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Media kit
1 The Agri-Social
Revolution of
Born in a Barn
not in a Garage!
CrowdFarming® is the agri-tech
Farmer-to-Consumer platform
for conscious consumers or
CrowdFarmers, enabling producers
to sell directly to end-consumers.

We have pioneered the adoption

model in agriculture to make
on-demand Farmer-to-Consumer
production and delivery a reality.
We are reducing food-waste
and the environmental impact
of agriculture
by matching the supply and demand
of each product through adoptions,
improving farming conditions,
transparency, and delivering quality
products across 28 countries.
For the past 10 years,
brothers, farmeneurs,
and co-founders Gabriel and
Gonzalo Úrculo have been producing
and selling their oranges on-demand
at CrowdFarming’s sister company
Naranjas del Carmen.
They decided in 2017 to expand
the model to other agricultural
products: the CrowdFarming
seed was planted!

Our technology enables a platform

where Farmers can create their own
direct sales channel overnight, and
CrowdFarmers can adopt a crop, tree,
or animal, and receive their share of
production straight to their door.
A New
“We are not trying to digitalize the traditional
food supply chain. We are not an on-line
supermarket. We are building technology for
a new food supply chain that allows new
experiences for consumers, stable income for

CrowdFarming farmers, and that rethinks the whole cultivation,

harvest, and logistic process.”

Today, CrowdFarming is the European

leader in the F2C citrus fruits market”
2 A Win-Win-
Business Model
You are a
hard-working Farmer.
Financial insecurity has always been part of your life.
You always produced looking for the highest yield to
then sell to an intermediary. Eventually, the market
gets flooded and prices plummet. It’s not worth
harvesting your crop this season, and tons of food
are wasted.

Selling directly to consumers is not an option

as you don’t have the time nor resources to
set-up the website, payments platform, logistics,
and provide customer support.
You have never received any feedback on your
produce, other than the criticism from the
As a consumer,
you care about the environmental impact
of your daily habits. You are looking for total
transparency: you care about how your food
is produced, and about the people that provide it.
At the same time, online shopping is part
of your routine, and you don’t compromise
on quality.
1 2
Can estimate revenue Decide the price for their
(thanks to adoptions!) produce, selling straight to
& reduce costs by the consumer
anticipating required

3 Get free access to the

CrowdFarming platform
once they meet our entry
4 Receive feedback directly
from the consumer: a world
first at this scale!
requirements, and prove
they share our values

CrowdFarmers (consumers)
1 Receive fresh products
straight to their door 2 Benefit from total
transparency of the whole
production process

3 Start a relationship
with a Farmer, entering
a new consumption
4 Decide the
environmental impact
of their consumption

Environmental and Social Impact
1 Suppression of
food-waste thanks
to on-demand
2 Development of
sustainable agricultural
practices, reduced water
production and chemicals consumption

3 Reduced packaging
& plastics usage 4 Preservation and
creation of quality
jobs in rural areas

3 A Huge
Field to Be
Food Supply Chain Inefficiencies

Food waste & Lack of Intermediaries

overproduction transparency not adding value

Over-use Over-packaging
of resources
A global movement...

“Buying food from the producer is an everyday

act within anyone’s reach to achieve
social and environmental impact”

Gonzalo Úrculo, Farmer & CEO CrowdFarming

…that gives us a huge opportunity...
Citrus fruits: Olive oil:

3.8B€ to 2.2B€ to
4.5B€ +17%
2.8B€ +31%

Cheese: Tropical fruits:

14.2B€ to 1.1B€ to +96%

16.8B€ +18% 2.1B€
Intra EU-28 trade value 2013-2018 Source: Eurostat change things

“We believe that the small & medium organic Farmers

in Europe will grow thanks to direct sales: CrowdFarming
is and will be there to make this happen.”
CrowdFarming and the UN’s
Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed to improving We are making on-demand pro-
Farming conditions and ensu- duction a reality and eliminating
ring a decent source of income food-waste in the production
for Farmers. We have created or and processing phases of the
maintained over 400 quality food-chain.
jobs in rural areas.

Our farm-to-table approach is We are promoting sustainable

transforming traditional agricul- farming practices that preserve
ture and reduces delivery ecosystems by helping Farmers
time by 75%, ensuring unmat- transition to organic agriculture.
chable freshness & quality.
4 CrowdFounders
The CrowdFounders

Gonzalo Úrculo
Gonzalo is a “farmeneur” in constant movement. Combining his
passions farming & logistics, in 2010 he co-founded
Naranjas del Carmen where he first (successfully) tested the
CrowdFarming concept at the family's orange

When the orange tree adoption waiting-list hit the

10.000 people threshold, he realized this idea was bound
to become a global agri-social revolution.

This is why in 2017 he launched, an online

platform where Farmers from all over the world can sell their har-
vest directly to final consumers.
The CrowdFounders

Juliette Simonin
Since Juliette co-founded CrowdFarming, she has led the com-
pany’s growth strategy on the Farmer-side and been in charge
of all financial matters.

She joined forces with the rest of CrowdFounders when she reali-
zed she could have a real impact in society through a
Win-Win-Winner business model.

Juliette is extremely proud of being able to help Farmers grow

their businesses, reduce food-waste, and improve transparency
in the food-chain, something she could only dream of during her
past banking & insurance life.
The CrowdFounders

Moisés Calviño
Moisés first met the Úrculo brothers in 2011 at Naranjas del
Carmen, where he started building the foundations of the tech-
nology that now powers CrowdFarming. Mou has been Crowd-
Farming’s CTO since he co-founded the company, and leads
today a (growing!) team of 11 technologists.

He is passionate about process automatization and web app de-

velopment, and skillfully manages PHP, JS, SQL, jQuery, MySQL,
MongoBD, NodeJs, and Azure amongst other technologies and
languages. When Mou isn’t solving CrowdFarming’s tech challen-
ges (often with a Rubik’s cube in his hands), he enjoys spending
time with his dogs and playing video games.
The CrowdFounders

Gabriel Úrculo
Gabi is our design-and-functionality-obsessed cofounder. It
doesn’t matter whether he has to design a chair or a new business
process, he is driven by user-friendliness and efficiency.

He co-founded Naranjas del Carmen in 2010 with his brother Gon-

zalo, where they first (successfully) tested the CrowdFarming adop-
tion business-model, and co-founded
CrowdFarming in 2017.

Gabi is mind-blown by the fact they almost used to throw a party

back in 2010 for every box they sold, and now they have
a 40+ team of incredibly motivated, talented, and committed
people making CrowdFarming a reality.

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