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14. Give an account of the encounter between the missionaries and the magician in Paphos. (6)
ii) Explain lessons learnt from this encounter. (6)
b) Do you think present day Christians need miracles to believe in God? Give reasons for your
answer and show that you have considered the different points of view. (8)

15.a.i) Outline the events of Paul and Barnabas’ sermon in the synagogue at Antioch of Pisidia.
ii) Explain why Paul used the Old Testament in his sermon. (6)
b) Do you think the reaction of the Jews in Antioch of Pisidia was justified? Give reasons for
your answer and show that you have considered the different points of view. (8)

16. Give an account Paul’s ministry in Iconium. (6)

i) Give an account of the healing of the man who was crippled from birth in Lystra as found in
Acts 14: 8-12
(ii) Explain lessons learnt by Christians from Paul’s character in this incident. (6)

ii) Explain why performing miracles helped the apostles in their mission. (6)

b) Do you think miraculous healings like that of Lystra are a thing of the past? Give reasons for
your answer and show that you have thought about the different points of view. (8)

17. Describe the contents of the Jerusalem Council Letter. (6)

ii) Explain the significance of this letter. (6)

b) Do you think James was the leader of the church in Jerusalem? Give reasons for you answer
and show that you have thought about the different points of view. (8)

18. Give an account of Paul’s encounter with Timothy in Lystra. (6)

b) Do you think Paul was justified to circumcise Timothy? Give reasons for your answer and
show that you have considered the different points of view. (8)
19. Give an account of the encounter between Paul and Lydia in Philippi. (6)

ii) Explain what can be learnt about Lydia in the story. (6)

b) Do you think women should be given more roles in the church today? Give reasons for your
answer and show that you have considered the different point of view. (8)

20. Outline Paul’s speech in Athens. (6)

ii) Explain the significance of the speech. (6)
i) Outline Paul’s visit to Corinth in the second missionary journey (6)
ii) Explain the success of Paul’s second missionary journey. (6)
b) Do you think Paul’s second missionary journey was a success? Give reasons for your answer
and show that you have considered the different points of view. (8)

21. i) Outline what the seven sons of Sceva did and the consequences.. (6)
ii) Explain the lessons learnt from this incident. (6)


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