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Q1. Choose the correct answer

1. Parts of the face
A) nose B) eyes C) eyebrow D) All of them

2. You can get gasoline at__________.

A) gas station B) bookstore C) drugstore D) supermarket

3. When your eyes hurt you take _________

A) Chicken soup B) Eye drops C) Nasal spray D) Cold medicine

4. Ann ______ tennis two days ago.

A) plays B) playing C) played D) play

5. ____________ means at any time.

A) Ever B) Fail C) Grade D) Instead

6. What's the matter?

A) I have a B) I feel sick C) I feel awful D) I don’t feel well

7. Your natural smell changes as you _________.

A) Sleep B) Age C) sing D)run

8. The past of eat is ________

A) tea B) eta C) ate D) eat

9. play _________
A) A book B) Football C) Lunch D) A trip

10. the present of saw is _________.

A) Swim B) See C) sew D) sink

11. She has a __________.

A) backache B) sore throat C) earache D) All of them

12. I am going to go to the ________ because I want to have a drink.

A) bank B) Park C) Coffee shop D) hospital
13. __________ is a positive adjective
A) terrible B) Great C) horrible D) awful

14. I stay home- change the sentence to past.

A) I studied home B) I stayed home C) I stay home D) I went home

15. If you__________ something to happen you believe it will happen.

A) concern B) Expect C) frequently D) instruct

16. you can buy eggs in _______.

A) Supermarket B) Hospital C) Coffee shop D) Bank

17. Where _____ he work? – He worked at the mall.

A) is B) does C) Did D) do

18. My dog and I _________ in the park today.

A) strolled B) Sleep C) cook D) live

19. He rides his ________ to school every day.

A) bike B) Tennis C) Apple D) Game

20. Totally means __________.

A) never B) sometimes C) often D) fully

21. To be ________ is to be happy and not want more.

A) sad B) bad C) avoid D) content

22. To ________ something is to stay away from it.

A) behave B) Habit C) secret D) avoid

23. Did you go shopping?

A) No, I don’t B) Yes, I did C) Yes, I do D) No, I did

24. You can get books at _______.

A) bookstore B) drugstore C) department store D) all of them

25. How do you feel?

A) I have the flu B) I feel better C) I have a D) I have a fever
Q1. Choose the correct answer
1. Change this sentence into a negative: She needs an apple.
A) She not need an B) He doesn’t need an C) She doesn’t need D) She don’t need an
apple apple an apple apple

2. 4. To______ is to have the same opinion as another person.

A) enjoy B) invite C) agree D) arrive

3. Milk is related to _________.

A) fats and oils B) grains C) fruit and D) dairy

4. Works in a hospital.
A) doctor B) teacher C) engineer D) Police

5. _____ Egg.
A) an B) a C) be D) so

6. I _________ (0%) eat breakfast.

A) Always B) Sometimes C) Never D) Usually

7. ______ do you practice?

A) When B) we C) will D) who

8. _____ she sing?

A) do B) can C) have D) is

9. He ____________ at school.
A) studying B) studies C) study D) A+B

10. Does it have a view?

A) Yes, it is B) No it does C) It is not D) Yes, it does

11. the ninth month of the year is _________.

A) October B) June C) September D) February

12. 1st is _______.

A) third B) fourth C) fifth D) first
13. Japan eat _______ for breakfast.
A) fish B) coffee C) pastries D) bananas

14. The ______ of Kurdistan is Erbil.

A) Camera B) Duck C) Catch D) Capital

15. A _______ is seven days.

A) week B) Month C) Year D) Minute

16. The 20% frequency adverb is _______.

A) never B) sometimes C) hardly ever D) usually

17. Teachers work in ________.

A) school B) office C) hospital D) Store

18. The boy became _________ when he heard the news.

A) nervous B) noise C) typical D) Agree

19. To _______ is to like something.

A) enjoy B) month C) evil D) Kill

20. A (TV) belongs to___________.

A) kitchen B) living room C) apartment D) bathroom

21. There is __________ on the table.

A) phone B) Some phone C) A phone D) An phone

22. ________does he work? – in a school.

A) Why B) When C) How D) Where

23. I take pictures with my ___________.

A) book B) car C) Camera D) apple

24. to _________ is to get somewhere.

A) Arrive B) August C) Breakfast D) Alcohol

25. Does it have a nose?

A) Yes, it is B) No, it does C) It is not D) Yes, it does
Q2. Answer the following questions
A. Write a paragraph about one of these.
1. sports
2. family
3. friends

B. Complete the words by matching them.

1. Inc rease A. ive
2. Kilo meter B. ball
3. Foot ball C. ing
4. Dur ing D. rease
5. He art E. meter
6. Act ive F. art

C. Change the following sentences into positive

1. don’t leave home
__Leave home ___.
2. Sara wasn’t sleepy.
_ Sara was sleepy _____.
3. He Isn't working in a hospital.
_ He is working in a hospital. ___.
4. don’t Eat your food.
Eat your food ____.
5. they aren’t having fun.
_they are having fun _______
6. She doesn’t brush her hair.
__she brushes her hair___
Q.3 Answer the questions about the paragraph.
Adam's favourite sport is football, he is very good at football, he wants to work as a doctor
but he couldn’t get a good grade in high school so now he can not be a football player or
doctor but he became a teacher and he likes it, he is also a very good teacher.
D. True or false
1. Adam wants to be a doctor. TRUE
2. He got good grades in high school. FALSE
3. His favourite sport is swimming. FALSE
E. Answer the questions
1. Is Adam a Teacher?
__Yes he is___
2. Does Adam like teaching
_____yes he does.
3. Is he a very bad football player?
___no he isn’t ___

A. Put the words in the right order to correct the sentences:

1. (Play\can\he\football)?
_______Can he play football_______
2. (Teachers\in\schools\work).
_______Teachers work in schools__________
3. (need\buy\to\some\lettuce\we).
______we need to buy some lettuce___________

B. Do as required
1. (An accountant has a difficult job.) Change this sentence into (Adjective + noun).
__An accountant's Job is difficult. __________
2. (A cashier's job is boring.) Change this sentence into (be + Adjective).
__A cashier has a boring job_____
3. Write a sentence using can.
___I can swim. _

Read the passage carefully then answer the following questions:

Five Friends were travelling on a plane, on the way to their trip they had a fight on the plane and they
decided to be far from each other, but when they reached the country, they made peace and they were very
happy and they enjoyed their trip.
1- Three friends were travelling together. Fales
2- They didn’t have a fight. Fales
3- They made peace when they reached the country, True
D. Answer the questions.
1- Did they enjoy the trip?
Yes, they did
2- Were they travelling by train?
No, they weren't
3- Did they have a fight?
Yes, they did
E. Change these sentences into negative
1. I read books at home.
I don’t read books at home.
2. She buys flowers.
She doesn’t buy flowers.
3. My Mom cooks for Lunch.
My mom doesn’t cook for lunch.

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