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Here’s the ’Drille






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Twisted X® is dedicated to creating comfortable, quality, and innovative footwear.
After ten years with over 1 million pairs sold, our “Original Driving Moc” still stands
out in the western industry as the original standard of comfort.
Explore over 550 styles in casual, work, western and outdoor markets at

Copyright © 2023 Twisted X Global Brands. All Rights Reserved.

FOP OCT NOV 2023.indd 1 10/12/23 8:20 AM


Greg Dutter
Editorial Director
Nancy Campbell
Trevett McCandliss
F E AT U R E S Creative Directors
Kathleen O’Reilly
Fashion Editor
10 Right On Rosemary O’Connell
Art Director
Kitty Bolinger, newly named
Kathy Passero
president of Dansko, is steering the
Editor at Large
company in all the right directions.
Mariah Walker
By Greg Dutter Style Director
Ann Loynd Burton
Contributing Editor
18 Seamless Sensibility
Melodie Jeng
Leading comfort brands are
Marcy Swingle
marrying style with technology. Contributing Photographers
By Greg Dutter
Kanna wedge with Noelle Heffernan
28 High Fiber braided strap; scallop Publisher
Chic espadrilles in muted tones are on suede platform by
Lizette Chin
the menu for Spring/Summer ’24. Beautiisoles. SVP/Group Publisher
By Kathleen O’Reilly PA G E Laurie Guptill

28 Production Manager
Kathy Wenzler
Circulation Director
Catherine Rosario
D E PA RT M E N T S Office Manager
Mike Hoff
Digital Director
4 Editor’s Note
6 This Just In: New York WAINSCOT MEDIA
Carroll Dowden
8 Scene & Heard Chairman
21 Trend Spotting: Chunky Sandals Mark Dowden
President & CEO
22 A Note to My Younger Self
Steven J. Resnick
26 Trend Spotting: Men’s Slip-ons Vice President & CFO

38 Shoe Salon
40 Last Shot
One Maynard Drive
Park Ridge, NJ 07656
Tel: (201) 571-2244
On cover: Diba True platforms with Ads: Noelle.Heffernan@
knotted raffia strap.
suede Trevett McCandliss; Editorial: Greg.Dutter@
styling: Mariah Walker/Art Department
NYC; fashion editor: Kathleen O’Reilly;
model: Ines Mambou-Missoumani/Q CIRCULATION
Management; hair and makeup: Nevio One Maynard Drive
Ragazzini/Next Artists; photo assistant: Park Ridge, NJ 07656
Eileen Viglietta; production assistant: Tel: (201) 571-2244
Olivia Mannarino.

FOOTWEAR PLUS ™ (ISSN#1054-898X) The fashion magazine of the footwear industry is published monthly (except for bimonthly April/May and October/November editions) by Wainscot Media, One Maynard Drive, Park Ridge, NJ, 07656. The publishers of this magazine do not accept
responsibility for statements made by their advertisers in business competition. Periodicals postage paid at Mahwah, NJ, and additional mailing offices. Subscription price for one year: $48 in the U.S. Rates outside the U.S. are available upon request. Single copy price: $10.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FOOTWEAR PLUS, PO Box 300, Lincolnshire, IL 60069-0300. Publisher not responsible for unsolicited articles or photos. Any photographs, artwork, manuscripts, editorial samples or merchandise sent for editorial consideration are sent at the sole
risk of the sender. Wainscot Media will assume no responsibility for loss or damage. No portion of this issue may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. ©2008 by Wainscot Media. Printed in the United States.

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Propet OCT 23 Footwear

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E D I TOR’S NOT E Meet the New Boss

The First Noelle

IT IS WITH great pleasure that I formally intro- is laser-focused on making sure that continues.
duce our new publisher, Noelle Heffernan. While Not to be overlooked in all this is the fact that Noelle is a woman.
she is relatively new to our industry—having first While this is by no means a first for Footwear Plus publishers (more on
dipped her toe into our waters officially about that in a bit), it makes her an outlier in the male-dominated C-suites
two years ago by working on select accounts of both publishing and footwear, not to mention a host of other fields.
before being promoted to sales manager a year It’s high time my gender allowed more women to have a say in how
ago—she has been a business associate of mine things are run, especially taking into account the less than stellar job
for 13 years. we men have been doing in the business and political realms. Surely
Thanks to my elephant-like tendencies, women can do better than the countless crypto bro frauds, tech titan
I remember the very first days after she joined our company as an creeps, and bloodthirsty dictators, both real and wannabe.
account executive for our sister publication, Earnshaw’s, a 106-year-old I also take great delight in featuring the newly named president of
magazine that covers the childrenswear industry. This was back in the Dansko, Kitty Bolinger, as the subject of this issue’s Q&A (p. 10). She not
days of office cubicles and employees toiling away at their desks five days only puts another crack in the glass ceiling, she also proudly notes that
a week! You really got to know your coworkers, particularly in terms Dansko’s entire day-to-day executive team is now made up of women!
of how they worked or, in some cases, didn’t. What That is rare. Then again, leave it to a company steeped
struck me about Noelle right away was that she worked. in progressive actions ever since Cofounder Mandy
Each day, I’d overhear snippets of her conversations Cabot came onto the scene. By the way, it happens
as she methodically worked the phones. She was to be the same year Footwear Plus did.
friendly, professional, informed, and determined. Speaking of our publication, Noelle is the ninth
There was never a whiff of (cheesy WKRP salesperson) publisher in our esteemed 33-year history. For those
Herb Tarlek wafting over our shared cubicle wall. keeping score, five held the title for what amounted
What’s more, her conversations always focused on to cups of coffee; one (Michael Atmore) built a solid
what the magazine could do for the particular brand foundation over a six-year span that included the sheer
on the other end of the phone. She never used a one- genius hiring of me as Features Editor way back in
pitch-fits-all approach, nor did she ever take a care- 1993! He was followed by the late Thomas Hudson,
less quick-sale approach. Noelle is all about building Jr., who had the brilliant vision (some might argue
long-term business relationships; many of hers have blind faith) to name me Editor-in-Chief in 1996.
blossomed into genuine friendships. That’s because About a decade later, Caroline Diaco officially took
she truly wants what’s best for her clients, which is the reins as publisher after serving nearly 10 years
also what’s best for the magazine. It’s a win-win busi- as our resident sales dynamo. Associate Publisher
Noelle Heffernan, publisher,
ness philosophy that is rare these days. Footwear Plus Jennifer Craig, another sales dynamo, joined the team
It’s not surprising that Noelle’s extensive shortly before that. Together, the three of us grew the
resume is stacked with sales experience. Publishing stops prior to business exponentially over a 15-year span. Caroline, Jenn, and I were
Footwear Plus have included Primedia Business & Magazines (Catalog Age), on the same page, always wanting what was best for our clients and
Fairchild Publications (WWD), and Business Journals Inc. (Accessories readers, which we firmly believed would also be best for Footwear Plus.
Magazine). She is a seasoned publishing professional who has navigated The cherry on top was that we loved our jobs, especially getting to know
the alleged death of print and the social media-driven digital revolu- so many passionate and talented players, past and present. We took our
tion. Since assuming the role of publisher of Earnshaw’s in 2011, she work very seriously, but not ourselves. We laughed a lot and learned a
has spearheaded the evolution of the publication to meet the changing ton along the way.
needs of that industry. While Noelle remains a steadfast believer in Noelle was a close colleague of ours for most of that run. She comes
the power of print, she knows digital can be layered on for a powerful from the same school of thought: Always do right by clients and read-
and exclusive mix of coverage. As a B2B publishing expert, Noelle ers, and it’ll work out well for the magazine, too. That’s why I know she
also knows that the quality of the readership is far more important is the right person, at the right time, to take the publisher’s mantle of
than overblown and off-target digital claims. A trade magazine only Footwear Plus. I hope you will all welcome her into our crazy, colorful
survives—in our case for decades—if the target audience reads it. She world of shoes. You’re in good hands.

Greg Dutter
Editorial Director

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Courting Courtney
Kinderwhore chic roars back to life at New York
Fashion Week. Love it. Photography by Melodie Jeng

6 • october/november 2023

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Seychelles and BC renewable materials, like cotton and straw over synthetics, when pos-

Strut the Paris Runway

sible, is even better. And making styles in small batches, producing only
what we need, and ensuring all our packaging is paper-based and fully
recyclable are other ways we’ve embraced sustainability.”
The brands’ vegan styles featured in Paola Suhonen, artistic director Ivana Helsinki, is certainly in agree-
ment on making a lighter global footprint. “I strongly believe that only
Ivana Helsinki’s 25th anniversary show. by limiting the volume can we be truly responsible,” she says. “We have
too much of everything in this world.”
Ratsula’s partnership with Ivana Helsinki also extends to their mutual
Finnish roots. “It’s exciting for me to work with a heritage Finnish brand,
THE SHOES FIT—literally. Nordic fashion brand Ivana Helsinki considering that it’s where I grew up,” she says. “The way Paola uses true
needed a partner for the launch of its revolutionary responsible fashion Finnishness and Finnish nature as an inspiration is truly magical and, quite
concept, Edition of 50 Pieces, which restricts production of every item honestly, made me miss my home country when experiencing the show.”
to just 50 numbered pieces. The label, which is also committed to 100
percent veganism, chose Seychelles and the vegan-only BC Footwear
to accessorize the collection for its Paris show.
Sari Ratsula, president/Queen Bee of the California-based brands, was
honored on many levels to partner with Ivana Helsinki. For starters, it
marks the first time the brands have been featured on a runway during Black Footwear Forum
a Big Success
Paris Fashion Week. “We believe fashion is something for everyone to
enjoy and pride ourselves on having an attainable price point, so it’s
incredibly exciting to have our brands showcased on such an elevated
platform,” she says. “Also, I’ve looked to Paris countless times as a The fourth annual event hosted an Oscar
source of inspiration, so to now be a part of that in an official sense is
a full circle moment and just really, really special.” winner and an array of industry leaders
Seychelles made exclusive colorways of three of its Spring/Summer ’24 and corporate sponsors.
styles for the show. “We made a special vegan version of our Seychelles
Monsoon sandal, and we featured the “Used to Love You” heel in caramel
velvet and a fabulous green brocade, as well as a beige Nobody But You
boot from our BC line,” Ratsula says, noting that the brands collaborated
in 2011 and 2012 for New York Fashion Week as well as have been fea- BIGGER,BROADER,BETTER…the Black Footwear Forum (BFF),
tured in the label’s flagship stores held at Detroit’s Pensole Lewis College (PLC) of Business & Design, a
in Helsinki and New York. “As Historically Black College or University, in late September, knocked
brands, you could call us old friends. it out of the park, reports PLC’s President and Founder Dr. D’Wayne
We’ve always been in alignment in Edwards. The free, four-day event, held in partnership with the
both ethos and aesthetic, and we Footwear Distributors and Retailers of America (FDRA), was attended
hold deep respect for each other’s by nearly 700 people and supported by more than 30 sponsors, includ-
creativity and work.” ing Nike, Microsoft, PepsiCo, Adidas, Target, Foot Locker, Designer
Sustainable design, of course, is Brands, General Motors, On Running, Puma, RG Barry Brands, Steve
a key part of that mutual respect. Madden, and Xbox. It featured presentations, panel discussions, and
Ratsula, for one, views sustain- networking opportunities built around this year’s theme of “Culture
ability as a working mindset. is Currency: Know Your Worth.”
“There will always be room for “We are the culture, and we are the currency that keeps the industry
improvement, so it’s really about going,” Edwards says. “Remove people of color from sports, entertain-
consistently making choices to do ment, music, and fashion. Is it the same?”
better whenever you can,” she says, The event kicked off with a ribbon cutting ceremony to unveil the
adding, “When you compare the new Pepsi x Frito-Lay Refresh and Relax Lounge designed by PLC
production of vegan materials to students and dedicated to Kevin Carroll, author, speaker, and agent
that of animal leather, that alone for social change. The lineup of speakers included NBA all-star and
is less of a drain on the earth’s entrepreneur Russell Westbrook, who encouraged PLC students to
resources.” She adds, “Choosing pursue their creative path and emphasized the importance of diverse
talent in the design field. Panel highlights included the Black Genius
Conversation, featuring Ruth Carter, a two-time Academy Award-
Seychelles’ “Used to Love You”
platforms were updated in crushed
winning costume designer, moderated by shoe designer D’on Lauren
velvet and brocade exclusively for Edwards of Michael Kors. Another panel was Free Game: Generational
the Paris show. Purpose, a discussion on heritage vs. legacy with June Ambrose, costume

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Lace me up: Uno

sneaker with Air-
Cooled Memory
Foam insoles and
Skech-Air clear
designer and creative director for Puma, and Grammy Award-winning The fifth annual BFF is airbag midsoles.
DJ Jazzy Jeff, moderated by streetwear pioneer James Whitner. already in the planning stages.
Edwards says this year’s BFF served as a catalyst for innovation, The overriding goal is to “ele-
fostering meaningful conversations and inspiring attendees to think vate,” according to Edwards.
differently. A particular highlight for him was showcasing people of “We’ve raised the bar every
color in careers attendees may not have known they were involved in. In year, and this year the bar was
addition to Oscar-winner Carter that included hip-hop architect Mike set very high, but I’m already
Ford, currency designer Brian Thompson, who designed the $100 bill, excited for 2024 because it’ll
and rap ghost writer Grandmaster Caz. “BFF is a place where attendees be better than 2023.”
come as themselves, not the brands they work for,” Edwards says. “This Priest says Black employees
Meet the presidents: FDRA’s Matt Priest
brings a vibe of openness to learn and share, no matter who you are. deserve a top-shelf event to and PLC’s Dr. D’Wayne Edwards
We’re all on the same level, and everyone is open to uplift you.” honor their contributions and
FDRA President Matt Priest concurs on the phenomenal BFF vibe. create a compelling space to network and connect. He’s glad he called
“I was surrounded by joy, gratitude, and positivity the entire time,” he says, Edwards to launch this initiative in 2018Skechers/Stones
that his since blossomed
collab on into
citing the powerful lineup of speakers for setting the tone. “To hear from a beautiful movement. “I’m blown away bydisplay at the band’s
the impact BFF is having
Carnaby Street flagship
the likes of Larry Miller, Ruth Carter, D’Wayne Edwards, Jazerai Allen- on our industry and grateful to have the opportunity to play a small
in London.
Lord, Jason Mayden, James Whitner, DJ Jazzy Jeff, and June Ambrose…I role in its success,” he says, adding that regional BFF chapters across
was honored just to be in the room with such amazing people.” Priest the country are driving engagement throughout the year. “My hope is
adds, “We need Black employees and Black culture infused into the that the event continues to blossom and serve as a platform for driving
broader footwear community. I believe it’s critical to our collective success.” change at all levels of our industry.”

IR Show is Vegas Bound a multi-million-dollar transformation. The convention center is part

of the hotel, making it easily accessible for attendees. The hotel is also
The San Diego show is setting up shop in attached to Paris Las Vegas, offering plenty of dining and entertainment
options without having to drive or walk in the heat. “Everything is new,
Sin City for its next two July editions. and the rooms are beautiful,” Hauss says, noting that a key objective is
to keep costs in check. “For the July ’24 show that includes one hotel
room for three nights per 10x10 of exhibit space.” (Exhibitor fees and
further details can be found at Travel costs, he adds,
IT’LL LIKELY BE just as sunny, only a tad hotter. Attendees of The should be less, as there are plenty of direct flights and hotel rates, in
IR Show’s July 2024 and 2025 editions will be at the Horseshoe Las general, are cheaper.
Vegas Meeting and Convention Center in Las Vegas. The January Hauss reports feedback about the move is positive. “Brands believe
editions will remain at the San Diego Convention Center. this could be a game-changer,” he says. “They think more of their retailers
“While we love San Diego, we had no choice but to find alternatives will attend.” He adds that Vegas is familiar but also refreshing. “Many of
for our July 28-30, 2024, and July 22-24, 2025 events,” says Gary our attendees love San Diego, and for good reason, as it’s a great place to
Hauss, show director. “Comic Con, the largest pop culture event in have a show. So they’ll get the best of both worlds for now.” (The January
the U.S., is held in July in San Diego and takes over the entire city. 28-30, 2024 show will be in the Sails Pavilion, a glass enclosed space
The only alternative dates would have been too early or too late, and offering views of San Diego and the harbor.)
the spaces available were just too small.” Hauss believes a show’s location is only part of the equation. Size
Hauss is playing the hand he’s been dealt, leaning into making the matters, as more exhibitors means more buyers, and vice-versa. Of late,
Vegas editions as economical, impactful, and enjoyable as possible. however, smaller shows have been diffusing that potential strength. “It’s
For starters, he views it as a sort of homecoming, particularly for the forcing reps to be in too many places without a meaningful ROI, and
comfort sector, which has been largely absent it’s forcing retailers to attend multiple shows
from the city since the WSA Show. “We’ve always in order to see all their brands,” he says. Hauss
The Horseshoe is
loved Vegas, and it just seemed like the perfect believes the West Coast warrants a big show. It’s
on The Strip.
fit at the perfect time,” he says. “We got the dates why he created IR. “We offer a one-stop shopping
and space we need, and while San Diego is easy experience where retailers can see their current
to get to and the hotel rates are good, Vegas is brands and discover new ones, which is extremely
even easier to get to and our hotel rates ($140 a important,” he says. “They can meet with key
night including a $35 resort fee) are incredible. executives, network, and attend educational
Plus, everything will still be under one roof.” events.” Hauss adds, “To paraphrase Field of
As for what’s under that roof, The Horseshoe Dreams, ‘If you build it, they will come.’ Well,
(formerly Bally’s on The Strip) recently underwent we’ve built it, and we hope to see everyone there.”

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K i t t y B o l i n g e r, n e w l y n a m e d p r e s i d e n t o f D a n s k o , i s s t e e r i n g t h e c o m p a n y
in all the right directions.

ONE COULD MAKE a case that from the day

Kitty Bolinger arrived at Dansko as National Sales
Manager in 2010 she has been on a path toward
becoming its president. Steadily and surely over
the past 13 years, she rose through the ranks, becoming Director of
National Accounts (2012), Vice President of Sales (2013), Executive Vice
President of Sales (2014), Executive Vice President Sales, Ecommerce,
and Marketing (2022), and, as of this September, President. Along the
way, Bolinger expanded her areas of expertise and her responsibilities
to include nearly all facets of the business. Her track record at each stop
proves she is presidential material. But ascendency was hardly preordained.
Bolinger earned each rung of the ladder and, for the latest promotion,
bested a field of candidates from inside and outside Dansko. Ultimately,
she was deemed the best choice to oversee the company’s day-to-day
operations. (CEO Jim Fox is taking on a big picture role.)
One of the many advantages Bolinger provides in her new role is
continuity, which is of particular importance right now, given that her
promotion comes during a period of significant change within Dansko’s
C-suite. In the past year, the board has brought in new VPs for marketing
(Christina Sewell) and sales (Susan Lee). In addition, Kelsey Jayne was
recently promoted from Design Director to VP of Design, essentially replac-
ing Sal Agati, who oversaw those duties for the past 11 years and is retiring
at the end of October. “We’ve had quite a bit of change over the last year,”
Bolinger says. “And continuity is important to our organization—from the partners. “I’m taking them to Schuler’s in Minnesota; Shoe Mill in Portland,
people who work in our headquarters to those in our distribution center OR; Comfort One in the Mid-Atlantic area; and others because knowing them
to our retail partners. They all know who I am.” personally is really important,” she says. “I want [Shoe Mill President] Josh
For Bolinger, continuity also involves keeping the needs of Dansko’s Habre, for example, to have the same comfort level working with Kelsey and
retailers top of mind. “They are No. 1 for me, and I’ve been a proponent of Susan that he had with Sal and me.” Bolinger adds, “We’re going to continue
that all along,” she says, assuring that there will be no Dear John breakup to listen to our retailers’ concerns. That’s really important.”
letters sent to partners. “We want to make sure our retailers have a con- Many independent retailers complain about not even knowing who their
nection here.” This includes knowing reps, regional sales managers, and reps or regional sales managers are for some brands, Bolinger says, and that’s
executive team members on a personal level. To that end, Bolinger is tak- not ok. Nor would it happen under her watch. “Dansko is here today because
ing the new, all-female executive team on a get-to-know-us tour with key of those retailers, as well as the Dillards and Nordstroms of the world,” she

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says. “Being able to make sure that they know they’re really just wanted to meet Mandy, who I had heard worked for us as well as where we’ve stumbled.
being represented in the decisions Dansko makes so much about and admired,” Bolinger says. “It just We’re trying to own the stumbles, but also look
is very important.” That’s more crucial than ever in so happens she went to the same obscure boarding for the consistencies and newness to make the
disruptive times like the past few years, she adds. school that my mother did, and when Peter gave best product in the comfort space. We don’t ever
“It’s been a struggle at times to know which way me a tour of the campus, there was a welcoming compromise. Sometimes an option costs less, but
is up. Now they have too many shoes. Before they vibe about the place. It felt like home. So I called it doesn’t perform as well. That’s not how we roll
had too few. Are they going to have a letter in their my husband and said, ‘I think it’s a sign that I’m here. We think differently, and I think there’s a
mailbox informing them that their number-one supposed to come here.’” big opportunity sticking with that quality over
brand is going in a different direction? There are cost approach.
a ton of uncertainties keeping them up at night. What have been some of your first orders of
But they should never worry about any of that ever business as president? What are some avenues of potential growth?
coming from Dansko.” The first was getting our new executive team all First off, we want to reinforce and reestablish
Dansko has steadfastly maintained this conscien- in the same room and stating the financial goals our position in healthcare, as well as making her
tious approach to doing business for 33 years and of the organization. I wanted everyone to think aware of the other styles we make, which includes
counting. The culture that founders and current about how they’re going to contribute to meeting sneakers. We’ve held a lot of in-person events
board members Mandy Cabot and Peter Kjellerup those goals, and to ask me questions about how across the country recently and gave away lots of
(Cabot’s husband) established is set in stone. we’re going to get there. Everybody needs to be on shoes to healthcare workers, specifically nurses.
Jim Fox stayed the course, assuming day-to-day the same page and understand those goals. And For example, we gave the entire graduating class
operations in 2016 on the heels of his 10-year run we all need to be communicating with each other of Jefferson Medical College free pairs. We want
as CFO. Along the way, “the little clog company that on what we’re doing to get there. Now it’s a matter to continue our conversation with healthcare
could,” as Cabot playfully once referred to Dansko, of executing against those priorities. workers and reinforce that we understand what
evolved into a cornerstone comfort brand—one they need and are delivering it. We’re also look-
retailers rely on season after season to boost their What are some of your top priorities? ing at new moms as a growth avenue, because we
bottom lines. “We’re not caught up in a lot of the We’re constantly and consistently evaluating our believe that’s one of the pivot points in life when a
bad behavior going on in the industry right now,” product, making sure it’s the very best it can be. woman decides that comfortable shoes really pay
Bolinger says. “We would never, for example, fire We’ve dug in—maybe to a better degree than in off. Maybe before, when she wasn’t running around
the sales team if we didn’t make the quarter. That’s the past—on what that formula is, but not in a after kids, looks were the most important aspect.
never been the way Dansko operates, and that comes formulaic way where it’s going to end up looking We’ve done lots of research in this area and are
straight from Mandy and Peter. They’d never blame like products before. We’re looking at what has investing in more. We also have a great relationship
a department or an individual if a quarter fell short

of expectations. It’s about everybody pitching in
and everybody owning it.”
Bolinger believes Dansko’s management philoso-
phy has helped retain quality people. “We’re based
in West Grove, PA, which isn’t exactly a mecca for
business,” she says. “But Mandy and Peter made a What are you reading? Our CEO which is usually not associated What did you want to be when you
commitment to stand by their employees and treat Jim Fox just gave me Herding with being a salesperson. grew up? A lawyer.
them well, which is highlighted by their decision, in Tigers, which is about managing (Laughs.)
2012, to make the company 100 percent employee- creative people. I’m really going What was your first-ever paying job?
owned.” They could have sold the company for a to need it. What is the best business Ice cream scooper, and I lasted one
handsome price, “but they feared what might hap- advice you’ve ever received? shift. I thought my arm was going to
What have you learned so I hear it from (Dansko fall off. It’s very hard work!
pen to their employees under new ownership—or if
far? I’ve learned that I’m not cofounder) Mandy Cabot all
something happened to them” before a sale, Bolinger
a creative person, and I don’t the time: Stay true to who you What was your first concert and best
says. Employee ownership, as well as being at the think the way that they do. are. It’s also great life advice. concert? The Doobie Brothers was
forefront of sustainability and philanthropy, truly (Laughs.) It’s going to be my first. And any time I’ve seen Bruce
makes Dansko truly unique. “We’re one of a kind. very helpful, as we have great If you could invite anyone Springsteen it’s been pretty amazing.
We don’t make short-term decisions. The brand creative people and I want to to dinner, who would it be?
is the most important aspect, as well as the 180 make sure I respect the way Barack Obama. Where is your moment of Zen? My
families that count on the brand. That’s always they process things. dogs sitting in my lap.
been the main focus in how we make decisions. What is inspiring you right
And not having to worry about shareholders gives What was the last series you now? Watching my children, What is your motto? Go big or
watched? The Crown, which who are in their twenties, go home.
us permission to make the right ones.”
shows that I’m not much of a become adults. Both are out of
Playing a key role in those decisions makes
TV/movie person because it first college, employed, and figuring What is your favorite hometown
Bolinger’s new post a dream job. She never envisioned aired several years ago. out life. It’s just interesting memory? I’m from Haddonfield, NJ,
things playing out this way when she joined the watching them succeed, fail, which is where my kids grew up,
company, but she suspects fate played a role in her What might people be get back up again…all of that. and it’s of our annual Fourth of July
career trajectory. Bolinger had just started a job as surprised to know about you? parades. It’s a march-in-the-parade
National Accounts Manager at Vionic when Dansko I’m very much an introvert, kind of town.
reached out. “I agreed to the interview because I

12 • october/november 2023

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with teachers, and are investing in Professional clog. Of course, we

activities that are more charitable, A chrome series update all know icons come back. In
because educators care a lot about to the iconic Professional. the meantime, though, we have
that. Those are three big buckets to diversify our offerings while
that we’re targeting. We’re trying we’re in this valley. It’s about not
to get to know all those women as being as vulnerable to the whims
best we can. of whether the icon is hot or not.
That said, we’re working on ways
These buckets extend well beyond to reinvigorate our icon. It remains
clogs. very important to our business and
Yes, and we offer a little bit of we expect it will be in the seasons
everything. Society has changed to come, especially when people
since the pandemic in terms of how stop wearing oversized running
people work, recreate, shop, dress, shoes all the time.
etc., and one of the great aspects
about Dansko is that our styles are in step with them becoming quite significant, and we’re lucky It could be worse. Dansko doesn’t have an icon.
this lifestyle shift. So, for example, while our clogs to be good partners with many of them. Exactly, and we wouldn’t have as strong of a brand
are flight attendants’ favorite shoe, we also have identity. I would say we’ve done a much better job
the Paisley outdoor walking shoe that’s become a Is there a particular channel poised for growth at having a softer landing this time, whereas other
monster seller. Leading outdoor brands are ref- next year? brands who filled in around their icons did so with
erencing us as their pain point. We’ve also offer Since we transferred our DTC website to the Shopify inferior quality. That has come back to bite them.
super-casual items to dressy transitional styles platform, our user experience is better than it’s We won’t ever do that. If a style has our name
that are suitable for various work environments. ever been. We expect that will be a strong avenue on it, then it better be as good or better than our
Overall, we feel that whatever our target customer of growth. I know that retailers don’t like to read Professional clog.
is looking for, as long as she wants comfort and about that, but the reality is that when we create
tremendous support, we have an answer. brand awareness, it helps all our channels of dis- How do you go about making sure those stan-
tribution. But we don’t offer site-wide discounts. dards are kept?
Will men’s be a focus going forward? We hold only four sales a year, which our retailers One way now is through weekly content creation
Yes. We’ll start to reengage with male consumers are informed of in advance and are items that they meetings, which includes people from sales, mar-
for Fall ’24. It’ll lean toward where we had some can also put on sale. We try to be very respectful keting, product development, and our Amazon
success previously, which was more casual and all of our retailers and present the brand in the most person. We want everybody’s input to make sure
about support and underfoot comfort. The fact is the premium way on our site. we’re all on the same page. For example, if we’re
men’s dress category doesn’t really exist anymore. sending out an email campaign, we want to make
I think most retailers are resigned to brands sure the creative meets with what product develop-
How would you assess Dansko’s ability to navi- selling DTC online. What ticks them off, though, ment originally intended for that particular style. Is
gate through the pandemic? is being undercut on price and not having access this where they see that style being worn? Overall,
We came through it ok. There’s never been a year to the same merchandise. there’s just a lot more give and take in these con-
in our history that we haven’t been profitable, I think site-wide sales and email blasts offering tent creation meetings, whereas in the past it was
and that includes 2020. Our biggest pain point, BOGOs are too common, but anybody who fol- a case of product development making the shoes
however, was that our largest retail partner (The lows our site knows that isn’t the case. One time, and the marketing department advertising them
Walking Company) filed for Chapter 11 right before though, I received a call from a retailer who said without any conversation about how the two should
the pandemic. It hurts when you lose 185 points they couldn’t get a particular clog from customer align. The same rule of thumb now applies to our
of distribution in one fell swoop. We couldn’t service, but when they logged onto, photo shoots. Having product development and
immediately bounce back from that. We also had they could purchase it. That’s not ok. It was a core our VPs of design and marketing at the shoots to
reduced our footprint with Nordstrom based on basic style. That should never be the case. So as talk it through with the photographers and stylists
some promotional activity, but we’re right back in long as we continue to behave fairly and honestly, makes for much better alignment. We just started
there with them and our sell-throughs are better I think retailers are ok with it. The Dear John on Spring ’25, and these relationships are now very
than they’ve ever been. letters are another example. That’s definitely not solid. So now when we talk about the consumer,
ok. Of late, I’ve been hearing a lot about how it’s everybody has a say. What’s more, they like work-
Have you been able to recoup much of the lost all about three brands right now, and if you’re not ing together. It’s definitely been a positive shift
Walking Company business? On, Hoka, or Birkenstock, you’re not relevant. But over the past year.
Our Dillard’s business has been fantastic. They are that’s a dangerous assumption. Brands come and
great partners. Our online partners have also been go, and that often depends on how they treat their Why might it be important that a woman is
doing terrific. Our business at Zappos is great, and retail partners. president of Dansko right now?
our Amazon third party business has also been very For starters, I think it’s very important to just show
strong. A lot of that business was likely going to How would you assess Dansko’s current overall what women can accomplish. Let me clarify, what
Walking Company stores before. Now she’s finding strength as a brand? a team of women can accomplish, because it’s not
us online. And as you well know, the consolidation We have a very strong foundation, but we’re just me. Our entire executive team is female. That’s
of independent retailers has resulted in some of going through a bit of a slowdown with our iconic unique. When I entered the industry in the early

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’90s (as a tech rep for Timberland), management Doing the right thing is a rare company credo,
was dominated by older men. It has slowly evolved, especially when it’s not always reciprocated.
but it still tends to be mostly men at the top. But It is. But when a long-time retail customer recently
when a woman is put in charge, you see what they called, informing us that they were going out of
can do. Look at what Michelle Poole (president of business, we took the shoes back and refunded
Crocs) has done, and what Wendy Yang recently the money. That’s just what you do when you’ve
did during her tenure as president of Hoka. You done business with that person for 25 years. We
go, girls! I think it’s just a different way of looking know their family, and we know it would make a
at how to run a business. The fact that Dansko big difference in their lives. I’m proud that Dansko
is also primarily a women’s brand and now has says it’s ok to do that.

women’s eyes looking at how things are done is
very important. In addition, we’re very much an What will Jim’s main focus be as CEO?
organization with a strong culture of kindness Right now, he’s working with our board to get
and caring. And while being a woman doesn’t them in alignment with the long-term vision of the
necessarily make those qualities stronger, perhaps organization. It’s more guidance at 30,000 feet.
Dansko is viewed as more progressive because of Jim isn’t involved in whether a shoe should have
our female leadership team. I believe people want a blue lace, or a green outsole. It’s about where we
to align with brands that are forward-thinking should invest. For example, if we have $2 million,
and progressive. we want to make sure it
gets invested into the right
Mandy was a trailblazer
in this regard. What have
“If consumers marketing programs or new
consumer acquisitions. It’s

know us,
you learned most from about making sure that
her about business? funding is available when
Never compromise on what someone has a vision that’s
you think is important. For
her and Peter, it’s extremely
they love us. vetted. He can then give
the thumbs up.
important to leave the world
a better place than when But more people The fact that Dansko has
powered by your friends
need to know us,
they got there. It’s real. never had an unprofitable
It’s not just saying what must help in this regard. at Footwear Plus magazine
looks good in print. She Oh, 100 percent. Our strong
and Peter walk the walk,
and always have. In fact, because we financial position is a huge
asset. For example, some

have a great
they’re serial entrepreneurs. might have said we were
They’re doing it again in crazy, but during the pan-
Belize with the launch of demic we didn’t cancel We specialize in
Silk Grass Farms, which is
essentially a coconut water
brand story.” orders with our factory
partners. We worked to
award-winning custom
and cacao agribusiness. reduce production and hold content and marketing
They’ve acquired hundreds certain leathers to use later, programs tailored to grow
of thousands of acres, a lot of which the delegated but we didn’t leave anybody high and dry. And we your business.
as a preserve. They’re reimagining the agribusi- paid all our bills on time throughout the pandemic.
ness by merging agriculture with land steward- We didn’t ask for 100 days dating, or some of the
ship and conservation to create a durable model other things that we heard were happening. As a
that benefits the environment and the people of result, we still have what we believe are the best
Belize. As Mandy and Peter always do, they do it factory partners in our space. They will bend over
the right way. It’s very inspiring. backwards for us. The fact that we could afford
to do that is because we didn’t get ourselves into
It’s a big reason why you joined Dansko to a jam by mismanaging our finances in the years
begin with, right? before 2020.
Yes. I’m a firm believer in this precedent of leaving
the world better than the way you found it. That’s Where do you envision of Dansko in three years?
what I want, and that’s what Mandy and Peter It’s more of a financial vision, which is to take
expect. I learned so much from their example. back some of the shelf space from brands that
We have a monthly call to go over the business, are maybe on-trend right now but aren’t the
and she often gives me books to read about how best partners in the world. Another big goal is
to be a better person, a better leader, a better to increase consumer brand awareness. With
company…everything. all due respect to everyone who has come >39

23_10_FW_Q_A_final.indd 15 10/9/23 5:52 PM

Ve r s a t i l e s t y l e s t h a t l o o k g r e a t o n t h e t r a i l ,
in the office, and on the town. The very
definition of cool, calm, and collected.

CLARKHILL HI: Tough enough for urban

excursions and hikes, the grippy sawtooth
rubber outsole flexes with natural foot
movement and the stitched leather storm welt
offers extra durability. Additional features
include premium, unlined leather upper;
molded, leather-lined Contour Cushion
footbed; and lightweight EVA midsole.

TORHILL HI: A nod to Clarks’ ’90s-era Big

Gripper profile, the Torhill Hi feels every bit
as contemporary with a streamlined, lace-up
design that models the iconic Wallabee. Design
highlights include intricate topstitching for
a heritage-inspired, casual style; responsibly
sourced suede upper; adjustable lace for a
secure fit; soft, breathable leather footbed
lining; removable, molded, part-recycled
Contour Cushion footbed; grippy and flexible
TPR outsole; and debossed Clarks logo and
Glastonbury Tor fobs.

CLARKDALE EASY: The answer to every

smart-casual dress code, the classic Chelsea
boot sits atop Clarks’ signature natural crepe
outsole with a durable rubber heel top piece
and a premium leather storm welt for a
utilitarian touch. Additional features include
premium suede upper; elastic insert for a
flexible fit and pull-on appeal; and molded,
leather-lined Contour Cushion footbed.

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Go big and go bold this fall. Chunky heels and platform soles raise
the bar on style with some ’tude.

PIQUE UP: Defined by a retro square toe and

75mm platform heel, the ankle boot pairs
well with flared jeans and floaty dresses alike.
Design highlights include a stretchy elastic COLDEN UP: Ideal
insert for quick and easy on/off; durable leather for day-to-night
upper; breathable leather sockliner; underfoot dressing, the ankle
cushioning; and grippy resin rubber outsole. boot features
butter-soft suede
uppers, a pillowy
foam footbed, and
soft linings that wrap
feet in comfort.
Additional design
highlights include
subtle stitching
details; 80 mm,
easy-to-wear block
heel; and a grippy,
lightweight outsole.

ORIANNA 2 HIKE: Part hiker/part combat boot

and all style. Design highlights include premium,
responsibly sourced pebble nubuck leather upper;
hiking-inspired details like metal eyelets and lace
hooks; padded collar; textile lining; breathable
leather sockliner; removable, leather-lined Contour
Cushion footbed; 50 mm heel height; and lug
triple-layer outsole combining TPR and EVA for an
ultra-lightweight durability.

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defining comfort

Seamless Sensibility
Unlike the athletic category that calls attention to cushioning and fit features as much
as possible, the comfort sector is far more subtle in its approach to design. By no means,
though, are those aspects any less important. The key is seamless integration
of comfort technologies that allows style to take center stage. Here, an array of brands
present their seamless approach to comfort and style for Spring/Summer ’24.
—Greg Dutter

Aetrex Gaining Steam

The shoes and technology company
is firing on all cylinders. Kristin and Tamara

AETREX PRESIDENT EVAN SCHWARTZ is a It’s a versatile style that can easily be dressed up or It’s a win-win-win potential. Speaking of which,
glass-is-full kind of person, by nature. So are brothers down.” There are also several new product launches the company’s reputation as a reliable partner is
Larry and Matt, CEO and Chief Revenue Officer, in the offering that expand on and complement the another winning attribute. “We do a lot to support
respectively. But the Jersey boys are even more brand’s best-selling Jillian and Sydney sandal styles, our independent retailers, in particular, who’ve always
upbeat than usual about the company’s prospects for according to Schwartz. “They all feature our signature been important to our business,” Schwartz says. “We
growth next year and beyond. The positivity stems arch support, cork footbeds, and premium materials support their sell-through. It’s a true partnership.
largely from its diversified portfolio that includes that combine the best in comfort and style. And, like They recognize the staying power of our brand, and
in-store foot scanning devices, custom orthotics, all Aetrex footwear, they also incorporate the learn- we’re proud that we’re a top-performing vendor with
and a growing array of comfort shoes. The latter ings and data from our foot scanning technology, many of our accounts.”
has been an especially bright spot of late. offering premium support and a great fit.”
“We’re coming off a very strong season with high It helps, Schwartz says, that Aetrex lies in the
turns and strong consumer demand which, in turn, is sweet spot from a macro fashion and lifestyle per-
helping us gain shelf space,” reports Evan Schwartz. spective—one that he doesn’t see changing anytime
“Retailers are expressing interest in expanding color soon. “The growing health and well-being trends Anna
and style offerings for our key-performing, core have contributed to educating consumers about the
styles for Spring/Summer ’24.” importance of support and alignment in footwear,”
Schwartz cites Aetrex’s wedge and sandal collec- he says. “Our ability to combine all the data points
tions as expected highlights for next season. Standout from our millions of scans with premium comfort
styles include a new flat casual sandal (Tamara) features and on-trend styling positions us well with
and two new wedges, Ashley and Anna, as well as today’s consumer who does not want to sacrifice
the Vania platform sandal. “We’re also introducing style for comfort.”
a block heel style (Kristin), which features a new Indeed, Aetrex offers multiple points of customer
heel height for us, as well as a different silhouette. contact that can enhance retailers’ bottom lines.

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Sedonia slides from the
TravelActiv collection.

Ecco Sees the Light

The Danish brand debuts LYTR midsole along
with a plethora of new styles.

ECCO’S SPRING/SUMMER ’24 collection is highlighted by the

introduction of its LYTR midsole technology—a bio-based material
that enhances cushioning, reduces weight, improves shock absorption,
is easier to clean, and lasts longer—all while lessening the impact on the
environment. LYTR will debut in the Biom 2.2 natural motion running
and Soft 60 casual styles. Propét Focuses on the Essentials
“It’s our lightest and softest midsole yet,” says Brandy LaPlante, sales The brand’s refined approach raises the bar on comfort.
manager for Ecco USA, adding that the Soft 60 will also feature the brand’s
DriTan leather, which uses less water in the tanning process. “DriTan saves
enough water to keep 9,000 people hydrated for one year.” AS THE SAYING goes, less is more. That’s the approach the Propét design
From a big picture perspective, LaPlante says Ecco’s new season is team has taken with its Spring/Summer ’24 collection. Call it a quest for
all about color. “We have a plethora of options in women’s, from muted simplicity in terms focusing on the sizes-and-widths brand’s core values of
pastels, bold summer pops, and metallic details. And in men’s, we stay premium comfort, fit, and durability.
pretty classic, but we’ll continue with our new fall pop of dark clay, which “Our team has taken the time to carefully review our product develop-
plays into an olive green tone.” ment process and refine details, redefine comfort, and elevate our offering
With regard to silhouettes, LaPlante cites new dress and fashion launches of comfort products,” says Brad Gebhard, CEO of Propét USA. “Our Spring/
in women’s within its Sculpted collection that features heel heights from Summer 2024 collection focuses on the essentials and is a quest for simplicity.”
35 mm to 55 mm. In addition, there are new platform soles and uppers That includes Propét’s Breeze Walker and TravelActiv women’s col-
within the Cozmo sandal collection. “We’ll also have an expansion in our lections. The Breeze Walker sandals feature three adjustable straps at
core collection with new modern colorations in key groups like Soft 7, the forefoot, instep, and heel, while a supple leather lining helps prevent
Yucatan, Flowt, and our men’s hybrid groups featuring the S Lite Moc rubbing. It’s topped off by contoured footbed with microfiber lining and
and ST.1 Hybrid,” she says. a durable PU outsole for excellent traction. Meanwhile, the TravelActiv
Helping Ecco zero in on trend-right colors and styles for the U.S. series of casual sneakers and sport sandals is the brand’s take on athlei-
market is its design studio in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The 7,000-square- sure. Features include a low-profile outsole offering extra flexibility, a
foot studio opened in mid 2022 and has met all expectations, both as a removable cushioned footbed to accommodate custom orthotics, and a
working design center and source of creative connections and inspiration. stretchy mesh fabric upper to fit nearly all foot shapes, including ham-
“We’re constantly evolving and striving to connect with the consumer, and mertoes and bunions.
the studio enables us to add an American spice to our European recipe,” Both collections garnered strong responses during the recent round of
LaPlante says. “The team in Brooklyn works in tandem with our Danish shows, especially TravelActiv’s limited-edition Lily Pad green colorway. “We
designers to elevate Ecco in the U.S. market. It also allows us to react to experienced a fantastic turnout at our shows, with Atlanta being a standout
trends more quickly. As always, it’s through collaboration with our key success,” Gebhard reports. “The enthusiastic reception underscores Propét’s
accounts that we can find elements that will enhance our collection in expertise in cultivating a variety of unique and desirable color choices to
the near and distant future.” both our dealers and consumers.”
Other Spring/Summer ’24 highlights include the Propét Ultra, a carry-
Biom 2.2 and Soft 60
over athletic collection that continues to create buzz, according to Gebhard.
sneakers with LYTR It’s success has led to the launch of the 392 DuroCloud for men, the brand’s
midsoles; a sandal from next generation athletic style. “This shoe offers a high rebound ETPA
the Sculpted collection.
DuroCloud midsole with a carbon fiber shank, a first for Propét,” Gebhard
says. “We expect the 392 to be one of the most comfortable men’s athletic
shoes available in the market.”

Propét Ultra

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defining comfort
Two from
the Ultra-X
work collection.

OrthoLite is Hot Twisted X Launches Ultralite X

The leading insole supplier to introduce its popular The brand weighs in with a breakthrough work
O-Therm insole to brand partners. footwear construction.

BABY, IT’S COLD, outside, especially in Q1 who live, work, and recreate in cold or hot IT’S WORTH THE weight. Specifically, Twisted X’s new
of 2024. To protect against harsh elements, weather conditions.” Ultralite X collection weighs 20 percent less, on average, than
OrthoLite’s revolutionary O-Therm insoles O-Therm is the only aerogel-infused, traditional work footwear—without compromising comfort, says
will be featured in select brand partners, open-cell PU foam cold block solution CEO Prasad Reddy. The unique EVA compound is as durable
enabling consumers to stay warmer for that can be applied as an insole as well as as traditional EVA materials, he adds.
longer, allowing them to be more com- a strobel layer or lining. O-Therm remains “When showing Ultralite X, our reps toss a shoe to buyers
fortable, perform better, and go farther unrivaled in performance, according to and they’re always blown away by how lightweight they are—it’s
in cold-weather conditions. What makes Tuite. In fact, OrthoLite worked with a lighter than a candy bar,” Reddy claims. “And when they try on
O-Therm, first introduced in 2021, a game- third-party thermal test laboratory, Vartest a boot or shoe, they’re blown away by the comfort.”
changer is that it protects feet in extreme Laboratories, to quantify the performance. Reddy says the impetus for Ultralite X came direct from con-
hot weather, too. The results: O-Therm is a breathable sumers. “We’re always soliciting feedback from our customers,
“OrthoLite O-Therm extends our brand thermal barrier that is 54 percent more because our aim is to understand their evolving needs, in both
promise of 25 years and counting to create effective, on average, at blocking the cold their professional and personal lives,” he says noting that the
the most comfortable environment under- compared to other thermal insoles when initial response by retailers to Ultralite X has been very strong.
foot within a shoe, be it in extreme hot or tested at -108° F. In addition, O-Therm “Our customers want to feel lighter on their feet, which lowers
cold weather conditions,” says CB Tuite, retains all the comfort and performance their fatigue over the course of a long day.” Hence the tag line:
chief sales officer. “This is aimed at people benefits of OrthoLite’s open-cell PU foam. “Lighten your workload.” Reddy adds that it’s always gratify-
The thermal foam is available in thickness ing to see a positive response to the company’s extensive R&D
ranging from 2 mm to 20 mm, enabling efforts. Their hard work paid off. One of Twisted X’s premises
it to be combined with a wide range of is to introduce a new technology every six months. It keeps the
OrthoLite top-layer foams to create a design team sharp, never resting on its laurels.
custom insole solution for a broad range “Creating footwear that is functional, stylish, and most impor-
of footwear categories. tantly comfortable has always been at the heart of Twisted X,”
Tuite says brand partners (to be Reddy says. “Everything we do is about comfort. In fact, our
announced soon) will be introducing tag line is: ‘Rooted in Comfort.’” The exec adds, “We’re rooted
styles featuring O-Therm that block both in this mission to bring new comfort technologies to market.
heat and cold. He adds that OrthoLite has We never stop.”
been working closely with these partners Speaking of which, Twisted X’s recent launch of The Circular
from concept to commercialization. It’s a Project, marking the company’s latest sustainable design initiative.
“codesign” process that aims to deliver opti- The midsoles and footbeds are comprised of 85 percent excess
mal comfort and performance. “OrthoLite foam factory scraps, preventing the waste from ending up in
remains committed to building, testing, landfills. Select styles also include Twisted X’s ecoTWX fabric,
and manufacturing footwear material a lightweight, carbon-conscious, and durable material made
solutions for our 500-plus brand partners, from recycled plastic bottles salvaged from oceans and landfills.
and O-Therm delivers on that promise,” To further the effort, Twisted X is encouraging consumers to
Tuite says. “Our innovation team found return the footwear to its Decatur, TX, headquarters after use.
a way to infuse our open-cell PU foam The shoes will be reground into second generation footwear and
with a proprietary aerogel that creates other multigenerational products.
the lightest, most advanced version of “Sustainability is our area of expertise and comes second
the world’s most insulative material. nature to us, but we’re consistently innovating and pushing the
The result is a thermal barrier that offers boundaries of what is possible,” Reddy says. “We believe that
optimal temperature control in a light- small steps can make a big impact, and I’m thrilled that our
weight application, perfectly suited for consumers can play an active role as we step into the circular
O-Therm insoles our industry-leading insoles.” economy and do better for the planet together.”

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Bold sandals strike a powerful chord.






2023 september• •

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A B U Y E R’ S G U I D E T O L I F E
Trisha Sweeney, executive vice president of sales for Syndic8,
looks back on a career in buying that bought a world of amazing opportunities.

DEAR TRISHA, Happy Sweet 16! A proud native of Concord, NH, CHAPTER 2: Regional mass merchants are struggling to survive. Ames
(Live Free or Die!), you’re enjoying junior year at Concord High School acquires Hills and closes the buying office. You jump ship to Value City, an
(CHS), home of the Crimson Tide! Having opted not to attend private Ohio-based off-price chain with a satellite buying office near Boston. You’re
school, you love CHS, where you’re among friends and bask in Division the buyer of seasonal decor. You embrace the dynamic close-out business.
1 bragging rights. You run track and play field hockey while trying not to The excitement, urgency, and many ways to analyze deals (no two are the
skip too many classes hanging out with your buddies. High school is one same!) means zero boredom. It’s the most fun eva! Remember: Knowledge
of the most memorable experiences of your life. Forty years from now, is power in negotiating, and sweaty palms often get the best deal.
you’re still surrounded by unconditionally loving high school friends. It’s Simultaneously, you work in product development. You visit factories in
why you hold all friendships in high regard. Southeast Asia and attend the Canton Fair in Guangzhou. Your creativity
Before I tell you how your life unfolds, a heads-up is at an all-time high. Value City is one of the most
on some touchstones. 1. You’re a planner, even though impactful experiences in your career. Then comes
life doesn’t turn out as you planned. 2. You’re always another fork in the road: Corporate wants you to move
learning. Make a point to listen and respect those with to Ohio. Not happening.
experience. 3. Develop your own style, despite pressure
to conform to stereotypical business methods. 4. You’re CHAPTER 3: You join the king of retailers, TJX
loyal. Stick with companies as long as there’s room for Companies, as buyer for the glass and crystal depart-
advancement. It pays dividends. 5. Home is where your ment in its HomeGoods chain, entrusted with elevating
heart is. You have several opportunities to take better- the assortment and creating a destination. In addition
paying jobs that require moving away from Boston. You to traveling to China, you become immersed in the
pass on all of them. Your greater calling is to family and European market. You learn a ton about buying and
friends. 6. Thanks, Mom and Dad! I know you deem running a business. The best practices you learn at TJX
them too strict right now, but they never hold you back will guide you throughout your career.
from pursuing your dreams. You’re also blessed with But you’re now approaching the Big 4-0. The travel
the love and support of Nana and Papa. Making them is tough. When your best friend says, “Trisha is never
proud fuels your drive to succeed. around,” it inspires your next chapter: Hello, shoes!
Now, about that drive. Early on, the plan wasn’t to
take on the business world. It was more, “I want to CHAPTER 4: A friend introduces you to,
work until I’m 30 and then settle down.” That is, until a pure play start-up in need of a merchant. You think
you catch the buying bug. Your career will take you there’s no way you’ll cross over to the dark side of digital
around the world and define the important chapters retail, but after the interview, your head is spinning
of your life. On that note, let’s get started… with excitement. You have no idea what drop shipping
Trisha Sweeney, circa 2000,
is (yet), but you know you’re on the verge of something
CHAPTER 1: The plan is to follow in your father’s shopping China’s Canton Fair. huge. Over the next 13-plus years, the Shoebuy team
optometrist footsteps. But then a friend nonchalantly ushers in an online retail revolution. Under your watch
suggests becoming a buyer. As in, “My brother’s girlfriend is a buyer, and as Chief Merchant, the merchandise mix grows from 200 to 1,000-plus
she has really nice clothes.” Sold! And while you’re probably the least likely brands. There’s no playbook. You’re helping write it! Prepare for a lot of
candidate for a women’s college, it’s off Simmons College’s esteemed Prince blood, sweat, tears, twists, turns, laughter, and a rewarding ride.
Program in Retail Management!
Upon graduation, you get accepted to Jordan Marsh’s coveted training CHAPTER 5: You’ve experienced one start-up boom, so why not get in
program, a golden ticket to a retail career. You pay your dues, first work- on the ground floor of another? You cross over from retail to a technology
ing as a salesfloor manager. You then jump ship to Hills to pursue your company, becoming EVP of sales for Syndic8. Suddenly you’re the seller!
dreams of becoming a buyer. You spend 11 years at the discount chain. Fortunately, you know what buyers need. Syndic8 optimizes and organizes
You rise from merchandise planner to assistant buyer to associate buyer reams of digital data efficiently, saving time and making ecommerce more
to your first official buyer title, overseeing the pet department. As a lover profitable for companies.
of all animals, it’s a dream job! How can anyone be grumpy working on
a planogram for dog toys? Your passion for animals drives you to build FUTURE CHAPTERS: What a long, strange trip it’s been, from merchandis-
the department into a destination category. It triples in size. The success ing at Jordan Marsh to growing clients’ digital business at Syndic8. Always
jumpstarts your career, expanding your buying talents to the automotive trust your instincts. Every road you’ve taken has led you to an exciting,
(not kidding) and seasonal departments. (Mom is an artist and decorator rewarding place and made you the person you are today. As Jerry Garcia
for all holidays, so this area is right up your alley.) Your career is moving sings, So many roads I know/So many roads, so many roads/Mountain
onward and upward—until one of life’s unplanned moments occurs. high, river wide/So many roads to ride. Enjoy the journey!

22 • october/november 2023

23_10_NTMYS_FW_final.indd 22 10/5/23 4:57 PM

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FOP OCT NOV 2023.indd 23 10/12/23 8:27 AM

e u r o p e a n t r e n d r e p o r t : S P R I N G / S U M M E R 2 0 24

Back in the Groove MICAM and adjacent fashion shows saw 42,000-plus visitors,
marking a 21 percent increase over the previous September edition.

PEOPLE CAME,THEY SAW, they sipped cappuccinos, they net-

worked, and they, of course, bought lots of shoes. Organizers of the Raising Arizona
Milan, Italy-based shows reported an increase in attendance from key Upcoming sequels to the classic

markets around the globe—a strong sign that the industry continues Birkenstock sandal.
to recover from the depths of the pandemic.
More than 2,000 exhibitors showcased their latest Spring/Summer
’24 collections, offering buyers an array of styles across all categories.
While maximal sneakers continue to set the fashion pace, many buy-
ers were on the lookout for the next big trend. Might the pendulum be
poised to swing the other way? Ballerina flats? Flatforms? Who knows?
In the meantime, here’s some of the key trends that were on display.

Buckle Up
Versatile monk straps are in gear

with chinos, jeans, and suits.
Laura Biagiotti Lemon Jelly

F. lli Alborino

Brunate NeroGiardini

Profession Bottier Barker

6Punto9 Cerbero Kamoa Menbur

24 • october/november 2023

23_10_FW_MICAM_final2.indd 24 Kamoa 10/8/23 6:11 PM

Clean Slate All Rise

 
The cool shade of blue is the new gray. Platform sneakers rule.

Gabor Candice


Barker Devotion



So Fresh

Mint is on the money next spring Thierry

Lemon Jelly



Lodi W6YZ

2023 october/november • 2 5

23_10_FW_MICAM_final2.indd 25 10/8/23 6:11 PM


U n d e r s t a t e d s l i p - o n s f o r w h e n y o u r o v e r s i z e d r u n n i n g s h o e s n e e d a b r e a t h e r.





Justin Boots



26 • october/november 2023

23_10_FW_TRENDS_final.indd 26 10/8/23 5:30 PM

Every kind


Style Style
ALEXCIA | 800.962.0030 Springfootwear FRANCE

FOP OCT NOV 2023.indd 27 10/12/23 1:38 PM

C H I C E S PA D R I L L E S I N M U T E D TO N E S A R E O N T H E M E N U F O R S P R I N G /S U M M E R ’ 2 4 .


23_10_11_FW_FASH 05 GD NC_02.indd 28 10/10/23 2:03 PM

Aetrex platform sandals
with contoured footbeds
and adjustable straps.


23_10_11_FW_FASH 05 GD NC_02.indd 29 10/10/23 2:03 PM


23_10_11_FW_FASH 05 GD NC_02.indd 30 10/10/23 2:04 PM

White Mountain
D’Orsay wedges.
Opposite page:
Raffia wedge slides
by André Assous.


23_10_11_FW_FASH 05 GD NC_02.indd 31 10/10/23 2:04 PM


23_10_11_FW_FASH 05 GD NC_02.indd 32 10/10/23 2:04 PM

Peep toe slingbacks
by Impo.


23_10_11_FW_FASH 05 GD NC_02.indd 33 10/10/23 2:04 PM

Clockwise from top: Sanctuary
vegan leather wedge; frayed
slide by Minnetonka; platform
sandal by Remonte; Spring Step
suede slide with rhinestone


23_10_11_FW_FASH 05 GD NC_02.indd 34 10/10/23 2:05 PM

Gladiator flats
by Jack Erwin.


23_10_11_FW_FASH 05 GD NC_02.indd 35 10/10/23 2:05 PM

Aerosoles suede fisherman mules. Opposite
page: sawtooth platform by Seychelles.

Fashion editor: Kathleen O’Reilly; styling:

Mariah Walker/Art Department NYC; model:
Ines Mambou-Missoumani/Q Management;
hair and makeup: Nevio Ragazzini/Next
Artists; photo assistant: Eileen Viglietta;
production assistant: Olivia Mannarino.


23_10_11_FW_FASH 05 GD NC_02.indd 36 10/10/23 2:05 PM


23_10_11_FW_FASH 05 GD NC_02.indd 37 10/10/23 2:05 PM

Let’s Dance
Randy Ochart, CEO of French Sole, on the classic ballerina flat and its potential for endless encores.
By Greg Dutter

Randy Ochart

OME FASHIONS ARE always on point. The For Spring/Summer ’24, that translates
ballerina flat is a perfect example, and French to bold, vibrant colors such as hot pink,
Sole CEO/Designer Randy Ochart has been kelly green, and a lurid orange. Ochart
the Balanchine of ballet flats for four decades says the overall theme of the season is the
and counting. Bold Ballerina. “We’re going above and
It started back in 1983, when Ochart opened beyond with mesh, raffia, braided leathers,
a tiny store on New York’s tony Upper East striking color options, and slight-square
Side. The ballerina flat was the store’s sig- toe and almond toe shapes, which gives
nature style. Soon French Sole boasted the a subtle yet noticeable difference from our classics that we stock year-round,”
world’s largest selection and became a mecca he says. As for a personal favorite in the collection, Ochart picks the Lacey
for women worldwide (including the queen Mary Jane ballerina. “It features the softest, most supple leathers, and the
of the ballerina flat, Audrey Hepburn, and strap has a built-in elastic to fit feet of all sizes,” he says, adding that the classic
many other celebrities) seeking seasonal updates on this versatile wardrobe silhouette looks to be popular in heels as well.
staple. Indeed, the ballerina flat is one of those rare silhouettes that looks For Ochart, the dance continues. The thrill of performing and the stand-
just as good paired with skirts and dresses as it does with a white T-shirt ing ovation from customers has him hooked. “Knowing that I have created a
and jeans. It’s comfortable and easy to wear. Ochart saw early on that he unique concept and watching it thrive each season is what keeps me coming
was onto something. He’s kept it moving by seasonally introducing new back for more, ” he says.
colors, patterns, materials, embellishments, and subtle shape tweaks—all
while adhering to French Sole’s highest standards of comfort and fit. His How would you describe French Sole’s overall aesthetic? Timeless, clas-
talents for reimagining and reinvigorating the ballerina flat has been an sic, feminine, chic.
artistic dance all its own.
“Ballet flats and are elegant, comfortable, and eternally fashionable, espe- What makes a French Sole ballerina flat unlike any other in terms of
cially compared to some of the new regimen of sneakers and clunky comfort construction, materials, fit, look, etc.? We fuse true fashion with cozy
shoes, which I feel do very little to enhance the look comfort. French Sole puts the emphasis on
of women’s footwear,” Ochart says. “We feel that proper fitting. Our design and construction
Bold ballerinas
there will always be a client looking for timeless are what makes us stand out from the plethora
a la French Sole.
ballet flats and they are a perennial favorite for of companies that have sought to emulate our
many of our clients.” formula for success.
Ochart is a retailer by trade, who soon after
became a designer. That’s because he had a ringside Do you have any golden rules for design? The
seat to how women shopped: what they gravitate number-one rule is that it has to fit correctly
to, what the adore, what repels them. The knowl- and be comfortable, otherwise the customer
edge has given him a sixth sense when it comes will not respond. The second rule is that it
to ballerina flats, which has since extended to cannot be too trend driven. We want our shoes
other select silhouettes. In fact, Ochart says his to truly be timeless. We want them able to be
first shoe-related memory is at retail, observing worn year after year and seamlessly fit into
women focus on finding their perfect shoe. “The any women’s wardrobe.
advantage we have is that our stores give us direct
feedback on new styles, which we then parlay into Why is the ballerina flat an essential style
design moving forward,” he says, adding that he has in every woman’s wardrobe? It’s a timeless
honed his design skills working alongside French silhouette that never really goes out of style, no
Sole’s European factory partners. matter what trends are currently happening. A

38 • october/november 2023

23_10_FW_SHOE_SALON_final.indd 38 10/5/23 4:49 PM

Q&A continued from page 15
Put a little bling before us here, hopefully we’ll be able to crack that nut better. If consumers
in your step. know us, they love us. But more people need to know us, because we have
a great brand story. On that note, more people are seeing the initiatives
we’ve recently done on social media. We launched a couple of crazy-looking
clogs that even caught the attention of Oprah, who featured our trans-
lucent style in her must haves for spring/summer in her magazine. That
was largely due to our successful social media campaign. Our marketing
team is leaning in on how to get consumers’ attention and inform them
all about Dansko. We followed that up with another successful campaign
featuring our chrome clog. It had the same engagement level. Brie Larsen
even bought them and posted it on her social media feeds.

Any obstacles to fear in reaching your goals?

The biggest obstacle right now is the general lack of confidence retailers have.
They aren’t buying, they’re not buying as much, they don’t know what to buy,
if something gets hot then they’re unable to fill in, etc. While a lot of that is
cyclical, we can’t discount all the distractions going on in the world at large,
which included the murderer who recently escaped from a prison near our
headquarters. We had helicopters hovering over our offices for days. That’s a
distraction. And then there’s next year’s presidential election. Should we all
just give up because we all know those years often stink because consumers are
ballerina elevates a simple jeans and T-shirt, adding a touch of understated distracted and don’t shop as much? And what’s it going to be like the following
elegance that sneakers just can’t do. year? Who knows. External forces are problematic, but we have much more
ability to control what happens within in our industry. And right now, that’s
What has your collaboration with Nicky Hilton brought to the ballet about making our retailers feel as confident as possible. So when customers
flat—and to French Sole? Nicky brings a youthful, feminine touch to the walk into their stores and ask for Dansko, they have it.
ballerinas with her own distinctive style. Her unique perspective on pastel
colors, her signature baby blue sole, and bow details adds freshness to our What do you love most about your job?
already established French Sole brand. Nicky has also continued to be a I love the interaction with our retailers. I also love being proud of the brand
pioneer of eco-friendly design, creating our first-ever, 100-percent sustain- that I’m talking to them about. It’s rewarding knowing that we do right by
able shoes. We’ll continue with that initiative this season. our partners. We treat them well. I’m proud to be part of Dansko, and I hope
that’s what retailers feel when we work together. •
How’s business this year? Fortunately, our business is on par to pre-
pandemic levels, and we’re grateful to experience increases this past year. PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT

1. Publication Title: Footwear Plus. 2. Publication No.: 0006-9750. 3. Filing Date 10/02/23.
How are the stores doing, in particular? They’re doing great! Our loyal 4. Issue Frequency: 10 times per year. 5. No. of Issues Published Annually: 10. 6. Annual
Upper East Side customers have shopped with us for decades. They always Subscription Price: $48. 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: One
Maynard Drive, Suite 2104, Park Ridge, New Jersey, NJ 07656. 8. Complete Mailing Address
come in to look at our newest styles. Of note this season is the increase of the Headquarters or General Business Office of the Publisher: One Maynard Drive, Suite
in women in their 20s and 30s who are coming in to purchase ballerinas. 2104, Park Ridge, New Jersey, NJ 07656. Contact Person: Noelle Heffernan (201) 571-2244.
9. Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor:
I’d say that’s in part because young women, who might have thought that Publisher: Noelle Heffernan, Wainscot Media, One Maynard Drive, Suite 2104, Park Ridge,
style was for an older clientele, have been seeing it walk down the runways New Jersey, NJ 07656; Editor: Greg Dutter, Wainscot Media, One Maynard Drive, Suite
2104, Park Ridge, New Jersey, NJ 07656; Managing Editor: none. 10. Owner (If owned by
of Paris and Milan recently. a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereafter the
names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount
of stock): Carroll V. Dowden, 13 Cameron Road, Saddle River, NJ 07458; Mark Dowden, 180
Where do you envision French Sole in three years? We’re looking to Washington Valley Rd., Morristown, NJ 07960, Lebhar Friedman, Inc., 241 Central Park West,
expand into other markets around the world. New York, NY 10024. Known Bondholders, Mortgages, and Other Security Holders Owning or
Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None.
12. (For Nonprofit Organizations - Does Not Apply) 13. Publication Name: Footwear Plus. 14.
What is the best design advice you’ve ever received? To concentrate and Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: September 2023 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation.
expand on a definable and workable concept. That’s what we’ve done, because Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months/Actual No. Copies of Single Issue
Published Nearest to Filing Date:
in addition to the myriad variety of ballets and other shoes we offer, it’s the a. Total No. Copies : 8,663/8,614
people behind French Sole that have truly made our business a success. b. Legitimate paid and/or requested distribution:
(1) Paid/ Requested Outside-County Mail Subscriptions: 6,370/6,134
(2) Paid/Requested In-County Subscriptions: 0/0
Who are some designers you admire? Robert Clergerie, Fausto Santini, (3) Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, and counter sales:.0/0
(4) Requested copies distributed by other USPS mail classes:.8/12
and Roger Vivier. All possessed a defined vision and relentless energy in c. Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 6,378/6,146
pursuing their goals. d. Nonrequested distribution:
(1). Outside county nonrequested copies: 1,699/1,993
   (2) In County nonrequested copies: 0/0
Care to offer any advice on how to make a long-term go of it in this (3) Nonrequested copies distributed through other USPS mail classes: 0/0
(4). Nonrequested copies distributed outside the mail: 443/300
business? I would suggest to anyone who may be interested in entering e. Total nonrequested distribution: 2,142/2,293
the shoe business, especially during these challenging times, to have a f. Total Distribution: 8,520/8,439
g. Copies not distributed: 143/175
definable concept, and then expand on that vision and what that represents h. Total: 8,663/8,614
to their client base. i: Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation: 74.9%/72.8%
16. This Statement of Ownership will be printed in the Oct/Nov 2023 issue of
this publication. 17. I certify that all information furnished on this form is true and complete.
What do you love most about designing shoes? The limitless possibili- I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleading information on this form or who
omits material or information requested on the form may be subject to criminal sanctions
ties of creative treatments. and/or civil sanctions. Mark V. Dowden, Owner, 9/29/2023

2023 october/november • 39

23_10_FW_Q_A_final.indd 39 10/9/23 4:13 PM

L A S T S HO T Bar None

White Mountain



Steve Madden

French Sole



On Point Textural treatments and bows hit the mark

on the classic chic silhouette. Bravo!

40 • october/november 2023

23_10_11_FW_LAST_SHOT_final.indd 40 10/7/23 2:49 PM


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FOP OCT NOV 2023.indd 3 10/7/23 4:03 PM

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FOP OCT NOV 2023.indd 4 10/11/23 7:22 AM

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