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I & S MYP 5

Migration Investigation
Cornell Notes (Criterion Biii)
Guidance: Analytical questions or statements should help you logically “chunk” and organize your research.
They should also lend themselves to checking multiple sources as you search for a variety of opinions and

RQ: To what extent is poor sanitation and healthcare in Yemen effecting displaced Yemeni refugees?
Analytical Questions:
 Analyze the factors that have led to the Yemeni Migration.
 To what extent has the migration negatively affected the origin (Yemen)?
 To what extent has the migration impacted the destination (Other parts of Yemen and Oman)?
 Evaluate the impact of the migration on the health and wellbeing of Yemeni migrants, with specific
reference to sanitation and the Cholera outbreak (2016-19).
 What does this mean for the future of Yemen?

Mark Scheme:
Level Level descriptor Guidance Notes

1–2 collects and records limited information not always consistent with the □ Information comes from only 1-2 sources
research question
□ Information is inaccurate or too general

□ Information is related to the topic but not the question

3–4 uses a method or methods to collect and record some information □ Information is accurate but brief and comes from a small number of sources
consistent with the research question
□ Information is related to focus question but brief

□ Information doesn’t answer all the parts of the question

5–6 uses methods to collect and record appropriate information consistent □ Information is detailed, mostly accurate and answers the question directly
with the research question
□ Information comes from several sources and source types

□ Questions and statements in the first column are analytical

7–8 uses methods accurately to collect and □ Information is detailed and accurate and answers the question directly
record appropriate and varied information consistent with the research
□ Information comes from several sources and source types
□ Questions and statements in the first column are insightful and analytical

Question To what extent are Syrian refugees in Quebec, Canada experiencing a more peaceful life?
I & S MYP 5
(2014- 2016)

Question OR Supporting Details/Evidence,
Analytical including quotations with MLA in-text citations
Introduction Taylor, Peter Shawn. “How Syrian Refugees to Canada Have Fared since 2015.”, 25
(provide some Oct. 2019,
background 2015/.
material/ context
for your question) Houle. “Insights on Canadian Society.” Results from the 2016 Census: Syrian Refugees Who
Resettled in Canada in 2015 and 2016, Government of Canada, Statistics Canada, 19 Dec.

“Welcoming Immigrants and Refugees to Canada: The Role of Municipalities.” Immigrants and Refugees in Canada, July 2019,

1) Syria was the main source country of refugees for Canada in 2016.
2) “Refugees are persons who are outside their country of origin for reasons of feared
persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or other circumstances that have seriously
disturbed public order and, as a result, require international protection.”
3) “According to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), 25,555 Syrian refugees
landed in Canada between December 1, 2015, and the end of February 2016.”

4) “Canada is recognized internationally as one

of the safest and least discriminatory nations
in the world for immigrants of different ethnic or religious backgrounds “

“Refugees are persons who are outside their country of origin for reasons of feared persecution, conflict, generalized
violence, or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed public order and, as a result, require international
protection.” The Syrian migrants that have brought into Canada by the government are considered to be refugees as they
are people outside their county who are seeking “refuge” from their own home country. Canada has welcome refugees with
open arms into their country in hope of them finding a new, better life. Canada is a great place for refugee’s to live and start
over as its known for being one of the safest and least discriminatory nations in the world when it comes to immigrants.
Around 25.5 k Syrian refugees had landed in 2015-2016 in Canada and these immigrants have fared pretty well since
arriving as they have been slowly building back up their lives in a nation of peace and diversity.
Analytical “What’s Happening in Syria?-CBBC Newsround” BBC News, BBC, 16 Oct.2019,
What are the main 1) The civil war had been taking place during 2016-2016
factors that have led 2) The use of dangerous weapons near homes and families
to the migration of 3) External dangerous forces got included (Islamic State)
Syrians? 4) “24 people on average were forced to evacuate their homes every minute”

“The Visible Impacts of the Syrian War May Only Be the Tip of the Iceberg.” World Bank,
I & S MYP 5
1) The conflict in Syria was tearing apart the social and economic fabric of the country
2) Most of the people who work in services such as medical , had fled so other decided to
flee too
3) On average 538,000 jobs were destroyed annually during the conflict years

“World Report 2016: Rights Trends in Syria.” Human Rights Watch, 27 Jan. 2016,

1) The government and its allies carried out deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on civilians
2) The government persisted in conducting indiscriminate air attacks, including dropping
large numbers of improvised barrel bombs on civilians in defiance of United Nations
Security Council Resolution 2139 passed on February 22, 2014.
3) Air strikes(launched by the Government) had been targeted towards schools and hospitals
which where many civilians and children would be
4) Syrian security forces detain people and they would regularly subject them to ill-treatment
and torture
5) External Forces (Islamic State) killed citizens freely after taking villages in Syria
The main factors that have led to the migrations of Syrians were that it was basically not safe for the citizens to stay nor
was it logical to. Many negative eventful events had occurred such as that many dangerous weapons and external forces
had gotten involved which had made life for Syrian citizens very difficult and very unsafe. The Syrian government made it
perfectly clear that it doesn’t care for its citizens when they launched an air strikes that were aimed straight for schools and
hospitals. Another major reason that Syrians fled their home country was that it had made simple scientific sense as many
jobs had been destroyed and the basic needs for survival such as medical facilities , shelter etc.. had basically all been
diminished . External forces also got involved in all of this and they were not very friendly or very humane when it came to
the Syrian civilians as they also carelessly murdered them.
Analytical “A Desktop Study on the Environmental and Public Health Impact of Syria’s Conflict.” Amidst the
question/statemen Debris...,
t web.pdf.
What the long term
consequences for 1) The destruction and damage done to Oil refineries and depots caused during the civil war
Syria; since many of could potentially mean that there is a significant amount of air pollution that is going to be
its working age generated from this and it could also mean contaminating soil as well as ground and surface
people had fled their water.
own home country? 2) The damage done to industrial areas , has slowed down the industrial production of many
factories and in some cases factories have had to shut down complete due to the risk of
violence and shortage of electricity raw materials. Due to all of this damage and everything
that’s goes intertwine with this , the long term consequences are that even when the
“conflict” is over there is still not going to be a lot of money coming in from the factories
as they would be short of materials and land potentially.

Yassin, Nasser. “Syrian Refugee Crisis.” 101 Facts & Figures on the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Jan.

1) Human Development Index dropped from the 113th to the 173th rank out of 187 countries
2) More than 50% of the population displaced, 69% living in extreme poverty, and 53%
3) During 2015-2016, 45.2% of Syrian children had dropped out of school. The country’s
health index has also decreased by 30% compared to 2010.

“Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100.”,
I & S MYP 5

“Economy of Syria.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Oct. 2019, of Syria.

1) Syria in 2016 has a youthful population as shown in the population pyramid as it has a very
wide base.
2) The working age group has declined tremendously as the civil war still goes on. This could
be because of the fact that many of people in the “working age” have fled the country and
have become refugees.
3) The GDP in Syria in around 2016-2017 was $2.806 million which is significantly lower
than it was in 2010 before the civil had begun.
4) The GDP per capita in Syria in 2016 was $890 which is around $1100 less than before the
civil had begun

There are going to be several long term consequences for Syria due to this mass migration movement and also in relation to
the civil war. There are for sure going to be many structures and land that had been destroyed during the war through the
use of bombs and other weapons. A major long term consequence to Syria is that during the civil war oil wells have been
tampered with and even destroyed resulting in many negative impacts that can stay for a long time such as the
contamination of ground/underground water supplies from the oil being spilled and even the air pollution created from the
burning oil. The long term consequences to Syria when it comes to most of its population in the working age that had fled
the country or been killed is that the amount of money coming in will decrease at an enormous rate as there is not as many
people working as there was a few years back. In fact Syria’s GDP per capita dropped a whopping $1100 in 2016 since the
civil had started. Syria also on the other hand had a youthful population in 2016 and as a result of this there was still not
many of those in their working age to work as they had already fled to safety or had been put down to peace.
Analytical United Nations. “Social and Economic Impact of Large Refugee Populations on Host Developing
question/statemen Countries.” UNHCR, June 1997,
t economic-impact-large-refugee-populations-host-developing-countries.html.
What are the major
impacts that Quebec 1) Refugees compete with the local citizens for scarce resources such as land, water, housing,
Canada went through food and medical services.
bringing in so many 2) Overtime , the presence of having so many refugees leads that substantial demands on
refugees? natural resources , an education , social services , employment etc.….
3) There are commonly complaints that refugees have added to security problems in general
(Positive and and crime rates, theft, murder etc.….
Negative) 4) Refugees can bring assets to the hosting area such as several skills and knowledge that can
be utilized to the benefit of local people.

Anderson, Alan. “Popular Misconceptions about Canadian Immigration and Refugees.” Canadian
International Council, 4 Oct. 2017,

1) Refugees create employment and expand both the domestic and international economy.
2) Refugees have been far less involved in criminal activities than Canadian-born (according
to research by the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice
3) Most refugees bring diverse education and experience. This makes them not a strain on the
4) Refugees are very well educated in fact most of the time. They desire to work and to
improve their status, income, professional experience.

Finding Refugee in Canada . Dec. 2016,
I & S MYP 5

1) There was a language barrier between the Syrian refugees and the Quebec citizens which
made it harder for the Refugees to settle an adapt and getting to know the language. This
impacted Quebec as if the refugees struggle settling in than they can’t start working and
building their live back up. If they don’t work than they don’t bring in much money into
the economy.
2) The bringing of Syrian refugee families to Quebec is a major impact in the fact that the
children with them will need to get an education and that overall means many new , special
needs children as they most probably need to learn the language. This is a negative impact
on Quebec as they need a lot of money in order to provide for these children.

Quebec, Canada will face many impacts which are both positive and negative towards it in relation to them bringing in
many refugees. Refugees can be both an asset and a burden to a country. For Quebec the refugees are considered to be
valuable assets in the sense that they create employment and that they expand both the domestic and international
economy. In some cases these refugees can be seen as burden in Quebec , a prime example of this is that with the many
refugee families that arrived in Quebec many had young children who required an education and the cost to potentially
accommodate these children was A LOT! Furthermore a negative impact on Quebec bringing in so many Syrian refugeed
is that there is a large language barrier and around %70 of the refugees didn’t speak a single one of Quebec or even
Canadas languages. This meant that the refugee’s would struggle settling in to this new environment and the government
would need to help the refugees even more by supplying an extra amount of aid such as teachers and classes specially for
the refugees. In summary there are both positive and negative impacts of the Syrian refugees settling Quebec.
Analytical Keung, Nicholas. “This Syrian Refugee Is Living the Classic Canadian Dream. 'We Are so Proud
question/statemen of Canada and Want to Make Canada Proud of Us'.”, 17 Nov. 2018,
In what way are dream-we-are-so-proud-of-canada-and-want-to-make-canada-proud-of-us.html.
Syrian Refugees
experiencing a more 1) Syrian newcomers who were sponsored by the federal government and community groups
peaceful/better life in are slowly setting down roots in their adopted country
Quebec, Canada? 2) “I can speak English now and have a job. My kids are in school. We feel 80 per cent
Canadian,” This was said by a Syrian refugee that was brought into Canada by the

“Welcoming Syrian Refugees to Montréal and Helping Them Integrate.” Ville De Montreal - Official
City Portal - Welcoming Syrian Refugees, 2017,

1) “To ensure that refugees are welcomed and integrated successfully, the Montréal
Syrian Refugee Coordination Committee and four operational committees have
been created.”

2) “Montréal has allocated $1 million to help integrate Syrian refugees. These funds
will be used to help families find housing and for the operational costs of the
refugee hotline, the production of informational material, funding cultural and socio-
community activities and providing financial aid to integration and assistance
organizations.” The province raised money in order to help these refugee enjoy
their time in Canada and live a peaceful life compared to the one they had t deal
with back home.
Syrians come to Canada , which is around the world from there just to come and live a better life than they were living
with. Why would anyone go to someplace worse than what you have? That’s why Syrian refugees and major companies
decided to deliver them to Canada. Although it may be very different than what they are used to but that doesn’t it’s not
better. Syrian refugees are experiencing a more peaceful and better life in Canada as they no longer have the worries of
I & S MYP 5
violence attacking them every second of their lives. Canada is known for being very diverse in its people and for being one
of the most peaceful countries in the world. There are articles on specific Syrian refugee stories which talks about , what
they had went through in Syria, the journey to Canada and how they felt arriving and now. Many of the current comments
and thoughts on the refugees staying in Canada are very positive and they state that although it was slow to settle in , but in
the end I managed to get a job , live in a house , let my kids go to school and live a happy life with my wife and kids
together. Many communities in Quebec also like to get involved in the refugee matter whether its to raise money , raise
awareness or even sponsor families. In summary Syrian refugees are living a more peaceful life due to Canada being very
diverse and non-violent and better in the sense that the government provides them with so much such as education, a home
and much more.

Summary of your research

200-word paragraph that uses the evidence to help you answer your question:

Syrian refugees are considered mostly to be valuable assets to Quebec, Canada as they can bring many new
things to the table such as knowledge , experience that others may not have. Syrians refugees have fled to
Canada due to the unpleasantness events that have happened during the country’s civil war. It was unsafe to live
there as there were many unwanted casualties such as a lot of violence ;murder and even land destruction
through the use of bombs and chemical weapons. The refugees that had went to Canada was a great move as the
country is known for being welcoming to immigrants/refugees and for it being very safe as well as peaceful.
The government of Canada took and still takes great care for the Syrian refugees in many ways, such as that
they provided them with homes, and education (if wanted) and overall a new beginning to their lives. Syria will
suffer very much in the future with all the long term consequences from the civil war as many of its civilians
have fled or been killed. To conclude Syrian refugees are experiencing a better and peaceful life in Quebec,
Canada compared to what they were living in as the crime rate in Quebec is very low , the citizens of Quebec
take a huge part in helping out the refugees feeling welcome and settling in by fundraising or sponsoring some
of them and there is a government who welcomes all of any race to help the rebuild their lives from scratch.

Works Cited page

“A Desktop Study on the Environmental and Public Health Impact of Syria’s Conflict.” Amidst the Debris...,

“Economy of Syria.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Oct. 2019, of Syria.

“Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100.”,

I & S MYP 5
“The Visible Impacts of the Syrian War May Only Be the Tip of the Iceberg.” World Bank,

“Welcoming Immigrants and Refugees to Canada: The Role of Municipalities.” Immigrants and Refugees in Canada, July

“Welcoming Syrian Refugees to Montréal and Helping Them Integrate.” Ville De Montreal - Official City Portal -
Welcoming Syrian Refugees, 2017,

“What’s Happening in Syria?-CBBC Newsround” BBC News, BBC, 16 Oct.2019,

“World Report 2016: Rights Trends in Syria.” Human Rights Watch, 27 Jan. 2016,

Anderson, Alan. “Popular Misconceptions about Canadian Immigration and Refugees.” Canadian International Council, 4
Oct. 2017,

Finding Refugee in Canada . Dec. 2016,

Houle. “Insights on Canadian Society.” Results from the 2016 Census: Syrian Refugees Who Resettled in Canada in 2015
and 2016, Government of Canada, Statistics Canada, 19 Dec. 2018,

Keung, Nicholas. “This Syrian Refugee Is Living the Classic Canadian Dream. 'We Are so Proud of Canada and Want to
Make Canada Proud of Us'.”, 17 Nov. 2018,

Taylor, Peter Shawn. “How Syrian Refugees to Canada Have Fared since 2015.”, 25 Oct. 2019,

United Nations. “Social and Economic Impact of Large Refugee Populations on Host Developing Countries.” UNHCR,
June 1997,

Yassin, Nasser. “Syrian Refugee Crisis.” 101 Facts & Figures on the Syrian Refugee Crisis, Jan. 2018,

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