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Phrase Structure and Function

A. Label the phrasal category of each underlined phrase. Then name its function.

Example: he gave the dog a hesitant, reassuring pat (COCA: Magazine).

Answer: Category: NP
Function: iO

1.Your article gave readers a glimpse of the truth.

Category: NP Function: dO
2. I relied upon knowledge, imagination, observation, and visual memory.
Category: PP Function: pC of V
3. Kids’ shoes are a quickly expanding market.
Category: AdvP Function: Mod of A
4. For many years I taught an introductory theology course for undergraduates.
Category: NP Function: Su
5. In a sense it was similar to e-mail today.
Category: AP Function: sC
6. His colleagues all thought him quite mad.
Category: AP Function: oC
7. Praise even came from the other side of the world.
Category: PP Function: Mod of N
8. We’re more fixated on the radiant glow that moms-to-be exude .
Category: AP Function: Mod of N
9. It taught me 16-hour days and multitasking.
Category: NP Function: iO
10. It was in an advanced state of disrepair, every window broken.
Category: NP Function: OP
11. I chose him as a subject of my test.
Category: PP Function: oC
12. they sounded hauntingly familiar to me.
Category: PP Function: pC of A
13. relativity became the paradigm of the atomic age.
Category: NP Function: sC
14. Mary was leaning over on her elbow.
Category: PP Function: pC of P
15. All of the rest of the good-paying jobs are gone.
Category: AP Function: Mod of N
16. the legacy built by the baby boomers is in danger.
Category: PP Function: sC

B. Identify the verb type in each sentence. Then give tree diagrams for the
following sentences:
17.Those useful items are in very high demand. copulative
18. She followed the detailed instructions on the back of the box. (mono) transitive
19. We put the books with torn pages under the counter. complex transitive
20. The doctor administered the shot to the crying child. complex transitive
21. The students concentrated on the assignment for the next day's class.
22. My aunt is quite allergic to the roses in the garden. copulative
23. Those other people are very distantly related to us. copulative
24. We went to our relatives’ cabin in the mountains. prepositional
25. The manager discounted the very slightly damaged goods. (mono) transitive
26. They pushed the table right up against the back wall. complex transitive

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