Lesson 1B

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LESSON 1B: I need a bottle of water.

Vocabulary: drink and containers

1. Match the food and drink with the containers. Some can go in more than one category.
Cheese orange juice water rice frozen chips biscuits pasta oil
Sweets beans lemonade ketchup sugar milk tomatoes
cornflakes frozen peas

2. Complete the shopping list with these words.

bottles | cans | cartons | cornflakes | frozen chips | oil | packets

Shopping List
2 1 CARTONS of biscuits 2 2
BOTTLE of orange juice a
bottle of 3 OIL 34
PACKETS of tomatoes a
large bag of CPORNFLAKES a
packet of 6 __FROZEN CHIPS_____
27 CANS of lemonade
Grammar: Talking about quantity

 A quantifier is a word or phrase which is used before a noun to indicate the amount or
'Some', 'many', 'a lot of' and 'a few' are examples of quantifiers.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

Use a lot in positive and negative sentences. Use a lot in positive and negative sentences. A
A LOT OF people LOT OF pollution
There are a lot of pollution.
I don’t do a lot of exercises
Use some in positive sentences. Use some in positive sentences.
SOME cars SOME water
There were some cars There was some water
Use a lot in positive and questions statements. Use a lot in positive and questions statements.
A FEW boats A LITTLE danger

Use any with negative and questions Use any with negative and questions
ANY students ANY milk
There were not any students yesterday There wasn’t any milk in the fridge

Use many with countable nouns. Use much with uncountable nouns.
HOW MANY rooms HOW MUCH sugar

HOW MANY rrooms does your house have? HOW MUCH sugar was there in the cabinet?

1. Complete the sentences with some or any.

1 Oh no! We haven’t got ANY sugar.
2 There are SOME potatoes in the kitchen.
3 There is SOME milk in the fridge.
4 There aren’t ANY apples in the bag.
5 Is there SOME pasta in your diet? 6 There is SOME money in my bag.
7 Are there ANY vegetables in the cupboard?
8 Is there SOME food on the table?
9 There isn’t ANY fruit in the bowl. 10 There is SOME old furniture in my room.

2. Complete the dialogue with these words. There is one extra word.
How many | How much | much | Not many | lot | Quite a lot

Jen Hi Max! I’m at the supermarket. Are you in the kitchen?

Max Yes, I am.
Jen Good. 1 HOW MANY. eggs have we got?
Max 2. NOT MANY. Only two. Jen OK. 3. HOW MUCH. cheese is there?
Max A 4.MUCH. Jen Good. And how many bananas are there?
Max 5..NOT MANY .There are six.
Jen OK, thanks Paul.

3. Choose the correct words.

a. I love my town because there are a lot of parks and there aren’t many cars

b. We’d got a lot of chicken, but there wasn’t much rice.

c. Have we got many eggs to make cupcakes?
d. How much sugar did you take?
e. I didn’t get much money to buy those boots.
f. There were lots people and there weren’t any chairs!


1. Work in pairs, A and B. Find out about your partner’s habits every week. Ask
and answer questions and tick ( ✓ ) the correct columns for your partner.

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