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PIONEER B1+ - American edition - TEST: Module 3

Test: Module 3

A. Choose a, b, c or d.
1. All passengers are requested to from the ship.
a. disembark b. depart c. set off d. take off

2. We are terribly sorry for the .

a. complaint b. apology c. vacancy d. inconvenience

3. Please contact the police if there is a(n) .

a. dissatisfaction b. annoyance c. emergency d. excitement

4. We arrived at the hotel and decided to take a of the city right away.
a. trip b. journey c. travel d. tour

5. What time did you the airport?

a. arrive b. get c. reach d. come

6. We were so when we finished our final exams, because we had been studying for
a. relieved b. focused c. concerned d. apprehensive

7. I didn’t want to go any deeper into the cave but my friends me to continue.
a. wondered b. encouraged c. acquired d. came across

8. Car insurance is for all car owners.

a. alternative b. frequent c. compulsory d. wealthy

9. Tom’s first at skiing down the slope by himself wasn’t very successful. He injured his
a. attempt b. exploration c. outcome d. priority

10.From the look on the woman’s face, I realized that she hadn’t understood what I had
asked her.
a. delightful b. massive c. menacing d. puzzled

11.I’ve sold my old car and I’m thinking about buying a new one. In , I’m using my dad’s.
a. the long run b. the future c. particular d. the meantime
12.The book contains information for tourists. You should buy it.
a. questionable b. unfamiliar c. invaluable d. curious

score 12

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER B1+ - American edition - TEST: Module 3

B. Circle the correct words.

1. I’d like to thank you on / in behalf of everyone at the company.

2. I can lend you some money so that you can get over / by until you get paid.
3. I would like to speak to somebody on / in charge, please.
4. With all the work she has taken after / on, she has hardly any time for us anymore.
5. I can’t talk right now. I’m on / in a hurry.
6. I told Julie I would e-mail her, but I never got through / around to it.
7. Greg and Mike don’t hang out anymore, but they are on / in good terms.
8. I can’t figure with / out how this machine works.

score 8

A. Choose a, b, c or d.

1. I was reading a book when the lights out.

a. were going b. went c. were going to go d. would go

2. My roommate was washing the dishes while I the windows.

a. was washing b. have washed c. used to wash d. would wash

3. I a careless driver, but I’m not anymore.

a. used to be b. was being c. would be d. was going to be

4. I didn’t tell Mary the news because when I went to her office, she on the phone.
a. is talking b. talks c. talked d. was talking
5. home, I started studying.
a. As I got b. While I got c. I got d. As soon as I got

score 5

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER B1+ - American edition - TEST: Module 3

B. Complete the dialogue with the Past Simple or the Past Progressive of the verbs in
A: 1 Did you watch (you / watch) the basketball game last night?

B: Well, I wanted to, but while I 2 was watching (watch) it, the phone

3 rang (ring). It was my sister.

A: What 4 did she want (she / want)?

B: Well, you know she has a bike. As she 5 was riding (ride) home after
work, it 6 (start) to rain heavily and she

7 did not can (not can) continue. So, I had to go and get her.

score 7

C. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given.
1. When we were younger, Betty always came to my house to study on weekends. would
When we were younger, Betty would come
to my house to study on weekends.
2. Brian wanted to go to the supermarket, but he fell asleep on the couch. going
Brian was going to the supermarket, but
he fell asleep on the couch.
3. When I was younger, I had short hair. used
I used to have short hair when I was

4. Tim was watching TV during dinner. while

Tim was watching TV while he had
score 8

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER B1+ - American edition - TEST: Module 3

Listen to two friends talking and write T for True or F for False.

1. Ronnie didn’t stay at the Richmond Hotel because he wasn’t impressed by the facilities. F

2. Ronnie has had bad experiences on camping trips in the past. F

3. Ronnie and his cousin didn’t agree on what their vacation should be like. T

4. Ronnie was surprised by how much fun windsurfing was. F

5. Ronnie was able to relax towards the end of his vacation. F

score 10


Read the article and complete the blanks 1-5 with the sentences a-f. There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.

Claire Greyson
the travel writer
The accommodations were dirty and cold. The food was tasteless and often scarce. Access to
means of communication and other facilities was limited. 1 E For Claire Greyson, it was
just what she was looking for.
“In my line of work, I need to look beneath the attractive surface presented to tourists,” she
explains. “I need to experience a different side of every place I visit.” Travel writers like her, she
tells us, often search for what others would consider to be rather unpleasant situations. They do
this in order to put themselves at the center of events that would interest their readers.
Travel literature has been around since ancient times. 2 B Back then, few people were
likely to ever leave their country, and the journals of the lucky few who did provided a unique
window into a different world.
Nowadays, with the increasing availability of air travel and technology, travel literature has had
to take on a different meaning. As Claire explains, “Today, anyone can visit a country or find out
about other countries on the Internet. 3 F Travel writers need to put themselves out there;
encounter things – often uncomfortable things – that a normal tourist would not, and give their
readers a real taste of the country. No one is interested in reading about your visit to a museum
and the rest of your day at the beach.”

Copyright © MM Publications
PIONEER B1+ - American edition - TEST: Module 3

Indeed, Claire’s latest book, Life on the Move, is not to be confused with a travel guide. . 4 A
Instead, it records a year she spent traveling with a group of street artists, often surviving in
rough conditions, as she learned how to adapt to a new lifestyle and improve her own artistic
skills. A far cry from the shiny pictures in a travel agent’s brochure!
However, Claire disagrees with the idea that Life on the Move
could harm tourism – or even that it shows the countries she
traveled through in a negative light. “As my book will show you,
there were many beautiful moments during my travels,” she says.
“ 5 C No matter where you are in the world, the kindness of
strangers is remarkable.”

a. You won’t find any advice on where to go on your vacation or what restaurants to visit.
b. It was originally no more than a written description of the culture, traditions and sights of a
c. One of the strongest impressions I came away with is of the warmth and friendliness that
I encountered.
d. Nowadays our lives are so busy that people don’t often have time to visit a country for
e. For most people, it would have been a nightmare vacation.
f. What someone who buys travel literature wants to read about is the traveler’s experiences
– in other words, they want a story.

score 10

Read the writing task below and write your story (140-190 words).
An English-language magazine is looking for stories for its next issue. Your story must begin with
this sentence:
When Andrew turned around, he couldn’t believe what he saw.
Your story must include:
a car chase
a smartphone score 10


Copyright © MM Publications

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