy's head.
However, Abraham did not even try to evade,
- What !?
The black blade of the Intetsu pierced his throat.
But what happened next, Ikki could not even imagine. Impaled by it, Abraham took a
step forward, allowing Ikki's blade to dig deeper into his throat.
Despite the pierced throat, this step forward allowed Abraham to draw close to Ikki
and cling to his small body, thereby immobilizing him.
That's right, that's what Abraham wanted.
... While Ikki was fighting Abraham, Stella disappeared.
Where is her body?
In anger, Ikki drove the blade deeper into the enemy's throat, trying to free himself.
And then,
- A-ha-ha! Great job, Avi!
In the middle of the mountain trail, from the darkness where Ikki and Stella had come,
someone heard a laugh.
Over the shoulder of Abraham clutching him, Ikki saw the master of laughter.
It was an obese old man in a white coat who was holding a limp Stella in his arms.
- The defeat of the "PSYON" squad was a bit unexpected, but I achieved my goal
and it's great! Everything is just great! A-ha-ha! - showing yellow teeth, the bald old
man in a white coat thrown over his obese body laughed.
Once or twice Ikki saw his face on TV. He was a brilliant scientist who was a major
figure in the political and business world of the United States. Islands Burg, it was this
man who was responsible for modifying the Enterprise .
In other words, there was an enemy in front of Ikki.
- American troops !! Have you been hiding somewhere all this time !!
- A-ha-ha. Who would have thought, in front of me is the same famous Sword God
Ikki Kurogane. Ikki-kun, you seem to be engaged to this girl.
- Let Stella go immediately!
- Well, no ... To your regret, I will take this girl with me. My dream is to create
"the highest form of life ". And this girl will become the mother of God, who will
give birth to her.
- Let go-and-and-and-and-and-and!
What is the person talking about in front of him?
What is he trying to do?
Ikki didn't know. But inside himself he was sure that if now he did not immediately
stop this person, something irreparable would happen.
Immediately, Ikki released the remnants of magical power, which had not yet fully
recovered after the day's battle, and beheaded Abraham, who held him.
Then, he tried to break the distance between him and the Islands with one leap.
- Avi.
The decapitated corpse of Abraham gripped him tightly from behind.
- Ghah !?
Ikki tried to break free from the tight embrace, but the enemy grabbed him tightly. By
the strength of a child alone, he cannot escape the trap of the enemy.
Then Ikki attacked from the flank pierced the heart of Abraham.
Another fatal blow, but ...
- Avi is a " magical creature " that was created by cellular magic. Like the bio-
metal Enterprise , he can change his body composition, ”Islands laughed, displaying
his grubby teeth.
Just then, Ikki felt the heat behind his back.
The amount of heat increased continuously, reaching the temperature of the flame and
immediately ...
- Goodbye…

Abraham's body, which was holding Ikki with a stranglehold, exploded with terrible

The deafening roar of the explosion erased the silence of the night to dust.

The incredible power of the explosion consumed absolutely everything.

A silhouette of Ikki desperately calling for Stella
The figure of Islands, who, with a satisfied expression on his face, grew wings like
those of a bat with the help of " cell magic " and flew away into the night sky.
And of course the Crimson Princess Stella Vermilion herself.

Black clouds of smoke rose to the sky.

People started getting together to clarify what had happened.
Somewhere in the distance, Shizuku screamed desperately as she saw her brother's
half-dead body falling from the cliff.
This explosion was the beginning of the war. The beginning of the final battle.
The battle for the fate of the beloved girl.
And the battle against those who had brought with them the deep night that Tsukikage
feared so much and Tendou mourned so much.
Author's Words
Thank you for reading Valor of the Failed Knight Volume 18.
Sea air. I haven't seen you for a long time.

The whole world has gone crazy over the coronavirus.

The level of panic is so high that no industry seems to be unaffected. I hope you are
all right, my dear reader? I'm not all that bad. In April, when the confusion reached its
climax, I released a new work, "I Kissed My Dear Little Sister." Yes. I'm addicted to
this (dead fish eyes).
Even as a writer, I strictly obeyed my biorhythm. Late at night, I would go to a
cafeteria or family restaurant and write there, but due to the pandemic, my entire
regime was disrupted. But I have been working in this mode for the last five years ...
However, in May, when I was finishing this postscript, although most of the
bookstores were closed, it seems they slowly began to resume their activities. I really
hope that society will soon return to normal life.

Now, it's time to talk about the piece.

The next volume of "Chivalry of a Failed Knight" will be the final volume.
Further narration will be incredibly simple and straightforward - a brave hero must
sneak into the devil's castle to rescue the princess from captivity.
Yes Yes. Finally, in the finale, Stella will turn into just this type of heroine (smile).
Now that you know who will play the role of the captured princess, we should all hope
that Ikki will actively prove himself.

In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude.

Ohara-san, who was in charge of my work and all the rest of GA's editorial staff; to
the artist for beautiful illustrations (especially for the one where Ikki and Shizuku fight
together, very cool!)
And, of course, you, my dear reader.
Just think the next volume of my work, which has become a very long series, will be
the last. Through tears and laughter, I promise to try my best to achieve the best result.

See you in the next volume!

About the last volume. It's not entirely clear here. In theory, the author used the
wording (ラ ス ト エ ピ ソ ー ド) several times, which translates as last episode. I
believe this is the last volume. But the English-speaking fan base somehow stubbornly
believes that this is the final arc in view. Wait and see.

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