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A ‘oZ
B hktop IleKejuic. MajieHBKaa aHniiKJioneaiiji o Soatmofi KiiSepHeTiiKe

Ila^'iio «^eTCKaa .[iiTcpaTypa». Mociuta

Translated from the Russian by M. Samokhvalov

First published 1974

Revised from the 1970 Russian edition


A a a 3 3 Z n n p U u ts
B 6 b II H i p P r U q ch
B B V KK k c c s m m sh
Tr g JI JI 1 T T t m m sbch
R a d MM m y y u LI H y
E e e IT H n CD$ f 3 3 e
'K >K zh 0 0 0 X X kh IO K) yu
fl a ya

Ha amjiuucKOM naune

© English translation, Mir Publishers, 1974


Foreword to the English E dition 7 Jacquard’s Method 160

Study Cybernetics 9 Key to the Cipher 169
Algorithm 11 Language, Computer 175
Autom atics 16 Linguistics, M athematical 181
A utom atization 24 Logic, M athematical 187
A utom aton 31 M icrominiaturization 196
Binary System of N otation 37 Modelling 205
Bionics 42 Music, Electronic 214
Black Box 48 Numbers in a Computer 223
Calculating Hardware 53 Optimal Control 228
Capacity of Memory 63 Programming 237
Computer Centre 71 Psychology, Engineering 244
Control Computer 77 Quality Control 251
Cybernetics 83 Reliability 255
Cybernetics in Biology 88 Robot 260
Data H andling 97 Self-Adapting System 264
E ntropy 104 Semiotics 270
Feedback 111 Teaching Machine 275
Form alization 116 Translation, Computer 281
Games Theory 123 Universal Electronic Digital
H euristics 131 Computer 286

Identification of Images 137 Video Display 291

Identification of Speech Sounds 144 W ord 297

Inform ation 152 X , Y, Z—Calculation M athem atics


to the E nglish Edition

The appearance of the English tran slatio n of the book on cybernetics makes
the author feel additional responsibility. This is because literatu re on cyberne­
tics w ritten in this language is quite volum inous. I t contains books by renowned
authorities on the subject such as N. W iener, W . R. Ashby, G. Shannon, G. W al­
ter, and numerous popular-science books, to name the works of J. M urphy, D. Fink,
A. M. Andrew, A. Cote as the most notew orthy.
And still the author does not hesitate to present his book to the reader because
m any chapters of the book tell of Soviet achievements in cybernetics and com pu­
ter technology, and they, as is well known, are form idable. People interested
in the achievements of Soviet specialists following their original ways in various
fields of cybernetics would do well 1o learn of them from this book.
The book, moreover, differs appreciably from numerous other books on this
subject. It was the intention of the author to write an easily understandable
popular-science book which would contain some am using, or even hum ouristic,
elem ents and, at the same tim e, abide by the principle of an encyclopaedia in
the alphabetical arrangem ent and in a serious and scientifically correct exposi­
tion of the subject m atter.
This, natu rally , was no easy task.
Three books had to be combined in one so th a t one could be read, the other
looked over, the th ird used as a m anual.
The first consists of short stories about the wonderful and the unusual in cyber­
netics. The second—of detailed drawings. Ju st look at them and y o u ’ll see eve­
rything in a nut-shell. You will be amuzed, too, I hope, by the cartoons a t the
end of each story the ideas for which have been suggested by cartoonists from
all over the world.
The th ird book is the encyclopaedia from A to Z. Read it as you please: in the
alphabetical order, or any letter you choose first; whichever way you read it
the m ain concepts of cybernetics will be revealed to you. For each lette r is inde­
pendent of the rest. Combined, they tell a concerted tale of the new science.
Only the most im portant “letters” of the vast “lette r store” of the cybernetics
“ABC” have been chosen for this book. It was absolutely im possible to include
all the “letters”.
The list of term s and objects described in the A utom atics and Electronics En­
cyclopaedia for specialists alone takes 100 pages of prin t, the encyclopaedia i t ­
self consisting of four great volumes of 500 pages each. Even the word list for the
projected sm all cybernetics dictionary (note the word “sm all”) fills 30 pages of
compact tex t.
The principal words in this encyclopaedia are chosen so as to enable you to go
over its pages from the simple to the more sophisticated w ithout destroying the
order of cybernetic “lette rs” .
Victor Peltelis


Our century m ay be term ed the century of cybernetics. Today science, techno­

logy, industry can h ardly be im agined w ithout electronic com puters, w ithout
autom ata, w ithout new methods which science of control and regulation places
at the disposal of m an.
The electronic m achines grow in num ber from day to day. They are, indeed,
indispensable tools for m a n ’s intellectual work. They help us to cognize nature,
to control it. Each new m achine made to help m an contains the thought of the
scientist, the talen t of th e designer, th skill of the worker. Yesterday clever
machines were the fabulous creation of m an, today they belong to everyday rea­
lity . No m atter where y o u |g o —to the in stitu te, to the factory, to the office—
everywhere you are bound to meet machines helping m an in his work, which de­
m ands not physical but m ental exertions. Machines control autom atic plants,
pilot space vehicles, ontrol road traffic, carry out m athem atical com putations,
make diagnoses, draw up plans, teach, account, calculate. I t ’s no sm all bur­
den th a t our electronic helpers have been made to shoulder!
I t ’s up to you, young m en, not just to m aster this sophisticated technology
but to design and build new, even more advanced m achines, develop the science
which governs them., dig into unknown stra ta of cyhernetic knowledge.
Many are the wonderful and interesting exploits th a t aw ait you. But th e y ’ll
need a lot of knowledge and skill. And to a tta in knowledge and skill one should
study long and hard.
I would like to rem ind you of the words of V. I. Lenin: “Study, study and
study! ”
W ide and deep is th eir m eaning: you should not only study, but should always be
“on the lev e l” of advanced knowledge, be abreast of the tim e, see far ahead of you.
Only the com petent are able to m aster science. If you w ant to rule over clever
m achines, to build electronic robots, to blaze new trails in cybernetics you should
study the fundam entals of the science of cybernetics, should take hold of the
treasures of knowledge collected for you by men of former generations, by your
fathers and grandfathers.

H alf a century spent in the cause of science gives me the rig h t to say some words
to you.
F irstly , I would wish you to stu d y cybernetics. Look, even a sm all encyclo­
paedia on cybernetics contains a w ealth of treasures discovered by the intellect
of man. How much greater are the riches of full-scale science, of its v ast domains!
So this is my advice: develop your knowledge of cybernetics.
Secondly, I would like you to love the perfect creation of m an—the electronic
com puter. These good helpers of m an h a v e n ’t yet had their last word. Perhaps,
some of you will be able to make them reveal their new possibilities heretofore
So learn about the electronic com puter, about its history, gain skills in electro­
nics, dream about future electronic com puters.
My third wish is: rem em ber, th e re ’s top and bottom in every job. It is enti­
cing to be able to make one leap to the top and, having once reached it, view the
boundless expanses around you. B ut d o n ’t forget: everything new, exciting,
dazzling, if only i t ’s the real thing, is always deeply rooted. Therefore, the know­
ledge of the fundam entals is an absolute m ust. T here’s nothing so dangerous in
science (and in technology as well) as superficiality.
So, study fundam entals and do not forget th a t m athem atics, inform ation theo­
ry, physics, electronics, m etallography and m any other sciences are the building
stones of which the foundation of the building of modern knowledge, modern
technology has been b u ilt.
And lastly . Every job profits from enthusiasm , from purposefulness, from the
a b ility to sort out the principal. Can these be attained w ithout love for the sub­
ject, w ithout fidelity to it?
Time will pass, and, m ay be, you will remember the “le tte r” of this cyberne­
tics encyclopaedia which prom pted you to enter full-scale science or the world
of exciting technology.
A happy journey to you all, cybernetic scientists, program m ists, operators
to be. All the best to you!
Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR,
Hero of Socialist Labour,
Chairman of the Scientific Council
for the Complex Problem of Cybernetics
of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

A R ules for A l l

ALGORITHM An air of excitem ent filled the

Ita lia n town of Bologna on the 12th
of February, 1535, w ith m ath em ati­
A rule defining the content cians, nim ble num ber experts and
and sequence of operations lovers of contests of all kinds flock­
ing to it from all over Ita ly and
for solving a recurrent even some other countries of Medie­
m athem atical problem . val Europe. The occasion was the
opening of a m athem atical to u rn a­
m ent, one of the features of which
was, it had been announced, a ch al­
lenge by a m athem atician by the
name of Fiore to compete w ith him
in the art of solving cubic equations.
The one who solved the greater num ­
ber of problems put forward by the
other would be declared the winner.
F io re ’s challenge was accepted by
one Niccolo T artag lia, an obscure
teacher of m athem atics. Fie won the
contest, having solved all the 30
problems offered him by Fiore—who
was unable to solve a single one of
T a rta g lia ’s!
How was Niccolo T artaglia able
to gain such a b rillia n t victory,
which left none in doubt as to who
was the better man? The answer to
this question is to be found in events
th a t preceded the tournam ent.
Ten years or so earlier Scipio del
Ferro, professor of m athem atics at
the university of Bologna, had died.
Shortly before his death he had dis­
covered a general method of solving
an extrem ely difficult problem , thus
crowning the work of m any years.
The only person he had informed of
this had been Anabello della Novo,
his son-in-law and successor a t the
university. By some devious ways,

however, the secret reached Fiore. fore the contest he learned th a t Fiore
W ith a rule for solving a problem was in possession of the late Scipio
which had defied the Arabs, Greeks, F erro’s m ethod. U ndaunted, T artag­
and scholars of M edieval Europe in lia got down to work and w ithin those
his hands, Fiore decided th a t he few days came up w ith a better m eth­
could challenge the m athem aticians od which enabled him to trium ph
of the world. brilliantly at the contest.
His hopes, however, were dashed T a rta g lia ’s algorithm , later per­
when T artaglia responded to his chal­ fected by the Italian m athem atician
lenge. T artaglia, a m athem atical ge­ Girolamo Cardano, survives to this
nius, was confident th a t he would day as a general solution of cubic
easily beat Fiore, but ten days be­ equations.

So what is an algorithm ? W hat is this universal tool for solving problems?

The sim plest m athem atical operation is addition. It can be carried out without
any understanding of how it works, sim ply by obeying certain rules best exemp­
lified by the use of the abacus:
“Move to the rig h t the number of beads corresponding to the num ber of units
of the first figure. Then move to the rig h t the num ber of beads equal to the num ­
ber of units of the second figure. Count the to ta l num ber of beads for the re­
quisite su m .”
Using these rules a first-former at school can add one-digit numbers w ith the
help of an abacus. Only in m athem atics instead of “ru le ” they say “algorithm ” .
If a problem is likened to a lock, then the algorithm for its solution is the key.
A lgorithm s are needed to solve diverse problems. M athem atics cannot get
along w ithout a technology of its own—a technology of problem -solving.
A flowsheet is compiled for every part to be manufactured.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

a b k a2 2 7 .5 a 2 1 7 4 .2 b (5 + 6) VK M U i )

1 .3 7 0.81 1 5 .6 1 .8 7 5 1 .6 1 4 1 4 1 .1 0 2 1 9 2 .7 1 6 3 .9 5 0 4 8 .7 8 9

1 .3 9 0 .9 4 1 2 .7 1 .9 3 5 3 .1 3 2 1 6 3 .7 4 8 2 1 6 .8 8 0 3 ,5 6 4 6 0 .8 5 3

M 2 7 . 5 a 2 -v 1 7 4 . 2 b


A computation sheet is compiled for every problem to be solved.

The solution of the m ost difficult problem can be broken down into a number
of sim ple operations, a sequence of elem entary steps. They are described by an
algorithm .
Thus, an algorithm is a precise instruction for solving a class of problems by
means of a series of sim ple operations. In other words, it is a m anual for problem­
solving. It can be drawn up as a series of concise instructions to be carried out
exactly and to the dot. An algorithm is a faithful guide th at shows the road to
be followed to solve a problem.
A good exam ple is E u c lid ’s A lgorithm for determ ining the greatest common
divisor of any two numbers a and b. It consists of five instructions:
One. Inspect the two numbers a and b. Proceed to next instruction.
Two. Compare the numbers (a equals b, or a is less th an b, or a is greater than
b). Proceed to next instruction:
Three. If a equals b, this number is the greatest common divisor. If a is not
equal to b, proceed to next instruction.
Four. If a is sm aller th an b, change their places. Proceed to next instruction.
Five. Subtract b from a. Inspect the subtrahend and the rem ainder. Proceed
to instruction two.
Thus, after carrying out all the instructions, one m ust return to the second,
then the th ird , fourth, and so on, u n til the numbers are equal. Then the job is
done. Try and find the greatest common divisor of, say, 21 and 14, using these

Speaking of algorithm s brings to One m athem atician was asked whe-

mind a joke probably thought up by ther he could cook a soup, to which
m athem aticians. he responded:

“First I m ust form ulate the pro­ and the problem ’s solution broken
blem. Given: a pot, a gas cooker, a down into an ordered sequence of
quart of w ater and a package of de­ precisely defined operations, all th at
hydrated soup. Required: to cook the rem ains is to faith fu lly carry out the
soup. The problem can be solved by instructions. Anyone can do this wor
means of a certain algorithm z: pour king alm ost m echanically.
the w ater into the pot; place the pot M echanically? But if t h a t ’s the
on the cooker; light the gas. W hen case, c a n ’t the work be entrusted to
the w ater boils, add the dehydrated a machine?
soup; ten m inutes later tu rn off the It can, and electronic com puters
gas.” are the answer. Nowadays scientists
“W hat if the pot is already on have learned to autom ate the solu­
the cooker?” tion of any problem for which an
“This introduces a com plication, algorithm exists.
b u t the problem rem ains solvable.
In this case the algorithm z1 must The long history of m athem atics
be carried out: sw itch off the gas, is essentially a quest for algorithm s.
remove the pot from the cooker; pour Every new algorithm means new so­
out the w ater. The new problem has lutions of problem s. The sim pler and
thus been reduced to the old one, shorter an algorithm , the shorter is
which I know how to solve. Hence, the the road to the solution of the m athe­
new one can be solved, and I can m atical m ysteries concealed behind
cook the soup even if the pot is a l­ m any-tiered form ulae and equa­
ready warming on the fire.” tions.
You m ay well ask whether i t ’s The elaboration of algorithm s spe­
w orth w asting one’s tim e on such a cifically suited for problem -solving
cumbersome set of instructions to de­ by m achine is of prim ary im portance
term ine the greatest common divisor in our com puter age. A lgorithm s are
of two sim ple num bers. Perhaps not. of prim e im portance in com puter m a­
B ut there are other, more complex them atics—in fact, they are com pu­
problem s, and solving them requires ter m athem atics.
knowledge of an appropriate algo­ The greater the advances of com­
rith m and how to use it. puter m athem atics and the more wi­
As a guide to action every algorithm despread the use of com puters in all
m ust m eet certain requirem ents. Thus, spheres of life the more im p o rtan t is
it m ust be applicable not for the so­ the task of discovering algorithm s for
lu tio n of ju st one problem , b u t of solving large series of problems. W ith
all problems of a given type. Its such an algorithm a com puter can be
use as a guide to action would be programmed so th a t it can solve any
ju st about nill if it could be used or all of the problems of the series,
only for one pair of numbers such as as the case m ay require. The im por­
21 and 14. tance of comprehensive algorithm s is
Discovering and form ulating an a l­ enhanced by the fact th a t com puters
gorithm requires extensive knowledge calculate very sw iftly and in tim e
and much hard creative work. But will work even faster. It is better
when the algorithm has been found to discover a general method of sol-
a l g o r it h m

ving a large num ber of sim ilar pro­ solution for every problem , to be
blems, leaving the actual calculations calculated w ith or w ithout a com pu­
to com puters, than to work out a ter.

Extracting the root


by an autom atically operating w ater­

A branch of science works, and its tem perature in the
and technology th a t deals hot-w ater tap is autom atically con­
w ith the theory trolled by a therm ostat. The food
for his breakfast was preserved fresh
and construction by an autom atic refrigerator. The
of control system s capable of function­ bread for his to ast was baked a t an
autom atic bakery. After breakfast he
ing w ithout particip atio n of man. reaches the ground from his tenth-
floor flat in an autom atic elevator.
On the way to work he obeys the
signals of autom atic traffic lights.
“Sense Organs” and “M uscles” And so on, ad infinitum .
Modern technology, our whole way
of life would have been impossible
In our tim e a person is plunged w ithout autom atics. We would never
into a world of autom atics, of self- have been able to launch rockets
operating gadgets and devices of every into outer space, fly airplanes or
size and description as soon as he descend in subm arines to the ocean
wakes up in the m orning. The alarm deeps. Iron and steel works, chem i­
clock th a t woke him is one such auto­ cal plants, power statio n s and mines
m atic device. The water w ith which as we know them today would stand
he washes is piped to the bathroom idle.

Men have endowed autom atic systems w ith alm ost lim itless capabilities. To
begin w ith, they have provided them w ith “sense organs” —sensors which regis­
ter changes in physical or chemical state and tran sm it their findings to the auto­
m atic device.
A lim it sw itch (1) “feels” a workpiece and when the piece is finished stops
the m achine tool. A photoelectric cell (2) lights a river buoy when it gets dark.
A sound sensor w ill slide open the doors of a fire departm ent at the sound of a
siren. There are sensors to indicate when the concentration of noxious gases in
a m ine approaches the dangerous level. There are “ta s te ” sensors which control
solution concentrations and signal if an acid or other chemical has to be added.
There are also sensors which register position relative to the force of gravity (4)
and ensure sta b ility at rest and in m otion. Other sensors determine tem perature
or pressure (3) with high accuracy, “see” invisible infrared, u ltrav io let, roent­
gen or cosmic rays. Still others measure the intensity of electrom agnetic fields,
the concentration of ions, the slightest motion of the air, the im pact of dust mo­
tes, the motion of electrons and m any other things to which the hum an senses of
sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell are insensitive. They are capable of penetra­
tin g virtu ally everywhere to relay signals carrying precise inform ation about how
a machine is functioning or how a complex technological process is proceeding.

Sensors are elements of prim ary im portance in all autom atic system s. They
are being steadily perfected and made evermore sensitive so th a t they can pick
up the weakest signals. B ut then, these signals m ay be so weak th a t the devices
are incapable of reacting to them .
So the next elem ent in m ost autom atic systems is the am plifier or booster,
of which there are m any types: electronic (1), m agnetic (2), hydraulic, pneum atic,
pneum oelectric, electrom echanical (3). Common to them all, irrespective of de­
sign is their purpose of transform ing weak input signals into strong output sig­
nals. A ll am plifiers, as a rule, are capable of handling energies m any tim es in
excess of the control energy. Some am plifiers, electronic, for instance, are more
sensitive, others are more reliab le —m agnetic, for example.
Amplifiers of different types m ay be coupled to operate together, say an electro­
nic am plifier picks up a very weak signal, amplifies it somewhat and feeds it into
an electrom echanical am plifier, which converts it into a very strong signal indeed.
One note on term inology before proceeding further w ith some of the basic prin­
ciples of autom atics: the output circuit of a sensor or am plifier is known as the
control circuit. It governs, regulates or controls the controlled circuit.
Often a smooth in p u t signal is required to produce a trigger-action response
in the controlled circuit. This is achieved w ith the help of relays. They can be of
different types: m echanical, electronic, electrom echanical, photoelectric, etc.
For instance, when you drop a coin in to a public telephone w hat you are doing
is sw itching on the telephone line by means of a grav itatio n al m echanical relay.
An im portant characteristic of any relay is its so-called response tim e: the
tim e it takes to produce a change in the circuit it controls. The slowest are mecha­
nical relays, w ith speeds of tenths of a second. Electrom echanical relays are fas-

Amplifiers: (1) electronic, (2) magnetic, (3) electromechanical.

te r, operating at around l/300th of a second, while electronic relays function at

fan tastic speed of m illionths of a second.
It takes a weak current to trigger a relay, but the relay can be m ade to sw itch
on a circuit through which a strong current passes. In this respect it is akin to
an am plifier. Conversely, am plifiers can be m ade to operate relay-like, th a t is
effecting stepped changes of some param eter instead of altering it smoothly.
Thus, if sensors can be compared w ith the sense organs of a living organism,
Relays: (i) electromagnetic, (2) electronic.

amplifiers and relays can be likened to

its nerve knots or ganglia.
Two more im portant ‘ building blocks”
of autom atics are effectors and actua­
tors—the “m uscles” of autom atics. Their
role can best be shown by discussing
some of the jobs of autom atics. Essen­
tia lly , they all fall w ith in four catego­
ries: inspection, safety, regulation and
A v ast number of devices have been
b u ilt for the purpose of checking the di­
mensions and q uality of workpieces, the
tem perature and pressure of processes,
voltages and currents, the colour of fab­
rics, the concentration of solutions and
the q u a n tity of output. Besides, they
perform a thousand and one other opera­
tions involving inspection, verification A simple automatic quality-checking de-
and sorting. M echanical, electrical, elect- vice,
rom echanical and a host of other devices
have been designed and b u ilt for these purposes. Most widespread nowadays are
electric and electronic instrum ents, because they are fast, compact and flexible
in operation.
A bearing plant m anufactures m illions of steel balls. I t would take years to
sort them out by hand. A sim ple device w ith a chute w ith two holes in it, a latch and
a su itable receptacle is capable of sorting several thousand balls per hour. Those
of the required size drop through one hole, rejects roll into the spoilage bin.
An electronic thickness gauge operates w ith high precision and, in addition,
counts the standard item s and rejects, removes the rejects from the conveyer and
signalizes its findings. In selecting the type of device to be employed, engineers
take into account the required operation speed and accuracy, the com plexity
of the system , its cost and m any other factors.
The sim plest automatic safety device is a safety fuse which blows when a short
circuit or overload occurs in your home, breaking the circuit and forestalling the
possibility of a fire sta rtin g . Sim ilar b u t m uch more powerful and sophisticated
circuit breakers are installed on high-voltage transm ission lines to keep tra n s­
formers, generators and other electrical installations from breaking down in the
event of a short circuit.
One clever device keeps the shafts of generators, compressors or pumps from
spinning too fast. An autom atic gadget protects a forging press operator from
injury if he is careless. Turbines, boilers, engines, airplane systems, generators,
power transm ission lines, chemical in stallatio n s, electric m otors—all require
autom atic safety devices of different kinds. W ithout them the whole of m odern
industry and technology—factories, power plants, transport facilities, household
appliances, every m echanical tool and system —would litera lly grind to a h a lt.

Automatic protection devices: electromechanical (left) and electrical.

The third “profession” of automatics, regulation, is also of tremendous impor­

tance in engineering. In most technological processes and in many machines
the main thing is to maintain a certain parameter or state—temperature, pressure,
hum idity, speed, chemical composition, voltage, etc.—at a preset level.
This is done by regulators, governors and controllers of different kinds. A clas­
sical example is the centrifugal governor that is used to maintain a constant

An automatic voltage regulator.


A tracking system automatically turns a telescope, keeping it locked on a star.

ro tatio n speed. A more sophisticated device is the autom atic voltage regulator
housed in a little black box under the bonnet of every car. An autom obile gene­
rato r is driven by the engine whose speed varies over a wide range. W ithout the
regulator the generator would not recharge the storage b a tte ry at low speeds
while at high speeds the voltage would soar, damaging the electrical equipm ent.
Today, autom atic ind u strial installatio n s predom inantly employ electronic
regulators. In these devices the controlled param eter is expressed in term s of
electric current of corresponding voltage. The current is amplified and compared
in a m easuring u n it w ith the voltage of the program ming u n it. The required
adjustm ent is fed into the am plifier and from there to the effector un it.
A new device for regulating the tem perature of overheated steam in a high-
pressure boiler at a therm al electric sta tio n has considerably reduced the response
tim e and cut fluctuation by half, keeping the tem perature steady to a high degree
of accuracy.
F inally, the fourth “profession” of autom atics is control. Its im portance can
be shown on the example of the operation of a heavy-duty rolling m ill—a giant
m achine for m aking rails, beams, strip m etal and other rolled stock driven by
dozens of dozens of electric m otors w ith a to tal power of tens of thousands of kilo­
w atts. The operation of all its m otors, big and sm all, m ust be coordinated w ith
split-second precision. Some five thousand switchings of the motors m ust be
performed in the course of a single run of the rolling m ill. This is done by th e
autom atic control system .
Offshoots of autom atic regulation and control are tracer control and tracking.
Tracer control is employed in autom atic copying m achines, tracking system s
are used to keep telescopes locked on to a certain sta r for continuous observation,
and various com binations of the two are b u ilt into electronic sim ulators.

The crowning achievem ent of au ­ provide power, w ater and oxygen

tom atics is, beyond doubt, space supplies;
technology, in which scientific and m aintain the required tem perature
technological advances have been m ost and gas com position in the crew ’s
spectacular. quarters;
On view in the Cosmos pavillion carry out flight corrections during
of Moscow’s perm anent Economic launching, o rbital flight and descent;
Achievem ent E xh ib itio n is one of the regulate on-board power supply;
wonders of autom atics, an au th en tic and, last b u t not least, coordinate
spaceship w ith its g litterin g array and control the whole complex of
of sophisticated gadgetry designed to autom atic system s co n tin u ally busy
provide suitable living and working picking up, m easuring, indicating, re ­
conditions for men in the harsh envi­ cording, reading out, com paring, sto ­
ronm ent of outer space. ring and retrieving the vast am ount
Looking a t the craft, it is hard of inform ation needed to ensure the
to im agine th a t it embodies such a spaceship’s safety on all stages of
rem arkable degree of organization its flight and to carry out all the
and coordination of countless sen­ planned investigations.
sors, am plifiers, relays, actuators and Add to th is th a t the rem ote con­
effectors th a t the system , in the words trols are rem ote indeed, for vehicles
of scientist-cosm onaut K onstantin Fe- orbiting the E arth or flying farth er
oktistov, approxim ates a highly or­ out to the Moon and beyond, com­
ganized living creature w ith “sense mand and response signals, m ust span
organs”, “nerves”, “muscles”, “lim bs” vast distances. This work is the fun­
and, of course, functions adm i­ ction of telem echanics, a first cou­
rab ly suited for life in outer sin of autom atics. One of the more
space. popular telem echanical devices is the
The instrum ent system s receive and common dial telephone. W hen you
process a trem endous am ount of in ­ dial a num ber w hat you are in fact
form ation about the environm ent, the doing is sw itching on an autom atic
s h ip ’s position, the condition and system th a t connects you w ith the
actions of the crew, to which they telephone you need on the other end
respond by issuing control commands. of the line.
Its autom atics An exam ple of the heights au to ­
register loading and vibration; m atics and telem echanics have achie­
check the safety factor of s tru c tu ­ ved is one of the technological m irac­
res, back-up equipm ent and energy les of our age: the autom atic docking
reserves; of two E a rth satellites in space, an
check the functioning of all system s outstanding accom plishm ent of So­
and units; viet technology.
measure tem perature, solar and cos­ M illions of people were able to
mic rad iatio n , m eteor stream s; see the docking procedure on their
check the airtightness and therm al television screens. W hat, regretfully,
in sulation of modules; they could not see was the workings
control the a ttitu d e -correction sys­ of the sophisticated cosmic cybernetic
tem s and rocket stages; system s th a t guided the two satelli-

A technological miracle of our age: automatic docking of two Earth satellites in space.

tes circling the Earth at eight kilo­ ters of the two vehicles and feeds
metres per second towards each other the relevant data into the active
and locked them together. one’s attitude control system. Gra­
Of the two vehicles, one is “active”, dually the active vehicle aligns pro­
the other is “passive”. Both are pro­ perly with the passive one and draws
vided with “sense organs” enabling slow ly closer. When they are 300
them to “see”, “hear” and “recogni­ metres apart the low-thrust docking
ze” each other. Their antennas emit motors fire, nosing the active vehicle
a steady stream of homing signals. up to the passive module’s docking
When the active vehicle picks up the collar. The two touch, triggering the
signal it approaches the passive one, circuit of the latching system, which
which is beaming back response clamps them tightly together.
signals. After a while, on command from
As soon as the radio link is estab­ the Earth, the two vehicles separate
lished the automatic homing system and are brought back to Earth indi­
measures the relative orbital parame­ vidually.

The stage of machine industry Red October, the Moscow choco­

at which man is freed late firm, makes 3,500 sweets a mi­
of responsibility The c ity ’s meat-packing plants
for the direct control make 125,000 meat cutlets every
of production and this function A single automatic bakery bakes
is transferred to automatic 30,000 loaves of bread a day—and
devices. Moscow has a dozen of them which
turn out an assorted range of breads
and other baked products.
Clothing factories daily sew m il­
lions of garments.
The Only W ay Could one imagine m illions and
hundreds of m illions of different ne­
cessary and useful things all being
made by hand? Of course, not. They
are made by machines, and not just
Have you ever stopped to wonder machines, but automatic ones.
how many different things are turned Countless automatic devices (besides
out throughout the country every day? those that manufacture material, tan­
Lots, of course. B illions, perhaps? gible things) and sophisticated gadgets
Or more? control the operation of machines and
Consider several examples taken look after production processes.
from different fields. The introduction of this great arse­
Soviet factories produce more than nal of automatic machines and devi­
a m illion cogwheels a day. Even if ces, means of control and regulation
each is not more than 10 millimetres into industry is what we call auto­
thick, stacked one on top of another matization.
they would rise above Mt. Everest, How does a worker operate a con­
the world’s highest mountain. ventional machine tool? He feeds the
An automatic screw machine turns material to it, or inserts the pieces,
out a hundred screws per minu­ and removes the finished product. He
te. watches the m achine’s operation, de­
An automatic bottle-making ma­ cides whether it is up to standard,
chine produces more than 6,000 bott­ controls and adjusts it as the need
les an hour. arises.

These pictures illustrate how man gradually freed himself of the functions of direct control: ►
(1) originally the operator had to provide the power to drive his machine tool; (2) then he in­
vented power drives of different kinds; (3) later he added a tool holder; (4) automatic tracer-
controlled machines have freed man of direct control functions altogether; (5) at an automatic
factory the whole production takes place without direct participation of man.

W ith autom atization all this is done course, not. This has to be done by
by m achines. Moreover, autom atic autom atic devices. Thus, whenever
m achines which perform different ope­ hum an sense organs are incapable of
rations constituting a sequence are accurately determ ining a required pa­
integrated into production lines, w ith ram eter or q u a n tity or where hum an
autom atic handling of the workpieces reaction is too slow to spot a change
between operations so th a t a hum an in a production sequence an auto­
hand never touches them . m atic device is a m ust.
W hen it is tim e for autom atization, And there is a th ird consideration.
w hat are the considerations th a t fa­ Many industries are harm ful to m an.
vour it? A t chemical plants producing sulphu­
One we know: mass production. It ric acid, tex tile dyes or fertilizers
is always much easier to m ake ten some operations present h ealth hazards
identical objects th an ten different and some interm ediate products m ay
ones, for the sim ple reason th a t they be toxic or explosive. I t is here th a t
involve the same operations, the same autom atic m achines are indispensable.
dim ensions, the same sequences. And Cybernetics plays a trem endous
w hat if not tens, but tens of thousands p art in the autom atization of pro­
and m illions are needed? U niform ity duction processes. It enters autom a­
of output is one of the m ain conside­ tizatio n not only in the form of in ­
rations in favour of autom ation. d u strial electronic com puters b u t also
There is another. in the form of instrum ents th a t do
Very often, and not only in aca­ not catch the eye b u t are, in fact,
demic laboratories b u t in factory shops extrem ely sophisticated.
as w ell, it is necessary to measure, We shall attem p t to exam ine how
regulate and control param eters lying two very different devices used in the
beyond the threshold of hum an sense autom ation of certain technological
organs. Indeed, can m an detect elec­ processes function. This is the dom ain
tric field in te n sity or radiation? Of of in d u stria l cybernetics.

F irst, let us see how an “artificial m em ory” is used in autom atization.

Im agine a m achine th a t unwinds a roll of m etal strip and cuts it in to sheets
of a specified size and thickness. The strip varies in thickness and m ust therefore
be measured continuously, while the cut sheets have to be graded and sorted
accordingly. This m ay not sound very difficult, b u t the job is com plicated by the
sheets having to be stacked in different bunkers according to thickness. So w hat
is needed is a device which not only measures the thickness of the sheets b u t also
opens the hatches of the respective bunkers where they are to be stored—and
this m ust be done in precisely the tim e it takes for a sheet to travel from the point
where it was m easured to the bunker in which it is to be deposited.
To autom ate the process the roller conveyer along which the m etal sheets are
drawn is hooked up w ith a m agnetic drum on which recordings can be m ade in
the same way as on a tape recorder. The drum is provided w ith a recording head,
an erase head and as m any pick-up heads as there are bunkers in the m achine.

R o lle r co n ve yer s te e l sheet

M a g n e t i c d ru m

An automatic device for measuring the thickness of steel sheets, sorting and depositing them
into different bunkers.

A gauge continuously measures the thickness of the metal strip. Its readings
are converted into an electric signal which is duly encoded and recorded on the
magnetic drum which revolves in step with the roller conveyer. The recording
on the drum approaches the first pick-up head at precisely the same moment
as the corresponding sheet approaches the first bunker. If the sheet passes on,
it w ill approach the second bunker just as the recording on the drum reaches the
second pick-up head, and so on.
Each pick-up head is connected with a decoding unit which responds to only
one signal: the one corresponding to the sheet thickness for the given bunker.
When the signal matches, the device opens the bunker hatch, and the sheet sli­
des in.

A nother example is one of the possible ways of autom ating the process of cu t­
tin g dough for baking bread.
Every baked loaf m ust be of the same w eight. B ut the density of the dough
varies, and pieces of the same size m ay be of different weight. The sim plest thing,
it would appear, is to autom atically weigh every baked loaf and control the dough
cutter accordingly. This approach, however, overlooks the fact th a t a baked loaf
m ust necessarily be weighed quite some tim e after the chunk of dough th a t went
into its m aking was cut.
In other words, the cutter should be controlled not according to the weight of
every in dividual loaf but according to inform ation averaged over a large number
of loaves. Thus even such an apparently sim ple job involves the use of not-so-
sim ple statistics.
The autom atic system m ust be provided w ith a special com puter. As each loaf
is autom atically weighed the figures are fed into the com puter, which keeps up
a running com putation, controlling the work of the dough cutter accordingly.

The mechanism s described above step forward from autom atic m achi­
were exam ples of autom ation of se­ nes to the autom atic transfer of m a­
parate processes. In recent years these terials and pieces from one machine
ideas have been increasingly expan­ to another w ithin a shop or a section
ded into concepts of w hat could be of a shop.
called integrated and full-scale auto­ Full-scale autom ation envisages a
m ation. system of autom atic m achines and
Integrated autom ation represents a m easuring, handling, transfer and con-

tro l units and devices which turn to m anagem ent and adm inistration?
out an item or product from s ta rt The answer is an em phatic yes.
to finish w ithout direct hum an par­ In fact, nowaday it is impossible to
ticipation. im agine the economy being run w ith ­
The difficulties involved in such out autom atization. Why? If only
an enterprise are enormous, w hat because in our country some years
w ith the volum e of m aterial th a t ago there were three m illion per­
m ust be handled and m achined, the sons employed in the accounting ser­
num ber of technological operations vices alone. A to ta l of 10 m illion
th a t m ust be carried out, the am ount people are employed in adm inistra­
of inform ation th a t m ust be received tion and m anagem ent. Ten m illion
and processed. economists, planners, rate-setters,
Y et such an autom ated g ian t has bookkeepers, accountants, design­
been designed at the A utom obile In ­ ers!
dustry Technological Research In sti­ And the scale of the economy and
tu te in cooperation w ith the L ikha­ the rates of developm ent are expan­
chov Motor W orks in Moscow. Their ding w ith each passing year. The
system involves a com puter centre to flow of inform ation—plans, progress
which is fed all p ertinent inform a­ reports, technical specifications, bills,
tion about the m anufacturing pro­ invoices, and w hat have you—de­
cesses going on in the different shops, m ands th a t it be processed in the
about the m ovement of workpieces shortest possible tim e.
from shop to shop and section to The rise in the num ber of adm inist­
section, about the functioning of the rativ e and m anagerial personnel could
m achines and transfer lines. Each well lead to a situ atio n in which
shop has its own operational control half the nation was employed in
u n it where all the elem ents of the m anagem ent, w ith a corresponding
production process are continuously reduction in the num ber of people
controlled, from the stocks of work- directly engaged in production. H en­
pieces and tools to the rate of flow ce, w hat is needed is not greater
of finished item s to the next shop. num bers b u t a q u alitativ e leap. This
The tasks of the factory com puter is being achieved by the a u to m a ti­
centre also include scheduling of pro­ zation of m anagerial processes.
duction plans for every shop and Let us try and define the tasks of
section and continuous inventory con­ m anagerial a ctiv ity . N orm ally these
trol . are the production, transm ission, sto­
This autom ation system has pro­ rage and processing of inform ation.
ved its w orth, and sim ilar systems In other words, it is the job of kee­
have been installed a t the Moscow ping track of production, q u a lity
Compact Car W orks, the Zavolzhsky control, draw ing up production spe­
Engine W orks, the Y aroslavl Engine cifications, duplicating and d isp a t­
W orks and other factories. ching documents, coordination of v a ­
A utom ation of production yields rious production sections, registra­
an enormous growth in labour pro­ tion and sorting out of documents,
ductivity. This goes w ithout saying. com puter w ork—quite a job, in
But can autom ation be of any use short.

So one can im agine the am ount of performed every year. T h at is why

inform ation th a t m ust be handled in in our tim e m anagem ent and adm i­
running such a gigantic enterprise as n istratio n are well nigh im possible
the national economy of a whole w ithout electronic com puters.
country. Tens and hundreds of b il­ Hence, autom atization is the W atch­
lions of com puter operations m ust be word.

A m achine incorporating ed the throne the golden birds sang

and the golden lions roared thunde­
a system of mechanisms rously. N ot surprisingly, the awe­
and devices (electronic, struck v isito r fell to his knees and
bowed his head to the ground. And
electric, pneum atic, hydraulic) when he lifted his eyes—lo and be­
capable of receiving, hold!—the throne and emperor were
converting, tran sm ittin g gone, lifted to on high, from whence
the emperor gazed im periously down
and utilizing energy, a t the prostrate visitor.
m aterial or inform ation All these wonders—the singing
w ithout direct hum an birds, the roaring lions, the vanishing
th ro n e —were put into m otion by h id ­
participation. den m echanism s of ingenious auto­
m atic devices.
Farther back in tim e, Heron of
A lexandria, the ancient Greek m athe­
“A u to ” Does I t I ts e lf
m atician and m echanic, left a des­
cription of an autom atic theatre in
which autom ata enacted several sce­
An autom atic m achine tool at work nes suggested by the Iliad.
is a fascinating sight. O perating com­ In the first scene the Greeks could
pletely on its own, it clam ps the be seen repairing their ships, sawing,
workpiece in place, positions the cu t­ hacking, drilling, ham m ering nails.
ting tool, m achines the work to pro­ W hen the doors of the stage opened
per shape and dim ensions and rem o­ on the next scene the Greeks were
ves the finished p art. In short, it shown dragging their ships down to
performs all the operations a hum an the sea. In the following scene the
operative would have carried o u t— ships sailed over calm seas accom­
but much faster, w ith greater pre­ panied by dolphins diving in and
cision and efficiency. How does the out of the w ater. Then a tem pest
m achine know ju st w hat to do? arose, the waves m ounted higher and
The answer to th is question takes higher, and the ships huddled to­
us far back in tim e. gether for safety. In the forth scene
I t is said th a t there once lived a N auplius and Athena appeared on the
B yzantine emperor who sat on his stage. N auplius held up a torch which
gilded throne in the shade of a gol­ lighted up in his hand. In the fifth
den tree w ith golden branches and scene the Greek ships sank into the
golden leaves w ith golden birds among sea, and A jax, the sole survivor,
them . Two lions of pure gold on both swam for his life. F inally came a
sides of the throne watched appro­ lightning bolt, a roar of thunder, and
aching visitors. B ut it was not this Ajax vanished. A thena vanished too.
g littering splendour th a t struck pe­ The whole action was performed
ople m ost. For as a person approach- by autom ata; after each scene the

stage doors closed autom atically, the Of m ajor im portance was the in~
scenery changed, and the doors ope­ vention of the autom atic lath e scale.
ned again. The R ussian m echanic Andrei N artov
In the following two thousand years and then the Englishm an H enry
ingenious mechanics designed and bu­ M audslay made the cutter move au­
ilt clever autom atic toys, m ostly for tom atically along the workpiece,
no better purpose than the enjoym ent which could now be m achined w ith ­
of the rich. out having to be directly handled
However, there was much more to by the operator.
them , if only because the m echani­ The shrill cry of w histles heralded
cal wonders of the past indicated the the advent of steam and the steam
road along which autom atic systems engine, which replaced draught ani­
were later to develop. They were m als—horses, oxen, mules, asses—as
based on the achievem ents of techno­ a convenient source of energy.
logy of their tim e, the age of energy B ut the age of steam would not
of running w ater, wind or compressed have come if the demands of the
springs. tim e had not driven the talented
Springs were used to drive in tri­ R ussian mechanic Ivan Polzunov to
cate systems of cogwheels, levers, devise a float-type controller for his
connecting rods, cams, wormscrews “fire engine” so th a t “w ater, fire and
and other parts of autom ata. T hat is steam could sustain them selves in
why it can be said th a t spring-dri­ m otion” . Steam engines would hardly
ven m echanical toys were b u ilt on have ever found such universal ap ­
the clock principle. plication as they once enjoyed if
According to K arl Marx, clocks technological advance had not led
and watches, which rank among m a n ’s the English inventor Jam es W a tt to
best technological creations and were the invention of the centrifugal speed
the first autom atic systems b u ilt for governor.
practical purposes, suggested men the Man became stronger than ever
idea of introducing autom ata in before. The new m achines were qui­
in d u strial m anufacture. I t is not ac­ ckly p u t to work and made to per­
cidental th a t the Frenchm an Ja c ­ form a wide range of jobs.
ques Vaucanson, celebrated m aker of The governors and regulators used
m echanical toys, was the one who in the first steam engines proved to
b u ilt a weaving loom which served be extrem ely versatile. They were
as a prototype for the autom atic adapted for use in m any different
loom designed by A ntoine Jacquard. kinds of mechanisms. G radually, w ith
V aucanson’s m achine replaced fifty the advent of the age of electricity
weavers. Less than tw enty years later w ith its high power, speeds and high
autom atic looms were introduced at precision, autom ation spread to all
m any silk m ills in France and Eng­ technological spheres. It became the
land. O ther industries were quick to m ainstream of technological advance.
follow suit. Bigger, better and more Engineers classify the v ast variety
sophisticated m achines were in tro d u ­ of autom atic system s in use today ac­
ced in m etal-working, m ining and cording to their purpose, designation
other fields. or sphere of application as tech nolo-

gical, transport, m ilitary , com puter be classified, irrespective of their pur­

autom atics, and so on. pose, according to their data-handling
L ately, w ith the developm ent of characteristics.
cybernetics, autom ata have come to W hat does th is mean?

L et’s see how an autom atic system works, a bolt-m aking tool, for exam ple.
W ith a quick m otion a lever pushes out a brass rod from which a bolt is to be
machined to ju st the required length. A tu rn of the holder and the blank is brought
up to the cutting tool. A golden shaving curls away from the blank. W ith in se­
conds it is m achined along the whole length. The cutting tool retreats, the hol­
der is turned again and new tools cut the thread, champfer, finish the head. A few
seconds more and another cutter cuts the finished bolt from the rod. W ith a slight
clank it drops into the m etal bunker on top of a pile of other identical bolts w hi­
le the m achine is already busy m aking another one.
Despite the trem endous v ariety of m odern autom ata, they all share in common
a peculiar superficial tra it: they all create an impression of intellig en tly per­
form ing their jobs, going about them quite independently and on th eir own,
w ithout any outside interference.
W ell, you m ay say, this is, after all, a superficial im pression. But w hat makes
an autom atic system so independent, sophisticated in its performance and self-
contained in its behaviour?
One of the prim ary features of an autom atic system is its data-handling cha­
W hatever an autom aton does its performance is controlled by a programme
prepared well in advance. In a m etal-cutting tool, for exam ple, autom atic con-

This is how an automatic machine tool functions.

3 -6 1 6

tro l can be achieved w ith the help of a

tracer device which “feels” all the curves
and hollows of a m aster model and feeds
the necessary instructions to the cutting
tool for m achining the workpiece.
An autom atic film projector, on the
other hand, is controlled sim ply by the
celluloid strip passing through the film
An operation programme can be fed
into an autom aton by means of patterns
of holes punched in cards or tape, a m ag­
netic tape-recording or any other arran­
gement for recording and tran sm ittin g
a certain set of instructions.
Anybody who has ever received a soft
drink, a package of cigarettes, a news­
paper or whatever else from a vending
An automaton with an open-circuit control m achine or passed through a turnpike has
system. held the sim plest programme for its ope­
ratio n in his fingers: the coin be inserted
in the slot. The data contained in any programme m ust travel along a certain
route, as shown by the heavy black lines in the three diagram s. In the case
of an autom atic vending m achine the inform ation travels along a sim ple open-
circuit system from input to output.
More complex autom ata require additional data inputs in the course of their
operation, such as inform ation about tem perature, dimensions or voltage. This

An automaton with a closed-loop control system.


This automatic system is capable of self-regulation to meet the working requirements in the
course of operation.

involves w hat is known as closed-loop, feedback, control system w ith two data
input routes.
The age of cybernetics has seen the appearance of third-generation autom ata
capable of mem orizing past performance and experience, analysing previous
and current operation and working out an optim um programme which can be
changed and adjusted in operation to m eet changing conditions. The principle
of operation of such systems is shown schem atically in the drawing given
The u ltim a te purpose of the operation—the expected o u tp u t—is defined in
the programme originally fed into the system . The relevant inform ation is carried
along the first data route. The second data route carries the working programme
issued by the working m emory block which controls the system ’s operation

The th ird data route, as the diagram shows, carries the inform ation fed back
from the m easurem ent block.
There are autom atic systems w ith a greater num ber of data routes for carrying
relevant inform ation, and their performance capacity is, of course, correspondingly

The world of autom ata is great A utom ation theory m ust, for exam ­
indeed, and it is continuously expan­ ple, show how to determ ine the s ta ­
ding. This, understandably, has cal­ b ility of systems so as to prevent
led for the creation of a com prehen­ deviations in operation. It m ust in ­
sive scientific theory to define the vestigate the sen sitiv ity of autom ata,
laws according to which it functions. since the properties of a control sy­
This theory rests on the firm foun­ stem vary in the course of operation.
dation of the old classical theory of There are m any other complex pro­
autom atic control. Now it is called blems which the theory of autom atic
upon, however, to solve numerous control attacks and solves, thereby
problems of extrem e com plexity nee­ prom oting the advance of autom ation.
ded to design and build reliab ly
functioning autom atic systems.

B Only Zeros and Ones

BINARY SYSTEM W hen m an first learned to count

he, quite n atu rally , used his fingers
OF NOTATION to tick off the numbers one by one.
They restricted him to ten, of course,
A positional notation system and the decimal system of counting,
as it later came to be called, proved
for representing numbers so convenient th a t it has lasted to
in which the base is 2. this day.
Decimal notation is the cornerstone
of one of the three R ’s, and learning
it is one of our first tasks at school.
We learn the basic digital values
from 0 to 9 and are later tau g h t th a t
every num ber in decimal counting
is w ritten as a linear com bination
of powers of ten. Not surprisingly,
the system seems to us the sim plest
and most convenient of all possible
system s of num erical notation.
This view was shared, among oth­
ers, by the famous French scientist
Blaise Pascal, who b u ilt the first
calculating m achine. His calculator
employed so-called figure-wheels or
counting wheels w ith 10 teeth aro­
und the rim . Since then m any gene­
rations of calculating machines of
different types have been b u ilt to
replace m anual doing of sums w ith
m echanical digital m anipulation. Ail
these m achines were decim al, and
when electrom echanical calculators
were b u ilt they, too, were made to
operate in the decimal system .
The first electronic com puters were
also based on the ten digits of the
decim al system , the digits being re­
presented by flip-flop switches. The
Am erican ENIAC com puter, for exam ­
ple, was decim al. B ut it required so
much costly hardw are th a t designers

Now take the binary number 1111. The first num eral at the extreme rig h t is 1.
The next position is only two tim es the first, hence it represents 2; the th ird po­
sition is two tim es the second, and it represents 4; and the fourth position is,
accordingly, 8.
Let us try to represent, say, the number 1017 in the binary system . For this,
as in decim al notation, we count off the positions. We s ta rt w ith the lowest, 7.
The number 7 comprises four plus two plus one: 7 = 4 + 2 + l . This can be w ritten
down as follows: 1 X22+ 1 X2x+ 1 X2°. Accordingly, in each of the positions
we w rite down a 1, which gives 111.
The next number is ten, which is made up of eight plus two, viz., 10 = 8 —2 =
= 1 X23+ 0 X 22+ 1 X21+ 0 x 2°. You see th a t there are no ones or fours, and ac­
cordingly we w rite down zeros, obtaining 1010.
Continuing the operation of reducing decim al to binary, we can w rite down
the num ber 1017 as 5 1 2 + 2 5 6 + 128+ 64+ 32 + 1 6 + 8 + 1 = 1 X29+ 1 X28+ 1 X 27---
1 X26+ l X25+ 1 X24+1 x 2 3+ 0 x 22+ 0 x 21+ l X2°. Expressing eacli position of
a num ber correspondingly in terms of 0 or 1, we obtain the binary for 1017, viz.,
You m ay wonder, of course, how one can perform the basic a rith m etical opera­
tions w ith such unw ieldy numbers.
The rules are essentially the same as in the decim al system , though w ith some
peculiarities due to the fact th a t b inary notation is based on only two d igital
Thus, the rule for carrying o u t,b in a ry calculations can be stated as follows:
“As in binary notation there are only two num erals to denote the coefficients
of corresponding powers of 2, in any position 1 added to 1 yields 0, w ith 1 carried
to the next position to the left. W hen a column of l ’s is added, the coefficients 0
and 1 alternate, w ith 1 being carried to the left for each change to 0 .”
Let us carry out a sim ple addition operation according to these rules, nam ely,
1 + 1. In binary we have:
, 0001
Now let us add 8 + 3 in binary:

Tables have been compiled for basic arithm etical operations:

Addition M ultiplication
0+ 0= 0 0+ 0= 0
0+1 = 1 0X 1 = 0
1+ 0 = 1 1X 0 = 0
1+ 1= 10 1X 1 = 1

began to look for ways of reducing tion of all numbers to the sim plest
the num ber of switches. elem ents of 0 and 1."
The engineers and m athem aticians A t L e ib n itz ’s request a medal was
who tackled the job proceeded from struck to honour the “dyadic system ”,
the tw o-state—b in a ry —nature of the as it was then called. It depicted a
basic elem ents of com puter hardw are. table of numbers and sim ple opera­
Take, for exam ple, a neon lam p. tions w ith them . Around the rim
It can only be in one of two states: ran the inscription: “U nity can suf­
it is either “open”, and conducts fice to derive all from m inuteness.”
electricity, or it is “closed”, and Subsequently the binary system
carries no current. The flip-flop was all but forgotten and for alm ost
sw itch, as its very name im plies, 200 years h ard ly a work dealt w ith
can also be only in one of two stable the subject. It was only in 1931 th a t
states. Memory elem ents, loo, are several possible practical applications
binary. of binary notation were suggested.
So why not employ the binary sys­ Like decim al counting, the binary
tem of num erical notation, which system obeys rigid laws. B ut in the
uses only two num erals 0 and 1, former each place of a num ber cor­
m aking it extrem ely suitable for elect­ responds to a power of ten, while in
ronic machine operation. the la tte r it corresponds to a power
Accordingly, new machines were of two. Accordingly, in decim al no­
b u ilt to perform their calculating tatio n there are ten digits from 0
operations w ith only zeros and ones. to 9, while in binary there are only-
Not th a t binary notation is a con­ two, 0 and 1.
tem porary of electronic computers. Num bers in binary n o tation a t first
In fact, people had been dabbling seem queer indeed to the unaccusto­
in binary notation from as far back med eye, as suggested by such a
as the la tte r p a rt of the 16th century brief biographical statem ent:
to as recently as the beginning of “A t school he was extrem ely cle­
the 19th century. ver w ith num bers. Problem s which
The celebrated G ottfried W ilhelm his schoolm ates solved in half an
Leibnitz considered the binary sys­ hour took him no more th an 101 or
tem sim ple, convenient and b e a u ti­ 110 (5 or 6) m inutes to solve. Thanks
ful. “In dyadic com putation” , he to his wits and his energy he finish­
declared, “the rewards for its pro­ ed his college course in 11 (3) years,
lix ity are new discoveries of funda­ and he was only 1,010,000 (20) when
m ental value to science__ R em ar­ he was placed in charge of a research
kable order is achieved by the reduc­ lab o rato ry .”

A look at binary notation.

It can be seen from the table on p. 40 that the sm aller the number of digits
available to designate each digit position in a positional notation system the
greater the number of positions needed to represent a given num ber. Take, for
exam ple, the number 8 in the decim al system . In the binary system , it takes
four positions to represent it: 1000.

Comparison of number recording in unitary, binary and decimal systems.

M athem aticians claim th a t the arithm etical operations are much sim pler in
the b inary than in the decim al system . Even extracting a square root is sim pler.
If you practise for a w hile in binary arithm etic you w ill surely agree w ith them.
There is one stickler, though: subtraction is performed by means of addition.
This is done by adding the complement of the subtrahend (i.e. the num ber th a t
complements it to the next order of m agnitude) to the m inuend.
Suppose we w ant to subtract 101 from 10011 (19 — 5). First, add two 0 ’s to
the left side of the subtrahend to obtain the same num ber of digits as in the m i­
nuend. The complement of 00101 to 100000 is 11011. Adding th is to the minu­
end, we obtain:
, 10011
+ 11011

D iscarding the 1 on the extreme left, we obtain OHIO, i.e. 14. And, as we know,
in decim al notation 19—5 = 14.
M ultiplication is reduced to w riting down the m ultiplicand in a staggered
column and then adding up the column. Thus,
v 11011
x 1101
D ivision is achieved hy a process of consecutive subtraction, replaced, as we
know, by addition.
As you see, all m athem atical operations in binary are reduced to the sim p­
lest arithm etical operatio n of addition.

Thus, we now know the advantages they are not intim idated by the long,
of the binary system , which at first dreary rows and columns of zeros and
glance seems so strange because of ones th a t obey the tedious rules of
our decim al trad itio n . It only re­ binary arithm etic. Machines race
m ains to sta te the sy stem ’s draw ­ through endless ranks of zeros and u n i­
back: the binary system is used only ties w ith incredible speed and easily
in com puters, only they reign u n ­ overcome this shortcom ing of the b i­
disputed in its dom ain. To be sure, nary system.

A science th a t treats ... Deep-sea fishes can detect a

change in electric current of less th an
of the u tilizatio n one-hundred-thousand-m illionth of an
of biological processes ampere?
... The Nile fish m orm yrus steers
and methods in solving its way w ith the help of electro­
engineering problems. m agnetic oscillations?
Bionics can also be defined A rem arkable lis t, is n ’t it? And it
could be continued on and on w ith
as a science th a t investigates no less rem arkable exam ples. I t is
methods of creating h ardly surprising th a t as they got to
know all this, men were tem pted
m echanical systems w ith the idea of re-creating some of
w ith characteristics approaching n a tu re ’s achievem ents.
those of living organisms. Here we m ust make a brief h isto ­
rical digression.
The hum an race has been around
for about one hundred thousand years.
Living Nature as a Designer of W hat did the first m an see? R ush­
Hardware ing w aters, flying birds, running
anim als, blowing winds. In the early
stages of m a n ’s creative life it was
Do you know th a t only natu ral for him to learn from
... A rattlesnake can detect a tem ­ nature. A nim als, fish, birds suggested
perature difference of one-thousandth ways and means of tackling the “en­
of a degree? gineering problem s” facing him.
... Some fishes can sense a one- And the m odern man?
hundred-thousand-m illionth p art of H aving surrounded him self w ith
scent in a litre of water? This is num erous in tricate m achines in a
equivalent to detecting the presence world of high speeds he has again
of 30 gram s of such a substance in turned to nature for guidance. Why?
the whole Aral Sea. Because he still sees the superiority
... R ats feel radiation? of m any of n a tu re ’s creations over
... Some species of microbes react his own. Because the m aterials, de­
to very slight changes in radiation? vices and technological processes of
... A common cockroach sees ra ­ nature are more complex th an any­
diation? thing known to science.
... A stinging mosquito exerts a It was m a n ’s desire to learn from
pressure of up to 1000 m illion kilo ­ nature th a t gave b irth to the new
grams per square centim etre? By com­ science of bionics.
parison, a 16-kilogram weight w ith a Bionics derives its name from the
4-square-centim etre base exerts a Greek word “bios”, which means “life
pressure of 4 kilogram s per square cell”. And it studies biological sys­
centim etre. tems and processes w ith the aim of

applying the knowledge acquired for

solving engineering problem s.
Among the results of bionic re­
search were the rem arkable item s cited
at the beginning of the chapter. Such
careful, exacting, refined observation
is extrem ely im portant to science and
technology, to teach them how to
build inanim ate things like living
H ave you ever reflected th a t the
more com plex a structure the less
its stab ility ? Most probably, yes.
Nor does one have to go far for exam ­
ples. It is obvious to anyone th a t
it is sim pler to build a one-storey
house th an , say, the A tom ium th a t
was one of the central attractio n s of
the Brussels W orld Fair. One will
also h ard ly dispute th a t a single
brick in a building is more stable
than the whole gigantic building
b uilt of countless bricks.
And in living nature? An organism
as a whole is more stable th an any
one of its “bricks” taken alone. T hat
is one of the secrets of surv iv al of
living system s. W hat is the ex plana­
tion? As yet scientists do not know.
But now bionics is increasingly and
ever more successfully attacking th a t
old invincible b a stio n —the u n it of
life —from every side.
The objective in this consorted a t ­
tack is not thoughtless im itatio n ,
not copying of all the characteristics
of biological entities, b u t a critical,
stric t selection of technologically use­
ful properties. Proceeding from a bio­
logical “prototype” bionics elabor­
ates models for concrete practical ap-

The norve cell—-neuron—is quite unlike its

man-made counterparts—tiny electronic de­
vices that simulate some of its simplest

plication. It is interesting and useful stem from every conceivable aspect.

to sim ulate only those functions, the As a resu lt they discovered th a t it
specialists say, which enhance the owes m any of its features to the s tru ­
flexibility, reliab ility , efficiency of ctural peculiarities of nervous cells,
a system or a process. or neurons, as they are called.
The nervous system has long been W hy sh o u ld n ’t bionics try to create
recognized as the most complex bio­ a technical control system which
logical system capable of performing would model the nervous system?
an extrem ely wide range of seem ingly W h at is needed for this? F irst of
unlike functions of control and data all — to sim ulate its fundam ental
processing. All through the history “building block”, the neuron. Such neu­
of biology as a science researchers ron models were instrum ental in es­
have been probing the nervous sy­ tablishing m any interesting points.

This is a schem atic representation of a neuron and its electronic model.

In a living organism a neuron is usually in one of two states: quiescent (inhi­
bition) or excited (excitation). E xperts say th a t in simplified term s these neuron
functions can be compared to a tw o-position electronic elem ent operating in an
“on-off” regime. It can be an electron tube, relay, transistor.
From neurons extend nerves, the “w iring” of the body which links its organs
and various sections into an integrated whole and also connects the organism
w ith the environm ent.
Both the living neuron and its electronic model are so-called threshold elem ents,
which means th a t they “turn on” or “trigger” only when the input signal exceeds

Visual perception: the frog’s eye perceiving the object takes in its various qualitative features
separately: contours, curvature, brightness.

Im age on the
re tin a

a certain level, the threshold. The process involves accum ulation and build-up
of signals in tim e and in space. The num ber of signals a neuron can receive may
vary over a wide range from only a few to several thousand.
The sim ulated neuron has told researchers m any things. To begin w ith, the
engineer in building a control system will like to have the flexibility, reliab ility
and efficiency of a neuron. B ut, on the other hand, an engineering system has
no use for such a property of the neuron as its need for a relatively prolonged
‘'rest period” to “restore its stre n g th ” . A technological system does not need it,
and this is its advantage.

W hat practical results has bionics stop-over. And every year they fol­
yielded, w hat are its contributions low the same routes.
to technology? flow do they take their bearings
Bionics experts are am azed, for in space? How do they find their
exam ple, at the rem arkable naviga­ invisible routes in the sky? W hat
tional ab ilities of birds. A common are the highly accurate and sensitive
carrier pigeon, for exam ple, returns “navigational instrum ents” th a t fu n ­
home from practically any place. It ction inside these cham pion naviga­
has been shown th a t the unassum ing tors?
little bird golden plover can cross So far scientists are unable to ex­
the A tlan tic from New Scotland to plain how th is highly sophisticated
South America (a distance of some orientation system operates. Howe­
4000 kilom etres) w ithout a single ver, we are en titled to expect th a t

Electronic model of a frog’s e y e -o n e of the first bionic circuits.


the question w ill not rem ain unans­ cally w ith the greatest of ease, which
wered. This is confirmed by the in i­ interest the transport engineers.
tial results of some extrem ely in te­ Japanese engineers and biologists
resting experim ents being conducted established after m any experim ents
w ith birds. th a t whales had a better shape than
On the other hand, the rem arkable the best-designed modern ship, and
a b ility of bats to find their way about used their newly found knowledge to
the darkest caves or flit among tree build a “w hale-like” vessel. The ad­
branches on moonless nights is no vantages of the new design were rea­
longer a secret to bionics experts. dily apparent: w ith the same speed
They know th a t the apparently ran ­ and load capacity as its conventional
dom, helter-skelter flitting of a bat equivalent it required only three-
out foraging for foot) is in fact an quarters of the engine power.
extrem ely accurate m ethod of sonar Bionics principles have been incor­
(sound navigation and range finding), porated in the design of the “Pen­
enabling the anim al to measure the guin” Soviet snowm obile. Its name
distance to its prey w ith utm ost is fu lly justified. How does a pen­
precision. W hen hunting, bats are guin travel over soft snow? Sliding
extrem ely “garulous” “shooting” on its belly and propelling itself
bursts of ultrasonic rad iatio n at in­ w ith its flippers much like a skier
sects and picking up the reflected uses sticks. The m echanical Penguin
waves. also slides on its belly, pushing off
The study of sonar techniques of w ith spoked wheels. W eighing 1300
anim als, notably bats, has been use­ kilogram s, the m achine can travel at
ful in investigating the direction- 50 km per hour.
finding system blind people develop Bionics is helping chem ists. Orga­
in them selves. I t has been found nic chem ists studying and creating
th a t a blind m an can use the sound polymer m aterials are interested in
of his voice to take his bearings, the “technologies” employed by na­
find his way w ith o u t the help of a ture in producing complex chemical
stick and even distinguish wood, me­ compounds.
tal or fabrics “by ear”. The sym bol of bionics is a crossed
For m any years bionics experts scalpel, soldering iron and an in te ­
have been studying the speed w ith gral sign. This alliance of biologist,
which various prairie anim als, birds, technician and m athem atician offers
insects, fish and m arine anim als tra ­ hope th a t the science of bionics will
vel. As is known, m an has long prove capable of penetrating where
since surpassed the speed records of none have penetrated before and of
the blue shark, which can swim at discovering w hat none has ever seen
70 km per hour, and the most before.
fleetfooted grasshoppers which leap The tim e is not far off when the
at speeds of 10 to 60 km per advances of bionics w ill cause m any
hour. rem arkable changes in the field of
I t ’s the problem s of m anoeuvrabi­ technology. We can look forward to
lity and flexible steering which birds, new breakthroughs in m ethods and
fishes and insects handle a u to m a ti­ tools for detecting and extracting mi-

nerals and m anufacturing m aterials. lous beauty on the sea bottom . Men will
In engineering, control system s will learn to orientate as freely in outer
incorporate w hat could be called bio­ space as birds do in the air, lo fore­
logical m achines. cast the w eather, earthquakes and
Looking farther ahead, scientists volcanic eruptions, to litera lly grow
predict the advent of the age of bio­ various electronic devices, rem arkab­
nics. Its contours can be surmised le biom echanism s and artificial neu­
from the first advances of this dis­ rons, to build protein com puters....
cipline. One book describing the new The hook envisages direct transfor­
science declares th a t in the future, m ation of sunlight into clothes and
following the exam ple of living na­ food along the lines of photosynthesis
ture, men w ill design and build orni- th a t takes place in every green leaf....
thopters, fast subm arine liners, vehic­ A rtificial muscles instead of cum ber­
les for negotiating the rugged terrains some m achines__ A ircraft, m achines,
of the Moon, Mars, Venus and other autom obiles, rockets guided by w ill­
planets, sparkling cities of dendroid power alone, w ithout steering wheels
dwellings and com m unities of fabu­ or levers....

An object of investigation As soon as a child pulls itself to

its feet and sta rts w alking about its
whose internal structure
crib, it experiences the urge to get
is ignored or unknown. out into the “big w orld”. B ut there
is the net th a t doesn’t let him out.
To the child the net is a typical “black
box”: he knows nothing about its
structure, how it is fastened. He pulls
it a t random here and there. In the
language of cybernetics, w hat he is
doing is m anipulating the input leads
in the hope of producing a result at
A Thing in Itse lf the output end: the lowering of the
A clockwork toy is also a black
It is hard to overestim ate the im ­ box. Children d o n ’t know how it
portance of the “black box” concept works. All they know is th a t it runs
in cybernetics. It is not often th a t when you tu rn the key. We can say
the name of a concept conveys its th a t a t the in p u t end there is the key
m eaning and content so aptly and at which should be turned, a t the o u t­
the same tim e picturesquely as th a t put end there is the running of the
of “black box”. In fact, it is one of wheels.
its basic concepts. A TV or wireless set is a black
Fundam ental for the “black box” box to the owner who knows nothing
are the concepts of its “in p u t” and of how it works, except th a t he m ust
“o u tp u t”. “In p u t” is the com bination apply electric current a t the input in
of all possible influences (physical, order to obtain image and/or sound
chem ical, etc.) to which the “box” a t the output.
is subjected. “O u tp u t” is the reac­ It is no exaggeration to say th a t
tion of the “box” to these influences every thing, every object, every phe­
in term s of some observable values. nomenon, in fact every knowable
The “black boxes” we usually deal thing is in itia lly a “black box”.
w ith are not “absolutely black”—we In the exam ples cited the “boxes”
know w hat kind of influences (out of d o n ’t rem ain “black” for long. As
infinite num ber of possible com bina­ experience builds up the “blackness”
tions) they should be subjected to, gradually disperses.
and w hat results to expect. B ut is it always as sim ple as all
Man encounters “black box” prob­ th at? Let us take some other exam p­
lems litera lly from his first steps in les. “Black boxes” are fairly common
life. To be sure, in life he generally in electronics, sometimes in the quite
copes w ith them successfully, w ithout lite ra l sense.
attem p tin g to classify the problem or An engineer stands in front of an
even knowing th a t he is, in fact, electronic apparatus. He cannot disas­
dealing w ith a typical black box. semble it. B ut he m ust decide whe-

ther it should be returned for repairs electronics, of autom atic control, me­
or sim ply throw n out. dicine and economics, and the list
A sim ilar task confronts a telephone could be continued. True, the E ng­
engineer whose installations are out lish scientist W alter Ashby, who in ­
of order but cannot be disassembled vestigated the “black box” concept,
w ithout good reason. declares th a t the purpose of his theo­
Or take a physician, who in his ry is m erely to investigate the rela­
practice is confronted w ith only the tionship between the experim enter
external m anifestations of a disease and the environm ent w ith special
and knows nothing of the actual state a tte n tio n to the flow of inform ation.
of the p a tie n t’s organism . He has Thus, we know th a t a “black box”
before him a “black-box” problem. is a system of the internal structure
Specialists studying “black-box” of which we are ignorant. How then
theory claim th a t its application can can it be discussed, studied, in v esti­
be useful in coping w ith the trem en­ gated? The “black box” m ethod in ­
dous diversity of problems involved vestigates a system from only one
in ind u strial planning. For even an aspect: the relationship or connection
enterprise w ith only ten production between its in p u t and o u tput. The
processes has a choice of alm ost ten purpose is to com prehend the sy ste m ’s
m illion different plans. behaviour. Only its behaviour: stru c ­
As you see, the “black box” is a ture and m aterial are not taken into
problem of electrical engineering and account.
W illiam Ashby describes “black b o x ” investigations as follows!
A person cannot enter the same stream twice; sim ilarly, he cannot perform
the same experim ent twice. All he can do is to perform another experim ent dif­
fering from the first in elem ents which can, by general agreement, be ignored.
The same is true of “black box” investigation. The basic data about the ob­
served states of different parts of the “b o x ” (its “in p u t” and “o u tp u t”) are tab u la ­
ted in chronological order. Thus, suppose you are studying a “box” th a t has
fallen from an unidentified flying object. You could w rite down:
Time (hours) State
11.18 Did nothing—box em itted steady buzzing noise at 240 hertz
11.19 Pushed b u tto n marked “K ” —buzzing rose to 480 hertz and
continued at th a t level
11.20 Accidentally pushed b u tto n m arked tem perature of the
box rose by 20 °C
Thus, every system is investigated by chronologically tab u la tin g the observed
sequences of the states of the “in p u t” and “o u tp u t” . The record tells w hat input
leads the experim enter m anipulated w ith and w hat happened as a result at the
“o u tp u t” . By gradually expanding the “in p u t’’- “o u tp u t” scope the experim enter
gets to know the behaviour of the object. And as he gets to know more and more of
its behaviour he attem pts to reveal the inner connections of the “box” , its stru ­
4 -6 1 6

This is a “black box”. By repeatedly pressing the buttons the lamps on top can be made to
flash on in different combinations, making it possible to establish the laws of “input”- “out­
put” relationships without knowing what goes on inside the box.

A shby notes on th is score th at the experim enter is like an engineer sittin g in

a s h ip ’s deck-house in front of an array of levers and telegraph systems w ith which
he m anipulates the m achines observing the results of th ist m anipulation as rea­
dings on a row of dials.

The1" explanations about w hat a dio device incorporates several hund­

“black box” is were sufficiently long red different kinds of switches. An
and sufficiently convincing. W h at they electronic m achine has as m any as
have failed to reveal, however, 100 000 sw itching elem ents. But the
is why the “black box” is one of num ber of neurons in the hum an
the fundam ental concepts of cyberne­ b rain is of the order of 14 COO m il­
tics. The answer is: because in cyber­ lion.
netics people deal w ith system s which Im agine a biologist who has u n ­
cannot be described in d etail, very dertaken to establish all the sw it­
big system s, as they are com m only chings th a t take place in a thought
called. process. L et us assume further th a t
Let us try and see w hat this means. the biologist can m aster the sw it­
Once again some examples will be ching circuit of the nervous system
helpful. ju st as fast as a radio engineer m as­
H ere is one: the hum an nervous ters the circuit of a radio device.
system . I t is like a huge electric It is known from experience th a t a
circu it, like th a t of an electronic good specialist needs five hours to
apparatus. B ut the difference is tre ­ analyse a circuit of 200 switchings.
mendous, the q u a n tita tiv e differen­ Let us assume th a t a biologist ana­
ces are beyond all com parison. A r a ­ lyses the sw itching circuit of the

hum an nervous system w ith the same it, he is swamped by the incom ing
speed. A sim ple calculation shows inform ation and cannot grasp it
th a t this would take 40 000 years! all.
Detailed investigation of a very big W hat is the conclusion? There are
system is im possible. several. One of them is v iv id ly s ta ­
A nother exam ple. A utom ation is ted by the cybernetician Ashby. If an
being carried out at a chem ical works engineer building a bridge had to
in shops where h ealth hazards are consider every atom of the building
present. For a w hile everything is in m aterials his job would be im prac­
order: the operator pushes the neces­ tical, if only because of its scope.
sary b uttons, the autom atic m achi­ Therefore, a builder ignores the fact
nes function flawlessly, the processes th a t beams and panels are made up
run norm ally. B ut here is a hitch: of atom s. He considers them as in­
the operator is hum an and it is dan­ divisible u nits, because th eir nature
gerous for him to be in the shop! allows of such a sim plification, and
He, too, has to be replaced and his the engineer’s task becomes im ple-
duties handed over to an autom atic m entable.
device. B ut are sim plifications always pos­
In the dry language of cybernetics sible? Not by a long shot.
this problem is defined as “the need A p sychiatrist try in g to determ ine
to replace one system by another, w hat is going on in a disordered
sim ilarly functioning one”. brain has to deal w ith a very big
This is where the “black box” system . M oreover, this is a system
comes in. We know th a t some as yet w hich dem ands a very cautious ap­
undesigned system m ust perform the proach to sim plifications. They are
functions of the hum an operator. We not alw ays perm issible and can gros­
ignore how a hum an being performs sly d isto rt the overall picture of the
his actions, concentrating only on disease.
w hat he does (input) and w hat comes W hen an econom ist engages in his
out of it (output). W e regard the complex calculations a t an enterprise,
hum an operator as a “black box” and the raw m aterials prices, manpower
build its model. The im portant thing requirem ents, finished goods prices,
is th a t both the box and its electro­ expenditure of labour, dem and and
nic replica can be described by the other indices are buried in an ocean
same m athem atical form ulae. of m inor things which m ust be taken
Here, as you can see, we again have into account. He m ust approach sim ­
a very big system . Such systems may plifications w ith the utm ost care, and
be so complex th a t even when comp­ weigh them in his calculations w ith
lete inform ation concerning the state the greatest precision. Such exam ples
of individual elem ents is available, are lite ra lly countless.
the num ber of elem ents is so great Therefore, the “black box” is in d is­
th a t it is very hard to synthesize pensable in stu dying very big sys­
this inform ation, to bring it toge­ tem s. It is the magic key of a p rac ti­
ther, so as to judge of the behaviour cal m ethod which can be employed
of the whole system . A hum an inves­ for controlling the enormous diversity
tigator is incapable of coping w ith of very big system s.

In such cases a complex system is huntsm en aim ing a t difficult targets.

represented as a “black box”. Then a Even the experienced h it the b u ll’s
sim plified model is b u ilt and its in ­ eye w ith difficulty, and the best
vestigation commences. N ext the be­ register only 40 per cent direct “h its ”.
haviour of the system and of its mo­ So the cyberneticians decided to
del is compared and analysed. represent the converter as a “black
If the model doesn’t behave like box”. The “in p u t” is the in itia l
the system , the experim enter is en­ charge for the m elt, the “o u tp u t” is
title d to conclude th a t the principles the finished steel. W hat goes on in­
incorporated in the model are at side the “box” is for the tim e being
variance w ith those of the system . neglected. The next thing is to write
Hence, a new hypothesis about the a series of sim ultaneous equations
sy stem ’s stru cture is required, and describing the heat balance, the
new experim ents m ust be carried out. required carbon and oxygen, their
F inally, the lengthy investigations am ounts before and after the m elt. The
yield success. The principles on which equations tell w hat is needed for the
the model was b u ilt ta lly w ith the best “in p u t” to obtain the best “o u t­
hypothesized principles of the sys­ p u t”. Today producing Bessemer steel
tem confirm ing the experim enter’s is no longer a question of “shooting
in itia l conclusions. in the d ark ”. The process is carried
Let us see how such theoretical out according to a calculated m ethod,
reasoning bodies forth in practice on and the percentage of precision “h its ”
the in itia l stages of the work of the has alm ost doubled.
Central A utom ation L aboratory in To w hat conclusion have we ar­
creating reliable autom atic steel-m a­ rived as a result of our acquaintance
king equipm ent. w ith the problem of very big system s
Today steel is produced m ainly in and the “black box”? After due re­
two ways: in open-hearth furnaces flection we can, evidently, agree w ith
and in Bessemer converters. The open- the cyberneticians’ view th a t the
hearth furnace has earned affection discoveries of science are displaying
and respect, of the steel-m aker, but ever growing diversity which is push­
the converter__ The converter de­ ing back its frontiers and revealing
mands tru ly creative skill on the ever more im p o rtan t details. At the
p art of him . U nlike the open-hearth same tim e, as a result of the disco­
m ethod, in which he is assisted by veries of science, wide classes of phe­
precise lab o rato ry analyses, Bessemer nomena are being reduced to an ever
steel is produced largely by rule of sm aller class of principles of more
thum b. Converter operators are like and more general nature.
c From P lu m Stones to Computers

CALCULATING HARDWARE A foreigner visitin g R ussia some

400 years ago during the reign of
Ivan the T errible noticed th a t scribes
Machines and devices in government offices had little bags
containing plum and cherry stones.
for speeding up calculation In his d iary he wrote down: “In the
procedures through partial land of Russians counting is done
or total autom ation. w ith the aid of plum stones.”
The history of counting devices is
thousands of years old. The first
“calculator” was provided by nature
herself: the hum an hand, “the ten
fingers w ith which men learned to
count, th a t is, perform the first a rith ­
m etical operation”, as Engels wrote.
It is not accidental th a t the first
num erals from 0 to 9 are called
digits, which means fingers.
The earliest calculating device was
the abacus, which evolved through a
series of types, m any of which are on
view in museum s, notably a t the
H erm itage Museum in Leningrad. Two
shallow boxes hinged together open
up like a hook. An exquisite richly
ornam ented casket made of ivory pie­
ces joined by silver pins and locked
w ith a silver hook is actu ally an old
R ussian counting hoard. Red and
black glass m arbles serve as counters.
A genuine work of a rt, it probably
belonged to a w ealthy person. But
th is doesn’t mean th a t only rich
people used counting boards. Accor­
ding to a 17th century m anuscript,
they were in wide use “for m ercan­
tile accounts, and counting and cal­
culating weights, m easures and mo­
neys” . Also on view at the H erm i­
tage is a counting hoard made of
crude pinewood ham m ered together
From the history of the development of Calculating machines (pp. 54-57),


1945 1950 1960

F lip-flop type
electronic circuits Valves Semiconductors


Uniac 1946

FI fcv-v ill I--------. ~ TI '

M ac h in e o f the e a rly 1950s E3CM 1953 ExICM —6


w ith plain nails. The use of counting ductive forces the im portance of cal­
boards was obviously widespread in culation grew apace. M echanical cal­
R ussia. Special instructions were even culators were b u ilt. Man made them
printed, such as “Convenient Calcula­ count faster, gradually reducing the
tions for Use by Buyers and Sellers” degree of his own particip atio n in the
printed in Moscow in 1682, which work. L ater he added motors and
contained a table of products of whole “tau g h t” the machines to “read”,
num bers from 1 to 100. “memorize” num bers and “record”
The abacus is still used in some interm ediate results.
countries, having hardly changed It is only n atu ral th a t in the age
since ancient tim es. A high degree of autom ation calculating machines
of skill can be attained in using the have also gone autom atic. Nowadays
abacus, so much so th a t some accoun­ they control and regulate the whole
tan ts can compete w ith a sim ple com puting procedure operating at tre ­
desk calculator. mendous speeds. Their spheres of ap­
W ith the developm ent of the pro­ plication have expanded enormously.

Great is the arsenal of modern calculating machines, numerous are the ways
of m echanizing calculations. From the desk calculator to the high-speed electro­
nic com puter. From the sim plest planim eter to the most complex electronic ana­
logue com puter. From a sm all accounting office to a huge computer centre.
All this has been placed at m a n ’s service, enabling him to perform m athem a­
tical operations w ith huge numbers w ith great speed, accuracy and re lia b ility ,
to solve the most complex problems of higher m athem atics, to study very fast
Today a vast range of calculating m achines of all conceivable sizes and types
are m anufactured, hut they all fall into several distin ct classes.
The oldest and sim plest calculating appliances gave rise to the adding m achine.
The evolution of this branch led to the appearance of all kinds of desk keyboard
machines of the type th a t can he found in book-keeping departm ents, planning
departm ents, etc.
Another branch in calculating technology includes punched card m achines.
They employ oblong cards w ith holes punched in them . A com plete set of such
machines forms a computer flow line em ploying punched cards at all stages of
the process. Punched card machines are capable of handling tens of thousands
of cards per hour.
Complete sets of punched card m achines are the basic equipm ent of com puter
stations and bureaus. They are used at factories, offices, in stitu tes, collective
Our designers are continuously striv in g to improve designs of punched card
m achines, supplem enting and com plem enting them w ith new types and system s.
Sorting, tab u latin g and m ultiplying system s have been b u ilt which incorporate
electronic elem ents, all the efforts are aimed at expanding the data-handling
capacity of computer flow lines and increasing their productivity.
Another branch of computer hardw are is analogue machines and systems in

which m athem atical quantities are rep­

resented not as numbers, not as concrete
data changing in discrete steps, but as
physical quantities presented in a certain
scale: a change in angle of tu rn , voltage
or liquid level. The advantage of such
machines is th a t they can operate w ith
quantities fed in a continuous stream ,
like a flow of w ater. The replies also
come out continuously.
Many of you have seen devices of this
type, the slide rule and various v a ria ­
tions of it, and m athem atical in stru ­
m ents, such as planim eters, pantographs,
tangential m echanism s, etc.
Electronics has worked a revolution in
this sphere too, having produced a wide
range of electronic analogue in sta lla ­
tions and sim ulators: continuous-action
analogue computers capable of solving
complex systems of sim ultaneous equa­
tions to accuracies of several per cent.
These machines are sim ple in operation,
reliable, and require a m inim um of pre­
paratory work prior to solving a problem.
An example of a m achine of this kind
is an electronic sim ulator (analogue
computer) of the E l (electronic integra­
tor) class. It is an impressive in stallatio n
capable of calculating 70 to 80 variants
needed for positioning 50 extraction and
250 pressurization wells in a m atter of Computer manufacture is soaring in the
two or three days. Form erly it took 200 Soviet Union.
man-m onths for calculators to solve the
problem for only 100 wells.
Another m achine is the “MH-14”. The in itia l data are fed in autom atically and
the result is recorded by an electric typew riter. W hen necessary, the whole course
of the solution can be followed on the screen of a cathode-ray tube. The m achine
is serviced by one engineer and one technician.
Soviet industry m anufactures a wide range of analogue com puters. They are
all classified into three groups: integrators, m achines for solving differential
equations, and specialized analogue com pu.ers, such as the “MIIT-9”,
“MH-10”, “Integral-1” , “MH-14”, “9MCC-7”, “yCM -1”, to name but a few.
B ut, of course, the “e lite ” of the world of electronics is the high-speed electro­
nic computers. The first of the fam ily appeared in the 40s, but already by 1955
the m anufacture of electronic computers was running ahead of the rest of the

m anufactured goods by 546 per cent in W est Germany, 505 per cent in Italy ,
and 303 per cent in Great B ritain . Only three computers were b u ilt in Japan in
1957, by 1970 their number rose to over four thousand. In 1960 there were
some five thousand computers throughout the w orld. By the end of 1967 their
number rose to forty thousand. By the end of 1975 their number in the largest
c a p italist country, the USA, is expected to reach 200 thousand, the forecast
for 1980 being 355 thousand.
The same situ a tio n exists in other industrial countries. In 1959 France had
20 electronic com puters, and by 1969 the number was five thousand. Japan had
only three computers in 1957, nowadays it has thousands.
The to ta l number of computers in 1949 could be counted w ith the aid of fingers;
by 1966 it reached 30 thousand, by 1969—75 thousand, and now it is presumed
to go into hundreds of thousands.
In the Soviet Union the m anufacture of m athem atical machines is soaring.
Taking the production for the year 1950 as 100, five years later the figure was
737, and only one year after th a t, 1171. By 1965, the output had increased 4.7-
fold over 1956, and in 1970 it exceeded th a t of 1965 by 4.8 tim es. In the next
seven or ten years the USSR w ill reach one of the first places in the world by the
production of electronic computers.
Several m ajor computer fam ilies have appeared in our country. One is the
“U ral” type, ranging from “U ral-1” , “U ral-2” , “U ral-3” , through “U ral-10” and
on to “U ral-16” . A lthough belonging to the same fam ily they serve different pur­
poses and can solve a wide circle of m athem atical and logical problems.
Not long ago a new series of universal d igital computers appeared: “M insk” ,
“M insk-1” , “M insk-2” ... “M insk-22” ... “M insk-32” . This is a fam ily of small
m achines designed m ainly for solving scientific and engineering problems and
also for production planning and control. The “M insk-22” is a semiconductor
u n it intended m ainly for data processing in handling economic planning pro­
blem s. W hat can it do? Calculate wages, keep warehouse tabs, compile balance
sheets, process s ta tistic a l d ata, draw up finished products specifications and do
m any other things listed in the accom panying instructions as “other economic
problem s” . Furtherm ore, the com puter can solve sim ultaneous algebraic equa­
tions and perform m ultiple arithm etical operations “and other m athem atical
operations involved in solving scientific and complex engineering pro­
blem s” .
As you see, this is n ’t just a m achine, but an all-purpose m athem atical combine,
a jack-of-all-trades capable of perform ing any task.
The “M insk-32” is another step forward beyond its brother 22. It calculates
five or six tim es faster and can handle eight tim es more inform ation. Furtherm ore,
it can function w ith 136 external appliances. It is operated by one person w ith
the aid of a typew riter.
Our review of sm all machines would be incom plete w ithout the universal “N airi”
designed for scientific research organizations and design offices, w ithout the
“Prom in” , a sm all desk w ith the control console on the top and the hardw are under­
neath capable of solving engineering problems of average com plexity and per­
form ing sm all com putations. Another interesting m achine is the “Setun” which is

housed in two cabinets. Special mention should be made of the “Mir" which, in
spite of its sm all size, is capable of solving m any types of sim ultaneous equa­
tions, linear program m ing problems, of calculating tim e-tables and of performing
a wide range of complex m athem atical operations, including analytical tran s­
form ations of form ulae and solving equations in letter form.
Academician V. Glushkov, Hero of Socialist Labour, head of the team which
built the “Mir” , lists the characteristics of his offspring as follows. It is capable
of m emorizing 12 000 sym bols—six or seven pages of tex t. Innate to it are all
the m ain form ulae we were taught at school plus some item s from the college
course. Called the “electronic engineer” , it is an indispensable tool in the hands
of specialists employing m athem atics in their investigations.
Alas, so m any m athem atical machines are produced in our country th a t it is
impossible to tell of them all.
Before we forget, we should note one more q u a lity of the “M ir” fam ily of compu­
ters: the problems are fed into them w ith the help of conventional m athem atical
signs, symbols and numbers. No translation into a m achine language is required,
which is extrem ely convenient.
Now let us proceed to the most im portant fam ily of m achines, the “generals”
of Soviet computer hardw are, the “E9CM” fam ily. They are large in stallations,
extremely reliable, fast, w ith a vast data-handling capacity, tremendous
universality, and capable of solving the most complex m athem atical pro­
The first-born of this fam ily was the “E9CM-1” created by a team of scientists
and engineers under Academ ician S. Lebedev, Hero of Socialist Labour. O rigi­
nally it was the best in Europe, capable of performing 8 000 and, after some im ­
provem ent, 10 000 operations per second. It also possessed an excellent memory
w ith swift retrieval.
Today this m achine is a great-great-grandfather. I t was replaced by a new ge­
neration, the “B9CM-2” and “E9CM-3”, capable of performing 20 000 operations
per second and w ith a vast memory of four m illion words.
The next generation was represented by the “B9CM-4”, awarded a diplom a of
the International E xh ib itio n of Engineering, A dm inistration and Management
M echanization held in Moscow in 1966.
Life goes on, and we became witnesses of the creation of “B9CM-6”. This was a
veritable g ia n t—not in size but in capabilities. Though several tim es sm aller
than its great-great-grandfather, the “B9CM-1” , it performs a m illion operations
per second. It is designed for solving a wide range of complex scientific, technolo­
gical and economic problems requiring a vast am ount of calculations.
The m achine incorporates all of the latest achievements of computer techno­
logy. Its designers were awarded the 1969 State Prize. The “B9CM-6” is capable
of carrying out several operations and solving several problems sim ultaneously.
Input inform ation can be fed to it by means of punched cards or tape, m agnetic
drums or tape, and even by telegraph. A very high-speed memory device additio­
nally enhances the m achine’s already high productivity. I t can be run by several
operators sim ultaneously working from several control panels, which need not
be in the same room.

One of the flag-ships of Soviet dern physics, which entail the pro­
com puter electronics has already as­ cessing of numerous experim ental da­
sumed its duties a t the head of the ta in the shortest possible tim e.
electronic m achines of the sophisti­ As you see, m any excellent compu­
cated com puter complex a t the Jo in t ting machines have been created in
Nuclear Research In stitu te a t D ubna, this country. Their rate of production
north of Moscow. The “E9CM-6” is is such th a t specialists confidently
employed in solving the most diffi­ declare: “In the near future w e’ll
cult m athem atical problem s of mo­ move to one of the first places.’"

a televized programme the com m enta­

The am ount of inform ation
tor asked Held: “W hat wras the re­
(numbers and instructions) su lt of the m atch between ‘G urnik’
th a t can be sim ultaneously stored and ‘O dra’ (Opole) four years ago?”
The answer came instan tly : “We won
in the memory block. 4 : 0 , the game was played on the
18th of August in the presence of
27 000 fans. The all-round profit was
235 thousand zlotys. Three goals
were scored by Pol and one by Zsol-
And yet these sta rtin g examples do
“A n Impress on a W ax Surface” not represent the lim it of m a n ’s abi­
There is the case of the reporter
The famous philosopher of ancient of one of Moscow’s papers by name
Greece Socrates compared the pro­ of Shereshevsky, who wras in itia lly
cess of mem orizing an idea w ith the examined by specialists in 1926. His
action of a seal-ring leaving its im ­ memory was practically boundless.
press on a soft wax surface. He memorized rows and tables of
How deep can this trace be? W hat over a hundred num bers, enormous
is the strength and the capacity of com binations of words from texts un­
m emory, how great can its intake be? fam iliar to him in an unfam iliar
In general, w h a t’s memory? language, even ultra-long chains
Some wonderful tales are told about m ade up of two concepts “red” and
our mem ory. In one of his lectures “blue” in an a rb itrary order. The
Professor V. Solodovnikov cited an d u rab ility of this m a n ’s memory,
exam ple of six brick-layers answe­ too, was lim itless. He could repeat
ring under the influence of hypnosis unerringly a table of num bers th a t
a question about the form of the crack he happened to have heard once 20
in the sixteenth brick in the fifth years ago.
row of the eastern w all of a p a rticu ­ Professor A. L uria, who had She­
lar house on a p articu lar street. And reshevsky under observation for 30
th a t after six m onths have lapsed years, tells how he answered questions
since the wall wTas laid! when exam ined: “Pie closed his eyes
The famous R ussian scientist Aca­ and slow ly drew circles in the air
dem ician S. Chaplygin could uner­ wTith his finger.... ‘W ait a moment
ringly name a telephone num ber he ... you wore a grey su it ... I sat
used only once some five years ago. vis-a-vis to you a t the table ... got
I t ’s rum oured th a t the cashier of i t ! ’ And not a single m istake!”
the “G urnik” football club by name W here is this wmnderful treasure-
of Leopold H eld rem em bers all the store of intelligence, w hat are the
results and all the details of the mechanisms of its operation? U nhap­
c lu b ’s games. Once in the course of pily, we do not know it for certain.

If we define m em ory as the ab ility the num ber of elem entary signs will
of the brain to store inform ation ac­ be 100 0 0 0 x 1 0 000 = 1 0 billion. This
cum ulated in the past and produce is equivalent to 50 000 pages of the
it on request, in our century of elect­ Grand Encyclopaedia.
ric ity we unw ittin g ly tend to assume B ut this is not the final word.
th a t memory is a com bination of If we go on, it will become clear to
pulses travelling along a circuit in us th a t w ith an “id eal” code the
the same way as does electric current. tex t w ritten w ith the aid of the two
B ut, alas, as yet no “memory cur­ signs of our chromosomes would amo­
ren ts” have been found in the brain. u n t to hundreds of thousands or
The question looms large in the even m illions of encyclopaedia pages.
m inds of scientists: how does the And w hat if nature managed to pro­
brain hold the fantastic am ount of duce some special signs by m aking
inform ation accum ulated by m an du­ sm all shifts in the molecules? Then
ring his lifetim e? Scientists are labou­ the inform ation capacity w ill defy
ring unceasingly to solve the problem all im agination. T h a t’s w hat can be
of the origin of memory. done w ith the aid of atom ic and mo­
The opinion holds th a t our brain lecular ABC. E xperim ents have shown
is made up of 12-14 b illion neurons. th a t not everything and not always
It can be presumed th a t each neuron is retained in m a n ’s memory for a
is capable of storing more th an one long tim e. Frequently inform ation is
u n it of inform ation. The presum ption kept stored in his head only “u ntil
th a t this m inute particle of the brain tom orrow”. This leads us to suppose
is able to assume ten or hundred th a t m a n ’s memory is of several
states to record inform ation seems types.
less justified. Even if th is was the Inform ation reaching the brain con­
case, it would be impossible to im a­ nects its neurons into electric cir­
gine how the brain is able to hold cuits and circulates in these circuits.
the gigantic reserve of intelligence. This is the short-tim e memory.
We cannot b u t presum e th a t memo­ The currents circulating in the neu­
ries are recorded on the m olecular ron circuits act upon the molecules
level, th a t molecules of memory are of the nerve cells, and this leads to
active in the brain. Those are enor­ proteins being synthesized in them .
mous, very com plicated molecules, W hen the signal is repeated, the pro­
which look like rope ladders w ith tein reacts to it and adm its infor­
cross-beams of two types. These mo­ m ation to the long-tim e m em ory—
lecules, placed in a definite order, the brain. If the signal is not repea­
like the dots and dashes in the Morse ted, the circuits w ill fall apart, the
code, constitute a peculiar atom ic short-tim e m em ory w ill be switched
and m olecular ABC. off. It is presumed th a t there is also
How much can be recorded w ith a working memory. Ju st w atch a
the aid of it? L e t’s make some cal­ ty p ist. W hen typing a tex t, she keeps
culations. Each molecule has 10 000 in her memory only short pieces of
cross-beams of two types. The chro­ it for a very short tim e u n til she
mosomes of hum an cells contain finishes typing them .
some 100 000 genes. This means th a t People were quick to see th a t all

records in the brain are short-lived, People learned to memorize, not only
and th a t extraordinary m emory is, w hat they have seen, but also w hat
un h ap p ily , the gift of very few per­ th ey have h e a rd —due to the appea­
sons. P ractically , to memorize m an rance of sound recording of the m e­
had to seek the aid of artificial means chanical, photographic and m agnetic
of memory, capable of supplem enting types.
the natu ral memory of the hum an A m ethod of recording various com ­
brain. m ands has been devised as far back
The oldest practical m ethod is the as the M iddle Ages. P lates were
use of inscriptions and signs. It “sensed” by pins fixed onto drum s—
dates back to rock-wall pictures. Then b ells rang, m usical boxes played.
came the turn of characters, and Inform ation was also memorized by
after them of the letters of ABC’s. holes of perforated drums of looms
The invention of book-printing has in the m iddle of the 18th century.
increased hum an m em ory to the d i­ G reat prolification of artificial me­
mensions capable of engulfing all m ory aids is characteristic of our
sciences, all in tellectual heritage of tim e. E lectrom echanical and elect­
m ankind. ron-tube recording devices em ploying
L ater photography came to the aid two stable states (on-off) were suc­
of graphics, and it was followed by ceeded by novel devices using m ag­
cinem atography. This enabled events nets (m agnetized-dem agnetized), se­
to be memorized in action, in tim e. m iconductors, etc.

L e t’s take a look at the computer m em ory. Its electronic “m em ory” is used
as a depot to store numbers and instructions. From this depot they are sent for
processing to the “m athem atical m ill” . The results obtained are returned to the
“m em ory” . An absolute order m ust be m aintained here to fac ilita te the extrac­
tion of the necessary numbers or of a definite result.
The computer “m em ory” , its recording device, can be compared to the head-
gear wardrobe. I t ’s full of hats, but each occupies its own section. E ach section
has its number. Produce your check and take your hat (yours, and nobody else’s).
The sections of the w ardrobe, its cells, all have th eir addresses—th eir num bers.
Take, for instance, the instru ctio n + 475. I t m eans th a t th e num ber occupying
cell 475 should be added.
The com puter, like m an, has “m em ories” of different kinds.
Y ou’ll sm ile recalling how you say aloud, when m u ltiplying: “Seven tim es
five is th irty five. W e’ll w rite five and keep th re e ” . The com puter has to do the
same. I t, too, w rites five and keeps three in its m in d —memorizes.
Sometimes an address or a telephone number is needed only once. In this case
it is w ritten down on any scrap of paper th a t comes handy. H aving telephoned,
you throw it away. If you expect to use the address or the telephone once or twice
more, y o u ’ll, probably, copy it into your note-book or address book. This con­
tains data the need for which will arise in due tim e. This is a fundam ental, long­
tim e “m em ory” .

*>*+► :<■***!
* + * * * •* * + !

Types of machine “memory”.

The com puter, too, has all these kinds of “m em ory” . Y o u ’ll find here the
“scrap of paper” , together w ith the “address book” of long-tim e “m em ory” and
the note-book.
The “scrap of paper” is the w orking “m em ory” d irectly connected w ith the
arith m etical blocks of the com puter. The “note-book” is the long-tim e recording
devices. They serve to m em orize all inform ation introduced into the computer
th a t is needed in the course of solving the problem . The “address book” of the
com puter contains constant reference d ata, tables, coefficients—all th a t, like the
m u ltip licatio n tab le , m ay be needed in calculations. Hence, its nam e—the per­
m anent recording block.
The capacity and operation speed of the computer “m em ory” are determined
by its construction. It is interesting to note th a t these two characteristics are
closely interrelated . The sim plest type of “m em ory” is the m agnetic tape. I t ’s

easy to increase its capacity just by increasing its length. But sim ultaneously
the tim e needed to find a number on this tape w ill be increased, too. Tens
or even hundreds of m etres of tape m ust be turned over to find the required
Therefore, the device was adopted of increasing the capacity of the “m em ory”
while a t the same tim e decreasing the tim e needed to produce d a ta , the so-called
circulation tim e.
M agnetic tape drums enable recording blocks of practically lim itless capacity
to be b u ilt. W ith the recording density of one number per m illim etre, 500 m etres
of tape can record 500 000 numbers; one hundred tapes of this length w ill hold
5-107 num bers. Compare th is number w ith the number of signs in L. T o lsto y ’s
novel W ar and Peace, which is only several m illions. But in this case it w ill take

Designers endeavour to build reliable miniature high-speed memory elements.

C o n tro l w ir e
N um bers

S u p e rco n d u ctin g
f ilm
O rd e rs R eading w ire

Reading w ire

MEMORY P rin te d
c ir c u it


M em ory
e le m e n ts
a t jo in t s
s &
4~e g

. a:
P =6
o CO
0O C

A d d re s s



several m inutes to find the necessary cells w ith numbers. Most ingenious cont­
raptions enabled this tim e to be reduced to half a second. However, th is tim e is
etern ity for m odern high-speed computers.
So m agnetic drum s were invented. The m agnetic drum is, in essence, a very
wide m agnetic tape closed to form a loop. It contains m any—up to eig h ty —
recording paths. This requires a corresponding number of recording and reading
The drum holds up to 30 thousand num bers, which are recorded, as on th e tape,
by m agnetizing sm all areas of the surface.
The drum revolves a t a high speed th a t sometimes reaches 12 thousand revo­
lutions per m inute. The necessary num ber, or group of num bers, is read or recor­
ded in the tim e of one revolution.

It w ill not be an exaggeration to The capacity of our mem ory, as

state th a t the history of progress in has been assessed above, is enor­
high-speed com puters coincides w ith mous. Here is one more exam ple to
the h isto ry of the im provem ent of make the m atter obvious. The to tal
th eir “m em ory”. Q uite recently elect­ num ber of all electron tubes and
ron-tube “m em ory”, as in a tele v i­ transistors m anufactured throughout
sion set, was considered high-speed the world is com parable to the to ­
“m em ory”. ta l num ber of neurons in the brain
N ext ferrite-core “m em ory” was of one m an, the capacity of his me­
produced. Its speed of over 300 th o u ­ m ory being equal to up to one m il­
sand circulations per second is coup­ lion billions of bits! And its re lia b i­
led w ith high re lia b ility and sm all lity , too, is m uch higher th an th a t
space requirem ents: 1 cm3 can “hou­ of com puter “m em ory”. The more
se” a thousand inform ation elements elem ents the m emory blocks contain,
(bits). the higher is the p ro b ab ility of their
The working “ m em ory” of most failure. If a complex “m em ory” ag­
up-to-date com puters holds up to ten gregate contains m illions of elem ents,
m illion bits. it w ill not function properly because
However, even such “m emory” cha­ of frequent faults. The b rain , on
racteristics can no longer satisfy the the other hand, despite the fact
designers, and they strive w ith all th a t it contains billions of neurons,
means to increase its capacity and works “w ithout fatigue”, the memory,
data production speed. For this rea­ p ractically , never stops and does not
son most recent advances in physics need repair.
are being used to construct “memo­ L e t’s com pare now the volum e oc­
ry ”: tunnel diodes, cryogenic elements, cupied by the mem ories of m an and
th in m agnetic film s—these so-called com puter. The volum e of m a n ’s brain
m icrom iniaturization elements. is some one and a half cubic deci­
B ut despite such im pressive qua­ m etres; and electronic b rain w ith
lities of the com puter “m em ory”, it com patible sem iconductor m emory
s till in m any respects falls short of would require a great b u ild in g 100
hum an memory. m etres high. The b r a in ’s power con-

sum ption does not exceed ten w atts; difficulty in reproducing lost scores
a hydro-electric sta tio n would be of long m usical com positions. The
needed to power a corresponding com­ b rillia n t p ian ist R achm aninov had to
puter “m em ory”. However, much b e t­ listen to a piano concert only once
ter results are now being obtained to reproduce it correctly. T he pro­
w ith integrated circuits (IC). m inent chess-player A. A lekhine held
And, of course, there rem ains the in his m em ory all the chess games
param ount advantage th a t every one played and could sim ultaneously play
of us feels every m inute. D uring our w ith 30-40 partn ers w ithout looking
lifetim e we register m illions of events a t the chess-boards.
and im pressions which accum ulate to Our m em ory is defined as asso­
make our in tellectu al w ealth bound­ ciative.
less. This w ealth is a powerful source Rem iniscences follow each other in
of supply for m a n ’s em otional life. a logical process th a t guards the brain
Man retain s in ta c t in his m emory against excessive work by providing
the colours of the settin g sun of it w ith necessary inform ation a t the
some evening in his youth, as well as rig h t m om ent, im parting to it a won­
h ardly perceptible events from his derful inventiveness.
private life. The “m em ory” of the electronic
We are tem pted a t th is place to b rain looks quite hum ble alongside
cite some exam ples from a book on th is wonder of nature. Inferior capa­
bionics of how m an memorizes im ­ c ity (as com pared to the capacity of
pressions once received. The French our brain) is not the m ain draw back
graphic G ustave Dore (the author of of the com puter “m em ory”. Its tr a ­
well-known illu stratio n s of Francois gedy is its im potence in searching
R a b e lais’ book Gargantua and Pan- for inform ation on the “shelves”
tagruel) once received an order from of the electronic or m agnetic “d e ­
his publisher for a copy of a photo­ p o ts”.
graph of an A lpine landscape. Dore To find a definite “rem iniscence”
went home and forgot to take the the com puter has to look through
photograph w ith him . On the follo­ tens of thousands of inform ation b its,
wing day he brought an exact copy ju st as a negligent store-keeper would
of the photograph. I t ’s an estab­ look through his store to find a lost
lished fact th a t the best p o rtra it of item .
President Lincoln was m ade by his True, scientists foresee the possibi­
provincial adm irer who saw him only lity of increasing the com pactness of
once. com puter “m em ory” to th a t of the
The contem poraries of Ju liu s Cae­ brain. If th is m aterialized, th e com ­
sar and A lexander the G reat cre­ puter would be able to store in a
d it them w ith knowing all th eir sol­ volum e of 1 cu m all in form ation
diers by name and by sig h t though accum ulated by m ankind in all its
they num bered as great as 30 000. history! This is equivalent to 100 000
I t ’s rum oured th a t M ozart managed b illion b its of inform ation. T his gives
to w rite down accurately a long in tri­ us reason to hope for a practically
cate sym phony which he heard only unlim ited w orking m em ory in the
once. The composer Glazunov had no com puters of the future.

I t ’s a firm belief of m odern science developm ent of artificial com puter

th a t progress in m any branches of memory.
knowledge depends to a great extent T h a t’s why so much a tte n tio n in
on th e solution of the problem of this encyclopaedia is focused on this
hum an m emory and on the level of apparently narrow question.

A plant equipped There are three m ain sectors in the

w ith electronic com puters. com puter centre. The first is the
sector for m athem atical preparation
Designed to carry out and for program m ing of problem s.
com plicated and labour-consum ing Program m ists work here. They com ­
pile program m es—lists of rules in
com pliance w ith which the m achines
solve various problem s. This is one
of the m ain departm ents. It decides
upon the m anner in which the com ­
puters are going to “m ill” m ountains
of num bers, and foresees w hat w ill
The Factory of Numbers come out of it.
To guarantee norm al w orking of
the “m athem atical grindstones” there
This is a perfectly new type of is another d ep artm en t—the m ain te­
p lan t. I t ’s a factory th a t receives nance sector. H ighly qualified engineers
and processes raw m aterials quite ex­ w atch com puter operation, their condi­
trao rd in ary from the usual point of tion, and provide for tim ely repairs.
view and turns out quite extrao rd i­ E lectronic com puters are no sim ple
nary products—num bers. For this rea­ un its. They consume m uch power,
son the nam e—the factory of num ­ th eir tem perature rises. The prem i­
bers—has stuck to the com puter centre. ses where they are installed require
E verything and in every way is v en tilatio n .
calculated here! M athem atical, engi­ Therefore, a sector of auxiliary
neering and economic problem s are equipm ent is needed whose employees
solved, the so-called routine calcula­ w atch electrical equipm ent and ven­
tions are carried out, m ethods of tilatio n .
num erical solution, m ethods of pro­ “L e t’s calculate som ething,” pro­
gram m ing and m ethods of m athem a­ poses the guide.
tical and technical servicing of elect­ He goes to the control panel and
ronic com puters are developed, cen­ types on the keys like those of a ty ­
sus results are worked out, pay is pew riter: “Ja n u ary 29, 1970, the ex­
calculated, etc., etc. The task per­ cursion of sixth-grade pupils from
formed depends on the type of the school No. 341 of the B aum an dis­
com puter centre. tric t of Moscow.”
L e t’s enter th is CC, as i t ’s term ed We take a long tim e to agree upon
briefly. the problem to be solved. M eanwhile
W ith o u t a guide we w o n ’t be able holes are being punched in the cards,
to find our way among num erous m a­ and we are told: th is is a problem being
chines, sectors and services. L e t’s ask solved in accordance w ith the plan.
an expert from the sector of m athe­ We w ill learn how i t ’s being sol­
m atical preparation to te ll us about ved as we go through the shops of
the work of the CC. the “counting factory”.

F irst we come to the key-board ted w ith the aid of sim ple equations
counting m achines departm ent. I t re­ w ith o u t tak in g into account the afo­
m inds one of a big typing office. resaid factors. Otherwise a situ atio n
There are autom atic arithm om eters on m ay arise of the sort in w hich the per­
special tables. They look like ty p e ­ sonages of Jules Verne found them sel­
w riters. The fingers of the operator ves when they failed to reach the Moon.
ru n fluently over m ulti-coloured keys. Of course, com putations of this kind
He types num bers—item s, m u ltip li- were not m ade in our presence. We
cants, dividends and devisors. By saw only some au x iliary w ork—the
pressing definite keys the operator checks of operation stages, of com pu­
makes the m achine au to m atically per­ ta tio n accuracy. The m athem aticians
form some arith m etical operation. can be said to follow the long path
A short buzz of the electric m otor, a leading from the equations and for­
lig h t c la tte r of the gearwheels, and m ulae to tables and num bers. The
the resu lt is there, on the counter flow-line production of all this gi­
of the arithm om eter. The operator gantic mass w ill be done by power­
enters the result on a b lank. And his ful electronic com puters.
fingers are on the keys again. They occupy the m ain shop of the
We are told th a t it is no easy job com puter centre. One wonders a l i t ­
to prepare for com puting operations. tle seeing such vast work being done
There are some very com plicated ca­ so silen tly and unostentatiously. Only
ses. For exam ple, there are num erous the lig h t hum of the com puter and
factors th a t have to be taken into the ra ttle of the typing device filling
account in constructing a space rock­ in long paper tapes w ith colum ns of
et. I t m ust be controlled from the num bers te ll of the u n tirin g work of
E arth . The rocket has liq uid-propel­ the “m athem atical m ill”.
la n t rocket engines which enable it The com puter centre m ay be con­
to rise to a great height. Its body nected by special com m unications
houses extrem ely sophisticated devi­ channels w ith the organizations it
ces, control system equipm ent, fuel serves: w ith plants and factories, in ­
and oxidizer tanks. stitu te s and offices. This is the more
Before s ta rtin g th e design work, economical and advantageous method
m any calculations have to be m ade. th a t provides for c o n tin u ity of work
I t m ust be taken in to account th a t and for standardization of m aintenance.
such a rocket is launched v e rtica lly One com puter centre can do the
and a t the s ta rt, during the first work of an arm y of calculators tens
period of its flight, it passes through of thousands strong. C om putation
the densest layers of the atm os­ w ith the aid of com puters saves m il­
phere. The m ain p a rt of its trajecto ry , lions of roubles. Even a sm all com­
however, passes in vacuum . The puter, say, “M insk-22”, brings 50
E a rth ’s air jack et intensively decelera­ thousand roubles profit per year. F or­
tes th e rocket. As a resu lt of air m erly, a com putation requiring one
frictio n the rocket’s body is intensively y e a r’s w ork of calculators was unac­
heated. T his, too, has to be taken ceptable to m any design bureaus. And
into account. now? Now a problem requiring a
T rajectories should not be com pu­ hundred years of ca lc u la to rs’ work is

considered sim ple. A common CC possibilities in science, technology,

does it inside 24 hours. in the control of national economy.
Tw enty-four hours instead of a hun­ So you see w hat great feats are ac­
dred years! complished by com puters assembled
Such a reduction in tim e needed under the roof of a building the sign-
for com putation work opened up great hoard of which bears the letters CC.
A computer centre.

Here’s a first-class computer centre. The area of its premises amounts to 4000 ma.
Some 500 people work here, of them 150 are highly qualified m athem aticians.
The centre has several big electronic digital computers. One of them works
at a rate of up to a m illion operations per second. There are, as well, several sets
of autom atic calculating machines of simpler types and up to a hundred table
key-board calculating machines.
The CC, like a big plant, works in three shifts. Computers are expensive. It is
unprofitable to let such valuable equipment stand idle. Once a week “the number
factory” stands still: there is no rattle of the typing devices, no monotonous
hum of the computers. Expert engineers test, tune and carry out maintenance
repairs—the computers must always be in a working condition. Should anything
go wrong, and there w ill be a flood of mistakes on the tapes where the compu­
tation results are printed. The computers demand precision.
There are hundreds of computer centres in this country. Some of them are the
so-called principal centres, for instance, the Computer Centre of the Academy of
Sciences of the USSR, the Principal Computer Centre of the State Planning Com­
m ittee of the USSR. There are computer centres working a t the Academy of Sci­
ences of the Ukraine, of Ryelorussia, of Georgia, of other Union Republics of the
USSR, in many of the larger cities. Nowadays powerful factories for the proces­
sing of numbers ceased to be a rarity.
Computer centres may serve various purposes: the general-purpose CC, CC for
computations of plans and for economic studies, CC for branches of industry.
In the drawing you saw a general-purpose computer centre. Specialized CC
are somewhat different. They may have a sm aller number of low-power m achi­
nes. Research work of a general nature, such as the principal problems of com­
puter m athematics, is not done at a branch or a specialized computer centre,
general methods of solving scientific problems are not developed here either.
These centres carry out concrete computations in the field of planning of natio­
nal economy, in economics. There is a lot of accounting and statistical work to
be done here and of calculations for administrative purposes.

Recently a new trend in the use puter systems for collective use. These
of electronic computers and of com­ will be perm anent systems to which
puter centres has developed. A ten ­ several subscribers would be able to
dency may be observed to “collecti­ apply at any time for any reference,
vize” them, to unite them into com­ for any computation, because they

Computer employed in the divided time mode to serve multiple subscribers. This makes a dia- ►
logue between the subscriber and the computer possible. This faculty of information exchange
exists for several subscribers as well. Tens of distant subscribers, too, may be connected to the
Several types of such connections are shown: a scientist in his flat, an engineer in a design of­
fice, a research worker in his laboratory, a scientist at an institute, a secretary preparing matter
for print, a mathematician, a newspaper editor, an historian, a physicist.
The automatic distribution of computer time is much more efficient than the usual mode of
employing computers; it saves time and money.

w ill be operating in the so-called In other words, electronic com pu­

divided tim e mode. ters, their immense “m em ory” reser­
This is already a com m unal-pur­ ves, the centres of inform ation and
pose CC. com putation centres w ill be freely ac­
It can be used in the same way as we cessible, w ith o u t go-betweens, irres­
use w ater, gas, electricity, telephone. pective of tim e and distance.
Since the com puters w ill be equip­ In the near future it w ill be as
ped w ith universal in p u t and o utput difficult to find “in d iv id u al” compu­
devices which can read norm al type, ters (serving one plan t), as it is now
typed messages, produce visual d ata, difficult to find a p lan t w ith a pri­
record oral messages and receive oral vate power statio n . I t is m uch more
com m ands, the com m unications w ith economical and profitable to draw
them w ill be by means of telephone power from a single nation-w ide po­
or television. wer system .

“ D id you ever work w ith such a computer?11

" N o , but I 'l l manage,"

A com puter employed M an does it e asily —h e ’s got a spe­

cial “control device” , the brain. W hen
for autom atic control first com puters were b u ilt, it became
of a complex object. possible for the first tim e to devise
artificial system s for such complex
control operations.
B ut there are different types of
co n tro l—there is a true hierarchy of
them , depending on the level of con­
trol. In m odern conditions w ith the
aid of m odern technology it is not
difficult to m ake a lath e work pro­
Where M an Is Inadequate perly. B ut to make the lath e work
efficiently, as w ell, a higher level of
control is needed. To this end a more
For a b e tte r understanding of the advanced facu lty of m an should be
im portance of control com puters for copied—th a t of acting rationally.
m odern ind u stry l e t ’s s ta rt the story And now l e t ’s m ake another step
about them from the very beginning. up the hierarchy of co n tro l—w e’re
L e t’s together w ith engineering spe­ ready for it.
cialists m ake a historical survey and L e t’s take a whole factory w ith
assess the role of the m achine in h u ­ num erous m achine tools. Y o u ’ll have
m an life, to be precise, in industry. to agree th a t its control is of a higher
As is well known, even prim itive order, since in th is case the bounds
m achines im itated the faculties of of m a n ’s a b ilities to do w ith o u t spe­
m an. For exam ple, first m achines in ­ cialized electronic assistants are ex­
creased m a n ’s strength. Objects could ceeded. People nowadays can make
be transported, moved and lifted w ith plans for the operation of a factory,
the aid of a lever or a block. and get some results. B ut because of
A fter m achines used to transform a large am ount of in itia l d a ta they
and increase force came the tu rn of are unable w ith o u t some kind of as­
m achines th a t effected m echanical sistance to arrive a t a correct plan
m otion. for the com plex u tiliz a tio n of all
L e t’s tak e another fa c u lty —preci­ tools, th a t would take account of
sion. The invention of vice for fixing raw m aterials reserves, orders, and
objects led to the precision of their other conditions.
working being im proved. T his, if you L e t’s take this exam ple. The old
like, already constituted a step from P u tilo v p lan t a t the dawn of the
the transform ation of force and of 20th century produced m achines
m otion to control. m ade exclusively of m etal. N othing
L ater another problem sprang up: b u t coal, coke and pig iron was
how to effect control of a sequence transported to th is p lan t from other
of operations, how to go over from plants.
one product to another. Now the same p lan t has hundreds

of subcontractors, because its products W hat are the properties peculiar

are much more intricate. Some of to them?
its m achines even have electronic de­ F irst and forem ost, they are p rin ­
vices and blocks installed in them . cipally different from other m achi­
Tens of thousands of parts made by- nes. I t ’s an absolutely new class of
other p lan ts are needed to make these m an ’s assistan ts—not m achine tools,
new products. T ry to synchronize, or engines. Control com puters tra n s­
to combine everything into a single form inform ation into control pro­
com plex—the operation of the tools, cesses. And th is, as a rule, involves
the work of the employees, the a rri­ calculations.
val of raw m aterials, the com pletion The task of control com puters is
of products—so th a t there is no in­ to m ain tain norm al or m axim um (but
terru p tio n s or delays, so th a t the alwmys efficient) operating conditions,
whole p lan t functions like a well- m axim um pro d u ctiv ity , high pro­
tuned engine. duct q u a lity , m inim um costs of la ­
I t ’s in such cases th a t in tricate bour, raw m aterials and power. Those
control devices are needed. tasks are difficult tasks, as you see.
See how useful was th is short ex­ Here is the Soviet “D nieper” con­
cursion into h isto ry —step by step we trol system .
covered the distance from sim ple m a­ It can do the job of an accountant,
chines capable of increasing m a n ’s of a steel-m aker, of an econom ist, or
strength, of aiding his muscles, to of a p ilo t. All depends upon the
in tric a te m achines designed to inc­ program me which has been in tro d u ­
rease m a n ’s control ab ilities, to auto­ ced into it. “D nieper” has been used
m atic system s capable of supplem en­ w ith success in the steel and ship­
tin g the hum an nervous system , the building industries. I t ’s also been
brain. used to process the data of com plica­
Scientists have calculated th a t in ted physical experim ents.
m odern ind u stry the power of one The system consists of two parts:
worker equivalent, on the average, a central device—an electronic com­
to 0.1 hp is increased by his m echa­ puter, and a control complex. In ac­
nical assistants to the mean value cordance w ith its program me the ope­
of 1000 hp. An analogous degree of ratin g com puter “interrogates” seve­
am plification of intellectu al abilities ral hundred gauges installed on ob­
could be obtained, too. Control com­ jects under control. N ext, it proces­
puters are now playing the p art of ses the inform ation received and sends
such magic am plifiers. instructions to the objects.

L et’s watch the control device controlling a powerful rolling mill.

R ed-hot 20-ton steel slabs over half a m etre thick rad iatin g unbearable heat
leave the furnace and pass through the 12-roll stands of the rolling m ill to turn
gradually into th in steel sheet. This is an enormously difficult job to roll a steel slab
into th in sheet, and an extrem ely exacting one—the deviation in the thickness of the
sheet from the standard value m ust not exceed several hundredths of a m illim etre.

E longating as it is being rolled the steel moves between the rolls of the last
stand at a speed of 900 m etres per m inute or nearly 60 kilom etres per hour. And
despite this speed, control gauges installed along the rolling path m anage to
report to the control device the thickness and the stress of steel at various stages
of the rolling process. Zonal regulators w ill measure the tem perature in the fur­
nace and correct it, special gauges w ill m ark the changes in m etal.
The cybernetic commander w ill re-arrange all incoming d ata, compare it w ith
the standard recorded in its ‘“m em ory” and in sta n tly decide w hat corrections
are needed in the speed and pressure of individual rolls to ensure the required
thickness of the rolled sheet.
A deviation of 0.13 mm from the specified thickness of the sheet is considered
norm al. The controlling device managed to reduce it to 0.076 m m —nearly twofold!
It was not overnight th a t experts in autom ation succeeded in building such
perfect com puters for the control of technological processes. During the first
experim ents in the use of computers operators introduced into them d ata they
read off the instrum ents. On the basis of this inform ation the electronic com puter
evolved directions for the tuning of control devices. N atu rally , the operator
retarded the control process. Moreover, he was not a very reliable p art of such
a system . Then it was decided to connect the instrum ents directly to the com­
puter. Now it could itself read off data needed for com putations. But still the
operator had to tune the control devices in accordance w ith computer directions.
Only the th ird stage of control im provem ent resulted in full autom ation. It
involved the direct connection of m easuring and control instrum ents and control
mechanisms w ith the com puter. And w hat did this lead to?
L e t’s take a specialized paper on the subject: “The com puter connected w ith
hundreds of gauges through its own com m unication system quickly collects in­
form ation about deviations from the standard technological process and ana­
lyses these d ata. It can find out w ith fan tastic speed w hat takes place, say, in a
rolling m ill or in a chemical plant, where accurate determ ination of the course
of the process involves thousands of calculations. H aving analysed the situation
the com puter decides quickly how valves, injectors, rollers and sundry mechanisms
should be regulated. Then it takes appropriate action. Through the comm uni­
cations line it sends instructions to organs controlling individual mechanisms
of the aggregate, ordering them to carry out the necessary tuning.
“L iterally w ithout the slightest interference by m an the computer can repeat
the operation several hundred tim es a day, week after week, using free m inutes
to type concise reports of its w ork.”

F irst results of com puter applica­ To autom ate power production the
tion were the most im pressive in readings of thousands of control in­
four m ajor industries: power, m etal­ strum ents m ust be taken into acco­
lurgical, oil-processing and chemical. unt.
W hy? They all belong to the so-cal­ The control system m ust carry out
led mass production type w ith num e­ some 1000 control operations in se­
rous control param eters. quence only to put a therm al power

statio n tu rbine into full operation: parativ ely sim ple highly reliable com­
it m ust w atch the cooling, the water puters are usually chosen. T heir task
level in the boilers, the flame, etc. is to work w ith the object of control
B ut this turns out to be only the on the real tim e scale. Each of the
beginning of a difficult work. H aving lower-level com puters can do the job
put the aggregate into operation, the of several tens or even hundreds of
com puter m ust control the tem pera­ autom atic regulators. A higher-level
ture and the pressure of the steam , com puter is a m uch more in tric a te
and the speed of the tu rb in e accor­ m achine w ith a m uch more com pli­
ding to the readings of 1560 in stru ­ cated structure. Such a com puter
ments. works w ith up to several tens of lower-
And th is is its everyday work. I t level com puters, and is engaged, as
has also to be on a look-out for emer­ a rule, in optim izing calculations,
gency situ a tio n s—everything can h ap ­ planning and organizing the work of
pen in a pow er-station. Should gas the system as a w hole.”
(the usual fuel) be cut off the com pu­ Now you see th a t the step-by-step,
ter w ill carry out fifty operations to hierarchical stru ctu re of control sys­
change the burner over from gas to tem s autom atically leads to a na­
oil (the reserve fuel). Even when a tu ra l change over to system s control­
turbine bearing fails, the com puter ling entire factories, firms and even
com m ander is not terrified. I t is industries.
capable of sw itching off the colossal This to a greater degree obviates
power p lan t in the spell of several the need for continuous inspection of
m inutes. the autom ata by m an. All control
In addition, the com puter sim u lta ­ and regulating functions are concen­
neously calculates technical and eco­ tra ted in one block.
nomic data, sums up report data, Man ru lin g over the production
calculates the efficiency coefficient of process plays the p a rt of a strateg ist,
the plant. because now he is free from the ne­
There is one more property left to cessity of solving m inor problem s of
com plete the description of the con­ operation, from the routine everyday
trol com puter—it makes no m istakes. factory work.
Now is the tim e to revert to the Meet the control system of the
hierarchy of control, to the higher Lvov television receiver p lant. Its
and lower levels of it. One of the in i­ name is “Lvov”. I t ’s a system ty p i­
tiato rs of control system s develop­ cal of mass production plants. It
m ent in the USSR, A cadem ician can be connected to the country-w ide
V. G lushkov, defines th eir tasks in system of economics control. In one
these words: year “Lvov” helped to achieve a
“For the lower control level com­ 20-per cent increase in production

.4 The control computer in control of a rolling m ill. Steel slabs pass through the furnace (1), pass
at great speed through a row of mills: cutting-off (2), rolling (3), grinding mill (3), and
finally leave the rollers of the coder in the shape of thin sheets. The dashed line shows the
route of input data to the control computer; the solid line shows the route of instructions
to control centres and thence to individual instruments.
6 -6 1 6

due to a more efficient u tiliz a tio n signalling system , lig h t boards of

of m aterials, a b e tte r adherence to different sorts. R apid p rin tin g devices
the tim e-table, an im proved techno­ m ake out sum m ary reports. All do­
logy and advanced organizational and cum entation in the p la n t is tran sac­
technical control. ted so as to fac ilita te its feeding into
I t really is an unheard-of th in g — the com puter.
an increase in television sets produc­ The in d u stry of the USSR already
tio n by nearly 20 thousand w ithout employs several control system s. In
any increase in production equip­ addition to “D nieper” and “Lvov”
m ent. there is, for instance, the “Com plex”.
The m ain p a rt in the “Lvov” con­ I t ’s an expert a t controlling large
tro l system is played by the electro­ therm al power stations. The “Cas­
nic com puter “M insk-22”. I t receives cade” has no rivals in the a rt of
inform ation about the progress in the controlling am m onia p lan ts. The “T a i­
work from the technological produc­ ga” is a real com m onwealth of six­
tion scheme as well as from the pro­ teen “A ngara” electronic com puters
duct counters installed on the assem­ and two “B aikal” com puters. Such
bly line and in the product control a powerful system proved necessary
departm ent. The control is aided by to control the gigantic paper-chem i­
a whole complex of means of traffic cal m ill—the B ratsk wood-processing
control: television sets, telephones, complex in the Irkutsk area.

gated cybernetics, the science of con­

The science of the general
tro l.
principles of control, Am pere also provided each science
means of control w ith a versed m otto in L atin . For
cybernetics he provided the highly
and their u tilization sym bolic m otto: “... et secura cives
in engineering, living organisms u t pace fru a n tu r” (“... and secures
and hum an society. for citizens the possibility of enjoying
A fter Ampere, however, the term
“cybernetics” was forgotten u n til it
reappeared again in 1948 in a book
W hat's Common to Oranges and Kings? by the well-known Am erican m athe­
m atician N orbert W iener en titled Cy­
bernetics or Control and Communica­
A little over a hundred years ago tion in the A n im a l and the M achine.
Andre M arie Ampere, the French phy­ A lthough the laws invoked by W ie­
sicist and m athem atician, completed ner as the basis of cybernetics had
a volum inous work Essai sur la phi­ been discovered and investigated long
losophic des sciences (E ssays on the before he had w ritte n his book, it
Philosophy of Science), in which he evoked widespread interest among
sought to system atize the hum an scientists of m any specialities.
knowledge of his day. In it he clas­ The cornerstones of cybernetics are
sified all the known sciences of his inform ation theory, the theory of
day under different num bers, leaving algorithm s, and the theory of auto­
a few num bers for conjectural scien­ m atic system s which investigates the
ces. Under num ber 83 he listed a m ethods of building data-processing
science th a t was to deal w ith the system s. Its m athem atical apparatus
m ethods of regulating society. Am­ is extrem ely extensive and includes
pere term ed this science “Cyberne­ the theory of pro b ab ility , the theory
tics”, from the Greek word “kyber- of functions, m athem atical logic, to
netes”, m eaning “steersm an”, “helm s­ nam e b u t a few.
m an”. In fact, in A ncient Greece Among the m ajor contributors to
cybernetics was the science of ship the advancem ent of cybernetics have
navigation. been the biological sciences which
In his classification of sciences Am­ stu d y control processes in living na­
pere placed cybernetics under the ture. B ut the decisive factor in the
general heading of “P o litics” which new science’s emergence was the swift
he defined as a science of “the first developm ent of electronic autom ation
order”. As such, he subdivided it and especially the appearance of h igh­
into sciences of the second order speed com puters which opened up
(among w hich, in cid en tally , he inclu­ lite ra lly boundless vistas in d a ta pro­
ded the science of coexistence), and cessing and the m odelling of control
of the third order, to which he rele­ system s.

Ju st as the composer seeks to express ted by the common goal of achieving

all hum an em otions and moods in m axim um autom ation of control pro­
term s of m usical notatio n , so cyber­ cesses in various spheres of hum an
netics seeks to express all situations a c tiv ity and of enhancing labour pro­
and processes in nature and in hum an d u c tiv ity . And th is requires a deep
conscience in term s of digits. and com prehensive stu d y of control­
The foundations of cybernetics were led and controllable system s, know­
laid and its basic principles form u­ ledge of the laws governing control
lated over centuries by the work of processes, and determ ination of the
m athem aticians, physicists, physi­ principles governing the organization
cians and engineers. Of outstanding and structure of control system s. Ine­
im portance were the works of A m eri­ v ita b ly , the living organism became
can scientists Claude Shannon and the object of the closest scrutiny and
Jo h n von N eum ann and the ideas thorough investigation: m an him self
of th e world famous R ussian physio­ represents a control system of the
logist Ivan Pavlov. H istorians note highest order whose functions engi­
the im p o rta n t contributions of such neers and scientists would like to
o u tstanding engineers and m ath e m a ti­ reproduce in autom atic gadgetry.
cians as I. V yshnegradsky, A. L ya­ Cybernetics studies the common
punov, and A. Kolm ogorov. properties of different control sys­
I t w ould, in fact, be more correct tem s, properties which are quite in ­
to say th a t 1948 saw, not the b irth dependent of their m aterial basis.
b u t the christening of cybernetics as They can equally be m anifested in
the science of co n tro l. By then the living nature, in the organic world,
problem of im proving the q u a lity of in hum an collectives.
control in our complex technological These common properties m anifest
world had become especially acute. them selves in m any ways, and p ri­
I t was cybernetics th a t blazed the m arily in the stru ctu re of complex
way for applying precise scientific dynam ic control system s. There is a
analysis in solving problem s of con­ continuous exchange of inform ation
trol of m odern technological h a rd ­ between the controlled object—whe­
ware. ther a m achine or transfer line, an
Nowadays cybernetics is a fashio­ in d u strial enterprise or m ilita ry un it,
nable word bandied about in sundry a living protein-synthesizing cell or a
engineering, scientific and popular muscle, a w ritten te x t for tran slatio n
journals. Cybernetics is the subject or a set of sym bols to be m ade into
of books and lectures, scientific se­ a work of a r t —and the control u n it—
m inars and in tern atio n al conferences the b rain and nerve tissue of a living
w ith the p a rticip a tio n of m athem ati­ organism or an autom atic regu­
cians and physicists, biologists, phy­ lator.
siologists and psychiatrists, economists The control process always and
and philosophers, engineers of v a ­ everywhere involves the transm ission,
rious specialities. They are all u n i­ accum ulation, storage and processing

The tree of cybernetics. ^

F a c to ry M e d ica l
m anagem ent d ia g n o s is

A s tro n o m y ,
: y b e r n e t ics T ra n s la tio n ,
a s tro n a u tic s I in g u is tic s

E n g in e e rin g
T ra n s p o rt In fo rm a tio n
p ro b le m s, P la n n in g
c o n tro l s e rv ic e
c o n s tru c tio n

C o m m u n ic a ­ M odel 1ing
th in k in g p r o -
tio n c h a n n e ls
T h e o ry o f cesses
a u to m a tic
c o n tro l and
re g u la tio n
In fo rm a tio n S ta tis tic a l Machines
th e o ry A n im a l models
m a c h in e s that learn


of inform ation about the controlled processes of tran sm ittin g it obey cer­
object, process, environm ental condi­ ta in common q u a n tita tiv e laws.
tions, work program m e, etc. A characteristic feature of the whole
O bviously, the nature of the in ­ diversity of such system s is the
form ation carriers m ay v ary w idely feedback. Through it they receive in ­
from system to system : sound, lig h t, form ation on the effects or results of
m echanical, electrical or chem ical sig­ th eir control operations.
nals, punched or m agnetic tape, m as­ F in ally , the control system s—l i ­
ter pattern s, etc., m ay be employed. ving and m an-m ade—incorporate ele­
The im p o rtan t th ing is, as m entio­ m ents perform ing sim ilar jobs: the
ned before, th a t, irrespective of the receiving, classification, m em oriza­
m aterial carrier of inform ation, the tio n , etc., of inform ation.

On page 84 is represented the “genealogical tree” of cybernetics which offers

vivid illu stratio n of the scope of its applications.
Cybernetics can be subdivided into theoretical (m athem atical and logical basis
and philosophical problem s), technological (design and operation of control and
com puter hardw are) and applied (use of theoretical and technological cybernetics
for solving specific control tasks in industry, power supply, tran sp o rt, comm uni­
cations, etc.).
The rem arkable sim ila rity of control processes in system s of entirely different
nature provided the basis for the developm ent of cybernetics, which uses m athe­
m atical methods to stu d y control system s and processes.
This definition of cybernetics rem inds us th a t its subject of investigation is,
prim arily, q u a n tita tiv e laws, q u a n tita tiv e relationships in control proces­
I t should be noted th a t cybernetics does not identify processes which take
place in the living organism or society w ith processes in autom atic system s. Nor
is it interested in specifically biophysical or biochem ical processes which charac­
terize living nature. I t restricts itself to investigating how a living organism or
m achine processes the inform ation relevant to the control process. The same
holds for society.
Cybernetics seeks to discover common features of the two control system s.
It studies hum an thinking to create algorithm s more or less faith fu lly describing
the operation of this living control system . I t also studies the autom ata design
principles and investigates the possibilities of using them to m echanize hum an
m ental processes. Thus cybernetics enriches engineers engaged in creating comp­
lex autom atic system s w ith the experience of nature which over m illions of
years has evolved the m ost complex system in the w orld, the hum an orga­
Cybernetics also helps physiologists and psychiatrists in their investigations
of th is organism, in discovering the q u a n tita tiv e laws governing the functioning
of living control systems.
Cybernetics helps to discover various laws in economics and sociology.

T h at is why the theoretical and scientists are devoting their creative

practical im portance of cybernetics efforts to the advance of th is most
is so great and diversified. And th a t prom ising and exciting of scien­
is why an ever increasing num ber of ces.

A pplication of the methods L iv in g M atter under the “Microscope”

and means of cybernetics of Num bers
to th e study of living organisms, W e shall begin our discussion of
to building models of their functions the applications of cybernetics in bio­
logy w ith a confession made by the
and to the creation of devices celebrated cybernetician and physio­
for m aintaining normal body logist, W alter R. Ashby: “The se­
cond peculiar v irtu e of cybernetics
is th a t it offers a m ethod for the scien­
tific tre a tm e n t of the system in which
com plexity is outstanding and too
im portant to be ignored. Such sys­
tems are, as we well know, only
too common in the biological
w orld.”

One doesn’t have to go too far to find confirmation of the Complexity of

Biological Systems: take the hum an brain. Not so long ago it was thought to
be m ade up of some 14 000 m illion neurons in tricately interlinked and
connected by nerve fibres w ith all body organs and tissues. And the newest
data indicate th a t the b ra in ’s com plexity is in fact m uch greater. The
cerebellum — the controller of the central nervous system — has some 100 000
m illion cells.
Nor is the cell itself a sim ple structure. I t is a diversified enterprise w ith dif­
ferent “shops” and “w orkplaces” , w ith its “power su p p ly ” , “tim e service” and
“transport m eans” .
The com plexity of the biological world is acknowledged universally. B ut it
is additionally compounded by the enormous changeability of biological pheno­
m ena. Take the leaves of a tree. Can you find two absolutely identical ones in
size and shape? Or, when a scientist takes a mouse or a frog for an experim ent,
can he ever expect to find all the anim als’ organs in exactly the same sta te even
if the anim als are precisely of the same age and weight? Take another example.
A m a n ’s height is considered a relativ ely sim ple characteristic. B ut how it varies!
The sm allest known height of an ad u lt is 38 centim etres, the greatest is 283 cen­
tim etres.
Besides being extrem ely complex and changeable the biological world possesses
another im portant characteristic: dynam ics, eternal m otion, continuous work.
A never-ending process of coordination of the work of different organs goes in
every living organism; there is a continuous stream of inform ation on the state
of its system s; conditions of the environm ent, tem perature and pressure are al­
ways m aintained constant.
Com plexity, changeability and dynam ics present the greatest difficulties in
the study of living organisms. Biologists view w ith envy the charts and diagrams

V a c u o le s
M em brane
C h ro m a tin

The living cell can be likened to an integrated industrial plant.

of physicists, chem ists, engineers. The d a ta obtained in experim ents can be rep­
resented on them in consecutive series of dots which reveal to the specialist the
laws governing the phenomenon under consideration.
It is extrem ely difficult to grasp, describe and represent graphically the comp­
lexity of living system s. This is the complex, tangled world which cybernetics
is invading through two m ain gates a t the term ini of its two m ain directions,
theoretical and applied.
This subdivision as it were delineates the spheres of activ ity of cybernetics
in biology: the purpose of theoretical research is to elaborate problems connected
w ith the investigation and description of various control functions, control “mo­
tio n s” in the body. This is “in te rn a l” cybernetics. It seeks to understand how
various control and controlled system s function w ithin the organism, w hat com­
m unication channels tran sm it the signals about various actions.

Scientists stu d y w ith great interest cal analogues. It is employed by

the processes of self-regulation and workers of the USSR Academ y of
feedback in living organism s. Their Sciences B iophysical In stitu te and the
role was underscored by one biolo­ U krainian A cadem y’s Cybernetics In­
gist, who declared th a t life origina­ s titu te to study the role of feedback
ted w ith the origination of the first in biochem ical processes a t m olecular
feedback and control process; in fact, level. L atv ian scientists, for their
self-regulation is recognized as a u n i­ p a rt, decided to probe the secrets of
versal law of life. protein synthesis in the liv in g cell.
Cybernetics provides biologists w ith The cell functions as a fu lly autom a­
the invaluable method of m athem ati­ ted protein “factory” perform ing a

The cyberneticians have b u ilt a

veritable electronic zoo w ith “to rto i­
ses”, “mice” and “dogs”. The pur­
pose is to use the m achines to study
anim al reflexes, how they appear,
how they are reinforced.
Let us meet some of the “old t i ­
mers” of th is “zoo”.
Here are the famous “tortoises” of
the English engineer and psychiat­
rist, Grey W alter. T heir names are
Cora, Elm er and Elsie. They were
b u ilt w ith the specific purpose of
providing a m echanical model of one
of the prim ary properties of living
creatures: the a b ility to carry on an
exchange of energy w ith the environ­
m ent and alter th a t exchange in ac­
cordance w ith changes in the envi­
ronm ent.
W hat can the “tortoises” do? They
can sense and sk irt obstacles. They
can m eet and part. They can even
How do they operate?
The idea of the “electronic tortoise”
is clever and exquisite, says the
researcher. Im agine a photoelectric
cell th a t generates electricity used to
charge a sm all storage b a tte ry . If a
lam p burns too long before the pho­
toelectric cell a m om ent m ay come
when further charging can damage
the system .
m ost com plex biological process. For It becomes necessary to sw itch so­
th is they devised several program m es m ething off, either the lam p or the
w hich th ey fed into a com puter. In cell. This is the sy stem ’s natu ral
other words, they constructed an elec­ property, a condition for its fa u lt­
tronic m odel of the cell. T hanks to less operation.
th is approach they were able not only Now let us place the system on
to answer the questions they had set wheels, provide it w ith a m otor and
them selves originally, b u t they also an autom atic control u n it which,
attem pted to use the m achine model working jo in tly and powered by the
to stu d y the c e ll’s responses to v iral b a tte ry , w ill steer the system away
action and the in tro d u ctio n of v a ri­ from the lig h t a t the rig h t tim e. And
ous drugs. conversely, when the b a tte ry ’s charge

drops to a dangerous low level the

control u n it m ust steer the system
to the lig h t source to replenish its
energy reserves.
The m ost significant th in g is th a t
such a system does not require ex­
ternal guidance and all its actions
derive solely from its in tern al state.
M echanical rivals of W a lte r’s “to r­
toises” are the “mice” b u ilt by the
Am erican scientist Claude Shannon.
... A changeable alum inium maze
made up of 25 cubicles: five rows of
five. A t one end is a “b a it” in the
shape of a m etal rod. The model is
activated, and the “mouse” starts
craw ling through the maze in quest
of the b a it. I t encounters w alls, turns
from one cubicle into another, chan­
ges its direction, trying to reach the
“t itb it” prepared for i t by the re­
searcher. And finally it reaches its
Now the “m ouse” is let into the
same maze for a second tim e. This
tim e i t doesn’t grope its way, blun­
dering in to w alls, b u t easily, quicker
th an a live mouse, finds its way from
one end of the maze to the other.
W hen the “m ouse” is placed in
the p a rt of the maze i t h a sn ’t v isi­
ted before i t again bum ps into w alls The vestibular mechanism is an example
in search of the way. B ut as soon of feedback in the organism.
as i t reaches the “fa m ilia r” road it
quickly reaches its goal. h a lt the m echanism . Thus, the me­
A relay control system under the m ory u n it traces the shortest route,
maze directs the “m ouse” to make enabling the “m ouse” to pass quickly
the rig h t tu rn s. The “m ouse” is through the maze on its second run.
equipped w ith a pair of m etal “w his­ O bviously, the operation algorithm
kers” w ith which it “feels” its way of the m echanical mouse is as diffe­
along the w alls. I t also uses a “me­ ren t from the algorithm of a condi­
m ory” device to m ark the passages tioned reflex as the feet of a real
along the route and to “block” en t­ mouse are from the wheels which
rances to corridors through which it carry the piece of hardw are through
had already passed. W hen the w his­ the maze.
kers finally contact the “b a it” they W orkers in our country have also

b u ilt a “mouse in the m aze” device. its cupped paws, and a m etal ta il
P lastic lam ina on the cover of a black which drags over the floor behind it.
valise form a fanciful p a tte rn like Here is how th is little “a n im a l”
leafless branches and tw igs. A sim i­ operates. E lectric lights are burning
lar p a tte rn can be observed on the in a big room. W hite beads are scat­
glowing w all panel of an autom atic tered over the floor. In one corner
blocking system a t which a railw ay is a m etal sheet l it by a daylight
dispatcher works. lam p, the “sq u irre l’s n e s t” . I t is
The p lastic strip s represent the brought in and placed on the floor.
tracks, the lights between them are The “sq u irre l” begins to move about
the statio n s. There are 25 of them . the room u n til it spots—w ith the
Each one has its own sw itch. W hen help of its photoelectric cells—one
it is flipped over one of the sta tio n of the w hite beads. I t tu rn s to the
lights flicks on. bead, scoops it up, “ta s te s ” it w ith
Now the th irte e n th flicks on. We its “tongue” and then tu rn s to look
press a b u tto n and the strip s repre­ for its “n e st” . The electric filter
senting tracks flash on one after enables it to steer tow ards the day­
another. This is the lig h t signal, lig h t lam p.
which passes along the sidings on its W hen the “sq u irrel” m ounts the
way to the d estination. m etal sheet its ta il closes a circu it,
T ry and press the b u tto n a second i t opens its paws and drops the bead
tim e. All the lig h ts on the panel go into its “n e st” , after which it is
out, then the beam of lig h t, bypas­ free to continue its search for food.
sing the now unnecessary sidings and To be sure, all these “to rto ise s” ,
spare tracks, takes the shortest route “m ice” , “sq u irrels” and other “an i­
to the th irte e n th statio n . m a ls” are very approxim ate m odels
A red lig h t glows a t the left-hand of conditioned reflex form ation. B ut
corner of the panel. This is the me­ they have helped men approach a
mory in d icator. I t m easures the tim e new stage in studying nature: inves­
i t takes the u n it to m em orize the tig a tin g organism s by the m ethod of
route. models.
Here is another representative of In biology not only organism s,
th is unusual “zoo” : an electronic b u t processes, too, are sim ulated.
“s q u irre l”. I t rides a platform d ri­ By building analogues of biological
ven by a m otor and is provided w ith processes we can verify in practice
two sensitive photoelectric cells, a the correctness of our theoretical con­
filter th a t can distinguish between structions and postulate hypotheses
direct and a lte rn a tin g current, and for experim ental verification.
other gadgets. Im agine a colony of living orga­
The “sq u irre l” has two paws which nism s living in favourable conditions.
it can cup together. I t also has a T heir num bers w ill change depending
little tongue w ith which it can “lic k ” on th eir b irth and death rate. B ut

◄ Electronic “animals” are used in the search for methods of studying organisms with the help
of models.

how, according to w hat law? The cal processes helps men gain an u n ­
b irth ra te is affected by the available derstanding of the complex system
food supply, suppression by other of links between species and forecast
species, life expectancy and m any the consequences of hum an in terfe­
other factors. Scientists have b u ilt rence in the affairs of n ature.
so-called ab stract models and used Nowadays biology, one of the ol­
them to establish the precise laws dest sciences which originated as a
of developm ent of organism s in c ir­ descriptive and experim ental science,
cum stances of u nlim ited food supply is boldly ap p ro p riatin g all of the
and living space, in the absence of late st from the arsenal of scientific
harm ful species, and. in conditions means: cybernetics, m athem atics,
of hunger, lim ited living space and com puters, m ethods of a b stra ct ana­
harassm ent by predators. lysis, speculative reasoning and, a t
Such a model was used, for exam ­ the same tim e, precise calculation.
ple, to help in growing penicillin I t can be said th a t we now w it­
fungi. They were fed abundantly, ness the emergence of a new biology,
provided w ith ample space for sw iftly advancing thanks to num erous
grow th and sheltered from predatory highly prom ising discoveries in mo­
species. And the future harvest was lecular biology, biochem istry, bio­
predicted accurately by m eans of a physics, cytology and genetics, thanks
special form ula. to the appearance of new and unex­
In terestin g facts are provided by a pected branches such as b io statistics,
model of the sta b iliz atio n of the biom athem atics and system s theory.
num ber of two species, one of which Besides theoretical investigations,
is a predator w ith respect to the other. cybernetics in biology engages in im ­
R unning ahead, we can say th a t the m ediate p rac tic a l work. T his is the
“prey-predator” m odel offers m athe­ o th er—ap p lied —branch, which abuts
m atical proof of the usefulness of on cybernetics in m edicine.
predators. N a tu ra lly , it is hard to cover all
Suppose we decide to destroy all the spheres of applied cybernetics in
the wolves so as to increase the num ­ biology and we sh all have to single
ber of th eir prey—herbivorous an i­ out the prin cip al targ ets of th e “cy­
m als. The model revealed th a t an n i­ bernetic a tta c k ” , the m ain directions
h ila tio n of the predators m ay result of the “offensive” .
in a brief burgeoning of the popula­ L et us retu rn once again to m a­
tio n of th e ir prey, followed by a th em atical sim ulation. W ith the help
sharp drop and alm ost to ta l e x tin ­ of special equations one can describe
ction. And in fact biologists have the process of photosynthesis—the ab­
observed a m arked deterioration of sorption of solar energy—in plants.
herbivorous stock wherever wolves S cientists are w orking on m athem a­
have been elim inated: ailing anim als tic a l m odels of such processes as the
abounded, the offspring grew sm aller. evolution of species, blood circula­
The wolves, it was found, performed tio n , and others.
a very useful function by destroying There is another approach to m a­
unviable anim als. th em atical sim ulation. W ith the help
As you see, sim u latio n of biologi­ of a su itab le analogue of the biolo-

gical subject an experim ent which is being carried out by workers of

could result in the death of an ani­ the Cybernetics L aboratory a t the
m al or be hazardous to hum an health V ishnevsky Surgical In stitu te , under
can be replaced by a com puter cal­ A cadem ician A. V ishnevsky and P ro ­
culation. Need we lis t the a d v an ta­ fessor M. Bykhovsky. W ork a t the
ges of such an approach? They are laboratory they say, has underscored
obvious. And the result? Superb, for the enormous difficulties encountered
a m athem atical model takes m inutes by a physician confronted w ith the
to show how a disease m ay develop d a ta supplied by various instrum ents.
in a p a tie n t, how a m edicine may How can he assess the progress of a
affect the body. disease if the p a tie n t’s state is recor­
As sta te d elsewhere, the basis of ded in term s of several hundred cha­
cybernetics is the collection and pro­ racteristics? He can h ardly encom­
cessing of inform ation. Therefore, for pass, much less analyse them .
the biological applications of cyber­ Here is where the physician can
netics it is im p o rtan t to build elect­ be assisted by a m achine capable of
ronic devices for assem bling infor­ “diagnostic reasoning” on the basis
m ation about processes going on in of the d ata obtained and duly pro­
the organism . Some rem arkable su­ cessed. The “U ra l” com puter, for
persensitive, extrem ely delicate ins­ exam ple, is capable of com piling 200
tru m en ts capable of p en etrating to diagnoses of congenital heart disease
the farth est nooks of the body have a year. M oreover, the com puter is
been invented for this: the electro­ more reliable th an a physician, and
cardiograph for studying the functio­ on several occasions, when its fin­
ning of the heart; the electroencepha­ dings differed from those of the phy­
lograph which probes the m ysteries sician, during the operation the m a­
of cerebral a c tiv ity ; the electrom yo­ chine was shown to be rig h t.
graph w hich records m uscle a c tiv ity ; W ith the progress in theory m edi­
tiny radio capsules for investigating cal diagnosing system s have been
the stom ach and intenstines; electron b u ilt capable of diagnosing not only
microscopes; television microscopes; heart defects b u t also diseases of the
colour television in m edicine, and liver, stom ach, some infectious d i­
so on, and so forth. seases, and tum ours, including tu ­
In the course of an experim ent the mours of the brain.
investigator is assailed by an avalan­ An im p o rtan t advance in m edicine
che of d a ta , figures, graphs. Many w ill be the developm ent of an infor­
workers declare th a t the m ain dif­ m ation system for am assing all per­
ficulty is not in staging an experi­ tin e n t d ata, processing them m athe­
m ent b u t in the subsequent analysis m atically and sw iftly retrieving re­
of the inform ation gleaned from the lev an t inform ation about analogous
num erous devices in which modern disease cases. I t would represent a
biology and m edicine abound. This v ast m edical “m em ory” storing the
is w hat m akes autom atic processing experience not of one or a dozen c li­
and analysis of assembled data so nics, b u t of all the clinics of the
im portant. country or even several countries.
In terestin g research in th is field Any doctor in any country could

then consult th is central m edical strid e longer, its accom plishm ents
“m em ory” . greater. I t is well to recall here the
Cybernetics has entered the surgi­ words of our celebrated physiologist,
cal operating room. I t particip ates Ivan Pavlov: “The tim e w ill come—
d irectly in operations and controls even though it m ay be a long way
v ita l functions of the organism : looks off—when m athem atical analysis in
after the work of the h eart, regulates com bination w ith n a tu ra l science w ill
a rte ria l blood pressure, controls ana­ illum ine all these e q u ilib ria [life
esthetic sleep. from the sim plest to the m ost comp­
Cybernetics is confidently invading lex m echanism s—V .P . ] w ith the m a­
biology and m edicine. In tim e its jestic form ulae of eq u a tio n s.”
pace w ill become even firmer, its This time has now come.

D How to F ind a Needle in a H aystack

Mass docum entation storage has on­

DATA HANDLING ly recently developed as a technical
system following the introduction
of the ideas and m ethods of cyber­
A branch of science th at deals netics into the field of data handling.
w ith the problem s of autom ation I t developed as a resu lt of the pres­
sure generated by the avalanche of
of inform ation accum ulation, p rinted m atte r th a t followed in the
storage and retrieval wake of the scientific and technolo­
gical revolution. Inform ation is con­
processes. tained in scientific m onographs, h is­
torical archives, libraries, museum s,
p aten t offices, in fact in every of­
fice. It is recorded in books, news­
papers, m agazines, photographs, films,
m agnetic tapes, phonograph records,
catalogues, advertisem ents, business
reports, lette rs, files, etc.
The storage, processing, retriev al
and transm ission of inform ation have
become a form idable task in our
tim e. L ittle wonder th a t a veritable
inform ation in d u stry , based on ele­
ctronic com puters and a wide range
of other business m achines, has ap­
peared and has become a concept.

Look W hat Is Happening. In forty years the All-Union Book Chamber

has registered 22 m illion of all types of Soviet printed m a tte r—alm ost one per
every ten in h ab itan ts, including babies.
We have literally been flooded w ith printed m atter. A nnual output am ounts
to some 7000 m illion pages, about one-tenth of which is devoted to scientific
inform ation.
In 1800 there were 100 scientific journals, and in 1950 there were alm ost 100 000.
Today the figure is in excess of 200 000.
Take a look at the field of chem istry. There are more th a n 6000 journals on
chem istry in the world, and every day one or two new ones appear. In the 20
years, from 1926 to 1946, the num ber of works on zinc alone was three tim es m ore
th an the to ta l figure for such publications in the preceding 200 years.
A chemist w ith a working knowledge of 30 languages (quite an im plausible
supposition) “sw allow ing” 20 articles a day w ithout holidays would be incapable

of fam iliarizing him self w ith one-tenth of the publications appearing in perio­
dicals on his specific field. And “sw allow ing” is not enough: one m ust also “digest”
w hat one has read.
The situ atio n is hardly any better in m athem atics, physics, biology and other
m ajor spheres of scientific progress. Experts have calculated th a t in the near
future computers w ill be handling such a q u a n tity of inform ation th a t it will
be equivalent to 7000 pages of reading m atter per head for every m an, woman
and child in Europe.
As for fiction, some are thinking of adopting the A m erican way out: novels
by Tolstoy, Stendahl and Dickens are compressed into 20- or 30-page digests
th a t can be carried around in a coat pocket and read in two instalm ents when
there is nothing better to do. How convenient, it would seem, yet ....
Here is w hat Stephan Zweig had to say on this score: “Try and read a Dostoy­
evsky novel in an abridged French edition. E verything seems to be there: the
sequence of events unfolds faster, the figures seem more m obile, integral, impas­
sioned. Yet they are somehow em asculated: th eir souls lack the same finish, the
specific sparkle rad iatin g all the colours of the rainbow , the atm osphere of glit­
tering electricity, the oppressiveness of in tensity which only a discharge makes
so terrible and so salu tary . Som ething is irretrievably destroyed, the m agic cir-

Schematic diagram of the “recycling” of scientific data among researchers.


cle has been broken. In these experim ents in abridgem ent one realizes the m ean­
ing of D ostoyevsky’s breadth and the necessity for his apparent long-w indedness.”
It is better to read a thousand novels in the original or a good tran slatio n th an
to gain a distorted idea of a hundred thousand. B ut in science and technology
the condensation of inform ation into digests, abstracts or extracts is a m ust.
In our country in 1952 an In stitu te of Scientific Inform ation was set up under
the Academy of Sciences. I t has now expanded into a vast “concentration” m ill
for processing and enriching scientific and technical literature.

The A ll-U nion In stitu te of Scien­ so m any highly qualified translators,

tific and Technological Inform ation not a single discovery or invention
began publishing its journal of abst­ could escape the vigilance of probing
racts in 1953. I t presents brief synop­ researchers. Alas, this is by no means
ses of articles appearing in 100 coun­ the case.
tries on a ll the m ain branches of In 1953 a description of an interes­
learning (m athem atics, physics, che­ ting technological innovation appea­
m istry, etc.) and thereby substan­ red in the Am erican press: replaceable
tia lly fac ilita te s the work of not only tyre treads. Only in 1959 did Soviet
Soviet scientists, but of foreign scho­ specialists come across the report.
lars as w ell. I t receives publications A fortnight later the Y aroslavl tyre
put out by 450 foreign academ ies and factory began m anufacturing such
scientific societies. Parcels arrive here treads, so sim ple was the idea. I t was
from the B ritish Museum, the U ni­ highly economical, b u t how much
ted States Congress L ibrary, the Sor- was lost owing to the six-year delay!
bonne and a score of other m ajor Am erican scientists have also been
book repositories of the world. The in sim ilar situations despite their ex­
In stitu te receives books and m agazi­ cellent scientific and technological
nes on science and technology pub­ inform ation service. I t was once re­
lished by all the publishing houses ported th a t one Am erican firm spent
of the Soviet U nion. In the course five years and 200 000 dollars on a
of a year more th an 100 000 sources device which, it was later discovered,
of inform ation in 65 languages are had been b u ilt in the Soviet Union.
processed. In 1960, for exam ple, a Furtherm ore, a report of the work
to ta l of 700 000 sources were conden­ had been published before the Ame­
sed into reviews, digests, abstracts rican firm began to tackle the prob­
and bibliographical notes. lem. American industry first heard
The In stitu te has a staff of over one of Soviet turbine drills six or seven
thousand workers supplem ented by years after their developm ent had
20 000 part-tim e collaborators. Ob­ been reported in the Soviet press.
viously, the reviewers m ust not only And this is not a question of negli­
know one or more foreign languages, gence, rather it is a m atter of m is­
they m ust also be specialists in some fortune, th a t engineers and scientists
field of science. are increasingly incapable of coping
I t would seem th a t w ith so m any w ith the mass of printed inform ation.
eyes keenly scrutinizing the press and W hat m ust a scientific extract be

like if it is to serve its purpose? and other hybrid sciences, even nar­
F irstly , it m ust be brief and to the row specialists cannot afford to miss
point: better to read the original pa­ parts of papers dealing w ith adjacent
per th an a verbose exposition of it. sciences. F requently the same paper
A t the same tim e it shouldn’t be is of interest to researchers in diffe­
overabridged because, by its very na­ ren t fields, for instance in chem istry,
ture, it m ust contain inform ation m athem atics and biology. This means
th a t does not lend itself to abridging, m aking three extracts from a single
such as form ulae, dates, geographical paper. B ut extracts are convenient
names or names of investigators. Fi­ as a source of inform ation only so
nally, in our age of m athem atical long as there are not too m any of
linguistics, bionics, space chem istry them . Y et already the annual o u tp u t

An example of a data retrieval system.

A n a ly s is

1APBp n
fE3 J
Q 1
C a ta lo g u e
P u b lis h e d

Id e as and fa c ts

da ta

of the Soviet in stitu te alone runs to Ivan Fedorov, spent eight m onths
a thousand th ick volumes. and nine days setting and printing
In cidentally, in 1965 some 1500 his In stru ctive Scriptures. Four hund­
journals of extracts were published red years late r the 11th volume of
all over the w orld. Y et even so they the com plete works of Charles Dick­
are no longer capable of encompas­ ens, which required no editing, took
sing the steadily growing avalanche eight m onths and tw enty days to be
of inform ation. published, and volume 30 took more
We are often fascinated by the th an a year. For articles published
w ealth of the m ajor world book reposi­ in 1916 in the Journal of the Russian
tories. For exam ple, the Lenin State Physico-Chemical Society, the tim e
L ibrary in Moscow has 22 m illion lag between in itia l com position and
volumes of books, journals and news­ final readership was two and a half
papers. Its to ta l shelf length exceeds m onths; in 1966 the tim e lag in the
300 kilom etres, and each year ano­ Journal of Physical Chemistry was
th er 15 kilom etres of shelves is added. 19 m onths. And th is at a tim e when
B ut a large proportion of th is w ealth the tempo of scientific progress is so
is no more th an so m uch deadweight: fast th a t m anuscripts can grow old
about half the m aterial in the Lenin in a few months!
L ibrary has never been requested by Such is the problem of inform ation
readers. The reason? The same one: processing in only one departm ent of
the files and catalogues are engulfed data handling, the im portance of
by the sea of printed m atter. which has not yet been fully reali­
No wonder m any scientists m ain­ zed. The difficulties facing the in ­
tain th a t if an investigation is not form ation ind u stry are m u ltiplying
too costly i t is cheaper to carry it w ith every passing year.
out rath er th an h unt for a needle in W hat are the prospects?
a haystack in an effort to establish It is cybernetics and electronic com­
whether someone has or has not car­ puterization th a t hold promise of a
ried it out before. Indeed, “excava­ real revolution in the inform ation
tin g ” the paper deposits of Am erican industry.
libraries, for instance, costs 300 m il­ One of the problem s is sw ift loca­
lion dollars a year. It has been esti­ tion and retrieval of all pertin en t
m ated th a t one-fifth of the invest­ data on a given subject. D ata re t­
m ent in scientific research through­ rieval systems are being devised to
out the world is spent on gathering ensure the m ost ratio n al organization
and d istrib u tin g inform ation. Y et and com plete autom ation of the pro­
m ost scientists spend perhaps one- cess. They employ m icrofilm s, pun­
th ird of th eir tim e on painstaking ched cards and electronic com puters.
research in the quest of results al­ Such a system , for exam ple, was
ready obtained by someone else. developed in Moscow a t the V ish­
We adm ire m odern prin tin g m achi­ nevsky In stitu te of Surgery. In K iev,
nes, forgetting th a t w hilst they have at the clinic of thoracic surgery hea­
helped boost p rinting, they have not ded by Professor N. Amosov, an archi­
made pre-publication preparation any ve has been organized in w hich case
faster. The first R ussian p rinter, histories are recorded on punched

cards. The inform ation thus stored books and journals to be compressed
is intended for com puter processing. into the size of a spool of film. Thus,
W orkers of the Cybernetics In stitu te a whole lib rary or archive can be
of the U krainian Academy of Scien­ stored away in a single cupboard.
ces are studying ways of tran sm ittin g Tom orrow’s m icroduplicating m a­
m edical data over distances in a di­ chines w ill be capable of compres­
g ital and diagram m atic form. sing the contents of a 30-volume en­
An “electronic encyclopaedia” is cyclopaedia into the volume of a
being assembled for chem ists, and a w riting pad or even, some day, a
data retrieval system on the m athe­ pinhead!
m atical theory of experim entation is In response to telephone requests
being designed. autom atic m achines w ill locate, re t­
Machines w ill make work easier rieve and tran sm it inform ation to be
for bibliographers. A m achine was represented as an image on your home
used to compile the index for the TV set. The first such experim ent
com plete works of V. 1. L enin—55 was carried out by Soviet scientists
volumes. The job took several hours. in 1957. The contents of several
I t would have taken m onths if not printed pages stored in the m achine’s
years for a staff of m anual special­ memory were tran sm itted through the
ists. c ity autom atic telephone exchange.
A nother im portant problem is th a t At the receiving end a screen presen­
of autom ating the process of tra n s­ ted a clear impression of the p rin­
lation from one language into ano­ ted message.
ther. A t present “m an u al” tran sla­ W hile progress in electronic m icro­
tion from R ussian into English em b­ m in iatu rizatio n holds promise of m ar­
races only one-tenth of R ussian scien­ kedly increasing the capacity of data
tific litera tu re . O bviously, even une­ repositories, achievem ents in laser
dited word-for-word texts prepared techniques w ill help expand the handl­
by electronic translators would help ing capacity of com m unication chan­
solve the tran slatio n problem . nels for tran sm ittin g those d ata. The
However, even if m achines are visible lig h t w avelength range in
able to translate all, or alm ost all, which laser tran sm itters operate, has
the printed m atter appearing in the a capacity m illions of tim es greater
w orld, no hundred-eyed Argus could than the to ta l range of w avelengths
hope to read it all. T h at is why, in which the sound and television
from the practical point of view, the tran sm itters operate today. E xperi­
thing is to autom atize not only tra n s­ m entally, light rays are being used
latio n b u t the m aking of extracts as substitutes for telephone cables.
too. This requires m achines capable A t the Econom ic Achievem ent E x h i­
of not ju st choosing the equivalent b ition in Moscow there is on view a
foreign words, but of “u n d erstanding” TV in sta lla tio n which tran sm its both
the m eaning of phrases as well. This image and sound not by ultra-high
is no sim ple task, b u t it is already frequency waves b u t lig h t rays.
being tackled. Com m unications satellites w ill make
Today libraries m ake wide use of it possible to establish a fast
m icrophotography, which enables operating system of d ata exchange

between libraries and publishers all nes connected through com m unication
over the globe. channels to telephones, television sets
It is not accidental th a t already and phototelegraph a p p a ra tu s.”
today men realizing the im portance All these technological innovations
of coping w ith the torrents of printed will help the specialist of the new
m atter and the flood of inform ation, era of cybernetics—the data hand­
predict th a t soon “the day w ill come le r—to chart routes in the boundless
when paper w ill be replaced by elect­ ocean of inform ation. His m ain task,
ronic im pulses spanning vast d istan ­ however, will be to curb inform ation
ces and processed easily by m achines. about inform ation, to help scientists
The inform ation service w ill develop find their w ay in floods of news and
into a stupendous system of m achi­ avalanches of documents.

E The “D em on” Opens the Door

ENTROPY Get ready to exploit your patience,

for to understand entropy i t ’s pa­
tience you’ll need m ost. D on’t ex­
In the theory of inform ation pect to grasp all features of this
it is a measure new concept a t once. There is no
of the uncertainty need to w onder—m any d etails per­
tain in g to entropy are still open to
of the situation. discussion, there is no u n an im ity
among scientists about them .
Here are some statem ents by em i­
nent scientists, acknowledged autho­
rities on the question, who have tried
to “crack the n u t” in sim ple language.
“The real value of the concept of
entropy stem s in the first place from
the fact th a t the ‘measure of uncer­
ta in ty ’ expressed by it proves to be
the characteristic which plays a p a rt
in various processes occurring in na­
ture and in technology and correla­
ted in some m anner w ith the tra n s­
mission or storage of in fo rm a tio n .”
This is one statem ent.
And now note the following: “To
understand the m eaning of entropy
in the theory of inform ation, you’ll
better throw out of your head eve­
rything t h a t ’s in any w ay connected
w ith the concept of entropy as used
in physics.”
The th ird statem ent speaks of the
difficulties of understanding entropy
and the problem of entropy (in phy­
sics and in inform ation theory).
“W alking through these fields re­
m inds one of w alking through the
jungle full of traps. Those who are
best acquainted w ith the subject are,
as a rule, m ost careful when talk in g
of i t . ”
L e t’s note: the scientists are una-

nimous in stressing the connection responsible for the same m acrostate

between entropy and inform ation the­ equivalent? No, they are not. This
ory. This is very im p o rtan t, since is w hat Boltzm ann proved: a system
inform ation theory has been accepted free from outside influences (an iso­
as a powerful research instrum ent and lated system) tends to become dis­
serves as the m ost reliable path-fin­ organized, tends to increase its en t­
der in excursions into the most so­ ropy. A t the same tim e, as is univer­
phisticated labyrinths of numerous sally accepted, the system “searches”
branches of modern science. for its m ost probable state. There­
T h a t’s just an introduction, the fore, according to B oltzm ann, entropy
story about entropy rem ains to be m ay be regarded as a measure of the
told. p robability of a set of m icrostates.
The word “en tro p y ” was first used From physics we know th a t a system
by the German scientist\R udolf-C lau- (to be precise, its m acrostate) tends
sius just over a hundreX years ago to equilibrium . Does th a t mean th a t
in 1865, when he explained why microvolum es of the system , into
heat could not go over from a colder which it m ay be subdivided, are in
body to a warmer one. T ranslated equilibrium every m om ent of tim e?
from the Greek the word “en tro p y ” No, such a set of m icrostates would
m eans “I tu rn in sid e” , “I go into be highly im probable, the more so
m yself”. the higher is the tem perature of the
This aroused keen in terest of the system . A definite num ber of them
A ustrian scientist Ludwig Boltzm ann, (on the average) m ust every m om ent
and he decided to crack the problem . of tim e be a definite distance away
Far-reaching studies of th is scientist from equilibrium . Thus, the macro-
resulted in the appearance in 1872 system as a whole has equilibrium
of th is definition of entropy. m acroparam eters every m om ent of
L e t’s im agine a system , i.e. a gas tim e (to be precise, the deviation
enclosed in a vessel. W hat are the from such param eters, while present
param eters of the system in th is case? always when the tem perature of the
A definite volume, pressure and tem ­ system is above absolute zero, is re­
p eratu re—a set th a t is usually ter­ lativ ely very sm all), each given m i­
med m acrostate. crovolume has equilibrium param eters
B ut how did it come about? averaged over tim e, b ut every mo­
Through m icrostates: the positions and m ent of tim e the param eters of every
velocities of particles in certain mo­ m icrovolume are not equal to th eir
m ents of tim e. These states change equilibrium value. Each param eter
from one m om ent to another. A ma­ m ay be said to oscillate around its
crostate of a system corresponds to equilibrium value. The am plitude of
a set (a sum) of all its m icrostates. such oscillations is the higher the
E v id en tly , one and the same m acro­ higher is the tem perature of the system
state m ay be the result of numerous and the sm aller is the m icrovolum e.
sets of m icrostates, ju st as one and M axwell’s “dem on” —now a classi­
the same sum m ay be made up of cal exam ple—too, will help us to
various additives. A question m ay understand this unfam iliar concept
be asked: are all sets of m icrostates of entropy.

The “dem on” of the famous English scientist Clerk Maxwell made his home in
dozens of specialized and popular-science books. The essence of the “dem on”
is, of course, the same in all books, only it is expressed in different words.
To avoid retelling this example anew le t’s take it in the form it was cited by
the “father of cybernetics” N orbert W iener.
“Suppose we have a container filled w ith gas, whose tem perature is everywhere
the same, and suppose th a t some molecules move faster th a n the others. Suppose
further th a t there is a sm all door in the container through which gas flows into
a tube leading to a heat engine, and th a t the exhaust of this heat engine is by
means of another tube connected through another door w ith the gas chamber.
Each door is attended by a tin y being who watches the approaching molecules
and, depending on their m otion, opens or shuts the door.
“The ‘dem on’ lets through the first door only the molecules w ith a high velo­
city and stops those w ith a low velocity. The task of the ‘dem on’ at the second
door is opposite—he opens the door only to molecules leaving the container w ith
low velocity and stops molecules w ith high velocity. This results in the tem pera­
ture on one end of the container rising, and on the other fa llin g .”
To fac ilita te the understanding of the example w ith M axw ell’s “dem on” W ie­
ner proposes his own analogy:
“Perhaps I w ill be able to clarify th is idea w ith the aid of the exam ple of a
throng of people fighting their way into the subway through two turnstiles, one
of which lets through people th a t move sufficiently fast, and the other those who
move sufficiently slow ly. Random m otion of people in the subway w ill then
assume the form of two stream s—of fast-m oving people from the first door and
of slowly-moving people from the second.

A simplified diagram of Maxwell’s “demon”. The molecules with long arrows move faster.

“If both doors lead to a single passage w ith a treadm ill on the floor, the stream
ox fast-m oving people w ill ro ta te the platform in one direction faster th an the
stream of slowly-m oving people w ill ro ta te it in the opposite direction (the flu­
xes of “fa s t” and “slow ” people being assumed equal). Thus we w ill be able to
extract useful energy from random m o tio n .”
In other words the ro tatin g door in the subway and M axw ell’s “demon” both
are in a position to reduce the entropy of their “parishes” . So there is a contra­
diction to be overcome: the “demon” reduces the entropy, which, according to the
laws of physics, can only rise. A paradox, isn ’t it? Yes, it is. And it rem ained
so for a long tim e, u n til the H ungarian physicist L. Szilard published a paper
under a very learned heading: “On the Decrease of the E ntropy of a Therm ody­
namic System Due to the Interference of an Intelligent B eing” .
Here the scientist again m entions M axw ell’s “dem on” .
W hy does he arouse interest? F irstly, because the “dem on” can only act if
he gets additional energy for his w ork—the opening and closing of doors alterna­
tely to fast and slow molecules. Only by spending th is energy can the “dem on”
keep his subjects “locked” , so th a t fast molecules stay on one side and the slow
on the other. In other words, only then can the “dem on” reduce the entropy of
the system . B ut w hat does the “dem on” spend the received energy on?
On organizing activ ity , says Szilard — and proves i t —trading energy for infor­
m ation as to where should definite molecules go.
The proof presented by the scientist is very com plicated and specialized. There
is no sense in repeating it here. So l e t ’s take his results for granted, all the
more so, since they have been recognized by the scientists the world over.

Hence the conclusion th a t infor­ luation of inform ation—in m athem a­

m ation and entropy are interrelated. tics the real m eaning of the letters
This is a very im portant conclusion, in the form ulae is of no im portance.
since it entails the proposition th a t This conclusion about the deep-
inform ation is inversely proportional rooted analogy between entropy and
to entropy. The famous American inform ation was interesting enough
scientist Claude Shannon regards in ­ for the famous French physicist Louis
form ation from th is aspect: it is de Broglie to pronounce it “the
som ething th a t reduces the uncertain­ most im portant and the m ost b eau ti­
ty of choice. ful of ideas born out of cybernetics” .
L e t’s recall B oltzm ann’s micro- and The leading au th o rity on the theory
m acrostates of a system . There in­ of inform ation, the prom inent m athe­
form ation can tell us how, along m atician of m odern tim es A. Kolm o­
w hat ways, the molecules move, gorov says th a t “such m athem atical
help us to assess their m otion. In analogies should always be stressed,
the same way it is possible to assess since through concentrating a tte n tio n
any other category, difference in the on them progress of science is pro­
m eaning of letters, for exam ple. This m oted”.
is the reason for Shannon to apply You have certainly not failed to
the form ulae of entropy for the eva­ notice how careful the scientists

body. B ut this does not hold for

inform ation. As Louis de Broglie w it­
tily rem arked, “W hen I send you a
telegram inform ing you of the down­
fall of the m inistry I supply you
tvith inform ation, at the same
tim e I do not lose anything of it m y­
A scrupulous and deep analysis of
inform ation and entropy was made
by N orbert W iener. Lie w anted to
know the reasons for the interconnec­
tion of inform ation and entropy. The
conclusion he arrived a t was astoun-
dingly sim ple: because both characte­
rize rea lity from th e ir own p articu ­
lar point of view —both entropy and
inform ation regard the w orld from
the view point of relationship of chaos
and order. W iener states expressly:
entropy is a measure of chaos, infor­
m ation is a m easure of order.
I t can be said th a t at last the con­
cepts of entropy in physics and in
inform ation theory became somewhat
clear: one has been detached from
the other, we know th e ir “in d iv i­
dual p ecu liarities” , th eir “tra its of
ch aracter” .
B ut then one wonders w hether there
was any sense in draw ing a line b et­
The entropy of a simple system of black ween these two concepts when now
and white balls occupying separate volumes efforts are being m ade to merge them
in a box increases upon arbitrary shake-ups. again. W hat is the content and where
lies the necessity for th is “step b a c k ”?
them selves are when dealing w ith For the answer to these questions
this question. They refuse to go bey­ l e t ’s tu rn to the already fam iliar
ond analogies. W hy? Because the exam ple of a container filled w ith
“characters” of the physical and in­ gas. B ut th is tim e the analysis w ill
form ational entropies are quite dif­ be m ade by another prom inent scien­
ferent, and this leads to a difference t i s t —Leon B rillouin.
in behaviour. Again we have before us a gas-
For instance, if the entropy of filled container. The gas consists of
one of two bodies increases as a re­ constantly m oving m olecules, and we
su lt of their interaction this is al­ sim ply do not know —cannot know —
ways at the expense of the other either th eir exact positions or their

A tower built by man, a “purposeful physical system”, displays a high degree of order. As years
go by, under the influence of random non-directional forces the tower will tumble and turn
into a stone-heap—the entropy of the system will increase.

velocities. B ut we know the m acros­ greater is the u n certainty. Hence, the

copic param eters of the system : its greater the pro b ab ility of random
volume, pressure, tem perature and states, the greater the entropy.
chem ical com position. A lthough we True, it is not always th a t we are
are in a position to m easure all these so helpless, don’t know anything about
param eters they te ll us nothing about the system . Sometimes we do have
the behaviour of ind iv id u al m olecu­ a b it of inform ation. For instance,
les or groups of m olecules d istin ­ about the history of the system , the
guished by some characteristic (i.e. lo­ m om ent of its birth .
cation in the container, velocity, etc). These are very helpful d a ta —they
To gain inform ation about th is we are the key to other d ata such as
m ust know more about the “inner the density and velocity distributions.
w orkings” of the system , to be exact, Such additional inform ation is of
about the interactions between the great value for us, for it enables a
molecules, between the molecules and fuller description of the system to be
the container w alls, w hich result in m ade, which, in tu rn , m akes it pos­
constraints on th eir m otion. In the sible for us to ascribe to it a sm aller
absence of such inform ation the only entropy.
thing left to us is to assume th a t the Does th a t mean th a t entropy m ay
molecules do not in te rac t, i.e. are be regarded as a measure of lack of
free, and the entropy of a free m ole­ inform ation, and inform ation as the
cule of gas is the greatest possible. It negative p a rt of entropy, its “nega­
follows th a t the less we know about tiv e ”? I t does, says B rillouin, and
th e behaviour of the molecules, the defines inform ation as negentropy.

Does it make any difference w hat vented the word “entropy” for the
to call inform ation—just inform ation new concept, about B oltzm ann’s theo­
or negentropy? I t does. The negen- ry, linking entropy w ith the pro­
tropy principle of inform ation unites bable m icrostates of the body, about
the concepts of entropy and infor­ the ideas of W iener who identified
m ation on a new basis and points entropy w ith the measure of chaos.
out th a t they cannot be treated se­ Our road has been h ard —from diffe­
parately b u t m ust always be consi­ rence to u n ity . We learned about
dered together. And th is rule is a l­ the responsible p a rt played by ent­
ways true for various infinitely dis­ ropy in science, how it helped in
ta n t spheres of app licatio n —from the understanding of num erous laws
theoretical physics to everyday life. of nature, and how recently theory
Thus, the circle has been closed. of inform ation “tw iste d ” entropy and
W e’ve read about Clausius who in ­ made science take a new look at it.

F From the E nd to the Beginning

FEEDBACK H is name was H um phrey Potter.

H is was, prim arily, an active nature,
and he couldn’t stand m onotony.
The action T h a t’s why he got tired of the job
he was doing in one of E n g lan d ’s
exercised by the mines: when w ater was being pumped
of a system H um phrey P o tter opened and clo­
on its input. sed the valves of a boiler.
W hy was he doing it? Ju st because
two and a half centuries ago—th a t
was the tim e when H um phrey lived —
a boiler worked not as it does
The steam from the boiler lifted
the piston in the cylinder. H um phrey
closed the steam valve and, a t the
same tim e, opened another valve to
let cold w ater into the cylinder.
The steam condensed, and vacuum
was created. Atm ospheric pressure ac­
ted upon the piston, it w ent down­
wards, tran sm ittin g its m otion to the
pum p. After th a t H um phrey P o tter
opened and closed the valves in turn
again, and so all day long.
Y ou’ll agree, this w asn’t an in te ­
resting job. And, natu rally , he grew
sick of it. The clever boy decided to
get rid of it. He connected the v a l­
ves by means of strings to the piston
rod. As the rod w ent up and down
the strings tightened and opened or
closed the valves in appropriate se­
There are such specific concepts in
engineering as “in p u t” and “o u tp u t”
of a m achine. The input of a steam
engine is the steam inlet, and the
ou tp u t the m otion of the rod. Now
you can grasp the strictly scientific
definition at the beginning of the

A generalized diagram of feedback devices.

section. W hen input is connected to No m atte r where and when feed­

output, feedback is realized. This is back control is employed, it is a l­
exactly w hat the legend attrib u tes ways very “a tte n tiv e ” and “punctu­
to the E nglish boy H um phrey P otter. a l” . I t performs all the operations
He invented feedback, devised a sys­ entrusted to it w ith superhum an pre­
tem for autom atic regulation. cision.
Feedback is the cornerstone of mo­ There are numerous examples of
dern engineering. I t ’s difficult to various autom atic regulation systems.
name any of its fields where feedback T heir design, principles of operation
is not utilized. Tem perature regula­ and applications vary, b u t the in te ­
tors m aintain the required tem pera­ raction between the controlling de­
ture. Pressure regulators—the pres­ vice—the regulator—and the object
sure. Speed regulators—shaft rotation being controlled is of the same type.
speed. Voltage regulators—constant
voltage in the m ains.

Here is a schematic diagram of the Waff governor.

For alm ost two hundred years this mechanism serves as an exam ple of elegance
and sim plicity of the feedback.
Rem ember how James W att b u ilt a steam engine w ith a centrifugal speed go­
vernor driven from the engine shaft. The weights of this governor go apart under
the action of the centrifugal force depending on the shaft speed. A m oving sleeve
is connected to the weights. Through a system of levers it moves the slide valve
in the tube. The governor is tuned to the required num ber of revolutions of the
shaft. If for some reason or other the shaft speed increases, the weights will go

apart and pull the sleeve upwards,

and the slide valve w ill go down­
wards. The steam flow to the engine
will decrease and the s h a ft’s rpm
(revolutions per m inute) w ill return
to normal. If, on the other hand, the
shaft speed begins to fall below the
required value, the governor lifts the
slide valve and more steam is fed
into the engine. This, in tu rn , leads
to the shafts revolutions being increa­
sed to normal.
The example of W a tt’s engine has
been used to dem onstrate the outlines
of a feedback control system . In this
autom atic regulation system the ob­
ject regulated is the steam engine.
The governor sends to the object
being controlled a control signal by
way of a lever system and the slide Watt’s governor is an example of the
valve—this is a direct connection. elegance and simplicity of a feedback system.
The output of the governor acts upon
the input of the object. Through the
vertical shaft th a t conducts feedback the governor receives from the engine a
signal about the results of its control action. Now the output of the object “re-
ports its behaviour” to the input of t l e regulator. This creates a sort of a closed
circle, a kind of a com m unication circuit.

Some specialists figuratively com­ m ents effected by hand. The displa­

pare feedback w ith two dogs w ith cements are continued u n til the
grudges against each other. One of braking force reaches a value high
them , say, the black one, bites the enough to stop the m oving m achine.
ta il of the w hite one. And the w hite The feedback in which the in te n ­
dog, not w illing to give in, bites the sity of the process decreases is called
ta il of the black dog. I t ’s the same negative. This is the type of feed­
closed circle process in which one back th a t is being predom inantly
dog plays the p a rt of a feedback cir­ used in autom atic regulators, inclu­
cu it in respect to the other. ding tem perature level regulators, rpm
Such feedback is called positive. regulators, pressure regulators, etc.
In it the process of reverse action Suppose the tem perature in an elec­
is intensified. B raking system s w ith tric furnace has increased above the
external power sources m ay serve as value required for the m elting of
another exam ple of such a feedback. m etal. The autom atic regulator acts
In these system s special devices are “negatively” : it cuts power being fed
utilized th a t react to sm all displace­ to the furnace. If the tem perature
8 -6 1 6

Types of feedback: in an internal combustion engine i t ’s a mechanical device; in a regenerative

receiver i t ’s an electrical device. The regulators of liquid level and of temperature are feedback
devices, too.

decreases, it again acts “n eg atively” to the regulator a signal about the

and increases the supply of po­ results of the control action.
wer. Cybernetics has widened im m easu­
A ll further examples w ill add no­ rably the dom ains of the feedback
th ing to the story about feedback th a t concept application which now inc­
has ju st been told. W e’ll always lude such “non-technical” sciences as
have to do w ith a regulator tuned biology and economics.
to certain rpm or to certain opera­ The m ost in tricate system employ­
ting conditions which, in case these ing feedback is, presum ably, the li­
conditions are perturbed, sends a con­ ving organism. W hat a lot of regu­
tro l signal, the feedback delivering lators and control objects it contains!

How great is the num ber of in te r­ m ay be said not only to take p art
connected positive and negative feed­ in physiological phenom ena, but to
backs! W hat exceedingly difficult be absolutely necessary for the con­
tasks the organism has to perform: tin u a tio n of life. W ithout it life is
distrib u te muscle strain in order to impossible!
uphold the required body posture; Thus, feedback is at work in quite
react to the m inutest changes of pres­ different fields. This enabled scien­
sure in blood vessels; respond to the tists in cybernetics to talk about the
heat and the cold; w atch the contents universal, the general character of
of acid, alkalies and m any other the “feedback” concept, to insist th a t
substances; control the incessant work it operates everywhere where in te r­
of the h eart, the kidneys, the liver, connected m achines and system s form
the lungs! some new com bination. These com­
And the more com plicated is the binations, these new system s m ust be
biology of the organism , the greater harm onious, m ust retain former in ­
is the com plexity and the v ariety of dividual features and at the same
its “ autom atic regulators” . Feedback tim e gain new qualities.

A detailization “D escriptions of the sensually per­

ceived w orld” —t h a t ’s just w hat spe­
of the contents of subjects cialists term the treasures of world
being studied lite ra tu re and a rt together w ith the
enabling operations w ith them other less illustrious representatives
of th is category.
to be performed Scientists are try in g to gain insight
w ith the aid of m athem atical in to the peculiarities of the “m ethod”
used to describe the world around us.
methods. They try to do i t scrupulously and
fairly w ith the noble aim of establi­
shing how the realities of life
and nature are reflected by hum an
And w hat have they learned? W hat
conclusions have they drawn? Out of
all m ethods of describing real life,
description by words is considered to
be m ost flexible, sensitive and colour­
The Hard Core of the M atter ful. T here’s no such thing as couldn’t
be described by words, no such shade
th a t couldn’t be expressed.
The w riter saw the sea. A t the
Several ways, several m ethods m ay moment it looked extraordinary, there
be used to describe the world around was som ething th a t distinguished
us. it from what it looked yesterday,
The works of ancient painters, the there was something in dividual in it,
books of famous w riters, m usical and he was impressed by it. And
m asterpieces created by great com­ he wrote: “The sea sm iled .” T hat
posers—all are in the volum inous was the way he saw it.
category the specialists call “the me­ B ut the word description, besides
thods of description of the sensually flexibility, abounds in tra its th a t are
perceived w orld” . subjective, personal. Only he, G or­
The poet inspired by a fine w inter ky, perceived th a t “the sea sm iled ” .
m orning expresses the beauty of it And is the statem ent th a t it smiled
in verse. The p ain ter overwhelmed really creditable?
by the power of revolutionary forces Scientists agree th a t word descrip­
has his own way of expression: he tion, being flexible and rich in co­
depicts it as a brave powerful god­ lours, is a t the same tim e subjective
dess calling the people to glory. and of a “low degree of creditabi­
The assem bly bell th a t rang in lit y ” .
Russia on the days of popular feasts There is another, quite the oppo­
or popular disasters served as incen­ site approach to description of life
tive for an oratorium calling the and nature, when the colour of the
people to arise against foreign invaders. sea and the play of light on the crests

of the waves, and the foam on the chemical elem ents it consists of and
beach are all ignored. Then the sea the physical equations describing the
is described by the symbols of the in ten sity of the waves.

Scientists themselves stress this aspect of the scientific approach when they
say th a t science writes a th rillin g novel about the hidden secrets of nature not
in a colourful language th a t re-creates live association and bright images, but in
its own language, in which everything t h a t ’s individual, subjective, is sacrifi­
ced to the advantage of the abstract, the objective, the general.
Every one of you, probably, paid a tte n tio n to a newly b u ilt house. Storey ri­
ses above storey, identical staircases, corridors, doors, identically planned, iden­
tically arranged flats, one above the other—everything clear-cut, common, iden­
tical. And now the tenants arrive. They arrange their dwellings each in his own
way, and the form erly identical flats become different. A difference in furniture
gives in d iv id u ality to the flats.
Roughly speaking, science deals w ith the “house” of nature itself, in its “unin­
h a b ite d ” s ta te —w ith only such general regularities, such objective features,
which unite objects perceived by us as different into classes and groups.
Dry and rigorous schem atic diagram s, graphs, form ulae, tables, equations
and symbols help to “u n v eil” essential features of the real w orld, to describe the
“stru c tu re ” of real life, to m ark interconnections in nature.
The difference between the scientific m ethod of studying life and the m ethod
employed by a rt is very accurately expressed in the following words: while art
makes us cry and laugh, science makes us understand and calculate. The pain­
ter, the composer, the poet tell us about colours and sounds. The scientist “shuts
his eyes” to the beauty of colours and to the sym phony of sounds. From the colo­
urs and sounds he extracts their m ain features, only th a t which makes a colour
a colour, a sound a sound; the scientist reduces both colour and sound to waves
(electrom agnetic in the first case and elastic in the second) of appropriate length
and studies their regularities.
How does science study nature? W hat methods and w hat tools does it use?
T here’s a real arsenal of means of approach to the phenomena of reality .
Rem ember the phrase you often used to hear from your teacher during biology
lessons. “Tomorrow w e’ll s ta rt a new subject. W e’ll study the constitution of,
say, the black cockroach” (or of the bom byx m oth, or the nervous system of the
frog). The example is unim portant, the im portant thing is th a t here we are
up against the logical m ethod of identification: “the study of the black cock­
ro ach ” , and not of black cockroaches, variously coloured, probably, w ith feelers
of different lengths or w ith some other individual characteristics. In other
words, you are going to separate the general, common to all, ignoring in d iv i­
dual features.
There are other ways of approach, as well. Idealization is one exam ple. In
this case scientists build ideal models of the objects being studied and deal w ith
their general, essential features and properties. E xactly for this purpose the
“absolutely black b o d y ” , the “absolutely hard body” , the “ideal gas” , the

“absolutely sm ooth surface” , the

“incom pressible liq u id ” , etc., were
And here is a citatio n from an
u tterly scientific publication, from
the “Collected Papers on Crystal­
lography and Crystal Physics” by
Yu. W ulf.
“The actual surface of the E arth
w ith its incessant variations from
highlands to lowlands is quite ir­
regular. The im pression of the
shape of the E a rth m ay be obtai­
ned through the study not of its real
surface, b u t of some theoretical sur­
face. Thereby an elem ent of abstra­
ction from the actually existing
irregularities is introduced in to the
concept of the E a r th ’s shape, i.e.
the E a rth is observed from a dis­
tance sufficiently great to make
these irregularities irrelevant. Such
a method is quite v alid, because
the E a r th ’s radius is very large as
compared w ith the highest m oun­
tains and the deepest ocean reces­
ses, so th a t the presence of them
does not alter the general ‘m athe­
m atical shape’ of the p la n e t.”
Scientific knowledge makes use
of such sim plification to ascertain
hard features of the object under
study, to detail its properties, to
outline its contour, to discover its
structure. In other words, no m at­
ter w hat the principle underlying
the gnostic method is, th a t of iden­
tity , idealization, sim plification,
abstraction, it always, as you
couldn’t fail to have noticed,
involves “roughening” , “strip p in g ”,
“sharpening” , the stressing of the
param ount, general, m ain factors.

^ This may be assumed to represent the

“formalization” of a house.

A closed line L drawn on the surface of a thoroid (a life buoy) will not necessarily divide this
surface into inner and outer parts.

H aving gained knowledge by these m ethods, scientists proceed further. The

regularities discovered by them , elaborated, specified and generalized, form the
basis of scientific theory, which is accepted as u ltim ate knowledge the world
over. H ere’s w hat scientists themselves say: “A scientific theory is considered
to be rigorous and precise if the elements constituting it (abstraction, idealiza­
tion, identification, concepts, etc.) are sufficiently elaborate to enable a single
set of rules of operation, i.e. rules distinguished by their form al character, to be
applied. For th is reason, the process of elaboration leading to such an operation,
m ay be called the process of fo rm alization.” In other words, it is a process (to­
gether w ith its result) whereby some scientific subject undergoes such transfor­
m ations as would m ake the use of visual aids, e.g. sense organs or th eir exten­
sions—the instrum ents—unnecessary. This is all the more true, because very
often the sensory m ethod fails, leads to errors. The definition of a non-intersec-
ting closed line, m oving along which we w ill retu rn to the point of origin w ith ­
out ever passing any point twice, based on visual im pressions, is one exam ple.
Visual im pression gives rise to an obvious conclusion th a t such a line K divides
a surface (a plane or the surface of a sphere) in to two parts: inner and outer. There
are such points A and B th a t cannot be connected by a line not intersecting the
line K . However, here visual im pression fails. The second definition is not equi­
valent to the first, for it refers not only to the closed line, b u t includes, as w ell,
the specific property of the surface on which the line K is draw n. Thus, a closed
line L (according to the first definition) draw n on the surface of a thoroid (a tire
or a life buoy) will not necessarily divide th is into outer and inner parts.

There is no place for am biguity rath er than in the form of visual

where form alization has established definitions. For exam ple, this is how
itself. M aximum generalization and E uclid described a point: “A point
autom atic m anipulation w ith concepts is w hat has no p a rts .” This is a vi­
are possible in a form alized branch sual definition, and is of no use for
of science. axioms, since the la tte r are senten­
No m atte r w hat, when and where ces b u ilt of form ulae (and not words).
we form alize, the essence of the pro­ An axiom atic system obeys strict
blem is always the exposure of the conditions, too. The first condition
“hard core of the m a tte r” , w ithout is th a t the system be free from con­
w hich a scientific theory cannot be tradictions.
developed. An axiom always states th a t 1 = 1 ,
Rem ember our exam ple w ith the and not th a t 0 = 1 . N ext comes the
house? W ell, form alization is just condition of completeness. This means
the evacuation from the house of all th a t every statem ent m ust either be
foreign objects, doing away w ith proved or disproved. A nother condi­
the furn itu re and other things, once tion is th a t of solubility, i.e. there
again “strip p in g ” , “roughening” , an m ust be a m ethod of finding out
effort, so to speak, to “expose” the whether a statem ent contained in the
subject, to leave just the skeleton system is proved or not. L ast comes
in order to draw precise and objective the condition of independence—the
conclusions about it. system m ust contain no axioms th a t
B ut how should we “roughen” , can be deduced from other axiom s of
“s tr ip ” , “expose” , i.e. formalize? Sci­ th is system . And another “m u st” —
entists give a clear and precise ans­ the logical system of rules of deduc­
wer to th is question. One should tion should also be stated.
begin w ith a finite inventory—from E verything we have been speaking
A to Z —of all in itia l elem entary about should be w ritten in the spe­
concepts used in the p a rticu la r branch cial language of symbols.
of science. Such an inventarization The thing form alization is called
is n ’t the work of one scientist, or upon to expose, the “hard core of
even of one generation of scientists— the m a tte r”, is always capricious,
th is is the result of the long-tim e evasive, hard to sense. And here the
developm ent of th is branch of scien­ trouble only sta rts. The essence of
ce, of a deep logical analysis of its the m atter, even if discovered and
structure, the inventory so complete exposed, requires elaboration as scien­
as to leave out no essential concept, ce progresses. See how the notions
and so precise as to include no su­ of the nature of lig h t changed w ith­
perfluous concept. in a relatively short period of tim e —
B ut th a t is by no means all. For a little over one hundred years, from
the process of form alization it is the 17th to the 19th century. At
necessary also to construct a finite— first it was thought th a t lig h t is
from A to Z—axiom atic system . This carried by lig h t particles. They were
is m ade up of sentences th a t include called the photons. L ater, again on
the m ain concepts from the inventory the basis of scientific data av ailable
as definitions in the form of symbols at the tim e, scientists came to the



From the language of symbols.

conviction th a t the origin of light me insufficient, powerless, incapable

lies in the corpuscle, and not in the of reflecting “ the hard core of the
photon. In the 19th century the ap­ m a tte r” . The place of old m ethods
plication of the m ost m odern m ethods is taken by new, more advanced ones.
of research brought about the electro­ In th is way form alization scales the
m agnetic theory of lig h t. And at stairs of progress.
last in the 20th century quantum For this reason the progress in
mechanics established the d u ality of scientific knowledge a t the same tim e
the nature of light: in some pheno­ m anifests itself as a process of per­
mena it behaves like particles, in fection of the means of form alization
others like waves. used in the prom otion of knowledge.
And h ere’s another exam ple. The Such a situ a tio n is quite normal.
great German scientist Im m anuel I t reflects the essence of the process
K an t, basing his argum ents on the of cognition. I t ’s a specific illu stra ­
state of knowledge at the tim e, con­ tion of the law of gaining knowledge
sidered the principles of chemistry to be about the world and nature.
purely empirical, purely p ractical “and To sum up, form alization is called
therefore quite incapable of explaining upon to unm ask the essence of the
possible rules of chem ical phenomena m atter, contain all individual, un-
since m athem atics cannot be applied reproducible features w ithin stric t
to th em ” . K a n t doubts the ab ility bounds of logical and m athem atical
of chemists to predict the course of symbols. It, so to speak, tears out
a chem ical reaction. The modern of rea lity only such facts as can be
chem ist has no doubts on this ac­ arranged into “rigorous system s” , “ fi­
count—a specialist in physical chemis­ n ite inventories of concepts” . The
try is able to precalculate accurately im pression arises th a t form alization
num erous reactions w ith the aid of is a product of “pure th o u g h t” of
m athem atical relations. the m athem atician.
Thus it tu rn s out th a t form aliza­ B ut this impression is u tte rly
tion often comes to grips w ith a wrong: no m atte r how the form ulae
new situ a tio n in science, when for­ and the symbols look as though they
mer m ethods of form alization beco­ exist “by them selves” , form alization,

which deals w ith them , is always Some scientists presum e, on the

and in every case a process of unm as­ other hand, th a t its “em bryo” ap­
king the different aspects of the real peared a t the same tim e as language
world. and thought. In th eir view the assign­
Form alized science makes sense on­ ing of a name to an object can already
ly if it can eventually be applied in be considered a kind of form aliza­
practice. Sometimes the tim e in te r­ tion.
val separating the creation of for­ An object receives a name for i t ­
m alized science and its application self: the “s k y ” , the “b e a r” , the
can be quite considerable—centuries “sto n e” , the “w a te r” , the “ m o u n ta in ” ,
or dozens of centuries, b ut still the the “food” , etc. This conspicuous pro­
practical issue of form alization can cess of assigning a nam e, so to speak,
always be subjected to inspection. establishes the a b ility of the object
This is done w ith the aid of a m etha- to he distinguished from other ob­
theory, for instance, w ith the aid jects, underlines its stable features,
of m etham athem atics. The la tte r stu ­ its “hard core” .
dies and controls the structure and L ater the w ritten language appea­
properties of form al system s, regards red. I t gave m ankind an extrem ely
them from the positions not of for­ valuable means of storing and accu­
m al, but of su b stan tial science. Me­ m ulating inform ation. Step by step
tham athem atics is interested in the the n a tu ra l languages were supple­
substance, and not in the symbols. m ented by special signs, logical forms
Nowadays people speak of form ali­ of thought came into being. Yet,
zation in a wide and in a narrow such a m athem atized science as cy­
sense. In the narrow sense it means bernetics still, though it would seem
such an elaboration of the contents strange, rem ains unform alized. Up to
of the subjects being studied th a t now there is no single generally ac­
enables m athem atical operations w ith cepted logical definition of the con­
them to be perform ed. In the wide tents of cybernetics, there is no in ­
sense formalization is understood to ventory of its m ain concepts, no
mean the study of subjects, the ela­ axiom atic system —all of which are
boration of their contents in accor­ indispensable for the form alization
dance w ith the rules of form al logic. process. Of enormous im portance in
Form alization is the child of the end cybernetics is the form alization of
of the 19th century and the begin­ m athem atics and logic. It is because
ning of the 20th. So far it has been of form alization th a t m athem atical
carried o u t—in the narrow m eaning logic could be applied in electronic
of the w ord—only in m athem atics com puters which operate in accordan­
and m athem atical logic, and, to ce w ith its laws.
some extent, in physics.

“Reds” Versus “Blues”

GAMES THEORY No one can boast of having played

all existing gam es—they are too m a­
ny in num ber. Each game has its
A m athem atical discipline rules, its peculiarities. Hockey, for
instance, is different from football,
w ith the aid of which hide-and-seek from cops and robbers,
q u a n tita tiv e relationships the dominoes from naughts-and-cros-
ses, the b a ttle of ships from the word
in conflicting situations
game, etc. And yet these different
are established. games are identical in principle.
W here does th is id en tity lie? It
lies in the conflict of interests.
Basil and Pete play the b a ttle of
ships. Both w ant to win at all costs—
t h a t ’s the conflict of interests.
“One, two, three, four, five, I ’m
out to seek!” warns the one who
seeks. H is job is to find someone;
those who hide m ust try to keep
out of his sight. Again a conflict of
Two prom inent football team s “Dy­
nam o” and “S partacus” meet on the
football field. One is to be the w in­
ner. There is no doubt th a t “ D yna­
m o” is going to do its best. “S parta­
cus” , too, is not lacking in resolu­
tion. A conflict of interests.
A conflict of interests exists not
only in games. I t occurs often, much
more often th an we im agine. Ju st
follow from this view point the course
of one of your ordinary days.
How often have your interest come
into collision w ith those of someone
else! S ituations in which different
people have different interests and
dispose of different means of a tta i­
ning different goals are very frequent
in everyday life. In other words, all
of us come frequently across conflic-

tin g situations. This happens so often the sake of sim p licity and c la rity and
th a t conflicts, collisions of interest, perhaps by force of h a b it the m a­
have been accepted as one of the m ain th em atical theory of games adopted
subjects of literatu re. the term inology of ordinary games.
We overcome a conflict when we The partners in the game are called
play chess w ith a friend. players, the resu lt—the gain or pay­
A conflict is experienced by a child m ent.
who in spite of his p aren ts’ wishes True, the context of term s is some­
stubbornly refuses to go to sleep. w hat different here. In the theory
Conflicting is the situation of the of games several people w ith a spe­
vendor who, n a tu ra lly , wants to sell cified interest confronting one or ma­
dearer and the buyer who w ants to ny adversaries m ay be term ed a play­
buy cheaper. er, the same term being applied to
The confrontation of rival political the adversaries. Thus a player is
parties during an election campaign just one in terest group. A football
is an example of a political conflict m atch from the standpoint of the
in cap italist countries. games theory would he “calcu lated ”
The conflict between the hare and as a game of one player against the
the fox as biological species in the other. In th is respect it is not diffe­
struggle for existence. rent from a chess game.
Conflict ... we im agine it to be a The prom inent French m athem ati­
com plicated, sometim es personal, of­ cian Louis Borelle already at the
ten em otional and always a difficult beginning of our century published a
affair. I t is never easy to resolve a great m any-volum e Course of Theory
conflicting situ atio n . Y et, m odern of P robability and I t s A pplications.
m athem atical science considers it fea­ The la st b u t one volume contained
sible not only to analyse a conflic­ “supplem ents to games of chance” .
tin g situ atio n , b u t even to “calcu­ Here the scientist summed up the
la te ” w hat line each of the rivals results of his extensive studies of
should take to a tta in his ends. games of chance which interested him
M athem atics has its own approach from the m athem atical point of view.
to collisions of interests, and the Borelle introduced into the theory of
men to exercise it are specialists in games audacious and original ideas.
the theory of games. His predecessors considered only ca­
The first thing to do before the ses where the course of the game was
m athem atical analysis of a conflict determ ined by chance and not by
can be carried out is to clarify, to players. Borelle endeavoured to find
unveil the conflict of interests m ost a m athem atical form ula for the games
rigorously, make them so clear and which would take account of the
doubtless as in a game where even proficiency of the players. In the
a laym an sees who is on whose side. course of tim e m any scientists deve­
T hat is ju st w hat m athem aticians loped the theory of games to such
do: they build a simplified model of an extent th a t it became m uch wider
the conflicting situ a tio n and call it than the theory of games of chance,
a game. This model-game is played and its results found extensive ap­
in accordance w ith certain rules. For plication.

As is usually the case, the game is the m ain concepts of the games theo-
very difficult to explain, it is much ry w ith the aid of one of numerous
easier to show how it should be played. exam ples cited by specialists.
And it w ill be easier for us to grasp
Imagine two players A and B. Each of them independently of the other writes
on a piece of paper one of the numbers 0, 1 and 2. N ext they show the numbers
to each other and add them up. If the sum is even, B pays A the sum of money
equal to the sum of the num bers. If the sum is odd, the paym ent is made by A
to B.
The w riting of the numbers and showing them to each other is term ed a move.
The prem editated choice of a system of moves is term ed strategy. A player makes
the decision: “In such conditions I shall act in this w ay .” And the gain of one
or the other riv a l is, as you already know, term ed paym ent.
L e t’s try to follow the course of the game.
The results of all possible moves can be envisaged beforehand. A writes 0 (zero),
B writes 0, too. The sum is zero, and nobody receives anything. A w rites 0, B
writes 1. The sum is an odd num ber. A loses and B wins one rouble. A writes 0
again, B w rites 2. The sum is even. Now B loses and A wins two roubles.
The same m ay be done w ith numbers: (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1) and (2, 2). It is easy
to see th a t the number of possible com binations from which A and B have to
choose independently is 3 x 3 = 9 .
L e t’s denote by A i the strategy of A when he writes 0, by A 2 when he writes
1, and by A 3 when he w rites 2. In the same way we shall denote B ’s strategy
by B v B 2, B 3. All possible gains and losses (gains w ith the m inus sign)
can be summed up in a table.
The table containing gains and losses of th e rivals resulting from the applica­
tio n of all possible strategies is termed paym ent m atrix , and the game itself a
m atrix game.
W hat does an analysis of the paym ent m atrix yield? To begin w ith, player
A m ust expect player B to be sufficiently clever to evolve a strategy which would
m inim ize the gain of A irrespective of the la tte r ’s strategy. N ext, A m ust choose
such a strategy th a t will guarantee him the m axim um from the m inim um
gains. Such a strategy for A is to continue w riting 0. In this case his loss will
never exceed 1 rouble.
Likewise, player B will also choose a strategy which promises him m inim um
losses. To arrive at it we should look through the columns of the paym ent m at­
rix and find the m inim um gain of A .
The gains of A and B are w ritten underneath the table.
The goal of the theory of games is to evolve recom m endations for each of the
rivals as to th eir tactics in the game. W ith the aid of these m athem atical recom­
m endations the rivals can choose the best (optim um ) strategy th a t would guaran­
tee them best results in the game. True, one strategy is practically never used
throughout. The partners frequently change strategies, and they become mixed.
B ut notw ithstanding the course of the game or the changes in A ’s and B ’s stra ­
tegies the rivals always strive to act against one another; th eir interests are al-

min-max = 2 max-min = -1

The strategies of the players A and B and the payment matrix.

ways clashing. A strives a t the m axim um from the expected gains (this is ter­
med m axim im ); B , in his turn, w ants to m inimize the maximum sum he will
have to pay A (this is term ed m inim ax). 5=3
As you can see, the m ain aim of the player is to get m axim um gain at the ex­
pense of his artful riv al, who is determ ined to beat him . This means th a t the
player w ants to win b u t at the same tim e cannot count on his rival to make an
error. The player knows th a t no m atte r how good his strategy is his adversary
cannot fail to make the best response. For this reason, when calculating paym ents
the player counts on the worst he can get.
B ut how to assess q u a n tita tiv e ly how much one of the partners (both so accu­
rate, so free from em otions, incapable of m istakes and capable of logical reaso­
ning) is going to win? This is fairly easy. For every game there is a definite pay­
m ent th a t a good player receives from another good player. This paym ent is cal-

led the price of the game. This price lim its the gain: we can never win more than
the price of the game, if our rival makes no m istakes.
Correspondingly, if we do not make m istakes, our loss will not exceed the price
of the game. W hich one of the rivals is going to receive the price of the game,
and which one to pay it, depends on chance. Such chances in most games of chance
for two perfect players are fifty-fifty. There are also games where nothing is left
to chance, i.e. the in itia l conditions are strictly identical for both players. There
the theoretical result is always a draw.

W ith this aim in view l e t ’s analyse in the superior position, and 100 if
another sim ple game w ith two adver­ it is not attacked a t all.
saries and two strategies. The sym­ L e t’s w rite it out as it is usually
bolic term for it is “the bombing done in the theory of gam es—in the
m ission” . Suppose th a t two “B lue” form of a m atrix.
bombers are sent on a m ission. One N aturally, the “R eds” and “B lues”
carries bombs, the other rad ar jam ­ w ill have to change th eir stra te ­
m ing equipm ent, various equipm ent gies. I t has been calculated th a t for
for the assessment of damage, etc. every 20 cases of the first strategy
The bombers fly in such a form ation there would be 40 cases of the second.
th a t the first is better covered by Hence, the “B lues” should in the
the guns of the second than the se­ ratio 40 : 20 favour the covered po­
cond by the guns of the first. There sition of the bom b-carrier. The same
is the danger of the bom b-carrier ratio (40 : 20) should hold for the
being brought down by a “R ed ” fight­ “R eds” in attacking the covered bom­
er—th ere ’s only one fighter, and it ber.
can make only one a ttack before the Now we can calculate the price of
bombers reach th eir target. The pro­ the game for the “R eds” , i.e. the
blem is which plane should carry the chances of the bom b-carrier to reach
bom bs—the first or the second, and its target:
which one should the “R e d ” attack,
20 X 6 0 + '4 0 X 100 o e 2 c,
i.e. w hat should both adversaries do
20 4 - 4 0 0 3 /o
to achieve best results.
The following strategies are open. And now after tiresom e logical rea­
“B lues”-1—-the bom b-carrier in in­ soning read about a scandal th a t
ferior position. took place some years ago in E urope’s
“B lues”-2—the bom b-carrier in su­ casinos.
perior position. A t first no one paid any atten tio n
“R eds”-1—attack the bom ber in to them . These young men strolled
inferior position. into casinos to watch roulette being
“R eds”-2—attack the bomber in played. They stopped at green ta b ­
superior position. les and entered w inning num bers in
Suppose, the chances of the bomb- th eir notebooks. W hen asked for their
carrier to survive are 60 out of 100 m otives they answered: “Ju st so, for
if it is attacked in the inferior posi­ the fun of i t . ”
tio n, 80 out of 100 if it is attacked Two m onths late r a storm swept

The game under the code name of “The bombing mission”.

over M onte-Carlo, this cap ital of ca­ and sent them over to th eir com pa­
sinos. The same young men came nion in London. The la tte r fed them
back. B ut now they ceased taking into a com puter. E v id en tly , the com­
down num bers and started playing puter m anaged to do som ething th a t
them selves. And they did it wi­ was beyond the power of m an: ha­
th o u t losing. M arvellous! U nexplainab­ ving processed some m illions of num ­
le! bers it guessed several accurate w in­
The journalists started looking for ning com binations.
an explanation. And they th in k they True, m any specialists m aintain
found it. I t appears the young men th a t th is could happen only if the
wrote down w inning num bers, these roulette had some constant defect.
strange arrays of num bers, not for B ut even if th is was the case, it was
fun. Moreover, they encoded them not known either to the owners of

the casino or to the people who took W hat do we mean by the struggle
p a rt in the calculations. of one system against another? E xam ­
W hat was the am ount of calcula­ ples are m anifold in different fields.
tions the com puter had to perform? For instance, the theory of games can
This is not known. B ut some other be adapted for m ilita ry com m unica­
facts are. One American m athem ati­ tio n s’ purposes, to a n ti-aircraft de­
cian calculated th a t in order to find fence (of course, the problem s there
w inning com binations in the pip card are much more com plicated than the
game one would have to analyse 34 problem of the bombing mission th a t
m illion card com binations. True, this has been solved above), to problems
is beyond m an ’s faculties, b u t the facing a commander in action.
eager-to-win m athem atician got hold The work of an experimenter who
of a com puter. He set it to work on draws up a programme of action—a
a 10 thousand m an-hour program me, plan of experim ents—too, can be con­
and the com puter calculated some sidered from the viewpoint of the
“guaranteed to w in ” com binations. theory of games.
In the “Am erican case” the compu­ The experim ents m ay be conside­
ter program me (algorithm for the red to be a game between the scien­
search for combinations) was aimed tis t and the nervous system of the
a t increasing the chances of a favou­ anim al which he studies.
rable outcome of the game, and to The economist planning the work
achieve it the computer tested moun­ of a producing p lan t “play s” against
tains of num bers basing its play the moves of his “adversary” —the
against an im aginary rival on the consumer.
rules of the theory of games. It will In some respects the relations of
be reasonable for you to rem ark th at the sides (for exam ple, in the court)
there w asn’t much sense in creating can be considered to be a game in
a new branch of m athem atics just which the rivals strive to a tta in op­
- to help people win in the games of posite aim s.
chance. Of course, the theory of And in m ost cases in the games
games w asn’t created for the sake of we have to operate w ith numbers
this (le t’s note, by the way, th a t for and numbers again, to perform a
such games as roulette and lotto there m addening am ount of calcula­
doesn’t exist a programme of ac­ tions.
tion which would always give a s tric t­ So i t ’s not just by way of chance
ly definite w inning strategy). th a t computers are being tau g h t to
Games of chance, models of games play different games: dominoes, che­
play the p art of guinea pigs which quers, fifteen and, of course, chess.
serve to test much more im portant Chess, boasting of an astronom ical
problems of the theory of number of variants of the gam e­
games. some 2 -10116!—open up a wide scope
Specialists in cybernetics try to for research.
evolve w ith the aid of the theory of The com puter m atch between the
games a rational line of conduct for American and the Soviet chess pro­
all sorts of systems struggling against grammes continued for a whole year.
some other system . The scientists attached great im por-
9 — G16

tance to com puters’ skill displayed ta n t scientific, industrial and m ili­

in the m atch, since the solution of tary problems.
some complex problem s in the theory Now you see why the m athem ati­
of games depended on the “chess­ cians play the “Reds against Blues”
playing ta le n ts ” of the com puters, game on paper and teach electronic
i.e. on the programmes compiled by computers to play various games w ith
the m athem aticians, and this, in turn, expert skill, so th a t they would make
could help in the solution of im por­ an experienced top-grade rivals.

H W hy This W ay and N o t T hat?

I t ’s easy to guess th a t the science

of heuristics derives its name from
HEURISTICS the world-famous exclam ation of
Archimedes: “E u rek a!”— “I have
The science found!”
th a t studies the laws W hat does this science study,
w h a t’s its subject?
of creative activity. I t studies creative activ ity . A m an,
referred to as creative, creates
som ething personal, som ething diffe­
rent from w hat others have done: he
composes symphonies, w rites poems,
paints pictures, makes scientific ex­
perim ents and inventions.
Though the v a lid ity of such a con­
cept of c reativ ity is not to be denied,
it is, as yet, too lim ited. To think
of it, a doctor prescribing a cure to
his patient solves his problem crea­
tiv ely . A detective investigating a
crim e also uses his creative abilities.
A turner thinking of the way to
improve the cu ttin g tool for his lathe
form ulates a problem to be solved
Thus, the term creative activ ity
should be taken to mean such a way
of thinking which gives man a new
system of action; makes him act in
a new m anner; discloses laws of na­
ture previously unknown; makes
m an search for new inform ation in
order to use it.
H euristics strives to penetrate into
the secrets of creative activ ity , dis­
close technological m ethods pe­
culiar to creative process, form ulate
its laws. I t was by a step-by-step
process th a t people came to underst­
and the essence of creative, or as it
is termed by specialists, heuristic,

Previously it was assumed th a t v ity to be m ade w ith the aid of

there were no methods in such a ctiv i­ models. A prom inent place among
ty , it being a m atter of inspiration. these belongs to chess, which is
B ut as the laws of thinking were tru ly the acid test for m odelling
established people began to discern thought. This is because chess is
the basic principles of creativity, rich in conditions and possibilities—
and to try to find ways of explaining the num ber of possible com binations
this interesting and sophisticated phe­ of figures on the 64 squares of the
nomenon. chessboard is too great to be fma-
A t first scientists presumed th a t a g in e d - 2 .1 0 116.
whole crop of associations springs up In cybernetics every position of
in the m ind, and they determ ine chess figures is presumed to corres­
the creative ab ility . pond to a cross-point of a lab y rin th .
B ut it was soon understood th a t W hy m ake a lab y rin th out of chess?
associations cannot account for new L e t’s first recollect a funny epi­
previously unknown solutions. A more sode from Jerom e K. Jerom e’s book
complete and accurate explanation Three M en in a Boat about H arris
was to be found. The result was the in the H am pton-court lab y rin th .
trial-and-error m ethod. In essence the “W e’ll ju st go in there, so th a t
method consists in obtaining a solu­ you can say y o u ’ve been, b u t i t ’s
tion through a series of probes, the « very sim ple. I t ’s absurd to call it
erroneous probes being discarded. a maze. You keep on tak in g the first
Then came the turn of another tu rning to the right. W e’ll ju st walk
tre n d —“G estalt-psychology” . Here round for ten m inutes, and then go
the conduct of a m an, his a ctiv ity , and get some lu n ch ,” im peached H ar­
is determ ined by his vision of the ris his relative.
interconnection of elem ents in the B ut, alas! Not only did he lose
problem to be solved. his way, b u t he led astray people
These were not the only trends in whom he undertook to help out of
the efforts to explain the nature of the lab y rin th .
c reativ ity . N either individually nor In accordance w ith his tactics H ar­
collectively could they present a clear ris always took the rig h t tu rn . Time
picture of this m arvellous faculty w ent by as the p arty under his lea­
of man. dership sought in vain for the exit
W ith the appearance of cybernetics from the la b y rin th throughout the
it was n a tu ra l to apply its approach m orning. Even when they changed
to problem s of creativ ity . th eir ta c tic s—now they turned in­
The m ain questions of interest to d iscrim inately—all th eir ways brought
specialists in cybernetics were: them back to the centre. This
w hat is thought; w hat are the pe­ continued w ith such regularity th a t
culiarities of creative forms of b ra in ’s some members of the p arty sim ply
work; how does the brain arrive a t stayed where they were and w aited
new solutions? u n til the rest returned after their
E lectronic com puters were of m ajor stroll.
help in solving these problem s. They Poor H arris d id n ’t know as he
enabled the study of heuristic acti­ strayed from one crossing of the la-

b y rinth to another th a t thereby he mes were based on the results of the

was dem onstrating the use of the studies of the process of problem
creative m ethod of tria l and error solu tio n —of heuristic a c tiv itie s —of
and th a t if he could try out all man.
possible ways he would solve the According to the authors of the
problem . B ut here the lim it is set new m ethod, the task before them
by tim e, and this, of course, will arose “m ainly out of the desire to
exceed ten m inutes allotted for the understand the essence of complex
purpose by H arris. transform ations leading to the suc­
So, if all the varian ts of “in -o u t” cessful solution of problem s. For
ways are tried out, the problem will instance, it was our wish to und erst­
be solved. and how the m athem atician arrives
And now see if you can try out a t the proof of a theorem not know­
all ways of a lab y rin th w ith 2-10116 ing from the s ta rt how to solve the
crossings. problem or even if he w ill be able
This is why “test po ssib ilities” of to solve it a t a ll” .
chess are so a ttrac tiv e for specialists The most im p o rtan t th in g in a
in cybernetics. N atu rally , m an doesn’t heuristic program me is the strategy
try out all v a ria n ts—he makes use of the search for solution.
of some other m ethods to cut short The com puter working to a progra­
the way to solution. mme assesses the results of in te r­
Nowadays specialists in cybernetics m ediate operations and accum ulates
try to rise above the sim ple “try -o u t” in th is way ad d itio n al inform ation.
m ethod and to approach the creative H euristic program m es discard se­
m ethod of solving problem s. This arch varian ts which do not promise
they try to do w ith the aid of success and concentrate on searching
heuristic program mes. The name for a solution in the directions where
speaks for itself. Com puter program ­ such a solution exists.

Here is a diagram of a lab y rin th and its crossings. I t will serve as an introduc­
tion to one of heuristic programmes called “the universal problem so lv er”.
The solution of the problem of exit from the lab y rin th by the “try -o u t” pro­
gramme would involve the testing of all v a ria n ts —even those th a t are known to
be senseless, such as w alking around a crossing. In heuristic programmes chance
elem ents are also present, such as arrival a t a “good” crossing by chance.
To cut the num ber of crossings (or ways) being tried out “the universal pro­
blem solver” makes use of the term inal crossing of the labyrinth-problem and
of the distance to this term inal crossing.
The com puter begins its work according to programme by testing variants
issuing from the entry. The testing continues u n til the programme reaches a cross­
ing nearest to the term inal. In our diagram we denote such a crossing by B„.
Then testing begins anew and results in a new jum p—nearer to the term inal.
Now our programme has reached the crossing C3. New tests, followed by a new
134 C Y B E R N E T IC S A TO Z

A diagram of a labyrinth and its crossings.

jum p. And so on u n til in the course of some test the programme reaches the ter­
m inal D e. T hus the last jum p leads to a successful solution of the problem.
Have you noticed th a t “the universal problem solver” divides a problem into
several sim p ler problems? T h a t’s w hat makes it different.
But have you noticed as well th a t notw ithstanding the difference of heuristic
programmes from sim ple “try -o u t” programmes the test m ethod still plays a
big p art in th e “universal problem solver”? So it tu rn s out th a t the com puter
can tackle su c h problem s only because it works very fast. A m an working much
more slow ly (a hundred, or a thousand tim es slower) can, on the other hand,
successfully solve problems of the “chess ty p e ”.
This conclusion makes some specialists cast doubt on the universal v alidity
of heuristic programmes. In th eir opinion creative heuristic activ ity of m an can-

not be a ttrib u te d merely to heuristic

programming which helps to cut down
the num ber of possible variants. I t ’s
more probable th a t m an works out his
strategy on the basis of a quite
different process.
W hat is this process?
L e t’s return to chess. A position in
the m iddle game can be taken as the
entrance to the chess lab y rin th and
mate as the exit. Hence there are
numerous entries and exits in chess,
and the num ber of ways leading from
each entry to each exit is so great
th a t in testing variants one runs into
gigantic num bers.
Some interesting experim ents w ith
chess have been carried out a t the
In stitu te of Psychology of the Academy
of Pedagogical Science. They lead to
the assum ption th at heuristic activity
of m an is based on the construction
of situ a tio n models. For instance,
looking at a com plicated chess posi­
tion m an of all the figures chooses
only those the interconnection of
which is to be established. Thereby
he a t a stroke discards m any moves
and shortens his “wandering through
the la b y rin th ” . In this way m an for­
m ulates his strategy of behaviour arri­
ving through the models of individual
elem ents at the situation as a whole.
In other words, the crux of the m at­
ter is how the m an sees the whole
problem and the individual elements
of the problem.

The diagram at the top depicts the movements

of a chess-player’s eyes when he tries to me­
morize the position. Below are the move­
ments of the eyes of a chess-player solving
a chess problem.

I t is true th a t up to now heuristic pected situ a tio n . This was the idea
program m ing has, too, failed to d i­ behind the fam ous “electro n ic” chess
vulge com pletely the mechanism s of m atch between the Soviet and
hum an creative a c tiv ity . B ut a great A m erican com puters which took place
stride forward in th is direction has in 1966-67.
been made: new program m ing p rin ­ A m erican scientists in all games
ciples have led to the idea of study­ adhered to a single heuristic pro­
ing the work of the brain on a new, gramme. Soviet scientists used two pro­
interm ediate level—on the level of gram m es—one sim plified, another, in
inform ation processes. This w ill make th eir opinion, more sophisticated. This
i t possible to link inform ation pro­ opinion proved rig h t—the second So­
cessing w ith the physiology of the viet program me won.
brain. This m atch rig h t from the sta rt
This m ethod has been compared took on the character not of a sports
to the m ethod, used in chem istry, game, b u t of com paring scientific
of decomposing complex chem ical ideas. As is often the case in cyber­
compounds into sim ple elem ents. netics, chess was used to test the
H euristic program m ing and heu­ principles of heuristic program m ing
ristics as a whole are of special im ­ w ith the aim of increasing the capa­
portance for the progress in electro­ b ilitie s of com puters in a wide field
nic com puters. Before the advent of of th eir application.
heuristic program mes electronic com­ Look a t a m odern com puter centre.
puters were able to solve only pro­ Even in such a highly autom ated
blem s rigorously lim ited by m athe­ p lan t m any prelim inary operations
m atical description. Now it appears are m ade “by h a n d ”. H euristic pro­
possible to solve problem s devoid of grammes w ill p u t an end to this.
such a description. The possibility w ill become real of
From the point of view of heuris­ going over from p a rtia l autom ation of
tics m odern electronic com puters have “w hite c o lla r” work to full autom ation.
m any deficiences: they are s tra ig h t­ In the opinion of specialists, the
forw ard, u n in tellig en t, inflexible, not use of heuristic program mes in me­
clever, etc. dicine, transport, astronautics, phy­
The role assigned to heuristic pro­ siology and neurophysiology, produc­
gram m es is to find m eans of m aking tion control and m any other im por­
the com puter sharp and clever, ca­ ta n t fields of science and technology
pable of finding its way in an unex­ w ill be very effective.
I W hat Is W hat?

IDENTIFICATION Nobody wonders a t one of the most

OF IMAGES m arvellous faculties of m an—the ab i­
lity to recognize objects. No sooner
have we seen, than we already know
The theory and principles w hat is before us: a ship, a b u t­
of systems terfly, a cup, an elephant, etc. We
recognize it in sta n tly and unerringly,
capable of recognizing objects, be it the object itself or its reduced
phenomena and situations or enlarged image.
This am azing faculty is no wonder
and of grouping them
to us; its loss, on the other hand, is
into images. considered to be u n n a tu ra l, to be a
sym ptom of a m alad y —
We live surrounded by im ages—by
phenomena, by objects, by situations.
W hen we perceive them we alw ays
com bine sim ilar images into groups—
classify them . F requently groups of
sim ilar images contain quite diffe­
rent objects, b u t som ething in them
m ust be sim ilar, some of th eir basic
principles m ust be identical.
L e t’s take ABC letters as an exam ­
ple. No m atte r in w hat “d ifficu lt”
handw riting they m ay be w ritten , we
shall always recognize the le tte r “y ”
as the le tte r “y ” , the le tte r “d ” as
the le tte r “d ” , the le tte r “z ” as the
le tte r “z ” .
Or l e t ’s compare two quite diffe­
ren t drawings: a hum an p o rtra it drawn
by an a rtist and a picture drawn
by a child. The difference is s tr i­
king, yet there is a likeness as well:
nobody w ill be in doubt th a t both
a rtis ts —the grown-up and the ch ild —
have depicted a m an.
These exam ples w ill suffice. You
m ay say th a t all th is is evident and
does not need explaining.
E vident? Is it really so?
138 C Y B E R N E T IC S A TO Z

V a r i a t i o n in Contrast Backgr ound Pol l ution

the s tr uc tur e variation variation a n d d a ma g e
o f t he si g n of t h e d i g i t

We call all the figures shown at the top the letter “A ”, despite the great difference of shape.
Any sign of the written language—a letter or a digit—may experience all sorts of distortion
in the course of writing.

M an' has the faculty of recognition cognition and revelation of its secrets.
from tim e im m em orial. And yet, up And here again we encounter a
to now scientists have not found paradox—one of m any th a t spring
out how he does it. How does he m a­ up when we deal w ith the riddles
nage on the basis of barely percep­ of hum an b rain , of hum an m entality:
tib le signs and frequently incom plete scientists d o n ’t know how m an builds
ch aracteristics to construct in his up an image, b u t they know the va­
b rain the concept of an image? Of lue of th is faculty. They m aintain
the im age th a t plays a m ajor p a rt th a t the perception of actual pheno­
in his perception of the surrounding m ena in the form of images enables
world and in the processes of its the memory to be used more sparin-

gly. This is because the image makes and other living organisms to iden­
it unnecessary for us to rem ember tify images. The a b ility to classify
innum erable concrete objects and phe­ complex situ atio n s in anim ate nature
nomena. The image, in p articu lar, is acquired through education. It
enables us to make use of accum ula­ is, therefore, advisable to apply the
ted experience. principle of education to the crea­
Scientists sta te a u tb o rita tiv e ty th at tion of classifying autom ata. The
w ithout the ab ility to group objects la tte r is possible even if the designer
into images we would be puzzled is in itia lly ignorant of the features
by every new phenomenon (just like co n stituting the basis of classifica­
the electronic com puter), since no tion, provided he disposes of an ade­
object, no phenomenon is an exact quate num ber of exam ples of situ a ­
rep etitio n , a precise copy of those tions being referred to a certain class. ”
we m et before. Since it was deemed possible in p rin ­
How do we acquire th is faculty, ciple to create an identifying m achine,
the value of which can h ard ly be scientists all over the world began
overestim ated? looking for ways to im plem ent the
Through education, of course. principle.
In the course of education, as his The Am erican cybernetician F. Ro-
experience accum ulates, m an learns senblueth b u ilt one of the first m a­
to classify w hat he sees, to recognize chines of th is kind and called it the
images. “perceptron” . The name stuck.
At th is stage scientists come face The “perceptrons” are reading m a­
to face w ith the question which is chines. The scientists worked long
quite unexpected to the laym an but and hard to educate the com puters.
quite legitim ate for a cybernetician: A t last, these “lite ra te ” autom ata
can the electronic com puter be were born. To tell the tru th , their
taught to model the process of image looks can hardly be distinguished
identification? from those of th eir “illite ra te ” b reth ­
We are tem pted to answer this ren—the same fam iliar narrow m etal
question w ith a citatio n from a spe­ cabinet. Only w ith “eyes” —screens.
cialized encyclopaedia publication: This optical eye of the photo-voltaic
“The so lv ab ility in principle of the cell scrutinizes the tex t and enables
image identification problem follows the m achine to identify the images
from the a b ility of hum an beings of letters.

L e t’s try to find out how the perceptron works.

L e t’s s ta rt w ith the Am erican m achine. There is a screen in fro n t—an artifi­
cial retina made up of four hundred photo-voltaic cells. The screen perceives the
image. The electric signals which are generated in the retin a when an image is
perceived reach the first row of “neurons” —electronic elem ents designed to mo­
del nerve cells. There is another “neuron” above th e m —the m ain n e u ro n —which
receives in p u t signals from the lower row. A special device provides “punish­
m en t” signals. This is the skeleton diagram of R osenblueth’s perceptron.
Now several letters are placed before the screen. They, n atu rally , vary in trans-
140 C Y B E R N E T IC S A T O Z

Random c o n n e c tio n s

R e c e iv in g d e v ic e N e u ro n s w ith O u tp u t u n its
am pl if ic a t io n

This is how a perceptron works. After the process of learning the letter “A ” has been repeated
many times to a satisfactory result, the system is “turned over” to the letter “B ”, and so on.

cription. However, the machine recognizes them , confidently distinguishes “a ”

from “b ” , “b ” from “c ” —in fact, any lette r from another.
Did it take long to teach the machine this art? Yes, quite long. At first the
perceptron made m any m istakes and was “punished” for them . W hen the m achi­
ne made a m istake, the operator pressed the “punishm ent” b u tton, and the sig­
nals of the wrong answer reaching the m ain “neuron” were attenuated. Then the
figures were again shown to the m achine, and its answers were assessed again.
W hen all signals assem bled to the “conference” presided over by the m ain “neu­
ro n ”, the “c u lp rits” were in m inority.
In this way the m achine heeding its own errors learned to identify images.
Soviet scientists devised a quite different principle of identifying images.
It is based on the hypothesis of com pact sets. L e t’s see w hat it is.
The teacher w ants to teach a youngster to identify an image, i.e. the lette r A.

An identifying machine based on the principle of “compact sets”. A point, corresponding to ►

the given letter, falls inside a definite field. The machine remembers the image the points of
which occupy this field, and identifies the letter.
T he not A
f ie ld
P o in t o f i :.:.
M A ♦»*.
/•;. g iv e n
b o u n d a ry ,
J.'-V- T he f ie ld o f *;
■■' a ll" A ” s



To this end he tells him about the features by which this letter m ay be recogni­
zed, for instance, by two inclined sticks w ith a cross-bar in between.
However, th e re ’s another way open to the teacher. He m ay lay out before the
pupil 20 different letters A and tell him th a t they all are A ’s. After th at he will
show him 20 letters B , 20 letters C, etc. And the pupil w ill begin to recognize
the letters unfailingly. He has evolved for himself the visual image of each le t­
ter and will not fail to recognize them , no m atter how they are w ritten.
The hypothesis of com pact sets is based on the assum ption th a t when man
sees^the lette r A a p o in t—the image of the le tte r —is in sta n tly fixed in his m ind.
W hen next tim e he is shown the same letter, h u t in a different handw riting, ano­
ther point is fixed in the v icinity of the first. The different transcriptions of the
le tte r —the th ird , the ten th , the hundredth are all reflected by corresponding
new points fixed in his m ind. B ut all these points are arranged in a com pact lot.
Lots of points th a t reflect the different transcriptions of B form another com­
pact set. The same happens w ith the images of other letters.
And each set is separated from the other by clearly defined boundaries—they
are divided by a sort of fence.
“ Is there a need for an identifying m achine?” y o u ’re going to ask.
Sincet>the “electronic calcu lato rs” work w ith the speed of lightning, it will
not be difficult for them to compare hundreds or even thousands of features of
various images w ith the standards th a t can be introduced into the computer
“m em o ry ” .
This is all true. B ut one sh o u ld n ’t forget th a t the capacity of the computer
“m em ory” is always lim ited. Moreover, there are no two images exactly alike
in the m inutest detail. I t turns out th a t, if all features are strictly taken into
account as should be done for a com puter, it is even impossible to find two iden­
tical type letters. W hat then rem ains to be done? To describe each image w ith
scrupulous precision? This is a to ta lly im practical task.
And there is still another obstacle: com puter operation according to “sta n ­
d a rd s” is impossible w ithout the collaboration of m an. I t ’s m an who has to des­
cribe the standard and provide a whole set of features by which the comparison
w ith the stan d ard should be m ade. The scientists, however, have set the goal
to teach the com puter to identify images by itself. This is no idle task aimed
only at solving an interesting theoretical problem, but one th a t w ill enable iden­
tifying machines to be used in practice.

The need for such m achines in relating to the properties of the stra ­
practice is very great. H e re ’s a vivid tum , assesses its electrical, rad iativ e
exam ple of the way in which a per- and geom etrical characteristics.
ceptron could be useful. Im agine a T here’s lite ra lly an ocean of com­
geologist who has to decide on the binations of characteristics th a t cor­
evidence of geological survey whe­ respond to an oil-bearing stratum .
ther a given stratu m is oil-bearing. A w ater-bearing stratu m , from which
The interpreter-geologist (there is the interp reter has to distinguish the
such a profession) analyses the data oil-bearing stratu m , has just as m any.

The task becomes im m ensely more of w’hich is a t present estim ated as

difficult because there are no rules being equivalent to several billion
in geophysics for classifying the s tra ­ words; to autom ate the sorting of
tum as w ater- or oil-bearing. And letters a t the post-office; to process
this gives rise to m istakes—a very bank documents; to autom ate type
considerable proportion of them , from setting, etc.
5 to 80% . No wonder, then, th a t the O bviously, mechanized tran slatio n ,
possibility of settin g up an autom a­ too, w ill be greatly facilitated .
tic classifying system is being close­ There is another point, as w ell, to
ly studied. Such a system using the exploitation of identifying m a­
definite characteristics would be able chines. H aving started by im ita tin g
to solve the problem of oil content m an ’s a b ility to perceive images of
in the stra tu m infinitely more accu­ the world around him , the percep-
rately. trons w ill end by helping to reveal
The nature of inform ation autom a­ the m echanism by which m an “builds
ta , too, would experience a great u p ” images, classifies phenomena,
change. The m achine wTould be able events and objects.
to operate a t sight. This would ob­ There are different roads along
viate the tra n sla tio n of the te x t from which scientists of various speciali­
the “hum an into the m achine lan­ ties approach the solution of the pro­
guage”, and enable direct com m unica­ blems of identifying images, a pro­
tions w ith the m achine to be estab­ blem th a t is im portant both in p rin ­
lished. ciple and in practice.
W ith the aid of the identifying This is unavoidable and justifiable
m achine it w ill be possible to auto­ since the task of creating identifying
m ate the recording of reference data m achines is extrem ely difficult.
for electronic com puters the am ount

“ Mushrooming."

The isolation The Am erican com puter nicknam ed

of characteristics “B rick ” because of its sm all size,
hasn’t as yet learned to speak. How­
which unam biguously define ever, it can identify spoken words
a sound of speech. which have som ething to do w ith
arithm etic.
The “ B rick ” is quite fastidious.
I t c a n ’t stand poor pronunciation
and dem ands precise and clear dic­
tion. Probably, for this reason it
cannot very well understand words
addressed to it by women. For the
sake of fairness to avoid being too
L e t's Talk Like H um an Beings captious to the “B rick ” it should be
remembered th a t another representa­
tive of the breed of talk in g machines,
M an. Were you glad it rained this too, has a “capricious” character. It
afternoon? “liv es” at the In stitu te of L inguis­
Machine. No, I prefer sunny w eather. tics of the Georgian Academy of
M an. In hot w eather m an needs at Sciences. I t was tau g h t to pronounce
least one bath a day. words and phrases in the Georgian
Machine. Yes, I was outdoors and language. I t coped well w ith this
suffered from heat. task. Then an attem p t was made to
M an. W hen Xm as comes it w ill be “ tu n e ” it over to R ussian speech__
cold. It spoke w ith a peculiar southern
Machine. Cold? Yes, i t ’s usually cold accent.
in December. To “teach ” the com puter to speak
M an. Today the w eather is fine. w ith m an scientists spend a lot of
W ill it continue so for a long tim e and resources “stuffing” the
time? com puter m em ory w ith huge infor­
Machine. P erm it me to refrain from m ation.
lying. T hat would better su it a There is no end to inform ation th a t
salesm an. How can rainy weather the com puter working to a programme
be fine? deferentially called “S ir” had to d i­
This dialogue between man and gest before it could answer a question
m achine isn ’t an excerpt from a quite elem entary by our sta n d a rd s—
science-fiction story. It was conduc­ as to the num ber of fingers John has.
ted in plain English several years Isn ’t th a t really very in terestin g —
ago at the Toronto U niversity in a machine capable of listening to
Canada. and understanding hum an words? Na-

The sound wave producing Hie sound “A”. >

J__ J _____ i_____ i_____ i_____ i - - - 1______ i_____ ' i i
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0,06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1
T im e rs

tu rally , everybody would like to W hat takes place inside the m achi­
know how it can identify sounds. ne?
The answer is twofold: it is, a t the The processes are sim ilar to those
same tim e, easy and difficult to iden­ taking place when you ta lk over the
tify sounds. At first l e t ’s find out telephone or radio: sound oscillations
about the easy side—the acoustical, are transform ed into electric oscilla­
physical aspect of the problem . tions. Special filters filter them ac­
Sounds are, by n ature, vibrations cording to th eir frequencies. Then
of air, waves of varying length. Every th eir “p a tte rn ” is com pared w ith
sound is characterized by a corres­ th a t of the standards stored in the
ponding frequency. In consequence, m achine’s mem ory. This “p a tte rn ”—
sounds m ay be produced not neces­ the image of the sound—is the ave­
sarily w ith the aid of vocal chords, rage sound th a t the m achine has been
they m ay be synthesized. tau g h t to identify.
For th is purpose the m achine is The production of the p a tte rn is a
m ade to listen to words pronoun­ rath er difficult and m onotonous job.
ced m any tim es by the same person For instance, in one experim ent the
and by different persons. N atu rally , m an under test pronounced the sound
everybody pronounces the same word “a ” 100 tim es. The sound was des­
in his own m anner: the tim bre of cribed 100 tim es by 14 v arian ts of
the voice, the intonations, the p u rity pronunciation, also called images.
of pronunciation are all different. N ext the frequencies of appearance
The m achine has to “average” over of the resulting images were compa­
ind iv id u al pronunciations, exclude red. O ut of 14 v arian ts one was en­
individual hues, so th a t when it countered more often th an the others.
hears the fam iliar word in future it This image was recorded in the m a­
makes no m istake. ch in e’s memory.

The machine is taught to identify speech in various ways: by words, syllables,

phonemes (individual sounds).
The “B rick” , for exam ple, was tau g h t to identify words by the alteration of
voiced sounds and sib ilan ts. For this purpose the “B rick” has been supplied w ith
a special “separation c irc u it” where words are divided into groups according to
their characteristics. The words have to be distin ctly spoken into the microphone,
after which they are amplified. From the “separation circu its” the words
transform ed into pulses pass into the registers and the com puting cir­
Here the results of the separation are analysed. The num ber of the output
circuits m ust correspond to the num ber of words the m achine can iden­
The “B rick ” knows 16 words, 10 num bers and six special orders relatin g to arith ­
m etical operations w ith the num bers. I t m ust be adm itted th a t this work requires
a lot of m oney, resources, experim ents and tim e. And still, this is an easy job as
compared to obstacles cybernetics has to surm ount in solving the problem of iden­
tification of speech.

This is how speech is made “visible”. The microphone converts the sound into electric current
of corresponding frequencies. This current is passed through the frequency filter. Each filter cor­
responds to a definite sound pitch range. Small electric lamps are connected to the filters, and
their brightness changes with the changes in the current intensity.
The brightness changes are recorded on the light-sensitive film. Below are fourteen different
pictures obtained when the sound “A ” was pronounced 100 times.

Now l e t ’s tackle the subject of understood differently. Even a phrase

the difficult side of the problem . as sim ple as th a t: “The factory pro­
The m achine m ust be able not only duces tra c to rs” is too difficult for
to identify sounds, b ut to understand the m achine to understand. And ho­
speech. To understand speech is a monyms th a t sound identical b u t
to ta lly different m atter. A t present have different meanings? And im a­
the m achine cannot understand any ges, hyperboles, comparisons? How
of the living languages. can the m achine be made to under­
Alm ost any spoken phrase m ay be stand them?

The computer “Brick” identifies words by the alteration of voiced sounds and sibilants.

The m achine is not flexible, it is freedom, no flexibility, no allego­

awkward in perceiving words, unable ries!
to distinguish between the shades of I t is imm ensely difficult to over­
em otion and of m eaning. I t is inca­ come th is sem antic barrier, to make
pable of figurative thought: dry lo­ the m achine understand live hum an
gic, stric t unam biguity, rigorous pre­ speech! Scientists use various me­
cision—t h a t ’s w hat it needs, and no thods, try various “pedagogical devi-

The dictation typing machine identifies over fifty single-syllable words. Amplified sound is ►
passed through the filters where it is separated by frequencies and transmitted to the compari­
son block. Here the sound is re-coded into numbers. Next the digital cede is compared with the
codes of the syllables to be identified previously recorded in the “memory”. If the recordings
coincide, this means that the appropriate syllable has been found, and the machine prints it.

<8 ro m
< C C LU
oooooooo £
r rL U H oooooooo-
S I0 U U

S A B |0 y

ra m ti
DC •2
cu 8a)o
p +-■
f f f f f < s
< 0-0
m u m

o o o o o o o o
jo s s a jd d n s / < jv
0 S jO U p u B J 0 1 |iu i| ( \ )
o ,jo s s a jd u jo o pun0 $ V


ces” on th eir m etal pupils. Among tion of m an to the capabilities of

them the m ethod of the Soviet scien­ the com puter, as a sort of ‘getting
tis t Andrei Ershov has been recogni­ used to one an o th er’.
zed as the m ost effective. H ere’s “ ... The relationship between man
how the author him self describes the and com puter should be such th at
m ethod and the underlying principle. w ith each new task the com puter
“Suppose, the m achine ‘speaks’ would learn to understand better, so
some in p u t language th a t represents a th a t in case of sim ilar tasks the com­
sufficiently comprehensive form aliza­ puter would not repeat sim ilar ques­
tion of the R ussian language. Man tions.
ignorant of th is language addresses “In other words, the com puter
the m achine in any convenient form. should be made to retain in its electro­
The electronic com puter has a pro­ nic ‘m em ory’ the records of all its
gram m e which determ ines w hether conversations w ith m an and to use
the given tex t is comprehensible or the newly received tasks in its fu­
not. If the com puter understands the ture work. This is tantam o u n t to
te x t, it starts working on the problem . teaching com puter hum an language.”
If it fails to understand the tex t, it B ut in the m eantim e__ We speak
w ill ask additional questions laying w ith the com puter in the form t h a t ’s
stress on vague points. Y ou’ll ans­ convenient for it rath er th an for
wer, again in the form you w ill th ink ourselves. However, rapid progress of
best. These answers w ill be a kind com puter engineering and extensive
of paraphrase of the points the m a­ use of electronic control system s re­
chine failed to und erstan d —the same quire closer ties between m an and
ideas expressed in other words. H a­ com puter. Com m unications between
ving received these paraphrases the man and com puter m ust be made
m achine inserts them into the origi­ free of delays: m an says, the com­
nal te x t and analyses it again. If puter carries out. To achieve th is
anything still rem ains obscure, it end efforts are not being spared to
w ill again put additional questions. teach the com puter understand hu­
In this way a dialogue will sta rt man language.
between m an and m achine. In the The advantages of a close contact
course of this dialogue m an w ill between m an and com puter are un-
continue to sim plify the form ulation disputable.
of the task u n til the m achine under­ Ju st im agine how this would sim ­
stands it. plify the job of the specialists in
“Such a dialogue can be compared com puter tran slatio n . There would be
to th a t of a teacher and a negligent no more need for coders who convert
pupil. The pupil has no desire to the tex t into the num ber code. Just
understand w hat the teacher w ants read phrases d istin ctly and clearly
from him and continues asking que­ into the m icrophone—the com puter
stions u n til everything is spoonfed w ill understand everything.
to him. W ith the m achine the situ a ­ Or an inform ation m achine that
tion is more difficult. The dialogue having heard a question as to where,
of m an w ith the electronic com puter when, by whom, to whom, for w hat
m ay be characterized as the a d a p ta ­ invention a p aten t was issued would

in sta n tly hand you a precise and only the com puter program m ists who
comprehensive reference. have to conduct dialogues w ith the
Everyw here would there be room com puters, but inexperienced people,
for talk in g and understanding m achi­ as well: economists, who use them
nes. “E lectronic arithm om eters” wo­ in industry, controllers, supervising
uld perform arith m etical operations autom atic control system s. And in
on voice orders. Control system s wo­ the near future these w ill be supple­
uld receive oral inform ation, process m ented by m any other professions.
it and issue necessary commands. Today electronic com puters can per­
Such m achines could be employed in ceive dozens of spoken words. They
scientific research centres, in indus­ are like a sm all child th a t builds
try , in transport. up its vocabulary, learns to pronounce
And how great is the need for such words in order to s ta rt speaking “like
machines! A lready now it is not everybody” .

" B u t I'v e ordered sau sages . .


Intelligence either widened or extrem ely nar­

about the am bient world The original m eaning—“n o ta tio n ” ,
and about processes “concept” , “o u tlin e ”—was la te r tra n s­
taking place in it formed into “in telligence” , “data
transm ission” . In recent years scien­
obtained by living organisms, tists decided th a t the general percep­
control machines tion of the word “inform ation” is
too “e la stic ” and reduced it to the
and other systems in the course “measure of certain ty of in te lli­
of th eir life or their work. gence” .
W h a t’s the reason for such evolu­
tions in the m eaning of the word
“inform ation”? The reason is its ra ­
th er strange character, its elasticity
N o t a Substance and N o t Energy th a t is so loathsom e to the scien­
tis t.
And y et, th is concept is so definite
You wake up in the m orning and th a t it is recognized as one of the
find yourself in the world of infor­ m ain subjects studied by cybernetics,
m ation: when you see, you receive and th a t a separate branch of scien­
inform ation; when you hear you re­ ce—the theory of inform ation—dea­
ceive inform ation; when you talk , ling w ith the problem s of collecting,
you receive inform ation. tran sm ittin g , storing, processing and
Inform ation is brought to you by calculating inform ation has been ere
books, m agazines, newspapers, adver­ ated.
tisem ents, cinem a, theatres, radio, No m atte r w hat are the variations
television... the lis t is too long to in the m eaning of the word “inform a­
be continued. tio n ” , the im p o rtan t th in g rem ains
Man has been surrounded by infor­ th a t it carries intelligence, tells us
m ation from tim e im m em orial. There som ething, m akes us acquainted w ith
is every reason to define inform ation som ething, i.e. puts an end to the
as a data system of the world around lack of knowledge, destroys uncer­
us. ta in ty .
The whole process of cognition con­ P ractical requirem ents were respon­
sists in receiving, processing, recor­ sible for the appearance of the theory
ding and tra n sm ittin g inform ation of inform ation. By the second half
about th is reality. As knowledge de­ of the 20th century the globe was,
velops these data become more com­ so to speak, hum m ing w ith inform a­
plete. tion being tran sm itted along telepho­
The word “inform ation” stem s from ne and telegraph cables and radio
the L atin. D uring its long life it channels.
underw ent considerable evolution, in L ately they were supplem ented by
the course of which its bounds were inform ation processing m achines such

as control and m athem atical m a­ words, ships, stars, e tc .—always 10 0 +

chines. + 20= 120.)
Here, too, the peculiar character of “Our definition of the am ount of
information made itself felt. W hen in fo rm atio n ,” scientists state a u th o ­
designing or operating com m unication rita tiv e ly , “is extraordinarily useful
systems or channels the engineer can­ and practical. I t exactly corresponds
not lim it him self w ith the solution to the problems of the com m unica­
of physical and power problem s. From tions engineer who has to tran sm it
these points of view the system may the full tex t of a telegram , no m atter
be quite perfect and economical. But w hat the value of th is inform ation
if the designers of the tran sm ittin g is to the re c ip ie n t.”
system did not pay a tte n tio n to the A com m unications channel has no
volume of inform ation being tra n s­ soul.
m itted by it, it w ill not be w orth a And this is not only because it is
dime. an “unanim ated system ” , but also
D on’t wonder. Inform ation can be because it is indifferent to the in­
measured q u a n tita tiv e ly , can be cal­ form ation it transm its: be it joy or
culated. One goes about such calcu­ sorrow, news about b irth or about
lations in quite the usual way: by death. One thing is im portant to the
abstracting from the contents of in­ transm ission system —to tran sm it the
form ation, just as the concrete m ea­ required am ount of inform ation.
ning is ignored in fam iliar arithm e­ How is the am ount of inform ation
tical operations (for exam ple, when in a concrete message to be calcu­
we add two apples and three apples, lated?
we tu rn to adding num bers in gene­ The evaluation of the am ount of
ral 2 + 3 ). inform ation is based on the laws of
Scientists are not afraid to concede the theory of probability. This is
th a t they have “to ta lly ignored the quite understandable. A message is
hum an value of info rm atio n ” . They valuable, it carries inform ation only
a ttrib u te a definite value of inform a­ if we learn from it of the outcome of
tion to, say, a sequence of 100 le t­ some event of a casual character, if
ters, no m atte r whether it has any it is to some extent unexpected.
sense or not, and w ithout regard to A message, the contents of which are
the practical application of this sense. known to us, does not contain any
This q u a n tita tiv e s ta tistic a l approach inform ation.
is the best developed branch of If anyone rings you up and says
the inform ation theory. “today is S aturday, tomorrow w ill
As scientists say: “According to be S unday” , such inform ation w ill
our definition a sequence of 100 le t­ strike you not by its novelty b u t by
te rs—be it an extract a hundred le t­ its absurdity. Q uite another thing is,
ters long from a newspaper, a Sha­ for exam ple, the news of the outcome
kespeare play or E in ste in ’s theorem — of the final of the chess tournam ent.
contains an equal am ount of infor­ W ho’s going to w in—Ivanov or
m a tio n .” i Remember arithm etic. Petrov? Or is the game to be
There, too, it makes no difference drawn? Here the outcome depends on
w hether i t ’s apples, buildings, men, chance.

The greater the num ber of chance I t turns out th a t the am ount of
outcomes of an event, the more va­ inform ation is a m easure of the dec­
luable w ill be the news of its re­ rease in the un certain ty of some si­
sult, the more information will it tu atio n . To calculate it special for­
carry. mulae are used.
News of an event w ith two equally Different am ounts of inform ation
probable outcomes contains a u n it of are tran sm itted through com m unica­
inform ation called the b it. You have, tions channels. The am ount of in ­
probably, guessed th a t the choice of form ation passing through a channel
the u n it of inform ation was not ca­ cannot exceed its capacity. Vice ver­
sual. W ell, indeed, it is linked w ith sa, the capacity of a channel is de­
the m ost w idely used binary m ethod term ined by the am ount of infor­
of coding inform ation. m ation it can tra n sm it in a u n it of
L e t’s try to grasp the notion, a l­ tim e.
beit in the most elem entary form, You m ay remember how one of
of th is general principle of q u a n tita ­ Jules V erne’s personages, the journa­
tive evaluation of inform ation th a t lis t Gedeon S pillet was tra n sm ittin g
is the cornerstone of the entire th e­ over the telephone a chapter from
ory of inform ation. the Bible to prevent his rivals from
We know already th a t the am ount using the telephone. In this case the
of inform ation depends on the proba­ channel was fully loaded, b u t the
b ility of specific outcomes. If an am ount of inform ation passed was
event has, in the words of scientists, zero, since the recipient received in­
two equally probable outcomes, this telligence th a t had already been
means th a t the pro b ab ility of each known to him . This means th a t the
outcome is equal to 1/2. Such is channel was “id lin g ” , passing a
the p robability of heads or tails fal­ definite num ber of pulses th a t
ling out, when a coin is throw n. were not loaded w ith any inform a­
If an event has three equally probable tion.
outcomes, as in our exam ple w ith the
chess tournam ent, the p robability of A t the same tim e, the greater the
each is equal to 1/3. Notice th a t the am ount of inform ation carried by
sum of the probabilities of all out­ each of the definite num ber of pul­
comes is always u n ity , since one of ses, the more efficient is the use of
all the possible outcomes w ill cer­ the channel’s capacity. B ut in order
ta in ly m aterialize. to achieve such results inform ation
An event, as you understand, can should be coded ratio n ally , and an
have outcomes th a t are not equally economical, concise language should
probable. Thus, in a football m atch be devised for the transm ission of
between a stronger and a weaker intelligence.
team the p robability of the victory For th is purpose inform ation is
of a stronger team is g rea t—say, 4/5. thoroughly “ filtered” . To cite an
The p robability of a draw is much exam ple, in the telegraph code let­
less, say, 3/20. The pro b ab ility of ters, le tte r com binations and even
defeat is, on the other hand, quite entire phrases in frequent use are
sm all. represented by a shorter sequence of

by P e tro v ” , th is error w ill change

the entire m eaning of the message.
To im prove re lia b ility of inform ation
transm ission and processing one has
to introduce additional symbols th a t
serve for protection against interfe­
rence. These surplus symbols carry no
actual inform ation in the intelligence,
they are redundant.
From the standpoint of the infor­
m ation theory everything th a t makes
the language colourful, flexible, rich
in nuances, ambiguous is a redun­
How full of redundancies T aty a­
n a ’s lette r to Onegin (in Push­
k in ’s Eugene Onegin) would be from
th is standpoint! How m any infor­
m ation “surpluses” it contains for
the short and quite comprehensive
Illustrating redundancy. I t ’s maximum in
the first ease—equal to unity; in the second statem ent: “I love you!”
i t ’s one half; in the third i t ’s zero. In this connection it is appropriate
to recollect an anecdote told by the
units and zeros than those th a t come famous Am erican scientist F ranklin
up less frequently. about a h a tte r who convened his
However, i t often happens in p rac ­ friends to discuss the design of a
tice th a t intelligence sent w ith a signboard.
code established as a result of most He planned a signboard w ith the
severe “ filtering”, w ith a code t h a t ’s picture of a h a t and an inscription:
quite convenient and economical, can
be distorted because of interference, JOHN THOMPSON,
which, unhappily, is always present the hatter
in com m unications channels (atm os­ makes and sells hats for cash
pherics in radio, black-out of the
image in television, transm ission er­
rors in telegraph). This interference, One of the friends rem arked th a t
or noise, as specialists call it, attacks the words “for cash” should be drop­
inform ation, and th is sometimes ped, for such insistence is insulting
brings surprises. to the buyer.
A m agnetic storm can so d isto rt a A nother found the word “sells”
telegram th a t instead of “I love y o u ” useless, since it stands to reason th a t
it w ill read “I k ill y o u ” . a h a tte r sells h ats and does not hand
If our message “The game has them out free.
been won by Iv an o v ” , coded 01, as The th ird thought the words “h a t­
a result of interference w ill turn te r ” and “makes h a ts ” useless ta u to ­
into 00, “The game has been won logy, and the la tte r were deleted.

The fourth suggested th a t the word the end, only the h at was retained
“h a tte r ” be deleted, too, since the on the signboard.
h at on the signboard leaves no doubt Of course, if people were to use
as to the progression of John Thom p­ only the economical codes w ithout
son. redundancies in intelligence, all “in­
F inally, the fifth stated th a t it form ational form s”—books, reports,
was none of the buyer’s business w heth­ papers—would be extrem ely concise.
er the h a tte r’s name was John Thom p­ B ut they would lose in c la rity and
son, and advised to drop it. So, in elegance.

L e t’s discuss the block diagram of an information transmission system.

Every event, every phenomenon can serve as a source of inform ation. In th is
case the word “source” is quite accurate, since this is the origin of the inform ation
stream .
Every event, every phenomenon can be expressed by different m eans, by a
different “ABC” . To tran sm it it in the best way possible—accurately and econo­
m ically—i t should be appropriately coded. Inform ation cannot exist w ithout so­
me m aterial carrier, w ithout energy transport. Coded inform ation assumes the
form of signals. They are the carriers th a t flow along the com m unications chan­
nel. A t the receiving end the signals m ust again assume a comprehensible

Information transmission diagram.


To th is end the signals are sent through a decoding device, after which they
become intelligence to the recipient.
The com m unications system has worked, the aim has been attained.
A ll the tim e we are speaking about com m unications channels using for the most
p art the telegraph as an example. B ut com m unications channels is a very wide
concept th a t includes numerous quite different system s, th is difference being
sometim es too great to be expected. To m ake the abundance of meanings of the
“com m unications channel” concept clear a few additional examples w ill suffice.
L e t’s look from th is point of view at the telephone. The speaker is the source
of intelligence in telephone com m unications. The coding device th a t turns the
sounds of words in to electrical pulses is the m icrophone. The inform ation trans­
mission channel is the telephone cable. The earphone works as the decoding devi­
ce. Here the electrical signals are again turned into sounds. And finally, the in­
form ation reaches the “receiving device” —m a n ’s ear at the other end of the
Here is a com m unications channel of a quite different n a tu re —the live nerve.
Here, too, as in the technical system , the process of transm ission is the same for
all intelligence. True, th e re ’s a difference, since in the technical system the direcr
tion of inform ation transm ission can be changed, while in the nervous system such
a change is impossible.
And yet another exam ple—the com puter. The m ain features are again sim ilar.
The inform ation from one individual part of the com puter to another is tran s­
m itted w ith the aid of signals. The com puter is an autom atic device for processing

C h annel


D e c o d in g d e v i c e O u tp u t m e s s a g e

inform ation in the same way as a m achine tool is a device for processing m etal.
The com puter does not create any new inform ation, it only transform s inform ation
fed into it.

We know already th a t the q u a n ti­ Some passengers are travelling in a

ta tiv e approach is one of the most bus. The driver announces the name
developed and widespread trends of of the bus-stop. Several passengers
the inform ation theory. There are get out, the rest pay no a tte n tio n to
other approaches, as well. They, as the words of the driver, to the infor­
distin ct from the q u a n tita tiv e appro­ m ation addressed to them . Why?
ach, try to grasp the m eaning of Because, as specialists say, for dif­
inform ation, its value, its qua­ ferent recipients—this tim e they are
lity . the passengers of the b u s—the infor­
Indeed, the case is not rare when m ation is of different value. Those
the am ount of inform ation contained for whom the inform ation was v a ­
in two item s is identical and the luable got out of the bus. Consequent­
m eaning quite different. For example ly, the value of inform ation m ay
two words “ton” and “n o t” contain be defined as its a b ility to in ­
equal am ounts of inform ation, since fluence the behaviour of the reci­
they are made up of the same letters, pient.
b u t their m eaning is different. In the opinion of scientists,
In everyday life our evaluation of m odern trends in the theory of infor­
the intelligence received is based, as m ation w ill in fu tu re be supplem en­
a rule, on its m eaning. We perceive ted by new approaches, and new
new intelligence not as definite am ­ ideas w ill appear.
ounts of inform ation, b u t as new The “vivacious”, growing nature of
contents. th is branch of science, the speed and
Look from this point of view at thoroughness w ith which it enters
the item “T here’s vegetation on diverse fields of hum an knowledge is
E a rth ”. Does it contain inform ation? proof of these anticipations. It has
C ertainly not, since its contents are already penetrated physics, chem is­
not new. And now you transm it: try , biology, m edicine, philosophy,
“T here’s vegetation on Mars”. This linguistics, pedagogics, economics, lo­
item contains inform ation, because it gic, the technical sciences, aesthetics.
reflects the p robability of knowled­ This is, ad m itted ly , a good s ta rt for
ge, the possibility of the phenomenon, a young science.
not a th ing known to everybody. I t can therefore be accepted (and
Can the m eaning of inform ation be it is acknowledged by experts) th a t
computed and its contents in a mes­ the science of inform ation, having
sage be calculated? This is w hat the been born out of the requirem ents of
sem antic theory of inform ation tries communications theory and cyber­
to do. netics, in the course of tim e (and
H e re ’s another exam ple and anoth­ pretty soon, at that) transgressed the
er trend in th is branch of science. bounds of these sciences.
This is the pragm atic-business-like And nowadays we are, probably, en­
trend. title d to speak of inform ation as a new

scientific concept th a t provides the non-living nature, w ith society and

research worker w ith a new theory-of- knowledge. It w ill not only throw
inform ation m ethod. This method will lig h t on new sides of the problems,
open up roads into m any branches b u t w ill enable things heretofore un­
of science dealing w ith living and seen to be seen.
J The “ T a lk in g ” Holes

JACQUARD’S METHOD One out of num erous devices which

had, apparently, nothing to do w ith
The Jacquard m ethod, calculating m achines, proved to be
of special value for the autom ation
or the method of perforations, of the technique of calculations.
is the method In E u ro p e’s storm y days, when
of recording inform ation Napoleon conquered one land after
another and his arm y was in great
by punching holes (perforations) need of fabric, the French inventor
in inform ation carriers Joseph M arie Jacquard, a son of a
Lyons weaver, decided to autom ate
such as punch-cards the loom. He was tenacious and got
or punch-tape. his w ay—he m anaged to build a
loom th a t even won a medal a t the
Paris exhibition. Soon there were
over 10 thousand such looms working
in France.
Jacquard succeeded in finding a
m ethod of influencing the intricate
workings of different m echanism s. The
inventor devised a set of cardboard
cards w ith different sets of holes.
The holes served to designate the
working order of the loom . The cards
were passed under probes. W hen a
probe m et a hole it went down and
w ith the aid of special devices m ani­
pulated the thread. In tric a te patterns
could be woven in th is m anner.
The m ethod of control by means
of perforations in cards or tape pro­
ved very efficient and soon was wide­
ly used in m achines the intricate
m ovements of whose mechanisms re­
quired coordination.
The new m ethod was used in m usi­
cal autom ata, in telegraph appara­
tus, in type-setting m achines. A me­
chanical piano (pianola) was b u ilt,
in which punch-tape was used to

control the action of ham m ers in He drew up another project, a bolder

h ittin g th e keys. one th an the previous. This was the
“If w ith the aid of perforations it “analytical m achine” which became
is possible to control m achine tools, the prototype of m odern high-speed
aggregates, m usical instrum ents, why com puters. The project envisaged it
not use punch-cards to feed num bers as consisting of three parts: the first,
into calculating m achines and to con­ called “depot” by Babbage, w ith the
trol them ?” inquired scientists. aid of counters recorded and stored
The Englishm an Charles Babbage, num bers; the second—the “factory” —
the dean of the m athem atical faculty at was to operate w ith num bers taken
the U niversity of Cam bridge—the out of the “depot” , and the third
faculty once headed by N ew ton—was which was not named by the inventor
one of those who pioneered in the b u t w hich could be called the “office”
construction of calculating machines controlled the sequence of operations,
em ploying punch-cards. chose the num bers and directed the
Once in 1812 Babbage was looking results of calculations to appropriate
through the tables of logarithm s. He places.
knew they were full of m istakes, and Babbage estim ated his m achine to
reflected upon the way of avoiding be capable of 60 additions per m inute,
them in th e new edition. or of one m u ltip licatio n of two fifty­
He rem em bered th a t French scien­ d igit num bers, or of a division of a
tists had used a new m ethod to com­ hundred-digit num ber by a fifty-di­
pile other tables. They divided a git one. He planned the capacity of
complex problem into several sim ple the “depot” a t one thousand fifty­
operations, w hich am ounted to ad­ d ig it num bers.
d itio n and subtraction. These opera­ The calculating process could be
tions were performed by people who controlled w ith the aid of punch-
knew nothing of m athem atics, except cards. Probes, passing through holes
sim ple arithm etical operations. in the cards, set in m otion m echa­
Babbage decided to make calculat­ nism s th a t transported num bers from
ing machines perform these sim ple the “depot” to the “factory” and
operations. back.
In 1822 he b u ilt a sm all working Some parts of the machine were
model. The idea was enthusiastically m ade, presum ably, in B abbage’s life­
received by the B ritish R oyal Society. tim e. A fter his death the “factory”
W ith in a year grants were received, was p a rtly b u ilt by his son. A t pre­
a workshop b u ilt, and blue-prints sent the m achine is a t the London
ordered. B ut progress was slow. Diffi­ Science Museum.
c u ltie s were aggravated by the in­ Babbage had a clear notion where
ventor striv in g to introduce endless his m achine should be employed. He
im provem ents into the design. wanted to calculate m athem atical and
Some ten years passed, and B abba­ navigational tables, check logarithm
ge was left alone w ith his creation. tables, check astronom ical d ata, cal­
W ork was in terru p ted and in 1842 culate the m ean life of m an in Eng­
stopped altogether. land and solve m any other complex
But Babbage refused to surrender. problems.

Progressive-m inded people of the sus took place in E ngland. To increase

tim e hailed B abbage’s invention. The the speed and to reduce the costs of
fam ous w riter Edgar Poe wrote: processing the results engineer H o l­
“W hat should we th in k of B abbage’s lerith b u ilt a special adding m a­
calculating machine? W hat should chine and called it the tab u la to r.
we th in k of a m achine, made from This inventor, too, m ade use of
wood and m etal, which can not only the punch-card num ber in p u t system ,
calculate astronom ical and naviga­ b u t on a new basis. He profited by
tional tables of any required length, the advances in electrical engineering
b u t can even m ake the accuracy of and constructed his m achine on the
its operations m athem atically cer­ electrom echanical principle. I t re ta ­
ta in due to its a b ility to correct pos­ ined m echanical counters, b u t was
sible m istakes? W h at should we th in k controlled by electrical pulses.
of a m achine, which in addition to In H o lle rith ’s tab u la to r the punch-
all th is, can p rin t its own in tricate card was sensed by brushes made of
results, attained w ithout the slig h t­ th in wires. W hen brushes came ac­
est interference of m an ’s in te l­ ross holes in the punch-card, circuits
lect?” were closed, and electric pulses ap­
B abbage’s invention proved to be peared. These pulses were used to
ahead of its tim e. H is idea was not introduce the num bers and to con­
realized. However, the services ren­ trol the m achine.
dered by the scientist to the cause The first ta b u la to r was very prim i­
of com puter engineering are very tiv e, b u t, nevertheless, the problem
great. He developed the principles of autom atic count w ith the aid of
of organization and construction of punch-cards and of electric current
powerful autom atic calculators and was solved not only in principle, but
was the first to use the punch-card in practice, as w ell. A new leaf was
data put in the calculator. turned in the h istory of com puter
In the year 1890 a population cen­ engineering.

A set of modern punch-card computers is shown on pages 166-167. It consists

of two groups of m achines: for the preparation and prelim inary processing of the
punch-cards and for calculating operations. The m ost, so to speak, im portant m a­
chine of the set is the tab u lato r. N ot only can it count independently—add, m ul­
tip ly , divide num bers, autom atically combine these operations—b u t it can even
perform some logical operations. The m achine does this all w ith the aid of punch-
In the printing shop a num ber grid consisting of 80 columns of numbers is prin­
ted on the card. The numbers from 0 to 9 are arranged in each colum n from top
to bottom . These are the positions in which holes m ay be punched. Besides, the
card between the ninth and the eighth rows bears the num eration of the lines of
columns. In this form the cardboard rectangle is “m u te ” . To m ake it ta lk it is
necessary to punch holes in the positions of the colum ns. They are punched, or
perforated, w ith the aid of a special m achine, the perforator. After th a t the cards
J A C Q U A R D ’S M E T H O D 165

ua___ ______ I_____ " " " 1 1 1 _____J

— r » — r * f o r t r a H * ___

„, ^ ‘ ^ 1y ; .......i^ v tx u, ^“ 4^ A\\\ t ^ ^ A4 &‘ fc‘ “A


illUk' M
Aulll' m s i a n « « i t s u » ii ii m n n t n « « n « « a » « » i n m i y it « i !i u «
A»«i» QIGiDaocoaoiooonocoootoocaeDonoooooiioooooncocoooooooooDootoooPoooooooooDooooooii')
11 1iiii||||||ii|in|||ii|iiniiiiiiuuuiini i n ii i imiint in h i t ni n m mi
in m m ln iim m im im m iiiiiiim iim in im im iim iiu m m iiM im
i n < | i i | n | u n i i i * i i i n n i i i i i i i i n i i | i i n i n i i i n i ' i i i i n i n n m n i i i m n n (

i 5 | m 5 S 5 5 S S ! i S S 5 S l S S S S ! S 5 S S S 5 ! S 5 S 5 5 5 S S 5 5 S S S S S ! S i i i 5 5 5 S551SlS5S55 555SS5SiSSSSSS5
i i u u u m m m t m m i i i m m u i m m m u m i i u u u i x i m m i i a i i u i m
n in |] i n m i i ] |i i m m i i i i i m m ? i i m i i m i i i m i ? n i i i i m i / i i i m m ||i i |
n m m m itm sitim 'tm tiim iM iiiiitttiiiH iitt m u i i H s m m m m m s m
i t i i i t y i i i t i i n i i i i y i i N « i i ) i t r » v * i * i i i t n i i t i i i i i i i q i t u » V f f i i K »
53 i ) j > 5 j > i m j 8 j ! » > n i j > > u m > j j > 3 » 8 i u i s n j i j m > » j s i u » » » ! j i j n j j > > j > U 3 ) 5

Various types of punch-cards.

go to another m achine, the controller, th a t checks whether the cards were punched
Suppose the holes on the punch-card in our example show the data of the work­
ing order of a lathe operator. In a m onth in a large plant hundreds of thousands
of such cards w ill be accum ulated. W hen the tim e comes to calculate w orkers’
pay, to collect data about the execution of the plan or about production costs,
the electrical sorting m achine sets to work. It groups cards in to separate blocks
by various features w ith the speed of tens of thousands of cards per hour. Then
the cards are sent to the tab ulator.
Here, to begin w ith, the cards are read. This is done by a special block of 80
brushes—one for each colum n of the card. The brushes are connected by m eans
In this way the computer compiles a summary inventory-bill card for goods sent to the custo­
mer from a set of cards. The summary includes the goods, their price, deduction, transport char
ges, etc.

of wires to the counters and the printing m echanism s. The punch-card moves
w ith the tens first. The brushes s ta rt by sensing every n in th position, then the
eighth, etc.
H ere’s a card w ith a hole in the eighth position of the th irte e n th colum n. The
brush w ill close the electric circuit, the electrom agnet of the num ber disc w ill be
energized, and the disc w ill s ta rt to tu rn . The card w ill move one position for­
ward to the seventh position. The disc w ill tu rn the angle of the num ber and
w ill show 1. The card w ill move yet to another position—the s ix th —and the disc
w ill show 2. The tu rn of the disc is completed as the brush reaches the zero posi­
tion. The disc has turned through each of the eight positions and now shows 8.
The eight from the punch-card has been thereby transported to counter file th a t
corresponds to the th irte e n th colum n. A ddition is done in the same way.
And who controls a big complex computer?
Ju st these punch-cards and brushes. To enable the electric pulse to tra v e l in­
side the m achine all electric circuits connected w ith the brushes, counters, p rin t­
ing mechanisms are m ade to term inate on the com m utating panel which w ith the
aid of switches distributes the electric pulses over the entire m achine.

The control system of the modern dy in 1950 Soviet engineers produced

ta b u la to r is ex trao rd in arily flexible one of the best punch-card calcula­
and m u ltila te ra l. A good tab u lato r tors, the “T-5” tab u la to r. I t contains
is able to process up to 60 thousand eight 11-file counters. This means
cards per hour, or even more. A lrea­ th a t eight colum ns of m ultiposition

A calculating and perforating set. The perforator punches holes in the card. The controller
checks and sorts them. The tabulator—the main machine of the set—counts the numbers: 1—
magazine; 2—contact brushes; 3—contact shaft; 4—card-guiding rollers; 5—contact; 6—coun-


num bers can be summed up sim u lta­ sed. B ut the punch-card and the p rin ­
neously—70 thousand additions per ciple of organization of the calculat­
hour! ing process in the com bination of
A hundred accountants w ill be able punch-card ca lc u la tin g m achines set
to perform during th is tim e only 25 a lim it to the productivity. A point
thousand arithm etical operations. to note is th a t the calculating speed
According to their principle of ope­ of the ta b u la to r is some 15 tim es
ratio n the punch-card calculating m a­ higher th an the speed of key-board
chines are subdivided into m echani­ sum m ing m achines, while the produc­
cal, electrom echanical and electro­ tiv ity of the whole com bination is
nic types. only 3 to 4 tim es higher. This is the
Y o u ’ve ju st read about the elec­ resu lt of the, as yet, great p a rt
tric m achines. In m echanical m achi­ played by m anual labour: the cards
nes the holes are sensed— “read ” —by are controlled and punched by operator
special ten tacles—the pins. Such m a­ and transported from m achine to m a­
chines perform only 100 operations chine by m an. And even if the lo t of
per m inute. punch-cards carried a t a tim e is much
The change over from m echanical greater in th is case th an in the case
and electrom echanical devices to elec­ of key-board m achines, the slow speed
tronic devices resulted in the speed of card processing in m achine’s
of punch-card m achines being increa­ mechanisms greatly influences the

ter electromagnet; 7—typing electromagnet; S—clutch; 9—counter driving axle; 10—counter

wheel; 77—anchor lock; 12—clutch lever; 13—lever return planck; 14—digit rod; 75—three-
arm lever.

overall pro d u ctiv ity of calcula­ p art in the calculating process only
tion. by th eir concerted operation.
The supply of punch-cards is th a t Only after a century of progress in
num ber “depot” th a t Babbage tried technology were the engineers able,
to build w ith the aid of counters work­ using the m odern counting and pun­
ing a t the same ra te as the “factory” . ching set as the basis, to s ta rt work
He understood th a t m an could be on advanced calculators and la te r on
liberated from the necessity to take electronic com puters.

Again a tr a f f ic offe nce !


K “A Secret Shrouded in D arkness”

Ciphering is frequently used in m i­

KEY TO THE CIPHER lita ry com m unications, in diplom a­
tic service—generally, when it is
A secret system desired to m ain tain the secrecy of
which enables the meaning correspondence or of an oral message.
Members of revolutionary under­
transm itted w ith the aid ground groups, who had to conduct
of a cipher to be disclosed. th eir correspondence in such a m an­
ner as would m ake it incom prehen­
sible for tsa rist gendarm es, were
among those who resorted to ciphers.
There are num erous ciphers in exis­
tence. Some are purely professional:
the sim ple su b stitu tio n cipher, the
fractional, so-called, diagram , three-
gram , re-gram ciphers, Vigenere ciphers
together w ith th eir v arian ts, the P la y ­
fair cipher, codes of different types.
And the cipher, the like of which
has never been seen before, from the
story “L ittle D ancing Men” th a t
Sherlock Holm es m anaged to read?
He was intrigued by the strange
notes w ith the dancing men.
The fam ous detective was quick to
see th a t this was a cipher, and began
looking for the key. Soon the key was
found, and Sherlock Holmes after
having guessed the m eaning of each
figure was able to read the notes.
He proceeded by w riting a le tte r to
the crim inal w ith the same cipher,
and the crim inal had to face the law.
There is a ciphered message on p.
171 which you are required to deci­
pher. Look w h a t’s w ritten there. You
m ay s it for years looking a t the mes­
sage, try billions of com binations,
b u t if you d o n ’t know the key, y o u ’ll
never be able to read it.
To become an experienced deci-

“The little dancing men”—a cipher deciphered by Sherlock Holmes.

pherer in this case you'll have to arm I t ’s a general rule that a solution for
yourself with paper and scissors. any ciphering system may, in prin­
Draw 64 chess squares on a piece ciple, be found by the simple trying
of paper. Cut out holes precisely to out of all the keys possible in each
the drawing, and you’ll get a grid. case. But this trying out is to be
Lay the grid over the disordered continued until the unique key is
set of letters with number 1 directed found that w ill make the cipher talk.
upwards. The American scientist Claude Shan­
Look, a text has appeared in the non carried out very informative
holes: electronic com put— Now turn calculations to the effect. He set him ­
the grid clockwise by a quarter of a self the task to find the key to a ci­
revolution. Y ou’ll get another part pher consisting of only 26 possible
of the phrase—ers are able to so lv.... key combinations. Twenty-six is a
Another such turn yields e compli­ very small number. One has to use
cated m a th .... And the last: ematical these 26 key variants, only one of
problems. In the case of this cipher which is the correct variant, substitu­
the grid serves as the key that enab­ ting in turn all the 26 letters of the
les the message to be read. Every English ABC. The scientist obtained a
secret inscription, every cipher nor­ formidable number—1012! T h at’s the
m ally has only one correct solution, number of years that w ill have to
a unique key, the secret of which is be spent in search of the key to the
to be guarded. Even when a message cipher.
not destined to be seen or heard by And this in conditions extremely
strangers falls into the hands of the favourable for the imaginary oppo­
enemy, it remains silent until the nent: Shannon assumed that the op­
key to it is found. ponent invented an electronic device

With the aid of this grid you’ll be able to read what’s written here.

for trying out • the keys at a Here’s a vivid proof of the immense
speed of one key per microse­ discrepancy existing between the “so­
cond. The opponent will find the lution of the deciphering problem in
right key after trying out, approxi­ principle by the method of trying out
m ately, one half of the possible com­ the keys” and its practical realiza­
binations! tion.

N ow adays people are try in g to approach ciphering, or cryptography, fu lly

armed with mathematical analysis. The aforesaid American cybernetician Claude
Shannon even ventured to develop a diagram of a general secret system to this
end. Indeed, all such systems are quite identical in principle irrespective of the
cipher and the ciphering system used.
172 C Y B E R N E T IC S A TO Z

Enem y c ip h e re r

A schematic diagram of a generalized secret system^and its formula.

There are always two terminals: the transmitting and the receiving.
The transmitting terminal is always connected to two sources of information:
one is the source of intelligence that has to be transmitted, the other is the source
of keys that determines the key for ciphering by choosing one definite key out of
all the keys of the system.
The completed cryptogram is transmitted along the communications channel.
The communications channels may be of different kinds: messenger, post, telegraph,
radio. At the receiving end the other cipherer with the aid of the key reproduces
the intelligence from the cryptogram, i.e. deciphers it.
It is natural to presume that the enemy w ill, certainly, try to intercept the
message. Therefore, another factor w ill act on the cryptogram during its transmis­
sion along the communications channel—the cipherer of the enemy.
Such is the general lay-out of a secret system proposed by Shannon.

If you take a look at this lay­ The monument of the written lan­
out, you w ill not fail to conclude guage, itself, may be regarded as a
that its bounds are much wider than “cryptogram”, consisting of the source
the secret system in its “pure” form. of intelligence (in this case i t ’s
L et’s take, for example, a message what the author of the text wanted
in some unknown “dead” language. to transmit) and the source of keys.

'{in our example i t ’s the ABC used my investigations once and for all,
by the author). The scientist who since I lost all hope of ever achieving
tries to find his way about in the sec­ any satisfactory results.” It took
rets of the unknown language and years to understand the Babylonian
read the text of interest to him, will inscription of Xerxes: “Xerxes, the
assume the role of the cipherer ope­ great king, the king of kings, the
rating at the receiving terminal. True, son of Darius, the king, Achaemenid”.
in our case the intercepting cipherer Couldn’t electronic computers be
is totally out of the question. used to decipher ancient manuscripts?
What an enormous number of keys The statistical method is of great
the scientists deciphering forgotten help in the case. The essence of the
written languages have to try out! method entails the precise knowladge
W hat toil, what patience and, fre­ of the signs contained in manuscripts
quently, despair accompany their gi­ that have yet to be read and of the
gantic work! regularity of the appearance of these
It’s a known fact that the famous signs. For instance; the ancient Egyp­
Rawlinson who succeeded in reading tian writing contains up to 800 differ­
the clay tables of the Babylonians ent characters, the H ett—some 500.
wrote in 1850: “I must openly admit The syllable systems of languages
that when I, after having identified contain from 50 to 80 sounds. The
every Babylonian sign and every Ba­ European languages usually contain
bylonian word, for which I could about 30 sounds, the Polynesian
find support in the tri-lingual inscrip­ only 10-12; some Caucasian langua­
tions, tried to apply the information ges, on the other hand, 70-80.
to interpret Assyrian inscriptions, I Accordingly, the experiments aimed
was frequently tempted to give up at deciphering the written language

T ‘{ V -

v <3<m

’ S W Yf >7^7 Tf

■ er » f - <K 1 < (> -

j p T¥

X e rxe s, th e g re a t k in g , th e k in g o f k in g s , th e son o f D a riu s ,

th e k in g , A c h a e m e n id "

The Babylonian inscription of Xerxes.


of the Maya carried out in Novosi­ out a computer algorithm for deciphe­
birsk at once lead to the conclusion ring forgotten written languages.
that Maya signs can be neither of the This algorithm has already been
purely character type, nor of the tried: it was used to read control
purely ABC type. The language con­ texts, texts which had been read
tains 340 signs. No ABC w ill hold as before and had been offered to the
many. On the other hand, 340 signs computer as “examination papers”.
are insufficient for character writing. W ell, the computer, adhering to the
In all, seven methods were used “rules for action”, dealt effectively
to decipher Maya texts. And each even with short texts that are very
proved useful: it either supported difficult to decipher.
the results or controvened them. This computer algorithm was also
The computer was at work for two used for independent research. The
days. It performed a billion opera­ electronic computer was instructed to
tions. Deciphered 40 per cent of the clarify obscure texts relating to the
text. To decipher all known Maya ll-1 2 th centuries found on the terri­
texts 200 computer hours w ill be nee­ tory of modern Mongolia—the Ki-
ded additionally. The computer w ill dan inscriptions.
have to perform billions of operations. In the course of previous studies
W ell, it can be agreed that the the Kidan written language was
first step in the computerized deci­ classified as relating to the Turk
phering of forgotten languages has or Tungus-Mongolian groups of lan ­
been made. It is to be hoped that guages. The computer “swallowed”
in due tim e the scientists decipherers large texts, studied the regularities
aided by a mathematical cryptogra­ of the language and confirmed that
phic system and electronic computers the language of the once m ighty state
w ill be able to vitalize numerous of the Kidans was akin to Mongolian.
ancient inscriptions that up to now W ell, le t ’s bid the computer-deci­
have remained silent, and those “dead”, pherer a happy journey, le t ’s wish it
“forgotten” written languages w ill new successes. The more so because
tell stories of peoples of by-gone centu­ specialists consider deciphering his­
ries, of their life, of their culture. toric written systems to be a particu­
And those are not idle hopes. There lar case of the general problem which
is a sound basis for them: the they have termed “the problem of
Soviet specialist M. Probst has worked formal research of the language”.

L Chocolate and “A lg o l”

Everyone knows that language is

LANGUAGE, COMPUTER the most important means of human
communication; that language is the
Special methods most liv ely , most abundant, most
of information stable connection establishing entity
recording for its transmission between the generations past, present
and future; that, finally, the language
to the electronic computer is an exclusive capacity of man. And
of man alone!
And suddenly—computer language.
And, yet, it exists. Not only exists,
but is being developed, improved in
the process of overcoming multifari­
ous difficulties and obstacles.
Since its existence is an established
fact, le t ’s meet it; le t ’s learn what
it is, what it is for.
It is no more a secret for us that
electronic computers, no matter for
the solution of what problems they
are employed, serve only one purpo­
se—that of processing incoming infor­
mation. The computer can perform
such processing, however, only in
case the problem—what the computer
should do—and the method of solu­
tion—how it should do i t —have been
precisely formulated.
A word description is of no use to
the “electronic arithmometer”—i t ’s
very bulky, not sufficiently precise
and rigorous. This is because our spo­
ken language has the qualities of
great flexibility, ambiguity of words,
figurativeness, even some subjectivity.
Just these characteristics make it
unsuitable for the computer. It requi­
res uniqueness, concreteness, and pre­
cision. That is the reason why prob­
lems are translated from the human
into the computer language; the list

of instructions th a t the com puter th a t every class of com puters has its
m ust carry out to solve the problem own “d ialect” , which only it can
is recorded in a special (binary—0 understand. Years of existence of
and 1) code. This lis t of instructions high-speed electronic “counters”
together w ith th eir sequence is called brought into being alm ost 5000 artifi­
the program m e. I t d istributes all the cial languages! “Cobol” , “ F o rtran ” ,
operations of the com puter, describes “J o v ia l” , “A lpha” , “APS” , “Alco-
a ll calculating processes. pol” , “M athem atic” —th ey are too
This is how a recording made num erous to be enum erated.
in the com puter language looks: T h ere’s no end to difficulties th a t
0001 - 0000001010. spring from such language discrepan­
One th in g is clear to the lay m a n — cy. To tra n sm it problem s form ulated
i t ’s some sort of a code. B ut w hat is for one com puter to another of diffe­
it? And t h a t ’s the w ay the com puter re n t design the program m ists have to
reads it: “Add the num ber from the make up a new program m e. W hat
cell num ber ten of the w orking ‘me­ costs in labour and tim e! Im agine a
m ory’ to the num ber in the sum- calculating centre em ploying lim ited
m ato r.” equipm ent. The day the centre is
Here w e’re up against a definite expanded and the equipm ent is
suprem acy of 0 and 1 over the n atu ral changed the com puter language ex ist­
language: ju st fourteen signs, and you ing a t the centre w ill “break down”.
have a sentence of fourteen words. For th is reason program m es com­
H igh capacity out of all qualities has piled a t the level of in stru ctio n s—at
c e rtain ly been realized in the com pu­ th e level of a specific com puter—
ter language. could no longer satisfy the scientists
Owing to th is i t is w ell adapted in conditions of contem porary state
for inform ation exchange between m an of science and in dustry, when gigan­
and com puter and betw een com puters. tic am ounts, lite ra lly avalanches, of
Com puter language also helps in case calculations are required. They de­
of inform ation exchange between cided to go over from “local com pu­
people effected by m eans of com puters. ter dialects” to the language of a u to ­
I t enables com puters to conduct “d ia­ m atic program m ing—a veritab le com ­
logues” w ith other system s and w ith p uter language, which every com­
system s w ithin th e com puter itself. puter should be able to under­
Its range of action is, as you can see, stand.
q u ite wide. This task is m uch more difficult,
However, besides advantages the m uch more com plicated th an the task
com puter language has some defects. of sim ply enum erating instructions in
And the m ain, q u ite essential one is a program m e.

W hat is the autom atic program m ing language for? The purpose is always iden­
tical: to help the program m ist tell the com puter w hat to do.
Specialists compare such an artificial language w ith th a t p a rt of the spoken
language which is used in instructions telling people “w hat to d o ” . For instance,
i t ’s very m uch like th e language of an ordinary cooking book. Analogy w ith some


M ix th e f i r s t f i v e in g r e d ie n t s
in a s im m e r in g p o t s t ir r in g
c o n t in u o u s ly u n t il th e s u g a r
d is s o lv e s
2 c u p f u ls s u g a r

S t ir r in g o c c a s io n a l ly s im m e r
u n t il a d ro p t u r n s in t o a s o f t
b a ll in c o ld w a te r
1 c u p f u l m ilk

" a
V4 a te a s p o o n fu l s a lt
T a ke th e p o t o f f th e f ir e a nd
a dd b u tte r

L e a ve to co o l (no s tir r in g )
u n til c o ld e n o u g h to h o ld

A d d v a n illa . B e a t w ith spoon

u n t il th e m ix tu re lo s e s .its
s h in e and s m a ll a m o u n ts o f t it
w h e n p o u re d from th e spoon
2 ta b le s p o o n f u ls ke e p t h e ir s h a p e
c o rn s y ru p


recipe from the cooking book is usually resorted to in order to describe the classes
of gram m atical forms characteristic of an artificial language.
L e t’s take the recipe for m aking chocolate candy (see illu stratio n on p. 177).
I t certainly h a sn ’t escaped you th a t the recipe is subdivided in to two parts.
The first consists of a description of stuffs needed to m ake the candy. The second
describes procedures th a t are to be carried out in sequence in order to solve the
problem : m ake the candy.
Sim ilarly, the languages of autom atic program m ing contain gram m atical forms
of two types. They are called descriptions and procedures. D escriptions, for their
p a rt, are subdivided in to tw o types: the description of d a ta —a list of component
p arts, and th e description of program m es—subprogram m es. The procedures th a t
are to be carried out in accordance w ith th e recipe are sim ilar to an ordinary com­
puter language program me. N ext follow th e procedural operators—they corres­
pond to sentences and describe operations which are to be performed w ith th e com­
ponent parts.
In general, operators and d a ta descriptions in the artificial com puter language
consist of expressions which m ay be directly b u ilt up from num bers, w ords, ab­
breviated designations of m easures, auxiliary sentences and word groups. Expres­
sions corresponding to words consist of com binations of symbols.
This interconnection of the structures of the “w hat to do” type is characteristic
both of the language of a cooking book and of the autom ated language. The diffe­
rence lies exclusively in actions of procedural operators, which depend on the
field of application of the language.
The operators “m ix ” , “cool” , “b e a t” , “cut in to p a rts ” , “s tir ” , for exam ple,
are relevant to the process of food preparation. C alculating processes, on the other
hand, en tail different operators: “extract a square ro o t” , “take the 24th degree” ,
“a ttrib u te the v a lu e ” , “repeat the following calculations u n til....”

You have thus become acquainted ve a single com puter language—is

w ith the general tra its and peculiari­ already known to you.
ties of the autom ated com puter la n ­ A t la s t th is single language, which,
guage. Now learn about the history it is presum ed, all the w o rld ’s com­
and the purpose of its creation. puters are going to “speak”, came
The autom ated com puter language into being. T his d id n ’t happen over­
is needed to “k ill two birds w ith one night. Much tim e was spent on pre­
stone” : first, to fa c ilita te the work parato ry work. In 1958 an in te rn a ­
of the program m e com piler—the pro- tio n al conference was convened in
g ram m ist—who up to th is day com­ Zurich. And only by the year 1960
piled “instructions for actions” for did the intern atio n al organizations
the com puter by hand. The essence connected w ith the technique of cal­
of autom ated program m ing is, on the culations create a working group,
other hand, to m ake the com puter which corrected the errors discovered,
com pile program m es for itself, to cut elim inated obvious am biguities, in ­
m anual labour to the m inim um . The troduced greater c la rity —in short,
second (very im portant) aim —to evol­ im proved the language known nowa-

days under the name of “Algol-60”,

which means “algorithm ic language”.
The description of this com puter
language is preceded by an epigraph:
“W hat can be said m ust be said clear­
ly, and w hat cannot be said m ust not
be said a t a ll.”
This is why the in tern atio n al cy­
bernetic language consists only of
500 words. These are special instru c­
tions needed to control the com puter.
The diversity of these instructions is
lim ited by the words “begin” and
This com puter language, like all
languages, has its own letters, num ­
bers, syntax and sem antics. B ut m any
features are peculiar only to compu­
ters. I t ’s very much akin to usual
m athem atical form ulations well adap­
ted for tra n sla tio n into the com puter
language by the com puter itself. But,
unhappily, it is so com plicated th a t
besides the com puter it can be under­
stood only by the professional pro-
gram m ist who a t present stands as
“priest-m edium ” between m an and
com puter.
The language of the “Algol-60”
type is usually defined as a universal
language because it is adapted to
quite different com puters. B u t.... Here The “Tower of Babylon” of computer lan­
again obstacles arise in the way of guages.
the scientists. Even the universal
language turns out to be not tru ly inform ation processing problems: how
universal. I t is lim ited by its orien­ to process large am ounts of d ata,
ta tio n , its “ field of action”. how to system atize them in repeating
“Algol” is a language designed for operations, etc.
scientific and technological com puta­ “Cobol” is increasingly being used
tions, for solution of m athem atical as such a universal language. It is
problem s. This language pays little designed to solve economic problem s.
a tte n tio n to the form and the context “Cobol” is b u ilt on the basis of the
of d ata. usual L atin ABC. Moreover, because
B ut there are problem s where form of its sphere of application, it descri­
and context of the data are p articu ­ bes p ractically everything w ith words,
larly im p o rtan t. This is true of the which have a concrete m eaning in the

ordinary natu ral language. Due to journey, since the specialists are a l­
this, a “Cobol” te x t looks very much ready discussing the problem of in ­
like a natu ral language text. creasing the convenience of autom atic
Now you can see w hat a long and program m ing. And the param ount pro­
tedious journey the com puter langua­ blem here is said to be the liberation
ges have made from “dialects” to of the algorithm ic language from its
several general universal languages. d irectiv ity , from its ad ap tatio n to
T h ere’s no doubt th a t th is is rath er specific fields of action, to specific
the beginning th an the end of the class of problems.

A scientific discipline lab les, betw een phonemes and m or­

m aking use phemes?
D o n ’t these questions seem to you
of m athem atical methods to be too “narrow ”, just “questions
to study language for the sake of questions”? They do,
and utilizing electronic computers d o n ’t they? S till, m athem atical re­
search into the language is no play
to model language for scientists, i t ’s not idle pedantry.
and the operations The practical im portance of such an
approach to th e language is very great.
performed w ith it by m an. I t ’s the q u a n tita tiv e characteristics
th a t throw lig h t on the nature of an
unknown w ritten language, help to
unveil it. They are useful, as well,
for the description of m odern langua­
Words and Numbers ges, for the study of th eir history,
for establishing kinship among them .
The s ta tistic a l approach som etim es
Linguistics was u n til quite recent­ brings sta rtlin g results. For exam ple,
ly considered to be one of the most it turns out th a t such obviously
“u n m athem atical”, m ost descriptive different from our point of view lan­
sciences, and nowadays one hears guages as R ussian, E nglish, Sam oan
people ta lk of m ath em atical linguis­ have very nearly the same am ount of
tics. inform ation falling on the le tte r “N”,
The introduction into the linguis­ i.e. a little over four binary units
tics of q u a n tita tiv e and theory-of- (bits).
probability methods im parted elem ents Such “curiosities” , such precise cha­
of rigour and precision to th is hum a­ racteristics play a very im portant
n ita ria n science, in the same way as p art in the com pilation of dictiona­
the theory of pro b ab ility revolutio­ ries for com puter tran slatio n , in the
nized physics. teaching of foreign languages, even
The scope of problem s the new sci­ in the elucidation of specific prob­
ence deals w ith is very wide. To begin lems of experim ental psychology.
w ith l e t ’s take a look a t one interes­ The prom inent Soviet m ath em ati­
ting trend—the q u a n tita tiv e descrip­ cian, A cadem ician A .N . Kolmogorov
tion of language. m ade an analysis of the relatio n be­
In the opinion of specialists every tween the num ber of available words
language is characterized by some and the num ber of possible rhym es.
sim ple q u a n tita tiv e relatio n s. How I t turned out th a t ten words is not
m any words are there in different lan ­ nearly enough to enable a rhym ing
guages, w hat is the difference between pair to be chosen. Tw enty words, too,
the num ber of words and th a t of do not guarantee such a choice. A
m orphem es and phonemes? W h a t’s reserve of 100 words, on the other
the relatio n between words and syl­ hand, enables three rhym ing words

letter words 30s= 2 7 000. The num­

ber of four-letter words 304= 8 1 0 000,
and so on. A language contains some
50 thousand words in common use.
If we assume that all words are of
seven letters, the percentage of letter
combinations that are actually words
w ill be only 0.0002%.
The frequency of appearance of
different letters in words is not the
same, too. Various texts were studied
to find this frequency. For instance,
it was established that in the Rus­
sian language the relative frequencies
are: A —6.2% , 0 - 9 % , H—6.2% , H —
5.3% , 1 0 -0 .6 % , etc.
The probability of appearance of
each letter may serve as a measure
This is not a chaotic pile-up of letters.
The dimensions of each letter of the Rus­ of the “information load” it carries.
sian ABC correspond to its relative frequen­ The results of such research carried
cy of appearance in texts. out by linguists-mathematicians are
of great interest also to pure linguists
to be found, 200 words enable quad­ studying languages, and to experts
ruple rhymes to be found. Hence, in literature studying how authors
with 200 words one can write sonets. work with the language and trying to
A reserve of 500 words provides for discover the secrets of their art.
the poets an abundance of tenfold Mathematical linguistics, using the
rhymes. statistical analysis of language struc­
The interrelation of letters in words, ture as a basis, constructs models of
too, was the subject of calculations. the language with the aid of electro­
Were all combinations of letters pos­ nic computers. “Literary talents” of
sible, with the aid of 30 letters one electronic computers are just an ex­
could compile 30 single-letter words. ample of such models of “operations
The number of two-letter words would that man performs with the lang­
be 30a= 9 0 0 . The number of three- uage”.

How does a computer write?

The computer learned how to synthesize phrases on the basis of the statistical
analysis of the language. Hence, it w ill not be difficult for it to synthesize, i.e.
to build according to a programme, sentences from the reserve of words recorded
in the computer memory. It makes no difference to the computer what to look
for—for a coded word or for a coded number. To practise the “art of letters” with
a computer one should give it a dictionary in which related concepts are designa­
ted by close code numbers:

1001101—eagle, etc.
In compliance with the programme and with this code the computer w ill choose
words close in meaning. The initial text introduced into the computer w ill serve
as a basis for this “creative” work. The “work of literature” is produced in cyc­
les. W ith each cycle of programme repetition the computer extends the basic text,
every tim e departing from it still further, however not beyond reasonable lim its,
so that the text would not lose sense altogether.
This is followed by a process of constructing phrases. Using the programme
instructions the computer combines all the words into sentences in accordance
with the rules of grammar.

And now some examples of how to write white verse. The word
computer literature—in recent years reserve of the poet is 130 words. The
a veritable “collection of works” metre of the verse is strictly fixed.
written by different computers has The computer writes 150 quatrains
been built up. per minute. It doesn’t name its verses,
The computer “RCA-301” learned just numerates them.
Verse No. 027
W hile life creates false totally empty images,
W hile slow tim e flows past useful deeds,
And the stars dejectedly orbit the skies,
People cannot sm ile.
Poem No. 929
As sleep blindly streamed
Over shattered hopes,
Cosmos exuded with pain over ruined love.
Your light was slowly exiled
Out of secret men
And the skies slumbered not.
And here’s an example of the writings of MUC—the “electronic brain” of
the University of Manchester.
A Love Letter
My little treasure! My comprehensible devotion
wonderfully attracts your tender delight. You
are my loving adoration, my breast-widening
adoration. My brotherly feeling with secret breath
awaits your dear restlessness. The adoration of
my love tenderly keeps your greedy zeal.
Your lovesick MUC

And here’s another author—the French computer “Calioppe”.

Excerpt from a Story
My horizon consists entirely of the red cur­
tain from which suffocating heat emanates at
intervals. The m ystical silhoutte of a woman,
proud and terrible, can barely be discerned. She
is a lady of noble birth, probably one of the sea­
sons. It appears she is saying goodbye. I ’m not
able to see anything more and move towards the
curtain. My hands draw it apart convulsively.
There on the other side opens a strange tragic land­
scape: tsivetta scratches the earth, birds fly
from both sides and come down on the branches
of trees half-withered. Here, too, is a tortoise
resting motionless: it sensed my presence. But
why is it covered with frost? A boy comes running
along, his plump hands, his serious dark face
make him look like a young hero.

A striking resemblance of computer ory, theory of probability and by

“literature” to formalistic writings other sciences, mathematical linguis­
of some ultra-fashionable Western au­ tics constructs new, more flexible,
thors lies on the surface. The fact more simple artificial languages for
that programmes for computers and electronic computers.
the word reserves for them are pre­ In this field there is yet another
pared by men is, probably, not the research tool—the so-called analy­
least cause for this. In short, the com­ sing grammatical models and models
puter authors produce w h at’s asked of initiating grammars. These frigh­
of them! tening specialized terms conceal the
As has already been pointed out, effort of mathem atical linguistics to
the statistical approach to the lan­ construct multi-purpose language mo­
guage is one of the methods of mathe­ dels.
m atical linguistics. Another method For what specific purposes? Here
not inferior in interest and impor­ we have to restrict ourselves to the
tance is the comparison of natural statement that the sphere of applica­
languages and the artificial languages tion of m athem atical linguistics is a
of mathem atical logic. Aided by ma­ wide one: the creation of formal com­
them atical statistics, information the- puter languages, computer translation,

4 The anatomy of mechanical composition.

1— birds of prey
2— daylight birds of prey
3— Falconidae family
4— eagle
5— steppe eagle
186 C Y B E R N E T IC S A TO Z

the reading of forgotten written lan­ linguistics is also working on the

guages, etc. Each of these applications problems of recording human speech
is exciting, full of surprises and has for the purposes of constructing auto­
a great practical value. m atic stenographers and reading auto­
A few concrete examples w ill suffice m ata. Great is the humanitarian role
to convince you. of this science in the field of research
I t ’s the job of mathem atical lin­ related to the use of computers for
guistics to find optimum ways of facilitating communications between
translating texts from an ordinary deaf and blind people.
language, i.e. Russian, English or Mathematical linguistics has made
some other, into the computer logi­ a promising start. This gives reason
cal language, which alone is under­ to hope for a successful and produc­
stood by computers. Mathematical tive future.

*'How is my new novel goin g ?”

" Sorry, you'll have to be overhauled."

The science which studies logical operations and

which studies forms of reasoning rules of thought.
and proofs In the Middle Ages these attempts
led to the idea that it is possible to
by mathematical methods. arrive at various truths with the aid
of mere combinations of general con­
cepts. “Thinking machines” were even
built for this purpose. The philoso­
phers of the Middle Ages dreamed to
solve with their help all the problems
of science, all the riddles of life, all
the mysteries of Heaven and Earth.
Three Jinns The design of the “thinking machine”
of the philosopher, theologist and
alchemist of the Middle Ages Raimon
There is hardly a schoolboy who Lull was quite sim ple. Nine ques­
doesn’t know what algebra is. Chil­ tions were written along the circum­
dren study algebraic problems at ference of a big stationary disc:
school, write algebraic expressions “How much?”, “Which of the two?”,
of letters and numbers connected by “When?”, “Where?”, “What quali­
the signs of operations such as addi­ ty?” and others of the same sort.
tion, subtraction, m ultiplication and Inside this disc five additional discs
division. of decreasing diameter were arranged
Has it crossed your mind that since one on top of the other. They could
in algebra operations are performed rotate independently. Each disc was
with letter symbols there may also divided into nine sectors (chambers),
exist an algebra of the language—an containing inscriptions. One disc con­
algebra which would enable answers tained the names of nine principal
to questions to be calculated in the sins and virtues, the other—of nine
same way as answers to problems are principal physical properties.
calculated? Lull stuffed the chambers with all
The philosopher of the ancient the wisdom known to him . He turned
Greeks Aristotle who lived in the some of the discs one, two or three
4th century B.C. initiated the scien­ points, leaving the others (i.e. the
ce of logic—the science of reasoning first, the second, the first and the
correctly, the science dealing with third, the fifth and the second) sta­
the forms and the laws of thinking. tionary. And each tim e different word
He analysed human thought in the combinations appeared against the
forms of concepts, judgements, con­ questions inscribed on the stationary
clusions and scrutinized it from the disc.
structural, or formal, aspect. This Obviously, such a machine could
was the beginning of formal logic— solve no logic problems. Its “revela­
the science which tries to reveal the tions” looked more like absurdities.
secrets of our reasoning, the science This was quite natural, since its in-

ventor Raimon Lull, though he na­ Since in this logic we are dealing
med his creation an “ object of great with mathematics the concrete mea­
art”, had no idea of the rules of ma­ ning of a statement is of no impor­
thematical logic which serve as a tance to it. One thing only is impor­
basis for the operation of modern tant—whether a given statement is
logical computers. true or false.
The great German mathematician Note also the following. Actually
and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm everyone of us, so to speak, devotes
Leibnitz is considered to be the foun­ all his tim e to practising formal lo­
der of mathem atical logic. He was gic. Involuntarily we, especially when
the first to try, in the 17th century, trying to stress our point, adapt our­
to construct logical calculus of the selves to the laws of linguistic algeb­
arithm etical and algebraic types. He ra, for (in the opinion of the specia­
narrowed the gap between logic and lists) the mathematical logic can be
calculations, improved and specified said to form the “skeleton of our
the symbolics of logic. thought”. It serves as a basis—natu­
On the foundation laid by Leib­ rally, in a very broad sense—for the
nitz another great m athematician Ge­ general properties of statements and
orge Boole, father of E. Voynich, the of reasoning.
author of the novel The Gadfly, built Imagine yourselves answering the
the temple of a new discipline—the question “ Why is it light in dayti­
mathem atical logic. He devised a me?” with the words “ Because light
special algebra adapted to logic con­ shines in daytim e”.
structions. As distinct from ordinary You have violated the rules of logic,
algebra, this algebra uses symbols to the logic of reasoning, for you haven’t
designate not numbers, but statements. explained anything. Unsubstantiated
When children learn to count, they method of thinking of this sort was
are embarrassed when having lear­ branded by Moliere in his immortal
ned, for example, how to add two comedy Le M a la d e im a g in a ire. In
apples and three apples, they have the course of the play a bachelor of
to add three houses and two houses. science is being examined: “ Why
But later at school the children get does opium promote sleep?” The ba­
it into their heads that numbers chelor’s answer is: “ Because it con­
exist by themselves and do not ne­ tains soporific power, which is ca­
cessarily serve to designate the num­ pable of lulling senses to sleep.” As
ber of apples, houses, cars, etc. Chil­ we see from this example, here the
dren learn when studying algebra words of normal language taken to­
that the concept a 2 is much wider gether in context are devoid of clear,
than 13 apples m ultiplied by 13. precise meaning.
The same is true of mathematical There is an ancient reasoning that
logic—one has to abstract himself became a classical example of logical
from the contents of statements. They proof: “A ll men are mortal. Socrates
are of no importance to m athematical is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mor­
logic, just as algebra is indifferent to ta l.”
what x stands for—the number of Scientists invented unique symbols
fish, cars or stars. to enable precise meaning to be attri-

buted to words. This system of sym­ and the deduced judgement is called
bols enables the logical structure of the conclusion.
an idea or of a judgement to be disco­ L et’s take the judgement “ All com­
vered. W ith the aid of precise defini­ puters make m an’s work easier” as
tions of words it is possible to calcu­ the major premise, and the judge­
late the interconnections between sym­ ment “The arithmometer is a compu­
bols of words, the relationships exis­ ter” as the minor premise. Then the
ting between them. Things which conclusion drawn from these judge­
were formerly difficult to express in ments will be “The arithmometer
words of the normal language can makes m an’s work easier”.
now be easily represented by symbol The judgements may be true or
of mathematical logic. false. If they are true, then, provided
H ere’s a simple example: H a0 is we adhere to certain rules of construc­
the symbol of water. It states that ting syllogism s, we shall always ob­
there are two atoms of hydrogen and tain correct conclusions, true inferen­
one of oxygen to a molecule of water. ces from the judgements, as, for
In this transcription the facts relate example, our conclusion about the
to chemistry, the numbers to mathe­ arithmometer.
matics and the symbols to the logic But if, while adhering to the rules
of symbols. of syllogism construction, we obtain
L et’s undertake a step-by-step in­ a false conclusion, this means that
cursion into the laws of logic. Three at least one premise was not correct.
different forms in which thought And vice versa, if all the premises
is realized are considered in logic: were true judgements, but the deduc­
concept, judgement and deduction. tion resulted in a false conclusion,
“This inscribed angle, resting on this means that some law of syllogism
the diameter” is a concept. In case not construction was violated. We may
all the angles are embraced by it, obtain the absurd conclusion “ All
it is a singular concept. “ All inscri­ pupils are poor pupils”, if we con­
bed angles, resting on the diameter, struct the syllogism incorrectly: “ Pet­
are right angles” is already a judge­ rov is a poor pupil. Petrov is a pupil.”
ment, since it reveals the properties It turns out that the solution of
of the object of judgement. every logical problem, as well as a
The process of deducing a third mathematical problem, has its own
judgement out of the two is called “technology”. I t ’s made up of ele­
deduction. Its principal form in logic mentary operations resembling addi­
is called the syllogism . One of the tion and m ultiplication. There are
judgements in the syllogism —the ge­ special rules for these operations, and
neral one—is called the major premi­ with their aid anyone is able to solve
se, the other judgement—the speci­ a complex logical problem. The same
fic one—is called the minor premise, is true of an automatic computer.

A logical problem for the computer must be expressed in formulae.

I t ’s quite a commonplace thing to transform quantitative relationships expres­
sed in numbers into formulae. But is there a way of compressing into formulae

arbitrary logical judgements? For example, how should the judgement “I shall
certainly go to the football match if I get a ticket, or if a friend invites me, and
if it is not raining” be represented by a formula?
W ell, there is a way. But some logical judgements are needed, by way of ex­
The judgement of the football fan contains several reservations. Here they are:
1. I w ill get a ticket.
2. I w ill be invited by a friend.
3. It w ill be raining.
Simple judgements may be interconnected by the words OR, AND, NOT. Com­
posite statements are always expressed by simple ones with the aid of these words.
They, like three jinns, can do everything in logic.
We can agree to designate each of these words, for the sake of brevity, by some
symbol, just as in mathematics corresponding signs are used instead of the words
“plus”, “m inus”, “m ultiply”, “divide”.
The word OR is usually designated by a cross ( + ), and the word AND, by the
sign of m ultiplication—the point (•).
Now it remains, for the sake of brevity, to introduce a letter for each statement.
Its negation, i.e. the word NOT, w ill be designated by the same letter, but with
a dash on top. For example:
I w ill get a ticket—T. I w ill get no ticket—T.
I w ill be invited by a friend—F. I w ill not be invited by a friend—F.
I t ’s going to rain—R . I t ’s not going to rain—R.
Now we shall write with the aid of these symbols the composite statement “I
w ill get a ticket, and i t ’s not going to rain, or I w ill be invited by a friend, and
i t ’s not going to rain”.

Here it is:

T-R + F R

As in algebra, the common m ultiplier can be taken out of the brackets. Now
the formula w ill take the form:

(T + F ).R

It reads as follows: “I w ill get a ticket, or I w ill be invited by a friend, and i t ’s

not goint to rain.”
This composite statement of our football fan is tantamount to the condition
of his going to the match which we shall designate by the letter M.
Now the statement can be expressed by a very brief formula

M = (T + F ).R

As you know, every logical judgement may be either true or false. I t ’s been
agreed in mathematical logic that true statements be expressed by one, and false
by zero. Again 1 and 0. “I ’ve learned all the lessons”—this was what a pupil
told her class instructor. L et’s designate this statement for the sake of brevity by
the letter L. If this statement of the girl is true, L = l . Thus, if L = l , L = 0 , since
in this case the statement “I have not learned my lessons” would be false.
And vice versa, had the pupil not learned her lessons, L = 0 and L = l .
This is a general rule in logic. If some statement B = l , then B = 0 , and vice ver­
sa: if B = 0 , then B = l .
It remains for us to observe a few additional propositions of mathematical logic
to know all its principal laws.
Obviously, B + B = B and B -B = B .
Clearly, the composite statement “I ’m going for a walk or I ’m going for a w alk”
is fully identical to the simple one “I ’m going for a w alk”. Similarly “The recei­
ver w ill work and the receiver w ill work” is tantamount to the simple statement
“The receiver w ill work”.
Two following propositions are just as obvious:

B+ B = l and B - B = 0

Indeed, the composite statement “I t ’s going to rain, or i t ’s not going to rain”

is true in both cases—i t ’s always true.
Such a weather forecast would always be correct. True, it would be of little use
to anyone.
The composite statement “TV set is on and TV set is off”, on the other hand,
is always false. Opposite judgements connected by AND can never be true.
Now, after we have transformed logic into formulae, le t’s ask ourselves the
question: can truth be “calculated”? The answer turns out to be “Y es”.

There is a book called M a th e m a ti­ tement of each of them, if true, is

cal W i t —a collection of mini-prob­ equal to one, and if false—to zero.
lems for sharpening w its. It contains This means that the composite sta­
all sorts of bright problems, mathema­ tement of each boy w ill be true if the
tical games and tricks. The chapter first and the second statements are
“Mathematics Almost Free from Cal­ true, and the third false, or if the
culations” deals with problems the first and the third are true and the
solution of which entails the construc­ second false, or if the second and the
tion of a chain of sophisticated and third are true, and the first false.
acute arguments. One of the prob­ We w ill denote each pupil by his
lem s—“A Criminal Story”—suits well initial letter and his statements by
to illustrate this tale of mathematical subscripts. Thus
logic. Here is this problem in a slight­
ly corrected form adapted for this L = Lx•L2•Lg + Li •Lg •L3 + •L2•L3
book. D = D j*D 2._D3 -f-D j-D g -D g -fD ^ D 2-D 3
I t ’s a sad story. In one of the T = Tt •T2■T3_ + T x■T21T3 + T j ■T2•T3
school’s classrooms a window has
been broken. Only one out of four pu­ M = Mr M2 M3 + Mr M2-M3 + Mr
pils: Lenya, Dima, Tolya and Misha, • M2•M3
could have been the culprit. If we read the statements carefully
In the course of interrogation each we will not fail to notice that the
of them gave three answers. first and the third statements of Tolya
Lenya: 1. I ’m not guilty. 2. I ha­ are equivalent: obviously, the mean­
ven’t even been near the window. ing of the statements “ I ’m not guil­
3. Misha knows w ho’s done it. ty” and “ Dima is telling a lie saying
D im a : 1. It wasn’t I who broke that I ’ve done it” is, in essence, the
the window. 2. I didn’t know Misha
until I came to this school. 3. T olya’s same. Hence, TS= T 1, and TS= T 1.
done it. Now T olya’s statement can be re­
T olya: 1. I ’m not guilty. 2. M isha’s written in the form
done it. 3. Dima is telling a lie say­ T = Tr T2J_T,+ Tx• T2• Tj+ TVT2• Tlt or
ing I ’ve done it.
M isha: 1. I ’m not guilty. 2. Lenya T = (T1 1 Tl) . T 2 + (T ,-T 1) . T 2 +
has broken the window. 3. Dima can + (Tx • T,) • T2
vouch for me as he knows me from the We know already that contradicto­
day of my birth. ry statements are untrue. Therefore,
In the course of further interroga­
tions each of the pupils said that one (T1-T1) = 0 . If one of the m ultipli-
of his statements was false while cants is zero, T olya’s statem ent will
two were true. assume the form T = T1.T 1-T2 =
L et’s try and find the culprit with s s T ^ T ,. It will be true and, hence,
the aid of mathematical logic. equal to one, if both of the m ultipli-
We know that every composite sta­ cants are equal to one.

NOT, AND, OR in electronic circuits and their analogues. ^

194 C Y B E R N E T IC S A T O Z

Therefore, T j= 1 and T2= l , or T2= constructing electrical circuits on the

= 0 . Thus we have obtained that the basis of m athematical logic. Next
first statement of Tolya is true, and such circuits were assembled. Now
the second false. Since his words were: computers are being built on the ba­
1. I ’m not guilty. 2. M isha’s done it. sis of all types of electronic circuits.
3. Dima is telling a lie saying I ’ve Now look. Suppose we agree to de­
done i t —i t ’s clear that the window signate contacts closing a circuit in
had not been broken by Tolya or the presence of signals a and b by the
Misha. same letters a and b and contacts
This sim ultaneously proves the breaking the circuit in the presence
third of D im a’s statements accusing of these signals by the symbols a'
Tolya of the crime to be untrue. Hen­ and b' and, moreover, agree to de­
ce, D3= 0 and Ds = l . So in the for­ signate the parallel and series connec­
mula for D im a’s statement the last tions of these contacts by the signs
two of the items w ill turn zero, and of addition and m ultiplication, then
it w ill assume the simple form we w ill find that operations a', a + b ,
ab are performed according to rules
D = D2 • Da • D3 of logical negation (NOT), addition
(OR) or logical m ultiplication (AND).
We have obtained already Ds = l , hen­ A closed circuit is in this case 1
ce, Dx= l and D2= l . (truth), an open circuit 0 (lie).
The first and the third statements Imagine an electric circuit consist­
of Dima are true, and this proves ing, for example, of a voltage source,
him to be innocent. an alarm and two switches. In such
The third of M isha’s statements a circuit to sound the alarm both
controvenes the second statement of switches have to be switched on.
Dima. L et’s write M3= D 2. Hence, This is called the coincidence circuit,
M3= 0 , and M3= l . Now Misha’s or the logical AND circuit.
statement is as follows: An output signal appears only in
case both signals coincide in time.
M = Mx • M2 • M3 L et’s connect both switches in pa­
rallel in another circuit. To sound
It will be true only ifM 1= l , M 2= l . the alarm one OR the other switch
M3= l . M isha’s second statement is should be switched on. This is called
true. The window was broken by Le- the separation circuit. It performs
nya. Thus the formulae of mathema­ the logical OR operation. The cir­
tical logic enabled us to find the cul­ cuit allows voltages from different
prit quickly and unmistakenly. lines to be applied to one point with­
In the course of computer progress out connecting these lines.
mathematical logic became intim ate­ The negation, or the logical NOT
ly connected with computer mathe­ circuit, can be called an inverted cir­
matics and with all problems relating cuit. It has one input and one output.
to the construction and programming But the output signal appears only
of electronic computers. in the absence of the input signal.
The start was made when scientists There is, naturally, no sense in in­
initially suggested the possibility of serting circuits with switches into

high-speed electronic computers. Here AND, OR, NOT, so to speak, materia­

the job is done by electron devices. lized in the substance of wires and
They perform the same logical opera­ tubes. They enable the computer to
tions, but at enormous speeds. “reason” in the course of its work:
Here, for example, are three elec­ A N D—to connect, OR—to choose,
tron-tube circuits. The first NOT, the NOT—to negate.
second AND, and the third OR. How If one recollects that the trigger
do they work? in showing one and zero seems to say
L et’s make use of the analogy be­ “yes” or “no”, it w ill become clear:
tween the electric and water currents. the computer language, despite its
See how the level of water in the ves­ scarcity, enables all numbers and all
sels drops and you’ll understand eve­ words to be coded and logical reason­
rything. If the slide valve is NOT ing to be performed.
moved, the level of water in the ves­ The application of the calculus of
sel w ill drop. If the first AND the statements in automata, in electro­
second slide valves are moved, the nic circuits connects mathematical
level of water in the vessel w ill drop. logic with cybernetics, on one hand,
If the first OR the second slide valve and makes this abstract science bring
is moved, the level of water in the practical results, on the other. In
vessel w ill drop. plain words, mathematical logic is
Something of the sort takes place active everywhere, where electronic
in the electron tubes as w ell. The only computers are at work, for every prob­
difference is that electric current lem is solved by computers in compli­
flows instead of water. Instead of ance with its immutable laws.
water levels we have output voltages, But this is only one aspect of the
and the circuits are controlled not by problem. The other is that the com ­
slide valves, but by current pulses. puter circuits themselves, and their
Thus, we have obtained circuits elements, are being analysed and de­
for realizing the three principal lo­ veloped with the aid of mathematical
gical operations: the omnipotent logic.

M Where Is the M idget M oving?

If the designers of electronic compu­

MICROMINIATURIZATION ters were to have a song of their trade
it would surely have the refrain
A trend “Smaller, still sm aller...”
in the progress of technology Judge for yourselves.
There is “Eniac”, the one-time idol
aimed at reducing the dimensions, of computer operators—an intricate
weight and energy consumption collossus weighing 30 tons and occu­
pying a hall of 150 square metres and
of equipment,
containing 40 separate panels, 18
at improving its reliability thousand tubes, 1500 electromecha­
and facilitating the automation nical relays.
Impressive numbers!
of its production. And the other veteran—“Tridag”?
It occupied a whole building hous­
ing transformers, electric motors, air-
cooling plants and pumping stations.
They all served 8 thousand tubes and
2 thousand relays.
In our tim e the fate of a computer
somewhat resembles the fickle fate
of many films. Barely has it succee­
ded in making the world gasp as it
becomes a museum exhibit, a greater
rarity than, say, a car made at the
beginning of the century. Such
was the fate of the first computers.
Why were those giants so short­
lived? W hy did those “mastodonts”
of computer technology perish? Main
reasons for this were their large di­
mensions and, of course, slow ope­
rating speeds. The operating speeds
of those giants, though rather high
for those tim es, were still slow —
some tens or hundreds of calculati­
ons per second, not more.
Yet the problems put forward by
modern science and technology were
such that the mere thought of solving
them could take the breath away.

The need arose of performing tens of The computer does it quicker. But
trillions of arithmetical operations. how much quicker? In a day, an hour,
Even with a speed of ten thousand a minute?
operations per second it would take How many, times quicker—that is
a high-speed computer over four years the question. And then: what should
of continuous operation to do the high-speed computers look like, what
job. For instance, the solution of a elements should they be made of,
problem relating to planning and con­ what w ill their dimensions be?
trol of the economy requires Now that computer engineering has
10 000 000 000 000 000—a number its history we can glancing back per­
with sixteen zeros (1016)—calculations ceive the changes that the computers
to be performed. have undergone from generation to
Three and a half m illion slow-speed generation, and follow the trend of
computers would be needed to comple­ their development.
te this enormous job. This is unfe­ The ancestors of present-day compu­
asible. Only one alternative remains ters were the electromechanical slug­
—to make the computers work faster. gards into which all the ingenuity of
Working eight hours a day you the fourties was packed. Their time
could count to a m illion in three and a of operation was in the m illiseconds
half months. A billion would take range.
you ... 500 years to count.

The first generation of modern computers announced its appearance by a steady

hum of electron tubes in grey metal cabinets. Their life was not a very long one—
from 1946 to 1957. The density of elements was 0.01-0.10 per cubic centimetre.
Operating speeds were already in the microseconds range. As soon as these com­
puters began to display first signs of intelligence people hurried to brand them
“thinking machines” and began feverishly making estimates as to what the
dimensions of computers comparable to the human brain would be. The result was
discouraging. The “electronic brain” would be as big as the biggest skyscraper.
It would need a Niagara Falls to cool it.
The computers of the second generation began to take shape already within the
first generation.
The main part in the computers of the second generation is played by semicon­
ductors. The best electron tube works not more than 5 thousand hours, while a
semiconductor device works 70 thousand hours. Alongside the envelope of a tube
the semiconductor device the size of a match head looks quite a dwarf. It proved
to have many valuable qualities: the reliability of the new computers increased,
their energy consumption was low, and they could do well without cooling. Their
dimensions decreased so drastically that designers began talkm g of table calcula­
tors to replace traditional arithmometers. \
And what about speeds? A tenth or a hundredth of a second per operation? No,
much faster—some thousandths or even ten-thousandths.
As the computers of the second generation appeared it became clear that the
method to minimize their dimensions in future should consist not merely in dimi-

nishing the volume of various blocks of the computer as a whole but should be
based, in the first place, on minimizing the dimensions of separate components,
on increasing their packing density with a simultaneous decrease in the number
and length of all connections between the blocks. Now the designers went to any
length to make a midget out of the computer.
And the simple transistor which recently was triumphantly marching through
the entire electronics has modestly relegated to the background. Instead, new
components took up the struggle for minimum dimensions and maximum speeds
of computers. Great was their number: optotrons and cryotrons, high-frequency
transistors and tunnel diodes, spacistors and twistors, biaxes and transfluxors,
persistors and cryosars, parametric devices and technetrons. A tenfold decrease
in the volume of various apparatus became at once a reality. And operating speeds
shifted to the hundred thousandths and even m illionths of a second range.
But even this colourful array of subminiature, ultra-fast, super-reliable compo­
nents soon made way for thin films—the building stones of third-generation com­
Three generations of computers in the spell of twenty years!
At the beginning of the fifties—tube computers, at the beginning of the sixties
—transistorized computers, and at the beginning of the seventies—computers on
integrated circuits (thin films).
W ith the aid of these new building stones it proved possible to build a world
of tiny giants, to erect electronic cities of unusual architecture. Recently, the de­
signer would proudly demonstrate a computing block of the computer the size of
a tin of sardines. Now, engineers dream of packing 350 thousand circuits into
one cubic decimetre.
Where do these magic qualities of the thin film stem from that allow engineers
to achieve so much?
Usually films are produced by evaporation. The appropriate material is heated
in vacuum under ambient pressure of a thousand m illionth of an atmosphere. The
material evaporates and condenses on a glass or a metal plate. This fine work is
made much more intricate by the necessity of arranging the particles not arbitra­
rily but in accordance with a strict pattern. “Electronic stitching” is based on the
process of condensation through the slits of a mask repeated many times. The
structure of the layers of the film used in circuits—there may be ten, fifteen or
more of them —must coincide exactly. To show the difficulty of this job it suffices
to state the thickness of the film—i t ’s only 100 Angstroms (one hundred thou­
sandth of a millimetre thick). The right to use the word thickness with the film
being thinner than a ten thousandth of the thickness of a safety razor blade re­
mains in itself questionable.
This film circuits are complete electronic circuits. Thus we witness not the art
of assembling circuits from separate blocks, from separate building stones, but
a supreme mastery of matter when every particle of it in compliance with the
wishes of the creator occupies a place allotted to it.
This is the quality that now assumes major importance for computer designers.

■4 The path of microminiaturization.


M illions of devices per cubic m illi­ ters, or, to be more exact, of highly
metre in conjunction with speeds of productive communities of entire com­
m illions of operations per second. puter systems with a total memory
Operating speeds of third-genera­ of billions of bits and operation
tion computers are expected to rise speeds of billions of operations per
by about two orders of magnitude: second.
108 operations per second, th at’s what An absolute superiority of midgets
their speed is going to be. This is over giants! The midgets won again,
only an order of magnitude less than having succeeded in opening the doors
the lim it set by the velocity of elec­ of the kingdom, unseen and unheard-
tric pulse propagation in solids. of before, of the kingdom the entrance
And the fourth generation? These to which bore the inscription “na­
computers are still more advanced. nosecond”—a billionth of a second.
Speeds up to 10s operations per se­ Such computer speeds, though it
cond, a working memory store hous­ sounds like a paradox, can be neither
ing 108 bits of special inter-computer seen nor imagined, but they can be
information units. This unit is equi­ attained and utilized.
valent to two decimal digits or one This marks a complete triumph of
ABC sign. This amount of 108 bits is technology: something has been made
sim ply hard to imagine. Let us by by hand that defies im agination.
way of an example translate the volu­ However, as is often the case in
me of computer external memory sto­ technology, every new achievement
re exceeding 1012 signs into the “book creates a new problem.
language”. The result w ill be m il­ The lim it for the speed of operation
lions of volumes of 500 pages each! of third-generation computers is set
The fourth-generation computers by the velocity of propagation of
boasting such parameters and such a electric pulses in solids.
structure are, in effect, real communi­ To overcome the problem one has
ties of the second- and third-genera­ to make a detour.
tion computers. This trick was ac­ The way as the specialists see it is as
complished with the aid of a new sub­ follows. Microscopic devices have been
miniaturization instrument, the BIC. designed for the conversion of elec­
Big Integrated Circuits represent tric signals into light signals, and vice
structural complexes of numerous ele­ versa.
ments. Just compare: the envelope Sim ultaneously fibre optics has co­
of one semiconductor device houses me into existence. The latter makes
only the device itself, of an integra­ use of thin transparent filaments,
ted circuit—up to ten devices, and with the aid of which light can be
of a big integrated circuit—over a transmitted along any straight or cur­
hundred. And this is not the lim it. ved path connecting the elements of
In the future BIC w ill, probably, grow the circuit, in the same way as elec­
to become GIC—Gigantic Integrated trons are transported along metal
Circuits — containing several thousand wires.
elements. As a result, in addition to the elec­
GIC may be regarded as the build­ tron the particle of lig h t—the photon
ing blocks for fifth-generation compu­ —was, too, harnessed to the electro-

nic cart. In opto-electronic systems ter with the reliability of the brain
information fluxes flow at the same too bold? Isn’t this dream baseless?
time along electric and optic chan­ It turns out not. Using fibre glass
nels, whose joints are provided with a laser device can be built that w ill
opto-electronic and electric-optic con­ operate on the principles of a living
verters. The use of optic connections neuron. Light-conducting filaments
and of optic methods of information w ill play the part of nerves transport­
processing has given electronics a new ing impulses. The pattern of operation
degree of freedom, has substantially of such a computer w ill im itate the
increased its possibilities and opened action of the brain’s neurons and the
up new horizons. Thus emerges the nervous system. This hybrid of tech­
shape of computers of the following nology and electronics w ill, in effect,
generations. Life w ill be blown into make a synthetic brain.
them not by electric current but by a It would seem that everything that
ray of light. Now the phrase “the could be desired had been realized:
computer radiates thought” w ill sound speeds defying imagination, wonder­
quite real. ful reliability and utmost compact­
The principles of design of future ness. But people with a foresight are
optic computers w ill be quite diffe­ already able to discern the dim con­
rent from those utilized in the design tours of new machines.
of electronic computers. Light pulses An attentive reader, you have not
of a hundred billionth of a second du­ failed to notice that the description is
ration switch a lazer system on and sim ply “such m achines”, without the
off practically w ithout delay. customary epithet “thinking”, or the
Fantastic speeds led to fantastic rigorous definition “computing”.
dimensions of the computer—they ha­ Why?
ve reached the absolute minimum, the New machines are expected to re­
part of the calculating element in volutionize technology in the same
them being played by molecules and way as this was done some twenty
even atoms. The most acute problem years ago by electronic computers
here is reliability. Since repair work which replaced electromechanical cal­
on such midget computers is not fea­ culators since their speeds w ill be
sible they have to work without no less than 1020 logical operations
faults. This, the engineers decided, per second. Try and find an epithet
could be achieved. Such devices exist. for such a machine. Their operating
For instance, nature has nursed the principles w ill, too, be quite diffe­
human brain. Its reliability is per­ rent.
fect. It works without repair or stop­ Imagine yourself reading a book
page about 70 years, despite the not line by line but whole pages at
fact that every hour of human life a glance.
some 1000 neurons die—that makes This is the operating principle of
some 500 m illions during the whole the computer, and such projects al­
life. ready exist. They w ill be capable of
Then why not make use of nature’s processing incoming data en masse.
experience? The computer element w ill perceive
Isn ’t the idea of building a compu­ not a line but a whole picture, nay,

M ir ro r


ten thousand pictures at once, each The rate at which such machines
of which will contain 1010 bits of depart from machines that we have
information. In these computers you been accustomed to and become so­
w ill be looking in vain for channels m ething defying imagination is quite
transmitting light and electronic sig­ terrific.
nals. Where does the road of microminia­
They are strange, almost bodyless turization take us? Is there a lim it to
creatures. computer advancement?
Their principle of operation, to a The history of the generations of
first approximation, resembles that machines gives a negative answer to
of the epidiascope, which instantly this question. And what about the
displays pictures on a screen and over­ lim itations set by the laws of nature
lays them one on top of the other. to name, for one, the constant veloci­
The computer’s “memory”, if it is ty of light?
based on “pictures”, w ill be able to There is no getting away from the
store a huge library of 500 thousand fact that the rate of information trans­
volumes. fer is lim ited by the velocity of light.
The selection of information in Therefore, future optical machines
these computers w ill not be based on must be designed so that light in
the address principle when to get to them would have to travel minimum
the desired cell it is necessary to distances. It may be conjectured that
find the appropriate “street” and they w ill be spherical in shape, since
“house”, but on the principle of asso­ out of all bodies with an equal vol­
ciations. ume the sphere has the minimum sur­
Everything we memorize is inter­ face area.
connected, we memorize groups of Going over from our usual world
information, not separate bits. into the world of the atom we come
That’s how our memory—human face to face with new laws, new con­
memory—works. This, too, w ill be the ventions. In our world the capacity
working principle of the new compu­ of the computer is lim ited by the
ters which have been even before maximum density of information
their birth romantically christened packed into the computer memory. In
“picture logic” computers or “pictu­ the world of the atom this is of no
re arithm etic” computers. importance since one cubic centime­
We have just been introduced to tre of an absolutely condensed nuc­
several generations of computers. Ha­ lear matter weighs 114 m illion tons.
ve you noticed how rapidly their ca­ What an enormous amount of infor­
pabilities increase, and how at the mation could be packed into matter
same time their dimensions decrease having such density! And what about
at no less a rate? living matter? Just think about it,

■4 The elements of microminiaturization.

Micromodules—blocks made of microelements operating as calculating cells. Integrated cir­
cuits—groups of elements. There are whole associations of them—the BIG—Big Integrated
Absolutely new—opto-electronic—devices using lasers.

the material basis of genetic informa­ sions of computer elements. This obs­
tion of the whole population of the tacle, as we have just seen, may dis­
world—some three billion people— appear in the future.
could be compressed into the volume Nature’s ingenuity, its ability to
of a rain drop. pack information sparingly, point to
It would be appropriate to remark the shortest road for the computer de­
at this juncture that the nerve elements signer to take.
of the human brain—individually— Today it is too early to try to de­
act quite slowly. The duration of the fine the place future machines w ill
operating cycle is almost a second. occupy in the life of man. What w ill
Slow speed is made up for by an enor­ be the job of intellectual automata
mous redundancy, since the elements that memorize and think quicker
are great in number. According to than the human brain? There is at
theoretical calculations an element present no answer to this question,
working at a rate of one m illionth of and not because it lies in the distant
a second does the work of a thousand future—it is not improbable that such
elements each working at a rate of machines w ill be our contemporaries.
one thousandth of a second. Natural­ The point is, scientists at present
ly the question arises, won’t the de­ have no clear picture of the future rela­
signers turn back and start trading tions of the creator and its m arvel­
speed for quantity? Before there was lous creation.
an obstacle in this w ay—the dimen­

The investigation ing models. Airplanes, machine tools,

hydro-electric stations, cranes, ice­
of various phenomena breakers, rockets, tractors, rolling
and processes m ills—to enumerate everything that
with the aid of models. is made with the aid of m odelling is
a job in itself.
The model is a symbolic image Scientists have made this appa­
(a drawing, a diagram, rently childish hobby their business.
Rigorous scientific definitions for mo­
a description, etc.). dels have been introduced. Some mo­
dels are called material or physical.
They im itate on a lesser scale the exis­
ting “nature”: real constructions, in­
D if f e r e n t I s I d e n tic a l struments, machines, etc.
These are the models we have grown
so accustomed to. They facilitate in
In 1870 the British Admiralty laun­ many ways the work of designers,
ched a new battleship the C a p ta in . draftsmen and engineers of various
The ship went out to sea and overtur­ specialities.
ned. The ship sank—523 seamen pe­ A model of an airplane being de­
rished. signed—an exact small-scale copy of
Nobody could have expected it. i t —is placed into the wind tunnel to
Nobody with one exception. The ex­ measure with the aid of this “to y ”
ception was the British scientist and such most important parameters as
ship builder W. Read who previously aerodynamic drag of the plane, lift­
conducted experiments with a model ing force, thrust, weight, etc.
of the ship and concluded that she Wind-tunnel tests yield altogether
would overturn even in m ildly rough some 250 thousand numerical charac­
seas. But the Lords of the Admiralty teristics. A ll of them are of the ut­
refused to give any credit to the scien­ most importance for the design of a
tist who had been playing around new plane.
with a “toy”. And irreparable loss Another example of a model repro­
was the result. ducing the physics of the process was
It was not overnight that the mo­ cited by one of the authors of this
del—this priceless and doubtless aid trend in modelling, Lenin prize win­
of engineers and scientists—found ac­ ner, Doctor of Technical Sciences
ceptance. See how little models were V. Venikov.
trusted not so long ago—only 100 “It was in the year 1953 that the
years back. In a well-known publica­ Construction of a gigantic hydro-elec­
tion—Granat’s dictionary—even in tric station now bearing the name of
its seventh edition, the term model Lenin was begun on the river Volga
merited only two words: “See foun­ near the Zhiguli mountains.
dry.” “Power from the station was main­
When one speaks of models nowa­ ly to be transported to Moscow over
days, he least of all has in mind cast­ an electric power-line about one thou-

cluding those which were to be tes­

ted just under breakdown conditions.
“There was only one solution—to
construct an artificial power system
in which all processes of interest to
power engineers would follow a course
identical to that in the future power
system. Such a power system, rather
a miniature model of it, was construc­
ted at the Moscow Power In stitu te.”
The difficult thing is to get started.
And hydro-power engineers from Mos­
cow made the first step. After that
all large hydro-electric systems of
such plants as the Volga plant, the
Bratsk plant, the Assuan plant were
studied with the aid of physical mo­
A material or physical model is a small- Today the extreme importance of
size analogue of the real object.
physical models as an experimental
tool in technology does not need pro­
sand kilometres long. Scientists and ving. Everyone knows it. But there
engineers faced many problems: that exists another world of models of
of controlling power output and trans­ quite different qualities and charac­
port, of guaranteeing its quality, of ter—the world of mathematical mo­
protecting the equipment from fai­ dels. They take the form quite unex­
lures, etc. pected for models—that of mathema­
“Since it was the first time that tical formulae.
such powerful hydro-electric genera­ For instance:
tors, connected to long-distance ultra- J 2 — c|
high voltage lines, were produced, it
was necessary to design for them ba­ o*i,x\ -p b2x 2 — c2
sically new control and protection de­ W hat’s the hidden meaning of these
vices, among them generator excita­ bare signs?
tion regulators. Let us ask the person who should
“In 1954 five prototypes of such know—the mathematician. Alas, the
regulators were produced. But where m athem atician’s answer w ill be cou­
were they to be tested? How was the ched only in the most general terms:
optimum prototype to be selected? “This is a system of two linear alge­
“Extensive tests entail reproducing braic equations with two unknowns.
extreme, i.e. breakdown, conditions, But what its precise meaning is, I
and a breakdown of a power system cannot t e ll.”
means idle tools, cold furnaces, dark Let’s ask engineers of various spe­
windows of living houses. To avert cialities. Their answers w ill not coin­
breakdowns protective devices and cide. “This is ,” the electrician w ill
automatic regulators are needed in­ say, “ah equation for voltages or cur-

A model for the reproduction of the physical processes—an artificial power system.

rents in a circuit with active volta­ forces and deformations in some struc­
ges.” ture.
The specialist in mechanics is cer­ The specialist in planning w ill sta­
tain that the equations describe the te quite Authoritatively that these
equilibrium of forces in a system of equations serve to calculate the work­
levers or springs. ing time of machine tools.
The building engineer w ill inform Five quite different answers. Which
us that these are equations relating is the right one? You shouldn’t won-

The model can assume a somewhat unfamiliar form as well—the form of mathematical for­

der—all are right. Yes, a single sys­ common between the calculation of
tem of linear algebraic equations can motion of celestial bodies and the roll
describe the state of equilibrium in of a ship. Yet, if only the formula
an electric circuit, as well as in a and the equations without words are
system of levers, or in a structure. A ll written, it is impossible to discern
depends on the meaning of the cons­ which of the two problems is being
tant coefficients a, b, c and of the solved: the equations are the same in
symbols of the unknowns x 1 and x 2. both cases.”
It is appropriate at this juncture to The wonderful mathematical si­
recollect the words of the famous m ilarity of diverse phenomena pre­
Russian academician A. Krylov: sents tremendous opportunities.
“To think of it, what could be in W hat’s the use of a scrupulously

exact m aterial model of a bridge

assembled from exactly the same ma­
terials and parts as the prototype?
There is a simpler solution—the mo­
del of the bridge may be constructed
in the form of an electric circuit.
This circuit serves as a peculiar m o­
delling balance. Electricity proved to
be the most useful “balance” for
“weighing” mathematical models. Mo­
dern electric equipment combines the
qualities of great sim plicity and re­
liab ility with those of accuracy and
sensitivity. This enabled electric mo­
dels of mechanical, thermal, acousti­ 8 R 9 10 11 12
cal and other phenomena, continuous­
ly varying with time, to be devised.
Electric models comprise capaci­
tors, resistors and inductances. For
instance, it is possible to assemble a
circuit with currents proportional to
stresses in the structure of a bridge
and to measure voltages across the
junctions of the circuit which are pro­
portional to deformations of the gir­
ders. In this case the equations, in
which those deformations play the
part of unknowns, may be dispensed
And what if the need arises to calcu­
late a new variant? One has only to An electric circuit model of a bridge truss.
change the value of the resistors and
repeat the measurements to get the
data. This method enables numerous It takes seven months for ten cal­
versions of structures to be tested with­ culators to calculate ten versions of
in tens of minutes. the problem. W ith the aid of the
Electric models are built,' for ins­ electric m odelling apparatus ten peop­
tance, for the solution of problems le can calculate a thousand versions
relating to the flight of an airplane. of the same problem in only four days.

Let us now find out how the electric modelling apparatus, this “mathematical
mirror” reflecting the regularities of the model, works.
L et’s start with a simple example. We intend to study the stresses in a steel
bridge truss loaded by a crane. What do we start with? First of all le t’s find the
geometric image of the truss and its electric model.

This is done with the aid of unfamiliar “electric cubes” which specialists call
resistor boxes. These “cubes” can be arranged to outline all sorts of figures: the
body of a dam, the wall of a channel, the blade of a turbine, the wing of a plane,
a rail, etc.
Each of these “electric cubes” consists of several coils of wire and condensors,
connected to a single terminal. The required circuit is drawn along the terminals
inside the “cube”—the so-called junctions. They are connected to current sources,
and this initiates various phenomena in the “cubes”. Electricity acting on each
“cube” through its junction plays the part of water, heat source or mechanical
force—i.e. of the active environment of the real prototype being studied.
But how should these “cubes” be assembled into figures corresponding to dams,
parts of turbines, etc.? These structures or machine parts should, too, be subdi­
vided into “cubes”, so that a definite number of the “cubes” would correspond
to a definite dimension of the object being studied. This can be done easily with
the aid of the object’s prints.
L et’s return now to the calculations of the truss. Using the drawing of the truss
we arrange the “electric cubes” to form a geometric likeness of it and make the
measurements. There is no need of complicated switching and connecting of the
ends of one “cube” with those of another. The mass of “electric cubes” is so arran­
ged that any figure can be immediately “cut out” by sim ply outlining the object
with a string on the “electric cube” set.
A universal electric model possesses the additional faculty of probing deep into
the element. Is there any way to learn what happens 10 cm inside the truss? L et’s
make a “hole” in the electric model. We can make any “holes” we like, marking
them appropriately on the print. After that we have only to disconnect a certain
number of “cubes” in the corresponding place of the model. After the required
hole has been made, any measurements may be made inside it, and they w ill give
exact answers as to what takes place inside the beam. To probe to any depth into
the “wound” inflicted on the model, one has only to connect a wire to this place.
This is done automatically by pressing an appropriate button on the “electric
cube” set.
The stresses in the beam are studied on an electric model called the electro-in­
tegrator. It solves—integrates—with the aid of electricity complicated differen­
tial equations sensitive to the smallest changes taking place in the shortest inter­
vals of time.
The integrator is one of the existing types of continuous-action electric model­
ling machines. Another name for them is analogue computers. Literally day to
day their fam ily is being expanded and modernized.
You have not failed to notice that the principle of operation of the analogue
computers is quite different from that of the digital computer. One specialized
book on modelling contains a very vivid and clear example to this effect,
A tailor who measures a m an’s figure in certain places makes use of numerical
The shoe-maker, on the other hand, who outlines the shape of a m an’s foot
on paper, makes use of the analogue principle, since his measurements are
continuous. This, too, is the principle of operation of the analogue computer:

The analogy existing between thermal and electric processes enables the distribution of heat in
bodies even of the most complex shape to be modelled.

continuous changes in numerical values are correlated with continuous changes

in the value of the physical analogue.
For some research studies electric modelling sets play the part of the marvellous
L et’s again take the airplane studied in a wind tunnel. As a result of studies
scientists arrive at the so-called flight equation of the airplane. To solve this equa­
tion means to predetermine the flight path of the plane. Despite numerous pa­
rameters its solution would present few difficulties if the forces acting on the pla­
ne in flight would remain constant.
But this is totally out of the question—the plane is subjected to alternate down­
ward and upward air streams, it is thrown about from side to side like a ship on

the waves. The forces acting on the plane change continuously, too. These changes
take place every moment of tim e, and they are not repeated.
On an electric-modelling or an electronic set fast processes can be repeated
any number of times. The mathematical model helps man to achieve mastery over
tim e. W ith the aid of “electric cubes” it enables dynamic variable processes ta­
king place in reality to be slowed down or accelerated.
The scientist has only to reduce the m odelling rate to place himself in the po­
sition of a man watching a slow m otion picture—he is able to learn things he
would not be able to without the artificial slowing down.
By increasing the modelling rate it is possible to hasten a process which in rea­
lity proceeds at a sn ail’s pace and takes years to complete.
Looking into the “mathematical mirror” one sees and quite quickly, too, what
is going to happen to a dam, a lock, an artificial lake several years after they have
been built.
This is the reason why the unquestionable advantages of mathematical model­
ling are adopted without reservation by scientists of various specialities.

Physicists occasionally find for the The journey from the test tube to an
models quite fantastic, from the lay­ industrial installation often takes from
m an’s point of view, fields of applica­ ten to twelve years. Gan mathemati­
tion. Just to cite physico-mathemati- cal m odelling be applied here? Yes,
cal models of the plasma—of the ob­ and it is already being applied. For
ject the direct study of which, as instance, at the Novosibirsk chemical
physicists themselves agree, is made plant factory tests have been com­
very difficult by its peculiar nature pleted of an installation which man­
and by the com plexity and great cost aged to “skip” all intermediate deve­
of experimental installations. lopment stages and arrived at the
A veritable hamlet in space enve­ factory direct from the laboratory.
lops the earth—75 space stations. This The “m athematical mirror” disclosed
is the place of destination of rockets its true image. Mathematical models
fired from the Earth. Regular traffic are also used to study the properties
by spaceships is maintained between of new catalysts, as well as in some
the stations. They bring in foodstuffs, other chemical experiments.
equipment and instruments, specia­ In collaboration with biologists,
lists for servicing and repair work. chemists achieve promising results in
These results of studies carried out by m odelling such exacting and unwieldy
American scientists using the method substances as enzymes, these marvel­
of mathematical modelling were ex­ lous catalysts of life.
pressed in concise formulae. T hat’s You can learn about models in
m odelling as applied to astronautics. biology and medicine from a chapter
And what about chemistry? Here the of this book called “Cybernetics in
usual practice is for a process after B iology”.
leaving the laboratory to be subjected Something remains to be said about
to a protracted, m ultistage and ar­ one more aspect of modelling, about
duous testing and development work. its role in experiment. The m odelling

experiment differs from the usual one object widens the scope of the experi­
in that the experimenter experiments ment rendering thereby invaluable
not with the object itself but with a service to the experimenter.
model of it. The model “intrudes” The story about where and when
into the experiment and draws at­ analogies between different processes
tention to itself. This is a very im­ and properties with an identical “ma­
portant property of modelling, for them atical im age” are used can be
models can be experimented with continued indefinitely. Or it can be
even when the objects themselves for cut short with the words that have
some reason or other are beyond the been born several hundred years ago.
experimenters’ control—as the case “And, above all, I value the Ana­
may be, they may be too far away logies, my faithful instructors. They
(the stars), or very short-lived (ele­ are in possession of all the secrets
mentary particles), or too great (lar­ of Nature and should therefore be
ge industrial complexes). In these last to be ignored.”
cases the model acting as an interme­ These are the words of the great
diary in assuming the role of the German mathematician J. Kepler.

A musical piece us try and answer them. First, the

latter question: musical talent.
It would seem that music can be
by an electronic computer written by non-musical methods. So
according to a programme talent is not all that is necessary... .
Two centuries ago, in 1751, an Eng­
describing the requirements
lish musician, W illiam Hays, wrote
for the work. a humorous work called The Art of
W riting M usic Em ploying an Excep­
tionally New Method S uitable for the
Poorest Talents. All that is needed,
according to the instructions, is a
A Deaf Composer stiff brush and some ink. You dip
the brush in the ink, then drawing a
finger over the bristles you spatter
We shall begin our acquaintance a sheet of music paper with ink spots.
w ith “electronic composers” with a Then all that remains is to add the
list of some of their most celebrated bars, note stems and other musical
works. symbols to complete the work.
These include the “Illiac S u ite” A few years later, in 1757, a Ger­
for strings written by a computer at man, Kirnberger by name, compiled a
the University of Illinois, USA, Guide for Composing Polonaises and
and four thousand songs under the M inuets with the A id of Dice.
general heading “B ert’s B utton” pro­ Unlike the former, this was a seri­
duced by a computer belonging to the ous work. Before writing his compo­
Dadatron Company of California. At sition the composer has to draw up
Harvard University a computer is a table of six columns, numbered one
also a capable popular song composer. to six for the faces of the die, and
True, its operators have not assigned eight rows, corresponding to the num­
names to its compositions. Perhaps ber of bars in the musical phrase.
they were discouraged by the ma­ The next step is to compose 48 bars,
ch in e’s strange habit of suddenly sw it­ one for each square in the table. Fi­
ching from one song to another for nally, the author has to cast the die.
no apparent reason. In our country Say, it gives a “4 ”, then the composer
a “U ral” computer working in a takes the first bar of his piece from
different style has produced a series the first row of the fourth column.
of musical pieces under the general Thus, by casting again and again,
heading “Urals M elodies”. the first phrase of eight bars is com­
Yes, electronic computers write mu­ pleted.
sic. How do they do it? Do they un­ In 1793, no less a composer than
derstand anything of the complex Mozart wrote a Guide to the Composi­
laws of composition? Can they be tion of W altzes with the A id of Two
m usically talented? Dice W ithout A ny Knowledge of M u­
These are natural questions. Let sic or Composing. It also provided for

a numbered table with notes to be computer was used to analyse 37 tu­

randomly selected by throwing a pair nes. Then, after 6000 “dice throws”
of dice. it produced 600 new tunes. True, it
On learning these techniques, did not hesitate to take whole passages
one is naturally tempted to ask why from one or several tunes, displaying
a machine couldn’t “throw dice” and a propensity for plagiarism, and could
select random notes from a table. It hardly be called a “creative” machine.
certainly can, and much faster than Paradoxically, it was H ays’ me­
a human being. In one experiment a thod of spattering ink spots with a

brush that proved most suitable for to be the source serious and very
computer music, though with one im ­ promising work.
portant improvement: the erasal of An example of such work is the
unwanted blot-notes. “Urals M elodies” mentioned before.
To operate on this principle, a They are interesting as an attempt to
machine’s memory must be provided construct not only chords, as is usual­
with a store of sounds from which it ly the case, but also that very impor­
can extract combinations according tant component of music, the melody.
to m athematical rules. As you may The author of the new method is
have guessed, the “sounds” in the Soviet scientist R. Zaripov. The essen­
machine are represented in terms of ce of his method is contained in a pa­
numbers. And, of course, a carefully per entitled “On Algorithmic Descrip­
compiled programme is needed. tion of the Process of Music Composi­
But what is to be gained by this? tio n ” printed in such a serious and
Who needs this kind of prim itive mu­ highly esteemed publication as the
sical compilations? The answer is no Proceedings of the Academy of Scien­
one—at least no one needs them as ces of the U SSR.
music. However, they have proved

R . Zaripov, mathematician and musician, had first to adjust himself to his

electronic “co-author”— “Ural” computer—since a machine can solve only those
problems which have been described mathem atically, for which there is an algo­
rithm and a firm guide for action.
Thus, it is first necessary to compile the laws, principles and rules of musical
composition in terms of mathematical formulae and logical relationships. Is this
possible? Certainly.
Men noted long ago that music follows certain mathematical laws. Cassiodorus
wrote in the 6th century: “Music is a science that considers numbers with respect
to phenomena observable in sounds.”
It is said that Pythagoras, once, on passing by a sm ithy, noticed that the ham­
mers striking the anvil produced sounds with intervals corresponding to a quart,
a quint and an octave. He walked into the smithy and asked the blacksmith to
show him the hammers. He weighed them and found that the hammers that pro­
duced the octave, the quint and the quart weighed respectively a half, two-thirds
and three-quarters of the weight of the heaviest hammer.
The relationship discovered by Pythagoras subsequently became the basis of
the theory of music.
The simplest harmonious combinations of tones—chords—were studied long
ago. It was found that the greater the simple fraction expressing the ratio of the
sounds’ frequencies (which correspond to the pitch of each sound of the chord),
the “purer” the chord is and more pleasing it is to the ear.
Thus, a high G is produced by double the frequency of a low C, the ratio of the
octave being |-. The ratio - yields a fifth (C-G), the ratio a fourth (C-F).
It is known that piano scales are associated with rational and irrational num­
bers, and that there are logarithms in music.


Several processes in the translation of notes and rules of music into machine language: a method
of encoding pitches; a portion of a programme written down in number'code; the same program­
me on punched tapes; the result of the machine’s work written down on paper tape.

Mathematicians studying music found that popular songs are drawn from 35 to
60 notes. A statistical analysis of large numbers of songs revealed the following
typical song structure: there is the first part, which we shall call A , covering eight
bars and consisting of 18 to 25 notes. This part is repeated once and then followed
by a part B , also covering eight bars but consisting of 17-35 notes, after which
part A is repeated once more.
Other interesting rules were discovered. If five consecutive notes follow on'an
ascending scale, the sixth w ill always drop, and vice versa. Also, the first note
of part A w ill usually never be the second, fourth or fifth minor note of a scale.
Songs obey such long-established rules of composition as Mozart’s rule which lays
down that an interval between two neighbouring notes must never exceed six to­

Commence work

, j 9,
. ->4567890125^
' k '2345678901234:

End operation

Schematic diagram of the steps in the production of machine music.

You may, on occasion, have listened to an unfamiliar tune and been able to pre­
dict the following note before it was played. This happens most frequently with
lyrical songs. Specialists say that, in such cases, each subsequent note carries less
information than, for instance, in music pieces by Prokofiev or Shostakovich which
abound in unexpected inflections. Thus, the amount of information per note is
a parameter, a quantity which can be used to judge the music.
The rules of composition deducted from analyses of musical works are used in
writing music with the help of electronic computers. In addition, the “U ral”
computer was provided with a special generator of random numbers, its purpose
being to present random notes in a digital code. Each note was then examined
under the rules of musical composition, and only when a note was found to meet
the requirements was it entered into the score. If the screening reveals the note

to be unsuitable it is rejected, and another candidate is investigated. This conti­

nues until the tune is completed.
It would seem from this description that computer music writing is not all
that difficult, but it was quite some time before Zaripov finally worked out the
programme for the “U ral” computer. His task was to provide a mathematical
description of music for the machine and develop a system of codification for no­
tes and other elements of music.
For writing the marches and waltzes that were later incorporated in the “Urals
Melodies” Zaripov represented every note as a five-digit number. The first two
digits denoted the ordinal number of the sound, the third indicated the length of
the sound, the fourth and fifth, its pitch. The machine was not allowed to include
more than five consecutive ascending or descending notes (remember the rules
of composition), nor could it select adjacent pairs of notes of more than an octave
difference. There were many other taboos besides.
Even so it occasionally got out of hand. Zaripov recalls that after he had taught
the machine to write waltzes he decided to go over to marches. But the computer
balked, refusing to write anything but waltzes, and then finally began to rewind
the programme tape over and over again without producing any scores at all.
It was only after a thorough recheck that Zaripov discovered that in one of the
lines of the programme he had mistakenly recorded the number 1177 instead of
A considerable part of the m achine’s music-writing programme was devoted to
a description of rhythmic patterns or meters. In this case two meters were re­
quired: four-quarts for marches and three-quarts for waltzes. The programme also
provided for the number of parts in the future compositions and the number of
bars in each part. IN
The programme, which incorporated more than two thousand instructions,
utilized the total capacity of the “U ral’s ” working “memory”. Each individual

A d a g io m a non troppo lenio

H* m f m
-= &
* = h --
t -= F = f d * -)r
M L M -L
f— r
ff r f

N ff
• ►* - ■------
m -

note required an average of 800 m achine operations, and a whole piece as m any
as 30000.
A m elody synthesis programme for a “B3CM-2” com puter occupies several
thousands of its “m em ory” cells.
W hen the com puter, equipped w ith its program me, finishes its com pilation of
the tune its autom atic printer feeds it out in code on paper tape. The record is de­
ciphered and then transcripted in to conventional m usical script.

L et us now have a look a t some The m elody on p. 220, bottom, repre­

exam ples of electronic m usical com­ sents a sequence of 32 bars selected
position. by A m erican scientists Olson and
On p. 219, is a fragm ent from B elar from 44 bars produced by a
the second p a rt of the “Illiac Suite”. com puter.
On p. 220, top, are fragments from two This is one of the first tunes produced
tunes w ritten by the Soviet “E9CM-2” by the “U ra l” com puter (before the
com puter w ith the help of the L a t­ “U rals M elodies”) on top of this page.
vian m athem atician V ilnis D etlovs. And below is a passage from the
“U rals M elodies”.

p 2 ir. rf. i
j- ^
i —
j. j; _j_. ^ 0 J J liJ
f ' — — s -—_
M~ f ~(i# _

i pi'-

Now th a t you have seen how com ­ the ra th e r laborious task of tran scri­
puters compose music and have exa­ bing a score from one key to another,
m ined several pieces, it is tim e to and i t is sure to m ake no m istakes in
explain why scientists devote so m uch the process.
tim e and effort to produce w hat is A com puter can be usefully em­
usually extrem ely sim ple melodies. ployed in deciphering m usical m anus­
The thing is th a t com puters deal cripts em ploying the m ethods of quan­
w ith symbols. The elem ents of m usic tita tiv e analysis. In a sim ilar way it
are also sym bols. The num ber of sym ­ m ay transcribe volum inous tape re­
bols in music is rela tiv e ly sm all, cordings of m usical folklore.
which m akes i t convenient for compu­ “E lectronic m usicians” can be en­
ter experim ents. A com puter makes tru sted w ith such tasks as searching
it possible to trace step by step, note for new tim bers, the im portance of
by note how sim ple elem ents combine which can h ardly be overestim ated for
to produce a tune. Com puter m usic instru m en tatio n , as well as in the
offers an o p p ortunity to study the arrangem ent of sym phonic m usic for
very nature of m usic, investigating in d iv id u al instrum ents.
m usical forms, chords, scales and se­ I t is hard to say w hether m achines
quences. A com puter is a fine tool for w ill ever be capable of producing
analysing the creative process. anything like genuine works of art,
By teaching com puters to w rite m u­ and works of creative value. O bvi­
sic scholars hope to penetrate the do­ ously, a m achine producing som ething
m ain of a rt and investigate it through like a work of a rt has no creative
a new, cybernetic approach. urge: i t a ll begins and ends w ith the
Hence the very specific role assig­ first and la st b ar assigned by the prog­
ned to com puters composing music: ram m e. A m achine m ay grind out hun­
they are not intended for creative dreds and thousands of tunes, b u t it
work b u t as m an ’s helpers. A com pu­ w ill never say w ith pride, “This is
te r can, for example, easily cope w ith my best w ork!”

An A d vanced Programme
N Two States

Everything made of 0 and 1—only

NUMBERS IN A COMPUTER two symbols, quite convenient, isn ’it?
L et’s try and find ways of recording
them m echanically, electrically or
The recording of numbers electronically.
and instructions L et’s start with the simplest.
in a computer— Y ou’ve probably seen a simple village
gate lock—a chunk of wood with a
in its recording block nail in the centre. This device can
or in the arithmetical block— keep the gate either closed or open,
with the aid of notation scales. there being no intermediate position.
And w hat’s the electrical analo­
gue of such a rotating lock? A simple
push-button table-lamp switch—press
the button to turn the light on, press
the button to turn the light off. The
switch remains in one position until
we switch it into another. After it is
switched into one position it w ill
remain in it as long as necessary, pro­
viding for the memorization of this
The symbols 0 and 1 of the binary
system can be transmitted and recor­
ded with the aid of electric current,
for example, by changing the time
intervals of current in the circuit: a
short interval—a dot, a longer one—a
dash, as in the Morse code. Or by
changing the polarity of the current:
plus-minus. Or by changing the am­
plitude: one in the presence of a
signal, zero in its absence. The last
method is used in computers because
i t ’s reliable, and because the compu­
ter’s devices easily distinguish the
presence of the signal from its absence.
The main part of the high-speed
computer is the so-called trigger. It,
too, works on the “on-off” principle.
In a simplified form, the trigger

The trigger circuit. When the right tube'is open and the left closed, the trigger registers 0. And
vice versa, when the left is open and the right is closed, it registers 1 .

consists of two electron tubes assem­ ly closes the open tube and opens the
bled in one bulb. They are electrically closed one. And in strict accordance
connected so that when one conducts with this pulse the trigger immedia­
current, the other blocks it. (One is tely changes its state from 1 to 0
open, the other is closed.) One of and vice versa.
these stable states was taken to mean It remains in each state until a
1, the other 0. new pulse reaches it. So “overturning”
Each new electric pulse applied to from one state into the other the trig­
the input of the trigger simultaneous­ ger enables pulses to be registered.

The recording of numbers in a computer by the series and the parallel methods. ^

F o u r s o l d i e r s in

A s e t of p u ls e s
mm a co lu m n


"o r "

¥ F our
¥ s o ld ie rs

P u ls e s

¥ £

The switching tim e of a mechanical culations by the electronic compu­

device is usually 0.5 s, that of an ter.
electrical device—a switch—is 0.035 s. But then a justifiable question ari­
Due to the properties of the electron ses: if a trigger registers only 1 and 0
tubes the trigger “reverses” unbelie­ how are we to record all other num­
vably fast—in 0.000001 s. This is the bers? To make the triggers calculate
clue to one of the secrets of fast cal­ they are connected into circuits.

Here we have four triggers connected into a circuit.

Each of them has two input and two output contacts. Before work has begun
the triggers record “zero”, that is the counter circuit registers 0000.
Now suppose that an electrical signal—a pulse—is applied to the input contacts
of the first trigger from the right. The trigger w ill “reverse” and register 1,
the rest remaining in the 0 state. Hence, the circuit w ill register 0001.
L et’s transmit another pulse. The first trigger w ill switch off and w ill return
to 0 and transmit a pulse to the second. The latter w ill register 1. The circuit w ill
register 0010.
Such a system of triggers may be compared to the abacus having only two
beads to a string. When all beads on the string have been moved from right to left,
one should move one bead on the next string returning the former to the initial
position. W hat’s done by fingers on the abacus, is done by electrical pulses in the
trigger counters.
There are in existence two methods of recording numbers: parallel and series.
The series method has been described above. By this method all the pulses travel
along one channel following each other in tim e. This method can be visualized
as a troop column with soldiers marching one behind the other.
In the series method one has to watch only one channel which carries the pulses.
But then you have to wait for the pulses to pass one after another as on the cross­
roads you wait for the transport to pass.
The parallel method entails pulses appearing simultaneously but in different
conductors. The parallel motion may be compared to troops marching in a row
shoulder to shoulder. Acting by this method, to determine the combination of
pulses it is necessary to observe all channels, to know what happens in each of
the conductors.
Numbers in the computer are recorded in electronic circuits. The other name for
them is registers. Usually one number is recorded in one register.
Here is a number recorded in a register. You see in the figure (p. 225) the orders
of the numbers in the binary system as depicted by the pulses.

It would appear at first sight that Seta to name a prize he would like
to record large numbers one should to receive for his invention of an
have an enormous amount of trigger excellent game—the chess.
cells. At this juncture it is appro­ Seta laid the chess board before the
priate to recall the Indian legend of Shah and asked for one wheat grain for
the Shah Sheram who offered the sage the first square, two for the second.

four for the third and so on, for all the Sun. And this gigantic number
the 64 squares—that is, for each next the inventor managed to get with
square twice as many as for the pre­ the aid of only 64 squares.
ceding one. In the modern computer, too, the
The demand of the sage appeared circuit of only 64 triggers is capable
quite modest at first. S till, Seta fai­ of counting the astronomical “chess”
led to get his prize. number 264.
The mathematicians of the Shah Triggers have been in use as count­
calculated that the number of grains ing devices for a long time. Formerly
for the last square is so great that it they were used m ainly to count ato­
defies imagination: eighteen quintil- mic particles. Later their use was
lion four hundred forty-six quadril­ extended to computers.
lion seven hundred and forty-four tril­ In the Soviet Union the first trig­
lion seventy three billion seven hun­ ger was made in 1918 by the promi­
dred and nine m illion five hundred nent scientist, radio engineer
and fifty-one thousand six hundred M. Bonch-Bruevich. He started re­
and twelve. search on electron tubes way back
The grain would have filled two in 1916 and was the first to organize
barns stretching from the Earth to the production of them.

o Look B efore Y o u L eap

OPTIMAL CONTROL First, a problem. A factory that

manufactures certain parts in serial
lots receives orders for its wares se­
veral months in advance of delivery.
ol mathematical methods It can manufacture the goods just
and of electronic computers prior to delivery; it can produce them
earlier and keep them in the ware­
to evolve optimum house if this for some reason seems
(best possible) decisions more convenient. But storage costs
money. The question is how best to
for production control. organize the manufacture and storage
of the goods to reduce costs and over­
head to the minimum.
Obviously, this is not a problem
to be solved by rule of thumb.
Or take another problem: how to
distribute workpieces among machi­
ne tools. This is not an easy one either.
Thus, in distributing three work-
pieces among three machine tools there
are 108 distribution variants. For
four workpieces distributed among
four tools the number of variants is
already 8272.
These examples are cited not w ith­
out reason: every day economists,
planners, traffic controllers must
solve sim ilar problems to find the op­
timum variant for every given case.
Here an economist is confronted
with a common, everyday problem:
how to distribute orders for textile
production among the m ills most rati­
onally. He must plan the utilization
of the m ills’ capacities in such a way
as to ensure the maximum output at the
lowest cost; in other words, he must
draw up an optimum plan.
Such a plan must answer the fol­
lowing questions:

Required daily supply of sand, tons

A 6 2 7
B 3 4 8
C 1 5 5
D 2 9 3
| capacity of _
each landing stage®1 0 11 11

What fabrics in what quantities

and on what looms should be produced
in each mill?
How many types of fabrics can
all the m ills manufacture? How w ill
the quotas be met? W ill they be
surpassed or w ill output fall short?
What is the cost of the fabrics ma­
nufactured at each m ill and averaged
among all of them?
What looms are needed to fulfil the
W ill new looms have to be installed?
It would take a long tim e to solve
the problem even if we were to dis­
tribute three types of cloth among
three m ills (remember the example
with workpieces and machine tools:
108 variants). However, let us try
and solve a problem of a similar type
to see what planners must deal with.
Sand is delivered by barges to three landing stages. Let us denote the landing

stages I, II and III. The sand is needed for four construction projects, A, B, C, D.
To solve this problem we w ill have to write several tables. In the first one the
right-hand column gives the daily requirement of sand—30 tons. The bottom row
indicates the cargo-handling capacity of each landing stage. The delivery quotas

are balanced w ith the requirem ents. The numbers in the squares show the dis­
tance, in kilom etres, between the landing stages and the construction sites.
Our problem is to d istribute sand deliveries among the landing stages so as to
keep the autohaulage, in ton-kilom etres, down to the least possible m inim um .
The garage traffic controller has distributed deliveries as shown in the second
table (the numbers in the squares indicate the am ount of sand delivered from the
respective landing stages to the respective construction sites). A ll construction
sites receive the necessary q u an tity of sand. B ut w hat about haulage figures? This
is easily calculated: 1 X 1 + 7 x 2 + 3 x 4 + 8 x 5 + 5 x 7 + 6 x 8 = 1 5 0 ton-kilom etres.
However, a better d istribution is given in the th ird table. The num ber of ton-
kilom etres is reduced by one-half: 8 x 1 + 1 x 2 + 9 x 4 + 1 x 5 + 4 x 7 + 7 x 3 = 100.
B ut the best, optim um v arian t offers a 70 per cent cut of haulage as compared
w ith the first. It is presented in the fourth table.
You see how much trouble is involved in the solution of a “sim ple” economic
problem , a concrete problem w ith few v arian ts and sm all numbers involved.
Today it is realized by all th a t it is hard to work out even a fam ily budget for
a m onth or two in advance to an accuracy of one rouble. The economic estim ates
for an industrial enterprise are a hundredfold more difficult. And w hat about cal­
culations for a group of enterprises, a whole industry, or on a nation-w ide scale?
After this try and im agine the trem endous scale of economic calculations for a
national economy of the size we have in the Soviet Union!
See w hat savings have resulted from producing an optim um plan for a single
industry on a country-wide scale. The optim um plan for the geographical d istri­
bution of cement m ills throughout our country enabled a reduction of average
haulage distance from 565 to 305 kilom etres. This yielded a saving of 140 m illion
roubles per year. Furtherm ore, it made possible the cancellation of construction
plans of several m ills in unsuitable locations. This yielded a saving of another
192 m illion roubles.
Such economic problems are solved by means of so-called linear program m ing,
which was elaborated by Soviet scientist L. Kantorovich.

We shall try to explain the general The n atu ral question is:|w lia t diet
idea of linear program m ing w ith the can fully m eet the organism ’s physio­
help of a sim ple example. logical requirem ents a t the lowest
To function norm ally, the hum an cost? In other words, w hat is needed
body m ust receive a certain daily is the cheapest and at the same tim e
ration of nutrients: fats, proteins, car­ m edically the m ost wholesome food.
bohydrates, vitam ins, m ineral salts, Thus, the task is to choose from
etc. On the basis of comprehensive 50 groups of food products a d iet
research, m edical science has estab­ containing the 15 n u trien ts required
lished the necessary ratio n for 15 by the organism . The basic criteria
types of nu trien ts. The substances for an optim um selection is the cost
needed by the body are contained in of the food. I t should be as low as
various q u an tities in different foods: possible. The task, in m athem atical
bread, m ilk, fish, vegetables, fru it, parlance, involves the solution of a
cereals—in all some 40 or 50 groups. set of 15 equations w ith 50 unknow ns.

Systems of simultaneous equations and calcium were rigidly defined (ex­

in which the number of unknowns actly 100 g and 700 mg, neither more
exceeds the number of equations have nor less) everything would be clear.
an infinite number of solutions—and Two equations with two unknown
the task is to choose the one and only quantities. Such a system of equations
best one! has only one solution, and the question
For the purposes of our example we of an optimum choice does not arise.
can restrict ourselves to a more mo­ The trick, however, is that, accord­
dest problem with only two foodstuffs ing to the conditions of the problem,
—bread and m ilk—and two nutrients the body may get more than 100 g of
—proteins and calcium. protein and 700 mg of calcium a day.
Here is a table showing how much This leaves extensive scope for choos­
protein and calcium there is in a ki­ ing. The number of possible variants
logram of bread and a litre of milk: becomes infinite.
Incidentally, this is easily demon­
strated. The above expressions can
Bread, kg M ilk , litr e easily be made into equalities. A ll we
need is to introduce a new unknown
Protein, g 60 40
quantity in each of them, that would
Calcium, mg 250 1200 make an equality out of the inequality:
60#! + 40a;2—x3= 100
The organism requires not less than 250x 1+ 1 200 x 2—:r4= 700
100 grams of protein and 700 m illi­ Thus, we have a system of two equa­
grams of calcium a day. tions with four unknowns. It yields an
Now we must recall what we know infinite number of solutions, depend­
about systems of algebraic equations. ing on the value we assign to the va­
We denote the required quantity riables x3 and x t .
of bread by x lf and of m ilk, by x2; It remains to be said that, quite
the coefficients ax and b1 in the first naturally, out of the multitude of so­
equation denote the protein content lutions we are interested in only those
of one kilogram of bread and one litre where x 1 and x 2 have positive values:
of milk; the coefficients a2 and b2 bread and milk can’t be negative.
in the second equation denote the Suppose a kilogram of bread costs
respective calcium content of bread 21 kopecks and a litre of milk, 28
and milk. kopecks. Hence, the price of a diet
We know that the more bread and consisting of x x kilograms of bread
m ilk in the diet the greater is its nu­ and x2 litres of m ilk is
trient content. Hence, we have a li­
near dependence involving a system C =21a:1+ 2 8 £ 2
of linear equations, viz.: In linear programming this mathe­
matical expression is known as the
60 # !+ 40.r2> 1 0 0 target function. It provides a precise
250z1+ 1200 z2> 7 0 0 quantitative characteristic of the goal
The sign > means “is equal to or we set ourselves in planning our ac­
greater than”. This is a very impor­ tions. The function determines the
tant point. If the quantity of protein criterion we use to compare various
Warehou­ W a re h o u ­
ses ses

V) A
0 aa 10 90 C/D A 10 90
0) _

o B 40 70 10 W a re h o u se III 2 B 50 70
03 O


C 40 80 C 40 80

W a re h o u se V F a c to ry C

Warehou - V o lu m e o f
se s i 11 III IV V o u t p u t of
fa cto rie s

CO A 12 7 13 8 6 100

2 B 4 5 8 6 10 120


C 7 14 15 12 16 120
c a p a c i t y 4U 50 70 90 90 340

variants of the plan in the quest for variants but on a purposeful quest
the optimum one. each step of which brings us nearer
In our problem a clearly defined to the goal. When it is achieved, and
target function ensures the choice of the computer feeds out the optimum
the optimum diet at the lowest cost. variant we can declare with full con­
The solution yields such positive va­ fidence that, given the stated conditi­
lues of the variables x x and x 2 which ons of the problem, nothing better
satisfy the conditions of the problem can be devised—this is guaranteed by
(as written down in the system of the methods of linear programming.
equations) and with which the target W ith the current high rates of
function has the minimum of all pos­ economic development the compo­
sible values. The methods of linear nents of the national economy inter­
programming are designed to solve act faster and faster, and economic
just these kinds of problems. indices become ever more dynamic.
» A computer is fed the conditions In such circumstances planning must
of the problem in the form of a sys­ be carried out on a continuous basis,
tem of equations and inequalities and and all sections of the economy must
the target function formula. The ma­ be managed with the utmost efficien­
chine selects some initial variant and cy. The smallest delays in planning
analyses it. The analysis imm ediately and control can result in losses of no
reveals whether this practically ran­ less magnitude than those due to in­
dom variant approaches the optimum accuracies in planning.
or not—something, obviously, high­ U ntil recently in our country more
ly improbable. If the variant is not than two m illion persons were emplo­
the optimum one the analysis indica­ yed in administration and manage­
tes how the next one should be chosen ment. It may come as a surprise to
so that it is better than the preceding the uninitiated that at the Gorky
one and the target function is smaller. Motor Works alone a veritable army—
The new variant is also analysed for more than five thousand people—are
optimum conditions and, if the ans­ engaged in ensuring the factory’s raw
wer is negative, another, still better, materials supplies and marketing.
variant is selected. The quest pro­ The people responsible for economic
ceeds step by step until the analysis management handle billions of pa­
reveals that the optimum solution, that pers annually. Nowadays simple desk
is, a variant w ith the smallest pos­ calculators and adding machines are
sible target function has been found. inadequate to cope with the flood of
As you see, the method is based not information, it is virtually impossible
on a random try-out of all possible to calculate any great number of

■4 Study of transport operations by linear programming. The purpose is to obtain the lowest haulage
costs taking into account the output of each factory, the storage capacity of each warehouse
and haulage costs of a unit commodity from each factory to each warehouse. The tables at upper
left and right present two optimum solutions. The numbers in the squares denote the quanti­
ties of different goods to be shipped to various warehouses to obtain the lowest overhead. The
table at the bottom gives the cost of transporting cargo from factory to warehouse. The diag­
ram in the centre presents the haulage routes with the costs presented on the vans. The thick
arrows give the most advantageous routes.

A p p ro x im a te p ic tu re
o f a c tu a l
s itu a tio n

A d ju s tm e n t o f th e
m odel o f p ro d u c ­
tio n to s u it a c tu a l
s itu a tio n

A p p ro x im a te c o rre la
t io n o f p la n and
a c tu a l p ro d u c tio n

Schematic diagram of production control.

plan variants and ensure optimal con­ automation of planning and economic
trol of the economy. calculations w ill become a reality.
Workers of the Cybernetics Insti­ Mathematical methods could be cal­
tute of the Ukrainian Academy of led the golden key that opens the
Sciences have estimated that the vo­ doors into the mystery kingdom of
lume of information involved in eco­ economics.
nomic planning increases in propor­ Of course, solving economic prob­
tion to the square of the volume of lems is an extremely difficult thing.
production. This means that in 20 It has been shown that the higher the
years more than half the population level of a nation’s productive forces
of the Soviet Union would be engaged the more complex is the task of run­
in management and administration. ning its economy. The scope and com­
The economists are justified in plexity of calculations increase with
w aiting for the day when complete the expanding volume of production,

acceleration of growth rates, appea­ state of affairs. Then come the peri­
rance of new industries, expansion of pheral units for data processing and
economic contacts. This is the reason storage. These are electronic machines
for the extensive scale of work going connected by communications chan­
on to use electronic computers to plan nels with the central “computer plants”
the economy of regions, republics and of economic areas, industries or other
the Soviet Union as a whole. amalgamations.
In Byelorussia, for example, machi­ Further on, at the top, is located a
nes were used to calculate and intro­ system for receiving, handling and
duce the most profitable plan of tim ­ storing information designed to pro­
ber haulage. In Leningrad plans were vide a comprehensive picture of the
drawn up of river and marine ship­ state of affairs in each specific indus­
ping for all of the main river and try and the economy as a whole.
marine basins. The Computer Centre Experts consider that the creation
of the State Planning Commission of of a national network for gathering,
the USSR calculated the best distri­ storing, processing and transmitting
bution of suppliers and consumers of economic information is a priority
sheet metal and plate. In Turkmenia task the importance of which can
machines have been for several years hardly be overrated.
carrying out a substantial portion of A planned socialist society should
the economic calculations. strive to attain the best possible,
Many such examples could be cited. optimum results in each separate in­
It is not for nothing that V. Glush- dustry and in the national economy as
kov, an eminent specialist in cyber­ a whole. It was this that V. I. Lenin
netics, claims that soon “automatic meant when he said that only that
systems w ill become as essential a construction can deserve to be called
tool of scientific research in the hands socialist which is carried out accor­
of economists as atom smashers are ding to a comprehensive general plan
for physicists or electron microscopes aimed at the balanced utilization of
are for biologists”. all economic and financial resources.
Electronic computers not only help V. I. Lenin repeatedly drew atten­
to accelerate calculations, they also tion to the importance of scientific
provide for a ten- and hundredfold organization of administrative work,
reduction in the time needed to draw without which it is impossible to run
up plans. Electronic machines used the economy correctly. He wrote that
for economic operations ensure centra­ people working in management and
lized industrial management. administration must pass the test of
Economic management entails a knowledge of the fundamentals of
kind of computer hierarchy. The “gro­ theory of our state apparatus, of the
und floor”, so to speak, houses the fundamentals of the science of mana­
“lower echelons” charged with the gement.
collection, storing and processing of Nowadays mathematical methods
information. They allow for planning are the basis of scientific manage­
the work of factory shops, depart­ ment without which economic plan­
ments and enterprises as a whole, pro­ ning of industry, science, technology
viding a day-to-day picture of the and distribution of resources, man-

power reserves, and direct, concrete and for separate industries, how to
factory management and control are make the most rational use of mate­
sim ply unthinkable. rial and manpower resources, on the
The best variant of a plan for the questions of economic reform.
development of the Kuznetsk basin The new method makes it possible
coalfields in the years 1962-1970 had to forecast scientific and technological
to be worked out. It was necessary to progress and its effect on the economy,
take into account the number of col­ assess natural resources, determine the
lieries, the grades of coal, labour ex­ optimum size of state reserves and
penditure and a thousand and one optim ize the structure of planning
other considerations. There are some bodies themselves.
100 pits and cuts in the Kuzbas for In conclusion, to show the whole
which some 200 development variants importance of application of cyberne­
had been provided. By using methods tics in the economy, we should like
of mathematical planning the optimum to refer to a major component of so­
variant for solving this complex pro­ cialist planning—to the work of draw­
blem was found. It turned out that ing up the national economic balance.
the development of the Kuznetsk ba­ This balance is a system of economic
sin coalfields could be carried out indices characterizing the principal
with a capital investment 200 m illion correlations, proportions and rates of
roubles less than envisaged by the production, the sources and reserves
original “hand-made” plan. The com­ for expanding the country’s national
puter-made plan proved 43 per cent wealth and popular income.
more economical than the man-made Mathematical methods make it pos­
one! Today economists increasingly re­ sible to establish all the proportions
ject “real-life” experiments and cost­ and connections in the national eco­
ly “trial-and-error” quests. They pre­ nomy with great accuracy and to
fer the better tool of mathematical study its efficiency. In other words,
modelling. Such modelling was em­ we can now determine much faster
ployed in the stupendous task of de­ and more accurately whether our na­
veloping a scientific model of the tional wealth is being used correctly.
national economic development plan And that wealth is great indeed. For
of the USSR for the years 1971-1975. example, the gross national product
Practical recommendations were ma­ of the Soviet Union in 1968 was esti­
de on how to improve the development mated at 500 000 m illion roubles!
patterns for the economy as a whole

p A Guide to the “Computer C ity”

PROGRAMMING L et’s imagine the following situa­

tion. A construction engineer who
wants to calculate whether a project
The compilation of programmes of a railway bridge has been drawn
up correctly comes to the computer
for the solution of mathematical centre. H is problem is expressed in
and information- purely mathematical terms: it con­
logical problems tains formulae, equations, calcula­
tions. Everything is at hand—take it
on a digital computer: a chapter and feed it into the computer.
of applied mathematics But, alas, the problem is for the
computer a thing beyond its under­
dealing with the method standing. The “electronic brain” can­
of programme compilation. not handle formulae, equations or
The computer does not understand
what man asks of it.
How should the problem be adapted
for the computer “m ind”, how should
the computer be made to understand
T hat’s what the programmist
knows. The programmist is the con­
necting link between the computer
and the problem it has to solve.
H is job is very responsible—he has
to visualize the problem from the
computer’s point of view. He has to
subdivide any complex problem into
a sequence of simple instructions that
the computer could cope w ith.
Every problem, even the sim plest
one, contains numerous instructions.
Naturally, the more complicated is
the problem, the longer is the list of
This list, this set of instructions
constitutes the programme for compu­
ter operation. As you, probably, un­
derstand, the com pilation of program-

mes is a very difficult job requiring between any two of the com puter’s
high qualification. T his is because elem ents. The com m unications chan­
the program m ist has first to visualize nel m ust dispose of some sort of a
and then to realize in th e com puter “sw itchm an” who eith er tran sm its
all inform ation transm ission routes inform ation to a channel or blocks
necessary for the execution of a defi­ the way.
n ite sequence of operations. The elem ents playing the p a rt of
The program m e has been com piled. the electronic “sw itchm an” in the
The routes for the solution of the prob­ com puter are called valves. The pur­
lem have been la id in the com puter. pose of the program m e is to provide
Now the com puter sets to work. instructions for the opening of a cer­
Since we speak of problem solution ta in group of valves while keeping the
routes, th is means th a t some commu­ others closed.
nications, some channel is established The work of the computer is gover-
An example of the realization of a programme in a computer.

ned by the control block—the m ain struction programme of the calcula­

elem ent of th is intricate electronic tions. T his device concentrates in
contraption. This block, like a con­ itself a ll the in te rn a l com m unications
ductor conducting an orchestra, exer­ and “processes” a ll com m ands which
cises control over different parts of the control such a complex autom aton
com puter, tells each p art when it as the high-speed electronic com puter.
should go in to action, w hat and how L e t’s take a look now a t our “con­
it should do. The control block, like d u c to r” reading the “score” .
the conductor, needs a “score” —in ­

So th e control device works in close contact with the programme.

The operator switches on the com puter and inserts a programme containing a
lis t of instructions th a t have to be performed in sequence in order to solve the
The programme in a d ig ital com puter is executed in sequence, as has been said
before, in cycles, step by step, operation after operation. I t is n o t to be wondered
th a t th is process is being compared to k n ittin g : every p a rt of the future product
is made up of loops in different com binations. This is a very precise analogy, since
existing k n ittin g m anuals, too, contain detailed instructions and calculations.
And, like the electronic com puter, program m es, these k n ittin g m anuals, are un­
derstood only by the adept.
An instru ctio n has been received by the control device. It im m ediately “opens”
the appropriate group of valves and makes the com puter carry out the instruction.
Suppose the instruction is: add the num ber in register B to the num ber in regis­
te r A, send the sum to register C.
The com puter should open the group of valves which tra n sm it num bers over
the adder. This w ill cause the following in struction series to travel along commu­
nications channels: “Send from register B to the adder”, “Send from register A to
the ad d er” , “Send from the adder to register C”.
O ther valves w ill be needed for subtraction, etc.
Have you noticed th a t each in struction consists of two parts: it tells “w hat to
do” and “where to do i t ” . T h a t’s ju st how specialists term them : the operation
and the address p a rt, or, sim ply, address.
I t m ust be ad m itted th a t in the com puter the instructions look quite different
from w h a t’s shown in the draw ing. They assume the fam iliar com puter appearan­
ce of num ber or sign codes.

L e t's try to com pile a com puter code each operation w ith a set [of
program m e for calcu latin g the grea­ b in ary sym bols. Besides, w e’ll desig­
te st common divisor of two num bers nate every operation briefly by letters.
a and b according to the well-known This w ill fa c ilita te the com pilation of
algorithm of E uclid. For th is purpose the program me.
we should have a lis t of operations. H ere’s a short tab le of operations
Suppose we have them w ritte n down. which w ill help us to com pile the
L e t’s arrange them in to a tab le and programme:

B rief d e s ig ­ B inary
O peration n a tio n cod e

Add number in cell No. to the number in the adder Ad 0001

Subtract numbers in cell No. from the number in the
adder Sb 0010
Send number from cell No. to the adder having previ­
ously set the adder to 0 Ss 0011
Send number from the adder to cell No. Sn 0100
Revert to instruction in cell No. Rc 0101
If the adder contains a number other than 0, revert to
instruction in cell No. Is 0110
If the number in the adder is negative revert to instruc­
tion in cell No. In 0111
Stop the computer St 1000

To profit from the tab le one sent to the cell, the num ber which
should keep in m ind several im p o rtan t form erly occupied it is “erased” , and
conditions. the newly sent num ber is in stalled
The first—when a num ber from the in its place. The num ber which has
register cell is sent to the adder it is been sent from the adder rem ains
retained in th e register as w ell. there unchanged. M oreover, w e’ll have
The second—when, on the other to rem em ber th a t, if the num bers a
hand, a num ber from the adder is and b are n ot equal, w e’ll have to
C eil c o n te n ts
C ell num bers d esig n a ted b y le tte r s In b in a ry code

01 Ss—20 00110000010100
02 Sb—21 00100000010101
03 Is—05 01100000000101
04 St 10000000000000
05 Ss—20 00110000010100
06 Sb—21 00100000000101
Cells 07 In—10 01110000001010
containing 08 Sn—21 01000000010100
instructions 09 Rc—01 01010000000001
10 Ss—21 00110000010101
11 Sb—20 00100000010100
12 Sn—21 01000000010101
13 Rc—01 01010000000001
Cells containing 20 number a
numbers 21 number b

find out which of them is the greater p utor p rin ts the num ber, and the
and which the sm aller. problem is solved.
Man can do it easily ju st by taking If, on the other hand, the rem ain­
a look a t the num bers. The com puter, der is not zero, i.e. the num bers are
on the other hand, alw ays has to com­ not equal, the control device in com­
pare by orders. Therefore, the easiest pliance w ith the conditional in stru c ­
way for the com puter to find out tio n w ill tu rn to the next instruction
which of two num bers is the greater in cell 05 and la te r to cell 06. In com­
is to perform subtraction. pliance w ith the instructions co n tai­
The sign of the rem ainder w ill tell ned in these cells the num ber a from
it which is the greater and which is cell 20 w ill again be sent to the adder
the sm aller. w hich has been preset to zero. There
L e t’s s ta rt compiling the programme. the num ber b from cell 21 w ill be
W e’ll place the instructions in the subtracted from it.
working “m em ory” cells No. 1 W hen a rem ainder accum ulates in
through No. 13. The num ber a w ill the adder, the conditional instruction
be placed in cell No. 20, the num ber from cell 07 is m ade to operate.
b in cell No. 21. If the rem ainder is negative, i.e. the
The addresses of the register cells second num ber is less th an the first,
w ill be w ritte n down in the decim al they should, according to the algo­
system . rith m , be m ade to change places.
L e t’s see how the com puter works The conditional tra n sitio n in stru c ­
using the tab le as a guide. The com­ tio n hands the control over to cell 10.
puter is sw itched on, and an in stru c­ The la tte r orders the second num ber b
tion is sent to the control device from from cell 21 to be sent to the adder.
the register cell 01. N ext the num ber from cell 20, i.e.
This in stru ctio n w ill be carried out the num ber a, is subtracted from it.
during the next step. The adder pre­ The rem ainder w hich is positive is
set to zero w ill receive the num ber sent to cell 21 on the in stru ctio n of
from cell 20—the first num ber a. cell 12. E v e n tu ally the instru ctio n
This num ber w ill rem ain in the adder. of cell 13 again hands over control to
N ext an in stru ctio n from cell 02 is cell 01.
sent to the control device. The result The cycle w ill be repeated in com­
is the sub tractio n of the num ber b pliance w ith the fifth requirem ent of
from cell 21 from the num ber a. the algorithm .
This, as we shall see below, satisfies The num ber a, in th is case the sub­
the second requirem ent of the Euc­ trahend (because it is the sm aller of
lid ’s algorithm concerning the com­ the two num bers), is sent to cell 20.
parison of the two num bers. Now it The rem ainder which now occupies
is the tu rn of the conditional instru c­ cell 21 w ill be subtracted from it, etc.
tion from cell 03. The control device If, on the other hand, the rem ainder
checks the result of the foregoing ope­ obtained after instructions 05 and 06
ratio n . have been carried out is positive,
If th e rem ainder is zero, the num ­ the instru ctio n 07 w ill be followed
bers are equal, and each of them is by the in stru ctio n from cell 08. The
the greatest common divisor. The com- positive rem ainder w ill be sent to


0001 a Send the contents of cell 0001

to the adder
0002 b

0003 c Multiply by the contents ax

of cell 1000

1000 X Add to the contents

of cell 0002 ->

Multiply by the contents

of cel I 1000 ->

Subtract the contents \

of cel I 0003 /

The The
address executive
part part
0001 0 31
1000 0 37
0002 0 35
1000 0 37
0003 0 36

An example of programming. The sequence of instructions is shown on the left below. The trans­
fer of the number to the summator is designated by 31, 37 is the multiplication of numbers,
35—addition, etc.

cell 20, and com puter control w ill Thus, the whole program m e is com­
be returned to cell 01 from cell 09. piled from 13 instructions. I t enables
T his, as in the case above, w ill be the the g reatest common divisor of any
beginning of a new cycle. pair of num bers to be found. The
D uring th is cycle the place of the num ber of in stru ctio n s is alw ays the
two num bers is, in accordance w ith same. B ut th e to ta l num ber of repe­
th e E u c lid ’s algorithm , tak en by the titio n cycles w ill be different depen­
subtrahend and th e rem ainder. dent on the num bers a and 6.
In th is w ay the process of searching I t ’s easy to verify th a t if a = 2 1 ,
for th e g reatest common divisor w ill 6 = 1 4 , the th ird cycle w ill yield the
continue cycle after cycle u n til the greatest common divisor equal to 7.
num bers in cells 20 and 21 are equal. In case of m u lti-d ig it num bers, on

the other hand, th e num ber of cycles gram m es for the com puters produced
m ay be tens or even hundreds. by the com pany.
C om pilation of program m es for the The program m e lib ra ry com piled for
solution of th e more com plex prob­ th e “1900’’-type com puter alone com ­
lems requires great experience and prises over 3.5 m illion instructions.
su b sta n tia l effort. Program m e com pilation has become
I t should be noted th a t w ith o u t the a sort of an in d u stry for the m athe­
program mes a ll electronic com puters, m atical provision of com puters. More
even those capable of m illions of ope­ m oney is spent on th is in d u stry th an
rations per second, are, as a prom inent on the production of the com puters
com puter expert A cadem ician T . M ar­ them selves. Thus, about one billion
chuk once rem arked, a t best, m erely dollars were spent on the procurem ent
item s of fu rn itu re of in stitu te and fac­ of program m es for the IBM-360
to ry offices. The entire line of calcu­ com puter.
lations in the com puter, th e so-called W ell then, w hat is th is m athem ati­
processing of inform ation from in p u t cal provision? I t is a com plex—lite ­
to o u tp u t, is organized by the program ­ ra lly a m u ltitu d e — of program mes
me. I t ’s the program m e th a t ensures assem bled in special libraries. They
the execution of a ll operations assig­ enable the com puter to operate effi­
ned to th e com puter. c ie n tly , to carry out the solution of
The program m ists prepare whole problem s. They, in the words of the
series of stan d ard program m es for the experts, m ean the same to th e com pu­
solution of ty p ical problem s. The ters as college education m eans to
greater th e program m e file provided people.
for the com puter the b e tte r i t is adap­ O ur days w itnessed the b irth of a
ted for its work, the easier is its con­ new profession—th a t of the m athem a­
ta c t w ith th e user, the greater are tic a l provision system s engineer. So
th e fac ilitie s for its use and the grea­ m uch a tte n tio n is being paid to the
te r is its value. education of program m ists because
Nowadays com puter m anufacturers w ith o u t them th e ex p lo itatio n of
spare no efforts and no resources to electronic com puters a t present em­
produce com puters equipped w ith a ployed everywhere is im possible.
com plete set of standard program m es. A qualified program m ist m ust re­
For exam ple, a t the A m erican compu­ ceive a serious m athem atical educa­
te r production com pany IBM some tio n . Those who th in k of becoming
one and a half thousand employees are program m ists should study m athe­
perm anently employed com piling pro­ m atics thoroughly.

The science in the character of work which took

place in recent years.
which studies psychological aspects The progress in technology has, how­
of m a n ’s labour activ ity ever, greatly affected m an ’s work.
to assess his supreme Several decades ago m an in industry
did everything him self. Nowadays he
psychical functions (memory, controls the process of work using for
th in k in g , atten tio n , th is purpose various “organs” of the
m achines in his service. H aving libe­
perception, etc.). rated him self from physical labour
m an increasingly assumes the role of
the com m ander giving orders to me­
chanism s which carry them out.
This, however, is one side of the
M a n an d M achine relationship between m an and m achi­
ne. The m achine, too, proved to be
not indifferent to m an, it, too, makes
I t first came into the lim elight du r­ dem ands upon him . Modern m achi­
ing the Second W orld W ar. A t the nes, autom ata in p a rticu lar, require
tim e a great deal of technical sinews atte n tio n , mem ory, w its, quick reac­
of w ar were engaged in the conflict. tion.
The b a ttle s were fought by very mo­ The “dem ands” of the m achines are
bile and very sensitive m achines: a ir­ so serious th a t a stric tly scientific
planes, tanks, subm arines. approach to th eir fulfilm ent is neces­
The designers engaged in the pro­ sary. This is where engineering psy­
cess of developm ent of certain m achi­ chology comes in. As an engineering
nes often witnessed the seem ingly subject, engineering psychology stu­
inexplicable phenomenon: new m ili­ dies m achines, devices, instrum ents
ta ry m achines did not yield the ex­ and m echanism s. B ut these studies
pected results. are “u n id ire ctio n a l” , from the spe­
W hat was the cause of this? Special cific view point of dem ands m ade by
research, experim ents and tests have m an ’s m echanical aids on th e ir crea­
dem onstrated th a t new m achines did tor. As a psychological subject the
not correspond to functional ab ilities new science is called upon to study
of men who were to take charge of hum an thoughts and th eir peculiari­
them . ties, the faculties of m an. B ut, again,
This was actu ally the beginning of from a s tric tly definite point of
the new science of engineering psycho­ view: w hether the in d iv id u al proper­
logy. ties of a definite m an are com patible
Men have grown so accustomed to w ith his profession.
the world of m achines in which they In the rath e r short period of its his­
live th a t they do not notice the tech­ tory engineering psychology covered
nical character of th eir environm ent, an arduous course interspersed w ith
all those autom ata, aggregates, in sta l­ defeats and victories. A t first it nego­
lations, m echanism s, and the change tia te d the more sim ple, to be more

exact, the more noticeable, “techni­ Engineering psychologists obtain

cal stag e” (the subdivision is purely precise and verified facts about the
sym bolic). Scientists sta rte d work on “m an ” lin k as a result of rigorous
engineering problem s connected w ith long-tim e experim ents.
the style design of instrum ents, w ith L e t’s take visual perception as an
the disposition of work places, w ith exam ple. Studying its laws and spe­
the colouring of work prem ises. The cific properties engineering psycholo­
resu lt was th a t such “trifles” as the gists waste no tim e on exploiting them ,
arrangem ent of switches, tum blers, on adapting them for practical pur­
the shape of handles and knobs, th eir poses. The problem of optim um code
colour, the change of the colour of for inform ation to be displayed on the
w alls, the disposition of fu rn itu re in screen and on sign boards was solved
offices and of m achine tools in shops in this way.
contributed to a sharp rise in produc­ In the course of research into visual
tiv ity . perception the generally accepted as­
W asn’t th a t a success? sum ption th a t m an sees more th an he
You b et, and no sm all one, at can reproduce was corroborated, too.
th a t. “W h a t’s here unusual or unexpec­
The research m ethods of the second te d ? ” y o u ’re going to ask. “W as there
stage—the division being again sym­ any use in proving things th a t are ob­
bolic—come closer to experim ental vious w ithout proof?”
psychology. Now scientists are work­ W ell, there was. And for two rea­
ing on problem s of another ty p e —they sons. F irstly, because the assum ption,
are assessing suprem e psychical func­ having been scientifically proven and
tions of m an. Specialists in engineer­ argum ented, becomes a fact. Second­
ing psychology pay m axim um a tte n ­ ly, because the situ a tio n “we see more
tion to such fundam ental problem s th an we reproduce” is very fre­
as m em ory, a tte n tio n , thought, per­ quent in everyday life.
ception. T his s itu a tio n arises when we per­
W h at’s th eir goal? The aim is to ceive a telephone num ber in the tele­
construct m achinery adapted for con­ phone book and then dial it. The en­
ta c t, collaboration, “com m unity” gineers, too, have to cope w ith th is
w ith m an, com patible w ith his facul­ s itu a tio n when choosing complex vi­
ties and cap ab ilities. sual indicators adapted to m an ’s ca­
In the process of work m an and pabilities.
m achine are connected by a thousand T his is a very im p o rtan t com po­
strings, they are two links of the nent of control of m ost in tric a te ag­
same chain. Therefore, one should gregates or technological processes,
know the facts both about the where m an plays the p art of the con­
“m achine” lin k and about the “m an ” troller-operator of the united “m an
link. and m achine” system .

H ere’s a “m an and m achine” system .

See how th e functions of each block of th is system are dem arcated. In it man
is supposed to play the p art of a specific “subsystem ”. H is job is clearly defined:

he receives factual inform ation from the m achine, processes it into comm and in­
form ation and transm its it to the m achine.
The m achine, too, has its functions which are no less clearly defined. The m a­
chines on m a n ’s comm and perform technological operations.
True, the d istribution of functions between m an and m achine m ay differ g reat­
ly from case to case.
W hat does it depend on? On the purpose of the system .
Here is a mechanized production system . Here m an has to perform all functions
of regulation and control.
Now w e’ll go over to a system of a higher ty p e —to the autom ated production
system . Here the m ajor p a rt of these functions is entrusted to the machines. M an’s
job is lim ited to planning operations as a whole. He makes im portant decisions,
controls the work of the system in general, taking over the control in case of devia­
tions from the programme.
W h a t’s the way of achieving best, optim um results of the com bination of “m a­
chine” and “hum an” properties in the “m an-m achine” system? W h a t’s the way
of a tta in in g in the “m an-m achine” system m axim um efficiency of the machine
and m inim um fatigue of man? The problem m ay be tackled from two opposite sides.
F irstly , the m achine should be b e tte r adapted to m an. Secondly, as it is being
done by engineering psychology, m an should be “ad ap ted ” to the m achine in the
best way possible.
W ith in the scope of engineering psychology come those links of the system whe­
re m an finds him self directly connected to the m achine, where the transm ission
of inform ation takes place. Does th a t m ean th a t m an him self, in the first place,
serves as such a link? I t certainly does. He perceives the inform ation by his sen­
ses. He processes inform ation and tran sm its it to the control panel. W hen control­
ling the machine he translates instructions into a convenient code th a t can be ea­
sily understood by the m achine.

Engineering psychology began very to p a in —400-1000 ms; to visual irr i­

close studies of m an ’s “c a p ac ity ” as ta tio n s —150-225 ms. These are rigo­
an “inform ation c h an n el” , or “com­ rous objective figures.
m unications ch annel” . H um an “ca­ B u t as scientists tu rn ed to “subjec­
p a c ity ” viewed from th is angle tu r­ tiv e ” studies of various professions,
ned out to be quite lim ited . This, at i t came to lig h t th a t the hum an orga­
first glance, is a ra th e r m orbid con­ nism possesses enorm ous resources,
clusion. T here’s a lim it beyond which th a t it, so to speak, tries to “outdo
m an cannot reach. He cannot react its e lf” .
to sound quicker th an w ith in the Experienced grinders discern gaps
in terv al of 120-182 ms (milliseconds); of 0.6 p (micron), w hile m an norm ally
to tem perature changes—150-240 ms; cannot see a gap below 10 p. T e x tile

-4 The information flux in the “man-machine” system.


workers distinguish up to 100 shades to the rising standards of m odern

of the black colour, steel workers dis­ technology.
tinguish a very wide spectrum of D uring tests to th is effect m an is
shades of red, up to several hundred. given problem s of increasing com ple­
P ainters are able to discern the diffe­ x ity , and scientists w ith the aid of
rence in the proportions of two objects special instrum ents assess his so-cal­
as little as 0.006 of th eir dim ensions. led “progress coefficient” , his “a b ili­
B ut here the leg itim ate question ty to develop his a b ilitie s ” . T his me­
arises: is it always possible to thod helps to find out w hether a man
“outdo oneself”, to reach beyond the can work in any of the professions re­
lim it? quiring precise reaction, quick-w it-
No, not alw ays. H igh dem ands on tiness, self-possession, o rien tatio n in
the hum an organism in some cases an unforeseen situ a tio n .
lead to his resources being exhausted. There are different sorts of people.
L e t’s take the exam ple of aviation. Som e—the “hot heads” —fully dis­
According to Am erican sta tistic a l da­ play th eir a b ilitie s when unexpected
ta , 80 per cent of accidents are due decisions and quick actions are requi­
to errors m ade by pilots or control­ red of them , when they are prom p­
lers because of excessive demands m a­ ted by danger. O thers in such circum ­
de by the “m achine” lin k on the stances stan d idle: they are unable
“m an ” link. to work, if they know th a t tim e is
Soviet psychologists have discove­ short, if they are disturbed by shrill
red one of th e m ost in teresting and noise, if som ething d istrac ts them .
im p o rtan t phenomena: the tim e nee­ In these circum stances they quickly
ded to find a solution is determ ined become exhausted and forget h a b i­
not by the volume of inform ation, tu a l operations. B ut they are in d is­
b u t by the num ber of “search ste p s” , pensable for carrying out observa­
i.e. the num ber of visual fixations, tions or doing w ork en tailin g prolon­
the num ber of stops m ade by the eye. ged absence of info rm atio n —the “hot
This m eans th a t in designing a m a­ heads” are unable to cope w ith such
chine, signals m ust be grouped in tasks.
accordance w ith the properties of This new in terestin g and im p o rtan t
m an ’s visual system , so th a t for the trend w ill help to find m ethods of
same am ount of inform ation the eye speeding up the developm ent of pro­
of the operator would have to make fessional a b ilities, and m an w ill
less stops, less “search-steps” . For achieve the sk ill of a great m aster not
th is reason specialists consider the tow ards th e end of his career, b u t in
ratio n al arrangem ent of signals on the the prim e of his life.
control panel to be of no less im portan­ Take, for instance, technical hear­
ce th an the com position of a painting. ing. I t was com m only accepted th a t
In both cases good com position aids a keen ear had to be inherent or could
perception. be acquired by long years of practice.
There is another very im p o rtan t Rem em ber stories to ld about the pro­
field of action of engineering psycho­ fessional keenness of ear of the p i­
logy: to assess and develop m an ’s lo ts—th ey are able to notice devia­
professional a b ilities, bring them up tions of the engine rpm (revolutions

Acceleration Acceleration

1 10 1000 to ibo
Temperature Temperature

6 400 ' 800

K 0

The comparison between the allowable limits of acceleration, radiation and temperature for man
and automaton on a journey into outer space is not in favour of man.

per m inute) from the norm al as sm all them , are exam ined by psychologists.
as three per cent. S cientists assess in n ate q u alities of
The scientists a t the laboratory of every m an and his a b ility to develop
labour psychology of the Academy of them . This enables to predict the job
Pedagogical Sciences follow ing m eti­ th a t w ill be to the m an ’s lik in g , and
culous research carried out into the to avoid w asting tim e and resources
properties of technical hearing deve­ on teaching people jobs th a t they
loped express m ethods of train in g . w ill not regard as fit for them .
W orkers a t the Perm telephone Nowadays engineering psychology
p la n t, before being sent to shops, faces some very im p o rtan t problem s.
before jobs and duties are assigned to There is, on the one hand, the rapid

process of lib e ratin g m an, of fa c ilita ­ being considered. B iotechnical system s

tin g his comm and functions. On the capable of receiving various signals
other hand, progress in bionics leads to from the hum an organism are coming
new, closer ties betw een m an and into use. B ut these problem s s till re­
m achine. N am ely, m achine control by m ain to be solved.
m eans of speech and biocurrents is

Q The Sentry a t the Border

QUALITY CONTROL Ju st im agine w hat would happen in

p lan ts and factories if th e control of
the q u a lity of finished products, of
The reception technological processes would stop for
a tim e. The factories would have to
and processing of inform ation stop w orking, for no one needs pro­
which compares the param eters ducts of inferior q u ality .
of an object In m odern in d u stry q u a lity control
is one of the m ost im p o rtan t forms
with preset values. of control. I t m ay be said th a t th e re ’s
no production w ith o u t q u a lity control.
E v id en tly , the im portance of qua­
lity control in autom ated production
is m uch greater. N a tu ra lly , autom ated
production requires autom ated con­
W hat is the job of a co n tro ller—be
it a m an or an autom aton? I t keeps
an eye on p a rts being produced to en­
sure th a t they are of the rig h t size,
w ith in the acceptable lim its, on the
tem perature so th a t i t should not rise
above or sink below preset values, on
a chem ical process to hold i t on the
correct course. In th is the controller
is aided by inform ation on the course
of specific processes and about devia­
tions from preset values. W ith o u t such
inform ation tim ely in terv en tio n in the
course of processes is im possible.
I t is easy to im agine the logic of a
control operation: “If the event A has
occurred, the operation B should be
perform ed; if the event was C the ope­
ratio n to be perform ed is D . ”
The chapter “A utom atics” deals a t
length w ith the “sense organs of mo­
dern technology” : w ith sensors ca­
pable of pen etratin g anyw here, w ith
am plifiers capable of m illion-fold am
plification of the control signal, w ith

specialized m echanical, electrical, and term s to the m achine tool or the pro­
optical controllers, fast, com pact, fle­ duction line, force them to operate
xible, ensuring the necessary regula­ in a s tric tly orthodox m anner.
tio n procedure. T here’s in add itio n a A t th is juncture it would be bene­
v ast arm y of tracking system s to ficial to show how the q u a lity control
w atch over “law and o rd er” in pro­ is being accom plished and how m u lti­
duction shops. They d ictate rigid farious th is process is.

The control process usually consists of two stages. The first is the perception
of inform ation about the state of the object, and the second is the separation from
the incoming inform ation of th a t p a rt of it which pertains to the q u a n tity being
This is usually done in laconic language: “yes-no” , “too m uch-standard-too
l it tl e ” , “operational-nonoperational”.
Everyone knows how im portant accurate m easurem ents in q u a lity control are.
Modern technology is able to produce autom atic q u a lity controllers w ith a
memory. Such a controller w ill not only find errors, b u t w ill memorize them , make
an analysis of them , draw conclusions and tell the machine tool w hat to do to
avoid rejects.
Devices working in conjunction w ith autom atic flow-lines m ay serve as an
exam ple of fully autom ated q u a lity control.
There are even whole factories working on the “super-closed shop” principle
w ithout people and, thanks to autom atic control, producing high-quality goods.
This applies to hydro-electric stations and continuous process chemical plants.
Here the centralized control embraces everything: q u a lity of product, sta te of
equipm ent, q u a n tity and composition of sem i-products.
The q u a lity control (technological control) in engineering industry, on the
other hand, is decentralized. It is carried out at principal operation stages, in the
process of transportation and at special m ulti-operational control stations. There
are special machines for sorting and filtering out rejects and for control of finished
Nowadays, w ith the advent of autom ated production control system s the qua­
lity control is carried out by special devices coupled to electronic computers.
And w hat about the forms of control? They are numerous. Single param eter
control, as its nam e im plies, controls only one specific param eter w ith one gauge
of the sim plest type.
M ulti-param eter control, as d istinct from the single-param eter control, w at­
ches over numerous param eters w ith the aid of m any w ell-coordinated instrum ents,
machines or even whole systems. This control is, as a rule, centralized.
M ethods of control are also subdivided into series, parallel and series-parallel.
In the first, inform ation is received, in tu rn , from several control sources. In the
second, inform ation is received continuously and sim ultaneously from m any sour­
ces over m ultiple channels. The th ird , as m ay be easily guessed, combines both
form er m ethods.
T h ere’s also the logic control which entails the u tiliz a tio n of the result of mea-

These are the operations which have to be performed in case of computer errors of various types.

surem ents and control for self-tuning, for assessment of variations in conditions
of some process.
Sporadic control is carried out as the need arises, from tim e to tim e, or in ans­
wer to autom atic signals in case of rare b u t su b stan tial deviations.
A more complex type of control, the m ulti-stage control, abides by the principle
of hierarchy: the higher the control stage, the higher is the q u a lity of m achining
or the accuracy of a process. Such control involves the collection of inform ation
from all the branches of the factory.
I t ’s no easy job to effect q u ality I t m ust be said in addition th a t
control in in dustry. The above list since the tim e electronic com puters
was quite im pressive. And s till, it began to be used, the problem loomed
d id n ’t m ention local control, d ista n t of controlling the q u a lity of th eir
control, telem echanical control. work. Now it is necessary to discou-

rage the clever m achines from m aking controlling the work of electronic
s illy m istakes, to see th a t they do com puters. They are subdivided into
th e ir calculations correctly. This is the program m e control and circu itry
one of the principal problem s of de­ control m ethods. E ach of the la tte r is
signing d ig ital electronic com puters. subdivided, in its tu rn , in to proce­
The problem is very com plicated for dures of control in the process of prob­
even a dust particle on the m agnetic lem solution and of control outside
m em ory tape m ay lead to an error. the operational cycle.
T ry and find it afterw ards! The sim plest w ay of controlling the
U nhappily, existing m ethods of q u a lity of com puter operation, from
com puter control do n ot guarantee logic considerations, would be to re­
absolute and continuous q u a lity of peat specific cycles or replace the
calculations. A com plete and detailed fau lty block. I t is also obvious th a t
control procedure is, as y et, lacking, it is easier to control th e inform ation
and the users of the u ltra -fast and transm ission circu its of th e com puter
ultra-accu rate electronic com puters are th a n the a rith m etical operations. The
s till liab le to suffer from th e ir fancies problem of detecting and excluding all
—there are instances when the com­ possible errors in the com puter con­
p u ter hands out an erroneous result. tro l system m ay, however, tu rn out to
There are various procedures for be insolvable.

R In d ex of T ru st

RELIABILITY D on’t look for the word “reliabili­

t y ” in E n c yclo p a e d ia B rita n n ic a , you
won’t find it there. Why? Because it
The probability for some device is only recently that this word became
a concept indispensable to science,
to operate technology and industry.
without failure A few facts w ill do to explain how
during a given time the problem of reliability arose. Dur­
ing the Second World War 60% of
aviation equipment sent by the USA
to the Far East proved to be deficient.
Another 50% of equipment and spares
deteriorated in storage. Tests showed
that radar equipment remained inope­
rable for 84% of storage tim e, sonar
equipment for 48%, and radio com­
munication equipment for 14%.
L et’s get down to business and, dis­
pensing with introductory remarks,
discuss the meaning of reliability.
This w ill be explained by the promi­
nent Soviet mathematician Professor
B. Gnedenko.
Should we test the life of some elec­
tronic tubes from the same lot we
would find that each of them worked
for a different tim e.
It is impossible to predetermine how
long any given tube w ill operate
without failure. It is only possible to
specify the number of tubes from a
large lot which w ill, on the average,
remain in operation after a given tim e.
In other words, the life of each tube
as w ell as of any other product is a
random quantity. And the job of
scientists is to calculate the probabi­
lity of failure-free operation of a de­
vice during its specified life-tim e.
They call this probability the reliabi­
lity .

Think of an interplanetary space- And the reliability of such a com­

station. How complicated its work is! plex depends on its weakest element
For this work to be successful the —the one th a t’s going to fail first.
entire equipment of the station must Even in case every element is ca­
operate without failure during the pable on the average of ten thousand
whole time the station is in orbit. In hours of failure-free operation, every
other words, all equipment of the two minutes one failure, one fault is
station must display great reliability, to be expected.
i.e. the probability of failure of any Does that mean that the more com­
element must be small. plex a system is the less reliable it
To assess the importance of the term is? As Academician A. Berg once ap­
“reliab ility” we w ill have to engage tly remarked, the stone axe was su­
in some trivial talk on the complexi­ perior in reliability to modern in­
ty of the world of modern machinery stallations—there was nothing in it
and instruments. that could fail.
That w ill need some examples to Academician Berg cites another ex­
illustrate the point. ample which demonstrates the influ­
A conventional electronic tube has ence of the reliability of individual
some 60-90 parts. And the equipment parts of the machine on its reliabili­
on board the manned spaceship Vos- ty as a whole.
tok weighing 2000 kg (the total we­ The results of tests of one computer
ight of the ship being 4625 kg) was prototype were little promising, it
made up of 300 instruments, which, did not live up to reliability require­
in turn, contained 240 tubes, 6300 ments. The investigation of the cau­
semiconductor devices, 760 electro­ ses of it revealed that the reliability
magnetic relays and switches. A ll of the commonest parts—the carbon
this complicated equipment had to resistors—was unsatisfactory. This
operate during a long time in condi­ simple part is produced from nine mate­
tions of substantial overloads, vib­ rials: ceramics, brass, enamel, abra­
rations and rapid changes of tempera­ sives, etc. Each part goes through
ture and pressure. It was quite na­ twelve technological processes, and
tural for the scientist-astronaut, Doc­ each of them influences the reliability.
tor of Technical Sciences K. Feoktis- In the computer prototype which
tov to write: “R eliab ility became as was subjected to tests there were some
important to astronautics as air to. 600 thousand carbon resistors. L et’s
man—without reliability it could not calculate now the number of factors
exist at a ll.” which influence the reliability of this
L et’s continue with our examples. computer only through the medium
An electronic computer consists of of the resistors. The number w ill
tens of thousands of tubes, semicon­ be 600 0 0 0 x 9 x 1 2 = 6 4 800 000! An
ductor diodes and triodes, resistors, enormous number! And the computer
connections and soldered joints. contains, besides, several tens of thou­
The control system of the American sands of other parts.
intercontinental ballistic m issile A t ­ The reliability of complex systems
la s contains over 300 thousand ele­ and machines in every field has its
ments. own criteria. In instrumentation it is
“ ROBOTS” (pp. 260-263)





<§> 1

1 restorable
The classification of products in the theory of reliability. Some products—the elements of ra­
dio-equipment, instruments, resistors, machine parts, bearings—are not regenerated. Others—
electronic computers and control devices, cars, machine tools—are. Some, for instance, devi­
ces carried by rockets or satellites, are not regenerated in flight but are regenerated during sto­
rage or flight preparation.

the accuracy, in hydraulics the ab­ le, you have to expect mistakes and
sence of failures in various operation distortions. Some unreliability, even
conditions. The criterion of computer if it is extremely small, is common
reliability is the accuracy of input, to all man-made products. There­
processing and output of processed fore, the problem of increasing relia­
information. b ility looms large before science and
If a calculating device is unreliab­ technology.

There are several means to achieve this aim.

First and foremost it is the incessant improvement of the reliability of every
element, every part of the unit, of the system. The more reliable a link, the more
reliable is the chain as a whole.
But it is not always that this parameter should be improved by all means, for
the costs may prove too high.
What should be done in such cases?
Having first heard of it you would’t believe: build a reliable machine from in­
sufficiently reliable elements. And the “unbelievable” method is being explored
by scientists. This is how it is applied to logical computers on “relay elem ents”.
Suppose the device consists of three relays the contacts of which may be open
or closed. It is easy to calculate that the total number of contact states is eight
in accordance with the number of various combinations of open and closed relays.
Each state fulfils some function, for instance that of control. A defect in one of

There are several ways of creating redundancies. The method of “repetition” involves the assem­
bly of a new circuit and the multifarious connection of it. The method of “net-like structures”
helps when both the main and the reserve structures are liable to failure. “Voting” involves the
replacement of the entire device or its block by an identical one and the connection of addi­
tional special devices—the mixers.

the states leads to another state. Since each state strictly corresponds to its own
control command the defect will lead to a wrong instruction, and the system will
make a mistake.
Can anything be done about it? Yes, it can. The number of relays should be in­
creased, and out of the possible states only such should be chosen for control pur­
poses which do not in case of errors coincide with some other state.
This is termed creating a redundancy and has an analogy in nature which is
rich in excellent reliable systems made up of less reliable elements. For example,
the human brain as a system is infinitely more reliable than its single element —
the neuron: the organism operates even in case m illions of neurons are put out of

action. Try and find some technical device that would continue to function pro­
perly after the failure of only one of its elements!
Redundancy is a promising trend. Appreciable results have already been ob­
tained, still greater results are expected. Yet specialists do not consider this to
be the main road to high reliability.
Couldn’t a system, machine or device be designed that would give automatic
warning of a possible failure of a part, a unit or a block and that would, moreover,
automatically switch a reserve block, assembly or part into operation? Like a
living organism that sets in operation its reserve channels to preclude the possibi­
lity of stoppage.
Work in this direction has already started.
Today some machines control their own operations and give warning signals
in case any defects arise.
Other machines are capable of testing their own electronic devices and of detec­
ting 99.9% of tubes or other parts liable to failure.
At the Institute of Automatics and Telemechanics of the Academy of Sciences
of the USSR a group of scientists headed by Academician V. Trapeznikov have
built a digital computer which in case of failure hands out its own “diagnosis”
immediately showing the place of failure of some block or part.
As a result of the application of such advances in modern technology the relia­
bility of big computers rose to nearly 98%. This means that the computers work
efficiently 85% of the time (with the exception of time reserved for inspection
and maintenance). A case has been reported of a computer, consisting of 13 thou­
sand micro-circuits, working faultlessly for 33 thousand hours. This is a great
factor of reliability, though not the uppermost.

Scientists attack reliability along

a wide front—they use every possible
means to increase the computer’s
“index of trust”. The battle for re­
lia b ility has in effect only just star­
ted. But one should heed the warning
of the experts that the problem of
reliability, though satisfactorily sol­
ved today, w ill arise in a new form
tomorrow and w ill never disappear
as long as technical devices utilized
by man are being developed and com­

A model or an automaton The following story serves as a

having the appearance of a man, tribute to the art of their creators.
The famous French mechanic Jac­
often designed ques de Vaucanson decided to build
for practical work. a weaving automaton. The weavers of
Lyons learned about it. The inventor’s
idea was not to their liking, and they
decided to give Vaucanson a beating.
Then to make fun of the weavers the
brilliant mechanic built an ass who
“E ric”, “ Tinker”, “Siberian” and the worked at a loom.
Rest The enthusiasm for mechanical li­
kenesses of man vanished at the be­
ginning of the 19th century. From
Probably, no one now needs ex­ noisy reception halls of palaces, from
plaining what a robot is. We have royal castles the “mechanical men”
grown used to these clumsy, slow me­ moved to quiet museum halls. And
tal likenesses of man, to their eyes here they rest to this day, these “un­
of lamps, to their ears of aerials, animated m en”, which served to en­
to their monotonous, indifferent mag­ tertain the nobility. Is it only be­
netic-tape-recorder voices. We are no cause of their strange “fate” that these
longer wondering at them, we greet artful dolls are of interest to us? Cer­
them as good old friends. tainly not. The mechanical men are
Do you know that robots have a of interest to us, in the first instance,
long and interesting history? because they occupy a place at the
The first mechanical man, the le­ start of the road which led to^the de­
gend would have it, was built in an­ velopment of automata.
cient tim es by Ptolem y Philadelphus. New times brought new ideas. The
His younger—by many hundred era of electricity was marked by the
years—brother made history under construction of “electrical m en”. They
the name of the “iron m an”. He was had advantages over their mechanical
built by Albert the Great over 700 “relatives” not only in the principle
years ago. From that time onwards of operation but also in the number
he has made his home on the pages of man-like functions they could per­
of dozens of books. form, since earlier artificial mechani­
Mechanical men “mastered” many cal men were able to perform only
professions, m ainly “d elicate” ones. one function each: the draftsman
Abundant were flute and drum play­ drew, the cittern player played the
ers, dancers, scribes. Rare among cittern, the scribe wrote, etc.
the robots were the trades of painters, Meet the “electrical m an”.
bakers, hair-dressers. His author, the American engineer
A ll of them, irrespective of trade, Vansley called him deferentially “Mis­
were built with the greatest crafts­ ter T elevox”.
manship . Clumsy, squarely built, eyes and

nose painted. His looks were very lamps in the room, opened the win­
much inferior to those of his mecha­ dows and shut the doors. “My robot,”
nical predecessors, but there was a said the inventor, “without its shell
lot he could do. is actually an automatic telephone
“T elevox” worked as a permanent exchange, to which several electric
supervisor of the water tanks of one motors are connected instead of tele­
of New York’s skyscrapers. He wat­ phone subscribers.”
ched the water level, switched on These electric motors performed all
water pumps. the actions of “T elevox”. In other
Moreover, “T elevox” had sound re­ words, “T elevox” was a typical repre­
producing apparatus installed in him sentative of “electrical m en”.
and could pronounce several phrases. H is counterparts of the tim e were
He answered telephone calls about in close affinity to him . Among them
water level and pump operation. were the “Englishm en”: “E ric” built
This work is much more complica­ by engineer Richardson, “Alpha”, the
ted than the work of a mechanical creation of the professor of physics
musician. Judge for yourselves: now­ Harry May, the robot “W illy ” of
adays the work sim ilar to that of Westinghouse, and many, many
“T elevox” is being done by automa­ others.
ted traffic controllers in numerous Robots of today are electronic crea­
automated plants. tures. One of them, an electronic ci­
In addition to serious “professio­ tizen of Kaliningrad, says to this
nal” work “T elevox” was employed effect: “I have no heart. I ’m doing
in house work. He switched on the well with transistors and intricate
vacuum cleaner and the ventilator, electronic blocks.”

On p. 262 is the block diagram of the robot “Siberian-2”. He can do the job
of a guide to exhibitions, sell lottery tickets and books, advertise products and
polish floors.
The robot consists of 19 blocks. The main blocks are the control blocks of the
head, of the right arm, of leg action and of body rotation. A very important part
in the “Siberian” is played by the programming device and time relay.
H ere’s a description of the robot by its inventors from the city of Omsk: “The
robot draws power from the mains. The voltage of 27 V is applied to the program-
mator through the sound relay. There it is transformed into programme pulses.
For instance, the ‘le g ’ control block receives two programmes. The first sends the
robot on his way forward. To change course or to turn back a second programme
is needed. How does the robot turn a corner? An instruction is sent from the pro-
grammator to the control block, and the motor is switched on. After the corner
has been turned a second signal is sen t—this time to the stopping block, which
switches the motor off. At the same time a tape recorder with recorded speech is
switched on. As a result the robot turns and, for example, tells the visitors to the
exhibition about some exhibit.
“The movements of the right arm are somewhat more complicated. Simulta­
neously with the motor a device is switched on which, say, hands out lottery tick-

S ig n a llin g b lo c k

A r m -m o v e m e n t b lo c k 1 H e a d -tu rn in g d e v ic e

Tim e re la y
E le c tr ic m o to r

E le c tro n ic b lo c k

M a g n e tic ta p e
re c o rd e r

P ro g ra m m a to r

T u rn in g b lo c k

C o n ta c t fin g e r Step-dow n tra n s fo rm e rs

Sound b lo c k E le c tro m a g n e tic d e v ic e

A u to m a tic card
d is t r ib u t o r L e g -m o ve m e n t d e v ic e

E le c tr ic m o to r

The “Siberian-2” robot was built by boys from the Omsk municipal vocational school.

ets stored in the robot’s pocket. Having clutched the ticket, the robot firmly
holds it with his ‘fingers’ —contacts. As soon as a visitor takes the ticket the fin­
gers are brought into contact, and the order ‘return to zero’ is sent. The arm mo­
tors are switched on, and the robot resumes its former posture.”

These “electronic m en” that have sions and the com patibility of these
gone a long way from the superficial professions in a single robot.
likeness to man can do a lot of the Some robots possess faculties pecu­
things we can do. liar only to them: for instance, they
The first thing that meets the eye can have sense organs which are de­
is the “wide range” of their profes­ nied to man. For example, the robot

“□ T ry ” not only sees light, hears they sink to the depths of the
sound, feels heat, and notices obstac­ oceans, rise in rockets to carry out
les and avoids them artfully, but cosmic studies.
raacts to radioactivity, as well. Seve­ W ith the aid of robots functions and
ral metres away from the danger behaviour of living organisms are
zone it sends various warning signals. being simulated with the aim of crea­
D on’t you agree that now the time ting better engineering constructions
has come to speak not only of robot and automata; biological processes
toys? Real robot-assistants have made are being modelled to gain insight
their appearance. into their essence.
Nowadays “electronic dwarfs” are Already now scientists are allot­
engaged in testing cars and planes, in ting serious scientific tasks to robots.
shops with an unhealthy atmosphere; How much more is in store for them!
s The W ay to a “Clever” Autom aton

Imagine a comprehensive automa­

SELF-ADAPTING SYSTEM tic system which responds instantly
to any change in the mode of opera­
A system tion or of the ambient. A rise in tem­
perature—an instant reaction follows.
whose method of action An unexpected drop of pressure—im­
changes automatically mediate action of the gauges, and it
to attain optimum control. returns to normal. An unforeseen de­
ficiency in the composition of a li­
quid—the system compensates for it
the very moment it arises.
What a grand automaton, you
would say; surely, it doesn’t exist. But
it does! I t ’s the living organism. The
livin g organism, we, human beings
in particular, is this most advantage­
ous, superb, optimum system , “whose
method of action changes automati­
cally to attain optimum control”.
Self-adaptation is an invaluable
quality of the living organism deve­
loped through the m illions of years of
its history, the ideal the designers of
modern automata are trying to at­
tain. The advent of cybernetics enab­
led a truly bold problem to be formu­
lated: can the adaptation of living
organisms to their ambient be regar­
ded as an analogue for technical auto­
matic systems subjected to changing
Here w e’ll have to deviate some­
what from our main road in order to
return later enlightened by knowledge
that w ill help us on our way.
W e’ll have to get acquainted with
such seemingly simple conceptions as
a good and a bad organization.
At first glance i t ’s perfectly simple:
a good organization is the one that
reacts correctly, a bad one that which

always reacts wrongly. So it appears ting system. Its trick is that it chan­
at first glance. An organization is des­ ges from “bad” to “good” by itself.
cribed as good if it works faultlessly L et’s take the well-known example
and operates within some strictly of a ch ild ’s brain. At first its working
defined lim its, i.e. operates well no is such that the child is always attract­
matter what it is —a cat, an automa­ ed by fire. The organization is clear­
tic pilot or an automatic plant. ly a bad one. As a result of the expe­
Wait a little , says to this a promi­ rience obtained a new—“good”—or­
nent English scientist W. Ashby, ganization comes into being: now the
inquisitiveness is a good thing, but child avoids the fire, the brain as a
just think of the many antelopes who system had adapted itself.
died because they stopped to look at Is such self-adaptation possible in
the hunter’s hat. a technical system? Just think how
There is no quality or faculty of wonderful it would be! The automa­
the brain unequivocally accepted as ton would function satisfactorily not
desirable in one situation that doesn’t only under normal conditions, but
become undesirable in another, main­ under break-down conditions as w ell,
tains the scientist. And he cites some could “level out” in any operating
examples. Here’s one. condition, would work like a man.
Is it good or bad for the brain to Self-adapting systems are classified
have memory? I t ’s good, if the am­ by their behaviour. The sim plest self­
bient is such that the future often re­ tuning systems choose optimum ope­
peats the past. If the events in future rating conditions with regard to am­
would be opposite to those in the past, bient conditions. Such systems are
memory would be a disadvantage. increasingly being used in technolo­
This situation occurs when a rat gy-
living in sewage tubes encounters a For instance, it is possible to bu­
bait. The rat is very suspicious and ild a self-tuning machine tool control­
accepts unfamiliar food only in sm all led by a programme. In this case the
portions. But if delicious food ap­ controlling device must mark the de­
pears in the same place for three days viations in the dimensions of parts
running, the rat learns it. On the being produced and autom atically
fourth day it takes the bait boldly effect changes in the programme. In
and poisons itself. this case an in itia lly deficient pro­
A rat devoid of memory (a bad or­ gramme w ill be improved in the cour­
ganization by usual standards) w ill se of the to o l’s operation, and rejects
on the fourth day be as suspicious as w ill be m inim ized. Scientists term
on the first and w ill survive. Thus, this tuning for better operating con­
in such conditions memory is a dis­ ditions “self-improvement by the ma­
advantage. Does it follow that it chine tool of its algorithm”, of its
isn ’t possible to distinguish “good” working programme.
from “bad”, that any organization If the system can improve the algo­
can at the same time be good and rithm of its operation, it can improve
bad? the algorithm of its behaviour, as
At this point we return to our for­ w ell, make it “flexible”, “searching”,
mer road and arrive at the self-adap­ adaptable to the ambient. Such a

A self-tuning machine tool: / —programme block; 2—self-tuning block; 3— “memory” block;

/ —control block; 5—actuator; 6—measuring system. The process of self-tuning consists in
searching for better results on the basis of results previously obtained. The tool itself works
out an improved programme which takes into account former deficiencies in machining.

system, which changes its mode of It occupies a position one step above
action in unforeseen circumstances^ the self-tuning system,
is usually described as self-organizing.

A Classical Example ot a Self-Organizing System Is the Homeostat of W. Ashby.

Here is a description of the principles of operation of this device.
The homeostat consisted of 4 electromagnets. The motion of their cores displaced
the contacts of rheostats. The electromagnets were fed through these rheostats.
Maximum displacement of a core caused an arbitrary switch-over of connections

of the rheostats and electromagnet windings in the circuit. The positions of all
four cores were thus interrelated since the current in each solenoid was dependent
on the position of all four rheostats, and the position of each rheostat was depen­
dent on the current flowing through the respective solenoid.
As soon as power was switched on all cores and rheostat contacts began to move.
The resulting situation could be twofold: after some transient process the cores
could occupy a stable intermediate state—in this case the system became sta­
tionary; in another case the system failed to find for itself a stable state, and as a
result one of the cores exceeded the range of normal displacement and reached the
limiter. This led to arbitrary connections in the circuit, after which the search
for equilibrium was continued. After several switchings leading to arbitrary con­
nections in the circuit of the homeostat the system ultim ately attained a state
compatible with equilibrium and then found this equilibrium.

Ashby’s homeostat is a device which it isn’t easy to put off balance.


Altogether 400 thousand combinations of switch positions were envisaged in

the system. Various operations to which the homeostat was subjected, such as dis­
placement of the lim iters, changes in connections, petty failures, did not destroy
its ability to find the equilibrium state.
The “behaviour” of the homeostat can be compared to the behaviour of a cat.
If you push it, i t ’ll make itself comfortable and fall asleep again. The same with
the homeostat: when i t ’s being pushed—displaced from the state of equilibrium —
it “makes itself comfortable”, tries various connections, and then “falls asleep”
again, again finding a state of equilibrium.
The experiments with the homeostat were highly praised by Norbert Wiener.
He considered Ashby’s brilliant idea of a purposeful, arbitrarily chosen mechanism
capable of attaining its ends through the process of learning to be not only one of
major achievements of modern philosophy but an achievement leading to very
useful technological results in the solution of automation problems, as w ell. He
thought that we were in a position not only to make the machine follow its purpose,
but, for the most part, a machine designed to avoid certain break-down situa­
tions would find aims for itself that it was capable of attaining.

H ere’s another example of a self­ of all odd numbers from the computer
organizing system —the m odelling of “memory”.
the process of survival on an electro­ This “w ise” class of self-adapting
nic computer. automata includes yet another spe­
Imagine a computer the memory of cies. It bears the name of self-educat­
which contains the numbers from 0 ing. To merit the name the automaton
to 9 quite arbitrarily mixed. In this must first of all be capable of sear­
computer all numbers are m ultiplied ching. Having been trained in this
by pairs, and the number on the right faculty the automaton must be given
end of the product takes the place of a “memory” to enable it to accumula­
the first m ultiplier. L et’s put the te information in the process of se­
computer to work. We know that an arching. N ext a system of prizes for
even number m ultiplied by another successful ventures and of punishment
even number gives a third even num­ for the unsuccessful ones should be
ber. Odd, m ultiplied by odd, also devised. This method of self-education
gives odd, and odd m ultiplied by is termed the trial-and-error method,
even gives even. The conclusion can and i t ’s being used in some program­
be drawn that after m ixed encounters mes for solving educational prob­
the number of even numbers in the“me- lems.
m ory” of the computer w ill grow—the H ere’s an example of a programme
even numbers have greater chances of for a self-educating computer.
“survival”. Gradually they w ill take The computer was divided in two.
the places of odd numbers in the com­ One section played the part of the
puter “m emory”. The computer has “pupil”, the other of several “shops”
“organized its e lf” for “su rvival”. In with varying goods assortment. The
time the practice of this purposeful task of the “pupil” was to learn to
behaviour w ill lead to the eradication find the necessary goods quickly.

At first the ‘‘pupil” roamed the called “clever”, for they are very
shops in search of the goods. In one much like real live pupils. It is not
shop he was in for success—he “came without foundation that scientists call
across” the goods. He “remembered” such mechanisms “brain-like”.
the “shop”—for this he was given a It should, however, be kept in
“prize”. mind that research in this direction
The goods were changed. Out he is actually just beginning. There is as
went shopping again. New searches, yet no general theory of self-adapting
followed by a new success, for which systems. This field of research may
a prize was due. And, of course, a new be likened to a great field touched here
“knot” in the “memory”. This was and there by the plough of research.
repeated over and over again. The But should this field be properly
training resulted in self-education of cultivated, a generous crop w ill be
the ‘ pupil”. He unm istakingly chose the reward for the time and labour
the right shop for specific goods. spent, a crop of all kinds of self-adapt­
Needless to say, automata capable ing systems, true servants of man.
of acting in this manner are rightly

A complex of scientific theories had the chance to observe the diffe­

dealing with the properties rence in the sounds hens make. When
a hen rallies her chicks it cackles. To
of sign systems. warn of danger it cries out alarming­
ly. Scientists distinguish about ten
command signs in the “hen language.”
Insects use specific signs to trans­
mit various, often quite complex, in­
formation. Ants, for instance, “speak.”
the “language of odours”. And bees in
their “monologues” resort to “dances”.
With the aid of the “dance” the
Attention! Signs... . bee tells about the whereabouts of
the sweet nectar, how to find the way
to the hive and so on.
Scientists are at present carefully
Here’s a rather odd complement, studying the “language” of dolphins
spoken language, However, the distinction between
symbolics of chemistry, these “languages” and the human lan­
street traffic signs, guage lies not only in poverty of
the “language” of the dolphins and means of expression, in the small
bees, number of available signs, but in
mathematical formulae, quality, as well. For animals, as dis­
the Morse code, tinct from man, the sign is always re­
artificial computer “languages”. levant to actuality, its meaning is
Enough for the present. What do always concrete, it is valid only at
you think such different concepts re­ the moment it is emitted.
lating to quite different spheres of Various “finger languages” are also
life have in common? A ll of them are signs. A broken twig of a t'-ee, smoke
examples of sign systems, they all from the fire—all can serve as signs
are made up of signs. if there is an understanding as to
W ell, what is a sign, what can be their meaning: a warning, a landing
termed a sign? Everyone of you gave sign for a plane, a meeting place. In
out a sign when you for the first time general, as you have probably noti­
pronounced the word “mom ”. And ced, a sign is a symbolic signal with
the signs used in games__ Or the a definite meaning. The concept of a
fam iliar school bell. This is a sign to sign is very wide. But it always
begin a lesson or a recess. And the amounts to an object of substance,
important part signs played in the whether it is a happening, a pheno­
activities of underground organiza­ menon or action. And always this
tions! A curtain drawn in some pecu­ object manifests itself in intercourse
liar manner, or a flower placed on a —concretely or symbolically. A sign
window-sill served as a warning. (as you have also noticed) always ser­
The “language” of animals, too, ves the purpose of storage, transmis­
is a sign system. You, probably, sion or processing of information.

Signs are always part of a system. For instance, the identical sign “P ” in the
Latin ABC means the letter “P ”; in the Russian ABC it corresponds to the letter
“R ”, and as a traffic sign it denotes a parking place.
W ith the aid of sign systems people communicate with each other, such systems
enable them to study nature, to work.
Scientists divide the sign systems into two categories: natural and artificial.
Animal “languages”, “odour languages”, “finger languages”, etc., are natural
systems. The most advanced natural sound system is the human language. I t ’s
a very fluid, flexible, well-developed system. Having been born out of communi­
cation, the human language serves as a means of communication between peop­
le. Our language helps us to express thoughts, wishes, to transmit the nuances of
feelings. V. I. Lenin had a good reason to pronounce the language to be the
main means of human communication.
The higher mankind rises in its social progress the more new sign systems come
into being. For this reason their number is continuously growing. And for the most
part this is due to artificial sign systems. Mathematical and physical formulae,
the symbolics of chemistry and traffic sign code mentioned above can all serve
as examples of such systems.
As a rule the role of artificial systems is auxiliary: they express things that can
be expressed with the aid of natural signs, but more concisely, precisely and eco­
nom ically. They at once reflect the ultim ate result and the way that leads to it.
Thus, if anyone would like to “translate” a familiar formula into words made
up of ordinary letters, he would need several textbook pages to express the result
of a simple mathematical calculation.
Try and add the number one m illion seven hundred thirteen thousand five hun­
dred and one to the number twelve m illion one thousand three hundred and nine­
ty-nine, written down in words. I t ’s no easy job.
And i t ’s so easy with the digits!
, 1 713 501
+ 12 001 399
13 714 900
There are “independent” artificial systems as well. Such systems in increasing
use nowadays include first of all languages serving as intermediaries in computer
translation and logical calculus.
There exists also another subdivision of signs. They are classified as language
and non-language signs. This classification is easy to perform. It, so to speak,
lies on the surface. Evidently, all natural and artificial languages are language
signs. Various schematic diagrams, blue-prints, drawings, signboards, maps,
illustrations, diagrams, dances, pantomine, music, sculpture, etc., are non-lan­
guage systems.

Signs and sign systems are studied Obviously, signs attracted the at­
by a special branch of science—semio­ tention of scientists. Since signs ap­
tics. It derives its name from the peared as soon as men began to think,
word “sem ios”, the Greek for “sign”. their studies date very far back. Al-




Mg, Cu, N


N O N -L A N G U A G E

T m
C o p ie s S ig n a ls S ym b o ls Im ages

ready A ristotle and other Greek phi­ the point of view of th eir value as
losophers gave a thought to the gnos­ signs serving to express some con­
tic value of signs. As m an ’s experien­ tex t.
ce extended and science thrusted dee­ T his is the reason for the exceptio­
per into the secrets of nature, regula­ n ally wide range of action of sem io­
rities common to various sign sys­ tics. To support th is claim l e t ’s cite
tem s became clearer. B ut p rim arily the proceedings of such an a u th o rita ­
the ideas of sem iotics won a place for tive assem bly as the first Soviet sym ­
them selves in the m athem atical logic posium on sem iotics. I t took place in
w ith its symbols and precise defini­ December 1962 in Moscow.
tions. Here signs were more in evi­ The scientists considered from “the
dence th an in other branches of sci­ sem iotics point of view ” diverse pro­
ence. Achievem ents in th is field are blem s, som etim es quite unexpected
connected w ith the names of the Ger­ and strange for the laym an.
m an scientist G. L eibnitz and the Of course, m uch a tte n tio n was paid
E nglish philosopher J . Locke. to the n atu ral language in its capaci­
N ext linguistics fell prey to semio­ ty as a sign system .
tic ideas. The need for comm unica­ The description of e tiq u e tte is of
tio n between people leads to the estab­ in terest from the point of view of
lishm ent of a system of symbolic sem iotics. I t tu rn s out th a t fortune
signs, m aintains the French scientist tellin g w ith the aid of playing cards
F. de Saussure. He cited ceremonies, presents a ttractio n s to sem iotics, for
etiq u ette, w ar signals as examples. the reason th a t “th is rela tiv e ly sim ple
Among all system s he a ttrib u ted the sem iotic system can be of in terest to
m ajor im portance to the language. general sem iotics” . Sim ilarly, street
The m ain principles of the science traffic control “facilitates the estab­
of sem iotics were form ulated by the lishm ent of certain regularities com­
Am erican scientist Charles Peirce. In mon to sign system s” .
the th irtie s they were extended and C lim bing step by step the ladder
developed by scientists from m any of “establishing certain re g u la ritie s” ,
countries belonging to m any scientific sem iotics reaches the heights of quite
schools. A leading place among them “u n e a rth ly ” subjects. I t provided the
and the most im portant results belong specialists w ith an in tric a te tool en­
to the Polish and R ussian schools. abling a language to be constructed
D id n ’t it appear to you th a t semio­ for com m unication w ith civilizations
tics tries to grasp w h a t’s out of reach? of other planets. Yes, t h a t ’s right.
T h at the field of interests which it is On the E a rth a special language has
try in g to “in v ad e” is too wide? No, been developed for the intercourse
is the answer of the experts. Sem iotics w ith our “brothers in in te lle c t” . Its
tries to tackle m any fields of hum an author, the D utch . scientist H ans
knowledge b u t only from one point F reudenthal, has given it the nam e
of view: different objects of research “lincos” —langua cosmica, the cos­
are studied unidirectionally, only from mic language.

A Classification of signs.

Lincos is based on the u n ity of the the creation of lincos does not dispell
laws in the U niverse, specifically, on th is view. I t ’s true, sem iotics is a
the u n ity of m athem atical laws. I t ’s theoretical discipline, b u t it is still
on the basis of these law s, which of some practical value. T hink, for
reflect the rea lity of the w orld, th a t exam ple, of the artificial sign system s
F reudenthal builds his m ulti-stage —interm ediary languages for cyber­
lincos structure. This language has netic m achines. Moreover, sem iotics,
hierarchical organization, it contains together w ith psychology and physio­
an in tric a te system of relationships, logy, studies the location of speech
com plications, “advancem ent stages”. centres. The results of these studies
O bviously, appropriate m eans m ust proved to be of undeniable practical
be chosen for cosmic com m unica­ value: the achievem ents of several
tio n s—a radio signal or a lig h t pulse. Soviet scientists aided in the con­
To begin w ith , prim ary m athem ati­ stru ctio n of a special language for
cal concepts should be coded w ith deaf persons. This is an exam ple of
th eir aid: dig its, equation signs, the help given to m edicine.
essence of the b inary system . Next A nother exam ple is from the field
a more advanced stage is reached: of pedagogics.
the exposition of the rules of arithm e­ The pedagogues are paying an ever
tic . Then comes the tu rn of algebra, increasing a tte n tio n to signs. T his is
and so on, up to higher m athem atics. not to be wondered a t, since education
F inally, w ith the aid of ab stract m a­ en tails, to a considerable degree, the
them atics F reudenthal turns to evalu­ m astery of signs.
ating hum an behaviour, sta rts te ll­ And those who are not convinced by
ing the story about us, the inhabi­ the exam ples should not forget th a t
ta n ts of the E a rth , about our life, i t ’s only recently th a t the m arvellous
about the E a rth —the home, where faculties of sem iotics began to be
we were born. displayed. For th is reason i t ’s n atu ral
You m ay accuse sem iotics of being to expect from th is science new disco­
a purely theoretical science, for even veries and new successes in the future.

A n A u to m a to n D ecides upon a M a rk

B elgian urchins w rote in the te sti­

TEACHING MACHINE m onial book of our pavilion a t the
Brussels W o rld ’s Fair: “Please,
A machine build a m achine which could help us
to teach people not to s tu d y .”
T his wish w ill, certainly, never be
knowledge and skills. fulfilled—no one’s going to build a
m achine w hich would help not to
study. B ut a m achine which helps to
study has been b u ilt.
Everybody has grown accustomed
to the idea th a t whenever, wherever
or w hatever is being tau g h t, the tea­
ching is being done by m an. Y et
suddenly teaching has entered the
realm of m achines, and furtherm ore
is being done perfectly well.
W hat does a teacher do during a
lesson? He discusses a topic. To this
end he chooses appropriate m aterial
and compiles questions. Subsequent­
ly he checks how the topic has been
The process of education can be
represented by a system of in terac­
tion between the teacher and the pu­
p il. The resu lt of the operation of the
system should be the acquisition of
knowledge by the pupil. T his system ,
though it m ight appear to be quite
sim ple a t first glance, is a very com­
plicated one. D irect coupling and
feedback are established between the
teacher and the pupil.
The direct coupling is represented
by the channel through which the te a ­
cher tran sm its inform ation over to
you: lectures, laboratory work and
The feedback is the route from the
p upil to the teacher. I t is necessary

for self-control, to help the pupil ration of educational m achines l e t ’s

understand how he succeeded in m as­ see how the sim plest of them
tering the subject. work.
I t so happens th a t the lesson, the A tape w ith questions ro ta tes in
common lesson a t which you are pre­ the m achine together w ith blank pa­
sent, is, as a rule, a process characte­ per for the answers. The p upil having
rized by deficient feedback. The te a ­ answered a question m ust tu rn the
cher som etim es doesn’t know how his handle. The answer moves under a
pupils are m astering the subject. And transparent plate and can no longer be
w ith o u t this knowledge he cannot or­ corrected. The correct answer, togeth­
ganize the educational process cor­ er w ith a new question, appears on
rectly, in accordance w ith the situ a ­ the tape.
tio n prevailing a t the m om ent. And now l e t ’s meet the electronic
I t has already been established by “Coach” . I t helps in the stu d y of fo­
experts th a t for the educational pro­ reign languages. The pupil presses a
cess to be effective i t should provide b u tto n and a phrase in a foreign lan ­
for every pupil, say, in the course of guage appears on the screen. One
a n ativ e language lesson, to receive word from the phrase has been om it­
up to 100 reinforcing influences in ted, and it has to be found and inser­
the 20 m inutes th a t the teacher ex­ ted into the phrase. If the pupil m a­
plains his lesson. kes a m istake, the m achine signals
In a class of 30 the num ber of such w ith a red lam p. This m eans th a t the
influences from the teacher would b u tto n w ith the tem pting word “Pro­
have to be equal to 3000 in the same m p tin g ” should be pressed. B ut don’t
20 m inutes. Thus, the teacher, like place too m uch hope in it. You w on’t
an autom aton would have to exercise get a crib. A ctually, w hat the m achine
150 reinforcing influences per m inute. does isn ’t straightforw ard prom pting.
This is p ractically impossible. Y ou’ll be asked a leading question to
W h a t’s to be done under the c ir­ help you rem em ber the m aterial you
cumstances? The solution lies in the have been studying.
nature of the educational process. I t A m achine of the same type success­
is open to so-called program m ing, fully teaches, independent of teachers,
w hereby an entire lesson or an ap­ a ll the m athem atical operations th a t
propriate paragraph from a textbook can be executed w ith a slide rule.
can be set out in d etail together w ith The m achines are provided w ith
precise instructions as to how and other b uttons, as w ell. There m ay also
in w hat order the m ate ria l is to be be other lum inous signs: “C orrect” ,
presented. W ith in such a detailed “Y ou’ve m ade a m istak e” . If, for
program m e there is no difficulty in some reason, you have exceeded the
u tiliz in g electronic com puters to do tim e lim it for the answer, the machine
the job of providing pupils w ith the warns you po litely “You th in k too
inform ation necessary to m aster cer­ long” . The m achine “ed u cato r” can
ta in subjects and asking them ques­ m ark the answer, measure the tim e
tions and assessing th eir knowledge spent on its preparation, consult the
on the spot. academ ic record card and in some ca
To understand the principles of ope­ ses ... send for a re-exam ination.

Isn ’t th a t a perfect exam iner? The­ W ell, and w h a t’s going to happen
r e ’s a m achine th a t can check 1025 to the teacher, to the m an who does
exam ination papers, practically for all the teaching now?
disciplines. W ith the introduction of the m ost
The num ber of m achines used for perfect autom ata his role w ill not
education is continuously growing. abate, b u t, on the contrary, w ill grow
Isolated experim ents are m aking way in significance because of new duties.
for wide application of educational These duties w ill include the com pi­
m achines. For several years now pro­ latio n of the program mes and th eir
gram m ed education has been p rac ti­ constant im provem ent. The teacher
sed a t hundreds of colleges and voca­ w ill, as before, play the m ost im por­
tio n al schools. Over 1000 schools have ta n t p a rt in the entire educational
specially equipped classes. There is process, especially in fostering. And
every reason to suppose th a t in the the m achine w ill be his reliable edu­
future such m achines w ill be emplo­ catio n al assistant.
yed universally.

How does an educational machine operate?

The pupil receives a paper. I t consists of the theoretical p a rt, followed by two
examples in the form of problems, one solved, and one to be solved. As soon as
the pupil solves his problem he sets the num ber of his paper and the answer on
the sw itchboard and presses the button. The m achine in sta n tly answers w ith a
“rig h t” or a “w rong”. If the answer is correct, the pupil proceeds w ith the follo­
wing paper. His task becomes more com plicated w ith each successive paper. No
paper can be learned unless all the preceding papers have been studied.
See how m any connections there are inside an educational machine?
They a ll term inate in the control block. As soon as the pupil “introduces” his
answer it is a t once “a tta c k e d ” by several devices of the educational m achine.
The comparison block compares the answer w ith the correct answer recorded
in the “m em ory”. If the answer is correct, a signal is sent to the assessment block.
If it is wrong, a signal is sent to the block which analyses wrong answers.*The in­
form ation output block w ill function only after the machine has thoroughly stu ­
died your answer. This is a stric t and exacting “teacher”.

Not one b u t several hundred types The second group embraces tra in ­
of teaching machines have already been ing m achines.
b u ilt, some sim ple, others complex, The th ird —testing and teaching m a­
among them m idget “exam iner-tea­ chines. Among th is group the m ajority
chers” the size of a cigarette case and is m ade up of exam ining m achines
large m achines occupying whole rooms. used to test the knowledge of the stu ­
The teaching m achines are subdivi­ dents. The m ost w idely used is “The
ded into groups in accordance w ith Sw allow ” .
th eir purpose. As a rule, th eir names speak for
The first group is m ade up of simple them selves: “The L ecturer”, “The Con­
m echanized devices. s u lta n t” , “The T rainer”, “The Coach”,
Information output A Knowledge evaluation
4- block block


"M emory" block

Control block e d u c a t i o n program -
Answer input block (commutator) f mei and c o r r e c t an-
sw ers

AV ▼

Comparison block A n a ly sis of wrong Programme block

an sw e rs block ->

Z Z ? -----


T est q u e stio n ^

Ye s No

Leading questio n ^ ^

T e st qu estio n ^ z

r ^


“The T ester” , “The E xam iner”. There of the m aterial and proceed further.
are universal “m achine educators” , The weak stu d en t, on the other hand,
as well: they test, consult and exam i­ w ill be able to work slow ly, not get­
ne. tin g nervous and not try in g his u t­
The fourth group of educational de­ m ost to catch up w ith the class. In
vices is the m ost com plicated of them th is w ay the principal doctrine of the
all. I t consists of classes for program ­ old “unprogram m ed” educational th e­
med education. ory, th a t had been very difficult to
L e t’s learn about one of them , “The p u t into practice, is realized: the doc­
Accord”. I t has nothing to do w ith trin e of in d iv id u al approach to every
m usic. The name is made up of in i­ stu d en t.
tia l letters of its R ussian designation Program m ed education th a t w ill
m eaning an “autom ated class for have to absorb the best achievem ents
controlled education w ith ram ified of our educational system w ill not
dosage” . L e t’s enter it. only m ake life easier for the stu d en t,
There are th irty tables. On each b u t for the teacher-program m ist, as
tab le there is a sm all control panel w ell. The teacher-program m ist w ill be
w ith lam ps and levers. The big cont­ able to tra n sm it the knowledge of his
rol panel of the teacher is connected subject to any group of students irres­
to the sm all panels. pective of th eir level of knowledge
E very stu d e n t has a chapter from and of in te lle c tu a l developm ent. By
the “educational program m e” in front placing accent on in d iv id u al work
of him w hich he m ust learn. The chap­ the teacher m akes every stu d en t not
te r ends w ith questions. W hen the only study, b u t learn, as well.
stu d e n t th in k s he has learned his Much has been done in th is country
lesson he operates an appropriate to develop the new educational me­
sw itch. thod.
If the answer is correct, the signal Special educational program mes are
“c o n tin u e” w ill lig h t up, if n o t—“re­ being com piled, the efficiency of va­
p e a t” . rious m ethods of program m ing is being
Now, note the following. There are, studied, models of the educational
as usual, th ir ty students to a class, process based on the theory of proba­
and there is, as before, one teacher to b ility and m ethods of controlling th is
teach them . The educational process process are being designed, the search
is, no doubt, collective: and, a t the is on for a universal educational
same tim e, in d iv id u al. Here the s tu ­ algorithm (i.e. rules).
dents are not “reduced to the ave­ However, scientists and educatio­
rage” . n a lists endeavour to look farth er ahe­
There is a single program m e, but ad. They would like to build educa­
everyone can learn it in his own way tio n a l complexes and com pile educa­
adapting i t to su it his nature. A ca­ tio n a l program m es th a t would take
pable stu d en t w ill m ake quick work into account the in d iv id u al propensi-

M A block diagram of the educational machine “The Coach” and the route of education process
from the start to the end of its work.

ties of students as w ell. The new me­ even thousands, of consumers. This
thods are being applied in specialized w ill enable perm anent controlled edu­
education: in sports, in m usic, in cation to be conducted from class
m edicine. work to home work. This m ay be sup­
To teach the blind and deaf a me­ plem ented by an educational tele­
thod of reading h an d-w ritten tex ts vision netw ork.
as they are w ritte n is being developed R ecently Soviet scientist 0 . Belo-
and tested experim entally. Such a tserkovsky read before an in tern a­
m achine w ill be able to correct d ic ta ­ tio n al conference an in terestin g paper
tions as they are w ritten . w ith the title “The Effect of Space
A design of a m achine capable of Research on the D evelopm ent of Ge­
talk in g and understanding hum an la n ­ neral and Specialized E d u c a tio n ” . The
guage has been developed. Such a paper dealt w ith the em ploym ent of
m achine w ill be able to teach hund­ com m unications sa te llite s equipped
reds, and in the foreseeable future w ith tra n sm itte rs to tra n sm it educa­
thousands, of students. To teach va­ tional radio-television program m es to
rious subjects and w ith an ind iv id u al wide expanses of the E a rth .
program m e for every stu d en t. The The scien tist envisages the tim e
m achine w ill read w hat the student when powerful television tran sm itters
has w ritte n , hear him speak, in short of the E a r th ’s sa te llite s “hanging s ta ­
w ill rea c t to everything the student tio n a ry ” a t a height of over 30 thou­
does in the process of education, and sand kilom etres w ill s ta rt a new school
this w ith o u t any control panels, le­ year in the vast school, the desks of
vers or push-buttons! which w ill be strew n over not only
The problem of em ploying big elec­ towns and villages, b u t over the bo­
tronic com puters in mass education is undless expanses of jungle and p la­
being considered, too. teau, over islands lost in the ocean
Even the use of electronic teaching and over the oases of the deserts. In
m achines in flats is envisaged. They th is way a wide coverage of various
w ill be connected to the sta te educa­ sections of the w orld’s population
tio n al m achine netw ork. In fact, two from the little ones to the grown­
or three electronic m achines can a l­ ups could be achieved. T his, too,
m ost sim ultaneously provide educa­ would, of course, increase the effici­
tional inform ation for hundreds, or ency of education.

T ranslation from one language E ven if m agnetic tape was used ins­
natural or artificial) tead of the punch-cards, th is would
require a huge num ber of dictators.
into another language M oreover, it would take, lite ra lly , an
(natural or artificial) arm y of editors to read and ed it the
tex t.
w ith th e aid
A ren’t those difficulties form idable?
of electronic computers. You bet! Y et, those are not the m ost
serious. The m ain difficulty lies in
the large volum e of the vocabularies
of m odern languages. This leads to
inaccuracies in tran slatio n s from one
•'The Horse [Called] Charley” language into another. An elu cid at­
ing experim ent of French linguists,
who tried to assess the degree of pre­
On Jan u ary 7, 1954 in New York cision atta in a b le in tra n sla tio n from
the first public dem onstration of an one language into another, brought
electronic com puter in its novel qua­ the result th a t rem inds one of the
lit y —th a t of a tra n sla to r—took pla­ fa u lty telephone game. Fourteen expe­
ce. The com puter tran slated R ussian rienced tran slato rs took th eir seats
phrases into E nglish. In all, 60 sen­ a t a round tab le so th a t each knew
tences were tran slated . the language of his rig h t neighbour.
The com puter tran slated . I t did the The first tra n s la to r—a G erm an—wrote
job like a m an ignorant of the langua­ on a piece of paper: “The a rt of brew­
ge: w ith the aid of a dictionary. Man ing is as old as the history of m an­
finds unam biguous words and a rra n ­ k in d ” , and handed the piece to his
ges them into a sentence according left neighbour. The la tte r tran slated
to the rules of gram m ar. Needless to the te x t from the German into his
say, such a tra n sla tio n is far from native Spanish, w rote it down and
perfect, y et, it caused great difficul­ in his tu rn handed it over to his left
ties to the com puter. The first diffi­ neighbour. The sentence w ent on its
culty can be defined as technical. way round the table, everybody tra n s ­
Judge for yourselves: the special pro­ la tin g i t into his n ativ e language. At
gramme containing rules for the tran s­ la st it returned to the G erm an in
latio n consisted of 2500 instructions, H ungarian. He tran slated it and read
which is m uch more th an for solving w ith surprise: “ From ancient tim es
complex m athem atical problem s. beer has been the favourite drink of
There was, too, another side to the m an k in d .”
technical difficulty. The com puter Idiom s present great obstacles to
could read 1 800 000 letters per m inute, com puters. The E nglish words “ char-
b u t to provide it w ith a corresponding ley horse” the com puter w ill tran slate
num ber of punch-cards 12 thousand as “horse [called] C harley” , when
ty p ists w orking a t a speed of 10 thou­ actu ally it m eans a “cram p in the
sand signs per hour would be needed. calf of a leg ” . “ Foolproof” —“proof

against adverse influences”—translated instead of “tw o ” gave out “ones” .

lite ra lly means ‘ proof against fools” . The electronic com puter has made a
The French phrase “absorption com­ m istake th a t would m ake even a
fortable des v ib ra tio n s” —“a comfor­ mediocre p upil blush. In the course
tab le absorption of v ib ra tio n s” —real­ of a gram m atical analysis of the sen­
ly m eans “the a tte n u atio n of v ib ra ­ tence “The general’s daughter was
tions to achieve a com fortable rid e ” . reading a book” the com puter classi­
“Dos d ’anes” —“elevated road irre­ fied the word “general’s ” as a verb,
g u la ritie s”—is lite ra lly tran slated as not forgetting to m ention its tense.
“donkey backs” . “Coups de roquet- The incident occurred because the
te s ”—“vibrations in the vertical p la­ com puter “saw ” a w idespread verb
n e ”—m eans lite ra lly “rocket firings” . ending in the com bination of sounds
If the com puter stum bles over phra­ which m ade up the noun.
ses, w hat w ill i t do w ith a te x t like An interesting incident occurred
the end of N. G ogol’s story “The when a com puter was tra n sla tin g an
N ose”? “B ut, however, everything article from the E nglish newspaper
considered, though this, and th a t, The Times dealing w ith com puterized
and the other can, of course, be assu­ tran slatio n . The com puter came upon
med, perhaps, even ... well then, can the words “the iron c u rta in ” . I t
inconsistencies be avoided anywhere? “stopped to th in k ” , and then having
S till, however, to m ed itate upon it, om itted th is incom prehensible term
there is really som ething in it all. w ent on w ith the tra n sla tio n .
No m a tte r who would say, and w hat H ere’s another incident. An Ame­
he would say to the contrary, such rican com puter, w hile tra n sla tin g the
happenings do come about in the title of the paper by the Academ ician
world: rarely, bu t, s till, they d o .” S. Vernov “To Know the Secrets of
I t ’s too early y et for com puters to O uter Space” has d istorted it beyond
take on sophisticated tex ts. W hat a recognition: “L e t’s Open the Secret
lo t of m istakes they m ake even w ith O uter S pace.”
the sim plest translations! Once com­ And s till the com puter translates.
puter m istook “one” for “tw o ” . And, L e t’s see how it is being done.
L e t’s follow the stages^of computer translation. To begin w ith, a reel is inser­

ted into the com puter w ith tape carrying the E nglish tex t. The inscription is,
however, not in signs b u t in perforations, as in punch-cards. This is th e code of
the te x t being tran slated . Placed next to this reel is a reel w ith narrow m agnetic
tape carrying the com puter program me for tra n sla tio n operation. The com puter
“m em ory” stores in its cells R ussian words arranged in stric t order next to cor­
responding English words.
The com puter tran slato r, like m an, makes use of the dictionary. The only dif­
ference is th a t in its d ictionary words are “w ritte n ” not in signs b ut in digits.
The English “a ” became 16, “b ” - 0 6 , “w ”—13, “m ”—11, “n ” - 1 5 , “x ”—09,
etc. R ussian letters, too, becam e numbers: “a ” —16, “6 ” —06, “ b ” —13, “ m ” —11,
“ h ” — 15, etc.

The technology of computer translation. ►


T h e o p e ra to r a t th e le tte r ke yb o a rd T a b le o f E n g lis h
a u to m a tic a lly s u b s titu te s num bers le tte r co d e s
fo r le tte r s (s e e T ab le I) , fo r in s ta n ­
ce A —16, M—11 :'A- 16: i.M-ll';
B- 06 N -15 V- 29
P u n c h e d ta p e w it h n u m b e rs is -|C-22 0-20 W-12
fe d in t o t h e c o m p u te r 1162226121508 00 120500 210716150527162112151(^2 T h e E n g lis h p a rt
o f th e d ic tio n a ry
Left column Right column
T ra n s la tio n program m e is s w itc h e d on 16226121508-121100 2563254)
1205 2100110 ....*0404...
S u b tra c t th e c o d e s o f th e w o rd s o f th e
le f t c o lu m n o f th e d ic tio n a r y from 8l
100... 41212 56
th e c o d e s o f th e w o rd s , i n tu rn , ^ ____ . 271621088J 1
u n til th e re m a in d e r is 6 . When t h is 191100.256^3254 210011— 0404 The m ea n in g o f
is d o n e , p u t th e co d e o f th e r ig h t c o - l ^ ' th e rig h t-c o lu m n codes
lu m n (fo r it s m e a n in g see T a b le 3) in
p la c e o f th e w o rd in th e m em ory d e v ic e
W A R N IN G ! T h e th ir d w o rd h a s n 't
been fo u n d in th e d ic tio n a r y
@ Feminine gender ....
ior Num ber in fhe Rui-
2 32 54: si an part ot the dic-
'/im " tionary
C h e c k th e w o rd u s in g T a b le 4. D o e s 4 The d ia g ra m o f
i t end o n " s " ? N o ! D o e s ite n d o n " e " ? the stages o f check­
ing tn e u n id e n ti-
No! D o e s it end on " i n g " ? Y e s ! -------- - fie d w ord
D e le te th e e n d in g and lo o k up the. I Dictionary | no
d ic tio n a r y a g a in . Is th e re an " e ” ?
Y e s . Is th e re an " i s " in fro n t? Y e s .

I t 's c le a n t h is is a v e rb in th e p r e * j
se n t c o n tin u o u s te n s e . l t is tra n s la r 5 The R u ssia n p a rt
te d as p re s e n t.T h e v e rb " i s ^ i s n o t 121100^.256 3254 21100.,.4121
. o f th e d ic tio n a r y
tra n s la te d (th e re is n o th in g in i t s n i
p la c e )

A rra n g e th e w o rd s a c c o rd in g to th e 53254 c — II1609121516

rig h t-c o lu m n c o d e s in c o m p lia n c e w ith 2 5 6 - 2408070813283012
th e ru le s o f th e R u s s ia n la n g u ag e
S u b tra c t " R u s s ia n " w o rd num bers in 6 T ab le o f R u ssia n
tu rn from th e le ft-c o lu m n c o d e s o f th e le tte r co d e s
d ic tio n a r y 5 u n til th e re m a in d e r is 0.
When t h is is done, p la c e th e rig h t- c o ­ A-(16> Vi- 12 0 -2 8
lum n c o d e (fo r it s m e a n in g s e e T a b le
6) in th e m em ory d e v ic e
E- 05 K- 19 11-24
T he c o d e s a re tra n s m itte d to th e a u to ­
B-■13 Jl- 27 P -07
m a tic p rin te r w h ic h p r in t s th e R is s ia n r- 10 M-ini C-05
te x t

RUSSIAN TEXT 0 fa u iu H a nejie& oyum


These pieces of tape have been taken out of the computer after translation. Here is the literal
translation: “ 3 to n e H e o 6 x o « H M o .”

The translation starts with the computer searching in the dictionary for the
words recorded on the tape. The computer has found a word. Hasn’t it made a
mistake? How could this be checked? The arithmetical device w ill subtract from
every word-number found in the dictionary the word-number recorded on the
punch-tape. If the remainder is zero, the word has been found correctly. Such
comparison takes about one ten thousandth of a second. The computer can look
through a dictionary of a thousand words in less than a second.
Next the computer turns its attention to the index number of the English word
found in the dictionary. The corresponding Russian word bears the same number
in the dictionary. And this word, too, is written in digits. If we now translate the­
se numbers into corresponding Russian letters, we w ill get the Russian word—a
translation of the English word introduced into the computer. The words have
been translated, but the computer cannot, as yet, construct a Russian phrase.
First it has to analyse the grammatical form of the English and the Russian words:
the gender, the number, the case, the declination, etc. In the computer these cha­
racteristics, too, have the appearance of numbers and are stored in the “memory”.
Word parts such as suffixes, endings, prepositions and articles of the English words
have been translated into the language of the so-called digital information that
is acceptable to the computer.
Only now does the computer start analysing the English phrase as a whole.
Subsequently it constructs the Russian phrase. This is done on the basis of the
translation programme which contains the paragraphs: “verbs”, “nouns”, “ad­
jectives”, “numerals”, “syntax”, “changes in the word order”. The computer
constructs the Russian phrases from the words translated from the English in com­
pliance with the rules of the Russian grammar.

The computer translator, as you of an electron in mh 3H aT b 6yay-

already know, has made its appearan­ an electron mic­ m,HH n y T b K)nHTe-
ce in 1954. Up to 1958 there were roscope we resopt pa b H e d e c a x h j i h
only three electronic computers adap­ to differencial nyTb a jie K T p o H a b
ted for translation of technical texts equations... 3JieK T pO H H O M M H K -
in the whole world: the Soviet, the pocKone, m h npn-
American a n d the English. The most 6 e ra e M k aH $$e-
advanced—the Soviet—had a word re­ peHHHaJIbHHM
serve of 952 English and 1973 Rus­ ypaBHeHHH M ...
sian words.
Here’s an example of translation Later another Soviet electronic com­
made by the computer in the form puter, “The Arrow”, made a transla­
it was produced without editing: tion from the French into the Russian.
Seventeen programmes containing
When a prac- E c jih npaK T H - 8500 instructions were compiled for
tivai problem in necK an 3 a g a n a b this purpose. The computer translated
science and tech­ n a y K e h j i h TexH H- the text by separate phrases.. Evqn
nology formula­ Ke a o n y c K a e r M a- for a phrase of from 8 to 10 words the
tion, the chances TeMaTHiecKyio computer had to make 45-50 thousand
are rathner goud $ o p M y jr a p o B K y , cycles. True, this took only 20-25 se­
that it leads to maHCBI aOBOJIBHO conds.
one on more dif­ BeJIHKH, MXO 3TO Recently a specialized English jour­
ferencial equati­ npHBOAHT K 03110- nal carried an article on computers
ons. This is true M y h j i h donee flH<f>- that have from 1963 onwards been
certenly of the (JepeHUHajibHHM translating into English Russian tech­
vast category of ypaB H eH H H M . 9 to nical texts in the field of aviation at a
problems associa­ BepHO 6e3ycjiOBHO rate of 100 thousand words per day.
ted with force and flJIfl OOIUHpHOH K a - Presently translation speeds of up to
motion, so that T e ro p H H 3agau, a m illion words per day have been
whether we want CBH3aHHM X C CHJIOH achieved. All this suggests that com­
to know the hea­ H JIH flB H H ieH H eM , puter translation w ill in due tim e,
vens or the path TaK HTO, XOTHM JIH probably, become practical.

u Calculation with Lightning Speed

Most of you can’t, presum ably, even

UNIVERSAL ELECTRONIC im agine w hat m yriads of num bers sur­
DIGITAL COMPUTER round the m odern m an. I t w ouldn’t
be an exaggeration to compare the
num ber of arith m etic operations per­
A com puter formed per m onth all over the world
based on electronic devices w ith the num ber of drops contained
in the sea or sta rs in the G alaxy.
and controlled by programmes. A hundred years ago relatively
I t is capable of performing sm all groups of people handled a ll the
a definite num ber of operations calculations. Nowadays a ll sorts of
professions—scientists, designers and
per u n it tim e w ith quantities engineers—are engaged in calculations,
expressed in numbers. not to speak of accountants, book­
keepers and cashiers, who spend th eir
whole lives struggling w ith num bers.
In cid en tally , nearly a ll calculations
are m ade w ith the aid of various cal­
cu latin g m achines. W ith o u t such m a­
chines, using only paper and pencil,
one half of the population of the world
couldn’t perform a ll the calculations
needed for the other half employed
in productive work.
W ith o u t calculating m achines nor­
m al life of m odern society and co n ti­
nued progress in science and technolo­
gy would be im possible.
B ut even w ith the aid of m echani­
cal, non-electronic calculating m a­
chines people nowadays are no longer
able to deal w ith extrem ely com plica­
ted problem s posed by m odern life.
This led to the appearance some
tw enty years ago in several countries
of electronic com puters w hich took
over the struggle against num bers.
H aving focused in itself the achie­
vem ents of physics, radio-electronics
and production technology of electro­
nic and m agnetic elem ents, the elec-

tronic com puter became the m ost po­ successfully enters fields which u n til
w erful and the m ost flexible calcula­ quite recently were considered to be
tin g instru m en t ever to be b u ilt by the exclusive privilege of m an. Ma­
m an. A high-speed com puter can per­ chine tools, shops and factories are
form over a m illion operations per controlled by com puters. Com puter
second. control of production processes ap­
C alculations made w ith lig htning preciably increases the pro d u ctiv ity
speed. Yes, t h a t ’s rig h t, electronic of labour and m akes work easier for
com puters do deal in sta n tly w ith a the worker.
flood of num bers. In one second the And the control of factory econo­
com puter performs m any tim es the mics? The com puter “econom ist”
num ber of operations performed by an took over from m an m any functions
experienced calculator w ith an a rith ­ of planning and analysing various
m om eter in eight hours. In the tim e economic param eters. Here, too, ad­
of several hours the com puter makes vantages are obvious: the control be­
as m any calculations as a good m athe­ comes more operative, the num ber of
m atic ia n is unable to m ake in his people employed in the control sphere
lifetim e. decreases.
U nbelievably high speed of count The fields of application of the elec­
is only one of the ex traordinary pro­ tronic com puter are m uch wider. There
perties of the m arvellous m achine, are com puters th a t do the work of des­
which can ex tract roots, in teg rate and igners, tran slato rs, teachers, meteorolo­
solve the sim plest algebraic equations gists. How do these electronic craftsm en
as well as m ost complex differential work? The chapters of our encyclopae­
equations. dia te ll you about it, as well as about
Now the electronic autom aton can the principle of operation of the elec­
cope w ith everything. The m achine tronic d ig ital com puter.

Numbers enter the computer by way of th e coding device. Here numbers and
instructions undergo transform ations and assume the form suitable for com puter
operations. N ext they are fed into the in p u t device and into the working memory
Some of the numbers rem ain here for the tim e being inactive. For the others
the working store plays the p art of a tra n sit statio n . Through it some numbers
reach the perm anent “m em ory” , a sort of com puter’s “notebook”. Numbers are
stored here by m illions, the tim e of storage being unlim ited.
Other num bers are needed for im m ediate processing. They are in sta n tly fed
into the arithm etic u n it, consisting of adders, m u ltiplication, division and sub­
tra c tio n circuits. The la tte r perform all arithm etical operations w ith the aid of
In addition to perm anent, long-tim e “m em ory” the electronic com puter pos­
sesses a working “m em ory” as well. This is needed to record d a ta frequently used
in the course of work.
The capacity of the working “m em ory” is not laige, b u t it hands out numbers
quickly a t short notice.

Man and machine carry out calculations in almost the same manner. The arrows show the paths
of control signals.

The u ltim ate results of the calculations—the finished product of the com puter—
enter the output block and are typed on paper tape or on blanks of a specified form.
The arrows in the draw ing show the general path of numbers and instructions
in the com puter. Red arrows indicate the path of num bers, w hite—the path of
If we looked, from a great height, at thousands of trains running in different
directions along steel tracks we would perceive a sim ilar picture. The m otion of the
trains, disorderly at first glance, is governed by a single plan, a single tim etable.

<4 Block-diagram of a high-speed electronic computer. Red arrows denote the routes of digits,
white ones—the routes of instructions.
19— 6 1 6

The computer works in separate cycles. Look at the control block. Out of all
the com puter parts it is, of course, the m ost im portant, for it is due to this block
th a t autom atic operation of the calculating blocks is possible.
The control block in the draw ing has ingoing and outgoing blue lines of instruc­
tions. D uring each cycle of com puter operation an instruction from the working
“m emory” is transm itted to the control block. I t is recorded here and carried out
during the next cycle. A special counter counts the instructions after they have
been carried out.
The process is repetitive: choice of an in stru ctio n —execution; choice of an in­
stru ctio n —execution. The execution of the prescribed computer programme con­
sists of a great number of such repetitions, each of which, in short, makes up one
autom atic cycle (1—the choice of an instruction from the program me, 2—the exe­
cution of the instruction).
All the highways in the com puter pass through the working “m em ory” store. This
is understandable, for it is the receiver of the calculating process programme fed
from punch-tape or punch-cards.

The working of a universal electro here. However, now you have some
nic com puter is, of course, m uch more idea of the basic principles invol­
sophisticated th an has been shown ved.

V Open, Sesame!

Before we begin the story of the

VIDEO DISPLAY brand-new m ethods of effecting the
o u tp u t of inform ation from electronic
Devices com puters the reader should be made
used w ith the computer fam iliar w ith the problem of in tro d u ­
cing d a ta into the com puter. The pro­
for the in p u t of data cesses are closely in terrelated.
presented in visual form Many m achine-tool designers are
confronted w ith the problem s of effec­
and the o utput
tin g in p u t to the m achine: how best
of data in visual form. to feed workpieces or raw m aterials.
And for the designers of electronic
com puters th is problem assumes great
A com puter m ay be utilized only if
it is able to exchange inform ation
w ith m an, w ith the outside world.
U n til the electronic com puter receives
in p u t data and a program m e of opera­
tions i t rem ains speechless and
thoughtless. Hence, to s ta rt working
in collaboration w ith the com puter
m an m ust provide an entry to it and
m ust make him self understood. This
is no easy task and it is made no ea­
sier by com parisons involving the
opening of the door of a furnace to
throw coal into i t or the filling of a
m ill w ith grain to be m illed by m ill
stones into flour.
The com puter in p u t, as we have
said before, serves to enable m an to
cooperate w ith the com puter and thus
to m ake the work of both m an and
com puter efficient. I t m ay be said
sim ply th a t in each approach to the
com puter m an poses problem s for the
com puter to answer. I t is, however,
a fact th a t m an and com puter speak
different languages. Therefore, before
you fill the com puter w ith “g ra in ” ,
you m ust m ake it “u n d e rsta n d ” w hat

sort of grain it is. And, secondly, it letter-sign per day. N atu rally ,, such
should know w hat to do w ith it. speeds of inform ation o u tp u t are un­
W hen m an begins w orking w ith the acceptable.
m achine he provides in itia l data in W h a t’s the solution to th is prob­
the form, wholesome for the m achine lem? How could the d isp a rity between
and in stru cts the m achine to carry the cap ab ilities of m an and com puter
out specific actions. The m achine speed be avoided?
reads the d ata, processes them , records Special high-speed in p ut-output
the results obtained and transm its complexes have been designed for
them to m an in a form understan­ com puters. U sually, they consist of
dable to him . punch-card reading devices, several
Previously m an tra n sm itte d the in ­ m agnetic-tape data accumulators, a tele­
form ation to com puters w ith the aid type and a high-speed p rin tin g device.
of keyboard devices, th is is s till be­ As you know, the punch-card rea­
ing done. The underlying principle ding device introduces into the com­
has long been used in p rin tin g for puter inform ation contained in per­
settin g the types of newspapers, m a­ forations of the punch cards. The
gazines and books. m agnetic-tape memory devices—accu­
Im agine a stan d ard p rin tin g m a­ m u lato rs—enable the interm ediate re­
chine which transform s symbols shown sults of com puter operations to be
oh the keyboard into a definite sequen­ stored. They can also serve as long­
ce of pulses and in te rv als between tim e inform ation store. The teletype
them . You press one key after another, is used for short messages, for in ­
and pulses corresponding to the in ­ stance to tra n sm it an in stru ctio n to
form ation enter the m achine. the operator to in sta ll a definite m ag­
B ut you w on’t be quick in in tro d u ­ netic-tape bobbin. The operator, too,
cing a m ass of d ata into the com puter uses the teletype to send a signal to
m anually, “by the fingertips” . Even begin calculations. The p rin tin g de­
a ty p is t of the highest grade cannot vice is used for the ou tp u t of the results.
ty p e more than six signs per second. Modern in p u t-o u tp u t devices ope­
The electronic com puter, on the other rate a t the highest possible speeds.
hand, handles several m illion bits They “swallow u p ” some 1000 punch
per second. cards per m inute and hand out data
To m ake th is discrepancy more evi­ quicker th an m an can read them .
dent im agine the operating speed of And even the teletype, th is appa­
the com puter to be a m illion tim es ren tly m ost sluggish block of the com­
less. Our slow com puter w ill operate puter, types m uch quicker and much
a t speeds convenient to m an—one more accurately th an a qualified typist.
operation per second. The correspon­ However, even these high-speed im ­
ding speed of the keyboard prin tin g plem ents do not enable the possibili­
device w ill in th is case am ount to one ties of the reading devices of modern
sign per day! com puters to be fully u tilized.
The operator aw aiting an answer Suppose you would like to feed into
from the com puter could in these c ir­ the com puter not num bers or letters,
cum stances be com pared to a m an b u t p rin ts, diagram s, graphs, draw
receiving a telegram a t a rate of one ings? W hat would you do?

Previously, the user of the com puter X -ray instrum ents, electron m icro­
recoded all the graphical inform ation scopy—this “electron device u tilizing
into num erical coordinates himself one or several electron beam s” works
and only then tran sm itted them to everywhere.
the com puter. Now the com puter has Nowadays there is a whole fam ily of
been tau g h t to accept and hand out electron-beam tubes, consisting of ne­
graphical inform ation in the form to ar as well as d ista n t relatives.
which m an is accustomed. This L e t’s trace the line of kinship of
su b stan tially speeded up the “exchan­ interest to us in this fam ily.
ge processes” between m an and m a­ Take the fam iliar electron-beam tu ­
chine. Form erly it took fifteen m inu­ be of the television receiver. This is
tes for a teletype to p rin t the coordi­ a tube th a t draws pictures. The other
nates of a thousand points of a straig h t name for it is the kinescope. I t bu­
line. The screen of a video display ilds up an image by varying the elec­
depicts a stra ig h t line in a m illi­ tron beam.
second, or two! If a highly focused electron beam —a
V isual images are introduced into beam incident in one p o in t—is d i­
the com puter w ith the aid of a combi­ rected onto a screen covered w ith a
nation of photocells and an electron- lum inous compound and made to move
beam tube. Each photocell is so ar­ across the surface of the screen w ith
ranged as to receive lig h t only from the aid of an electric or m agnetic
a definite point of the screen. The field, th is w ill m ake an oscillograph.
com puter identifies the image dis­ I t has found wide application in the
played on the screen by the pattern technique of m easurem ents.
of signals from the photocells. And now w e’ll try to build into the
A com bination of a pen and a pho­ tube several plates, standing in the
tocell enabled the so-called “lum inous way of the electron beam , and con­
pen” to be designed. This is a sm all nect them to a system of signalling
hollow cylinder housing a photocell. or control.
This pen is used for the in p u t of draw ­ N ext w e’ll m ake the beam run in
ings, prin ts, diagram s drawn by hand several directions: from the cathode
on a screen resem bling the screen of to different plates, whereby the elec­
a television set. tric a l c irc u it between them w ill be
Some 50 years ago the electron- a lte rn a tely connected and disconnec­
beam tube was a ra rity . Now i t ’s a ted. This w ill m ake a quite different
perm anent resident of practically eve­ electronic device—the electron-beam
ry home in town and country. The t u ­ com m utator.
bes live in our television sets, and i t ’s Now l e t ’s place another obstacle in
their screens we watch. the way of the electron beam: a plate
Of course, the sphere of application w ith lette rs inscribed on it, the le t­
of the electron-beam tube is not li­ ters being im pervious to electrons.
m ited to dom estic use, its range of T his tim e we again have a new devi­
action is exceptionally wide and m a­ ce—an electron-beam w riting tube.
nifold-. Suffice i t to nam e, besides tele­ This is the tube th a t bears the name of
vision sets, m easuring instrum ents, charactron, th e lum inous pen.
radar, com puters, radio, autom atics,

Charactron—the luminous “fountain pen”.

1— cathode and focusing cylinder
2— choosing plates
3— code matrix
4— addressing deflection plates
5— card-forming plates

Since our interest is focused on the charactron, le t’s get down to d etail.
In the charactron a m etal plate (called the m atrix) w ith a set of letters, num ­
bers or any other signs (called the stencils) is placed in the way of th e electron
beam. To be able to record the signs-stencils on its screen the tube m ust also con­
tain some other im portant p a rts—systems for the form ation, collim ation and
deflection of the electron beam . In the charactron those system s are: the electron
projector ( “the electron source”), the system for the selection of signs on th e m a­
trix , and the address system .

The projector reflects on the cathode the image of all the signs contained in the
m atrix . However, not all the signs are needed a t the same tim e. So the selection
system goes into operation. It selects the appropriate stencil and takes it through
the diaphragm .
However, having passed through the diaphragm the sign w ithout the aid of
the address system would “hang in the a ir ” , would not be able to find its place
on the screen. The address system , so to speak, “takes the sign by the h a n d ” and
leads it to the place reserved for it on the screen.
After th a t the image on the screen disappears, and a new inscription appears.
I t is, however, possible to m ake the image stay on the screen for some tim e; in this
case it is possible to read it or photograph it w ith the aid of a high-speed camera.
Here all depends on the designation of the charactron. The tim e w ithin which the
signs disappear—the scientists call it the tim e of residual illu m in atio n —m ay be
sh o rt—some 10-20 microseconds (ps) or long—5-10 s.
The signs on the charactron are usually quite sm all—2-5 m m. B ut when the
need arises they can be enlarged. To this end some devices are equipped w ith a
special electron lense, which w ith the aid of the electric field can enlarge the signs.
The screen of the electron recording tube is generally large, its diagonal being
from 15 to 75 cm long. The density of signs on the surface of the screen is fairly
high—the screen accommodates up to 16 thousand letters or num bers. The w rit­
ing speed of the “luminous pen” reaches 4 thousand signs per second.

The charactrons are w idely used in stored during the tim e needed to pro­
electronic com puters, m ainly for data cess all the d a ta received.
o u tput. I t ’s very convenient to ob­ The use of advanced electronic in­
tain the results of the “com puter’s put and ou tp u t in place of electrom e­
lab o u rs” quickly and in a visible form. chanical devices for the com m unica­
Such a charactron does the work of an tions between m an and m achine brought
o u tp u t p rin tin g device. Its data selec­ about a thousand-fold increase in
tio n speed of 25 thousand signs per com puter in p u t speeds. Now i t has
second (for inform ation in the form of become possible to erase im m ediately,
letters or num bers) is a convincing as one would wipe off a speck of dust,
proof of its q u ality . an unneeded record or an error, to
“W h a t’s the good of i t? ” you would introduce easily and quickly the ne­
ask. cessary data corrections. The “lum i­
In less th an a w ink a ll those 25 nous p en ” m ay even be used to con­
thousand signs w ill disappear to make tro l the com puter: to th is end the
place for the next 25 thousand. And word or code of an in struction or an
so every second. W h a t’s to be done appropriate image should be w ritten
w ith them ? T h a t’s easy—you just on the screen.
have to resort to a high-speed cine­ The new devices possess all the ad­
cam era. It w ill photograph the image vantages: they are fast, noiseless, re­
displayed on a film and thus “preser­ liable, universal, provide for an in ­
v e ” it. These “inform ation preser­ sta n t, direct and com plete access to
ves” —letters and num bers—can be inform ation stored in the com puter.

The operations m ay be conducted on card w ith the sym bolic num ber, type
a real tim e scale: the com puter need and the nom enclature of the group to
not w ait for m an, and m an need not which it belongs.
w ait for the com puter. The charactron was developed in
The charactron is also used in some 1941. In electronic com puters it was
control system s. In these cases it employed la te r —in 1953—after m any
is u sually connected to a kines­ im provem ents were m ade. I t won ac­
cope. ceptance because of its positive qu ali­
In such a charactron-kinescope sys­ ties, valuable “tra its of c h a ra c te r” ,
tem the kinescope screen produces the among which the specialists u n an i­
image of the object, and the charac­ m ously acclaim the excellent image
tron screen the “su b sta n tia liz e d ” signs q u a lity , the v isib ility of inform ation,
in the form of cards. These serve as the high speed of data selection. It
a kind of notes. For exam ple, while is these q u alities th a t m ake charac­
the kinescope screen shows some ob­ tron one of the principal m eans of
ject, the charactron screen shows its “inform ation rep resen tatio n ” .
w O n ly D o t s in E v e r y L in e __

WORD T here’s a game called “H ot-C old” .

In th is game all the words, a ll the
comm ands boil down ju st to two sym ­
A set of symbols bols. W hen you go away from the
designed to represent object of your search, i t ’s “co ld ” ,
when you come nearer, i t ’s “h o t” .
parts of a message Guided by these sym bolic signs peo­
transm itted ple tak in g p a rt in the game som eti­
mes solve rath e r in tric a te search pro­
through communications channels.
blem s.
C ouldn’t a te x t be coded w ith two
H ere’s a line of sym bols—only dots
and dashes. W hat do th ey stand for?
If you know the Morse code, y o u ’ll
read the word “electron” . I t follows
th a t various com binations of two
signs enabled the whole of the ABC
to be coded. A ctually, in the Morse
code there are three signs, the in te rv al
(absence of a sign) being the th ird ,
b u t the same is tru e of a two-sign
If you studied the Morse code care­
fu lly you would have noticed th a t
some letters are represented by one
or two signs: A —dot and dash, I —
two dots, N —dash and dot, others by
three or even four: 0 —three dashes,
S —three dots, B —dash and three
dots, J — dot and three dashes.
L e t’s try to find out how m any
signs should there be in a code group
so th a t a ll lette rs could be designated
by the same num ber of zeros and u n i­
ties. To begin w ith l e t ’s take only two
signs, 0 and 1. We obtain:
A=00 C=10
B=01 D = ll

T his is the lim it, and i t c a n ’t be Five signs give us enough com bi­
helped: 22= 4 . nations: 26= 32.
Now, l e t ’s try w ith three signs: H ere’s an exam ple of such a code:
A =000 E = 100 A =00000 1=01000
B =001 F = 101 B =00001 J =01001
C = 010 G =110 C=00010 K = 01010
D =011 H = lll D =00011 L ^ O lO ll
E =00100 M =01100
T his is again the lim it: 2S= 8 . F =00101 N =01101
If we add one more sign, w e’ll get
24= 1 6 . Sixteen com binations is n ’t G =00110 0=01110
enough for our ABC. H = 00111 P= 01111
WORD 299

Q =10000 V=10101 the num ber into a code, m ake i t con­

R = 10001 W = 10110 venient for the com puter to operate
S= 10010 X =10111 w ith.
The decoding device, also term ed
T = 10011 Y = 11000 decipherer, is an absolute “an tip o d e ”
U = 10100 Z = 11001 of the coding device. The decipherer
is a “m agician the other way ro u n d ” ;
L e t’s count now the num ber of its task is to m ake a “norm al n um ber”
signs in a code group which would out of the code.
enable a ll d ig its from 0 to 9 to be Coding and decoding are conside­
represented by an equal num ber of red to be among th e most im p o rtan t
zeros and un ities. H ere, too, two or logical operations of the “electronic
even three signs is not enough, b ut b ra in ” . And rig h tly so, since w ith
four is: they give us 16 com binations, th e ir aid the com puter is able to
w hile we need only 10. transform num bers in to the code, to
H ere’s how the coded digits look: operate w ith them , and to transform
them again in to an appropriate code
during the o u tp u t of processed infor­
0 =0000 5=0101 m ation. W ith o u t these devices the
1=0001 6= 0110 com puter is powerless. I t is in te rest­
2= 0010 7=0111 ing to note th a t in everyday life we
3=0011 8= 1000 continuously come across coding. N ot
only when we introduce sym bols for
4= 0100 9= 1001 the norm al te x t or tra n sla te the signs
of the ABC of one language in to those
D on’t im agine these codes for d i­ of another, b u t also when a tran sm is­
gits and le tte rs are un iq u e—there m ay sion from a source to a recipient takes
be b illio n s of them . place. Thus, in th e course of broad­
L e t’s use our code to code the casting sound oscillations enter th e
word "cybernetics” and the num ber m icrophone. They are transform ed in ­
“ 13” . to electric oscillations and, ev en tu al­
H ere’s the word “cybernetics” con­ ly, into electrom agnetic waves. In
cealed in the com bination of zeros th is case the coding is done by ex­
and unities: 00010 11000 00001 00100 changing one physical q u a n tity for
10001 01101 00100 10011 01000 00010 another.
10010. The num ber “13” w ill be w ritte n The physical nature of the “le tte rs ”
like this: 0001 0011. of such an ABC, too, m ay be diffe­
There are special, very im p o rtan t ren t. Ink m arks on paper, holes in a
devices for introducing intelligence paper tape, perforations punched in
into the com puter, so th a t it would the cards can a ll serve as “le tte rs ” .
be able to process it. Different positions of ro ta tin g ele­
These serve as a sort of gates, the m ents, electric pulses and lig h t sig­
only ones which provide access to the nals can also serve as “le tte rs ” . R e­
com puter. coding is the operational principle of
B ut those are not sim ple gates. the tele ty p e —the apparatus th a t w ith ­
They are m agic gates th a t transform out any hum an action transform s
20 *

norm al te x t in to com binations of elec­ 2 2 0 -6 5 -9 9

tric signals w ith an appropriate sig­ 2 2 0 6
nal assigned to each le tte r, to be fol­ 000000011 000000000
lowed by a reverse transform ation of 000000011 000111111
the electric signals into norm al le t­
ters. 5 9 9
000011111 111111111
W hen m aking a telephone call by
tu rn in g the telephone d ial you, pro­ 111111111
b ably, d o n ’t suspect th a t you are D espite the same symbols used (0
engaged in recoding the decim al code and 1) th is is not the binary code. I t ’s
into a series of electric pulses, which a decim al code w ith the num ber of
can be m ade visual again w ith 0 (no rotations denoting the decim al or­
pulse) and 1 (pulse). der and a u n ita ry code to denote the
See how i t looks. digits in each order.
X The Good Fairy

X, Y, Z—CALCULATION I t ’s hardly reasonable to e n tertain

MATHEMATICS doubts as to the greatness of m athe­
m atics, for everything in th is world
m ay be represented in term s of num ­
A branch of mathematics bers, every change tak in g place in it
studying methods m ay be expressed by a m athem atical
dependence. The poet was rig h t in
of obtaining numerical solutions saying: “The in te llig en t num ber tra n s­
of m athem atical problems m its every shade of m ean in g .”
and of employing Now, w hat is m athem atics th a t is
om nipotent, all-em bracing, knows
calculation im plem ents1 p ractically no lim its?
In the words of Friedrich Engels:
“M athem atics is a science dealing w ith
the space-patterns and the q u a n ti­
ta tiv e relationships of the real
w o rld .”
The famous m athem atician David
H ilb ert expressed his opinion w ith a
feeling of some superiority: “M athe­
m atics is w hat com petent people sup­
pose it to b e .” A nother prom inent
m athem atician, the A m erican W il­
lard Gibbs, a m odest and a reticent
m an, once uttered “m athem atics is a
language” .
Some people assert th a t present-
day m athem atics, like a rt, absorbs
the phenomena of real life, u n ites si­
m ilar events, processes and facts and
generalizes them .
B ut the statem en t best reflecting
the sp irit of m odern tim es belongs to
the prominent contemporary m athe­
m atician, Academ ician A. Kolm ogo­
rov: “M athem atics is the m eans peop­
le use to control n atu re and them sel­
ves. ”
The great m ath em atician Carl F rie­
drich Gauss described m athem atics as

the queen of all sciences. B ut it’s Up to a q u arter m illion precise

rath e r a good fairy. I t provides not num erical d a ta m ay be obtained as a
m iraculous m eans of solving a ll the result of w ind-tunnel tests of a
problem s b u t precise m ethods. I t is model.
a fact th a t m athem atics originated B illions of param eters are received
from the five fingers. However, now­ d a ily by the w eather forecast bureau.
adays i t m ay be com pared to a great And how great is the volume of num e­
c ity the suburbs of which are in a rical data in census, opinion polls,
process of continuous expansion, and commerce s ta tistic s. Even purely th e­
the centre is being re b u ilt occasional­ oretical studies of the generation of
ly, each tim e to fit a clearer plan. new heavy nuclear particles require
A ll blocks w ith tangled bystreets are the evaluation and processing of so­
being cleared, and wide avenues laid me 102 thousand photographs of nuc­
in th e ir place. lear reactions.
F rankly, m odern m athem atics is so Q uite recently, some 20 years ago,
extensive and variegated th a t even a one co u ld n ’t hope to be able to cal­
genius cannot m aster a ll its branches. cu late different v arian ts of spaceship
The m ath em atician s them selves are m otion, nuclear reactor operation, gas
frequently unable to com prehend each flow in ultra-high-speed stream s, in ­
other. teratom ic forces or nuclear accele­
A rem ark once m ade by a rators w ith in a reasonable spell of
leading m ath em atician present a t one tim e.
of th e w orld m athem atical congresses Nowadays such calculations do not
was not w ith o u t foundation: “We present unsurm ountable problem s for
m ay not hope to understand every­ scientists. The ancient science of ma­
th in g , or even the greater p a rt, of them atics profited from new m ethods
w hat we are about to h e a r.” and new m eans.
And y et, we live in an era of num ­ To take one exam ple. The m athe­
bers and analysis, and th is im plies m atician Schenks spent his life in
rapid advances not only in the vast the effort to calculate the num ber n
theoretical field, b u t also in the prac­ to an accuracy of 707 decim al signs.
tic a l field of m athem atics. This resu lt earned for itself the fame
T his la tte r field serves nowadays of a calculation record of the 19th
essentially as a sort of tool for science century. The gravestone of the m a­
and technology. th em atician rig h tly bears no inscrip­
A cadem ician A. K rylov, an erudi­ tio n , only the sign n. Nowadays a
te m ath em atician , once said: “This is com puter doesn’t tak e long to calcu­
a tool, q u ite like th e caliper, the la te th is num ber to the accuracy of
chisel, the ham m er, the file for the 2035 decim al signs!
locksm ith or the axe and the saw for The b irth of com puter technology
the c a rp e n te r.” prom pted the developm ent of calcula­
Of course, m athem atics is a m uch tio n m athem atics, and m athem atical
more in tric a te tool, since to solve an abstractions began to pervade every­
equation one has to o b tain a num eri­ day life.
cal solution. And th is a t present is Today is the tim e to speak not only
not so easy. of the m athem atization of science,

b u t of the m ath em atizatio n of life as d eath. Life-giving connections betw een

w ell. No sm all p a rt is played here by theoretical m athem atics and practice
calculation m athem atics. H ad it not exercised through the m edia of the
tak en the troub le to m odernize c a l­ m athem atics and th e technology of
cu latio n m ethods, no less th an half calculations help m an in his p ractical
the population of the w orld would a c tiv itie s and prom ote advances in
have to be continuously employed in m athem atical science.
perform ing calculations. The constant m otto of the creators
E m inent m ath em aticians knew th a t of calculation m athem atics is to take
w ithout a well-developed technique of a short road from complex m athem a­
calculations th e enormous stru ctu re tic a l equations to concrete num bers,
of theoretical m athem atics m ay be­ to speed up the step-by-step m ove­
come a gigantic isolated tow er. Abs­ m ent of num bers and to free m an
tra c t theories locked in th is tower (the conductor of num bers) from t ir ­
would be destined to die a slow ing work.

The histO(y of the mathematics of calculations is quite edifying. Unhappily,

th e lack of space prevents us from telling the fu ll story, and we are compelled to
confine ourselves to a few sketches.
The Greek astronomers used m athem atical m ethods to study the laws of plane­
ta ry m otion. They have done much to further calculation m athem atics.
The studies of the fam ous m athem atician and astronom er from the city of Ale­
xandria Claudius Ptolem y sum up the works of Greek m athem aticians. He lived

A Babylonian cuneiform inscription depicts a square with a diagonal. Its side is equal to 30,
and this is written in the left upper part. The approximate value of ]/2 is written alongside the

The eminent mathematician and astronomer Ulugh Beg calculated the ratio of the circumfe­
rence to the radius, i.e. the number 2r., to sixteen signs after decimal point. Gradually increas­
ing the number of the sides of the regular polygon to approximate the circumference he obtained
a polygon of 800355168 sides!

in the first half of the 2nd century A.D. and left behind 13 volumes entitled The
Great Collection, or the Great Construction. This was a kind of contem porary en­
cyclopaedia of astronom ical knowledge. I t has reached us under the Greek-Arab
title of Almagest.
Almagest contains the results of enormous calculation work performed by P to­
lem y. They were presented in the form of sine tables and were intended to help
astronomers in their work.
The tables could be used to find the sines of arcs up to 90° in increm ents of a
quarter of a degree. The Pythagoras theorem enabled any elem ent (a side or an
angle) of a rectangular triangle to be calculated from two known elem ents.
The Ptolem y table is the first trigonom etric table to reach us.
The prolonged period of R om an suprem acy in Europe was not m arked by any
conspicuous achievem ent in m athem atics, but for the Greek scientist Diophan-
tus (3rd century A.D.) who introduced into algebra some original algebraic
equations. The invention of the logarithm proved of param ount im portance
to calculation techniques. I t affected the entire m ethodology of m athem atical
problem solution. People fam iliar w ith the use of logarithm s from their school
days can h ardly im agine the m arvel and excitem ent caused by th eir appear­
The great scientist P . Laplace wrote: “The invention of the logarithm , by
curtailing tfye calculations of several m onths to a m atter of several days, seems
to double the life of an astronom er.”

He spoke of astronomers because he was an astronom er him self and because it

was they who in those tim es had to perform the m ost complex and tedious calcu­
The word “logarithm ” is Greek. I t is m ade up of two words: “logos”— “ra tio ”
and “arithm os”— “num ber” . Thus, “logarithm ” means “a num ber which mea­
sures a ra tio ” .
W hat is the basis of the wonderful properties of these num bers designed to
fac ilita te calculations, of th e tables you use in your m athem atics lessons?
Some sim ple examples w ill help you to get a clear notion.
L e t’s take some num ber, say 2, and compile a table of integer powers of this
num ber.
The upper line in the table is an arithm etical progression w ith the difference
equal to u n ity , the lower is a geom etrical progression w ith the denom inator equal
to 2. This table m ay already be used to sim plify calculations.
L e t’s try to m u ltip ly 1 6 x 3 2 w ith the aid of this tab le. The num bers in the
upper line of the table directly above these num bers are 4 and 5. Add them up and
obtain 9. In the lower line directly below the nine stands the num ber 512. This
is the result sought. Indeed, 1 6 x 3 2 = 5 1 2 .
In alm ost the same way one m ay find the quotient, for instance, of 8 divided
by Vie- B ut now one has to take the difference of num bers in the tab le directly abo­
ve the former num bers. I t is equal to 7 since the difference of 3—(—4) after the

It is shown above that the more simple operations with numbers performed in the arithmetical
progression correspond to those performed in the geometrical progression.

brackets are opened adds up to 7. The

lower line below th is difference shows
th e required quotient: 128.
And such a com plicated operation
as the extraction of a cube root from
a three-digit num ber is performed
w ith the greatest of ease.
Judge for yourselves. A glance at
th e table, and we find the power of 2
corresponding to 512. I t is 9. Now di­
vide it by the power of 3 (the cube
root) and obtain th e answer below the
quotient of 3: i t ’s 8. This is th e value
of the cube root.
Our tab le is quite prim itive, b u t it
does give an im pression of the general
properties of th e term s of th e a rith ­
m etical and the geom etrical progres­
sions w hich m ay be used to sim plify
calculations. How should this be
To explain it in words would take
m any tiresom e phrases. H ere’s a figure
for everyone to see th a t addition and
su btraction in the arithm etical pro­
gression correspond to the m u ltip li­
cation and division in the geom etrical
progression, w hile raising to a power
and root extraction are replaced by
m u ltiplication and division.
Arrange all the eight operations we
have been talking about in the order
of their com plexity, and your table
w ill tu rn in to wonderful steps: one
step sim plifies th e operation, another
makes it quite easy!
N atu rally , the table compiled by us
is good only for calculations w ith in­
tegers, and even these m ay not be
chosen a t w ill.

The relationship between the distance co­

vered (5) and time (t) is logarithmic. The
Napier curve shows this.

Real working logarithm tables for accurate calculations were first compiled
by John N apier. It took this prom inent Scotch m athem atician tw enty years
to complete the job. N apier explains the reasons for his work as follows:
“I have tried to do everything in m y power to rid myself of the difficulty
and ennui of calculations the tediousness of which usually scares a lot of people
away from studying m athem atics.”
The work of N apier is of outstanding im portance because he was the first
to divulge the essence of the logarithm , a m athem atical q u an tity h itherto u n ­

The study of dynamic processes often in­ Mathematics was able to sense the limit
volves the solution of extremely complex when rectangular steps turn into a smooth
differential equations. curve. It found the lim it of an infinite
sum (S ) when the number of the additives
is increased to infinity while each of them
tends to zero. This limit is termed integral.
20* /

The value of this discovery for the m athem atics of calculations was as great
as th a t of the discovery of the trigonometric functions.
Three hundred and fifty years passed since Napier made his ingenious inven­
tion. D uring this tim e over 500 types of logarithm tables were devised. They took
a firm place in the arsenal of calculation im plem ents and to this day occupy a
position of honour as m a n ’s aid in calculations.
Millions of specialists use logarithms in their everyday work, from the highly
accurate twenty-plus sign tables to the “wooden” logarithms, slide rules, indispen­
sable instrum ents for technical calculations.
People always lived in a world of incessant motion and continue to do so now.
Everything around us is in motion: the m utual position of the planets, of the
solar system, air pressure and tem perature, forces active in a machine, currents
flowing in an electric circuit, the state of a living cell all change in the course
of time.
The speeds of other processes are enormous, and their duration quite short: some
hundredths, thousandths or m illionths of a second. Swift is the drop in air pres­
sure in a region of an approaching cyclone. Colossal is the acceleration of ele­
m entary particles in a synchrotron: it takes them seconds to cover cosmic dis­
W hen studying these so-called dynamic processes scientists are primarily inte­
rested in changes taking place in time.
To analyse and calculate these processes m athem atical methods are needed which
would be able, like an ultra-high-speed camera, to sense changes taking place
w ithin the m inutest time intervals.
The part of such a “camera” in calculations came to be played by the methods
Mathematicians made a startling discovery: the regularities governing random quantities are
themselves not fortuitous. This makes it possible to assess the frequencies of various deviations
from the point of aim.

of the differential and integral calculus, the science of varying quantities. It was
created by the m athem atical genii Leibnitz, Newton, Euler and their disciples.
But it is one thing to study phenomena as regular as the change from day to
night, or the alternation of the year’s seasons, and quite another to investigate
processes liable to be affected by various fortuitous circumstances.
A coin throw n into the air is bound to fall to the ground. Even the tim e it takes
it to do so m ay be calculated.
But no calculation w ill be able to predict which side down it w ill fall: heads
or tails. I t m ay fall any way, this being dependent on numerous fortuitous cir­
Such em inent m athem aticians as Pascal and Ferm at evinced interest in games
the outcome of which was based on random events. A new branch of hum an know­
ledge came in to being, the theory of probability. I t was proved th a t probability
is a q u a n tity which m ay be m easured.
B ut it was only in the 19th century th a t thanks to the endeavours of such m athe­
m aticians as Gauss, Chebyshev, M arkov, Lyapunov, the theory of probability
developed into a separate branch of science, a branch of m athem atics the practi­
cal im portance of which became stupendous.

Many em inent scientists spent a lot c u latio n of various m athem atical pro­
of tim e on tedious calculations try in g blem s, assesses the com plexity, the
to discover new roads in m athem atics cost in labour and the accuracy of the
and to check th e ir calculations. algorithm s and of the m ethods of
M athem aticians-calculators do not com piling com puter program m es for
build m achines or houses, there are them . This is a vast task , for some a l­
no scales, test-tubes, galvanom eters, gorithm s contain up to a b illio n a rith ­
or microscopes in th eir studies. They m etical operations.
do not conduct experim ents. B ut m a­ The m athem atics of calculations
them aticians arm the m achine desig­ helps not only its wards: m echanics,
ner and the arch itect, the physicist physics and astronom y, but also such,
and the chem ist, the biologist and the apparently, d ista n t disciplines as geo­
economist w ith the sk ill to solve pro­ logy, m edicine, linguistics and eco­
blem s, w ith the m ost up-to-date m a­ nomics.
them atical m ethods. H ere, too, m athem atics learned how
Together, wre witnessed the tim e to reduce the problem to a “num ­
calculation m athem atics left its b e r” .
cradle. C alculation m athem atics grew far
H aving been born to satisfy prac­ and wide. I t needs a great m any spe­
tic a l requirem ents it itself is now in ­ cialists.
fluencing theoretical developm ents, The m ost a u th o rita tiv e m athem a­
dem anding of the theory new, more tic ia n s are of the opinion th a t now
efficient m ethods differing in p rincip­ is the tim e to introduce the elem ents
le from the previous ones. of calculation m athem atics and com ­
Today calculation m athem atics p u ter technology in to secondary-
evolves rules for the num erical cal­ school program m es.

“They are waiting- for you, young to build machines that w ill liberate
m en,” says Academician Vinogradov, man’s creative forces from rough phy­
addressing himself to young people. sical and mental work. This is a job
“It w ill be up to you to make use of of the next decades, and you should
mathematics to lay courses to distant be ready for i t . ”
planets and, possibly, to the stars,
To the reader

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