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Three ways to sketch a thread, detailed, simplified, and schematic thread representation.

 The detail is the most realistic looking, although it is a symbolic way of representing thread
and does not show the helical shape accurately and rarely ever sketched because it is time-
consuming to draw the large number of lines making up its shape, and does not reproduce
well when the thread diameter on the sheet of paper is smaller than 1′′ or 25 mm.

 The simplified use hidden lines to represent the depth of the thread because the thread
depth is different for different pitches or thread series, and can sometimes be quite small, this
hidden line is often shown at 116′′ or 2 mm so it can easily be identified on a sketched or printed
 Schematic uses shorter thick parallel lines to represent the roots of the thread and long thin
lines to represent the crests. Distances are not always shown accurately; instead, they are often
shown about 18′′ or 3 mm apart to give the appearance of thread.

 Screw thread representation is a standard for representing, specifying, and dimensioning

screw threads on drawings. Metric screw threads are designated basically by the letter M for
metric thread, followed by the thread form and nominal size or the basic major diameter in
millimeters and separated by the symbol × followed by the pitch, also in millimeters for example
M10 × 1.5-LH. The letter S stands for short, N means normal, and L means long. For example, the
single note M10 × 1.5-6H/6g-N-LH combines the specifications for internal and external mating
of left-hand metric threads of 10-mm diameter and 1.5-mm pitch with general-purpose
tolerances and normal length of engagement.

 A tap drill is sized to form a hole that will leave enough material for a thread to be cut using a
tap to form a threaded hole.

 Thread notes for holes are preferably attached to the circular views of the holes and given
where the threaded shaft appears rectangular, when converting typical fractional nominal
diameter sizes to decimals, the decimal equivalent for the major diameter is given to four
decimal places, or the omitting zero in the fourth place. ACME screw threads use two classes of
fit, the G - general-purpose and C – centralizing.
 Two types of external thread symbols are the simplified thread that is indicated by hidden
lines parallel to the axis at the approximate depth of the thread, whether the cylinder appears
rectangular or circular, and the schematic thread shown in the section, which shows the Vs of
the thread to make the thread obvious. The short lines representing the root lines are thicker
than the long crest lines.

 Threads in the assembly drawing, it is customary not to section a stud or a nut or any solid
part unless necessary to show some internal shapes and show these items in the round, as they
would look if they were set in the hole after the assembly was cut to form the section. When
external and internal threads are sectioned in assembly, the Vs are required to show the
threaded connection in the simplified and schematic assembly.
Assemble threads

 The last is a modeling thread that does not typically model because this complex helical
surface adds greatly to the complexity and file size of the model without providing much useful
manufacturing information. Many 3D modeling packages allow you to model thread accurately,
but it is better to include this type of information as a note just wait to add it after you have
worked out the major details of the design. Sweeping a thread form, some modeling software
allows you to define the helical path curve using an equation. Other software provides a helical
sweep command that allows entering the number of revolutions and diameter parameters,
which can be changed later. Three ways to do a model thread, first draw a cross-sectional shape,
second draw the helical path, and last sweep the cross-section along the helical path to form the
shape of the thread. For the Acme screw threads were intended to replace square
threads and a variety of threads of other forms used chiefly to traverse motion on
machines, tools, etc. Acme screw threads are now extensively used for a variety of
purposes. Differences between metric, inch and American threads are in the measurement
units of the pitch measurement unit for a metric thread is a millimeter, pitch measurement unit
for an inch thread is an inch. And the pitch measurement unit for American thread is also an
inch. The square thread form is a common screw thread profile, used in high-load applications
such as leadscrews and jackscrews. It gets its name from the square cross-section of the thread.
It is the lowest friction and most efficient thread form, but it is difficult to fabricate.

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