Proyect Icpna

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A) Hi Valeria, ¿how are you? It's been a long time, hasn't it? 5 years went by very quickly.

B) Hi Braulio. Yes, 5 years have passed, time goes by very quickly.

A) Yes time goes by so fast. Well Valeria, there is something I would like to tell you, in this time
that has passed I have taken another more current style. Now I wear the oversize style, with
slightly wider clothes, you should try that style, it looks great on anyone. I also want to tell you
about my neighborhood, it has changed a lot in all this time, now it is much cleaner and more
orderly, and it is also much better to walk around. Well, I have also changed my routine and I
do more things at home, like cleaning, helping my mom, playing with my dog and taking him
for a walk, and I also do my school homework. And finally, I would like to tell you my plans for
the future, which I am still not very clear about, but if I have thought about applying to the
police or studying medicine, after having a stable job, I would like to visit various parts of the
world and many other things.
And you? What new things have you done in this time?

B) Oh wow you have done a lot of things in all this time. I also have a new style of clothes, I
wear tight clothes and sometimes retro clothes. My neighborhood has also changed a lot
since the last time you saw it, now it's been remodeled and it's quieter to walk around. Well,
I've also changed my routine a bit, now I exercise at home, I help my mom and I also study,
it's very tiring but it's fun! . And well, my plans for the future are to have a good job and a
good, big and beautiful house. And that would be everything new that has happened in all
this time.

A) Wow, everything you say to me is impressive!, but I have to go now, it was a pleasure talking
to you again, I hope we meet again, bye.

B) Ok braulio, hopefully we can talk again, bye

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